Sunday, March 16, 2025

Nice Court System Evans

Another great bail story from CWB:

  • A lengthy investigation by Chicago police detectives resulted in the arrest this week of a man believed to be responsible for eleven armed robberies, all targeting victims who were lured into traps via Facebook Marketplace ads.

    Marketplace meetups, where two parties who don’t know each other consummate the sale of online merchandise, can be risky. CPD invites people to complete online exchanges at their district police station to decrease the risk. But, as CWB reported last month, at least one recent police station rendezvous ended with robbery, too.

    In the latest development, prosecutors charged 19-year-old Emerson Watson, Jr., with robbing nearly a dozen people at gunpoint in six separate Marketplace meetings between September and December 2024. One victim was robbed of $8,000 in cash that he brought to buy an item offered for sale on Facebook. Others lost $2,800. One lost $1,500. Prosecutors said digital data, vehicle information, and other evidence point to Watson’s involvement.

    Watson was on juvenile probation for armed robbery when the holdups occurred, Judge Deidre Dyer said as she ordered him detained this week. Dyer concluded that the “scope and randomness of this crime presents a threat to all citizens.”

Someone could actually scratch out a living pointing out all the Cook County court f#$% ups that happen on a daily basis.....oh wait, someone is scratching out an existence - the CWB blog. If you aren't reading them daily, you aren't keeping up on the constant screwups in the "justice system." Youo certainly aren't going to find out about it from the legacy "media."

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

That robbery task force has done great things since that Lt got rightfully dumped

3/16/2025 01:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Needs some quality sit down time at the big house where he can enjoy the company of his homies

3/16/2025 04:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Old Guy said...

God Bless CWB for all their reporting and journalistic integrity.

3/16/2025 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly the wrong Lt got dumped

3/16/2025 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CWB blog is the only legit news organization in Chicago...

3/16/2025 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry... No Probable Cause

3/16/2025 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AI Bard
Therefore, while there are multiple investigations involving the Cook County Sheriff's Office and FBI involvement, the information found does not give a definitive answer to if Sheriff Dart is personally under FBI investigation. Popcorn time

3/16/2025 12:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone else hearing Nardo to a5 prt?

3/16/2025 02:25:00 PM  

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