Sunday, December 15, 2024

Exchange of Gunfire

Nothing good happens after midnight:

  • A man was injured after a shooting in Austin early Saturday morning, according to Chicago police.

    The man, 26, was getting out of a parked vehicle that had four others inside, including two off-duty Chicago police officers, in the 100 block of South Mayfield Avenue at 1:28 a.m. when he was shot, police said. One of the occupants of the vehicle he was getting out of shot back as the person who shot the 26-year-old fled.

    The man was taken to a nearby hospital by the off-duty officers and the two other passengers, and he is in serious condition, police said. No other injuries were reported.

Mistaken identity is what we're told. 

Stay alert.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mistaken identity in the 100 blk of south mayfield? Yeah, mistaken for cops!! Oooooooooooohhhh!! But seriously, this place sucks. Get out if you can.

12/15/2024 12:08:00 AM  
Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

“Mistaken identity is what we're told.”

Meh. I wouldn’t bet on that.

Don’t forget the pool of applicants being floated thru the application process to get on this job the last 10 years or so. “Minor” criminal histories, prior recreational drug use, “former” gang affiliations and gang tags are all perfectly acceptable by todays CPD hiring standards.

It’s not outside the realm of possibility that one or both of the ODPOs had less than legit associates from before being hired…


It don’t get much more ghetto than that. Need I say more?

12/15/2024 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Things that make you go hmmmm. I get a feeling that reducing the standards to basically nothing may cause some issues. Corey Flag, Austin 7, Terry Howard, etc.

12/15/2024 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My grandmother told me nothing good happens after midnight. I didn’t always listen but four out of five times she was right.

12/15/2024 01:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two off duty p.o.’s on 100 S Mayfield at 1:30am Saturday morning with 2-3 other people? Hmmm…

12/15/2024 02:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is an PO in that area off duty??

12/15/2024 02:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the off-duty officers, who were no doubt hired under the new, relaxed standards, I have a tiny piece of advice: leave your ghetto friends who may be targeted by gang violence behind. Don't visit them. Don't live near them. Don't associate with them, period. If you can't handle that, find a new job, because you shouldn't be the police. There's no way this guy was randomly chosen to be shot at. There's no way you don't know why someone chose to shoot at your friend. You'll end up fired, imprisoned, or shot if you try to be the police and hang with your old crew from the west side.

12/15/2024 05:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lowered hiring standards are becoming more and more noticeable everyday.

12/15/2024 05:19:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Those off duty officers should find better company and places to be.

12/15/2024 06:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

News this morning says one of the two off duty officers has been stripped. Do we think maybe alcohol is involved. And this occurred at 1000 S. Mayfield, Mayfield and Fillmore, the old "Patch." Hmm, has the neighborhood changed? Just axin for a friend.

12/15/2024 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was the 1000 block of S Mayfield, not 100.

12/15/2024 09:12:00 AM  
Blogger Rusty Trawler said...

Show me your friends and I will show you your future.

12/15/2024 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they was working their own "special employment" since they be special they can do whatever they want in the ghetto

12/15/2024 01:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it was Mayfield and Fillmore on the island, not Monroe.

12/15/2024 01:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Island

12/15/2024 03:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, meant Island not Patch

12/15/2024 05:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of lowering the standards… SCC you should look into the gun that went missing from the 006 tact office during the 006 district buy back a few months ago…that now has been recovered from a deceased gang banger who just so happens to be dating one of the tact officers sisters… how’d he get that missing gun? Weird huh

12/15/2024 11:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've watched how CPD has lowered it's standards, for years, It shows in the caliper of management, and the dei hires. And they wonder why the recruitments are so dangerouslyrics low. What decent, honest, young man wants to work in an environment where they are penalized for actually enforcing the law. To put your life on the line every day, isn't worth it for a corrupt rigged system.

12/16/2024 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mistaken identity? Remember when Hillary Clinton said, "They all look alike"?

12/16/2024 03:50:00 PM  

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