Sunday, February 23, 2025

A Year?

And he'll never spend a second in actual prison:

  • A Cook County judge on Thursday handed a one-year sentence to the man charged with possessing the firearm of slain Chicago Police Officer Luis Huesca.

    Caschaus Tate, 20, pleaded guilty to two counts of unlawful possession of a weapon in exchange for the sentence from Judge Brian Novy, according to court records. Tate, who was not involved in the officer’s murder, is not expected to spend any time in prison.

    Huesca was shot and killed during a carjacking attempt as he returned home from work early on April 21, 2024, officials said. A 6-year veteran who would have turned 31 within days, he was wearing his Chicago police uniform under an outer garment when he was killed, CPD Supt. Larry Snelling said shortly after the murder. Huesca’s firearm was missing when on-duty officers found his body just steps from his home.

And ::surprise:: this asshole's relative is the one who is standing trial for Huesca's murder, so the claims he "wasn't involved" fall flat. As an accomplice after the fact (being given the weapon after the homicide), he participated.

But his sentence is cut 50% for "good behavior" and the rest is served on an ankle monitor. Remember when we used to hold criminals accountable for their behavior and participation, even at the periphery of what should be capital crimes?

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