Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Interesting Link

From one of our regular readers who attempted to post it as a link in the comments section. Edward Jay Epstein's article from 1971 debunks most of the fictions spread over the years regarding targeted killings of Black Panther members. The numbers regularly bandied about by Rush and his ilk are roundly discredited over 34 years ago by Epstein. Go read the entire thing as it has a play-by-play account of the killings of Gilhooly and Rappaport. We hadn't realized that SEVEN OTHER officers were wounded by Panthers during the shootout that left two of our own dead. Sounds more like the Panthers were the ones doing the "targeted killings" than the police, doesn't it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very good article regarding the panthers.

3/07/2006 06:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...tell me when did Fred Hampton do anything to the police but run his mouth(?)" - Ald. Madeline Haithcock


A: Because Panther Winters shot eight CPD Officers at 58th and Calumet on November 13, 1969 and "offed the pigs" by MURDERING our fallen comrades: Officers John GILHOOLY and Frank RAPPAPORT.

"...I don't want to cause dissension among our police officers. If that's going to cause dissension...then I won't put up the sign." - Ald. Haithcock

3/07/2006 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somebody should tell Haithcock that it has "caused dissension" and see if she keeps her promise!!

3/07/2006 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be careful the TROLL PATROL will blast you for trying to get solid information out. This website was first posted over a week ago and was continually attacked by the Troll Patrol.

3/07/2006 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Over a decade later, an ex-Panther named MUMIA Abu-Jamal, aka Wesley Cook, executed Officer Danny Faulkner, Philadelphia PD.

Former BPP "chairman of defense" Bobby Rush wants to "vindicate his legacy" by his own "revisionist history" a la "FREE MUMIA!"


3/07/2006 08:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/07/2006 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Audio clip of Fred Hampton "running at the mouth".


3/07/2006 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

confidential to Hitney - thanks for showing up an hour late today. You make us all so proud

3/07/2006 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I'm not afraid to say I'm at war with the pigs," Fred Hampton

3/07/2006 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm intriqued by Alderman Haithcocks actions. She wants to honor a man that wanted a violent revolution to establish socialism in our country. It would be easier for her to get "Che Cuevera Drive" and "Fidel Castro Blvd." than "Chairman Fred Way"

I'm leaning more towards the "Commrade Stalin Memorial Expressway" myself.

3/07/2006 09:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Was Hitney at a photo shoot or breakfast?

Whose got the glamour shots?

3/07/2006 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was 9:26. In my haste I didn't respond to the Epstein article. Good read. Too bad people in this city fall for legends and urban myths.

Too bad relatives of the slain or those wounded probably won't be at the March 29th meeting. You would think a victims statement might carry some weight.

3/07/2006 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, those coppers probably came in lights and sirens. Just like most of these fools on the job today.

3/07/2006 10:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NJ State to vote on banning anonymous posts on forums!!!

Now wouldn't that be interesting...


3/07/2006 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just asked my college kid if he knew who the black panthers were....he said they were like the kkk only black.......

3/07/2006 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You people call yourself cops? Investigators? My name Amin Patel is my American name. Do you want my real birth name? So wonder the crime solving rate is so low in your city. Go back to flipping burgers. Only then would your qualifications equal your employment.

The Eminently Qualified Physician of Emergency Medicine Dr. Amin Patel MD, A.A.O.S.

3/07/2006 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even better read...The Shadow of the Panther...by Hugh Pearsons......"His essential argument is that the bpp began as a criminal enterprise with revolutionary trappings and was eventually consumed by its own criminality..."

3/07/2006 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Doctor AMIN Patel":

The AMA and the CDC have no record of a doctor named "PATEL" with the first name of "AMIN".

Go fuck yourself with a latex glove, troll!

3/07/2006 10:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One with any recollection of history would clearly understand that the Black Panthers never off'ed anybody but merely protected themselves against the racist people who continue to this day hold position of power in America today. If this street sign is so hated by police, why is it just the white police officers complaining?

3/07/2006 10:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cant wait for the sign to go up so i can put a hole in it...WESTSIDE STYLE...tru dat!!!beeatch!!

3/07/2006 10:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this same aldercreature will then propose a camera be put up there so no "pigs"off the sign

3/07/2006 10:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say put a ghettocam in front of the bitch's door and see what doin'n there...

3/07/2006 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

even with the epstien article the politicos would say his nothing but a tool of "the man" who is distorting the "true facts" of what happened to Chairman Fred.

your never in a miilion years with all the facts and documents and first hand accounts change anyones mind about putting up that sign.

that being said as ive seen suggested on the blog. if we can honor Fred Hampton for what he did for the poor struggling "black folk" then if we continue on the line of "twisted logic" the we must put up a sign for Al Capone, after all he is the same man who started all those soup kitchens to feed the hungry. according to aldercreature hatescops and bobby rush"to judgement" the victims and their families of al capone should "just get over it".

my friends when it comes to the capones and hamptons of the world you must see them for they really are "wolves in sheeps clothing" its an old military trick the putting over on us...

"winning of hearts and minds"
its an old trick but it still works. spread the wealth and when the police come throw up the wall of silence.

meanwhile they are raping you when the police go away and make 100x the money the "gave back to the neighborhood"

wake up people and exercise your power and vote these goofs out of office.

bobby rush = black panther

danny davis = vice lord

wallace davis = convicted felon - ex-aldecreature

the list goes on and on. i didnt even get into the latino politicos who are gang members. notice i didnt say "former".

the street gangs got their people in place to affect our laws, so why shouldt we.

3/07/2006 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry about the typos, i was pissed off and typing too fast

3/07/2006 12:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"One with any recollection of history would clearly understand that the Black Panthers never off'ed anybody but merely protected themselves against the racist people who continue to this day hold position of power in America today. If this street sign is so hated by police, why is it just the white police officers complaining?"

Many of us do recall our history very well. Read the article that this thread is about. It is a well researched and investigated article that clearly shows that police officers were, as you so kindly put it, "offed" by the BPP.
If the remnants of the bpp still have the same feelings towards the the government, why then are some of them in these seats of power? Do you rail against them in similar fashion or are they just Uncle Tom's who don't know any better?
DO you have some psychic ability as to the true identity of the people that post on this blog? How do you know that the poster of this reply isn't a black, republican voting, police officer?

Get a clue Fred Jr. Not all brothers buy into your hate fueled rantings.

3/07/2006 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Vomit Warning: Be sure to be close to a commode if you read Mary Mitchell's column in today's Sun-Times.

3/07/2006 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One with any recollection of history would clearly understand that the Black Panthers never off'ed anybody but merely protected themselves against the racist people who continue to this day hold position of power in America today. If this street sign is so hated by police, why is it just the white police officers complaining?

3/07/2006 10:43:44 AM

you need a history lesson...read the link and add to that Hugh Pearson(a Black author) book ..."the shadow of the panther."

3/07/2006 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/07/2006 02:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/07/2006 02:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mary Mitchell is a substandard writer and without the race card, she wouln't have a job.

Hey Mary, sorry we are not going to "move on." And us white folks won't get "out your business."

You are a sub-human and I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire you fucking hack!!

3/07/2006 02:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a little nicer. Her's my email to her.

Ms. Mitchell,

Your comments today only deepen the divide between blacks and police officers. You playfully dismiss the murders of Officers Gilhooly and Rappaport in your article, stating it was the work of thugs. The Black Panther Party felt otherwise and published the following in a "Special Bulletin" after the incident:

"Jake WInters stood face to face and toe to toe, his shotgun in his hand... He defined political power by blowing away Frank Rappaport and racist pig John Gilhooly and retired 8 other reactionary racist pigs.. "

You can read this account for yourself. Go to www.edwardjayepstein.com/archived/panther.htm

In July 1969, another incident happened that the BPP claimed as another heroic act. The murder of P.O. Ken Gorles. You can read about that one as well on the same site.

Since Ald. Haithcock's proposal, another murder of a Police Officer by the BPP came to light. You can see that one here: http://abcnews.go.com/Us/wireStory?id=1677319.

Now maybe you understand why there is such outrage in the ranks of police officers. Then again, I won't hold my breath either waiting for you to have a glimmer of understanding.

It's disheartening we can't agree that the murder of three police officers, let alone one, matters.
Still cops aren't asking you to honor their heroes.
We're just asking you to stay out of our business.

I think I've read that somewhere before.

3/07/2006 03:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Bye Bye Barry......

3/07/2006 03:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



Less get moving on this one please!

3/07/2006 03:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:01 PM

Kenny Gorles, Danny Sampila and I worked the same (Capt. Phil Moss) watch in Fillmore when the shooting at 610 S. California Ave. occurred. I was RDO. While Kenny was critically wounded, he survived. Last I heard, Dan Sampila retired. I remember giving Danny a copy of Mr. epstein's piece shortly after it was published.

Three related questions:

(1)Aside from the murders of John Gilhooly and Frank Rappaport, how many other officers were wounded by gunfire near 58th & Calumet? I get conflicting reports of 6-8 wounded (non-fatal).

(2)The BPP later "memorialized" the death of double cop killer Spurgeon "Jake" Winters by naming two of their "clinics" after he "offed (two) pigs".

One was at 3850 W. 16th St. (010). I recall the other was on the north side of Wilson Ave. (then 020) between Mike's Wooden Nickel tavern or CFD Engine 83 and Magnolia Ave. Does anyone recall the precise address of the "Spurgeon 'Jake' Winters" (BPP) "clinic" in Uptown? Do tell?

(3) I can't download the link you posted about a recent murder of a police officer by BPP member(s)? Can you provide any name(s) or the specific city/town in which it occurred?

Thank you.

3/07/2006 03:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Name a street after these mopes!

3/07/2006 03:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Northside,

The latest bpp murder trial happened in Minneapolis/St.Paul. I was able to access the the link earlier today but now its listed as unavailable. Curious.

The reports I've read in regards to Gilhooly/Rappaport is that there were 6 injured. Who knows unless you havecopies of the case report.

The Winters CLinic was was in the 1100 block of w. Wilson. I don't have the exact addy.

3/07/2006 04:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One Hitney Plaza has a great ring to it!

3/07/2006 04:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

westcide dog:

You are referring to the 1970 ambush murder of St. Paul (MN) PO James Sackett. He was lured into a set-up at the location by a bogus call.

A critical witness, now terminally ill, just flipped on the long-time suspect, BPP member Ronald Reed, then age 18, who wanted to "bring down the first pig" nearly 36 years ago. Reed is now on trial for his role in the assassination of PO Sackett.

Again, anybody with the documented total of police officers shot at 58-Calumet?

Anyone recall the EXACT address of the BPP clinic on the north side of Wilson Ave. near Racine?

I'm still amazed at what GOOGLE can do with just a scintilla of info.

3/07/2006 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You bastards are saying bad things about my Bonny Ruxh! Cut it out!

3/07/2006 04:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Mitchell in today's Suntimes, each of the following sentences taken in the exact order in which they appear:

>>We live in a city where two unarmed black residents were killed during traffic stops in the late 1990s.<<

Strangely, both by two black police officers. She fails to mention this. What does this have to do with white people?

>>We also live in a city where last week, a 14-year-old black girl was shot to death by a stray bullet -- allegedly fired by armed gang-members -- as she stood at her window eating an orange.<<

What does this have to do with white people?

>>When it comes to police protection, working class and poor black people are between a rock and a hard place. They are either getting too little attention or too much.<<

Working class and poor? The two who she implies received "too much attention" were both engaged in illegal and dangerous activity (fleeing and eluding), and I've never heard any suggestion that Russ (Northwestern football player) was working class or poor. What does this have to do with white people?

>>So there continues to be a love-hate relationship between the Chicago Police Department and black people. <<

I'm sorry, the part where this had anything to do with white people was where?

Skipping ahead, the above sentences were used to support her conclusion:

>>Still, black people aren't asking white people to honor their heroes.

They're just asking them to get out of their business.<<

God damn if this idiot isn't trying to start a war. She talks about a bunch of incidents that have nothing to do with white people, admits that the FOP's stance isn't actually a black and white stance, and than concludes that whites should not have a say in what happens to the 2300 block of Monroe.

Excuse my language, but fuck me if this ain't headed to a heated confrontation here. I'm in on the 29th.

3/07/2006 04:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell you what. I agree with Mary Mitchell that we as White Folks should stay out of their buisness.

On one Fucking Condition you racist Bitch. We will stay out of your way as long as we no longer have to support any of your people. No More free health care, food stamps or housing.

Stay out of your business would also mean no more affirmative action, hirings or promotions.

We will just let you sink or swim on your own. Oh Yeah Y'all cant swim. Well hope you can hold your breathe.

Love these ignorant shitheads. They are so used to getting it both ways. I say FUCK THEM ALL!!!!

3/07/2006 04:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

re-read 11:56:08 post and know that youll never know in a million years people like mary mitchell who is being used by the rush camp to fan the flames... i think we should DEMAND that the F.B.I. re-open the murders of all those officers by the BPP and see exactly what role did Bobby Rush play. its kind of hard to believe that he would hold that rank within the GANG and not be present when the shitbags were given orders to "OFF THE PIGS!"

i believe the charge is "obstruction of justice" ISNT THAT RIGHT CONGRESSMAN?

and since the statute of limitations never runs out on a murder i think its time to take down "another congressman" isnt it?

3/07/2006 04:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they re-opened the TILL case and put those racist bastards that killed that kid, why can't they re-open the officers murder cases and take down RUSH?

they still try 90 year old nazis isnt it time we take down a congressman that took an oath to "obey, protect, and defend" the constitution?

i believe the wording of "reckless homicide" goes something like this here...

when a person (RUSH) puts into motion an event the results in the death of another person... and "OFF THE PIGS!" kind of sounds like it set into a motion an "event" doesnt it?

i was just wondering.

congressman are you listening?

3/07/2006 05:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and ill say it again...

you cant make me believe that such a high ranking GANG member like RUSH didnt know what was going on.

3/07/2006 05:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If mary mitchell's business is the scum times, then let "her " people buy it. Boycott the times 'til that race baiter is gone ! ! !

3/07/2006 05:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that this is the time for Chicago Police Department to stand together. We should not be distracted by anyone who wants to divide us. No one who advocates the killing of a police officer should be honored by this city in any fashion. I am a black female and police officer. If we hate ourselves and cannot stand together what do we expect from our city officials or the journalist that should report the news without bias.

3/07/2006 06:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Right on, girl! We've got your back.

3/07/2006 06:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got you on that as well!

Although I might add those uniform pants won't do any justice.

3/07/2006 07:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If our fraternal order had any balls, they would call for Aldercreature Hatescock's resignation for even trying to get a sign nmed after some POS gang banging murderer

3/07/2006 08:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree!!!

3/07/2006 08:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mary Mitchell refered to the killers of PO's Gilhooly and Rappaport as "HOOLIGANS." HOOLIGANS?

3/07/2006 10:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe its time that the FBI re-opened both the murdurs of Gilhooly and Rappaport and those of Hampton and Clark. This generation of police officers is nearly 40 years removed from the events of the late 60's and perhaps we all need more facts. Haithcock's motion will likely never come to a vote and will be withdrawn after Daley pays her off with some bene for her ward or guarantees her reelection.

People seem to forget that at the time of his death, that Hampton was awaiting trial for Armed Robbery. Good it be that his desire to "off the Pooolice" had more to do with his arrest and indictment then with any concern for the mistreatment of other members of his community.

Hampton was no more than a common thug and gang members. Just how long do you think a 20-year old kid is going to be providing free lunches. Ludicrous at best.

3/08/2006 03:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hold them up run the name checks, hurt them where it counts.

Tell them too put the tickets on Mary's Desk !!!!!

3/08/2006 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know how to delicately phrase this. God knows you mean well.

But, I hate to be blunt and I don't want to hurt your feelings...

Oh, well...I love you, guy. But, you're STUPID!

3/08/2006 01:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't have to be so nasty.
You could have just as easily said "Great exempt potential".

3/08/2006 01:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Touche! You've got me there. Please accept my sincere apology for my rudeness.

3/08/2006 01:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We should all attend on the 29th in our uniforms, whether we are assigned to civilian dress or not. The more police that show up, the more the aldercreatures will see that we will be taking notes on who votes for this bullshit. After the vote, we must make sure that any aldercreatures who voted for the sign are nor re-elected. Hit them where it hurts, in THEIR pockets. Plain & simple!

3/08/2006 06:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, I meant NOT re-elected.

3/08/2006 06:39:00 PM  

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