Mayor 3%
That three-percent discount Conehead is looking for from city vendors is actually his upcoming approval rating.
Also, we didn't make this meme - it was forwarded to us by a couple people who found it on the X/Twitter accounts of a few different people, one of which is titled SecondCityCop - which is NOT associated with us in any way:
But we do wish we had thought of it because it's hilarious.
What isn't hilarious is how quickly Conehead is driving the final nails into the Chicago coffin. You notice he didn't ask for three-percent cuts in government spending? Or three percent manpower cuts? Or maybe shutting down the aldercreature annual million-plus-dollar spending accounts?
How about cutting three-percent of his bodyguard detail?
What about his handlers over at the CTU - maybe dropping their salary demands down to three percent from nine or closing down three-percent of the under-populated schools or raising their pension contributions from two-percent to three (even though every other city employee pays around nine percent....bring that up next time they whine about "fair shares).
Someone else sent us this as a fundraising opportunity:
While raising money, the city can ruin the health of workers so they don't drain the pensions or they die off quicker.
Labels: money questions
Don't know if this has been brought up before. Doesn't Brandon Johnson look eerily similar to the Johnson brothers on CPD? You recall one brother stoles his dead mother's social security for years and got away with it. Are all these Johnson's related?
As for the image, as the TMNTs used to say - gnarly, duuude!
I heard all the furniture in his office is from Rent -A- Center
Hilarious! But way too true. I fear we will all be out with similar signs when the pension funds all implode thanks to MBJ.
he looks like a bum
Make merit 3% and I’ll take a 3% cut. DEI would thus succumb to superiority.
Another sign of the death spiral that is continuing.
Western Springs Democrat voter here....
I still say the union heads should offer up a 5% across the board pay cut to help . Except the teachers union who has the most important job teaching ...."the kids".
Perhaps the city can hire some "money advisers" to help the city workers coop with the pay cut.
Thanks SCC
I Just ruined another Keyboard Because of your Forthright Humor
I Launched my daily Java all over it when i saw the pic of Brandon i was laughing so hard
Keep up the good work
I watched with pure joy the return to venezuela of the illegals, chained, heads down & shaved. Got to give it up to those jailers for a job well done.
100% humanitarian, no BS soft soap there.
More speed camera's in Mt. Greenwood would solve this...
Welcome to Chaos....
Is this the new du on his noggin. Looks better than that crocheted pyramid bird’s nest.
Our family would have to buy and eat boxes of that stuff so we didn't have to sell it for our Catholic schools...
You forgot to mention that the fatass teachers wanted free Bariatric surgery so they can lose 3% of their body mass. Maybe “no toilet” Gov Gluttony can use some of that action as well.
Bust the teachers unions. Get them down to $15 an hour.
That picture is priceless.
Ole conehead looks a little raggedy. His stylist must be on vacation. The can is a step up from the customary drunkin donuts coffee cup.
I miss the old school worlds finest chocolate bars. Whole almonds instead of bits and pieces & foil wrappers with coupons for Pizza Hut or subway on them. The good ol’ days…
Will the Illegal Immigrants be willing to cut back 3 percent? How about the CTU or the schools?
Brandon doesn't know how to run a city budget. That much is clear. What else can this fool do to destroy Chicago?
Progressive liberals fuck up everything they touch. Their ideology does not work.
The problem with socialism, is that sooner or later, you run out of other peoples money.
Worlds Finest for the win saving the city from financial ruin!!!! Now I need some chocolate.
I’ve lived in Chicago for almost 55 years and I’ve never hated a place as much as I hate this city and the people who are in charge of running it. Totally embarrassing what this once great city has become.
Rumors coming out of the Fourth floor is that he will give CTU everything they want in the contract, step down only because he is going to be taken care of in that CTU contact.
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