O'Hare Shooting Update
We'd swear that this was all made up, but the truth is sometimes even stranger than fiction:
A wild shoot-out exposed the lack of license plate readers at O’Hare Airport, where gunmen fled in cars after wounding a self-proclaimed rapper, police sources say.
“How is it that we don’t have those readers at the airport when we have them all over the city?” a police supervisor said, adding that such readers could have helped in the investigation.
Hope you didn't say that on camera, boss.
It's a good question though - what with all the federal money available and airports being a favorite target of terrorists, you'd think that cameras would cover all possible angles and approaches to the terminals, access points, and the airfield itself.
Nope, and it took this early morning stupidity to reveal it:
Nearly 60 shell casings were retrieved outside Terminal 2 after two rappers from Austin and their West Side companions deboarded a Spirit Airlines flight and got into a violent argument in baggage claim, leading to the shooting at 12:10 a.m. Wednesday.
Chicago police officials haven’t announced a motive for the attack in the arrivals area on the lower level. But they know two separate groups stepped off a flight from Houston and made their way to baggage claim, where the quarrel between the rappers erupted, according to a police report and sources. Screaming expletives and throwing punches, the brawl escalated and moved into a vestibule before spilling into the street outside.
After someone in the melee called a “gun car,” its occupants jumped out and began firing an AK-47-type rifle and a 9mm gun at people on the sidewalk, a police source said.
A "gun car." Who knew that the rap industry had their own SORT cars patrolling the airports? And who'd have guessed that someone who flew in on Spirit Airlines would ever engage in anti-social type behavior?
Real nice airport there Conehead.
Labels: crime
60 shell casings and NO one dead ?!
Looks like they need a lot more range time !
Do the airports in Israel have plate readers?
Huhh, yes. And they have snipers with 50 cal. weapons to blow bastards out of their socks?
What does O'Hare airport have?
An 84 year old UNARMED security lieutenant; former CPD Deputy Chief Pietro along with other unarmed dim-wits.
Self proclaimed “rapper”. Spirit Airlines. Clears up what the demographics were. Lol.
SORT car hahaha. Spirit airlines should be called
Demonic airlines, Austin? conhead ppl&folks acting a fool again CWB Brandon Body # 39 Austin.
No one on scene knew what to do. Spiro was absolutely lost panicking calling the Sgts. He refuses to give cars to all units assigned to a beat. He only allows one car to be assigned to a terminal which ended up being a huge problem because it prevented officers from responding to the scene as they had no way to get there. He’s been quoted as saying these cars are the only cars we’re getting for a LONG time so we have to make them last. So his solution is to have cars sit in the police lots not moved for weeks. Ohare is a terrorists dream. No SWAT no training for an event like this. Totally pathetic to say the least
Allegedly, they knew that one of the so called rappers was carrying cash and jewelry, so the other rappers podnas were finna rob the artist of his gold and white color metal with multiple clear colored stones and an unknown amount of usc
White type on blue background is hard to read.
Were they coming for the ...Midnight Basket ball championships games....
My kinda town,shitcaga is
As the PA system is blasting Coneheads announcement
“ Welcome to Chicago. Enjoy our shitty voted by Conde Nest as the best city in the United States”
Finally some good news. Heard Hothead Hein is on his way out. Guy cant get along with anyone and only uses this job to get wifes and sidepieces. Finally Snelling making somewhat of a smart command choice.
Why is it always rappers shooting each other? Don’t members of the Lyric Opera, the American Musical Theater or even barber shop quartets shoot each other?!!!!!!
Retired Deputy Chief Dennis Prieto (AKA: SCUM-Bag) is still working at the airport as a Aviation lieutenant on midnights. STILL trying to get coppers and security staff fired.
The dude was born in 1943.
Some of these useless bastards just can't stop stealing.
Real nice airport there Conehead
It ain't easy ruining a city while married to a black woman with three black kids...
As long as these mutts keep shooting and killing amongst themselves who gives a rats ass
A while back I was talking to PO from O’Hare who worked mids. I would not publish the manpower number but I was completely astounded. This PO said one of the worst jobs was to meet the Spirit Air coming in real late. The PO said they tried to have a pact that they & airport police would be all hands on deck. The deplaning could be quite a melee.
"Chicago police have not yet announced a motive..." A motive? LoL...
This only shows Chigetto is here to stay.
A sign at the airport greeting tourists should read “Chicago leaves you lasting memories, your chalk outline”
Sounds like a story from Mogadishu not Chicago.
This glaringly illustrates that Chicago is done
wonder when the liberal news will give a description of the shooters? you know, like they do when the shooter is white
No stinking cameras at the Airport?
They can’t get the passenger log from the flight and put the pieces together? Get the Feds involved and find the shooter and charge him federally and lock him up for 30 years. Send a message to these shit birds that this shit don’t fly at the airport.
After listening to NPR, reading the NYT, and watching the news on MSNBC yesterday, I had a conversation with my kids today. I told them to stay away from people like this because it could either lead to being shot or being shot at.
I could tell it was the usual suspects before it was announced that they were "rappers".
The Great Unwashed Democrat Welfare Voters need gun cars.
The POD and plate readers system in Chicago is a joke.
The d-unit uses the genetic system constantly during investigations (something is better than nothing) but recently the city or department has restricted the access from the computer a detective is working on.
They've added a "POD computer" to the Area floor now but that nots much good having one computer for a whole area ! According to one Alderman I've spoken with, it can cost 40k to 50k for one POD camera to be installed ! The LPRs are ridiculous also sometimes only covering one lane of a two lane street ! Who is getting a kick back from Genetec to keep with the mediocre technology ??
Retirement is so good.
So there’s no LPR’s at the world’s busiest airport? Huh ? I guess all the money for those are gone and put towards “ investing in people” … or folks.
O'Hare tact team responded
So the names of all of the participants are known. Are the FEDS gonna pursue some sort of charge? The funny thing about this is that in 2 days this won't even be a story in the Chicago media, around the country we will always be murder city.
Spirit Airlines, the waffle house of the skies.
Absolutely embarrassing! No LPR s at the airport.
I am getting real sick of these amish thugs ruining my fair city!!!!
How does a guy like Spiro even get promoted in the first place ? He’s a complete idiot. Oh wait , this is the Chicago Police Department, never mind
I can go online and find out exactly how much money anyone of us has been paid. We should be able to find out how many tax dollars are being spent on theses people. Housing, food stamps or whatever.
Every time I see a group of Chicago rappers waving their guns on video and jumping around I pray I can see an accidental discharge into a fellow rapper. It makes for an entertaining video.
I knew it would be Spirit baggage claim!
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