Voter Fraud Footage?
Cameras are so ubiquitous nowadays that people forget that they're there.
Like this vote counter in California. Seems she forgot and ran the same pile of ballots through the counting machine THREE times, all on video:
One has to wonder how much closer elections might be if all the fraud was eliminated, even though democrats tell us it never happens.
Labels: elections, out-of-state
Good thing the ballots have barcodes so that if they are scanned twice they only count once.
Lock her up...Lock her up...
Voter fraud should be a life sentence in prison. Take away their freedom as they would have done to everyone else. Let them die in prison.
watch the video a little better .. the other girl (in the desk to the right on the screen) does the exact same thing,. The papers run through the machine and she puts them in again.
It's the DemoRatic Way!! Once a ballot is pushed through, the machine should put a mark on it so its not able to be scanned again...C'mon, this is 2025 and we should be able to update these machines to make them ballot proof.
Looks like the typical democRAT and the rest of them in that office too.
Kamala voters are SPECIAL.
In person, photo ID required, dip thumb in purple ink. Good enough for Iraq but not here…hmmm
So no one on here has ever had to rescan a document in a scanner when it didn’t scan correctly? Anyone who believes an iota of voter fraud based on how election judges or back office workers do their duties should work as one for one election cycle and then they can lob these accusations. Until then, quite frankly, you don’t have a clue about the process.
I know! Let's recall shithead Gavin and Dingbat Karen! Oh wait? You mean I can't vote without a home address? My house just burned down...but you're letting that guy over there who doesn't speak english or have an ID vote? Si, si senor ...
It's the old... one for you... and one, two three for me... Trick A...
What’s the standard protocol? Are ballots supposed to be triple checked or triple counted?
fuckin democRats
don't worry,,,,,, bidumb will name kumalala as voter fraud czar before he stumbles out of office
You know exactly how the machines in California work? Where did you get this expert knowledge that the votes can't be counted twice simply because there's a bar code? Everything I buy at the grocery store has a bar code, but I can scan the same item 500 times and it adds 500 of that item to my total. Bar codes don't magically cancel out simply because they've already been scanned. You don't know how the machine works, so you can't say they were only counted once. Why are these workers running the ballots multiple times in the first place? Surely that's not their job, to run the same ballot through the machine two or three times. And if that's not their job, even if it only counts once, they're committing fraud by attempting to scan them multiple times.
That ain't me on video, guess we all look alike to you...
Go away libtard troll!
Who called in the bomb threat, the same people?
Why think of a reasonable explanation when you can watch a sketchy video without understanding the process and jump to conclusions? C’mon, man!
And if you were actually involved in the process, but are somehow still blind to the known fraud happening, you don't have a clue.
AuditMark creats an auditing trail for all ballots, one of the things they look for is duplicate scans. Orange County did a whole review of the voting integrity Multiple sources listed there; multiple investigations done. Or you can believe a random twitter video.
There are more videos. The one of the offices being re-opened after hours and boxes of ballots being brought in was disturbing.
One would have to audit the ballots to find duplicate scans. If they have no reason to audit, because "it's all legit," duplicate scans would not be noticed. Also, if it's impossible to scan a ballot twice or three times, why does the auditing software even exist to specifically look for ballots that were scanned multiple times? Can't have it both ways.
Quick, call Sidney, so she can release the Kraken! (snark).
Audit trails are created for every interaction. If a ballot is scanned more than once for some reason and it's the same then it's noted and the second scan is ignored. If it is different then it is flagged as an anomaly and as part of the audit it is investigated. This is basic stuff that's already been thought about, not sure why you think it would be that easy to fool the system. Did you read the Orange County report? A random twitter video is not the best source of news.
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