Sun Times Layoffs
Thirty employees of the Chicago Sun-Times (CST)—around 20% of its payroll—have agreed to resign after accepting buyout terms ownership offered them, according to a report published online by the paper Tuesday evening.
The Sun-Times’ David Roeder said most of the cuts consist of writers and editors, many of which have decades of experience with the paper.
Of the listed layoffs/buyouts, the only ones we recognize are Telander (sports), Morrissey (sports) and Sneed (gossip).
We keep anticipating either a merger with the Trib or one of the papers going under. The legacy media is thisclose to useless anyway.
Labels: media
STARVE to death you communist SCUM-BAGS
They will replace them with even bigger half-wit communists for about $18.00 an hour.
FUCK reading their shit.
Here is what the Sun-Times will look like on April 1st:,66221
I read paper every day since l was a kid, now I just do the puzzles.
Really shocking many relatives/ reporters on Dart payroll and they lose credibility. 300 inmate deaths, nothing to see here. Remember, the Sheriff from Arizona had like 10, DOJ took over!
Dart even had Kass in his pocket. Chicago press destroyed themselves.
The Fibune already prints the SlumTimes so a merger isn't going to be of much consequence anyway...
Getting rid of the writers and editors just indicates that they're going to use an AI to do all that crap. A hallucinating AI will probably be more truthful than their slighted bullshit.
Good riddance. The only problem is I'll need some new birdcage liner.
Fuck them...Learn to code...or pick up that broom and play the floor a tune.
Buh bye
I kinda like their slow painful death
If the Sun Times flipped from pro BLM, pro LGBTQ, pro DEI, pro ESG and went to pro Trump and pro Nuclear family that attends religious service that entire demographic would get NEW subscriptions. It would be THE comeback story of the year.
Who Cares!!!! Haven’t Read A Newspaper In Years!!!
I don't read newspapers any longer. The ink gets all over my carefully manicured fingers.
Now, kees me you fool!!!!
AI killed the newspaper star.
The times has been a dead end media outlet for years.
A complete waste and relic of journalism. The socialist elite Democrats have censored media for year amd made it their echo chamber of lies.
Never forget the front page Slum Times photo of the 2020 protesters giving us the middle finger or the sleeping on duty during the Bobby Rush ‘Popcorn Gate.’ Go out of business!
The old adage go woke go broke applies here without a doubt! This is funny and the paper is nothing more than an expensive "pamphlet" anyway!
less writers means the daily paper will go down from 4 pages to 2
More than most people. They did this to themselves. Should be unbiased--had an agenda.
Nothing to read. Stale news. No columnists.
Col. Sanders says....
Mmmmmm..... finger licking goood
Welcome back.
I see that weasel Steinberg decided to stay. Maybe him and big RINO John Howell can form a partnership on a podcast now and explain how much they hate Trump. Steinberg and Howell from the basement in their 97 percent white communities telling the rest of us to resist Trump. RIP scum times
Whose bright idea was it to take a major newspaper in one of the largest cities in the USA and staff it with only far left wing Marxists as writers ( advocates and activists) ? Did they really think that was a good idea ? Journalism is dead at the " right One".
Good crossword puzzle. That’s it.
AI will soon write entire SunTimes content, then press "send" to computerized printing plant machinery. Just need to delivery trucks outsourced, and SunTimes can be entirely employee-free with exception of senior management.
When you write bogus news stories for people who don't buy papers. The people who do buy papers stop buying them.
In SHITcago ?
Useless liars who no one beleives. The National Enquirer has more integrity.
Ill start my own gossip column, I predict the scum times going under!!! hahahah
Don’t buy the print version or look at their web site. Keep closing the lid on the coffin.
So the scumtimes is replacing the old communists with new Venezuelan illegal communists.
Wouldn’t wipe my arse with that rag of a paper
True story. The the other day the AI MS copilot I've been using was arguing with me that Biden was still President. Finally it told me Its last update was October 2023. It felt good to own the idiot AI.
From the movie Tombstone by Curly Bill Brocius, a character played by Powers Boothe.......Well. BYE!
or they could merge with (brand name here) toilet paper, as that's all it's good for. Years ago, my local rag called to subscribe. I used to. Why wouldn't I re up? "Well, I'm racist, have privilege, am homophobic, xenophobic and all the other insults you toss at me, and I should pay for this?" The caller said, "honestly, I understand!"
Uh oh, where am I gonna buy bird cage liner now?
More likely, they'll replace them with AI, which combs websites like Snopes and MSN for "news" and "facts", and assembles a better written piece than the average college grad can write.
Maybe they can join the furloughed federal government workers in the fields and orchards, picking crops that those illegals who have been sent packing used to.
I hope BOTH papers die an agonizing death! They earned it by lying all these years...
Interesting article on aCPD detective today
Wait a minute...
30 people = 20% ?!?
That means there were only only 150 employees (120 now).
The guy printing the weekly ad flyer in East Turdwich has more employees. This is (allegedly) a 'world-class newspaper'?
In Chicago? Whew, that is reaching.
Dart is Teflon. Media claims they care about jail conditions until they take handouts from the corrupt system
Sorry I’ll miss it
The thing to know about all AI's is that they have a limited set of information they've been trained on. As you just found out, if that data set only went until October 2023, then that's what it's going to use as the truth.
Same deal with biases - if the data set was biased against Conservatives, you can bet all the answers will be Pro-libtard.
Where's it processing the data? What's it using the queries for? Where are the queries stored? Are they tied to you with a tracking cookie or other identifier?
Is it even processed in the USA?
Forget all that crap - uninstall CoPilot, Cortana, Gemini, Grok, etc... all a bunch of bullshit.
Hey, hey now! The Springfield Brain Trust hasn't made shrooms legal yet.
Now when you do a search the first result is AI trying to answer your question.
AI told me that Keith Richards and Mick Jagger both died at Altamont.
I mean if someone told me they had died in the 90's I might believe it but not at Altamont.
They are irrelevant now . . . . oh well
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