Thursday, March 13, 2025

Interestingly Awful

On one hand, our readers have been predicting this for quite a while, based partly on our reporting that the Department is in the midst of the largest wave of retirements in three decades, but among all the bad choices, this is pretty bad:

  • The Department is floating switching the entire department to 12 hour days by first period 2026 due to the outlook of decreased manpower in the future and the bad shape of current district manpower. MLAS has a draft which is going to be presented to the FOP. The 12hr schedule they are proposing is brutal. 3 weeks back to back it’s 4 12s in a row.. then the next three weeks it’s 3 12s in a row. Start times are 5a-5p and 6a-6p with the other watch being “5p-5a and 6a-6p”. Imagine getting 5p-5a??!?? You go to work about 430.. work all night. Get home about 530a.. fall asleep by 630a. Maybe wake up at 1 or 2 just to go back to work 3 hours later 4 days in a row just to be a zombie for your days off. This is not a good idea at all…

You think things are bad and getting worse? Imagine trying to figure out side job hours.  Imagine OT not beginning until twelve hours into a working day. Imagine cancelled days off. Imagine trying to maintain a relationship with these hours.

Imagine trying to raise a child, attending Parent/Teacher conferences, going to Little League games or dances or other school events.

Imagine you're a two-cop family.



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