Nice Pinch in Homicide
An alleged high-ranking Chicago gang member was gunned down Thursday afternoon while standing outside a West Side residence that police believe he was having appraised, authorities said.
Police arrested three suspects after a short chase and also seized two weapons within minutes of the shooting in the 3800 block of West Flournoy in West Lawndale.
Killed was Ray Washington, an alleged leader in the Four Corner Hustler gang for at least seven years, police said. An appraiser who was with Washington also was shot, but he was expected to live.
This homicide might open up a largish can of worms on the west side. Nice to see that the gangs are investing in the neighborhoods though. Not sure how Highland Park feels about the police record of it's newer residents, however. Not that that's a problem anymore.
And taking a bunch of credit?

And taking a bunch of credit?

- "They did a murder in plain view in the middle of day,'' Schmitz said. "And we got 'em. We were on them. That's what our job is.''
Good job Ric Flair!
Labels: good news
Opps he takes credit again! Is the same guy who has in his personal vehicle (Not the new crown vic he geats from us taxpayers), flashing lights in the grill and,strobes front and rear the same guy?? WTF Ric stop it already you love yourself! My hero or is it more like a zero??
TRU DAT!!! Targeted Response Unit still runs the shit.
I work in TRU but if I work my ass off hopefully I will get asked to work in MSF or Gang Enforcement. I haven't written a case report since my first year on the job and I only have 3 years!!! Let the districts worry about writing paper, we are too busy locking dudes up!!! I lead the city in false TRP arrests. I am getting my numbers together so I can set up an interview with either one of these elite units. There still are people out there that want to work, just give us a chance and the homicides will drop!
Let's be very clear. Those were TACT TEAM guys from 011. Nice pinch fellas.
Excellent job!
Be safe out there!
SCC: Some of the non-police readers of this blog may be offended by your blog and not understand your humor. Too bad for them because I enjoy your humor!
One last thing: I guess Highland Park's zip code isn't exclusive anymore.
Todd Stanley, Gabe Ruvalcaba, and Bags RULE!
Leo was there?? What a sanctimonious goof. Beat coppers in 011 caught the bad guys. I didn't see Leo there at all. Maybe he was upstairs. The people doing the grunt work wore blue shirts.
Stop trying to take credit for other peoples work. I know its the Chicago way, but have you no shame?
Now go home and get your shine box...
Go Leo...! "How about a Nice Cup of Shut the Fuck Up?"
You know who......
Is this Ray who was killed and Ray Longstreet the same person? It's hard to keep up with all of the names they use.
routine policework boss.
Good job guys!!!!!! Even if the bosses take the credit everyone knows who does the Heavy Lifting (lowly Blue shirts)out there....
That's gonna snowball. Be safe out there.
Scmitz says, "we got em." Was Rick Flair even on scene of this arrest??
Leo is "styling and profiling" westside style . WOO!
That crank wishes he was the nature boy!
"Nice to see that the gangs are investing in the neighborhoods..."
Time for RICO prosecutions and seizures of property like this. Life's hard enough without 4CH for a landlord.
Great job guys !!!!!!!!!
Good job by all involved! Why cant we all just get along! I showed up on scene and it was a teamed effort.Tac might have onviewed the incident. But when it was all said and done the Chicago Police Dept came together and took these offenders off the street.Enjoy the job be safe and lets get along. good job 11 tac.
Greatjob by the gang unit
didn't Leo and his people show up after the crime lab? Wasn't it the Tac team, the district, and some Area 4 team?
•"They did a murder in plain view in the middle of day,'' Schmitz said. "And we got 'em. We were on them. That's what our job is.''
Funny, I don't recall seeing him out there chasing anybody so what's with this "we" crap? No Leo, "we" didn't catch anybody, we caught him...
Ric again takes credit "we" got em! was he the one who actually made an arrest? Did he have all the medals on? What a goof!
say what you want, but good job by the gang team.. now lets start hearing how it was all the boys in 011 who really caught them because nobody is the 'real' police like those self absorbed young buck officers in 011... the only real police on the west side are the ones with a hire date before 98... these young bucks in 011 have no clue. either way, good job by the gang guys.
Maybe he can nominate himself for another award. Doesn't he have two of each anyway?
"WE"- does he have a turd in his pants?
Whenever a specialized unit is within a mile of a good arrest its a law they must be included on the paper
"And have I got a deal for you!!!"
Here he was in battle fatigues "we got em" take a chill pill ric! WTF! You got nothing! How is the gym? Can you remember who bought it yet?
Anonymous said...
didn't Leo and his people show up after the crime lab? Wasn't it the Tac team, the district, and some Area 4 team?
4/24/2009 03:06:00 PM
Just like his ellyn 2 peas in a pod glory hounds! hey j-fed time to move both of them! "be a regular guy and just do it"thanks in advance!
Did I hear ellen schmitz also claiming to be on the scene.
It was a great effort by all! Plenty of back-up, every car that was out in 011 worked together & no police got hurt. But a BIG hats off goes to the 011 tac car who on-viewed it. Great job calling it out and staying with the bad guys even after 2 bailed & the car kept going. There was one gang car there which was from 011. Those of us that were know that the credit belongs to 1161C, Great Job A.K. and G.W.!!!
p.s. 04:04PM if that's what u really think then u sir are an ass and a true example of what's wrong with this dept. If you are all knowing then feel free to share your talents with us cause I am always willing to learn. But you would prob rather hide in the hole all day and then tell war stories to anyone who doesn't see through your B.S.
good pinch by who ever made it. whether it was one sharp copper or a team effort, the important thing is that jagoff is in custody with no po's injured. who gives a fuck who slapped the bracelets on jagoff--
"Harrison District tactical officers heard the shots and saw the gunmen getting into a car. Other officers, including gang enforcement teams, joined the chase and walked the neighborhood to find the guns. The suspects were arrested a short distance away after running from the car."
Good pinch and I would like to know who the idiot was that leaked out the above information to the paper!
I hope the arrest report reads the way it actually happened and not the usual way it's written!
"Walk the neighborhood" what a dumb fuck!
those boy in 11 are the shit!
Stylin and Profylng, Nate ch'!
Over rated Shmitz!
Schmitz is a big time paper jumping glory hound. He calls the media to give credit to GES for newsworthy district arrests.
Give credit to 011 with the GES assisting.
Anonymous said...
Opps he takes credit again! Is the same guy who has in his personal vehicle (Not the new crown vic he geats from us taxpayers), flashing lights in the grill and,strobes front and rear the same guy?? WTF Ric stop it already you love yourself! My hero or is it more like a zero??
4/24/2009 11:04:00 AM
He has sirens on that bad boy also wooooooooo!!
Anonymous said...
Maybe he can nominate himself for another award. Doesn't he have two of each anyway?
4/24/2009 04:20:00 PM
You look at me call me "the general son"!! goof!
Who cares public service murder. Let them out to do another.
He was a 5 Star Universal Elite, wait for the meat grinder to go into high gear in 015 and 011. Retribution and power struggles make for bloody work. Watch your six my brothers in blue, if you got a M4 use it.
Great pinch. Wonder if FRU will make it an indefinite "Continuing Investigation".
That was probably a gunfight between
the gang boss and the appraiser, when
the banger found out how devalued his investment had become...
No, Leo...YOU WEREN'T there. And NEITHER were any of your minions/proteges...not until the bad guys were all swept up, anyway. Quit self-promoting off of the hard work of the real police. You don't need to cling to and clamor around the results of the district-level police to get promoted...AGAIN. Your old lady still has the juice and a few phone calls left, doesn't she???
Dumb luck. That's all it was. Right place at the right time. If you sit in one place long enough, shit will find you.
Dumb luck. That's all it was. Right place at the right time. If you sit in one place long enough, shit will find you.
4/24/2009 11:22:00 PM
I agree 100% with this statement, only I'd like to add the following...I'd rather be lucky than good any day.
Should have let them get away. Now tax dollars will be wasted feeding and housing them for the next 25 years.
Leo is just trying to get publicity for his GEU. Him and the patrol division have been going at it for sometime. The gang unit is severely depleted. Most SGTs only have 5-6 man teams at the most. Patrol Division won't give Leo anyone. Yet, MSF gets anyone they want. But after J-fed is over, so is MSF. Gangs teams will always be around. Have for a long time, in one form or another.
Anonymous said...
Opps he takes credit again! Is the same guy who has in his personal vehicle (Not the new crown vic he geats from us taxpayers), flashing lights in the grill and,strobes front and rear the same guy?? WTF Ric stop it already you love yourself! My hero or is it more like a zero??
4/24/2009 11:04:00 AM
He has sirens on that bad boy also wooooooooo!!
4/24/2009 09:18:00 PM
Um, isn't that ILLEGAL? And what do you think would happen to one of us if we did that--and pulled someone over off duty in our personal car???? Yep. Thought so.
This guy sounds like a lunatic. I know his wife--she's a loony one as well.
About time the 011 dist tact team makes a good pinch, was beginning to think all they are good for are drinkers, pissers and subs.
who the hell is that goofy guy with the ducking hunting suit???
quack! quack!!!
Saying "We" means the Chicago Police Department. Why don't all you do nothings find a new line of work. There are working coppers out there and "We", are still proud to be the Police.
what should really be looked at, is the way the dispatcher handled her job. total incompetence. im glad nobody got hurt.
Um, isn't that ILLEGAL? And what do you think would happen to one of us if we did that--and pulled someone over off duty in our personal car???? Yep. Thought so.
This guy sounds like a lunatic. I know his wife--she's a loony one as well.
4/25/2009 05:37:00 AM
True,the wifey though just got a new toyota camry hybrid,through the avaiation budget, and had lights and sirens put on a toyota! Hope she is moved out soon the 2 are loonies!
Anonymous said...
Leo is just trying to get publicity for his GEU. Him and the patrol division have been going at it for sometime. The gang unit is severely depleted. Most SGTs only have 5-6 man teams at the most. Patrol Division won't give Leo anyone. Yet, MSF gets anyone they want. But after J-fed is over, so is MSF. Gangs teams will always be around. Have for a long time, in one form or another.
4/25/2009 01:32:00 AM
Simple answer in the interest of savings,dump the unit and dump leo back to a field lt where he belongs or he could retire soon! How much more money do him and his wife need? millionaires and still eant another loaf from everyone else1
i was there and u WERENT said...
No, Leo...YOU WEREN'T there. And NEITHER were any of your minions/proteges...not until the bad guys were all swept up, anyway. Quit self-promoting off of the hard work of the real police. You don't need to cling to and clamor around the results of the district-level police to get promoted...AGAIN. Your old lady still has the juice and a few phone calls left, doesn't she???
4/24/2009 11:10:00 PM
She still has juice! Hope she gets promoted and or moved soon, "that girl is crazy" no wonder no one under her including her sgts respect her!
Anonymous said...
Whenever a specialized unit is within a mile of a good arrest its a law they must be included on the paper
4/24/2009 04:33:00 PM
very tru
If ur goal is "work" ur way up to MSF, u are a loser!
weis called him what in front of all the white shirts? nature boy" lets go to disney world
Leo is just trying to get publicity for his GEU. Him and the patrol division have been going at it for sometime. The gang unit is severely depleted. Most SGTs only have 5-6 man teams at the most. Patrol Division won't give Leo anyone. Yet, MSF gets anyone they want. But after J-fed is over, so is MSF. Gangs teams will always be around. Have for a long time, in one form or another.
4/25/2009 01:32:00 AM
Who says Leo will be around when J-Fed's gone?
boy reading this, what a self-suck.. I don't think Leo can do it better than you guys can
Leo is just trying to get publicity for his GEU. Him and the patrol division have been going at it for sometime. The gang unit is severely depleted. Most SGTs only have 5-6 man teams at the most. Patrol Division won't give Leo anyone. Yet, MSF gets anyone they want. But after J-fed is over, so is MSF. Gangs teams will always be around. Have for a long time, in one form or another.
Your correct about gangs will always be around. Yes the actual GANGS will always be around but not Gang Enforcement. I do agree that the gang team should have been taken away from patrol. They are finnally being allowed to do what the original plan was when Gangs North,South and West folded. Now is this new Gang unit going to be anyting like the old Gangs North,SOuth and West? Hell no!!!! The truthis that the Gang teams needed to be removed from patrol and be allowed to focus on getting the gangs quickly via search warrants or quick narcotic survieallance missions. They were never allowed to do that in partol. Nothing against patrol but the BS that partrol has people doing is getting out of control. I mean when does anyone have time to arrest anyone while there getting event numbers for, seat belt mission, wolf pack mission, out door roll calls, violence zone mission, alderman missions and so on!
And don't worry when Jody is gone so is Leo! He will be Lt. Leo Schmitz becasue he has managed to piss everyone district and deputy off in the department! Look for TRU to fold being taken over by MSF. Why they need both I don't know they are to be doing the same mission. Also Gang Enforcement will fold and be brought into Gang Investigaions on much smaller numbers.
Just the idea of a notorious gang leader from Chicago chillin' in Highland Park makes me laugh.
Hey Leo, My dash cam was rolling druing the pursuit. Funny, I reviewed it and only saw 011 District cops in it. Where did your kids join us?
Can't wait to have this go to trial and your guys try and draw themselves in the pursuit.
the only real police on the west side are the ones with a hire date before 98... these young bucks in 011 have no clue. either way, good job by the gang guys.----------------------------Well guess what!!! It was the young bucks that caught the offenders. Congrats Knight and Watson. Not the gang team. "TACT"
This was not a "good pinch" they killed a gang leader, would have been better off to let them go get the next leader. You just took 3 guys off the street who did more for that neighborhood then we could do in our careers as police officers.
40 less homicides this year compared to last year... this number is including the recent rash of murder this week.. and dont blame this "non-reporting" conspiracy theory... 40 less dead is a pretty good number to me.. why dont you all stop hoping that we as a police department fail and our city burns... it doesnt make weis or daley look bad... it makes us look bad.. im a worker and have been for 24 years, the way i look at it ive got 6 more good years to continue to do good work... im not going down in flames with the rest of you bitter 10 year wonders... quit complaining and stand a post.. take some pride in your career and your city.
to all of you guys that are saying Leo's guys were not there, fyi the two guns were found and recovered by 011 now GEU officers M.L and B.C!and there plenty gang guys on scene.
You guys are right. I should've said something about Leo in my original post. Leo will probably be gone from any command position. And it can't come soon enough. Come to think about it, if it weren't for Leo, the GEU would probably get the people they needed.
To the person who said Gangs should focus on more street level narcotics surveillance and quick search warrants: I fully agree. When I was on the gang team and did surveillance we would grab 3-5 guys all at once. Doing this shut down an entire corner/block for at least 6-10 hours if not more if you got a felony poss/delivery. And then you could always milk one of the guys and get a quick search out of it. I never understood why the SGT would sometimes tell us "no" with doing surveillance, when to me, surveillance is much easier than stopping a bunch of people and only end up with an 1811 for the night. It's more efficient and you can bring in more heads. And the conviction rate is much higher.
We need to let the tact/gang teams go back to doing long term investigations a head a day does not keep the thug away.
40 less homicides this year compared to last year... this number is including the recent rash of murder this week.. and dont blame this "non-reporting" conspiracy theory... 40 less dead is a pretty good number to me.. why dont you all stop hoping that we as a police department fail and our city burns... it doesnt make weis or daley look bad... it makes us look bad.. im a worker and have been for 24 years, the way i look at it ive got 6 more good years to continue to do good work... im not going down in flames with the rest of you bitter 10 year wonders... quit complaining and stand a post.. take some pride in your career and your city.
4/25/2009 09:28:00 PM
Just letting you know that Agg Battiers W/ Handguns are up almost 100 on last year.
Coppers in 011 kick ass !!!!!!!!!!
Who cares about some west side homicide ....
09:28 p.m. - Thank you.
4/26/2009 03:11:00 AM
Hope ellyn is gone also she is incredibly incapable, she is 3 sergeants down and is not needed at all,why does'nt she fill in on midnights? She works what a 3 hour day? "timekeepers please monitor her time"! She worked in 24 and did nothing but cause problems as she has done during her "bought and paid for"rank!
Would the asshole with the obsession about Ellen Schmitz let it go already. We get it. You don't like her. Do you have to put it in every thread?
Anonymous said...
Would the asshole with the obsession about Ellen Schmitz let it go already. We get it. You don't like her. Do you have to put it in every thread?
4/26/2009 11:04:00 PM
She can't keep a brother down! "free at last" thanks to Obama we can say whatever we need to,the chains are broken!
Actually, sounds like every day police work. I'm surprised everyone is fighting over the credit. Maybe a lot guys never on-viewed a shooting, gave a flash, and caught the bad guys. All the ridiculous bickering actually takes away from the good police work!
Where the hell did dude work that arresting four or five people cleared a block up for 6 to 10 hours. Mayberry!
>im not going down in flames with the rest of you bitter 10 year wonders... quit complaining and stand a post.. take some pride in your career and your city.
4/25/2009 09:28:00 PM
Thanks for that.
Anonymous said...
Would the asshole with the obsession about Ellen Schmitz let it go already. We get it. You don't like her. Do you have to put it in every thread?
4/26/2009 11:04:00 PM
Hey dummy I have more education than she will ever have I deserve a promotion she?
This is not big news, no matter what part of Chicago we are in, we still live in
a big city and it doesn't matter where there building Zapata’s or whatever, there
always going to be crimes in any neighborhoods in a big city!! Doesn’t matter!
My car got stolen in Lincoln Park; there are still projects in the gold coast and
in Lincoln Park over by Clybourn! There bums, thugs and homeless people all
over the loop as well. the only thing you could do is control it and slow it
down. it will also help if cops could concentrate in crime, drugs and gangs a
little more than given us Logan square residents or tax payers tickets to our
cars up and down our streets and worried about there monthly ticket
quotas!!! Stuff like that should be looked at I'm a witness of drugs being sold
in one corner while cops being too busy ticketing cars in the same corner.
The 14th District Commander says that it’s a chronic problem, but I’m not agreed because, it has been three decades of the same and it has not gone away. Is like a cancer if you just treat it from the outside keeps coming back if you remove it, it maybe be gone forever, but it may come back, at least you can say I TRIED! And it did not work! Don’t mask it and say that’s a CHRONIC PROBLEM do something about.
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