We Owe it All to Seiser
This month's issue of Chicago Magazine:
You'll never guess what's listed on page 59.
On a related note, welcome to all those new readers. We'll expect a bunch of North Shore liberal arguments supporting Hillary, the nanny state and endless control of the lives of lesser mortals than yourselves to be popping up in the comments daily.
And maybe even a few closet republicans will come out of the woodwork.

On a related note, welcome to all those new readers. We'll expect a bunch of North Shore liberal arguments supporting Hillary, the nanny state and endless control of the lives of lesser mortals than yourselves to be popping up in the comments daily.
And maybe even a few closet republicans will come out of the woodwork.
Labels: blogging
exactly why this web-site needs to stop. It only can jam up working coppers, and hurt moral on the job.
Way to go!
Big deal... you made the CHICAGO magazine. Write me when your the centerfold in Playgirl magazine! Now that is something to brag about bigboy!
Seiser for Mr. March 2008 Playgirl!
Sgt. Hitney's blog was on page ONE you big loser! Try harder next time!
Funny on that same page was an advertisement for Seiser's All Day Sports Spa. Two women massages starting at $300.00? Care to explain this one SCC?
Dude, when OBAMA makes president, you are soooooooo gone! Enjoy the fame now!
Making page 59 is as hard as finding 12 TRU officers in one restaurant. Need I say anymore?
I think you made a mistake SCC. The web site listed is SECONDCITYXXXRATEDCOPS.
Close but no cigar!
What's the story with this seiser fellow? Please, just the story, not the 200 posts of dos equis mumbo jumbo...example...sieser killed two stones with one bird....simply, what's the story behind the legend (?)
TRU's blog "MetroSexualsCPD" was listed on page 3.
Sgt. Billy Shields website, www.MeetMeInTheParkingLotToughGuy.com was way ahead of your, SCC!
Pretty bad when www.MolloysMeritAngels.com ranks ahead of your website.
Drop a copy off for the slugs at 35th Street so they have something else to talk about while they are sipping Kool Aid other than how to kiss the new boss' ass while saving their own asses and putting a foot up the working PO's.
Next issue should say..."Seiser's Chicago Magazine".
Kudos SCC! You've even made their online comment section! http://www.chicagomag.com/Chicago-Magazine/February-2008/Nothing-But-Net-171-Great-Chicago-Web-Sites/
I just noticed in that magazine cover....the guv (at a quick glance) looks like Alfred E Newman of M.A.D. Magazine. Man, I need some sleep.
SCC: Wow, looks like this blog is ready for the Big Leagues. Look out LGF and DailyKos!
Have you considered a changing the layout to liven the place up? Let users register and have icons in the comments section. Maybe even an RSS feed?
There is no I.O.U. in teamwork!
time to start selling advertisements. You earned it.
"...a few closet republicans..."
Hey, I said I never, never, ever meant to rub my foot up against that copper's foot, honest!
I was just adjusting my aim.....
Yeah, but here's the best part...SCC decides what actually makes it on the site! Keep up the great editing, and don't give the goofs the opportunity to see their inane comments in print.
Hey SCC....as a non-cop I was wondering who is Seiser?
Also I am all for the FOID march on Daley Plaza...I just got my 11 year old a gun card and we would be there!
When is the FOID March on Daley Plaza? Please let us know
to 12:20am
SEISER had no beginning; SEISER
always was..............
i think the north shore libs are supporting Obama.
Anonymous said...
exactly why this web-site needs to stop. It only can jam up working coppers, and hurt moral on the job.
1/20/2008 11:54:00 PM
Hurt morale? Yea this website did that! Stop drinking the kool-aid and sucking the bosses ass! morale was/is hurt already by the clout babies,shit equipment, no experience bosses,no balls bosses,inter office dating boy girl boy boy girl girl etc. Stop reading if you cannot understand and more hair gel please!
I wouldn't get too excited about being mentioned in some lefty, yuppy magazine; something those gutless latte sipping pukes read
in the morning after washing
"muffy's" feet and putting her slippers on.
Now when you get mentioned in MY magazine, then you'll be someone..
Hey SCC....as a non-cop I was wondering who is Seiser?
Thats the question...just who is Seiser?
hurt moral on the job.
1/20/2008 11:54:00 PM
RESPONSE: moral is at an all time low. it's not this websites fault you fool. it's because the mayor hates us, the department shits on us and leaves us hanging out to dry, the department has taken all of our rights away and have tied our hands when it comes to doing police work, our contract sucks - thats when we even have one, our fop union needs great improvement and the city/dept refuses to admit that they need to hire another 3,000 + police officers. everyday backlogs are a headache, wolfpacking and doc missions are a joke. you name it, so it's not scc's fault dumbass!
I am an avid reader of your blog, and more often than not agree with your opinions and editorials. I consider yours a voice of reason that affords the taxpaying peon an opportunity to "peek behind the curtain". I also appreciate the monumental importance of law enforcement, with the realization that you and your colleagues risk life and limb on a daily basis.
However, your shot at so-called "North Shore liberals", be it in this particular post or previous entries, is lacking credibility and unsupported by any hard data.
I'm a product of a North Shore upbringing. I'm upper class and residing in a well-to-do area of Chicago. Yet I am as frustrated and disgusted with the actions of Daley, Stroger, Blago, and a slew of other left-of-center politicians that apparently espouse many of the same ideals as I do, simply because I attended high school in the 847 area code.
What's the story with this seiser fellow? Please, just the story, not the 200 posts of dos equis mumbo jumbo...example...sieser killed two stones with one bird....simply, what's the story behind the legend (?)
1/21/2008 12:20:00 AM
Hey buddy? If I have to explain you'll never understand.
Hey SCC....as a non-cop I was wondering who is Seiser?
To sum him up...CRAZY,SEXY,COOL YET SO POWERFUL HE CAN PUNCH YOU IN THE BACK OF THE FACE. Also has a natural musk that drives the ladies bananas! And one helluva riverdancer. God I wanna be in him...him I wanna be him.
your voice as well as ours is obviously getting around.
nice job SCC
keep up the good work
saw a great bumper sticker the other day, speaking of liberals:
"Monica Lewinsky's ex-boyfriends wife for President"
Congrats, SCC!
Response to 12:11
When Obama is President, we're all gone. He'll hand us over to the zealot muslim jihadists on a silver platter.
America Wake-UP. His rhetoric may be eloquent but if it's too good to be true, then it is.
Hey, whats those words under the
guv's foto? So small I cant read'em. Wait....could it say: Blago indicted??????
Next time put on a ZORRO mask & pose in Playgirl ;)
7:48am, 11:30am
SEISER backbacks,during his vacations, all over rural America to maintain his magnificent
SEISER is constantly mistakened for
exactly why this web-site needs to stop. It only can jam up working coppers, and hurt moral on the job.
1/20/2008 11:54:00 PM
And it obviously hurts your prowess at spelling.
Seiser is the slicked-back, golden-haired Man-Child we all dream of becoming, a Hero for All Seasons, the Last Hope of the Working Polizei, our Omega Man. If only the CPD had 30,000 Robo-Seisers, we'd be the NYPD...
The answers to Seiser:
When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Seiser.
Seiser doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.
There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Seiser has allowed to live.
Outer space exists because it's afraid to be on the same planet with Seiser.
Seiser does not sleep. He waits.
Seiser is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs.
Seiser is the reason why Waldo is hiding.
Seiser counted to infinity - twice.
There is no chin behind Seiser's beard. There is only another fist.
When Seiser does a pushup, he isn’t lifting himself up, he’s pushing the Earth down.
Seiser is so fast, he can run around the world and punch himself in the back of the head.
Seisers' hand is the only hand that can beat a Royal Flush.
Seiser can lead a horse to water AND make it drink.
Seiser doesn’t wear a watch, HE decides what time it is.
Seiser can slam a revolving door.
Seiser does not get frostbite. Seiser bites frost
Remember the Soviet Union? They decided to quit after Seiser stopped by
Contrary to popular belief, America is not a democracy, it is a Seiseratorship.
Guns dont kill people Seiser does.
Seiser destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise.
First poster on 1/20 at 11:54 PM
I can't take it anymore. For the love of Jesus Christ, the word MORALE has an "E" on the end.
Have you no morals?
Do you know the difference?
"Hey SCC....as a non-cop I was wondering who is Seiser?"
Seiser is a great knowledgeable cop who coppers should listen to. There are alot of idiots who are jealous of his knowledge of being the police and pension issues. Rode with him a few times. Great cop to learn from. Don't know why all the ball bustin' is going on.
Wow SCC, your in the same magazine that Soul by the Pound was once claimed as the best ethnic food. Whatever...
1/21/2008 11:31:00 AM
If the blog offends you assclown don't read it simple as that!
To all of you dorks asking, if you don't know who Seiser is just find another blog to read ;)
SCC if this is not the time to finally sell shirts and hats with your logo on it I dont know what is. It's a free marketing extravaganza!!! This cops wife will promote you for free! It's time now, you are the only real news source in Chicago be proud of it. Contact me if you want to make money and be even more famous ;)
congrats scc-- how about a thread for the biggest suckholes and housecats on this job. you might get about 500 hits-- it would be hard to fit them all in.
"I'm a product of a North Shore upbringing. I'm upper class and residing in a well-to-do area of Chicago. Yet I am as frustrated and disgusted with the actions of Daley, Stroger, Blago, and a slew of other left-of-center politicians that apparently espouse many of the same ideals as I do, simply because I attended high school in the 847 area code."
If this is just a sticks and stones issue, lighten up Francis, the ballbust is art form, which many of us have mastered. Just remember, if the constitution was a perfect document, why was immediatley amended?
Two words....Ron Paul
www.myspace/prouditalianprincess said...
To all of you dorks asking, if you don't know who Seiser is just find another blog to read ;)
When you and him climb in the sack tonight tell him I said HI....dork!
Could someone hear please help me? Each tyme I woke up after takin' some sheeps, er sleeps in the "quiet" room, my arse burns like all heck. Wassup wit dat?
CONGRATS SCC!! Finally a worthy news source making it into a "Tops" list. You go boy/girl whatever. I don't even want to know. I adore you so much I'm afraid if I found out who you were it could only take away the anticipation!
Barack Obama Bin-Laden says---
You can post all the bad things about me on this blog that you want. Not only do I have the protection of Allah, but my ethnic background makes all the press leave me alone. The liberals are too politically correct to oppose me. No one will listen to you until it is too late and the jihad will be complete.
The liberals will suffer first. Such sweet irony.
papa smurf said...
congrats scc-- how about a thread for the biggest suckholes and housecats on this job. you might get about 500 hits-- it would be hard to fit them all in.
1/22/2008 12:16:00 AM
I second that!
Two 1/20/2008 11:54:00 PM:
Let's half us dorks grab hour fingerpaints and drawl a mural depickting why moral is so lowe...
is 5:20 p.m. a picture of Deb Kirby??
1/21/2008 12:03:00 PM
Credibility and hard date? You must be joking. This is a police BLOG. We call it as we see it, and don't need hard data. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and yells aflac, we will accept that it is a duck. Not your professional north shore folk, however. They need professor fuzzybottom from Northwestern to climb down the ivy and state, shortly after declaring that the holocost never existed, that yes, this is a duck. Please don't eat its liver.
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