More Fines!
If weed and whores won't save Chicago, Illinois (see above posts), along with Conehead borrowing another billion dollars for "housing" in a shrinking city, then fines are going to be increased:
No vote is a sure thing in a City Council that stared down Mayor Brandon Johnson during the marathon budget stalemate. Wednesday’s meeting could feature more of the same.
Stalled proposals to reduce the default speed limit on Chicago streets to 25 mph and restore exceptions to the city’s Welcoming City ordinance face potentially close votes after parliamentary maneuvers to revive both.
The usual aldercreatures are on the usual sides of the fence:
The Committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety approved it, 8 to 5, over objections from Black and Hispanic alderpersons fearing the lower speed limit could cause an avalanche of speeding tickets and provide a pretext for traffic stops targeting minority motorists.
[...] During a hearing Tuesday on the Chicago Department of Transportation’s 2023 crash report, Carney acknowledged Chicago’s “traffic-calming” investments in pedestrian refuge islands, raised crosswalks, curb extensions and speed humps is paying off. Traffic fatalities were down 27% “from the 2021 peak,” compared to a 5% drop nationwide, Carney said.But, he added, “changing the speed limit has to be part of the overall tool box.”
Ald. Daniel La Spata (1st) estimated the lower speed limit could save the lives of more than 300 Chicagoans over the next decade, and “I can’t put a price on that.”
You don't have to moron - insurance companies do that with the help of actuaries. They'll tell you exactly how much a human life is worth....and unless City of Chicago vehicles are the ones running over those three-hundred pedestrians, we don't see how it's any concern of the government, especially the $3-to-5 million to reprint all the signs city wide.
Labels: dumb ideas
" . . . objections from Black and Hispanic alderpersons fearing the lower speed limit could cause an avalanche of speeding tickets . . . "
These MORONS think we stop people for speeding???
They should make the entire city like that stretch of Belmont between Kimball & Western. Believe me, no one will be driving more than 5 mph on a good day! The only bad thing is you can't move to the right to let a fire truck, ambulance, etc. squeeze through.
And who is going to write all these tickets?
Why you stopping me Officer ?
I was stopped because I am black
So what if my plates are expired
So what if my tail lights are out
So what if I have a cracked windshield
You just stopping me cause I am “Black/Brown”
So what if I am not wearing a seatbelt
So what if my windows are tinted
So shat if I don’t have a muffler on my cat
Do you know who I am?
Who is going to enforce this 25 mph speed limit?
George Bailey running thru the snow in Pottersville. Dance halls to the left of him, casinos to the right, guys walking around in sandwich boards, the police loading up Violet into the Big Black Mariah.
Why can't the politicians see that being a sanctuary city is not cost-effective? Think about one's home.... if you can't pay your bills, would you invite a bunch of strangers into your house, and provide them food, clothing and shelter while they pay you nothing and steal from you while you are at work?
“Ald. Daniel La Spata (1st) estimated the lower speed limit could save the lives of more than 300 Chicagoans over the next decade, and “I can’t put a price on that.”
300 saved over 10 years????The Democrat Marxist’s politicians always create the straw man argument to deflect from what is really going on in the City. They need to check out the stats provided by “Hey Jackass”. Just in 2024, 538 people were shot & killed with 2,982 wounded. So over a 10 year period (Hey Jackass has the accurate numbers for each year) that is 5,380 killed and 2,982 shot and wounded which totals 35,362 people affected. Not only lives lost but some will never be the same. And add the costs to the victims, the medical treatments and the costs to the City and taxpayers.
So what are these politicians doing to save lives??? They could stop the carnage but they won’t . They will deflect because somebody is going to get a lucrative contract for creating new speed signs. And since people in this City are so use to driving at 30mph when 25mph goes in to effect they won’t be thinking and they will be gobbled up by the speed cameras. It will be a bonanza!
You know who is going to end up paying the brunt of those fines, right? Those pesky Amish and their horse-drawn carriages. Those horses are tweaking on meth and crack and just tearing up our streets. Those bearded, moustache-less wannabe cowboys in their broad-brimmed hats are always looking for trouble too. Why do politicians want to make life more difficult for them than life already is? How will they afford the fines when they don't have jobs, since they do all their own work in their technology-free communities? Look Ma! No cellphone! Ricelords and Gooster Disciples be playing
"Ald. Daniel La Spata (1st) estimated the lower speed limit could save the lives of more than 300 Chicagoans over the next decade, and “I can’t put a price on that.”"
Ban cars, swimming pools, bicycles, nauseam. Think of how many lives you'll then save, goofball.
La spazza is a complete dumbass. Where do they get these people? You know what would save even more lives? Dropping the speed limit to 20 or maybe even 15 on all city streets. How can we.not do it, it could save even more lives right? We have 609 murdered and 2500 shot this year and this guy is worried about dropping the speed limit 5 mph so someone doesn’t “maybe” get hit by a car. Where are your priorities?
The restaurants and museums will love the coming tourism nose dive. No way I go in except for what needs to be done at the empty office.
Around 75% of the city's population is minority POC. How does that translate into a harassment of minorities on traffic stops and speed/red light camera violations.
are the sex workers hanging out in the crosswalks? who gives a shit about the speed limit?
You CAN put a price on someone's life..Doesn't the City always pay out 5 million when a copper shoots and kills a citizen?? or 10 million?
Still no cuts in spending.
conehead will install speed cameras
"...Traffic fatalities were down 27% from the 2021 peak...”
Of course due to rampant crime and extortionate taxes, fees, fines, etc. vehicle traffic is down 30%.
How many CPD squads have radar? I would assume some traffic units would be it, if there are any. Just easier for the camera radar.
funny and appropriate!
what about all the sex workers commanders pin cushions at police hq?
did he ever suggest keeping offenders of UUW, Drug Dealing, violent crimes in prison? nah taht don't raise money
speed cameras you big dummy
Asians, Caucasians are discriminated against because we live in safe neighborhoods,pay high taxes and receive less police & fire services.
I believe that the cultural and outdated ethnic depiction crowd removed that scene from the movie.
Shit birds will holler about anything when they don’t get their free shit. Keep migrants here. Let them take welfare peeps shit. About time these useless welfare fucks pull up bootstraps and go to work and not demand free shit from govmint, which they have been doing for generations. At least most migrants want to work and make an honest living to support their families. Seen how that worked out for da cormutity for yrs and yrs. Where’s b mines mothafucka
Will the mayors detail EVER pay any of these tickets? Will the mayors be held responsible? Lead by example, right?!
Will the lower speed limit apply to Prickwrinkle's car too? Asking for a friend.
Maybe we can give our illegal migratnts vouchers for the whorehouse when they arrive in our sanctuary paradise.
Perhaps also vouchers for the south and west siders too. You shouldn’t miss out on the whores due to socioeconomic status.
To fund this, watch for a new tax on the working people of the city. Have to pay for the “needy” people’s weed and hookers. Unbelievable this city is.
Thank you Fred Sanders
Aaawwww poor you! Need a hug?
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