Thursday, March 06, 2025

So Much for THAT Promise

Wasn't Fata$$ just bragging about holding the line on raising taxes a couple weeks ago?

  • Lawmakers' projections for revenues in the coming year aren't as high as Gov. JB Pritzker's, raising questions about how much money will be available during this year's budget negotiations. The General Assembly's bipartisan Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability released a new fiscal year 2026 revenue projection Tuesday that is $737 million short of the proposal Pritzker introduced last month.


As we've said here for years, "estimated" government tax revenues are always based on bullshit. Something always pops up - a cost overrun or a supply shortage. This time around it's probably a combination of businesses leaving Illinois and the administration change in Washington DC. 

But don't worry, there are still a couple middle class taxpayers left in the state that Fata$$ can squeeze.

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