Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Nice Law License Crimesha

So since Crimesha couldn't be bothered to take the minimum effort to maintain her law license (barely an hour a month AND it could have been done by a subordinate (wink wink) with no one ever finding out), are actual convictions in jeopardy?

  • Former Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx is no longer authorized to practice law because she failed to keep her license current by providing proof of completing mandatory continuing education requirements, according to the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission.

    Foxx is “unauthorized to practice law as [the] attorney has not demonstrated required MCLE compliance,” according to the former top prosecutor’s entry on the ARDC website. MCLE stands for Minimum Continuing Legal Education.

    “This means she couldn’t be bothered to spend a little more than an hour a month watching videos that her own office provided,” said a veteran attorney and former assistant state’s attorney.

This isn't a difficult task - it's almost as simple as our e-learning, probably less so, because we have actual tests at the end of our sessions that have minimal passing grades established. But as with anything concerning Crimesha, unwilling, unable and unqualified was the order of the day, as long as the Soros money kept flowing and the jail stayed empty.

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