Lopez Running for Mayor?
Aldercreature Lopez has been making all sorts of middle-of-the-road pronouncements this year and last, pretty much positioning himself to the mainstream political center. His latest pronouncement takes on illegal aliens:
- Anyone recall @CardinalBCupich speaking out about gun violence across
the city, generational gang violence in neighborhoods, normalization of
drug use & prostitution, or the general feeling of despair invading
our collective conscience?Yeah, neither can I
This is almost definitely an appeal to Conehead's disillusioned voter base, namely black voters, who have been threatening for the past year or so to vote Republican and may have actually contributed to Trump's winning a record number of African-American votes. It's their neighborhoods with the blood running in the streets and Conehead cutting police and fire services.
Lopez has been fighting the ShotSpotter shutdown, offered to work with Trump on illegal immigration, now he's appealing to the communities hardest hit by street violence and pointing out the Catholic church is more concerned about illegal aliens than actual citizen parishioners.
He sure looks like he's running for mayor.
Labels: city politics
Lopez may run, but he wont win.
Reilly and Hopkins might run but cancel eachother out.
Tabares is too unknown and would compete with Lopez.
Alexi the Greek can consolidate all the $$$, unions and business community.
Mendoza would be formidable also.
Dart has a ward powerbase but would be fighting with Alexi for the same electorate
Vallas is done.
No Daley will run again yet.
Beale, Buckner, Jamal Green, Ervin and Jeanette Taylor might run and split the black vote- which would help weaken BJ.
759 days til the election…
I like him.
It's a shame he has baggage, mainly Burke, then his personal life.
The Catholic Church in Chicago is no better than the teachers’ union. Self serving organizations more worried about the flow of money to their coffers, then the people they serve. The Church uses illegals as the teachers/union use the children.
As for Lopez running for mayor, he’s a democrat and will end up being like Shortshanks who started the City on its decline. Trade a cobra for a rattler, one democrat for another. This City is screwed for two reasons 1. is the political party that rules the City and soon will rule the City for 100 years and 2. the teachers’ union which holds the City hostage thru it’s union dues and by the use of the children.
He has my vote. Run Ray run
The Catholic Charities church organization makes millions of dollars in the illegal alien business.
Also in on the bilking of taxpayers are Lutheran General Services and Southwest Key.
All are criminal organizations masquerading as religious organizations.
What’s the most obvious is Snelling running for mayor….why else is the reason for the lack of leadership and or the lack of promotions from him or his brain trust? First time ever the leaders haven’t put forth any sort of plan. Placing blame on commanders is thought to be the “smart” move but, when it gets to that point those that be will care on what the “plan” was from him and his leadership counsel. When it’s discovered it’s non existent, they’ll and him will have to answer or they should. This department is being run like a high school basketball team where the “coach” is the fall guy, when the AD and assistant are left alone without criticism.
Him and Vallas again, probably. Johnson will be trounced, but another leftist will also run. The bigger issue is the far-left Socialist Aldermen that have slowly creeped into the council. Their woke, anti-police policies will continue to kill the city.
I’m Ok with him. I could vote for him.
ABC -- Anybody But Conehead
He already ran for Mayor, last time. It was embarrassing. This City will never vote moderate or Republican.
This is something everyone should know. The BIA is changing the rules.
I can't wait to see all those murals in MI ave...
It may be too late. Daley and Rahm left the city in ruins and everyone thought it was all okay. They silenced dissent in the council and the voices of reason were driven out. A casino is 10 years too late.
Gov. Lardass waddling in on this...
MMmmm Lopez... Lo pez... Oh I like Dr. Jill I like Tacos,...Maybe he can watch me waddle to the door and order 500 tacos, and watch them toss them in my mouth...Ya,..he's good...Let's get them tacos now...mmmmmm FArrrtt
Gotta be better than the current clown and his minions
Yes he does. So does that clown Ja’Mal Green.
Waiting for CPS to add career path curriculum for prostitution. Then all the sexual abuse claims against teachers will become “mentoring.”
If the media was unbiased and truthful, Trump would be hailed as a hero and all the democrats running blue cities would never be elected or if they were thrown out after 1 term
He sure looks like he's running for mayor.
From sky cap to the moon...
Alderman Beal seems like a voice of reason. But honestly I don’t care anymore, I had enough, I’m leaving this fucked up state.
Aldercreature Lopez has been making all sorts of middle-of-the-road pronouncements this year and last, pretty much positioning himself to the mainstream political center. His latest pronouncement takes on illegal aliens:
If Naps or Gardiner aren't going to step up might as well...
Yeah fuck him. He is two faced and really does not support the police. I went to his office and personally talked to him. I asked him what are his plans to fully fund our police pension? He made all kinds of wild excuses. I offered multiple solutions and actions he can take. He then proceeded to talk down to me and told me to leave.
Go ahead and email him or any of the other so called "pro police alderman". Fuck these politicians. We all need to be united. That is our power and strength.
I wanted Ray Lopez to run against Lori Lighthead. Respected him after he called her out for her inability to grasp the downtown George Floyd rioting spree that spilled over to the ‘communities’ the next day. Lopez stepped aside for the useless Chewy Garcia and thus, the city ended up with Mayor Maybelline.
Cardinal Cupsuck is too busy denying his faithfull flock religious exemptions to mystery poison shots.
“ illegal aliens than actual citizen parishioners.”
Of course they are. How else are they going to fill all those empty churches?
He would have my vote. Don't understand why he dropped out before.
A lot of people are going to run in this election. They smell blood in the water. Conehead is a one term mayor. Let's hope Chi-town can smell through the bullshit that they will be fed. Any politician with ties to the school board, or cook county, or governor fat ass should be soundly rejected. We need a business man or woman who is willing to take a really shitty job here.
I like Ray Ray but I wish he was Republican.
Ray Wardingley could beat Conehead at this point. Im showing my age. Google the name...
Good old “rabbit hole” Cupich. Sits right up there next to Rostenkowski
Nice too, Cupich was in Mexico making a statement earlier in the week. Wonder how many drifters-illegals are in the Cardinal's home.
“You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows”
Lopez can't raise money that's why he had to drop out. A white person is unelectable in this city at this point. Hispanic female is the way to go.
How about Lars "America First" Daly?
Just putting this out there...Over the summer, I was told by a county employee that illegal aliens were (are) working in the kitchen at Cook County Jail, making A LOT of money.
Remember what Cardinal Cupich has done for hard working blue collar Americans. NOTHING, make sure you return the favor in the church collection box. Let the illegals pay for the church and their services.
He already ran for mayor and lost big time.
Fired the RC church and fired Chicago in the wake of 2020.
That is exactly how we got Biden. I hope the voters are smarter than you...
Exactly, he was a loyal puppet for Burke. He’s was also a certified police hater until someone gave him the idea to go on FOX. I worked in 007 and all he did is complain about the police. Once he went on FOX he liked the notoriety and began to speak publicly on conservative outlets more often.
He is a user and manipulator who is ONLY out to benefit himself. I would say that a former baggage handler at Southwest would never become mayor but after a community activist became President I suppose anything is possible but not likely. Mendoza is a female Hispanic who may put her hat in the race but the powers that be in the democratic organization will have to give her the blessing. At least her brother who’s a very nice guy is the police and she publicly supports us. The rest of the democrats are has beens and would certainly just split the vote.
So could Lar "America First" Daley.
Nah, he’s not running for shit. Soon enough grasshopper you will know what is really going on. Feds are gearing up to come after all CPD member both high ranking and regular personnel who scammed on the PPP loans. That’s been the delay all along. There will be so many supervisor openings that they won’t know who to fill them with.
Give a copy to that rat BARZ so he’s informed.
He was told to!
Yes, lots of baggage. How come no one calls him out with his nepotism?
His husband is his Chief of Staff and his mother is an aldermanic aide and main secretary? How many other aldermen have they gone after for that? Remember Carrie Austin and her son? I can think of at least a few more.
I'm Catholic and I'm pissed at church "leadership" and especially Catholic Charities who enormously helped organize these caravans... They can kiss my ass when they ask for additional contributions to that charity!
Almost everything laid out has been SOP for a while now, they’re just putting it on a directive
Baggage. Pun intended?
Not 10 years, try 30 years, which is when Joliet started with the boats.
Don’t kid yourself (s) BJ can win again and will be in the runoff. Note I did not say Will… we shall see .
I didn't say ABT - Anybody But Trump...you want to vote for Conehead again, genius?
I quite the Catholic Church during the Ferguson farce and Cardinal cupcake made his first appearance with his hands raised Ferguson style and when the FOP challenged him on it he lied and said the hands had nothing to do with the Furguson fiasco against the police.
You don’t have to quite God just quite the church!
He’s not running for anything. He has too many bones in the closet that would come out during his campaign. Not to mention, he hasn't done anything to better this department. Command changes are long overdue.
Lopez is a crybaby.
CPD related because pension crisis, apparently the new Bally's Casino 25% "Minority" Investor Plan, which is being sold to Black residents "by “City Treasurer Melissa Conyears-Ervin and members of the Chicago Aldermanic Black Caucus”, takes the word "swindle" to an extreme that is jaw-dropping even for Chicago:
It needs to be a person that is willing to fire a lot of dead weight ghost payrollers. Lopez is not that lgbtq person.
Why give them any money? My envelopes go straight into the shredder. They are the wealthiest nation on earth!
You got Biden from a massive cheat. Trump didn't lose that election
Well a businessman will kill unions and destroy our pensions. We need a member of the working class that will place working class people first.
Barz did what he wanted and also what he was told to do while he was in IAD. I know that for a fact. Do you know how many coppers he’s fucked over throughout his 10 year stent in IAD? Countless!
It's illegal. It's open to women too, have your wife get a share. Free risk, 250 buy in
The better candidate would sylvania Tabares from the 23rd ward young Hispanic female that is pro police pro law order pro the taxpayers she is smart she’s young but she cares about the city
A Vanecko, or Bill Daley will run...and win. Maybe "sparklefarts" himself. Once Big Mike divorces him. Conehead is going to be easy to beat. The machine still lives..!
The other reason I thought this was likely a mistake is that the American social, legal, and constitutional order is profoundly opposed to discrimination by race, and considers that action malum in se. Even when individual actors want to do it, they usually feel embarrassed enough about it to dissemble.
If this is the same alder-lady whose husband is a CPD copper still pushing a beat car in 008, then this lady has my vote. Due to her position I’m sure her husband can land in any unit in the department, but yet chooses to remain in the worst spot(patrol). Nothing but respect for them both.
The State of Illinois now charges sales tax on shipping and handling charges, for certain taxing districts. Chicago pass this ordinance with its new budget.
In a sale at retail, shipping and handling charges are taxable when:
the transportation and delivery charges are not separately identified to the purchaser on the contract or invoice; or
the transportation and delivery charges are separately identified to the purchaser on the contract or invoice, but the seller does not offer the purchaser the option to receive the property in any manner except by the payment of transportation and delivery charges added to the selling price of the item (e.g., no pick-up option is offered to the purchaser, or the purchaser does not qualify for free transportation or delivery).
Run Ray Run.
Chicago's Catholic leadership is on par with Brandom's broken, corrupt and mismanaged administration.
Agree. Know both her and Lopez personally having evaluated both critically with probative questions.
Lopez is a schmuck who cannot win. Case closed.
Rays a company man. He’s gonna do whatever the Chicago machine wants him to. He’s a little outspoken now but wait till he’d get in office.
Like Trump?
The election date needs to change. March elections SUCK! Low turn out. Who wants to go out in cold and rain! Lopez is OK. Will have to fight CTU.
Also settle contracts for CPD AND CFD. Need a city charter and Recall put in place!
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