Who writes this crap?
- First Deputy Superintendent - Yolanda TalleyFirst Deputy Superintendent Yolanda Talley, a 30-year veteran of the Chicago Police Department, will now serve as second-in-command within CPD. She brings a wealth of experience, leadership and dedication to this historic role, becoming the first woman to hold the position of First Deputy Superintendent in the Department's history. Most recently serving as Chief of the Bureau of Internal Affairs, First Deputy Superintendent Talley oversaw all internal investigations within CPD, consent decree compliance efforts related to accountability and transparency, and the Department's recruitment initiatives. During her tenure as Chief and Deputy Chief, she spearheaded the Department's Recruitment and Retention efforts, ensuring a strong and diverse workforce for the future. Her distinguished career includes roles in the Bureau of Patrol, where she served as Deputy Chief of Area 1, and as Commander of the 015th (Austin) District. In these roles, she worked tirelessly to strengthen community relationships and reduce violence. Earlier in her career, First Deputy Superintendent Talley served as a Watch Operations Lieutenant, Sergeant in the 007th (Englewood) District, in the Narcotics Section of the then Bureau of Organized Crime and in the Human Resources Division. She also served as an undercover narcotics officer and member of the DEA/HIDTA Task Force. First Deputy Superintendent Talley is a member of International Association of Chiefs of Police and a graduate of Northwestern University's School of Police Staff and Command. She holds a master's degree in forensic psychology from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. Additionally, she currently serves as President of the St. Jude Police League, further demonstrating her commitment to service and community.
Nothing about her niece bragging about how "my auntie is probably your boss" when she got pulled over with a high ranking gang banger and a bunch of heroin in Yoyo's Lexus? (Sun Times coverage here) Or about the scandals of the Confidential Section at BIA? Or how the top spots are rapidly filling with people who couldn't pass a single promotional exam high enough to make it on their own? (remember, upon retirement, these micro-brains are stealing massive pension bumps based on politics, not earning it).
If Rumor Central is to be believed, Larritorious wanted nothing to do with this move - he didn't choose his First, but then again, who does? The First Deputy is supposed to run the day-to-day operations at the behest of the mayor while the supernintendo does photo ops. That formula hasn't been followed since John Thomas was in the spot and that was after Townsend ran it for a couple of supernintendos.
Interesting times ahead as various Yoyo scandals are revealed.
The rest of the changes:
- Executive Director of Constitutional Policing and Reform – Allyson Clark-Deputy
Chief of the Office of Constitutional Policing and Reform – Ralph Cruz
Deputy Chief of Area 4 – Andre Parham
Commander of the Investigative Response Team – Patrick Kinney
Commander of the 011th (Harrison) District_– Johnny E. Tate Jr.
Commander of 002nd (Wentworth) District_– Herbert Williams III
Commander of the Alternate Response Section – Davina F. Ward
Deputy Director of the Office of Analysis and Evaluation – Noé Flores
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It’s like a bad nightmare, hoping to wake up.
With all these promotions I can’t believe the level of incompetence we have reached. I have no respect for the people running the CPD.
I give up!
If the superintendent doesn’t agree with this move who’s really running the dept ?! Very scary thought. Why wasn’t she disciplined? Where’s the transparency?? This decision is why there is no moral in this dept it’s not low it’s nonexistent.
All of the accomplishments and assignments put out on these so called bosses is garbage. Morale will sink further into the abyss with the jackals that have been promoted to the highest levels of the department. Just call them chair leaders.
Just when thought it couldn't get any worse. If any if you bosses read this blog just know morale is lower than it's ever been. None of us on the street have any faith in any of you.
Recruitment at an all time low despite their efforts setting up tables at select city colleagues and la fitness gyms in certain neighborhoods using the slogan “come git this money ya’ll…” and focusing on paid time off and sick days.
Must pay to wear cheap wigs and overblown fake eye lashes.
This lies on Snelling‘s shoulders. Whether he wanted her or not. Talley is an absolute joke, respected by no one. Borderline criminal, completely unqualified. Recruitment? Did the worst job ever! Zero operational experience. Zero.
What is happening with the serial sexual harasser Tracy Walker?
I just want to vomit. This list got me sick. No good news. Now go out and risk your life. Tell your family you might not becoming home because the leadership is clueless.
I’m holding my puke bucket.
Dear Chicago,
Good luck.
The Chicago Police Department is a fraud. Look at who is in-charge.
If we were an army I would rather surrender to the enemy than follow goofs. Chicago’s being destroyed and you give us this! SMH.
This is GARBAGE!!!! Definitely a “historic” day in the department but not because anything good happened. May God have mercy on all of us!!
All hope is lost!
Johnny Tate great boss and even better guy. Best supervisor I’ve had
Yo....you go girl....
The bureau of internal affairs should be disbanded. It no longer has any respectability or integrity. The fix is in. Bosses decided the outcome before the investigation. Now you promote the person running the shit-show to run day to day operations. FUBAR.
I’m just speechless. There isn’t anyone else we could have moved up. Can we have a re-do. How about all the Unions join forces and vote a NO Confidence on all the Gold Stars.
I just want to cry. The men and women working hard deserve better. Dark days are here to stay. It’s going to be a long two years before we get a new mayor and new upper management.
I normally try and post something positive, but today I’ll pass on posting.
Teflonda Yolanda, or just Teflonda, yours to use as you need.
When are the PRT changes coming
commander at callback ?
I someone does Medical day count on these best and brightest - 100’s of days on the medical but still keep getting promoted
Larry can’t stand Talley. She interviewed for that spot several times and he denied her. Rumor has it that he and Waller are not seeing eye to eye so someone has to take the spot.
Lmao, all of the “in the know people “ and “bloggers” constantly spreading rumors and once again you were all fucking wrong!
SCC: what *IS* being talked about is how PRT will be retired and rebranded next year. the thinking is that the city needs less t stops and more coverage for details like pride, air n water, NY fireworks, the taste, marathon and for block takeovers in 011, drifters at ford city mall, etc. they also expect more protests and unrest against trump. it's going to be all young guys, mandatory bike certified and a lot of adjusted start times. and they want more coverage on district watches to supplement manpower shortages.
it won't be called sat or gangs but something along the lines of an incident mitigation type force- think cirt 2.0. basically the concept of DNC- report to somewhere like mccormick or 011, get deployed to an area, work 12hrs on whatever it is and bounce.
activity based stuff will be for district tac and mission cars
this IS coming
30+ years on and 57 years of age. Let it go YT. Find something else to do.
Since when does ARPS get a commander spot?
Treasurer Melissa Conyear Ervin and 28th Ward Alderman Jason Ervin should be put on blast.
The promotion list resembles something out of a comedy movie. Sadly this is real life. The public will be the biggest losers with this bunch of goofs. The little bio thrown out is laughable to anyone on the job. I just want to retire.
Signed: Never going to salute another loser boss.
ironic that yoyo was in charge of recruitment and retention because she's about to make retirements skyrocket.
the AMC messages for retirements this may and for next January are going to make pre-dnc walkouts look like Childs play.
Scandals of the Confidential Section at BIA?
Officers over in confidential following officers around at the request of YT. No allegations whatsoever.
First Deputy Talley will run the day-to-day operations. Everyone has to take a bite of this shit sandwich.
Congrats to all!
Who’s going to the BIA?
JT was class as 9161 and 9171. I don't know if he got any bumps, but if he did, he was worthy. This commenter worked with him and for him, and wishes him and 011 best of luck.
No wonder officers are leaving and committing suicide. The shit floated to the top. All the names on the list have one thing in common. @$$ Ki$$ers.
Holy shit! This department never ceases to amaze me….
But...she was a real good dancer.....
Linda Lovelace says....
It's not what you know....It's who you blow.
(remember, upon retirement, these micro-brains are stealing massive pension bumps based on politics, not earning it).
Woah! What do you mean? There’s posters all over every district saying “Earned, not given!”
Thanks Sweet Baby Ray-Ray, you political lick ass!
Talley shall be known from this point forward as the 1st Dope-uty
Leaders are SMART and RESPECTED. CPD officially has NO leadership at the helm! It’s game over for Chicago! Residents better vote and really think about who they are voting for in the coming cycle. All the evidence is showing there isn’t much time to turn things around.
The militant faction of the department have promoted their own. More of the same.
Written by AI... difficult to read because there's no paragraphs and the whole thing reads like one giant run-on sentence...
Probably a gradmuate of the fabulous CPS!
Best and brightest! /sarc
Looks like all DEI gifts.
Thought for sure Svachula in 24 would’ve made street derp by now, he’s the best and brightest, everyone who’s worked under him knows it he’s not a fucking pos boss at all, he really cares about the blue shirts
Boys and girls make sure you keep bringing in those numbers. Lock up anything that moves. When you wake up feeling a little under the weather just fight through it and go to work. Make sure you have a great attitude when doing your job and going to training classes.
If she's the same Yolanda Talley that got a PPP loan in Chicago things are going to get interesting.
Get out if you can!
Business as usual … nothing to see here folks. Stopped caring a long time ago to be honest. Just another clown show by CPD. Transparency and accountability only are enforced on blue shirts without phone calls. Only bright side … another merit hack who doesn’t know what they’re doing which in turn will result in me getting more OT due to their lack of experience in managing the city as it comes to crime. Absolute fuckin joke.
It’s no wonder no “normal” people want to take this job.
The state legislature HAS to make a law for recalling the mayor or we are doomed....
You could not pick a worse group of losers.
Nardo and Yakimba dropped their papers and leaving in April and May.
she spearheaded the Department's Recruitment and Retention efforts, ensuring a strong and diverse workforce for the future.
hahahahahahahahaaaaaa anytime you hear "diverse" you know it means dei
The death spiral for the CPD continues. The mayor and the rest of the ilk running this city and department have no shame. Value jet is in a nose dive. No one on this department can pull it up. The hen of iad allegedly covered up numerous investigations and she was rewarded again. Hope the useless media or the outstanding CWB dives into this insanity to show the real side of whats going on. Seems like a total collapse of the CPD.
Well hell froze over? Now we are screwed! You are looking at the next Superintendent when Snelling screws the pooch? I bet Talley is connected to CTU and Brandon Johnson through some election contributions? Or better off her Goofy Niece is now working for Mayors office? This is exactly how a Police Department becomes politically involved. If they chose command leadership no matter what the optics look like?
Hell, let’s bring back 9.5 guess everyone has forgotten all the bad press by now?
With all those fancy titles, you would think CPD is a top notch agency
It was a bad rumor yesterday. Today it is a real nightmare.
A C-H = a total joke. The most incompetent individual ever.
You as well as I would collect that 15k a month and keep our mouths shut as well. If we were in Larry’s shoes.
Talley aka the worlds most mediocre admin sgt--and queen of questionable practices. Sooo glad "they" promoted this goof and are touting her -- we all know she will either be stepping in sht of her own doing or taking the fall for someone elses massive cockup.---and if we are lucky it will be sooner rather than later--and she can ride off into the sunset.
Whatever happened with Talleys PpP loan scandals? Just brushed under the rug ? Nothing to see here ?
WOW, folks living in Chicago have no idea exactly how corrupt, or how grossly incompetent their city government has become. Talley must have blackmail material on some higher-ups in mayor's office.
If Snelling had an ounce of self-respect, he'd resign in protest. If he wouldn't promote her to top spot himself, then she's as terrible as her reputation puts her.
Oh, what a memorable St. Patrick’s day ☘️ it will be for generations to come….
So, so glad I passed on CPD so many years ago. Although, it's a common trend, promoting the less than the best.
"That's a hell of a price to pay for being stylish"
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