Saturday, January 18, 2025

More Springfield BS

Washington Gun Law covers another crooked Illinois effort to further restrict gun rights and it follows the same pattern as a few other f@#$ed up legislative actions:

This is another one of those instances (like the "Protect Illinois Communities Act) where a bill about something else (for PICA, it was insurance regulations....for this it's fire hydrants) goes through committee, and in the dead of night, all language is stripped from the bill leaving a shell in name only, which is then filled with anti-gun legislation and passed out of committee without public input or debate. 

Lawmakers then pass the "insurance" or "hydrant" bill overnight or over the weekend in the lame-duck session and ::poof!:: your Constitutional Rights disappear. The gerrymandered dem super-majority then doesn't have to answer to anyone, ever.

Washington Gun Law explains it far better than we do, so go watch the nine-minute video.



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