CPD Catches up to CWB
We've been mentioning these waves of robberies on and off for a while....CWB has been reporting it for months now:
- Detectives from three of the Chicago Police Department’s five areas
have issued a joint community alert to warn the public about the ongoing
robbery surge we’ve been telling you about for the past two months.
On Thursday, investigators from Areas Three, Four, and Five issued a bulletin about a robbery crew that they believe committed at least 11 robberies on January 17 and 18, mostly in Humboldt Park and West Town, but also in Old Town.
We're not blaming the Detectives, some of whom have almost certainly been tipping off CWB as to the wave of robberies while bosses sit and twiddle their thumbs. This notification is nearly five days old - wasn't CAPS supposed to make timely notifications years ago? Guess that fell by the wayside?
Next up, someone is going to issue a bulletin about the enormous burglary waves where a crew or crews are hitting ten or even twenty businesses overnight when there are only three or four cars up in certain Districts. We've gotten e-mails that say almost a dozen businesses in 016 were hit Wednesday night/Thursday morning and that there's tons of security video on social media.
Labels: crime
hey SCC off topic but curious, when do the three service bars on the side there become a star?
I thought they were celebrating crime was down only a month ago. Nothing but BS goes out to the public by Gold Star idiots.
Don’t believe shit they are putting out!
Not asking for what the D is doing about this now, but in times past, covert D details would be formed and kept going until the problem was stopped with arrests & prosecution.
That is why the useless SCUM-Times needs to die along with public radio.
NEXT; Off with the Tribune including television 2,5,7 and 9.
Television news are already cutting their weather people:
Wow! Thanks for the timely warning CPD!
Let’s hope for some street justice for the future Rhodes scholars
I live in 017. I love our Boys and Girls in Blue. I haven't seen ANY Police presence on my block in months. Our neighborhood has been getting raped by the catalytic converter thieves. I'm not knocking 017 at all. Why would anybody want to do a thing for this stupid mayor who feels compelled to remind everyone that he's black (really moron?!). 016 has most definitely been feeling this as well. This is a result of the liberal mentality, surrounded my dispensaries and Starbucks.
Bosses are twiddling their thumbs because most Commanders are merit hacks former administrative house mice and only 3 out of 40 white shirt in the detective areas were detectives. You can’t effectively supervise and oversee what you've never done.
There’s no desire or insensitive to finding these criminals. The only thing you’re almost guaranteed is a CR.
A few things regarding this post that are quite funny
1) Where is the fancy robbery task force AKA Hawkin Minions also I steal your arrest team .
2) Regarding burglaries what white shirt mastermind came up with the idea of having all the A5 area PRT teams flooding the 10 and 20 sectors with traffic stops . Nothing against PRT either they do good work for the most part at least 2/4 A5 teams do . Good idea right traffic stops maybe we get lucky and stop the crews but several things would need to go right such as 1 )1699 1600x 1600 whoever it is authorizing a pursuit of said suspects , and 2 ) it would also help not having PRT flood the sectors 9- midnight when the burglaries start happening between 0300 -0600 .
3) The premise checks of businesses aren’t working out either are they that’s just helping people think they’re doing something . If you actually want this to stop or make it look more believable stop this nonsense , a change in the pursuit policy ha ha ha I know it made me laugh also .
Gee Wally, who do you think is doing all these crimes/ Sarc
I am telling you the Command staff is telling the D units to sit on any crime patterns! Not to put them up for public information? By the time the patterns get too large the entire department is late to the party? It has now become a report the crime effort with no attempts to arrest and convict any offenders?
Because the groups involved are made up mostly of alien immigrants who have learned there are no police on patrol and there is no chase if caught in act?
The increase of these burglaries groups is due to them making money before any federal agents find them?
Only having 4 beat cars up on first watch in a district as large as 016 creates a very friendly environment for criminals to operate in.
It makes the Sanctuary State and City elected leaders look like they invited the criminals to come shop here? And these small businesses are tired of it?
Mark my words, one of these small business owners will be staying up one night waiting for some burglary crew to break in and the owner eliminates these burglars?
All while Johnson and Prickster keep telling officers not to enforce the laws?
The 16th district has been ripe for the pickings for years. That district isn't even half staffed.
Mayor Johnson has more officers on his detail than the entire 16th district. How about remove 75% of his detail and send them to 016?
I wonder how many of these businesses had a sign in their windows that read Black Lives Matter ,ACAB or some other social justice message. Be careful what you wish for because you might just get it.
Don’t expect any arrests out of the useless citywide robbery team
What does it matter how many cars are up or how many officers are on the street? The robbery and burglary crews enjoy committing these blatant crimes in front of our squad cars, in full view of security and POD cameras and knowing PH1 is overhead watching them. They are fully protected by our mayor and the SAFE-T Act. A stolen Kia full of 15-year old black kids has brought this entire city and detective division to its knees.
when the blog hits 20 years
theres a robbery pattern at least twice a week - we al know this
We have a burglary team in 019 ??? wtf is that all about?? The team never makes any arrest all they do is come in and do sup reports...way to go Commander!!! Keep up the good work you putz.
1631 hasn't had an actual beat car on first watch for quite awhile.
There is a new pizza spot on Higgins near Harlem, been hit twice in last three months
You don't want them.
Yep...just hope he takes out the whole crew...
Do CPD have Fusion Center? Fusion Centers bring together in a collaborative efforts from the city, county, state and federal agencies collecting information from private and public sources providing real world intelligence to protect the citizens and businesses that fund their adventures. Seriously, what are they contributing to make Chicago a little safer in the non nine to five Monday thru Friday hours?
Who in their right mind would respond to a burglary in progress, see 4-5 teens jump into a car loaded with stolen goods, and decide to chase them? I wouldn’t even hit the lights. Honestly, I’m not sure I’d even call it out over the air—just a slowdown. No one should be speeding to a property crime anyway. The last thing I’d want is to set something in motion that puts other officers in a position to do something risky or reckless—because when it goes sideways (and it will), they’ll be the ones in trouble. That’s coming from a "been there, done that" veteran.
For the less experienced officers: don’t get swept up in a supervisor’s gung-ho attitude. Your aggressive policing might make them look good, but the moment something goes wrong, you’ll be the one left holding the bag while they move up the ranks.
Stay safe, and not just from the "bad guys".
That style/type of vehicle with that style/type of perps is what the feebs call - A CLUE.
So glad we moved out of that shithole 8 years ago. I feel for the men and women who are stuck there
4 beat cars in 016 on 1W is not true, all cars manned and OT from on both ends to support midnight
go house a lost dog , you moron
hey Jonny boy , go away already
That you Eddie?
The Supervisors in the Detective units, most who were never Detectives, are unsure what to do, they are asking Detectives for advice, unreal.
Didn't Conehead say crime was down? Can't go against the narrative.
How about removing the entire detail.
I would do it without a detail.
The conehead and fatass (cartel criminal cabal masterminds) demands that you leave their proxy army of illegal invader felons alone. Stop calling it a "sanctuary city" it's captured territory by the invasion force that has set up fortifications for the next round with US citizens being held hostage.
Which side are you on?
History hasn't been very kind to those who claim to have been "just following orders" as the violence murders, rapist, robbers, child traffickers, and drug pushers are given Chicago as a zone of impunity to operate in.
Yes you’re right. Sadly there was a robbery pattern of beer truck drivers in the Area 2 police districts. Detectives were made to be helpers on the truck, because of the cash the drivers collected. One yute said it was a robbery, and he was immediately dispatched from earth. Then we had the skyway robberies, the pizza delivery drivers, and as the CPD detectives responded and people were met by bullets. Cleared many a crime, multiple patterns but the Rev runs and powers to be said their was an Assignation squad out there and sadly the proactive teams where abolished.
Hope they get arrested. Expose this A-holes!
the liberal news will not say anything about any crime pattern unless it can say the offenders are white
Minions where are you?
This is what the city, politicians, the rats/ferals wanted, the citizens who do/don't do anything and more importantly the department wants. Everyday knowing command staff, corparate counsel, and the small bicep bitch Snelling would rather want crime out of control with "increase" of stats for CompStat than real police work because of "liability" is not an issue to me anymore. Fuck'em, fuck'em all.
Cat converters too
Why don’t you worry about what the 020th district 1st watch guys are doing instead of being infatuated with “Hawkins Minions”?
How about when detectives would utilize the agg batt teams , how about all those fancy HSIT teams created few years back when CsT turned into PRT they transferred a bunch of two year wonders to POs assigned to detective to basically make arrests for the Dics . The list can go on and on how about utilizing the useless intelligence / counter terrorism teams since they’re so great at monitoring ha ha ha , they can be out driving looking for these crews around 0400-0600
016 tac is non existent the 1663 team use to do work but I think there proactive work got them in a jam because they joined the rest . Since the former 1660 left TF tac has disappeared in the district .
Little Richard let's them get away with it. Too scared to handle an in custody.
"while bosses sit and twiddle their thumbs" If they report these crimes then they might get in trouble with discrimination/disparate impact crowd.
Hawkins Minions lol
The current Tact Lt is a ghost payroller
Someone in the Hawkins Minions Task Force is upset lol.
Pee wee Vanek is mad he was dumped of the Robbery detail for saying all blacks driving north of Roosevelt should be stopped at a meeting.
That cps principal should be fired immediately for spreading lies that ICE Agents were at her school . CPS caused panic to families & children . COS proud that a Principal cannot read and caused stress to students and parents .
Merit Sgt JS is useless "too connected to work the watch" but get a team of more useless POs who don't want to work the watch and tact rejects.
1W self-proclaimed 06 Sgt. AS went straight to the Captain to get a team of young dumb reckless handjob POs who will make him look good. He downs 3 beat cars every night for no jobs mission cars. All.of this while beats are down and most units are 99.
2W and 3W so good at OT extensions and cant be bothered to respond to alarm calls. 2W has more house mice than beat officers that they had to take officers from other watches.
Jessani needs to be demoted.
Just saw Gov. FatAss on TV I give him 20 maybe 30 days before he has the "BigOne" He looks like dogs shit, Bloated sweating haggard and tired. They will need a big fucking crate to bury his blubber! Anyone want to guess the date he cashes it in? The winner will get a "Laurel & Hardy Handshake" Ala Blazing Saddles.
his clock is ticking!
Ya all won’t like this but give a test for s assignment to detective units and pay them an extra $$3k and a take home car
How about the chief of Detectives who was never a Detective nor has ever worked in the Detective Division until being promoted to chief of the detective division, what’s the worst that could happen? Tell me once e again how Larry is a leader!!!!!
What about the chief of Detectives? She never was a detective and has never worked in the detective division until she was chief of detectives
They should all be sent back to patrol where they are needed!!
025 TAC here. I have not been one to bash other officers but A5 PRT is a lame joke except for 2 teams. lots of slugs upstairs being protected by there LT just look at the two F2 they brought up there from 025- entitled donothings. we all see them every day leaving 4 to 5 hours early sneaking out the back door all quiet after locking up a Ecuadorean with no DL while we go hump. don’t believe us go look at 025 arrest queue after 1800
same with the citywide robbery teams they actually try. so vanek steals them all to go saturate 016 and clog up the air for what? 3/4 of prt wont try even if it happened on their block
That double merit Hawkins clown hasn’t got himself jammed up yet. Don’t believe him when he says he’s got your back, just like the rest of them, when the shit hits the fan, they will deny and blame you for everything
MV you are a complete loser
Such as in 018. BARZ has been a 100% meritorious hack who’s spent 1/2 his career as an inside IAD RAT and doesn’t know what to do with all the robberies and burglaries in 018 with the smash and grabs.
Kind of like that pudgy midget Melean who was dumped after sending out an email to target only non-residents when making stops in Chinatown. If your that dumb to memorialize that on a department email, then you shouldn’t be a boss.
His wife was a merit Lt and works for Chief of Patrol. Don’t worry about it
Well did you take a look at his Lt Gov? We are doomed either way
Trios Pizza at Higgins and Nordica has been broken into 2 possibly 3 times. I would be great if the neighbors went out of their way to support this Business.
Chief Antoinette Ursitti knows all about being Chief of Detectives. She was Deputy Chief of the Training and Support Group and was responsible for identifying recruit, in-service, pre-service, and field training needs and ensuring Department members received training to safely, effectively, and lawfully perform their duties. That’s close enough.
Chief Ursitti is still riding on her father’s coattail and the thought of her interviewing for First Deputy is an example of her lack of self-awareness and her inability to objectively assess one's abilities. Nevertheless, she holds a very important position and the thought of her not being able to make moves and decisions that are best for the Bureau of Detectives is alarming.
Saw one of their supp reports the other day; it said that a person in dark clothing was the offender in a burglary; that helped so much.
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