Sunday, July 20, 2008

Going to the Well - Again

  • Mayor Daley wants to raise $1 million to buy back guns and remove them from Chicago streets, but the latest in a string of corporate fund-raisers got off to a slow start.

    Sources said former Board of Education President Michael Scott was asked to co-sign a wave of fund-raising letters and make fund-raising phone calls after the initial response was lukewarm from a business community that's also being called upon to bankroll Chicago's 2016 Olympic bid.

We really resent the continued use of children and the Board of Ed people to front for Daley's manic anti-gun agenda. Naive children are used as props while people who owe their continued employment to Daley must play along or get out. We are forcibly reminded of Maude Flanders from "The Simpsons" screeching "Won't somebody think of the children?" every time Daley starts to spout his canned speeches.

Even if corporations are becoming aware that the mood in the country is decidedly pro-gun, they are also tired of being hit up for "contributions" whenever the mayor has a "shortfall." Most notably, the massive cost overruns at Millennium Park we covered by equally massive corporate "donations" and people like Oprah dropping a few million. This is hardly the only case, just the biggest we've ever heard of. Different CPS schools, charter and the like, are "sponsored" by corporations big and small under the guise of training the up-and-coming workforce. In reality, Daley wanted to avoid massive tax increases to satisfy union demands, even in the face of substandard results.

The corporate well drying up could mean taxpayers get stuck with many more of the Olympic bills coming up. That might mean a taxpayer revolt soon.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Boston Tea Party was cool. Patriots dumping tea into the harbor while dressed as Indians. The Chicago version will be dumping thousands of gallons of bottled water into the lake while dressed as gagnbangers. Then the political meetings in the bars can begin. Just don't forget to step outside to smoke.

7/20/2008 01:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The firearms that are obtained thru the buy-back program are used in the CPD statistics for gun recoveries.Some more number fudging by the Exempts.

7/20/2008 02:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somebody has to pay for Shortshanks' ideas. I wonder if he can get away with raising the taxes to about 25%? That should cover all of his dreams and take care of all of his buddies. Why not fork over a quarter of your money to Mumbles? He knows what's best for us. He's like our daddy, and we his poor dumb kids.

Who ran against him last election? Oh yeah, nobody. There's not one qualified person in the city of Chicago who can do what the mayor does. Boy, if he goes, who will ever be able to fill his shoes?

7/20/2008 03:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We who work for CPS couldn't agree more with you!
We are out here dealing with the same ignorant ass "honor students" (as well as their ignorant ass parents that you don't see until the child gets suspended, and then they want to sue everybody and fight you IN the schools) that you do, have to abide by the same unconstitutional residency requirement, and after 5 years with no raise got a 3% one while people who came downtown from City Hall who already have big ass salaries got 7%.

That Soldier Field rally was a sham as the students didn't even really know why they were there, and the money used to put on that "production" could have gone towards fixing up some schools that are about to fall apart, get some decent books, fix the science labs and gyms, etc.

Believe it or not, most city workers are rooting for you and support you. Stay safe and keep up the pressure!!!

7/20/2008 04:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The corporate well drying up could mean taxpayers get stuck with many more of the Olympic bills coming up. That might mean a taxpayer revolt soon."

It SHOULD mean a taxpayer revolt and it WOULD MEAN ONE, as we speak, IF the taxpayers of this city and county weren't such pussy whipped and brain washed imbeciles.

In the city, it's understandable that these rip-off artists keep getting reelected, seeing as a large number of this city's residents don't own property, receive tax dollars and vote for who they're told to vote for.

The rest of the county's residents, however, should know better.

And, of course, there's no excuse for any citizen to not be registered to vote or to be registered and not vote in every election.

Why is it that there rarely is a Republican candidate for city offices?

Besides the tired old excuse that a Republican 'just can't win' in a city election.

7/20/2008 05:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hOly bring Out yOur arms bAtMan

It’s that time again for the Dept to waste another $600,000.00 or more to buy back BB/Pellet and toy plastic guns along with real firearms....this money couldn’t be used to buy more badly needed equipment, hire some more police officers or provide “at risk” youth in the community with an activity to get them off the streets after midnight? No?... Not even some more cameras?

In 2006, the Chicago community surrendered over 6,000 firearms to police for a $100 gift certificate. Officers accepted any type of “gun looking” weapon the community “dropped off” regardless if it was a real gun or not. Plastic toy BB/Pellet guns were a hit and increased intake numbers significantly. Normally you can buy these toy guns at Kmart or Walmart for $25 to $35.

Even with this startling figure of over 6,000 guns would think that the effect of this program on handgun violence should have had a slight downward trend in murders? It is a fact that illegal firearm possession of un-qualified FOID citizens were responsible for the double digit increase in handgun murders in Chicago, a city characterized as having an “out of control” youth violence and police managers. So what’s up with that?

Is a weapons turn-in program an effective tool to reducing violence or does it just seem like a symbolic effort for the community to get involved in something that feels doesn’t appear to make any difference toward reducing overall youth murders? Seems like the program is a bust? I wonder what else $600,000.00 spent on youth would get us? Well it could support youth athletic Summer programs. Looks like we need something for these kids to do at night since their parents let them sleep to three o’clock in the afternoon everyday. Guns don’t kill...people do or in this city out of control youths killing kids!

Instead of taking the guns off the street. How about taking the kids off the street first! Maybe someone at City Hall could figure that one out? What are they going to do when the handgun ordinance is over turned by the State court? Is the Dept going to continue with this ineffective crime fighting strategy afterwards?

Examine the handgun violence and murders occurring in this city. Ninety-seven percent of the persons who committed those crimes could not legally purchase a firearm at gun store. Over seventy percent of those offenders arrested with a gun had felony criminal records. Most guns used in handgun related violence are illegally obtained or stolen. If law abiding citizens were allowed to conceal carry their handguns- criminals would not be able to steal guns from their homes or victimize our communities.

7/20/2008 05:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is the say as the media's tag line " the 27th chicago public school child shot". Complete cowchips! 1 and only 1 was shot on or near cps school property, But it sells paper and creates mass hysteria.

7/20/2008 05:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I scammed the city last year for $300 by turning in some junker breaktop .32s.

7/20/2008 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gun turn ins are a great way to make money on broken crappy guns nobody wants.Turn in your bryco,jennings,davis,cobra,raven and make some $$$.

7/20/2008 06:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Believe it or not, most city workers are rooting for you and support you. Stay safe and keep up the pressure!!!

7/20/2008 04:58:00 AM"

If that's the case, then how about encouraging everyone you know to:




7/20/2008 07:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally, I've never been one to think of the children...screw em, I didn't make the little bastards and if you did, don't expect me to pay for and raise your little genetic fuck ups. They out to have a child turn in instead of a weapons turn in......

7/20/2008 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We who work for CPS couldn't agree more with you!
We are out here dealing with the same ignorant ass "honor students" (as well as their ignorant ass parents that you don't see until the child gets suspended, and then they want to sue everybody and fight you IN the schools) that you do, have to abide by the same unconstitutional residency requirement, and after 5 years with no raise got a 3% one while people who came downtown from City Hall who already have big ass salaries got 7%.

That Soldier Field rally was a sham as the students didn't even really know why they were there, and the money used to put on that "production" could have gone towards fixing up some schools that are about to fall apart, get some decent books, fix the science labs and gyms, etc.

Believe it or not, most city workers are rooting for you and support you. Stay safe and keep up the pressure!!!

7/20/2008 04:58:00 AM

I have several family members who work CPS. I keep telling them to get out. On visits, I was amazed at the behavior in the schools. At least our interaction with the little savages is relatively brief. You poor people are trapped with them and their screaming for a full tour. I feel for you all.

Flunk them all. Heh, heh, heh.

7/20/2008 09:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gun buy backs are outstanding programs! I was able to purchase a brand new Glock by turning in several non-functioning firearms. I wasn't aware of look alike weapons. Man, am I gonna make out next year! This kicks ass!

There's nothing more satisfying than taking money from a dumb fuck liberal program in order to upgrade the old arsenal.

7/20/2008 09:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AWWWWW... did I offend you SCC by takjing a jab at crusty old fucks? Is that why you censored my post? Awwww Im sorry old man... Ill try and be more aware of the sensitive feelings of you, SCC in my entries... but the guy who says he made $300 proved my point! Sorry, but you wont see any hairgels fresh out of the academy with any "breaktop .32a"! I mean why would you have unregistered guns laying around anyways???Hmmmm my point exactly

7/20/2008 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Aftermath of Gun-Free School Zones
created by the 1990 Crime Control Act

1776-1990 214 years = 7 incidents
1990-2007 17 years = 78 incidents
Repeal this terrible law. Do it for the children.

7/20/2008 09:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic: talked to the guys who work 771 on mids. they are driving some sort of ice cream looking truck. got a tour of vehicle. tour revealed that 1)vehicle has NO siren, 2)vehicle has 2 SMALL lights in grill that can't be seen by people in traffic. also, gas pumps dont work do to design of tank, therefore a funnel must be used to poor gas into truck. guys said it takes 30 minutes to fill it. 65/state refuses it because they don't have the "equipment" to fill it. no pdt or intercom. but, it has a radio! great choice by the powers that be in officer safety. stay safe

7/20/2008 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those gun buy backs are great and a way to make some cash!

I know many retired coppers and civilians that got rid of old, rusty and broken junk guns that nobody would buy anyway.

7/20/2008 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SCC, forget about the gun turn in. Let's go with a kid turn in, we do everything else for them. we might as well be responsible for their kids 24/7.

7/20/2008 10:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remain continually bemused by politicians who think that someone who is violating various laws against robbery etc will be deterred by a law against guns. If you aren't going to obey the law against murder, why would obey a law against guns?

7/20/2008 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just remember...

LiL Pookie Jr. you stop with the pellet gun and throw it in your trunk... at the end of the tour you throw it in the garbage? You just threw away $10.00.

Food for thought.

7/20/2008 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...




7/20/2008 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you notice all the sewer cave ins in many areas not being reapired, the streets screwed up, lights out! daleys shitcago he is using all the money to build his "olympic dream" which would be a nightmare for the tax payers! I talked to my alderamn who told me that daley is keeping all the money in a "secret fund" for olympics! he is king richie but on police subject will he make jimmy keating the 1st deputy with all his skills riding a segway the stormtrooper!

7/20/2008 11:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see whining blubbering pleas for the children in the name of his dead son Kevin coming on.
He's overdue on running that morally depraved rant on the populace once again...

7/20/2008 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have mixed feelings only because i have this old, broken pistol and....

7/20/2008 01:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why is it that there rarely is a Republican candidate for city offices?

Besides the tired old excuse that a Republican 'just can't win' in a city election."

It's because the Democrats make sure to get every Republican off the ballot.
The Board of Election and their lawyers are as corrupt as Daley and the others. Why are gang members allowed to mull around the voting polls every election?

7/20/2008 02:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If that's the case, then how about encouraging everyone you know to:




7/20/2008 07:11:00 AM

And how about finding ANYONE who can get themselves on the ballot against this shithead.

The problem is, there's NO ONE who has enough friends with TIME on their hands to go around to canvas the city and get the required signatures. Once that goal is accomplished, which you know mayor fukstick is gonna fight against you on, the nominee then has to figure out a way to keep their face in the paper and out in public so people even KNOW he/she is running against the asshole.

Find someone who can get the signatures and knows someone with just enough money to keep the media putting their name in the paper enough and shitstick Daley will be HISTORY.

Good luck.

7/20/2008 02:36:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

AWWWWW... did I offend you SCC by takjing a jab at crusty old fucks? Is that why you censored my post? Awwww Im sorry old man... Ill try and be more aware of the sensitive feelings of you, SCC in my entries.

if its the entry we're thinking of, we knocked it out because it mentioned a fiction that hasn't been proven in 3 decades or more - drop guns. we don't need the media and public believing a fantasy.

7/20/2008 04:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Candidate for Lamest Liberal Suburban Idea:

Some years ago a group of well meaning suburban churches decided you could turn in your evil guns to them and get...

wait for it...

wait for it..


And some ever so caring PD's agreed to take them, despite PO's pointing out that Ray-Ray may not be an *actual* honor student (you have to go to school for that), but he is unlikely to dump his Glock to get a free stuffed $5 animal.

At least coppers can earn some green with the city program.

7/20/2008 05:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if its the entry we're thinking of, we knocked it out because it mentioned a fiction that hasn't been proven in 3 decades or more - drop guns. we don't need the media and public believing a fantasy.

7/20/2008 04:47:00 PM

awwww censored again took out the part about the $300 guy proving my point!!! And ask the west side if drop guns are a thing of the past! nice try SCC youre a censor

7/20/2008 05:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a great idea!!! My bag of drop guns they issued me in the academy is just about empty and there are still more alterboys and honor roll students out there.

7/20/2008 06:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And how about finding ANYONE who can get themselves on the ballot against this shithead.

The problem is, there's NO ONE who has enough friends with TIME on their hands to go around to canvas the city and get the required signatures. Once that goal is accomplished, which you know mayor fukstick is gonna fight against you on, the nominee then has to figure out a way to keep their face in the paper and out in public so people even KNOW he/she is running against the asshole.

Find someone who can get the signatures and knows someone with just enough money to keep the media putting their name in the paper enough and shitstick Daley will be HISTORY.

Good luck.

7/20/2008 02:36:00 PM"

Not every elected public office is citywide.

In fact, Legislative offices, ie. city wards, state/federal senate and representative districts, and state Judicial districts, etc., require far less a number of nominating petition signatures than city wide offices.

Reducing the power to control all aspects of our city government that the mayor's office now wields doesn't depend entirely upon replacing the person who is mayor.

While it may genuinely seem incredibly difficult to disrupt the smooth operations of the cook county democratic party's corruption machine, the fact that the minions of said machine labor so vehemently to 'get out the vote' on election days is evidence that each and every citizen's vote still matters.

A Democracy cannot achieve it's potential for benefiting all of it's citizens without the enthusiastic participation of those citizens, regardless of whatever obstacles are impeding or discouraging that participation.

Yes, those in power will strive to retain that power, by hook or by crook, using every dirty trick in their book of dirty tricks.

It really is up to the citizens to use what thinking capacity they possess to decide who they will, and will not, cast their votes for.

If they, the citizens, are not registered to vote, or, being registered, do not bother to vote, for whatever reasons, then the citizens who do not participate bear the majority of the responsibility for the types of governments they must live with.

If you, the citizen, don't like what a Daley is doing, don't vote for him.

And, if in not voting for him you find that this not voting for him doesn't prevent him from being reelected, than you must realize that, in order for a Daley to not be reelected, SOMEONE, I suggest ANYONE, must receive more votes than he does.

When we, the taxpaying citizens, understand and embrace the concept of 'Anyone, literally, ANYONE, BUT THE INCUMBENT', and focus our dissatisfied votes for a specific single challenger in every contested office, then, and only then, will there be an election that results in a diminishment of the effects of this one party rulership in this city and county.

A machine is made up of the driving device, the motor, and the gears said motor drives.

To stop the machine's operations, you don't necessarily have to stop the motor; removing a single gear can effectively render the machine inoperative.

Some gears are more vital than others.

Hence the desirability of electing Peraica to the county state's attorney's office.

Remember, a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link.

7/20/2008 09:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is it true that the city will charges $60.00 to register handguns now. that's a mighty big fee for Daley;s dreams.

7/20/2008 10:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Did you notice all the sewer cave ins in many areas not being reapired, the streets screwed up, lights out! daleys shitcago he is using all the money to build his "olympic dream" which would be a nightmare for the tax payers! I talked to my alderamn who told me that daley is keeping all the money in a "secret fund" for olympics! he is king richie but on police subject will he make jimmy keating the 1st deputy with all his skills riding a segway the stormtrooper!

7/20/2008 11:31:00 AM

Not just that why is there a huge fleet of "front line cars" crown vics with 3-7 thousand miles sitting behind 51st street always there for the big shots and of course eddie burke when then need a spare car! Why not put these beauties into the rotation?

7/20/2008 10:30:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

?awwww censored again took out the part about the $300 guy proving my point!!! And ask the west side if drop guns are a thing of the past! nice try SCC youre a censor

And you're blind. Look at 9:29 AM softball. Your post is there in full with the $300 and the breaktop .32a. Sorry if you're feeling aggrieved, but the sarcasm was lost somewhere in the translation. It's obvious you've got a chip on your shoulder and your determined to pick a fight. We explained why we censored the first comment, you persist in believing its some agenda. Fine. But try not to look like a complete asshat when we post your rebuttal.

7/20/2008 11:13:00 PM  
Blogger Westcide Dog said...

Did someone mention we had "drop guns" on the Westside? All those years of humping and not once was I offered one of these freebies! Shiiiiit I could have avoided both my lawsuits if I had one then! Sounds like Santa was passing them out when I was RDO!

7/20/2008 11:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

awwww censored again took out the part about the $300 guy proving my point!!! And ask the west side if drop guns are a thing of the past! nice try SCC youre a censor

7/20/2008 05:39:00 PM

Um,$300 person here.How does turning in 3 broken POS .32s prove your point about drop guns??They do not exist Mr. soft as puppy shit.
Example detective:I buy crap .32 for $20 at gunshow,its an antique,broken unfiring condition.
I take that nickled POS to the turn in and profit $80 bucks a piece.

Maybe someone gave me the old useless revolvers that nobody sells ammo for off duty.I turn them in and pocket 300 clams.The program is no questions asked isnt it??

Why would you need a drop gun when we have plenty of shitbags running around with guns,knives,bats,machetes threatening cops and citizens.

The only thing dropped at a shooting scene is a load of feces in the coppers pants from being shot at.

7/20/2008 11:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The only thing dropped at a shooting scene is a load of feces in the coppers pants from being shot at.

7/20/2008 11:58:00 PM"

Glad to hear that you're so secure in your manhood as to admit to this happening to you.

7/21/2008 05:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Keesing Bandit says---

"...SCC. you're a censor..."

It's his fucking blog. He can do what he wants. If he only wanted to post comments about local bath houses (of which I would be eternally grateful) he can do so.

Now, kees me you fool!!!

7/21/2008 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you're so secure in your manhood as to admit to this happening to you.

7/21/2008 05:18:00 AM

You are obviously hair gel type and know nothing.

maybe thats why I get $600 hr as a real use of force expert beat car driver.It can work to your advantage to document such occurences when you are being sued for wronful death.

Now back to your ticket book.

7/21/2008 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you're so secure in your manhood as to admit to this happening to you.

7/21/2008 05:18:00 AM

Another clear case of biased investigator technique.No wonder CPD has less than a 37% clearence rate.

7/21/2008 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The firearms that are obtained thru the buy-back program are used in the CPD statistics for gun recoveries.Some more number fudging by the Exempts.

7/20/2008 02:57:00 AM

They always have been. A weapons a weapon.

Numbers should be matched up vs firearms purchaced in IL at legit gun dealers. To see if it really matters.

7/21/2008 11:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Not every elected public office is citywide."


7/22/2008 12:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A machine is made up of the driving device, the motor, and the gears said motor drives."

U fourgot about the 22' rims, don't they have to be chrome or can't they not be brushed aluminum? AND doesn't the numbers on the DC servo motors half to be matched up vs the AC traction motors purchaced in LaGrange IL at legit used locomotive dealers?

7/23/2008 02:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7/20/2008 09:18:00 PM:

Forgot to remember what you said...something about golf links??

7/23/2008 12:39:00 PM  

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