Monday, October 16, 2006

Problem #6 - Supervisors vs Bosses

When we came on the job so many years ago, the vast number of people wearing white shirts were Bosses. For the benefit of those civilians and non Chicago Police reading the board, we will explain part of what we mean by Supervisor vs Boss.
  • A Supervisor is a person wearing a white shirt who plays by the rules. All the time. There is no gray area, only black and white. The Department is the be all, end all and knows all. Rules are rules and if you break them, you are going to get disciplined for it. A Supervisor holds themselves aloof from the mundane business of police work for the most part. They'll show up after the fact, ask nonsensical questions and bark out a lot of orders.
  • A Boss sees areas of gray. His first concern is for his officers. The Department Rules are guidelines more than unbreakable Commandments. Certain transgressions can be overlooked IF the officer learns from the screw up. A Boss lets his officers handle situations and provides guidance. Bosses volunteer to answer radio calls, some chase bad guys and a few catch them - but they never take Box #1 on the arrest report.
A Boss can be a Supervisor, but it almost never works the other way. We can't think of a single instance at the moment - maybe a few of our readers can?

We've worked for a number of the finest Bosses ever to wear the uniform. But nowadays, they are a rare breed, especially at and above the rank of Lieutenant. Too many white shirts are more worried about NOT attracting attention to themselves lest they jinx an upcoming promotion or they get blamed for some situation that occurs, even if they had no hand in it. Too many Supervisors are "Managers" today rather than Bosses and it shows in so many ways. The only way to reverse this trend will be a massive upheaval in the political landscape. Until then, the day of the Boss is in steep decline, and with it, the morale of the Department.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes being a supervisor is a matter of self-preservation...and I don't mean the "I'm hoping for an exempt spot some day" kind.

Things today are very different than they were just 15 years ago...supervisors now take time--serious time--for the antics of their subordinates. Honestly, could you afford to lose multiple days of pay over a stupido?

It's not that the majority of supervisors don't want to be bosses...they just can't afford to. Literally.

10/15/2006 10:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well the marine unit definately has Supervisors, a bunch of cut-throats who would hate to go back to a scary district!

10/15/2006 11:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thomas "Buzzy" Eichler who unfortunately had to retire at age 63. I have seen the man pull money from his own pocket to cover his guys' "boo-boos".

He loved this job and would still be here if they didn't have the mandatory retirement.

Miss ya Buzz!

10/15/2006 11:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy am I with you this time SCC. You are precisely describing my GOOFY Lieutenant!!!!!!! Oh boy what a good one. Hope that he get promoted and go somewhere else !!!

10/15/2006 11:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1130 : "1130"
zone10: "1130"
1130 : "inquire the status of 31"
zone10: "31?"
1131 : "we're at the 10-1, sir"
1130 : "was'nt 31 assigned to a domestic disturbance?"
zone10: "uh, yes they were."
1130 : "a 1A job correct?"
zone10: "yes"
1130 : "tell 1131 to lube their balloon knots. their spars will be waiting in the sergeants office. nobody leaves a 1A job to help a fellow office, not on my watch"
collective silence: "you sir are an asshole"

10/16/2006 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC great post. Years ago, the bosses were old timers who were the police. Many were Viet Nam vets, worked the riots, etc...

10/16/2006 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some good one, initals only, you figure it out:


You people know who you are. Thanks ALOT!

10/16/2006 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Sgt's out there are your real bosses....believe it or not...The Lt's only get involved if you "let them" otherwise ....don't bother them and what they don't know won't hurt them....and don't get the wrong idea by me saying"real bosses" I just mean that they are the people that are usually more in touch with their officers and understand what they need and deserve...where Lt's usually don't have that first hand knowledge...unless they are micro managers...then they are just plain nit picky....that's a bad boss.....this job has to go back to letting the police officers do their job....and if they need advice...they know how to ask,otherwise let them do what they are trained to do...the only way you learn on this job is simply by college in this country can teach you how to be a police officer ...its street education and nothing more....let these kids learn and make decisions...thats how I learned...and made my mistakes but learned...and if I was in trouble or things got too bad I would seek out a knowledgable Sgt. to help me and NOT the Lt.....then you're asking for trouble in many cases..not all though...but it doesn't need to get to that point if you have a good Sgt. And...yes I am a Sgt. who watches out for my people....plain and simple...I come from a large police family and was always taught to protect the people that work for you first and foremost...and never let them get hurt...physically or financially....I don't want that on my watch....God Bless you all and Please go home to your families EVERY NIGHT!!! That's what counts most. A caring Sgt.

10/16/2006 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya there are still some good bosses and supervisors out there. The problem is when you break the rules (and the more police work you do the more rules YOU ARE GOING TO BREAK) whoever the fuck is in charge looks at how much clout you have, who you are connected to, and then decides what they're going to do to you. That is what people coming on the job need to know (people coming on today are much more aware of how much clout plays into everything the police department does than when I came on, THAT IS WHY THEY DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT POLICE WORK!)
You can thank the current U.S. attorney for bringing out the reality of how Chicago works. Even though he hasn't specifically targeted the police department yet (my guess is that he probably has some of the morons who run this department in his sights) most people who read a newspaper realize that clout extends to every aspect of how this city is run.

10/16/2006 12:51:00 AM  
Blogger LLMM said...

A good boss will always lead from the front, will not let their people do anything they have/will not do and will always take their side. A good boss or ,with people who have time on, a prince, will always place the disclaimer when they talk about said boss: "Hey, when we do this warrant on Hell, am I on the door or the entry team??" Now thats a boss, I would like to be known as....

10/16/2006 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how about our wonderful female lt. on 3rd watch on the w/s. not a boss and certainly the one to jump on you for acting like the police.

10/16/2006 01:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the guy who was talking about Obama earlier, look at the cover of the upcoming issue of Time Magazine. This hack is being groomed for PRESIDENT!!
Rock star my ass!,9171,1546362,00.html

10/16/2006 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of supervisors, it can be confirmed that former Commander "do you know who I am" Matthews did not get his Gold star back as some people have said here on the blog. In fact he is now in 010 wearing a white shirt with mere Lt bars on his collar. Hey Matthews, now I know who you are, you were that guy that used to be Commander and now can't retire because of open CR's and not enough time in grade for Lt pension, let alone Commander pension. Maybe your shithead son can give you the difference in pay? Sucker....

10/16/2006 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CPD has been in a accelerated tail spin since Daley took office and any one on the job back then, knows what the true climate was between Daley and the Police Dept. being the rumour he did not like the Police. Sure looks to be true now.

His control and dislike has aided in attempting to destroy the Police Dept., up to this recent point in time. CPD is being run from City Hall and there's way too much unethical micro-managed corrupted influence.

CPD is at an all time low with no end in sight. This is but one of many reasons it will be good to see him go when it happens.

10/16/2006 01:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You said it all in your post SCC. You said it all. Summed it up to a tee! Fore!!

10/16/2006 01:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Basically it comes down to the fact that almost every "boss" that has been made Sgt in the last 5 years is a whimpering, sniveling ass-nugget who has no nerve and is more concerned with any negative attention that may come their way. This department really started goping down the toilet with these new ones because they see it as a way to becoame a Lt. instead of being a good Boss. I even heard that a few were whining because they didn't have enough time on the job and as sgt to be made Lt. I mean, my God!!! you only have 6 1/2 years on the job, what makes you think you have what it takes to be anything more than a sgt? Bunch of assholes who think because mommy and daddy supported them through school that they are worthy, most of these ass bubbles never even had a real job before this. Assholes!

10/16/2006 02:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Franklin is KING SUPERVISOR then. The Karate King of Supervisors. If you want something done right, call Franklin. Only he can do it right.

10/16/2006 02:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why cant I be a Boservisor....???

10/16/2006 02:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Let's go back a number of years and see the differance.

There were 6 to 10 foot posts per dist manned all the time!
If you had hospitals there was an officer assigned to them.
Big parks had park officers assigned to them.
All beat cars, rapids were manned and there were sector rapids and district wide rapids.
There were even incident cars on the watchs.
You weren't detailed to another district unless it was something "BIG" not regular every day stuff, and it was on seniority or reverse seniority.
If you wanted an easy day/night you volunteered to work at wrigley or united center, stood on a corner then watched the game and went home a lil early.
Everyone used to go out for a beer!
Comeraderie! Fellowship!

Our lack of manpower, training and excessive number crunching by the Supervisors Downtown has turned this job into a pain in the ass as opposed to a laugh a minute.
With adequate manower in districts you don't have to beg or threaten PO's to get the damn movers and parkers. GOOD BOSSES NEVER HAD TO ASK, THE INDEX WAS TAKEN CARE OF AND SO WERE WE!!!

10/16/2006 02:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best boss on the job was John Dahlberg before he retired.

10/16/2006 05:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never ask anyone to do something I wouldn't do or haven't done myself--be it go through a door, fight someone or lock someone up. I still ride on jobs, still lock guys up, and still jump out on 'persons of interest' but just pick and choose my battles because I'm usually by myself. I learned early on how hard it was running a plate on a PDT, calling out a chase, bailing out and trying to catch some guy running from a hot car. Sadly, I loose more on foot chases than I catch.

Having said that, I was always taught to never forget where you come from and never forget that as a 'boss', you also serve as a teacher. I could never be an absentee landlord, just coming in and picking up a check. It's not how I was raised, not how I think and any family I had/still have on the job would be ashamed of me if I was just a slug. If I show up at a job, I always want to see a solution. I’m not there to bark out orders and run the show, but I will if I see it’s going horribly wrong. There’s a right way, a wrong way and the way we can get away with, and I'd be happy that the Bt car simply figured it out and didn't get hurt in the process. When it was me pushing the Bt or the Tact car, we always wanted to make the pinch--the guys now usually don't. I'm here to help them figure it out, but not do their job for them. I'm never surprised anymore when a car calls for a meet or on the phone, etc, and has a question that simply would have been figured out by looking in their own pocket-sized Incident Reporting Guide or making the arrest. Or calls me over asking for permission, essentially, to blow off the job. Fuck, you could have been done with a one sided GOCR by the time I’m there. With some cars, it’s every day, believe it or not.

When I first became a new 'boss' (I never think of myself in that regard, it's odd typing it), I tried to give away the store. I tried to motivate people in all sorts of ways that I don't think I'll mention here in a public forum. I tried to approach the watch like a Tact Team. I thanked people for their activity, be it movers, parkers, and the occasional arrest, and was sincere. Some people appreciated it, some looked at me like I was a nut, one jag event told me ,"You know, you can't make me do work." Wow. If you don't want to get me some hazardous movers and get an early duck, then go to hell, I thought. Shit, I was even appreciative of bus checks. It meant they were doing SOMETHING. I was embarrassed when a fellow 'boss' looked at a bus check and said,” this is useless," and threw it away in front of the copper. Consequently, no one liked this guy for similar tricks. Anyhow, just like any of us in the past hitting the same free lunch spot, I got burned out by people coming to the well too often. It was always the same people, always giving the same excuses. After having a good talk with a copper at a watch party one time, I realized I could continue try to be 'fair' to the whole lot, but the working coppers took some issue with my approach. The opinion was,"Why bust your ass if the dog ass gets taken care of in the same fashion." He was right. Dead on. I still extend myself to everyone, but realize now that you can't let the inmates run the asylum all of the time and have to be a 'supervisor' to some of them 100% of the tour, as opposed to being their 'boss'. I had never really dealt with lazy coppers and figured and hoped they’d come around. It was that conversation that made me realize that some coppers are no different than the ones we lock up, and many don’t have the desire to be the police or even perform 50% of their job.

Where I've worked, I always felt (and hoped) the coppers respected me: in the past, I found that good workers would gravitate to good workers. The same holds true today, but there seems to be less of the workers. Probably the pool we draw from, but that's a different topic. I have been always blessed by having that same group of workers including me in their circle and asking for help on different things where they were interested in learning, not asking for help so I could do their job for them.

I wear the same cheezy polyester pants as the average copper. So do the rest of the rank and file on this job. Sadly, many seem to forget that. I hope I never do--I have been told too many stories of people getting Lt bars and forgetting where they came from, what they have done and how they did it. I have had a great number of 'bosses' (Sgt, Lt and above) that were not shy from typing an Honorable Mention, writing a personal note or insisting a Department Commendation be submitted with my name on it to honor a pinch I was proud of. Because of their attitude, I worked ten times harder to make them happy because they made us happy. Now as a ‘boss’, I try to work ten times harder for the coppers under me because I know they appreciate it.

“Just give me 4 hours a day, and the rest of your tour is yours,” one ‘boss’ told me one day. That’s all he wanted, was half of my tour. Shit, that made me put 12 hours of work into an 8 hour day.

10/16/2006 05:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Buzzy Eichler didn't retire at 63. He fibbed on his application to join the Marine Corps and fight in Vietnam (where he won the Bronze Star - should have been the CMoH from all accounts during the siege at Khe Sahn).

Buzzy maintained the fiction and retired from this job at the ripe old age of 64, having scammed an extra year out of the city.

10/16/2006 06:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the problems that the "bosses" face is when a subordinate messes up and gets caught. The subordinate then wants the boss to come up with a solution to the problem and get him off of the hook. The problem that the boss faces is if the person who reviews his solution states it is wrong he takes the heat rather than the subordinate.

As has been said many times "it is not the crime itself, it is the cover-up that got him in trouble".

10/16/2006 06:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haven't seen an honorable in a LONG TIME? I can tell you why. The Sgts and above, are way too busy making sure you answer your calls! (Never mind that about 1/3 of the incoming calls are BS. The calltakers are afraid to tell a citz. that their problem is not a police matter.) Answer the calls, that is the ONLY thing sgts. care about. Forget about MORALE, which if it was better, officers might be jumping to take the calls.

10/16/2006 07:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about former Midway commander J.C. him along with his henchmen one who is now (Canine Snitch) handler have wrecked havoc from day 1! What do you think of sgt under him who after he left decided to stay and not follow his lead? Why is there an officer who is J.C boy aloowed to stay on days always with 10 years on the job?

10/16/2006 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simple rule of thumb.

If it has gold braids on its visor and even the "merit" (clout) captains, virtually all have $old their $ouls. They may smile in your face but if push comes to shove, they will stab you in the back in a heartbeat.

If Daley had his way, every promotion on the job would be based solely on clout.

And that's a fact, jack!

10/16/2006 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a happier camper. I could care less what a boss, supervisor or whatever thinks or says on this goofball deparment.

My blood pressure is perfect now that I have removed myself from the whole pile a poop. I just laugh and go home. Yea I you super charged small weenie coppers Im a dog.

However I just do what Im expected to do. Answer my calls and give poollleeece service. I will always back another copper up. How ever I dont want to be bothered by the "system" we currently have.

10/16/2006 08:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way this entire department is leaning, we could all be Andy Frain ushers and still meet the index.

I've been a sgt. for 3 years now. I firmly believe that the most important part of the job is to make sure that everyone goes home after check-off. I also try to show young Police Officers the little tricks that you learn after years of working the street.

I've been told by other white shirts that 'I care too much', 'let them make their own mistakes, if they f-u bad enough OPS handles the CR', or just told 'stop doing things, the PO's are complaining about you showing up on their jobs'.

When people in command positions keep comming down on you, eventually you learn how to keep a low profile and not get blamed for everything that goes wrong.

Just remember that the fight is not over till the lawyers are finished and paid.

Be careful

10/16/2006 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any sergeant who tries to take on the "Boss" role these days is going to take it in the butt! Look at what happened to a very good sergeant last week, D. Roscoe. He was stripped for doing what 99% of the sergeants out there do everyday, covering for guys on his log that day. Except unbeknownst to him, the guys he was covering for ended up being theiving scumbags. Now he's proabably going to get fired too.

Cline has made no bones about it, he wants supervisors who help cover for P.O.'s held accountable to the maximum. Think about that. Forget about trying to make lieutnant these days, it's going to be hard enough to just keep your job in the next few years unless you just play it straight and have everyone hate you.

The Department WANTS supervisors, not Bosses. Bosses gave them J.F. from SOS and they are willing to make everyone else miserable to insure that it doesn't happen again.

We've reached another one of those turning points on this Department, and there is no going back now.

10/16/2006 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terry McCue I sure miss you, there was nobody better than him, they broke the mold when he died. To the people who knew him and worked for him you know what I mean.Truly one of the all-time best

10/16/2006 09:21:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Rules are for coppers without clout.

10/16/2006 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Basically it comes down to the fact that almost every "boss" that has been made Sgt in the last 5 years is a whimpering, sniveling ass-nugget who has no nerve and is more concerned with any negative attention that may come their way. This department really started goping down the toilet with these new ones because they see it as a way to becoame a Lt. instead of being a good Boss. I even heard that a few were whining because they didn't have enough time on the job and as sgt to be made Lt. I mean, my God!!! you only have 6 1/2 years on the job, what makes you think you have what it takes to be anything more than a sgt? Bunch of assholes who think because mommy and daddy supported them through school that they are worthy, most of these ass bubbles never even had a real job before this. Assholes!

10/16/2006 02:03:54 AM

There is not one sergeant on the job with 6 1/2 years. The current list is from a test that was offered 5 years ago. Do the math six months off probation you're not taking a sergeants exam. By the way I am a sergeant with 9 years on and went to college on GI Bill (something I earned)and worked a real job 10 years before coming on this job. I'm not eligible to take Lt's test and havent shed a tear or whined once.
You happen to be one of these guys that has to exaggerate, generalize and rely on rumours to prove that everyone else is an asshole. What happen pal? Did the new sarge take your slip when you asked for the early duck on your "friday"? Take some personal responsibility and stop depending on others to take your hits. The workers on this job rarely ask for anything and the dogs expect everything.
AHHHHH what do I know I'm just asshole.

10/16/2006 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 5:55am:


10/16/2006 11:21:00 AM  
Blogger kateykakes said...

I feel for you all. Although my bf doesn't work for a big city PD, his dept is not without problems, especially when it comes to supervisors & bosses.

To quote him.:

"The chief is a tool.
The capt. is a dickhead.
Lt. (Last Out) is an effin' asshole."

He can't stand him.

He does have one boss he thinks very highly of and thank God he's the one that works with my bf on a daily basis.

Anyway, for you all. Enjoy. :)

10/16/2006 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Captain John Farrell. It was an absolute HONOR to have worked for the man. Also, any young copper interested should drive their ass over to the 002 dist and ask the coppers who work for him what they think. You might be surprised how many PAR forms get put in for 002.

He hasn't been a Lt. in Area 4 in four years, however, the six Lts. that have followed John Farrell(Cmndr. Patti Walsh, name escapes me but has since pasted RIP, Cmndr. Nick Roti, Lt. Jimmy Gibson, Lt.Pavon, and currently Lt. Melissa Staples)have all been cursed with one thing: "You'll never be John Farrell", they've all tried some more than others, but there is only one Farrell.

News Flash to all the HQ supervisors reading this topic hoping to see their names. YOUR WASTING YOUR TIME, you'll never be Farrell either! Including you Phil! Glad to see little Matt is following HQ protocol in (193). His team seems to Fu*king hate him. "Do as I say, not as I do." Nice.

Area Four Detective Division.

10/16/2006 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/16/2006 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Little whiny crybaby blabber-mouth stab you in your back bitches on this job are a problem too !! More so than these bosses most of us run circles around, (except PHIL). I tried running around him and I thought I was in a marathon.

10/16/2006 11:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A certain gang sergeant in 019, who has been in the same spot over 8 years, has had many guys leave because of him. He is definitely a supervisor. Poor excuse for a boss. Has nothing in his life except this job and his booze. The laughing stock of 019 - except he doesnt know it or get it.

10/16/2006 11:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eugene Roy is a good boss. He runs the 009th District with good intentions and backs up his officers. He is willing to go the extra mile to assist other District Commanders too. He keeps his District informed on what is going on and genuinely shows care for his personnel. We are truly blessed to have such a great boss in CPD.
We salute you Boss. See you at the Christmas Party too.
-009 Days

10/16/2006 12:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well the marine unit definately has Supervisors, a bunch of cut-throats who would hate to go back to a scary district!
10/15/2006 11:01:29 PM

You have got to be kidding me. I cannot believe someone is moaning about the MARINE UNIT! Who cares about the bosses there? Bid to 003, go to midnites, work six days a week. Its six more than you are working now!

10/16/2006 12:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to working together no matter what color shirt?

10/16/2006 01:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 5:55
That's what I have been wanting to hear. Maybe we will cross our paths in the near future and hopefully get an opportunity to work for you.

from a Beat officer doing his job and enjoying it.

10/16/2006 01:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
1130 : "1130"
zone10: "1130"
1130 : "inquire the status of 31"
zone10: "31?"
1131 : "we're at the 10-1, sir"
1130 : "was'nt 31 assigned to a domestic disturbance?"
zone10: "uh, yes they were."
1130 : "a 1A job correct?"
zone10: "yes"
1130 : "tell 1131 to lube their balloon knots. their spars will be waiting in the sergeants office. nobody leaves a 1A job to help a fellow office, not on my watch"
collective silence: "you sir are an asshole"

10/16/2006 12:14:10 AM

If this shit is true, PLEASE POST THE JAGGOFFS NAME!!!! We need to know who this is , so when he calls for Help, I can go down on a personal , or an onview DD!

10/16/2006 02:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who's been 'trickified'?

10/16/2006 02:10:00 PM  
Blogger TheHatLives said...

To: 10/16/2006 12:14:10 AM

I hope that is a joke, I really do.

10/16/2006 02:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done SCC you hit the nail on the head telling it like it is on todays stupervisors.As a member of an outside unit I'm flabbergasted at what I see on major crime scenes coming from the stupervisors.Most of the time I go to the patrolman who has the paper to get the real story.I was blessed on this job working for bosses like Chuck Hensley,Jessie Acosta,Tom Hutchinson,and Buzzy Eichler.If you stepped on yourself it was handled on their level,the less the D/C or W/C knew the better off we were.You'll never see another breed like that with the exception of Kutta or Snethen their going the way of the dinosaurs.But this is what 35th st wants,and the price their willing to pay with their merit promotions.

Off the subject,with the election coming up,anyone know the name of the judge that acquitted the 2 daughters of the Governor from Minnesota? who fought the police and tore up the squad car,I do believe they deserve my "NO VOTE".

Stay safe out there.

10/16/2006 02:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey all of us have had really bad supervisors. The guys that were made supervisors before they learned the job at the patrol level. I think its about time the Department had classes for supervisors on management skills. This would reduce the cut-throats, the one-way, the favor their own, and improve the idiots!!!

10/16/2006 02:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terry McQue. Enough said.

10/16/2006 02:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blagojovich and the other rotten corrupt Democrats hold both Chicago and Cook County in a stranglehold. On this very first day of early voting, my family and I have already cast our ballots for the lesser of two evils.

On the Northwest Side, you have a choice of early voting sites at:

Roden Library, 6083 Northwest Hwy.

Wright College Science Bldg., 4300 N. Narragansett Ave.

North Park Adm. Bldg., 5801 N. Pulaski Rd.

My partner lives on the Southwest Side. He also voted at either:

West Lawn Park, 4233 W. 65th St.

Archer Hgts. Library, 5055 S. Archer Ave.

10/16/2006 03:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was nice hearing motivation from some of the boss's on this post. Motivation comes from an example to lead and not follow, unless your following in the foot steps of a boss that goes that extra step not because they have to but because that's who they are. What does shows through, is a boss that not only loves the job but has great respect for the officer's working it.

A good boss never forgets who they are and that is being the police first and foremost. There's great pride in it and they lead by that example. We need many more of them immediately.

It makes no difference whether their inside leading or out in the field, leadership is just that leadership. I only wish more officer's came to this blog, especially when a post like this is up. There's true education and insight on this posting and it demonstrates all the basis for previous posting problems and concerns.

A good boss understands there's all sorts of employee's, some that work other's that need aided attention but are willing to learn, those that ask a lot of questions and so what their either just a mere nuisance or their attempting to learn, then there are those that don't care whether or not they work and have every excuse why they don't in their book, unfortunately their a loss cause and a true future problem that can flow down to the boss.
There are also the type's that want to duck anytime they feel like it and they usually fall under the none worker type. None worker's who duck and don't respond only want things to go their way and cause dissent ion within the rank of their peer's, since their unreliability is their call and stance. The none worker who is unreliable has to be the most difficult to contend with for any boss but be contended with is a must, because they are a poison and do negatively affect the worker's causing a breaking in the team which only grows.

I see a break down within boss's who do not even have the time to listen to their worker's, it's the old don't bother me at all. A boss that does not want to even listen to an employee and would rather segregate themselves to the stance of I can't be bothered, is just an authority figure who commands no respect. Someone was right on the factor that there are and in my opinion way too many boss's that not only want to side step their own accountability they leave their own people swinging in the tree's just waiting to take the fall. If a boss is not in tuned with all that are under them, there's plenty of room for a major problem ahead. Add in the factor of bully control and carrying a brick for other boss's personal agenda's. Which believe it or not makes a boss not only out of touch but one very bad unethical boss, no respect needed there.

It's a shame that the lower boss's are being cuffed and muffed by higher boss's, no respect for those type of upper boss's either. Unfortunately the problem lies there and continues to roll down hill.

10/16/2006 04:31:00 PM  
Blogger kateykakes said...

Back again...

This is totally off topic, but important nonetheless:

Every once in awhile, Blue from NYC (from NYPD Rant) will bring some important info over to the Philly LEO forum.

For those here that aren't aware of the following, I thought this information might be helpful.

PLEASE be safe out there.


10/16/2006 05:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sad commentary on the 11:30:32 post... Yes, Capt. FArrell is the shit, no doubt about that.

The sad part of that post happens to be kid kline was placed in A/4 to be groomed by Farrell and he left kinda understanding how to handle things. But, like everything, things change and so did Matt. It appears Cronin and daddy have made sure the youngster follows the "HQ" rules of the road. You suck Matt and should try to be more like your O'Shea, a great guy!

10/16/2006 06:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1130 everyone knows who tricky is jeff truhlar 1130 3rd watch

10/16/2006 06:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As former 010 copper, besides Buzzy, a uniformed boss comes to mind---Uncle Sloppy Art Hamilton (RIP) was a master at paper and went above and beyond when I screwed up!

10/16/2006 06:32:00 PM  
Blogger Have it Better Than Most said...

Tom West (013), now retired, was a boss you would go to hell and back with...Typed more W/C reports than the actual W/C did.....Best paper I've ever seen.....BALLS of STEEL is an understatement...

Enjoy the retirement, you've earned it...

10/16/2006 06:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 12:09:34
Knock if off Ellen, your sarcasm is showing again

10/16/2006 06:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 10:32:37

You ever been to the moon
You got blood in your veins
Why don't you think about me sometimes . I'll bet that's you .

10/16/2006 06:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 10/16/06 06:32:47 PM, was he related to Lt. C. Hamilton of 024? If so, they must have been raised on different planets. I worked for C. Hamilton in 024 and he was "a tool" and let's just leave it at that.

Hell, his kids, both gang members, tried to kill each other and one got busted for possession of guns stolen from P.O.'s houses.

Thank goodness he retired several years ago. But he did leave us with a gift. Check out his protegy in 017. He caused such a problem they had to make him the CAPS Lt.(until recently) to keep him from messing with the P.O.'s on the street.

10/16/2006 07:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well the marine unit definately has Supervisors, a bunch of cut-throats who would hate to go back to a scary district!

10/15/2006 11:01:29 PM

Isn't Georgas there? If so, that explains it!!

10/16/2006 07:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the sh!t bosses who think they're great who want their names posted.

There were some GREAT bosses on the job and there probably still are some GREAT bosses. In reality, these bosse are so great, they don't want their names posted.

10/16/2006 07:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/16/2006 07:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

011 3rd watch, 1120, er..1106, make that 1120 again, now wherever they feel like putting him...f*cking stroke jagoff!!!! A.Z. seriously bipolar, puts himself before p.o's all the time, is one of the most arrogant a-holes around. very unprofessional, will give you an order to do something stupid then hang you out to dry, especially to the news guys who don't know better. like 1130 isn't enought to deal with already. hopefully he gets another 30 pending soon and everyone can get a break

10/16/2006 08:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous said

Off the subject,with the election coming up,anyone know the name of the judge that acquitted the 2 daughters of the Governor from Minnesota? who fought the police and tore up the squad car,I do believe they deserve my "NO VOTE".

I believe that judges name is Colleen Sheehan.

10/16/2006 08:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: 10/16/2006 09:20:28 AM Makes you wonder how many hours Cline has on the books. wonder if his bosses covered for him.?

10/16/2006 08:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Whatever happened to working together no matter what color shirt?

10/16/2006 01:37:07 PM

or What ever happen to working together no matter what COLOR?

10/16/2006 09:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best boss I ever worked for was and is GOD !!

10/16/2006 09:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best Boss EVER!!

Lt.Robert "Uncle Bob" Becker from 020 and various other units.

He is sorely missed, he had POs that truly worked for him out of love and respect instead of the BS that tries to rule the CPD now.

10/16/2006 09:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Caluris is a wimp. Remember him as a PO if the Commander stopped fast Caluris would have a brown nose.

10/16/2006 09:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Even with all the bitching and moaning and problems, some real, some imagined, recounted on this blog, someday right now in time, will be some officers GOOD OLD DAYS on the CPD.

10/16/2006 09:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone at Homan Square (on the second floor) knows what time it is with baby kline. He tries, he really does.

Actually Im lying, he's a fucking stroke but not because he's got the wack (im here for that reason-why deny it-no he didnt put me here either).
No, Matt's a stroke because he has single-handedly alienated almost every workin copper he once called "a friend" from 011 (both on the watch and tact).

How hard is it when daddy gives you a team in intelligence (that he, the kid, personally picked) to make him look like a star.

Matt will do nothing but continue to define himself as a text book supervisor, not boss, as he climbs the ranks...strike carried up the ranks. Just remember NO ONE really respects your cevrons or future bars or stars Matt, were just play'n the game.

10/16/2006 10:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This summer I was a detail and at this detail we were assigned certain zones.Well my partner and I were in our zone and approx. 20 feet the other zone started.There were two p.o.'s who were standing close to us not assigned to our zone. Well this newly promoted sgt.(clout bunny) I guess had in for us because we werent impress with the meritorious stripes. We are in our zone watching out for the gangbangers when the sgt.decides to flex the stripes and tell us to move over 20 ft. We inform the pup sgt.that we not be in our asssigned zone if we did that. Knowing we were right but to flex the stripes she said well move over 10ft. We did but never figured out what was acomplished. These new sgt.'s (meritorious)are all about the power trip.

10/16/2006 10:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few observations from retired:

John Dahlberg, probably the nicest boss I ever worked for. He was always for giving the fair shake.
(Does Sgt. MM still work that watch? )

John Farrell, has got to be the best Police Officer I ever met. And he's inspired many, thats a hell of a legacy.

Sgt.s AZ and JT in 011. These 2 are just creeps. Always were and always will be. Never expect either of these supervisor's to lift a finger to help another PO even if it wouldnt affect them 1 bit.

10/17/2006 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



10/17/2006 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1130 : "1130"
zone10: "1130"
1130 : "inquire the status of 31"
zone10: "31?"
1131 : "we're at the 10-1, sir"
1130 : "was'nt 31 assigned to a domestic disturbance?"
zone10: "uh, yes they were."
1130 : "a 1A job correct?"
zone10: "yes"
1130 : "tell 1131 to lube their balloon knots. their spars will be waiting in the sergeants office. nobody leaves a 1A job to help a fellow office, not on my watch"
collective silence: "you sir are an asshole"

10/16/2006 12:14:10 AM


Well if anyone here has ever worked in 011, you'd know exactly who 1130 is and he truely is a nut job. There have been many times I was shocked by his insanity. There is no explaining his comments or actions. What a complete goof.

10/17/2006 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

god bless Joe Mullen

10/17/2006 01:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i work 3rd watch on the southside, i couldnt complain about any one of our supervisors

10/17/2006 01:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's sad you talk about bosses and supervisors as if they're gods. They are people not gods! They have POLICE STATUS amongst us! That's all! Don't forget they don't own you. After work there are still 131/2 hours in the day to be your own self. We as police people get to consumed by this! What we have is a honorable job that pays well but we'll never get rich.....To all those who may become (bosses or supervisors) - Don't ever forget were you came from.... unless you're one of those who had the golden spoon from your 1st day at the academy!!!!!

10/17/2006 02:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work in patrol for that other dept. that chicago took over, and we have the same problems with bosses. Hopefully after Nov.7th the new regime will stop hiring ex-CPD stupervisors to run our 600 member force into the toilet.

10/17/2006 03:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Bosses Lt. Vince Candella R.I.P, Capt Tommy Hughes R.I.P. Capt Clem from 010, Sgt Patrick Clancy 008, Lt Robert Contino now Capt 008, Best Commander was Tony Ivanjack 008 Capt 012 Commander, Sgt Borski 008, Capt Joe Mullin 007, Sgt Robert (Bob) Wagner 008, Sgt Jimmy Waltermath R.I.P. 008, Lt Former C.O. of 543 now deputy city clerk hopefully running for Chicago city Clerk Ed Kantor, Sgt almost Lt Mike Pigott, Sgt John
Casper, Sgt Shaun Rice, all from mass transit, Sgt Kevin Duggin Detective division, Sgt Red Conroy R.I.P. 008, Lt Ryan former SGT in 008 now in charge at 35th of court section. Yes I been on long where have all the good bosses gone? Now we have balless wonders scared of their own shadows everywhere!

10/17/2006 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are doing a great job. Giving guys a place to vent saves a lot of families from having Daddy come home from the 4 to 4 all ginned up. Keep up your outstanding work. You see the problems and that is half the battle. I was a "boss" for 35 years (a PO for only 5) and in all that time I only had to get one CR number and that was actually to protect an officer from OPS. That is a long story to long to tell today. Keep up your excellent and thoughtful blog.

10/17/2006 11:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is this 44a running around 011 with his bleached hair and "im the real deal" attitude? Hey 44a you and your lackeys are a laughing stock in 011. Lt Dembowski 1st watch is a prince and 1130 3rd is a twat.

10/17/2006 12:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe Shields was a great boss who took care of everyone. He would have no problem telling higher up's to get f*cked. It wasn't Lt. or boss or anything like that, it was "Joe". His father was a Patrolman for 43 years and he loved copper's period. I sure miss him.

10/17/2006 01:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cmdr Roy is GOD...nuff said

10/17/2006 01:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a copper with a little time on the job and sick of all the B.S. domestics and nonsense of the Ghetto, I felt that what I needed was to transfer to a slower district, which I did. However, what I found was that the lack of such B.S.created an atmnosphere where the bosses decided make up for such a loss by enacting their own form of B.S. directly upon the blue shirts.These girly men supervisors are afraid to take their frustrations (including erectile disfunction and anal bleeding) out on the yuppie citizens of the dist. (mostly attorneys) for fear of retribution, so instead they play their little games with the P.O's.
At the head of this movement in the north side district (019)is a captain (3rd Watch) who has quiclky rose through the ranks through the use of the merit promotion process. At his command are several little brown nose sgt.'s who jump at the chance to burn some poor copper who did not stay in his beat/sector or write that alarm citation. And god forbid if the P.O. wants to take time due (an oxymoron). It is obvious that this little man has an ego/temper/drinking problem. He is truly an example of why I have become so disgusted with this job and eager to pull the pin.
Please stay safe and remember who your friends are.

10/17/2006 02:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just one real "Boss", that was an honor to work "with". Lt. Robert "Boom-Boom" Curry. Rest-in-Peace.

You work "for" a Supervisor, but you work "with" a Boss.

10/17/2006 06:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the County Police, some REAL bosses of days gone by...

Lenny Marek (An ex viet-nam tunnel rat -- whoa!!!!)

John Rita

Bill Denear

Ron Jones

Gene Gargano

Al Taylor

Yeah, we had our pooches too....

Jerry C. (Terrorizing the women of Ford Heights with his 3 inch thrill stick)

Sly (I wanna be Sheriff) B.

Dennis W. (Let me tell you about the great police work I've F-ed up)

and king of pooches:

Maurice M. (Absolutely USELESS! They should have burned his uniform and scattered the ashes in the ocean in hopes that another mo-rice darkens the front door of the CCSPD)

The bosses today are testostrone deficient, clueless stupervisors. What a crew! No more Majors, defrocked Captains, and Lieutenants with the very very same responsibilities as a Sergeant.
"Al the pal" is quite the proficient decision maker of a Commander, yes sir.

If it weren't for "some" of the Sergeants in patrol, a few in gangs, Karl H. in the ET's, we'd be toast.

10/17/2006 07:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

most white shirts want to be bosses who are liked but with the constant threats from higher above and all the assinine and idiot officers in blue, and trust me, when you become a white shirt that number multiplies by 10, they become supervisors. i always wanted to take care of the blue shirts but was taken advantage of and every time i try to take care of one i hear it from above that they should be written up instead of taken care of. am i disliked? definitely, but more importantly i am liked by those who understand how this is all played out.

10/17/2006 08:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sgt E.N. 5, 1st watch a real boss, cares for the troops and is allways there to help in any way she can.

10/17/2006 08:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


10/17/2006 12:35:16 AM

let's spread the word...

10/17/2006 08:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im a 3rd watch the 004th district. Granted , I have not been on this job a long time, but the bosses here are all good from the WC on down. I really hace nothing to compare them to, but no complaints so far

10/17/2006 11:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

spread the word we have no management, look at the cub scouts they have leaders we have none. we have politically connected lackeys merit lets see why does the fop NEVER produce a list of who made it on "Merit" aka clout? because it is an "Ancient daley secret".

10/18/2006 07:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW, HOW REFRESHING: Thanx 4th Dst 3rd watch newer guy.

A breath of fresh air. Dont listen to all the whiners and bitchers that seem to dominate this blog.

It's a great job peoopled mostly by good, hard working cops.

It's funny but did you ever notice that those who beef the most about just about everyone and everything and the same ones who never do any real police work.

Congrats. off. you got your head screwed on straight.

LOL, now watch for the whiners to respond with all their usual lame bitching and "poor me" whining.

10/18/2006 12:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Im a 3rd watch the 004th district. Granted , I have not been on this job a long time, but the bosses here are all good from the WC on down. I really hace nothing to compare them to, but no complaints so far

10/17/2006 11:03:40 PM

Well, he's honest and has a good attitude. Good luck, Kid!!

10/19/2006 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
From the County Police, some REAL bosses of days gone by...
Yeah, we had our pooches too....
The bosses today are testostrone deficient, clueless stupervisors. What a crew! No more Majors, defrocked Captains, and Lieutenants with the very very same responsibilities as a Sergeant.
"Al the pal" is quite the proficient decision maker of a Commander, yes sir.

"Hey partner, thank's for coming in today!"
You are right on the money with your post. I'd be nice to see more brownshirts getting involved with the blog.

10/19/2006 04:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont forget Sgt H she is a standup boss Hahahahahhaah

10/19/2006 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

C.A.P.S. "Confused and Paranoid Supervisors".

10/19/2006 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, Lt. C Hamilton(024) was the brother of Art Hamilton(010). True -nite and day from what I've heard, Art never mentioned his brother but believe me, ART would give you the dirty shirt off his back; just a prince of a supervisor!

10/19/2006 11:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was a sergeant (retired now). This man was the "MAN": Huey Cahill.... Thanks Sarge, It'll be almost impossible to duplicate you!!

10/19/2006 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the sgt. G.G. on the initial list isn't the one I am thinking of or if you are being sarcastic, you are right on. The G.G. I am thinking of is as crooked as they come.

10/19/2006 03:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't forget Sgt Mike Cogley from 010,with that steel plate in his head nothing could get in or out,nuttier than a box of fruit loops.But sweet mother of God he took care of his people and wrote paper that was priceless.Saved my dumb ass more than once and I was'nt even on his watch!

10/19/2006 09:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/20/2006 02:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to Pestka"s kid??? the sergeant that was accused of fondling that woman on traffic stop?? He kept telling everyone that "It is going away" and that he'ss be back to work soon....what is it ...3 yeras now??? any news??

10/20/2006 05:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dittos on Mike Cogley from 010-he was pretty good too. yeah, and even the newbie Mike Mulligan when he was starting in 010; I'll give you that.

10/20/2006 10:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont forget sgt santangelo from 019 district. great boss. tool!

10/23/2006 01:56:00 AM  

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