Good Lord
So who are we going to blame for this one (if true)?
- Speaking of lowering the standards… SCC you should look into the gun that went missing from the 006 tact office during the 006 district buy back a few months ago…that now has been recovered from a deceased gang banger who just so happens to be dating one of the tact officers sisters… how’d he get that missing gun? Weird huh
Well hey, at least the gun turned up....eventually. And no one important got killed.
Nice hiring Conehead.
Labels: from the comments, un-fucking-believable
Oooooh - NO! :(
Gotta love when they lower the standards lol now they can enjoy the scandals that come along with that choice
....My Boo takes care of me.
Something tells me this officer might be the next meritorious Sergeant.
What the odds "it true" that officer inventory said gun? And will that asshole spar them or is he still butt sore after being called out for not attending officer funeral?
Still less embarrassing then that guy in 006 sucking prisoners toes
wow......just wow
Hey, I'm sure Commander TALLY and her crack IAD unit will crack the case.
Command changes are long overdue. This department is in dire need of new leadership. The powers-that-be are waiting around until the smoke clear in incidents before they promote, but exempts keep stepping in sh-t. They’re too complacent and they need to be rotated.
DEI or hired illegal?
The new breed of Chicago coppers is pathetic. Obviously there are some guys/gals that want to do this job and learn the job, but the majority are borderline gangbangers. It’s really sad to see what these progressive assholes have done to this job with their DEI hires and promotions.
There’s a P.O. that works lock up in 005 and he wears a shiesty mask. He looks like a thug with his stupid mask on , but looks even more ridiculous with his mask and police uniform on. Really silly .
Cost of promotions at CPD has gone up. Can’t blame a fact officer trying to get a little extra bribe money. Bideninflation has hit every aspect of business and criminality. Bet the one level bump promotion went up at least $5,000 over last few years.
what are the odds that if the officer is a certain demographic that he or she will see any punishment????
Nothing new. There have been scandals with ones for decades. 012 had a couple back in the old Monroe station. Diversity hire have gone back to the 90’s, it’s just gotten worse.
Ole boy needed the money so he stole it and sold it
Yes. Its fubar now
The CPD needs a complete overhaul! Go back to CPD standards from the 80’s and 90’s. Start with one uniform, not the mix and match bullshit. Look at any other police agency. Their officers look sharp. Yea yea yea, I know. I worked in the ghetto also years ago. It can be done.
Is this particular officer SPECIAL?
CPD has been a laughing stock for the last 2 decades. Don’t see why this surprised anyone. The 26 who work in 008, cops baby daddy shooting at the suburban sgt, all the off duty nonsense that happens. Read thru the copa decisions online and you’ll see what this department is really made of
Still less embarrassing then that guy in 006 sucking prisoners toes
what ever happened to him?
It’s so true LOL. So accurate
The officer is probably one of her relatives. The case would’ve remained buried had not the deceased gangbanger been found with it. Why is this our first time hearing about the missing firearm?
With what the fuck the department is hiring these days to be police officers is it really any surprise to anyone. ? Me thinks not ! CPS honor roll students no doubt just the best, and the brightest that the CTU turned out !
Yo YO ...You go girl.!
clouted in .....Next question
What's the big deal?
Back in the 70's the cops would shake us down for hanging out in the park. Empty our pockets and help themselves.
Had a cop that sold fireworks from his garage in my neighborhood too.
You on crack, boo?
Whatever happened to the saying, “Not on my watch”?
Sounds like an internal setup. Nothing surprised me anymore around here.
I hate this so much, BUT I also agree with you!
Corruption is an issue in the Chicago PD that will only grow larger as the city lowers hiring standards.
The 006th District is in need of new leadership.
Officers allowed to join tact less than 6 months after their probationary period has ended.
Commander didn’t attend his officer’s funeral.
Guns coming up missing.
2nd Watch Desk Officers are lazy as hell.
DEI officer from the New Recruitment and Retention Unit created by Talley. Many of them have already been suspended or fired. In the past few years, any and everyone have been allowed to join the department. They’ll drag a drunk in off of a park bench.
Its only amatter of time until tack-tickle teams are disbanded as they have become completely uselss and are just a liability now.
Well hey, at least the gun turned up....eventually. And no one important got killed.
Another gift card to JJ Fish and Chicken well spent...
Just be happy he doesn't work at Boeing.
Best part is the two knuckleheads who “lost” the gun are still on tact and no one was punished. Whose running the show over there in 006?
Trust no one.
borderline gangbangers??? This is not new. Back in the day, in 014, the gangbangers sat an opposite ends of the rollcall room, throwing gang signs at each other. Neither gang would back up the other on any calls on the street.
OT: CHICAGO --- Former Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx is no longer authorized to practice law after failing to comply with continuing mandatory education requirements ... (cwbchicago)
Which one has a sister Hawkins or Davis? Process of elimination, should’ve made Dic lol
Speaking of lowering standards…I have it on good authority that Kim Foxx is currently not authorized to practice law. Apparently for failure to comply w continuing legal education requirements. Depending on for how long, then an argument can be made that her minions weren't authorized either, and a whole lot of convictions could go the way of all flesh. Unbelievable, yet not really surprising at all!
Seems on par for the CPD and its future.
You can take them out da hood but you can't take the hood out them
Funny, you kick a guy off a street corner ……15 years later he s sitting next to you in the squad car.
Thugs in uniform.
Thugs in exempt uniform.
Thugs in city council.
Thugs in city hall.
Ani't leaving my baby Daddie out there no pants on...
Anit got time for this shit
We know who they are and how they carry themselves on this job, it's up to you to associate and not fall into their ghetto-trash/anti-police/terrorism circle they plan to continue on this job.
OT DEI Kim Foxx can’t practice law
The officers is 006 are feeding off of the energy of their boss. There’s nothing to see here.
Boo da bestest. Tac boy. Cap backwards. Thinks it makes him look tough n cool like they all do. All fucksticks!
Some actually are gangbangers and they have the tats to prove it
How about the tac officer in 018 who is stripped but still assigned to 018 tac. He never shows up to work and is carried every day while we are pressured for activity.
I’ve been saying the same thing.
Lower the standards, and it makes for great photo ops for about 2-3 years.
Take your pictures of diversified academy classes and graduations, send them to the news, and feel good.
They might even bang out jobs in a district for a bit without incident.
Watch what happens when these lower-standards/DEIs get 2-3 years on the job, and get to tact teams and units. Working citywide, with less oversight.
And now they’ll also be working for DEI Sgts.
The consequences will be both horrendous and embarrassing.
No real CPD officer wants this, but this is what they want.
I personally think it’s all part of a bigger, long-term plan. (Not to get too conspiracy theorist)
They march and protest the police, that the police are the problem. Then they fight to hire people that make problematic police officers. Then when the problematic hires fuck up, they sit back and say “see? The police are fucked up! We were right!” They’re basically forcing shitty hires to prove a point that police are bad.
That has to be atop the all-time list.
Sad that these newer kids on the job haven’t even really heard about it, but it should never be forgotten.
Fuck that guy, and fuck his kin Corky while we’re at it. Rotten CPD bloodline, which ended in the gay toe-sucking of an in-custody offender. “I might have sneezed on him” lol Can’t make this up.
Tac boy boo say huh? San u say fired and penitentiary. Bwahahaha.
Play cadre Tate say huh? Same fate.
The gun is stolen just like 014 Tommy overtime
Ohh. Ohh la la. Please tell us more.
Seriously, did she ever? How she passed the bar is beyond me.
Must be MD
This story smells a lot like what the 005th district tac boys were doing.
Not the first nor last time this happens. The big question is will the IAD hold anyone to account or will they bury the CR and pretend it never happened like they’ve done in the past and continue to do
Got a foot up and started his own OnlyFans page...
His sucking your toes as you speak.
him, his daddy mcKinley, and his uncle corky are all disgraces to this profession
He was told he doesn’t have to come into work and is stripped? Hein can you explain this one?
Suspect officer(s) is(are) and havent been punished
Heard FOP wrote up a no confidence letter against Commander Goofy in 006 on behalf of the POs. Guys about as bright as the dark side of the moon!
Due tell about the scandals in 012 back in the day
Fuzzy Swinginballz Says:
Hey CPD, clean up the criminal cabal among you. You’re making your whole dept. look like some 3rd world Federales.
Stole my damn beer too!
It's not insider information. Just look her up on the IARDC website and it tells you her status.
If you're stripped, you're detailed out. Usually to callback, but there are other options.
When is Tate and his team of pin-cushion, CAPS house mice be fired ?
Go back to the watch and stop crying
Come on now, kids been through the wringer. He gets furlough just like you. Stop in the office and say hello to him, he’s working his butt off finding crime patterns that the area misses and assisting the officers by identifying criminals.
Nothing surprises me anymore in 012 district an officers gun was stolen from their locker!
“Burke was not sworn in until December 2. Foxx was certainly told by the MCLE Board and ARDC that her law license would lapse on December 1, but she still allowed [prosecutors] to file pleadings in court under her name on December 1,” the veteran lawyer said.
My old favorite still belongs to the 002nd District sergeant who reported her 9mm missing only to find a year later in her basement locker when she went to clean out the locker after she got promoted to lieutenant.
Somebody tap Snelling and tell him the this department has gone to hell. Somebody wake dude up.
Why not??? When the Head of Internal Affairs personal vehicle was used to transport drugs, a convicted felon and a driver without a valid DL?
How do we know that no one was murdered with the gun?
DEI= Didnt Earn It
That was 011, but still classic..
So a piece of shit that gets hired is ok with you, as long as he has the right pants on?
The uniform isn’t the problem, it’s who the city is hiring to wear it. Wake up.
This the gun that was turned in at a St. Sabinas gun buy back, inventory number generated and later stolen by a 006 tact guy who has gang ties. Cannot make this shit up!
Naw, the toe sucking was from 006. 011 has their own butt fucking detention aide scandal years before.
I drank your beer at the old summer mobile parties at 12th St beach. Thanks
Loevy and Loevy can smell a lawsuit here. Young Thugs Absent Daddy is gonna sue the city for Boo getting shot while holding a gun that was supposed to be city property. No ones ass will be held accountable on the department for costing Chicago taxpayers a million dollars. Keep moving. Nothing to be seen here....
This same thing that happened in the 005th District. Damn this department is fucked up.
Never forget that convicted felon provided the bad info used for the search warrant at Anjanette Young's residence.
SISO--Shit In--Shit Out
Sadly, these days, way too many Tac. guys/gals look and act like the people real Tac. officers once arrested. Standards are gone! but now we are politically correct! Isn't it wonderful!
Heard the Tact officer who initiated that traffic stop on her trap car just scored #1 on Sgt’s test, coincidence?
The department has rewritten the rule. Please see the revision. BIA Chief is the only one that can have drugs and gang ties, and get away with it. (Ten months left, and yes I’m counting.)
Nothing will happen. The investigation will be covered up. Time will pass. The officer will be promoted, both by the city and within the gang he or she allegedly has ties with.
011 sgt with the tranny days before retirement is the all time worst.
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