Thursday, October 02, 2008

Pension Board Meeting Info

Huberman goes to the Pension Board. The Board listens to his spiel. But no one was prepared for Officer Shields, his camera, FOX News and their camera. At this point, the Board has to know their actions are going to attract all sorts of unwanted attention to their votes and they are going to be called on it.

The Board is made up of an elected Patrolmen's rep, an elected Sergeant's rep, and elected Lieutenant's (and above) rep, and an elected Retiree rep along with four spots appointed by the mayor.

So after Huberman makes his play, the Board votes to table the motion for a future date. The vote was 7-1. The one? Robbins, the Patrolman's rep. Robbins actually wanted to call the matter for a vote and make the mayor's people declare themselves, but he was undercut by the Sergeant, Lieutenant and Retiree representatives. Seems like there ought to be at least new Sergeant, Lieutenant and Retiree reps in the upcoming election.

Does anyone doubt that the mayor's four appointees are going to wait for a date to come up when the cameras aren't there and one of the elected reps is absent or late, then do an end around and give Huberman the credits he's asking to steal? We certainly don't discount that possibility. And why was Commander Roy there to testify on behalf of Huberman? Who ordered him there to support Huberman's bullshit? At least J-Fed sold his soul for almost a million dollars over three years. How does Huberman own Roy's ass?

UPDATE: And if Huberman is comparing CTA work to police work, why are people still getting stabbed on his El platforms?
  • A South Side man is hospitalized with a stab wound that possibly pierced his heart after an altercation at a Red Line subway station early Wednesday in the Loop.

    A 38-year-old man was taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital in critical condition after being stabbed at 2:30 a.m. at 230 S. State St., Central District Police said.



Blogger Loaded Dice said...

Bring back George Gannon (ret Captain).........

He was the last good guy on the Pension Board........

God save the CPD........

REtired in 2003..........

10/02/2008 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me ask you something about Robbins. If he knows that Huberman is to appear before a board that he sits on, how come he took no action to advise us of this? That's absolutely ridiculous.

For him to make this vote is too little, too late. Shields has done more in one day to raise awareness in one day than Robbins has done in his entire useless term at that board.

Shame on Robbins, that just demonstrates complete incompetence.

I'm sticking with Shields on this vote.

10/02/2008 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally about Robbins. He comes into roll call talking defensively about how he voted to give Daley's nephew money.

He argues he didn't know? Well if the Sergeants' trustee raised a big stink about it to the board and actually voted no, how can Steve Robbins not really know? He was made well aware of this.

What nice firm will Steve be working for next year when he gets his twenty years and runs?

Thanks for falling asleep at the wheel!

10/02/2008 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/02/2008 01:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike Mette for FOP President. He knows how the system messes with people greater thsn sny of the flunnies at FOP do. MIKE METTE FOR FOP PRESIDENT.

10/02/2008 02:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I ran into Ron at the Manhole Bar and Grill, he said the cop pension is a sure bet. He said a few of the pension board members are in his "club", whatever that means.

10/02/2008 05:15:00 AM  
Blogger Ink Bomb said...

It's not a well kept secret that Roy is rumored to be promoted. Perhaps that's at least a small part of some deal behind helping to secure Huberman's ride on the pension gravy train.

Then again, if you're playing with a loaded deck of pension board members willing to push Huberman through I don't know why Roy would be needed there at all to support him.

10/02/2008 06:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Outstanding piece SCC Lets keep our eyes on this one

10/02/2008 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...




10/02/2008 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was Commander Roy there on the clock?

10/02/2008 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huberman never followed procurement or personnel rules with the city. He was involved in the $2+Million procurement scheme during his tenure at OEMC. Why is this never in the papers? OIG is supposedly inspecting.

10/02/2008 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1st : I found out that if the pension board voted No that would give Huberman a chance to appeal their decision in court. [A Crook County Court] By putting it under advisement they allow their lawyers time to review this and give the board a basis [under State Law] for denying his request. His lawyer brought up a good argument for Ronny and threw in a lot of Home Land Security BS that the CTA does. That Ronny directs the CPD and CTA Special Employment officers on where to go and what to do regarding the safety of the transit system.
2nd I’m told that ROBBINS is just a FOP stooge that votes the way he is told to by the union. Look at his voting record not everyone that tries to get a disability pension deserves one, but he tries to give the money to them every time. Even the guy who has tried two other times in he career to get disability. ODD, when this guy was turned down for disability pension he went back to work FULL DUTY until he could find a scam to apply again! Good thing that JFed is looking into the medical roll abuse! Hey Jody maybe you can get the medical roll abusers for Felony theft and income tax evasion, not that’s something no one would care about… P.S. The replacement on the pension board should be ROBBINS no one else.

10/02/2008 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. You guys got to know that Huberman is the next Superintendent. It will be Daley's swan song of fucking us.

2. Robbins voted to give Daley's nephew $63,000,000. Nuff said.


10/02/2008 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI to 12:51,Pension Board Meeting Agenda always posted on their website at least three weeks prior to meeting.All details are there .Its the law. Be informed

10/02/2008 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We can can all complain about how the pension metting went and thats all well and good. I will be at the next meeting even if i have to take time off. I hope to see a packed with aditonal P.O.s

10/02/2008 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Padding pensions through the CTA is a long established practice. Not long ago 2 exempt rank fire chiefs named Donnellan(19th ward) and Nolan(11th ward) were forced of the Chicago Fire department due to the mandatory retirement age(63). Shortly there after they were at work for the CTA. And this was at the time the CTA was extolling dooms day scenerios if the did'nt get a Springfield bail out. Which they of course recieved. What does a 63 year old man bring to the CTA that a twenty something could'nt do for half the salary? We'll never know. No one will ever ask. Advantage Daley. Again.

10/02/2008 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There have been officers up at the Pension Boards meetings. Anyone that has had a disability hearing will tell you that a few, and only a few officers were at their hearing to support them. It’s the same officers month after month who show up.

Every once in a while an OT post will appear on this site and nobody seems to care. It’s your pension money! For Gods’ Sake, go to a pension board meeting once in awhile. See how the game is played, see if YOUR trustees are doing their job. Let the trustees know how you feel and what you want. Keep the pressure on, and don’t let up.

You would be surprised how many Gold Stars, (past & present), and politicians show up for a hearing when it’s for one of their own. 1 person from every district every month would make a difference at these meetings. They have to let you in, they have to make accommodations for everyone that shows up, it’s the law. So much gets passed at those meetings because the police officer that puts his life on the line everyday, with the hope of receiving a pension someday doesn’t show up to support his/her fellow officers. But the Gold stars and politicians make sure they show up to make sure their cronies will get YOUR HARD EARNED PENSION MONEY.

If you don’t want Huberman to get the time, call up the pension board and demand that they give a time when a decision will be made. Find out if they are going to hold a special meeting just for Hubermans hearing. If they do, demand your trustee notifies you and all the districts so you can show up.

And to those that have gone to the Pension Board meetings month after month, year after year, on your time, paying for parking out of your pocket, taking time away from your family to support the Officers of the Chicago Police Dept.,I thank you. You know who you are, no names need to be posted.

10/02/2008 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I rode the CTA for twenty years before I got on the police department. We all know how dangerous that is. I helped keep my fellow passengers safe during all that time and performed law enforcement duties on every ride. Sort of.

I just want 7 years of those 20 years of dangerous CTA ridership to count towards my police pension, so I can get the fuck out now at max pension!

I was in the academy with Gene Roy so he ought to stand up for me also.

10/02/2008 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me ask you something about Robbins. If he knows that Huberman is to appear before a board that he sits on, how come he took no action to advise us of this? That's absolutely ridiculous.

For him to make this vote is too little, too late. Shields has done more in one day to raise awareness in one day than Robbins has done in his entire useless term at that board.

Shame on Robbins, that just demonstrates complete incompetence.

I'm sticking with Shields on this vote.

10/02/2008 12:51:00 AM


The Sergeant's rep DID NOT know it was Mayor Daley's nephew involved. He just didn't like real estate investments. When the contract with Daley's nephew came up for renewal, the Sergeants Rep. (Mike Lazaro) voted FOR RENEWAL! It was Steve Robbins who voted against renewal. Steve Robbins who, when he had the information, always voted the right way.

And just as an aside, the media wasn't there because of Mike Shields, they were their because they read the comments section of SCC and looked at the Pension board website to get the information (hey, just like Mike Shields).

And while it was a good stunt, Shields didn't even stay to see the conclusion, so he wasn't there to see Robbins get voted down by Daley's guys and the other elected reps.

Further, Shields didn't look to smart answering basic questions from the news media, even though he obviously prepared for this stunt.

I'm sticking with someone who's proven himself our guy on this vote. I'm sticking with Steve Robbins.
I'm not Steve Robbins, but I approve this message.

10/02/2008 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone please confirm if Roy was at the pension meeting and did in fact testify on Huberman's behalf. I don't want any "that's what I heard" stuff. I want a witness who was actually there and who tell us what Roy said on Huberman's behalf.

10/02/2008 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, is this a good sign that the penison might actually be around when Lubbie is old enough to collect??????

I don't think some one of his intelligence and connections would try to ride a dead horse to the finish line........

10/02/2008 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who else is dipping into our pension fund? Anybody have a list of other non-police "entitled" to benefits?

10/02/2008 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike Shields, 019, is my new hero.

Is there something about pushing his credited time over ten years that we're missing (Huberman)? I know you're not vested until you hit ten years, but can you draw ANYTHING unless you have twenty credited years???

And, let's tell every bus driver we know to make a claim; they work homeland security and should get a bite from our pension, too!!!

10/02/2008 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robbins was at my roll call just last week and never once mentioned Huberman. What? He did not know it was up on Monday! Come on. Stop the bullshit. He voted to give Daley's nephew over $$$$ 60 million bucks of our pension for ghetto real estate speculation. He needs to go too.

Shields gets my vote.

10/02/2008 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this all sounds like the clout babys
roy specail k ron what's next
they all get 2 city pension checks
or maybe 3 or 4

10/02/2008 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I take the CTA a LOT on my off time... then doesn't THAT time add up to pensionable time? And I constantly pass bus stops when I drive my personal car, so I always keep a trained eye out for terrorists... We are never off duty, and if I'm doing such stellar work by riding the bus to the cubs game, well, gosh darnit, I'm fighting terrorism just like pretty ron.... pension me for that!.... hell, all the hours I spend driving on my own time past bus stops... im thinking im out of here with 15 years actual, 15 years credited!

10/02/2008 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vote for Voight from the Sgt's, I don't believe he'd lay down with the city like Lazzarro

10/02/2008 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/02/2008 12:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Steve Robbins was so smart then why did he vote for the mayors nephew Vanecko to obtain $63,000,000 of our money.
He was advised that it was the mayors nephew by Sgt. Mike Lazarro who threw a fit and was the only person to vote "NO".

10/02/2008 12:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gene Roy's appearance at the pension board is an eleventh ward "nod" to the City Appointed members that Daley approves of this.

Good job Shields for exposing this. This has truly raised a huge stink within the department.

What's actually nice to see is that both the blue shirts and the white shirts are talking about how pissed off they are that Huberman is trying to take this money. A rare moral booster.

I hope coppers actually mail their votes in, unlike other past elections.

10/02/2008 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's really fucked up. the fucking homeless are crawling all over that area, you never know when one of those crazies are going to go off.

10/02/2008 12:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe Mike Lazzaro is a Sgt on the Pension Board. He comes to our district and seems to be a stand-up guy who spoke up on the Daley nephew thing. I'd like to think he wouldn't back this jack-ass Hubermann. Please keep us posted as to the next time this vote comes up and lets get a few people down there to confront these board members & Hubermann and back up Officer Shields. This hand-job Hubermann wouldn't know police work if it hit him in the ass! Something like this can adversely impact our pension money!

10/02/2008 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who did ron's mom give the envelopes to? he was gone but terry hillard was sent to get him back on cpd, with a huge salary, the bigger question is who sent hillard?? You know the ex-sup who has taser contrcats, "Mo money"!

10/02/2008 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are any of our four representatives being reelected? This is something that they all should have brought out. Lets get some opposition out there, and eliminate these rats from their cushy spots

10/02/2008 12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's clear things up-Mike Lazarro said at the last Sgts meeting in September that he was wrongly being given credit for voting down the investment in Daley's nephew company when he actually voted against it because he thought it was too risky of an investment. So it sounds like he didn't know the nephew was inviolved either-how would Robbins?

Great for Shields that he brought a camera and exposed goofy Huberman. However, I'm a lot more concerned that the elected pension board members understand these investment and have the financial know how to be part of the board. we know that Shields can do an ambush interview a la 60 minutes and haas access to YouTube. What else does Shields know about pension issues know? What does Robbins know about pension finance?
What does Lazarro or anyone else?

Who are the four appointees?

And-more than ever-you and your family's future depend on that pension and it's survival-please be involved and find out and vote!!! Don't leave the enevope sitting in your locker or on your dresser- send it in after you find out a bit more about the candidates.

10/02/2008 12:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I emailed pension reps Hauser, Maloney,Robbins,and Lazzaro shortly after seeing the Board meeting on Fox. Shortly after that I received positive replies from Hauser, Robbins, and Maloney that they would do the right thing. Remember, your word is your word. No response from Lazzaro yet. I will try again.

Retired 11yrs..............

10/02/2008 01:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just out of curiousity why do you guys even care?

it doesn't change the amount of money any of you guys get one penny? and it gets paid by the city one way or the other.

10/02/2008 01:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only reason Roy would be involved is to help himself. The guy has been promoted WAY behond his abilities and he was only promoted because of who he was married to (Chief Judge Beibel's sister). That's all Roy knows is how to play the political game... he certainly won't be promoted again based on his leadership abilities because he doesn't have any. The only thing he knows how to do is suck up to any political figure that can help him take another step up the ladder, the same ladder he should have been knocked off along time ago. If he does get promoted, hopefully he takes E.W., T.M., A.G. and the rest of his useless suckups with him when he leaves 009. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out of 009 Gene, we won't miss you when you're gone.

10/02/2008 01:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gene Roy is a former elected member of the pension board and is
currently the commander of the 9th
district. His presence at the meeting indicates that the Mayor's
office is in favor of Huberman receiving pension credit for his CTA time. I heard on WBBM news radio this morning that the Guardian Angels made a gun arrest on the trains last night. They posted a video of the arrest on YouTube. I wonder if Joe McMahon tried to get Huberman on the paper.

10/02/2008 02:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bad move by trustee's Sgt. Lazarro, Kenny Hauser, and Lt Maloney. It's so near election time. I guess they don't care about your vote.

Remember the ballots go out next week. Don't forget to vote.

Anyone got the office phone numbers of mayors appointed trutee's so we can call them and let them know how we feel about the Huberman scam?

10/02/2008 03:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

024 could detail a ton of their know it all "dollies". Such as that goof F.V. that made SGT because mommy was jocking the Commander. And the other know it all queens who always work at the desk.

10/02/2008 03:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roy used to be the Lt.+ representative on the board. He is the one who sponsored giving $100,000 of our money to the Police Memorial Fund. Shortly thereafter, he was promoted to Commander by Cline. Figure it out.

10/02/2008 03:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When 200 k is not enough.....................that dirtball Spielman just did a total puff piece for Daley & Luberman in the Sun-Times. What a joke!!!

I'm voting for the Shields kid.

10/02/2008 04:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice questions, good reporting from Larry Yellin (who I believe is an attorney). Good for Mike Shields.

Just another example of how the rich get richer. And how greedy they really are.

Patrolman to Deputy Supt. in five years? Can you hold this bucket for me?

10/02/2008 04:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've driven a lot of citizens home, to pick up the babies clothes, to the hospital...Can I get a CTA pension???

10/02/2008 05:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/02/2008 07:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, does John Kass know about this? He needs to write a huge article about all the gory details and how the rest of us are getting screwed!

10/02/2008 07:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

funny...watching people trying to justify silly bullshit....then making regular joes jump thru hoops. yeah...its all legit

10/02/2008 07:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The rumor is that some people have been talking to Janice (Tim's Kelly's widow) about suing the city for the undue stress Roy caused Tim, thus resulting in a massive heart attack. Dozens of P.O.'s have been approached in 009 to be witnesses as to what stress he put Tim through.

Could prove interesting......

10/02/2008 08:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gene Roy. What a surprise.

Isn't he the guy terrorizing the 009th District?

10/02/2008 08:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This shit is unbelievable! Go Mike Shields. The whole idea of Huberman trying to take our pension money is toatlly insulting. He doesn't know the first thing about being the police.

I think I'm going to call the pension board.

Hey Mike Shields, post on SCC. We'd love to hear from you.

10/02/2008 08:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say vote everyone off the pension board.....we need new blood.
These guys get wined and dined and go on all expense paid trips, etc. by those who want our money to play with. Hubberman does not deserve our pension money for the time he wasn't working for us. I want to know who votes YES for this guy, 'cause then you know who the players are and who expects something in return from either Hubberman or da mayor, perhaps a gold star or a merit promotion???

10/02/2008 08:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this Shields guy doesnt want huberman to get a pension because he isnt doing police work where will it stop? What about all of us at HQ, Homan Sq, and the ETD who are on the payroll, paying into the fund and arent doing police work, will we be next? just because we arent going on jobs and making arrests doesnt mean we arent the police and that we dont deserve a pension.

10/02/2008 09:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huberman's out of his warped little mind. He might like (to be) a man in a uniform but he isn't one.

10/02/2008 10:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1st : I found out that if the pension board voted No that would give Huberman a chance to appeal their decision in court. [A Crook County Court] By putting it under advisement they allow their lawyers time to review this and give the board a basis [under State Law] for denying his request. His lawyer brought up a good argument for Ronny and threw in a lot of Home Land Security BS that the CTA does. That Ronny directs the CPD and CTA Special Employment officers on where to go and what to do regarding the safety of the transit system.
2nd I’m told that ROBBINS is just a FOP stooge that votes the way he is told to by the union. Look at his voting record not everyone that tries to get a disability pension deserves one, but he tries to give the money to them every time. Even the guy who has tried two other times in he career to get disability. ODD, when this guy was turned down for disability pension he went back to work FULL DUTY until he could find a scam to apply again! Good thing that JFed is looking into the medical roll abuse! Hey Jody maybe you can get the medical roll abusers for Felony theft and income tax evasion, not that’s something no one would care about… P.S. The replacement on the pension board should be ROBBINS no one else.

10/02/2008 08:40:00 AM

Listen up, Douche. They ALL need to be replaced. First off, the pension board does not have lawyers. It has one lawyer -- Dave Kugler. Mr. Kugler is very much in favor of giving Luberman the pension.

Say what you want about retard Robbins, those peices of shit Maloney and Lazzaro voted to "defer." They had the votes to deny Huberman and they took a pass. Claiming the delay was so they could "get it right" is just a blatant lie. Out with the old and in with the new. Vote for Mike Shields. He has BALLS.

10/02/2008 10:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI to 12:51,Pension Board Meeting Agenda always posted on their website at least three weeks prior to meeting.All details are there .Its the law. Be informed

10/02/2008 08:49:00 AM


10/02/2008 10:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And while it was a good stunt, Shields didn't even stay to see the conclusion, so he wasn't there to see Robbins get voted down by Daley's guys and the other elected reps.

Further, Shields didn't look to smart answering basic questions from the news media, even though he obviously prepared for this stunt.

I'm sticking with someone who's proven himself our guy on this vote. I'm sticking with Steve Robbins.
I'm not Steve Robbins, but I approve this message.

10/02/2008 10:00:00 AM

Hey lying bag of shit, Shields WAS there till the end and Robbins did NOT get voted down. The vote was to defer.

As someone who has been to more than one pension board meetings, let me say this: Robbins never spoke up in objection to the deferral. Robbins does not have one single ounce of credibility on that Board. They treat him like a smelly bum.

You go ahead and vote for a stupid trustee that gave milliions of dollars to Daley's nephew for Olympic-based real estate speculation. Robbins is an idiot!

10/02/2008 10:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vote for Voight from the Sgt's, I don't believe he'd lay down with the city like Lazzarro

10/02/2008 11:37:00 AM

True Dat!

10/02/2008 10:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, is this a good sign that the penison might actually be around when Lubbie is old enough to collect??????

I don't think some one of his intelligence and connections would try to ride a dead horse to the finish line........

10/02/2008 10:19:00 AM

News flash!! Guess again, the pension has a 4,000,000,000 (that's billion, folks) unfunded liability.

10/02/2008 10:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this Shields guy doesnt want huberman to get a pension because he isnt doing police work where will it stop? What about all of us at HQ, Homan Sq, and the ETD who are on the payroll, paying into the fund and arent doing police work, will we be next? just because we arent going on jobs and making arrests doesnt mean we arent the police and that we dont deserve a pension.

10/02/2008 09:48:00 PM

For Christssakes Caparrelli, stay off this blog. It's for the WORKING police.

10/02/2008 11:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

smelly bum.
As in butt or hobo?

10/03/2008 05:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this Shields guy doesnt want huberman to get a pension because he isnt doing police work where will it stop? What about all of us at HQ, Homan Sq, and the ETD who are on the payroll, paying into the fund and arent doing police work, will we be next? just because we arent going on jobs and making arrests doesnt mean we arent the police and that we dont deserve a pension.

10/02/2008 09:48:00 PM

Pull your head out of your ass, that is not the message here. By the way maybe Leo would give you a pension if you work at his gym. Oh Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.

10/03/2008 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, are you advocationg for retard robbins? That guy is a fucking joke. He never said one word when he voted not to defer the Huberman money grab. It wouldn't have mattered anyway. The Board treats robbins like a red headed step-child. Oh, and, did you know robbins voted to give the mayor's nephew millions to speculate on the mayor's olympic dreams? Screw him.

Shields actually went back to college to get a state pension certification. He is by far the most qualified candidate. Time for a little new blood.

10/03/2008 06:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps Commander Roy was just covering the proceedings for his little brother Kevin.

10/04/2008 03:40:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

HA! What a gas seeing my old buddy Michael Shields on Fox news. Anyway, there is alot of "who is Mike Shields?" in this thread. However, before I go into the substance of my posting, I suppose it would be disingenious not to state that I've known Mike Shields for over 10 years in both a professional and personal setting.

Therefore, I am admittedly biased. However, it really is no exaggerating when I say that Mike is by far one of the most trustworthy and upstanding individuals I have come across in this city. He is the guy I call when I need answers and/or when I need to know how to get something done. And that's Mike Shields. He's the guy who knows how to get things accomplished (or at least he will put you in touch with the right people).

Anyway, stunt or not, the Mike Shields I know has the best interest of the PO in mind when he goes after swine like Ron Huberman. Trust me, Mike is a real working officer who comes from a long line of great PO's. He also has the education and certification to do the job.

Anyway, I don't know how to say it anymore clearly than I know Mike is the right guy for this job. Good Luck Michael.

10/04/2008 05:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On your comment about Robbins falling asleep at the wheel. He has been the only one who stands up for our people. We have a Lt. who walks away at crucial voting times and and Sgt. who brags about knowing that he did not vote for the mayor's nephew and to find out it was only that he voted against a realestate deal, and on 21st of July when he knew the mayor's nephews contract was up for renewal he voted yes for it. You have two Commanders Graiber and Roy who want to be Hubermans witness and ask for what reason might this be??
The posting are up and available to all who are concerned as to who is appearing before the board if you have any personal concern then to bash Robbins then shame on you.

10/06/2008 01:09:00 PM  

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