Thursday, January 18, 2007

Denial of Responsibility

  • The mother of a 6-year-old boy who authorities said accidentally shot himself Tuesday night with his grandmother's service weapon said Wednesday that what happened to her son was not her mother's fault.
Then exactly who's fault is it please? Any time a child dies, it's a tragedy. But you don't leave a child unattended in a car. Ever. And you certainly shouldn't leave a gun unattended in a car either. And leaving a child alone in a car with an unsecured loaded weapon ... well, this is all Monday morning quarterbacking, but what the hell was this deputy thinking?

We've been reading some of the comments in a couple other threads and some people are saying it was an accident, others are saying that you can't expect officers to be safe with the guns all the time. If you can't be safe with your gun somewhere in the area of 100% of the time, then you really don't deserve to have a gun. Period. You shouldn't leave a hot iron unattended. You shouldn't leave stuff cooking on the stove unattended. You shouldn't leave a loaded gun unattended. And every one of these rules goes double or triple if there are kids around.

Safety is a habit. Gun safety is necessary habit. Instances like these are exploited by the gun grabbers as another reason to disarm the populace, even though this was a completely and 100% PREVENTABLE occurrence (we refuse to call it an accident as that absolves the deputy of any responsibility). We suppose the trolls will be calling us insensitive jagoffs now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They just said on Fox News that she has been charged. Quite appropriately, under these circumstances.

1/18/2007 12:26:00 AM  
Blogger leomemorial said...

A Georgia police officer's little boy was killed recently because he found a loaded gun and shot himself. He was only 3 years old and woke up when the mother was asleep late at night.

The family said the little boy had wanted to be a cop like his father...

1/18/2007 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was a complete tragedy...period. The grandmother is 100% at fault for this though. That weapon should not have been left unlocked & unattended at all, especially with a child present.
I feel horrible for that grandmother and the rest of their family. She now has to deal with that incident for the rest of her life. What a terrible feeling, waking up to that thought every single day.

1/18/2007 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

April we begin to negotiate our new contract. residency would be the only thing I'd ask for, but that's not going to happen.

Here are some ideas:

No more merit promotions. Period.

Knowledge of test scores the same day you take it (they did this with the ET test).

75% after 25 years.

Get rid of BS units to increase manpower where it is needed.

1/18/2007 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The dicks asked for involuntary manslaughter charges but the ASA refused.

1/18/2007 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hats Off!!!
A Salute to the Illinois State Police and in particular to the Trooper who curbed me tonight on I355S. Thank-You Trooper for your professionalism, courtesy and true display of fraternal espirit de corps. The CPD values your service and will always have your back.

1/18/2007 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

stupid is as stupid does...

1/18/2007 01:04:00 AM  
Blogger It's Not All Real said...

Right on the money! The right to keep and bear arms by anyone, also carries with it the responsiblity to ensure young ones don't get a hold of it. This isn't Monday morning quarterbacking, it's just plain common sense.

The gungrabbers will blame the NRA among others, but the NRA is the leading proponent of safe gun handling.


There is no excuse for this to happen. If the deputy isn't going to carry the weapon securely, then don't carry it at all.

All these lives ruined....deputy grandma who fucked who lost a child....the child who is dead.

Common sense people. Use it before someone else dies needlessly.

1/18/2007 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The grandmother is COMPLETELY at fault. Period.

1/18/2007 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey if the Toddler wants to make cuts in the County Budget, this dumbass is a good place to start.

1/18/2007 02:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If everyone is a victim, who's left to take responsibility?
And yet, if this poor child had died by gunfire under ANY other circumstances, think anyone would be blamed, would be held responsible and accountable?

1/18/2007 02:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

your not insensitive at all. in-fact, scc - you hit it right on the nose. she was stupid for leaving a small little child unattended for starters and she was not only stupid but reckless leaving the gun unsecure in the car where the child could get to it. we all know the result. she's a fucking bonehead and I'm glad that she was charged with reckless conduct for starters.

1/18/2007 02:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No SCC, you're not jagoffs, just Monday morning quarterbacks. No doubt you have plenty of company. Stay safe--and perfect.

1/18/2007 02:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

most female don't carry their guns with them and if they do it's in their purse. not saying the deputy was not wrong. but monday morning QBing this situation is wrong. I bet she is devestated by this. WE HAVE ALL MADE MISTAKES CLOSE TO THIS. just by the grace of GOD this has not happened more often, with CPD, or CCSD. SECURE YOUR WEAPONS.

1/18/2007 03:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

iam sure mayor daley will call for gun control.

1/18/2007 03:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are in a day off group, you usually get 8 weekends per year. Why not try and get 10 to 20 more furlough days and get them to allow us to break them up in 5 day segments. We could place them in between our weekends every 5 weeks, we would be able to take 11 straight days off. This would occur 8 times a year. 8 - 11 day furloughs doesn't sound that bad to me. Every single po would get a spring, winter, fall & summer furlough.

1/18/2007 04:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's time to get back to department politics instead of becoming a recap of the days newspaper. SecondcityCOP.

1/18/2007 06:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1/18/2007 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She should never have been criminally charged. Remember the incident with the loaded shotgun in the officers house. The son and his friend found it, played with it, and another accidental fatal tragedy. NO CHARGES ! Wonder WHY ?

1/18/2007 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats why cops guns should be kept in the station. You check it out a the start of your tour then return it at check off. (like a radio)

1/18/2007 08:03:00 AM  
Blogger SCC said...

Coldtype, you're such a knucklehead. Where did we ever say we were perfect? We didn't. But we are always as perfect as we can be where gun safety is concerned, because guess what? We might never get a second chance. And our partners might never get a second chance. And our family might never get a second chance.

Guns are tools. Deadly tools for a dangerous job. And the damage they could cause is solely OUR responsibility.

Who do you blame for this tragedy? And don't take the typical liberal cop out that it's the gun's fault. The gun is a tool, a useless hunk of inert metal until someone picks it up. Who picks it up or has access to it or finds it is the RESPONSIBILITY of the owner (there's that scary word again! Responsibility.)

And Lefty, for such a psuedo-intellectual, you sure are out of touch with current events - or didn't you see the Bush speech a few days ago taking full responsibility for the missteps in Iraq? Nice job keeping the Goalpost Movers Local Union in business. No matter how hard you try, missteps does not and will not equal criminal acts. Do you really want us to start digging up Pelosi's quotes and Reid's quotes from mere months ago about how "More troops are needed" and "More boots on the ground will get the job done" and now that Bush is doing EXACTLY THAT, they're saying the cause is lost and threatening all sorts of funding cuts? Because that's exactly what is happening now. Run back to the DU and get your latest koolaid infusion.

1/18/2007 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coldtype has a point. I guess all the rest of you guys are perfect and have never made a mistake. What happened was wrong and preventable to be sure. I read everyone on this blogsite applauding her being charged and criticizing her actions.(Which I'm in no way defending.)But think about this for a second,her GRANDCHILD is dead. Do you really think she cares about being brought up on charges? Hell,I bet she'd do a life strech in the joint if it would bring that child back. Nothing the authorities can do or anything said here could equal the pain she feels right now and for the rest of her life. Her daughter's statement was probobly her way of easing the guilt this woman feels. The majority of you should be ashamed of yourselves standing on your soapboxes making your self righteous comments which I find ghoulish in nature. with some of the assinine things done by people on this department,we don't have the right to judge ANYBODY.(People who live in glass houses.)

1/18/2007 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"most female dont carry their gun with them". see, it all comes back to white males who quite insensitivly did not design firearms to compliment the female form.

1/18/2007 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Contract time.....LMAO Grease your bungholes because we wont stick together.

We will accept any pile of shit that dickhead and donagoof hand us.

Remember....daley is under a bit of a microscope. IE Olympics HELLO... We can do very well if we just fuckin stick together.

Residency...we have to live here...whats in it for us?

How about re-building this shit Police Dept. How about getting back to basics and building morale instead of using the Police as asskissers to the public. FUCK YOU aldergoof.

1/18/2007 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


EASY! I think the guy was giving you kudos, not slamming you by saying perfect. Next time, keep it to a paragraph please. Too much to read...

1/18/2007 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they don't have to get rid of residency.....just increase our pay so that a new guy has a resonable chance of buying an affordable house in a decent area.

1/18/2007 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1st: The TRIB stated today that she was IN UNIFORM when she picked up the younger child. Why wasn't she carryimg her gun when she was IN UNIFORMS?, Was it a back-up gun? whatever the action, she IS responsible.

1/18/2007 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a person who was on scene at the hospital and familiar with the investigation, the media again got it wrong. Grandma tried to cover it up. She told the Police that she had no idea who shot her grandson and stayed with the story for hours. She also called her son from the hospital and had him take the weapon from her car before the police arrived. She told the police her gun was at home, and she had taken it there after work.

Grandma may have been devastated, but not too bad to engineer a coverup. She sickened me. If you doubt what I said, look at the Hospitalization Case Report and the Major.

1/18/2007 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coldtype said...
No SCC, you're not jagoffs, just Monday morning quarterbacks. No doubt you have plenty of company. Stay safe--and perfect.

1/18/2007 02:47:02 AM

you dont know the whole story and im not going to write it either. more to the story

1/18/2007 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

1/18/2007 07:45:44 AM

guns dont kill people people kill people

1/18/2007 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...didn't you see the Bush speech a few days ago taking full responsibility for the missteps in Iraq? -SCC

Missteps? Interesting. Was Germany's assault on Poland in 1939 a "misstep" or the ultimate war crime of aggression? What you call "missteps" the UN Charter clearly defines as aggression. The Team Bush attack of March 2003 on sovereign Iraq in no way satisfied the requirements of Article 51--the ONLY justification for armed conflict in accord with international law.

Did the Decider take full responsibility for the utter destruction of Iraq and the slaughter of tens of thousands of TWSNBN? When will he disavow the "Constitution" he forced upon Iraq following the capture of Baghdad that allows for the outright theft of that country's resources by US corporations? I missed that part.

When will he take "full responsibility" for the deceptions he peddled to the American public (Iraqi WMD, links to the 9/11 attacks, etc) to gain their support for this neo-con imperial adventure?

When will he accept the will of the electorate (to say nothing of the Iraqis) who gave Washington a clear message on November 7th that American troops should return home?

"Do you really want us to start digging up Pelosi's quotes and Reid's quotes...about how 'More troops are needed'...?" -SCC

Do you mean to score points by confirming what I have said along? The Demochumps are complicit in the Team Bush war crimes, however, as representatives of the milder, more practical wing of the Business Party they recognize that the game is up. When will you?

Stay safe.

1/18/2007 10:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only charged with a misdemeanor...If it was a CPD you know it would of been a Felony.

1/18/2007 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another County hack screws up,when will it stop??When will folks see through the BS that the hiring/training process is corrupt from A-Z?
You really think the Cook County DOC,Court Services and Metro Police Academies are legit??If you believe the State exam is "secure" and scores are not bought your an assclown.

Cook County has Deputies with IDs that state "non-gun carrying"It should be for all of these hack wannabee security guards.

The County hack Grandma has paid the price.She killed her grandchild because she is a Juice Baby that wants to play policeman.

She should be decertified and made to wear a sign for 365 days in public saying "I'm an asshat.I killed my grandchild"

1/18/2007 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pull up the Major Incident log for this. If you don't know how to access it, have someone do it for you. It's in the CPD Intranet. When you read the log, you'll be amazed at what she tried to do.

All I can say is "insane".

1/18/2007 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: 1/18/2007 12:46:17 AM

"Get rid of BS units to increase manpower where it is needed."
Like what? TRU? SOS? The Gang Teams? You mean the ones that contributed to the reduction in reported crime? Nitwit. That's what we need, more POs in the district to handle BS ghetto jobs. Let 'em wait.

1/18/2007 12:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daley says, "The only at fault here is the Gun Manufacturer!!"

1/18/2007 12:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we should put more guys in SOS especially now that most of them are goign to prison. and TRU is a paper generating unit. if you think crime is being decreased you are a retard. anyone can work the numbers the way they want.

1/18/2007 01:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The momma says it's not grandma's fault.

Of course it's not, it's the county's fault! The county should have trained grandma on "gun storage safety." Besides, they have the "deep pockets" (*wink, wink*)

Lawsuits to follow!!!

1/18/2007 01:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are in a day off group, you usually get 8 weekends per year. Why not try and get 10 to 20 more furlough days and get them to allow us to break them up in 5 day segments. We could place them in between our weekends every 5 weeks, we would be able to take 11 straight days off. This would occur 8 times a year. 8 - 11 day furloughs doesn't sound that bad to me. Every single po would get a spring, winter, fall & summer furlough.

1/18/2007 04:00:44 AM

Not a bad idea--8 weekends a year??? No wonder there are some many miserable people on this job.... Elimnate the 6th day---lets get 10hrs!!!

1/18/2007 01:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats why cops guns should be kept in the station. You check it out a the start of your tour then return it at check off. (like a radio)

1/18/2007 08:03:42 AM

You sir- (or probably ma'am since youre talking likke you have a vagina) are possibly the biggest moron on this blog.

1/18/2007 01:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let the duputy go one with her life. She knows what she did and will have to bear the guilt the rest of her life.

Gun Safety started at my house when the kids were very young. My father started it with us when we were very young. Nobody touched it and if we wanted to he would unload it, and after a minute we were done. After all these years we never had any shooting in the kitchen.

Not what the Dept expects, but we are responsible for what happens in our own homes

Stay safe

1/18/2007 02:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If you are in a day off group, you usually get 8 weekends per year. Why not try and get 10 to 20 more furlough days and get them to allow us to break them up in 5 day segments. We could place them in between our weekends every 5 weeks, we would be able to take 11 straight days off. This would occur 8 times a year. 8 - 11 day furloughs doesn't sound that bad to me. Every single po would get a spring, winter, fall & summer furlough.

1/18/2007 04:00:44 AM


75% after 25 years.

Get rid of BS units to increase manpower where it is needed.

1/18/2007 12:46:17 AM


Anonymous said...
Thats why cops guns should be kept in the station. You check it out a the start of your tour then return it at check off. (like a radio)

1/18/2007 08:03:42 AM

Anonymous said...
1st: The TRIB stated today that she was IN UNIFORM when she picked up the younger child. Why wasn't she carryimg her gun when she was IN UNIFORMS?, Was it a back-up gun? whatever the action, she IS responsible.

1/18/2007 08:52:12 AM


1/18/2007 03:00:00 PM  
Blogger CPDDispatch said...

Anonymous said...
Pull up the Major Incident log for this. If you don't know how to access it, have someone do it for you. It's in the CPD Intranet. When you read the log, you'll be amazed at what she tried to do.

All I can say is "insane".

1/18/2007 11:57:21 AM

Even from our end, in the original event from the 911 call, there is nothing in the ticket indicating a "gunshot." It only mentions that a child is "bleeding from the mouth and nose," with no further information.

The cover-up began immediately.

1/18/2007 03:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

April we begin to negotiate our new contract. residency would be the only thing I'd ask for, but that's not going to happen.

Residency is a state law. Better check again when contract talks start. Better yet, check back when you know what you are talking about.

1/18/2007 03:24:00 PM  
Blogger Yahoo Mush Mouse said...

Yes this is tragic both for the child, grandmother and family. Its the gun owners responsibility to lock up a gun when not on strong side holster. I believe there is a Illinois statue that requires the owner to use a locking device i.e. trigger lock or cable.

1/18/2007 03:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1/18/2007 05:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leave your gun at the station????? Check it out like a radio??? Who ever wrote this is a complete NIMROD! I have the right to carry my weapon at all times. I am the police on and off duty. I don't go out looking for trouble but I have the right to protect my family by carrying my weapon and I do at all times. BTW, I am a female and DO NOT EVER put my pistol in my purse. I would advise all other women not to either.

1/18/2007 06:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"That's what we need, more POs in the district to handle BS ghetto jobs. Let 'em wait."

Oh yeah you're too friggn good to handle service calls. 2year Prima Donna Clout Baby punk. Don't come whining with the benefit tickets when you're 30 pending for violating someones civil rights. Go Sandbag another one& tow his car. You're a bargain for the City...

1/18/2007 06:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC---You expressed everything I was thinking. Good work.

1/18/2007 06:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First let me tell you about the type of persons that are hired by the Cook County Sheriffs Police.


1. first they give a sham of a hiring exam. (just to say that we test them before we hire em.) (HAVE YOU EVER SEEN ADS IN THE PAPERS FROM THE CCSP LOOKING TO HIRE OFFICERS? YOU WON'T BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO BE IN THE KNOW TO GET HIRED, THAT'S WHY.)

2. After getting your clout to get you in to take the exam, who do you think handles the exam process? Hmmmm? Trust me it aint Arthur Anderson. Hiring process is thus, pay $1,000 to $1,500 BRIBE to County Offical "A" take "special exam" to put you on list, make another special "contribution" AND BANG YOUR IN. Because if you stop and look at the mopes, goofs, dorks, wanna be the police, geeks, dope slingin,gang banging, grandmothers and grandfathers and other misc. clout, pets and political hacks types that work in the courts and jails you know just what I'm talking about.

3. they do not give these goofs a backround check, or psych test to weed out the bad apples (if they do random drug testing I'd be shocked). I know (3) of these goofs that were in the academy with me. all three pissed hot, I get on the street and go to court one day and lo and behold there they are working for the CCSP! AMAZING! If you were on another job and pissed hot would the CPD welcome you back? Somehow I dont think so.

4. Once they're hired they all go around in their Off-Duty hours wearing the uniforms trying to impress someone. Weird if you ask me.

5. ANY one with half a brain takes that job as a steppin stone to a REAL POLICE job. The ones who stay there cant get any other kinda job where they fire your ass for stupid ass moves like these.

6. What kinda "PROMOTIONAL EXAMS" do they give? Guess... Buy tickets to political fund raising events or sell the most and the top sellers or buyers get promoted. That's the exam.

Do you all recall some years back when two off-duty CCSP tried to fake a carjacking or a fellow CCSP out in Dolton and it turned out to be the CCSP's wife in the instead and the CCSP was trailing his wife in another car and it turned inro a tragic shoot out? Funny how we never heard anything else about that. And funny how we've never heard about anybody's head rolling over that Rencher escape either?

So when some stuff like this happens with that old bag who probably souldnt even have a gun in the first place, YOU WONDER WHY?

1/18/2007 07:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was a tragedy thats all their is to it. Please don't cause additional pain. This family will never get over what happened and nothing the criminal justice system does to the grandmother will make a difference she will never recover. I know of numerous chicago police officers that have had incidents with weapons. Tragedy plain and simple leave it at that.

1/18/2007 10:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop with the Et test. that was not legit I know goofs that had been given the answers. 2 year wonders as ET, please use your coconut. get rid of in house test. white shirts along with the and personal division make up the test. (not legit) I got it maybe oh maybe we could use seniority. Clout babies would have to pay their dues

1/18/2007 10:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This dept never fails to disappoint me, Let us kick the shit out of someone when their down. you guys are a disgrace to man kind. SICKENING

1/18/2007 10:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

______It's Not All Real said...
Right on the money! The right to keep and bear arms by anyone, also carries with it the responsiblity to ensure young ones don't get a hold of it. This isn't Monday morning quarterbacking, it's just plain common sense.

The gungrabbers will blame the NRA among others, but the NRA is the leading proponent of safe gun handling.


There is no excuse for this to happen. If the deputy isn't going to carry the weapon securely, then don't carry it at all.

All these lives ruined....deputy grandma who fucked who lost a child....the child who is dead.

Common sense people. Use it before someone else dies needlessly.

1/18/2007 01:05:41 AM
Tank Johnson from the Bears tends to disagree!!!!!!
HE thinks the 2nd Amendment guarantees the right to "ARM BEARS"!

1/19/2007 12:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Doubter. I hope you’re well. I’ve missed this during my sabbatical, these exchanges. Really.

I extend my genuine appreciation to you for making my return to the Second City community a simple affair. Initially when I glimpsed your response to my post, I braced myself for a veritable feast of penetrating analysis and, at the very least, some rational presentation of counterevidence. Instead you served me...Bon-Bons. Mere conventional wisdom to be easily patted aside. My initial disappointment, however, was quickly stripped away once it dawned upon me that you were merely taking it easy on me, giving me space to find my stride again. Only a man of compassion would do such a thing. Thank you.

While I’m admittedly out of practice Doubter, such charity isn’t really necessary; however, since you have been kind enough to offer me this gift it would be disgraceful for me not to at least offer a token response in appreciation. So here goes.

“Article 51 simply provides that the Charter does not impair a country’s right to defend itself against attack. If his point is that we were not attacked, then Article 51 has no application—it’s irrelevant” – Doubter

Actually it’s completely relevant. Article 51 is the ONLY justification (under international law) for committing an act of war. Every nation has the right of self-defense. No nation, however, has the right to launch a war of aggression. The US, as does every nation, has the right to defend itself from armed aggression. Just as I have the right to defend myself against physical attack. I DO NOT have the right to attack another person who poses no threat to me or anyone else for that matter. Do you see where this is going Doubter? The fact that we were not attacked or under the threat of attack prior to the invasion of sovereign Iraq is precisely the point—-and the crime.

Team Bush mendacity, not a credible Iraqi threat to the US was the impetus for the March 2003 invasion. Hence, the attack was launched unilaterally (with our British lap dog in tow) and outside of UN authority—a violation of international law by definition.

“Phrases like ‘theft of Iraqi resources’ and ‘slaughter of tens of thousands’ and ‘neocon imperial adventure’ are all rhetoric and no brains” – Doubter

Let’s test your theory.


How do you explain the 250 million dollar contract signed by Bearing Point to re-write Iraq’s economic infrastructure? Their plan would be followed to the letter by Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) director L. Paul Bremer who drafted a Constitution that stripped the illegally occupied country of all control of its economy and natural resources and placed them in the “care” of US corporations.

How does a country under foreign occupation “sign away” up to 87% of its future oil revenues to energy corporations that just so happen to hail from the occupying nations (US/UK)? Hint: look up Production Sharing Agreements (PSAs) and Google it with US energy corporations.

How do the domestic construction firms of an occupied country get frozen out of the reconstruction bonanza by those from the occupying power? Inquiring minds want to know.


See my earlier posts on TWSNBN, most notably from the “Zekman Fallout” thread from November 15, 2006 for answers.


Wars of aggression have since antiquity been launched (self-serving rationale aside) for the purposes of acquiring through force--where persuasion failed--the resources of another territory. Surely this isn’t news to you Doubter, however, in the event that such is the case please re-read my comments under “Theft of Resources”.

In closing I would like to include a few comments about your charge of “disloyalty” for my comparing the US invasion, destruction, and occupation of Iraq, with similar crimes committed by Germany against Poland and much of Europe in the opening stages of World War II.

As I have noted elsewhere on this site, it is a testament to the level of indoctrination some of us have in the myth of American Exceptionalism, that clear violations of international law—which we reflexively condemn when committed by Official Enemies—go completely unnoticed when carried out by our own country. By “Exceptionalism” I mean the belief, despite all evidence to the contrary, that unlike other nation-states the US only exercises it power in pursuit of benevolent ends, which on occasion (through no fault of its own) lead to regrettable “mistakes” or, to borrow the Decider’s term, “missteps”.

ALL nation-states are artificial constructs designed by and for the powerful Doubter. As a result, their foreign and domestic policies largely reflect the prerogatives of these elite sectors and little more. It is the right, in fact the duty, of every citizen to call the actions of their government to account. Disloyalty? Too whom?

1/19/2007 04:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is to poster who posted at 1/18/2007 07:36:16 PM.

Obviously you must be the TRU or SOS or someone who was washed out of the CPD to know the inside of the CCSD hiring process. Listen up 2 year wonder. Just because you think you are aces doesn’t mean you are. I have 3 friends on CCSD. None are morons nor did they hack out money. Stop being an opportunist when it comes to a bad situation. The County has just as many f-ups as the City. Actually I personally think we have more because of the higher number of employees. At least the County doesn’t have the “Merit Promotion System” or as I prefer to call it “The good old boy network.” You bash others but you fail to look in our own back yard. I will give you a couple reasons to reflect upon”

1. Steven Manning-Probably before you time diaper boy.
2. Operation Broken Star-again before your time
3. The chosen few from the north side and 3 from the far south side districts that pissed hot and were welcomed back after a brief stint with EAP. I thought there was a zero tolerance policy if you were caught.
4. S.O.S
5. Half those POW’s at Lexington & Leavitt

So let’s not throw stones out of our glass house. Oh yeah, by the way. My friends also work in the Jail. I think they are 3 of the most stand up guys on this planet and tough to boot. I would love to see you tell the one he paid to make his bones with cash. I think solid food would be a thing of the past for you. And in regards to your “Real Police Comment” you probably are one of the fresh faces who probably takes the garbage out with his pistol on Mr. Real Police. Try looking in the mirror and honestly saying that “I am the perfect person.”

Oh yeah….when you said “ "A" take "special exam" to put you on list, make another special "contribution" AND BANG YOUR IN. Because if you stop and look at the mopes, goofs, dorks, wanna be the police, geeks, dope slingin,gang banging, grandmothers and grandfathers and other misc. clout, pets and political hacks types that work in the courts and jails you know just what I'm talking about.” It kinda sounded like the last merit promotional names submitted to “Hizzoners” office. So pipe down and shut up. What you need to do is to work with others on what we call the “FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD” that seems to be breaking down lately. Especially with you new guys trying to make a name for yourself by screwing your fellow Officers.

Now on to grandma. She will have to live with that mistake for the rest of her life. That is her cross to bear…not your opportunity to start crap.

Please everyone, stop the bashing on each other! There are plenty of scumbags to roust and arrest and to put your attention towards, not our fraternal Brothers and Sisters.

I do hear that there will be several openings in the City Council very soon. I say we put some P.O’s in that spot to look out for us.

But what do I know.

1/19/2007 05:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, 10:50:29-
I didn't post on this thread until I read your post, but I gotta tell you, the only one here that's sickening is you. Because some of the posters don't agree with your take on things means that they "are a disgrace to mankind"? Go fuck yourself you self rightious sacramonious prick.

1/19/2007 05:55:00 AM  
Blogger SCC said...

No more novels Coldtype. We published this one because you are out of practice. Use your own blog for nonsense.

The US invaded Iraq with the express written consent of the UN Security Council and the history of 11 years worth of violated sanctions. What was your proposal - Wave another 11 years of paper at Saddam? We were under attack on a DAILY basis enforcing the UN No Fly Zone - or did you forget that every missle launched at Coalition fighters was an Act of War as defined by Article 51?

1/19/2007 06:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pull up the Major Incident log for this. If you don't know how to access it, have someone do it for you. It's in the CPD Intranet. When you read the log, you'll be amazed at what she tried to do.

Can anyone please explain how to do this. I can't find it on the CLEAR system.

1/19/2007 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 5:42:58 AM, Just a little 411 for ya old timer...

1. nowhere in what I wrote did I say that we are a perfect organization, we're infiltrated by the scum of the earth too. So sit down and shut up yourself dickweed.

2. I am a 20 year veteran and have worked in the 10th District and have been a direct witness to all the BULLSHIT that the CCSP at that jail do on a DAILY basis.

ie; prisoners escape and they don't notify us until hours later, you see them racing all around the neighborhood in the department and personal cars looking stoooooooopid.

The incident when one of the CCSP took a CPD wagon guy out of the car and beat him to a pulp and then ran and hid in the jail, and the CCSP refused to give him up. Just like our own shame the list goes on and on and on. So sit down and shut up, asshat.

3. I DO NOT work in T.R.U. or S.O.S. nor would I want to and I have been around enough to know about all the scandals in the CPD of recent time and have even particpated in having to lock up some of own officers. It's a true shame but I want them gone of the job as much as any other honest,hard working officer. So again sit down and shut up goof.

4. like I said in the comment I wrote most of the ones that work for the CCSP who got something going on leave that place for something better. I did not refer to the CPD per se but anyplace is better than that insane asylum. And what because I tell the truth about the CCSP your going to have your CCSP buddies beat me up. OOOOOOOOOO I'm sooooo scared. Grow up you freakin child.

4. It begs to question just what department do you work for and I'm sure I can put my stats and awards against yours any day if you want to talk about making bones "wiseguy"

5. Last but not least what the hell are you doing up at 5 o'clock in the morning on the blog you lonely, bitter, old man.

...and yeah at first it seemed like a real horrible thing that happened to the poor kid, but you read about how the grandmother covered up the mess to cover her own ass, gee it makes me think that maybe, just maybe I was right. That kid just had the unfortunate fate to have had that old bag as a grandmother. Oh and one more thing douchbag, I AM THE REAL POLICE. Like your "buddies" on the CCSP are going to tell you how they got their job, yeah right. Made their bones in the jail, yeah OK doing what turning a key.

1/19/2007 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Disarm the jail guards! They can't carry at work so why off-duty?? I know most of you will say cause you are all scared off-duty of the bad guy. Hmmmm is that him in the bushes? Is he outside that tavern door? I know it just looks cool with my clip-on badge.

1/19/2007 01:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“The US invaded Iraq with the express written consent of the UN Security Council…” –SCC

Out of practice indeed SSC, I’d completely forgotten how deluded you were. It appears that in your zeal to defend Team Bush war crimes you’ve become confused. The UN Security Council did no such thing, finding instead that the US failed to make a case for war because the UN inspectors could find no evidence of WMD (the US rationale—not Iraqi anti-aircraft fire at USAF fighters). Team Bush refused to bring their proposal of naked aggression to the Security Council when it became readily apparent that the UN would not go along (remember the ‘do you job or we’ll do it for you’ nonsense?).

The UN Security Council approved the 1991 invasion (Desert Storm) following Iraq’s egregious violation of international law with its August 1990 invasion of neighboring Kuwait. So no SCC, the US/UK action of March 2003 were unilateral moves outside the aegis of the UN, hence a violation of international law.

“…every missile launched at Coalition fighters was an Act of War as defined by Article 51” – SCC

I’ll let you off the hook on that one and allow you to read Article 51 (no doubt for the first time) and refresh your memory on the Team Bush arguments before the UN during the lead up to the March 2003 assault rather than embarrass you with a response.

Stay safe.

1/19/2007 01:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"See what I mean?" -Doubter

No. An argument, however, would be helpful.

1/19/2007 05:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

April we begin to negotiate our new contract. residency would be the only thing I'd ask for, but that's not going to happen.

Here are some ideas:

No more merit promotions. Period.

Knowledge of test scores the same day you take it (they did this with the ET test).

75% after 25 years.

Get rid of BS units to increase manpower where it is needed.

1/18/2007 12:46:17 AM

These are not things that the unions are allowed to negotiate. that is set by law

1/19/2007 09:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Justa another Dinosaur said...
This is to poster who posted at 1/18/2007 07:36:16 PM.
At least the County doesn’t have the “Merit Promotion System” or as I prefer to call it “The good old boy network.”

Yes they do.Why do they have a three person MERIT BOARD???

Does CPD have corruption,issues,problems,you bet.

But least CPD hires alot of folks right off the street who do not have a Chinaman,you won't go far but you made it LEGIT.

CCSP positions are not open to the public,which is in violation of State and Federal hiring laws.Yes,you won't see an ad in the paper for Sheriff Police.You don't have to work for Street&Sans to get on CPD.

You have to have your Chinaman get you a spot on DOC or Court Sevices,work for one year(theoretically),if you have the heavy clout and been raising the moola and collecting signatures you get your CCSP spot.
CCSD/CCSP is TOTAL juice.If you don't have a phone call you won't get on,thats a FACT.

Am I picking on the Sheriffs Dept,no.CPD has PLENTY of assclowns that need purged too.It just pains me that a 6 year old child is dead because some asshat wanted to be the po-leece.

1/19/2007 09:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a female officer and I do not carry my firearm in my purse, as a matter of fact I carry it in a fanny pack or I do not carry it at all when off duty. I have nieces and nephews and if they ever got their hands on my gun and hurt themselves or someone else, I would just kill myself. Accidents happens but thats not justification for going easy on someone who didn't take due care. The deputy should be fired and charged appropriately. It was all her fault and a situation that could have been handled different had she been even a little careful. To the retard that said leave your gun at the station go jump off a tall building. My friend got shot off duty because he thought it would be better to not have his gun with him. Bad idea, you have the right to carry, and use it. You are more likely to be a target off duty then on duty. If an officer doesn't feel the need to carry then don't but don't make stupid suggestions that are not good for all. I will always carry my gun in a safe and secure manner on and off duty. If I see the need to help someone or myself a call to 911 is not good enough for me, I will take the appropriate action and that may be using my gun. I will use all the tools I have been given and am not afraid to do so.

1/19/2007 10:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are some questions to be asked here. Why was a handgun in city limits to begin with? Police Officer or not, HANDGUNS ARE ILLEGAL IN CITY LIMITS! Other than criminal penalties, what else is being done to punish the deputy? What does DCFS have to say about the incident?

Speaking of the questions begging to be asked, a caution to Officers with kids due to a constant threat from the far leftist liberals:

DCFS has orders to remove children from the homes of Police Officers because of the presence of a weapon. I can't remember the Officer's name, but the kid's teacher called on her on the basis of an opinion that the mother's job presented a viable threat to the child's safety because the job required the carrying / storage of a weapon in the home.

This was a CPD Officer, and she had to fight for a long time to get the kid back including a lengthy fight in appeals court. The kicker? The case started right after an incident like this where an Officer from another department in Illinois was lax with gun supervision around a minor who also ended up dead.

In this context also, there was talk some time ago at city hall of DISARMING Police Officers because of incidents like this. A current point under consideration that came into discussion while decisions were being made in regards to GPS devices in squads is the concept of GPS tracking of department weapons.

In case you didn't already know, under the center seals of your stars is a GPS tracking / identification device purchased through Blackington who also offers it to the public.

I digress however...gun safety, and the supervision and teaching of respect of a weapon to children is of utmost importance here.

1/22/2007 07:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A current point under consideration that came into discussion while decisions were being made in regards to GPS devices in squads is the concept of GPS tracking of department weapons.
Well, for starters, what you're saying is complete bullshit.

Also, you ignorant fuck, there are no "department weapons" except for the shotguns and heavy weapons. Chicago police officers have to buy their own weapons (handguns). Obviously, you're not a P.O.

1/23/2007 01:57:00 AM  

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