Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Dear Superintendent Cline

An Open Letter:

This is a missive we would rather not have had to write, but it has been 8 days now with no word from you, your staff, or your representatives and we feel the need to bring this up.

No one gets to the position you hold without making certain compromises. You may agree to toe a party line on things. You may agree to certain practices or policies that you disagree with but that are politically expedient for the moment. You may have to hold your tongue during certain situations (as you did so well during Rev. Meeks' racial profiling non-incident). We don't begrudge you your choices. Ability only gets you so far in this city -- we all know that -- and your choices seem to have served you well. When the lights go out, you are the one who has to sleep with the choices made, not us.

We have been under the impression that first and foremost, the well being of police officers is your #1 concern. The increased training, the modernization, the emphasis on safety all point in that direction. And no one in recent memory can hold a candle to your efforts on behalf of the Police Memorial Foundation. However, for a Superintendent who has been so "hands on" in the creation and realization of the Memorial Park, why has no one -- you or someone from your office -- uttered anything, ANYTHING! a whisper of a hint of an objection at the attempt to honor a man who advocated the ambush and slaughter of police officers? Someone who not only shouted "off the pigs!" but openly declared he was "at war with the pigs"?

What distresses us most of all about this entire incident is what can only be called "The Silence of the Bosses." For years we have sat through classes, roll calls, award ceremonies, promotion events, retirement parties, and far too many funerals, hearing the praise heaped upon our men and women being the best and bravest the city has to offer; of being the backbone of the city; of how important it is just to show up and do the job day in and day out. But when it really counts -- when we need real support over pointless platitudes -- who speaks up for the dead?

For all the videos we sat through at roll calls; for all the t-shirts, pins and other memorabilia we were "encouraged" to buy; for the payroll deductions we were "urged" to make or switch from other worthy charities; was it all only a front? a sham? a compromise?

No more compromises Sir. Either you are with us or you are with those who would honor a common criminal reminiscent of Al Capone, passing bread with one hand and consolidating criminal power with the other. Hoover and Bradley attempted to hide behind the guise of "front" organizations to further their criminal empires. Now, backed by politician's lies, media complicity, and a disinterested public, a dead criminal may gain honor at the expense of dead police officers. Your legacy should be one of honoring and supporting our dead, not holding your tongue while certain people defile their memories. Please, speak up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless you SCC, for saying what so many won't. Here's some bosses who were active police officers when Gilhooly and Rappaport were killed:


Why are they silent? They probably attended the funerals.

3/08/2006 03:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/08/2006 03:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well spoken SCC, I agree it is time for the bosses to speek up about this. By not taking a stand is being spineless.

3/08/2006 04:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry speak

3/08/2006 04:05:00 PM  
Blogger Paul Huebl Crimefile News said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

3/08/2006 04:13:00 PM  
Blogger Paul Huebl Crimefile News said...

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3/08/2006 04:14:00 PM  
Blogger Paul Huebl Crimefile News said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

3/08/2006 04:17:00 PM  
Blogger Paul Huebl Crimefile News said...

For Cline not to stand with his officers against honoring the leader of a cop killing hate group is a crime.

This will not be a good end to an otherwise great career if Cline remains silent.

Cline will always be remembered for this failure above all others.

3/08/2006 04:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its their neighborhood, so let them name the street anything they want. There are more important things to worry about than silly street signs.

3/08/2006 04:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are we still getting that pool hall at Talcott/Canfield? Come on guys this will be great. Maybe we can get a tavern on the Park Ridge side too.

3/08/2006 04:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rank means giving up your right to free speech.

3/08/2006 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, SCC.

3/08/2006 04:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

new cpd blog:

3/08/2006 04:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure if this has already been mentioned but, There has to be hundreds of minority Americans from Chicago that have made great accomplishments for society and maybe some of those Americans just happened to be from that neighborhood. So to choose that scumbag as a would be recipient has to be some kind of media spin move by the alder creature to get attention or to move attention away from something else.
p.s. I wonder how much its gonna cost the city to make a new sign everytime it gets ripped down and tossed into the lake.

3/08/2006 04:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are we still getting that pool hall at Talcott/Canfield?
3/08/2006 04:27:00 PM

Yes. It is going to be managed by the Commander of 025 because he got dumped. It will be named "Hampton Hall". You probably already knew that SEISER will run it.

Bobby Rush is moving his office next door, where Coyne Financial is now.

The greasy spoon next door is actually going to become an all male, Hooter's-like restaurant for gay men named "Pickle Kisser's". No word on if SEISER will run that, though!

The Mariott Hotel near there is being converted to 100% Section 8 housing too!

And because you read it here, you know EVERY WORD IS TRUE!


PS: Another great post from SCC! Sorry I had to help ruin it.

3/08/2006 04:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well put SCC!

3/08/2006 04:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Article in Sun-Times today stating that Farrakhan's chief-o-staff is one of Cline's unofficial advisors.

3/08/2006 04:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/08/2006 05:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone who reads this, FORWARD it to the paper media, FORWARD it to the TV stations, FORWARD it to NYPD Rant, FORWARD it to your copper buddy mailing lists, FORWARD it to Sgt. Hitney. FORWARD it everywhere. Get the word out!

3/08/2006 05:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done SCC,you have a a great talent for telling it like it is,keep up the great work.

3/08/2006 06:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC - you are my hero. Bravo!

3/08/2006 06:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. I guess you can call the statements out of 35th street,"THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS"!

3/08/2006 06:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Called Alderman Banks, 36th ward, his lackey stated Banks would PROBABLY vote against it but he has been away from office. What the fuck do you mean PROBABLY? This asshole BANKS, who has been alderman forever, has GOT to go, what has he done for this ward?

3/08/2006 06:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If RANK means giving up your freedom of speach, then this department is full of spineless wonders who could never hold their heads up high and who are not leaders by any sense of the word.

Phil, if you don't have an opinion and are afraid to voice it, your NOTHING in our eyes. Get some balls and say something!

Even if you get dumped by Daley, you can still be a leader who stood up for something.

3/08/2006 06:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On a serious note how does one run for alderman?

3/08/2006 06:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TommaBunns is FTO on days in 011, we are just having a little fun hes a good guy. Anyone have any good stories about him?

3/08/2006 06:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on SCC, I cant believe fat ass is not speaking on this issue.

I just wish I had a smart bomb or land mine when the racist Rush and Jesse Junioir stood on that corner. How can you not hate these ignorant mutts. I try to raise my children to accept all people, but if there was ever a reason to hate these mutts Rush makes it so easy.

Because of him more white kids will join the white power movement, instead of striving for peace among all people. Rush is not my equal in the eyes of my God, I hope he gets some uncurrable disease and suffers before death. I hate that man as much as I hate the useless bitches, glorified waitreeses of the CPD. The southside is loaded with useless bitch captains, lts, and sergeants. I hope these bitches get hurt, the job is all bitches, and our superintendant has had his penis removed and now is also bitch for hiding and his silence over this Hampton Mutt.

I'm mailing a KOTEX to fat phil he sure needs one. Wearing my latex gloves, and fxxx the bithches in IAD.

3/08/2006 06:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess when you step up to exempt and become one of Richie's guys, they ceremoniously cut off your balls.....nice legacy Phil...too scared to aren't a cop's cop, you are another one of Rich's bitches.

3/08/2006 06:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fatty Phil would say bu he has a Halph of a steer in his mouth.

3/08/2006 06:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lard ass Phil vertainly have something to say but he cant get his head out of Daley's fat ass.

3/08/2006 06:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets hear from 35th street...otherwise lets put Clines sign right under Hamptens sign, since they both stand for the same thing!!!!

3/08/2006 07:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have tried to be quiet about this matter for various reasons. Mostly you have a great number of people on this blog that are not part of the dept. Let me get to the point, several upper level exempt were having a discussion that I was present for, this is not hearsay, during an exempt meeting the brass was informed that they will not have nor will they express any opinion regarding the sign matter until the little Irish man has come up with an opinion. Only then will the brass be informed of his opinion which will become the opinion of the brass. Certain attending members i.e. the guy in charge of patrol, had to be constrained that he was not allowed to have an opinion yet aldercreatures were. None the less, the message between the lines is if you value your job you will do as I say. I'm not here to deal with b.s. or get into pissing contests with anonymous morons about a boss being worthy of any respect, I'm only trying to inform you who 35th at the mercy of, make your assumptions, I don't give a s***.

3/08/2006 07:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On a serious note how does one run for alderman?

3/08/2006 06:32:10 PM

You could go about it several different ways 1. suck a lot of cock on lake st. 2. firebomb structures of your enemies 3. enlist the aide of the spanish cobras or latin kings to aide you in your petition drive and the final step make large donations to the HDO to get their endorsement. See pretty simple....

3/08/2006 07:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, thank you for taking a stand so eloquently. As a 25 yr. PO, I'm sure there is more to this story than meets the eye, just like just about every story in this city. What hurts is the feeling that we are being "hung out to dry" as usual. Silence implies consent. No one will stand up for us, though we're expected to put our lives on the line for those who wouldn't pizz on us if we were on fire. The suggestion that the bosses will voice their opinions when Daley tells them their opinions makes the most sense of all. Cline is a disappointment, a HUGE one.

3/08/2006 07:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give the fat sup a break. He cant speak until he is through swallowing all the food in his mouth. Since he just began his feeding cycle it may take a few more days before he can diget his 50 double bacon chessburgers, 75 orders of fries and a diet coke.

3/08/2006 07:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the above boss. Sometimes you gotta ley go. Do whats right, remeber Patrol? You made those decisions daily? So you get launched before you retire, F***k it! You can retire in class and be proud of what you stood for. This is not an office job, its a police department. Men die they have families that don't care about you keeping your spot.
Grow a set and set a standard, can the midget dump all the bosses at 35th? NO NO NO won't happen.

3/08/2006 07:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a boss. I'm just a trying to get let you know what is going on so that you might focus on the real issue.

3/08/2006 08:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are the bosses we work for? These are the men and women who command us? We run out and chase down gunmen for this?? We don't worry about being dumped or bricked out of some cush bullshit unit, we do our jobs.

makes me sick 20 and out boys.

3/08/2006 08:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are not a boss, please don't make excuses for them. Maybe you have been there too long, time to see the street again?

3/08/2006 08:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No excuses, recognize the puppetmaster. No more comments, you miss the point.

3/08/2006 08:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not here to deal with b.s. or get into pissing contests with anonymous morons about a boss being worthy of any respect, I'm only trying to inform you who 35th at the mercy of, make your assumptions, I don't give a s***.
AT THE MERCY OF????Bunch of FU**** weaklings. "Anonymos morons"?Who the Fu** are you?? I missed your suck nuts name?

3/08/2006 08:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go back to your metal detector door boy! Do you got your 35th st shine box too? Good moring boss, good afternoon the street, renta cop

3/08/2006 08:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its a dark day for the CPD brothers and sisters... the Sup used to be someone i respected, but in the back of my mind ive always known that PC is nothing but a hand puppet for king richies entertainment, i am almost ashamed to be CPD. if it were not for all the men & sometimes women that ive worked with over the years that day in and day out put their lives on the line for people like rush,haithcock, mitchell without a moments hesitation.

this is our reward lads for doing whats right, the bosses always say that a few bad apples (officers) spoil it for all of us. well let me say that refusing to stand up to people like bobby rush is a crying shame

and every last one of those gold stars ought to hang the heads in shame when they stand up on that reviewing stand at the st judes parade

3/08/2006 08:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys are great, someone trys to help and put some light on the subject and you tear em down. No wonder we can't stand together, if richie reads this he's laughing all the way.

3/08/2006 08:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm glad to hear you don't give a shit. It seems to be department policy. Make it a general order for fucks sake. For these squeemish bastards to sit there and take it in the ass and be TOLD what their opinion is , and ABIDE by it is by far the most abhorent thing I've ever heard from this department. IF what you say is true, there is no pride, and no worth to a department that now will OFFICICALLY tell our fallen to go piss off because of inbred racist politics.
Fuck all these spineless bitches. I hope Daleys at least gives them a fucking reach around for it.

3/08/2006 08:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how did col. frank slade put it?

"if i was the man i was twenty years ago i'd take a flame thrower to this place!!"

meaning 35th & michigan / city hall

3/08/2006 08:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sent this to Rugai. Send it to your aldercreature. Just fill in the blanks.

Dear Alder... .... ....,
I am a Police Officer and live in the .... ward. I respectfully request that you attend the next City council meeting and vote AGAINST the naming of a street after Fred Hampton. If you fail to attend the meeting, I will look at that as a positive vote. I'm sure that you are aware of the reasons for which this should not get approved.

3/08/2006 09:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Nothing more be said.

3/08/2006 09:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/08/2006 09:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

have the FOP send a no confidence vote on Cline to each member!!!!!

that should do it

3/08/2006 09:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cline legacy was too be the police memorial. Pull your paycheck contribution until he speaks !!!

Cant's have it both ways Cline!

3/08/2006 09:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is bullshit!! Cline should back us! If not we should march!! FUCK EM!

3/08/2006 09:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

go sit in front of another dead cops funural,and say he is a hero.not mine sell out

3/08/2006 09:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is going to be a little war protest on the 18th. A great many of us will be working in uniform. It would be the perfect oppurtunity to show our unity against this hampton nonsense. Maybe a small act of defiance will show the brass that we have a voice and an opinion on the matter, even if they are to scared for their jobs to speak up in defense of our murdered brothers. Maybe we should all wear our name tags or stars upside down on the 18th to draw some attention to our cause. Of course it would only be a matter of time before one of the numerous media outlets ask one of our officers why. I would gladly take my punishment for being out of uniform to make a point. Anyway, do you really think any of our spineless inspectors are going to be anywhere near the protest. Just a thought. Any other ideas?

3/08/2006 09:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember, ladies and gentlemen. You are the EXEMPT--the finest police officers Chicago has to offer. You rose to the top of the world's greatest police department by your bootstraps--brains and hard work! You must set an example by your silence.

It's sad about what happened to the officers--John Roberts and Frank Guilfoyle-they made the ultimate sacrifice at the hands of those hooligans but that was almost thirty-seven years ago.

You got to convince the street cops to let this go. We've got a primary coming up in less than two weeks.

Now just drink the Kool-Aid and keep quiet. I've got to go now. I've got a ground-breaking with John Stroger and Dick Durbin out on Cottage Grove.

C'mon up here, Phil. Help pour the Kool-Aid.

3/08/2006 09:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:34...that is an outstanding idea that we should run with!

Nothing extreme, just an obvious sign of solidarity and defiance.

The upside down star thing is'nt bad...

Go ahead and give me my reprimand right now for being out of uniform!

3/08/2006 09:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Supt. Cline:


3/08/2006 10:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hillard wouldn't have been silent on this. Or maybe I'm wrong. Someone in the media should ask him.

3/08/2006 10:39:00 PM  
Blogger Rue St. Michel said...

Hillard would be as silent as a tombstone on this issue - are you kidding?

After sitting through years of being governed by sycophantic, megalomaniacal chumps like Matt Rodriguez and Terry Hillard - I was assured by some of my fellow officers that this superintendent would keep it real and not be a lickspittle lapdog for the Mayor.

As evidenced by the Meeks incident, and the superintendent's overall propensity to throw working coppers under the proverbial bus - I'm inclined to believe that he's just another policital hack who's more concerned with keeping his ass covered, than covering those of his Men (and women).

Witness how quickly our superintendent sought criminal charges against the officers in the Target and JCPenny shoplifter incidents. After showing such little consideration, why would we expect Cline & Co. to denounce the honoring of the murderous Black Panthers?

I'd be interested in hearing any response from Cline's office to the content of SCC's letter. I'll go on record predicting that there is NOT ONE peep from a boss at HQ who'll respond.

3/08/2006 10:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybee he was there.
maybee he squezzed the trigger or knows the guy who did.
maybee he feels guilty.

3/08/2006 10:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cline is at 75%....he's been supe for how long now? ......2 years? And before that he was 1st and chief of dicks. What will his pension be at 75%? And if he quits, he goes out as supe.

So why not speak out? What can they do to him? Ask him to retire? Let him collect his pension and enjoy life?

3/08/2006 10:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe the new sgts should avoid the handshake with both Phil and Richie when they graduate. If Richie even bothers to show. Embarass them in public and let the FOP explain exactly why it was done, make the media do our bidding as well.

3/08/2006 11:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Cline speaks, Matt doesn't make Lieutenant in the first class. Or any class while Daley holds sway.

3/08/2006 11:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he don't want to fuck up his chance of getting a good after gig.
you something at o'hare.

3/08/2006 11:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Daley and those no balls cocksuckers at 35th St. don't defend our honor and the memory of those valiant officers from 58th and Calumet, this is WAR!!!

STAND UP, YOU SPINELESS PUSSIES!!! You're all a pathetic disgrace to the honor and courage of our fallen comrades.

God bless Frank Rappaport and John Gilhooly!



3/08/2006 11:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If that's true about Cline, that's a shame. But not uncommon. Me....I'd be happy to be a greeter at Wal-Mart, but high ranking exempts never seem to retire, they're just looking for the next high paying gig. Too bad for them.....because none of us are getting out of here alive. Retire if you can as soon as you can and enjoy your day it will be gone.

Also, contrary to popular rumors, Matt Cline may be a prick or not, but he's sharp. He'll make lieutenant on his own. Now captain...that's another story.

3/08/2006 11:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Semper Fi at 11:20:16 pm

Well stated, my brother. You have a valid point!



3/08/2006 11:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many felt that this Superintendant was different from most previous bosses..Better, maybe more like us, etc.


Maybe Phil has examined the dilemma which faces him today.

OPTION # 1- Speak out on the Hampton issue, get dumped immediately by the mayor, but get the respect of the rank-and-file for a week..Who now spend the next several years bitching about "the asshole Superintendant that replaced Cline" As we watch the Department further decline into MEDIOCRITY!


OPTION # 2- Remain silent, keep job, get ripped-on by rank-and-file officers and endure "fat jokes" (behind back, hell it happens now)for a year or two..BUT in the long run possibly make some meaningful reforms within CPD, etc., that years later might be appreciated and understood by the troops.


Can one see the possible outcomes of either decision?

One the otherhand he could speak out about it and maybe ABSOLUTLY nothing would happen..Just maybe the Mayor would ramble something about "opinions are like (whatever)..everyone has them"

What will he (Cline) do? What would you do?

I'm not taking the side of the "brain trust" department at 35th Street..I'm just trying to stir some debate and to get the rank-and-file PO's to use some critical thinking here and NOT simply get emotional and begin name calling, etc!

3/08/2006 11:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unlike their successor, Tim O'Connor, Jim Rochford, and Jimmy O'Grady would have plenty to say. They were real men, faced with the real crisis, as it occurred-Summerdale, Frank Kulik, the murderers of policeman. God Bless and remember those real policeman, those real men.

3/08/2006 11:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Supt. is big on the issue of accountability. The whole department revolves around this ideal, holding those in command positions responsible, demanding they find solutions to specific problems that occur in their respective areas of command. Why is it that the Supt. chooses not to hold himself to the same standard that he holds the rest of the department? This is bigger than any problem in the DOC. So I ask YOU, Supt. Cline, what are YOU doing about this? Have the courage to stand with us and fight against this injustice. Make yourself accountable.

3/08/2006 11:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...I don't want to cause dissension among our police officers. If that's going to cause dissension...then I won't put up the sign." - Ald. Madeline Haithcock, Chicago Sun-Times (Fran Spielman), February 28, 2006.

3/08/2006 11:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Phil had half the spine and balls his cronies attribute to him, he would have said something by now. He's a huge disappointment, and a sorry stand in for a boss.

3/08/2006 11:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...




3/08/2006 11:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This whole thing is getting EXPLOSIVE! Where is the damn news media to inform the public of these race-baiting lunatics and our righteous cause?

3/09/2006 12:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A poem about the greatest cop of all time:
The man with the most arrests in May can smell the dope duke is holding a mile away. SIESER. The man who makes gangbangers cry then arrests there mother for a DUI. SIESER. The man who works tirelessly all night and day. The man who has no problem taking you in for drinking on the public way. SIESER. The man who always has something to say and who also run the CTA as well as the CHA. SIESER. He's made the city countless revenue and on his days off he's the prince of north avenue. SIESER. The man who everyone hopes will never quit and most important of all he's THE MAN WHO RUNS IT! SIESER. ALL HAIL KING OF CPD SIESER!

3/09/2006 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A break-in to end all break-ins"

In 1971, stolen FBI files exposed the government's domestic spying program (COINTELPRO)

By Allan M. Jalon - L.A. Times

March 8, 2006

THIRTY-FIVE YEARS ago today, a group of anonymous activists broke into the small, two-man office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Media, Pa., and stole more than 1,000 FBI documents that revealed years of systematic wiretapping, infiltration and media manipulation designed to suppress dissent.

The Citizens' Commission to Investigate the FBI, as the group called itself, forced its way in at night with a crowbar while much of the country was watching the Muhammad Ali-Joe Frazier fight. When agents arrived for work the next morning, they found the file cabinets virtually emptied.

Within a few weeks, the documents began to show up — mailed anonymously in manila envelopes with no return address — in the newsrooms of major American newspapers. When the Washington Post received copies, Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell asked Executive Editor Ben Bradlee not to publish them because disclosure, he said, could "endanger the lives" of people involved in investigations on behalf of the United States.

Nevertheless, the Post broke the first story on March 24, 1971, after receiving an envelope with 14 FBI documents detailing how the bureau had enlisted a local police chief, letter carriers and a switchboard operator at Swarthmore College to spy on campus and black activist groups in the Philadelphia area.

More documents went to other reporters — Tom Wicker received copies at his New York Times office; so did reporters at the Los Angeles Times — and to politicians including Sen. George McGovern of South Dakota and Rep. Parren J. Mitchell of Maryland.

To this day, no individual has claimed responsibility for the break-in. The FBI, after building up a six-year, 33,000-page file on the case, couldn't solve it. But it remains one of the most lastingly consequential (although underemphasized) watersheds of political awareness in recent American history, one that poses tough questions even today for our national leaders who argue that fighting foreign enemies requires the government to spy on its citizens. The break-in is far less well known than Daniel Ellsberg's leak of the Pentagon Papers three months later, but in my opinion it deserves equal stature.

Found among the Media documents was a new word, "COINTELPRO," short for the FBI's "secret counterintelligence program," created to investigate and disrupt dissident political groups in the U.S. Under these programs, beginning in 1956, the bureau worked to "enhance the paranoia endemic in these circles," as one COINTELPRO memo put it, "to get the point across there is an FBI agent behind every mailbox."

The Media documents — along with further revelations about COINTELPRO in the months and years that followed — made it clear that the bureau had gone beyond mere intelligence-gathering to discredit, destabilize and demoralize groups — many of them peaceful, legal civil rights organizations and antiwar groups — that the FBI and Director J. Edgar Hoover found offensive or threatening.

For instance, agents sought to persuade Martin Luther King Jr. to kill himself just before he received the Nobel Prize. They sent him a composite tape made from bugs planted illegally in his hotel rooms when he was entertaining women other than his wife — and threatened to make it public. "King, there is one thing left for you to do. You know what it is," FBI operatives wrote in their anonymous letter.

Under COINTELPRO, the bureau also targeted actress Jean Seberg for having made a donation to the Black Panther Party. The fragile actress ultimately committed suicide after a gossip nugget based on a FBI wiretap was leaked to the L.A. Times and published. The item, suggesting that the father of the baby she was carrying was a Black Panther rather than her French writer-husband, turned out to be wrong.

The sheer reach of a completely politicized FBI was one of the most frightening revelations of the Media documents. Underground newspapers were targeted. Students (and their professors) were targeted. Celebrities were targeted. The Communist Party of the U.S.A., the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the Student Non-Violent Organizing Committee, the Black Panther Party, the Women's Strike for Peace — all were targeted. "Neutralize them in the same manner they are trying to destroy and neutralize the U.S.," one memo said.

Eventually, the COINTELPRO memos — some from Media and some unearthed later — prompted hearings led by Rep. Don Edwards of California and by Sen. Frank Church of Idaho on intelligence agency abuses. In the mid-1970s, the wayward agency began finally to be reined in.

It is tragic when people lose faith in their government to the extent that they feel they must break laws to expose corruption.

But a war that had been started and sustained by lies had gone on for years. And a government had betrayed its citizens, manipulating their fear to strengthen its grip on power.

Today, again, many people worry that their government may be on the road to subverting its own ideals. I hope that the commemoration of those unknown activists being held today in Media, Pa., will serve as a reminder that fighting for democracy abroad must remain more than merely an excuse to weaken civil liberties at home.

- - -

ALLAN M. JALON is a longtime contributor to The L.A. Times and other publications on issues of culture and media.

3/09/2006 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honorable Madeline Haithcock
Alderwoman, 2nd Ward

Dear Ald. Haithcock,

Your sign proposal appears to have CAUSED DISSENSION. Perhaps you can deescalate what is evolving into an extremely volatile situation. Any ideas aside from all-out WAR?


The Rank and File of the Chicago Police Department.

3/09/2006 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:10:06 am (Seiser Moron)
12:10:31 am (COINTELPRO)

I could wax eloquent. However, suffice to say:


3/09/2006 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:10:06 am

We're talking about two police officers with their gore all over 58th and Calumet and their memory being disgraced by race-baiting politicians.

You are a consummate imbecile with absolutely no respect for the supreme sacrifices of Officers Gilhooly and Rappaport.

While we can understand Panther sympathizers (12:10:31) and other trolls trying to sabotage this site, Seiser ought to beat the bejeezus out of you, you traitorous sonofabitch.

3/09/2006 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys should get real. See this job for what it is. A way to raise your children and hopefully give you a decent retirement. Load up your deferred comp. The city doesn't care about you, these bosses don't care about you once they make exempt and if you haven't figured it out yet, the union doesn't care about you either. Every spot of substance in union or cpd involves being a token. Get your checks spend time with your family and get out when you can.

3/09/2006 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I fully believe 7:38, in fact I bet the mayor told ALL the aldermen to say nothing untill he comes up with something. I emailed Hatecop, Levar, and Doherty and got nothing back. I would hope the FOP never supports another candidate since NOBODY came to our defense.

3/09/2006 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By their silence, Daley, Cline and the City Council are striking a stake into the heart of a police department where morale is already on life support. I'm not ashamed to say that tears well up in my eyes when I recall that my blood ran BLUE with PRIDE in the fact that I was a sworn member of the Chicago Police Department.

God help us on the biggest 10-1 in CPD history!

3/09/2006 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look, man, <12:12>I guess your old lady doesn't get enough at home or she wouldn't be shucking and jiving with our Black Men in ACTION, you dig? Like all she wants to integrate is the bedroom and us Black Sisters ain't gonna take no second best from our men. So lay it on her, man--or get her the hell off my guy North Side King of the Pimps SIESER, you small prick honkey donkey--! Hail CAESAR-- Here comes da fudge!

3/09/2006 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The FBI secretly instructed its field offices to propose schemes to "misdirect, discredit, disrupt and otherwise neutralize "specific individuals and groups. Close coordination with local police and prosecutors was encouraged. Final authority rested with top FBI officials in Washington, who demanded assurance that "there is no possibility of embarrassment to the Bureau." More than 2000 individual actions were officially approved. The documents reveal three types of methods:

1. Infiltration: Agents and informers did not merely spy on political activists. Their main function was to discredit and disrupt. Various means to this end are analyzed below.
2. Other forms of deception: The FBI and police also waged psychological warfare from the outside--through bogus publications, forged correspondence, anonymous letters and telephone calls, and similar forms of deceit.
3. Harassment, intimidation and violence: Eviction, job loss, break-ins, vandalism, grand jury subpoenas, false arrests, frame- ups, and physical violence were threatened, instigated or directly employed, in an effort to frighten activists and disrupt their movements. Government agents either concealed their involvement or fabricated a legal pretext. In the case of the Black and Native American movements, these assaults--including outright political assassinations--were so extensive and vicious that they amounted to terrorism on the part of the government.

The most intense operations were directed against the Black movement, particularly the Black Panther Party. This resulted from FBI and police racism, the Black community's lack of material resources for fighting back, and the tendency of the media--and whites in general--to ignore or tolerate attacks on Black groups. It also reflected government and corporate fear of the Black movement because of its militance, its broad domestic base and international support, and its historic role in galvanizing the entire Sixties' upsurge. Many other activists who organized against US intervention abroad or for racial, gender or class justice at home also came under covert attack. The targets were in no way limited to those who used physical force or took up arms. Martin Luther King, David Dellinger, Phillip Berrigan and other leading pacifists were high on the list, as were projects directly protected by the Bill of Rights, such as alternative newspapers.

The Black Panthers came under attack at a time when their work featured free food and health care and community control of schools and police, and when they carried guns only for deterrent and symbolic purposes. It was the terrorism of the FBI and police that eventually provoked the Panthers to retaliate with the armed actions that later were cited to justify their repression.

Ultimately the FBI disclosed six official counterintelligence programs: Communist Party-USA (1956-71); "Groups Seeking Independence for Puerto Rico" (1960-71); Socialist Workers Party (1961-71); "White Hate Groups" (1964-71); "Black Nationalist Hate Groups" (1967-71); and "New Left" (1968- 71).The latter operations hit anti-war, student, and feminist groups. The "Black Nationalist" caption actually encompassed Martin Luther King and most of the civil rights and Black Power movements. The "white hate" program functioned mainly as a cover for covert aid to the KKK and similar right-wing vigilantes, who were given funds and information, so long as they confined their attacks to COINTELPRO targets. FBI documents also reveal covert action against Native American, Chicano, Philippine, Arab- American, and other activists, apparently without formal Counterintelligence programs.


COINTELPRO's impact is difficult to fully assess since we do not know the entire scope of what was done (especially against such pivotal targets as Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, SNCC and SDS),and we have no generally accepted analysis of the Sixties. It is clear,however, that:

-COINTELPRO distorted the public's view of radical groups in a way that helped to isolate them and to legitimize open political repression.

-It reinforced and exacerbated the weaknesses of these groups, making it very difficult for the inexperienced activists of the Sixties to learn from their mistakes and build solid, durable organizations.

-Its violent assaults and covert manipulation eventually helped to push some of the most committed and experienced groups to withdraw from grass-roots organizing and to substitute armed actions which isolated them and deprived the movement of much of its leadership.

-COINTELPRO often convinced its victims to blame themselves and each other for the problems it created, leaving a legacy of cynicism and despair that persists today.

-By operating covertly, the FBI and police were able to severely weaken domestic political opposition without shaking the conviction of most US people that they live in a democracy, with free speech and the rule of law.



Public exposure of COINTELPRO in the early 1970s elicited a flurry of reform. Congress, the courts and the mass media condemned government "intelligence abuses." Municipal police forces officially disbanded their red squads. A new Attorney General notified past victims of COINTELPRO and issued Guidelines to limit future operations. Top FBI officials were indicted (albeit for relatively minor offenses), two were convicted, and several others retired or resigned. J. Edgar Hoover--the egomaniacal, crudely racist and sexist founder of the FBI--died, and a well-known federal judge, William Webster, eventually was appointed to clean house and build a "new FBI."

Behind this public hoopla, however, was little real improvement in government treatment of radical activists. Domestic covert operations were briefly scaled down a bit, after the 60s' upsurge had largely subsided, due in part to the success of COINTELPRO. But they did not stop. In April, 1971, soon after files had been taken from one of its offices, the FBI instructed its agents that "future COINTELPRO actions will be considered on a highly selective, individual basis with tight procedures to insure absolute security." The results are apparent in the record of the subsequent years:

-A virtual war on the American Indian Movement, ranging from forgery of documents, infiltration of legal defense committees, diversion of funds, intimidation of witnesses and falsification of evidence, to the para-military invasion of the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, and the murder of Anna Mae Aquash, Joe Stuntz and countless others;

-Sabotage of efforts to organize protest demonstrations at the 1972 Republican and Democratic Party conventions. The attempted assassination of San Diego Univ. Prof. Peter Bohmer, by a "Secret Army Organization" of ex-Minutemen formed, subsidized, armed, and protected by the FBI, was a part of these operations;

-Concealment of the fact that the witness whose testimony led to the 1972 robbery-murder conviction of Black Panther leader Elmer "Geronimo" Pratt was a paid informer who had worked in the BPP under the direction of the FBI and the Los Angeles Police Department;

-Infiltration and disruption of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, and prosecution of its national leaders on false charges (Florida, 1971-74);

-Formation and operation of sham political groups such as "Red Star Cadre," in Tampa, Fla., and the New Orleans "Red Collective" (1972-76);

-Mass interrogation of lesbian and feminist activists, threats of subpoenas, jailing of those who refused to cooperate, and disruption of women's health collectives and other projects (Lexington, KY., Hartford and New Haven,Conn., 1975);

-Harassment of the Hispanic Commission of the Episcopal Church and numerous other Puerto Rican and Chicano religious activists and community organizers (Chicago, New York City, Puerto Rico, Colorado and New Mexico, 1977);

-Entrapment and frame-up of militant union leaders (NASCO shipyards,San Diego, 1979); and

-Complicity in the murder of socialist labor and community organizers (Greensboro, N.C., 1980).


All this, and maybe more, occurred in an era of reform. The use of similar measures in today's very different times cannot be itemized in such detail, since most are still secret. The gravity of the current danger is evident, however, from the major steps recently taken to legitimize and strengthen political repression, and from the many incidents which are coming to light despite stepped-up security.

The ground-work for public acceptance of repression has been laid by President Reagan's speeches reviving the old red-scare tale of worldwide "communist take-overs" and adding a new bogeyman in the form of domestic and international "terrorism." The President has taken advantage of the resulting political climate to denounce the Bill of Rights and to red-bait critics of US intervention in Central America. He has pardoned the FBI officials convicted of COINTELPRO crimes, praised their work, and spoken favorably of the political witch hunts he took part in during the 1950s.

For the first time in US history, government infiltration to "influence" domestic political activity has received official sanction. On the pretext of meeting the supposed terrorist threat, Presidential Executive Order 12333 (Dec. 4, 1981) extends such authority not only to the FBI, but also to the military and, in some cases, the CIA. History shows that these agencies treat legal restriction as a kind of speed limit which they feel free to exceed, but only by a certain margin. Thus, Reagan's Executive Order not only encourages reliance on methods once deemed abhorrent, it also implicitly licenses even greater, more damaging intrusion. Government capacity to make effective use of such measures has also been substantially enhanced in recent years:

-Judge Webster's highly-touted reforms have served mainly to modernize the FBI and make it more dangerous. Instead of the back- biting competition which impeded coordination of domestic counter- insurgency in the 60s, the Bureau now promotes inter-agency cooperation. As an equal opportunity employer, it can use Third World and female agents to penetrate political targets more thoroughly than before. By cultivating a low-visibility corporate image and discreetly avoiding public attack on prominent liberals, the FBI has regained respectability and won over a number of former critics.

-Municipal police forces have similarly revamped their image while upgrading their repressive capabilities. The police "red squads" that infiltrated and harassed the 60s' movements have been revived under other names and augmented by para-military SWAT teams and tactical squads as well as highly-politicized community relations and "beat rep" programs, in which Black, Hispanic and female officers are often conspicuous. Local operations are linked by FBI-led regional anti-terrorist task forces and the national Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit (LEIU).

-Increased military and CIA involvement has added political sophistication and advanced technology. Army Special Forces and other elite military units are now trained and equipped for counter-insurgency (known as"low-intensity warfare"). Their manuals teach the essential methodology of COINTELPRO, stressing earlier intervention to neutralize potential opposition before it can take hold.

The CIA's expanded role is especially ominous. In the 60s, while legally banned from "internal security functions," the CIA managed to infiltrate the Black, student and antiwar movements. It also made secret use of university professors, journalists, labor leaders, publishing houses, cultural organizations and philanthropic fronts to mold US public opinion. But it apparently felt compelled to hold back--within the country--from the kinds of systematic political destabilization, torture, and murder which have become the hallmark of its operations abroad. Now, the full force of the CIA has been unleashed at home.

-All of the agencies involved in covert operations have had time to learn from the 60s and to institute the "tight procedures to insure absolute security" that FBI officials demanded after COINTELPRO was exposed in 1971. Restoration of secrecy has been made easier by the Administration's steps to shield covert operations from public scrutiny. Under Reagan, key FBI and CIA files have been re-classified "top secret." The Freedom of Information Act has been quietly narrowed through administrative reinterpretation. Funds for covert operations are allocated behind closed doors and hidden in CIA and defense appropriations.

Government employees now face censorship even after they retire, and new laws make it a federal crime to publicize information which might tend to reveal an agent's identity. Despite this stepped-up security, incidents frighteningly reminiscent of 60s' COINTELPRO have begun to emerge.

The extent of the infiltration, burglary and other clandestine government intervention that has already come to light is alarming. Since the vast majority of such operations stay hidden until after the damage has been done, those we are now aware of undoubtedly represent only the tip of the iceberg. Far more is sure to lie beneath the surface.

Considering the current political climate, the legalization of COINTELPRO, the rehabilitation of the FBI and police, and the expanded role of the CIA and military, the recent revelations leave us only one safe assumption: that extensive government covert operations are already underway to neutralize today's opposition movements before they can reach the massive level of the 60s.

3/09/2006 01:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can we follow when we dont have leaders?

Dont volunteer ! Make it reverse senortiy for there big protest comming up. EMBARASS THE CITY !

3/09/2006 01:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask a police widow about the street sign idea

March 6, 2006


This is the doorbell the police chaplain rang at 4 in the morning 37 years ago.

I push the button, and Mrs. Frank Rappaport comes to the door. That's what the newspapers called Constance Rappaport back then -- Mrs. Frank Rappaport -- quaintly putting the "Mrs." in front of her husband's name. It was meant to show respect.

"Yeah, sure, hi," she says, cheery as the day is sunny. "C'mon in. I've been cleaning up."

She is 68 now, no longer 32, but still blonde and petite. I can see the woman in the photos -- the stunned widow -- that ran in the papers after Frank was killed.

"We can talk in here," she says, gesturing to the chairs and couch, "or maybe the kitchen."

This is the living room where the chaplain told her Frank wasn't coming home.

It would have been dark. The kids would have been sleeping. And she would have figured it out before the chaplain spoke a word.

"The priest, he was sitting right about here, I suppose, but it was such a fog," she says, pointing to the couch. "He didn't have to tell me a thing. You see a priest at your door in the middle of the night, and you know."

And when, I ask, do you stop knowing? When do you let it go? When does night creep away?

"Oh, I think about him every day," she says. "Not in a sad way, you know, but every day. Some little thing will come up, and I'll think, 'Oh, that's like Frank.' Realistically, I know he's gone. But still, if he walked in the front door, I wouldn't be surprised."

This is what guns and fury and foolish words -- "Off the pigs" -- will get you:

A cop's widow, half fantasizing for 37 years that her man might walk in the door, raising three kids alone on a cop's pension.

Where's the honorary street sign for her?


Here's the problem, the big ugly news story that pulled me down to Hegewisch on Friday to visit with Constance Rappaport:

A Chicago alderman wants to rename a West Side street for Fred Hampton, head of the radical Black Panther party here in the 1960s. Hampton has his fans because the Panthers ran food programs for poor kids and -- more to the point -- lashed out in angry, threatening defiance against racism and police brutality.

Hampton's admirers see him as a martyr. In a horrendous police raid on his West Side apartment in 1969, he and another Panther, Mark Clark, were gunned down.

Critics of the Panthers, on the other hand, wonder why anybody would want to honor the leader of a group that openly advocated taking up arms against the cops. When the Panthers weren't serving milk to children, they were calling for blood -- "Pick up your guns and fight the pigs."

To my way of thinking, nobody deserves a street sign.

Police brutality against African Americans was an everyday fact of life in the 1960s -- and, to a lesser extent, continues to this day -- and I believe Fred Hampton was murdered. So if anybody should ever propose a street sign honoring the moron who led that police raid, I'd say let's pass.

I'd also pass on street signs honoring the police goons who famously tortured suspects with cattle prods, the thugs in uniform who shot first and asked questions later, and the overexcited guardians of law and order who clubbed demonstrators at the 1968 Democratic Convention.

But that said, what kind of town honors a man who led an organization that killed cops?

Because the Panthers weren't just talk.

A mere three weeks before the cops shot Hampton dead in his bed, two Panthers killed Rappaport and another police officer, John Gilhooly. The two Panthers gunned down the officers in a gangway. The Panther who shot Rappaport -- Spurgeon Winters -- then was killed in the shoot-out, too.

And then somebody got on the phone and woke up the chaplain.


Constance Rappaport is showing me around the house. It is full of light and flowers. She shows me a wall of family photos in a bedroom. In two small pictures, Frank is thin and handsome and sports that tight brush haircut favored by tough guys in the 1950s.

"When I first saw him, I saw James Dean," Constance says with a laugh. "He had that T-shirt with the cigarettes rolled up in the sleeve. It was just that bad boy -- although a lot of it was show."

Frank often worked two jobs when they first got married, usually lugging stuff in warehouses, and they scraped up the down payment for the house in Hegewisch. It was only after they had three children -- Susan, Michael and Patricia -- that Frank joined the police force. He needed that steady pay and benefits.

"He was not a do-gooder, so I can't say that," Constance says, laughing again, explaining why Frank became a cop. "Basically, I think, he liked the action."

Two years later, he was dead.

"He always told me, if anything happens, it'll happen at night," Constance says. "He went to work at 10 that night. Just walked out the door. And that was it."

This bedroom was once the girls' room. This was where Constance sat her children down on that awful morning and told them their daddy was gone.

"Your father was killed last night," she said.

The kids were confused.

"Are we going to have to move?" asked 8-year-old Michael.

"No," Constance said, wrapping her son in her arms, "we aren't going to move."

And, true to her word, the Rappaport family stayed put -- physically and emotionally. No downward spiral. No going nuts. Constance raised her children just fine, by herself, and all the kids now have families of their own.

Why, Constance asks me now, would the city name a street for a Black Panther? "Ask any police widow, black or white, if that makes sense," she says.

But she also says she never let Frank's death be an excuse to hate.

"Frank's partner on the force was black," she says. "They were the best of friends. At the funeral, he kept saying, 'It should have been me.'"

The last room Constance shows me is her bedroom. This is the room where she cried.

"I didn't cry for Frank until two days later," Mrs. Frank Rappaport says. "I was sitting at the sewing machine, sewing something and, I don't know, something happened."

Tom McNamee's "The Chicago Way" column runs Mondays in the Chicago Sun-Times.

3/09/2006 01:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring back Mauer, he'd tell it like it is!!

3/09/2006 02:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't give a fuck if they put the sign up or if they dony put the sign up.I'm the police, I'll alway's be the police and I know the truth....

3/09/2006 03:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am very impressed by the unity shown here at this blog spot. All two hundred, plus or minus fifty. The point is this. The rank and file of this department never sticks together as a cohesive unit. NEVER. But you ask of a single exempt rank member to give up his or her career to be a hero to rank and file. What is it that you give to deserve this? You say you would take your reprimand for being out of uniform but are you willing to lose your job for this. You act as though you are all touched personally by this act to name a street after a Killer. Turnout at Saint Judes has been miserable the past five or so years, Turn out at the last funerals has been a joke and yes I have been at all of them since becoming a police officer. Come on honestly how many who post here made the trip for the officer from TRU. You want an exempt member to put it all on the line, why not all of you put it on the line also. Don’t anonymously post a comment here; Put your name to it. Do what you ask of your leaders. Not one of you would do that. Why, because you are all cowards. If it means that much to you stand at the top of the tallest bridge and scream for all to hear you….but that means that they will also see you. Oh but you can’t have that, you cant be named or seen speaking about this or anything else. It’s all about making a living and taking care of your families. Sure it’s tragic that a murderer and hater of the police might get a street named after him. One too many officers have lost there lives over the scumbag, must many more lose their jobs and livelihoods as well. I think not. It is easy to sit behind a computer and make comments that you would never make to someone’s face. As far as SCC, I am impressed by your abilities to speak your mind but again what good is it if you don’t sign your name to it. As ignorant as Bobby Rush is , at least he Puts his name to his comments and stands behind them...Why don’t all of you come out from behind your computers and put a name to your comments and then maybe you would find an exempt member willing to stand up for you. Until then Shut Up. You are the best example of the double standard. You want but yet are ready to sacrifice nothing....... Just a thought from a show how mature you and your blog posters are by ripping apart myself and the brass of this department...

3/09/2006 05:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you, SCC.

3/09/2006 06:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To poster at 05:44 am , just a few above this post.

I call bullshit, you aren't a boss. First of all, no boss is up at 5:44 in the morning. Second of all, no boss knows how to copy and paste into multiple threads. Third, if you're really so ignorant as to what happens to people who sign their names, then you definitely aren't a boss.

Why didn't you sign yours? Lead by example you hack.

3/09/2006 07:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everybody ripping Cline should think of a couple of things- he is the Police and has done Police work. Every action has a reaction-if he says something he is acknowledging this issue (which will never pass), making himself politically liable over a non-issue and yes, he does , as do all Sups, answer to politicos. To think otherwise is not realistic. Very few in the CPD are for this sign...we all know it. Cline did say something-he just didn't scream it. If he were a loud mouthed rabble rouser he would not be the Sup. Just wait until he leaves. I suspect we will all wish he was back. Who do you think will take his place? As for protests-wearing your star upside down just makes us look foolish. wear the uniform with pride and be a pro. screw the politicians. Watch your pension!!

3/09/2006 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:44:51 AM

If you would like to discuss this outrage off line, I urge you to contact me. I assure you that I will maintain your anonymity and confidentiality unless you decide otherwise.

If you are indeed a police official, you will know how to reach me. You have my name and I am only one of thousands that will not stand by and watch race-baiting politicians attempt to glorify someone who openly advocated the slaughter of police officers--with considerable nationwide success, I might add.

Having myself been a victim of First Amendment retaliation by the City of Chicago, any members of the CPD who actually uses their identity in raising such a volatile issue of public concern would certainly be subjected to severe retaliation, sooner of later.

As for Rush, I have had a personal encounter with him and his aspiring cop killer thugs as a young officer in the Fillmore District. But for the swift response of my black and white brothers to my call for help, my fate would have been at best, uncertain.


(Sgt.) John Northen (Ret.)


3/09/2006 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We've got your backs, guys!
Stay safe!

NYPD 73rd Pct.

3/09/2006 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dorks! Cline was on vacation and his response is in today's paper. You're all a bunch of losers.

3/09/2006 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock!

3/09/2006 12:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Johnny northside your the BEST I remember responding to the Fillmore station when the animals wer on the roofgs around the station when they were shooting into it. You were there. Your Pal December 19th 1966.

3/09/2006 01:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear 6:47,
it's a good thing you write without offering your identity since your such a f**kin hater. You are probably a fat ugly lockup keeper who hasn't worked the streets in years and this is the only way you can feel like the working police. If you hate this job and the people you work for why don't you quit? You f**kin loser. You probably sniff "kotex", cuz it's the only way you can get close to a woman. You're so angry cuz you keep getting rejected. why don't you go get a job in a field where there are no women? hope you end up out of a job someday, become a crack head and die a horrible death you spineless dickhead.

3/09/2006 02:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to let you know, others in NYC have your back as well. I have sent an e-mail to Ms. haithcock and I am still waiting for a reply.

Brooklyn NY

3/09/2006 02:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Go back to your metal detector door boy! Do you got your 35th st shine box too? Good moring boss, good afternoon the street, renta cop

3/08/2006 08:15:31 PM


This guy has a point, as riugh as it is. MOST of the bosses are ZERO's. They never would have made it in the private sector, so they hide here, pollish a knob and now they are a 6 figure big shot.

3/09/2006 02:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This is bullshit!! Cline should back us! If not we should march!! FUCK EM!

3/08/2006 09:16:49 PM


There are only 2 people in his eyes. Himself and his kid. If the supe goes off, Matty goes out.

What would you do for your kid? Would you do everything to get him that bar on his shoulder and a $100,000 pay check?

3/09/2006 03:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I fully believe 7:38, in fact I bet the mayor told ALL the aldermen to say nothing untill he comes up with something. I emailed Hatecop, Levar, and Doherty and got nothing back. I would hope the FOP never supports another candidate since NOBODY came to our defense.

3/09/2006 12:51:05 AM

Ditto on Colon (Ward 35)and Allen (38?)

3/09/2006 03:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/09/2006 04:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suggestion: You can voice an opinion on St. Paddy's day parade where all the politcal hacks, Irish or not, will be in full swing.

3/09/2006 06:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/09/2006 04:22:48 PM

You're a "dick" alright....knock it off!

3/09/2006 08:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just saw a lead-in for the 10 pm NBC news. "Chicago Police Sup. outraged at street sign. Story at 10", and there was the big guy's face. Should be interesting, since he's just now jumping on the bandwagon.

That's why I'm greatful everyday that there are people who work at 35th St who have no shame in what they'll do for a paycheck.

3/09/2006 09:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, Cline's response was a cop-out (no pun intended). What a disgrace. He said, "Instead of naming a street after Hampton, let's name them after the officers killed in the line of duty."

Ok, Phil, that's a noble idea, but how about showing some outrage, anger, disgust, something!

And then, Little Richie chimes, "With over xxx number of streets already named after people, enough is enough."

Both of them are spineless!

BTW, I'm a F/1 and I think the whole idea is wrong. Anytime you advocate killing someone, let alone a police officer, in the name of equality, you should burn in hell.....

3/09/2006 10:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last post.....f/1, we are all on the same side. You just made my day. I'm papersack brown.

3/10/2006 03:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO the F/1 that posted, Thank You. Now to all CPD personel just a quick question. How do you feel about this sign? Im looking for the minority input to this question. Are we as whites being racist? Or are we making sense on this one. Serious Question.

3/10/2006 05:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fatty Phil finally got that 12 pound sub out of mouth, and is speaking up, MAYBE ITS ALL THE FLAK FROM (JOHNNY NORTHSIDE) I HOPE SO. YOU GO JOHNNY 12 19 66.

3/11/2006 04:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pool hall on Talcott is on hold and it looks like they will not be able to get a public place of amusement license. Not enough parking and too close to residential zones!

3/15/2006 09:23:00 AM  

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