This Crap Again?
And WGN is giving them a platform:
A new report outlining policy recommendations for reparations and what that means to Chicagoans will be released on Saturday.
Katelyn Johnson, the Executive Director of the BlackRoots Alliance, joined WGN News on Saturday morning to discuss the report.
So after Trump won over 20% of the black vote and is currently polling above 40% among black male voters, the democrats roll out the "free money!" train to attempt to drag black folks back to the left side, even though this argument has been made for decades and produced exactly zero results.
A few points:
- reparations are paid to the survivors of a wrong-doing, usually by the perpetrators of the wrong-doing. In this case, there aren't any and haven't been for over a hundred years;
- Illinois was on the side that fought against slavery. They won and slavery was abolished - by Republicans in you're a CPS student and never got taught history;
- our ancestors, along with most other American ancestors, weren't even here during slavery, nor during the immediate aftermath. That would seem to exclude us from any sort of liability. And spare us the "you benefited from the system." If we're going to start tracking generational "crimes," you better get a spreadsheet and some historical references;
- Chicago and Illinois (and the United States) are currently broke. Conehead is trying to float a horseshit bond issue that will add another $830 million to Chicago's unsustainable debt. There is no money to give away;
- and finally, if this ever came to fruition, the lawyers are going to have a field day tying it up in court for the next two or three generations. Guess who's going to make piles of money on the entire thing? That's right - the lawyers.
Thankfully, this tired old saw has been losing steam for the past five or ten years and the only people holding onto the premise are the morons currently out of power. And the community is waking up to the lies they've been told for sixty or seventy years.
Labels: dumb ideas
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