Thursday, July 16, 2009

Officers Shot

Two officers shot in 005. Lower extremity wounds.

Updates as we are able.

UPDATE: Both officers released from the hospital and doing OK.



Anonymous the Virginian said...

Hopefully the officers fully recover, and quickly!

Definitely getting insanely dangerous everywhere this month. Yesterday the Capitol police got shot at by a mutt, and today 8 or so Jersey City, NJ officers were shot (2 critical, 1 extremely) in an investigation and subsequent tactical raid.

If you are out in the field, please be mentally prepared to shoot ANYBODY, as it looks like the number of people willing to shoot at uniforms has gone up exponentially for some reason today, this week and this month.

7/16/2009 02:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Both are in good shot in ankle one shot below the knee. Thank God

7/16/2009 02:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago Breaking News reports they are in "Good" condition. Here's hoping the officers are all right. Here's further hoping they've been practicing at the range and the offenders left the scene in body bags.

Stay safe out there coppers, the real citizens of Chicago are counting on you.

7/16/2009 02:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Black Officers Group Sues Philly PD Over Web Site
Black officers group wants Philly PD to shut down Web site featuring racist comments
The Associated Press

A group of black police officers has filed a civil rights lawsuit against the Philadelphia Police Department over an Internet discussion forum on which officers have allegedly posted hundreds of racist comments.

The Guardian Civic League filed the lawsuit in federal court Thursday.

The league, along with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the National Association of Black Law Enforcement Officers, wants the department to have the site shut down. The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages and discipline for those behind the 10-year-old Web forum,, which is not run by the department.

The site bills itself as "the voice of the good guys."

The suit maintains that officers often make postings from department computers and that it is well-known among members of the nation's fourth-largest department. Though postings are anonymous, the site's founder and moderator — who uses the screen name "McQ" — is known to be an active sergeant in the department, the suit alleges.

"The Guardian Civic League has been watching Domelights for the past two years," said Rochelle Bilal, the group's president. "We are sick and tired of them hurting our people by their comments. ... They are further dividing this institution."

The lawsuit cites racially derogatory commentary on the site, including one posting that says: "Guns don't kill people ... Dangerous minorities do." Other posts include racial slurs and encourage racial profiling, according to the lawsuit.

Material on the site is often discussed in the workplace, the lawsuit said, creating a hostile work environment for black officers.

Philadelphia's 6,700-member department has more than 2,300 black officers, nearly 35 percent of the force. About 55 percent of the force is white.

A police spokeswoman said the department would not comment on the suit and referred questions to the city's law department. Messages left with the city solicitor and the Fraternal Order of Police were not immediately returned.

"They need to step up and stop this conduct," said attorney Brian Mildenberg, who represents the plaintiffs.

Mildenberg said he had been working with the Guardian Civic League on the lawsuit for about a year, poring over the site's archives and interviewing 20-30 black officers. The suit does not identify the officers believed to be running the site, or how many could be involved.

Sgt. Shaun Butts, a veteran who attended a news conference announcing the lawsuit, said postings often allege that black officers who get promoted must have cheated on their exams.

"It's always quoted as 'We're all blue,'" Butts said. "But then it makes you think, 'Are we really all blue?'"

7/16/2009 02:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

officers from a/2 search warrant team (narcotics) executing a warrant. two officers shot in the leg through the door. this shit is completely out of control. both officers ok considering. offender in custody.

7/16/2009 02:41:00 PM  
Blogger Paul Huebl Crimefile News said...

I hope the officers are safe and the offenders meet their makers qickly.

7/16/2009 02:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang tuff brothers!! You are in my prayers!

7/16/2009 03:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

please tell me the police were able to shoot and kill this dog that shot them.

7/16/2009 03:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that they are in good condition. I don't pray, but I am hoping that they both have a speedy recovery. Thanks to all of you guys for the great work you do, just imagine what a toilet Chicago would be without the CPD.

7/16/2009 03:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Five coppers shot in Jersey.....

7/16/2009 03:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Joetheplumber said...

2 Narcotics officers, both shot in lower legs while executing a search warrant. Offenders in custody and weapons recovered. Sounded as though they were shot trying to get through the door. Officers in good condition. Sadly offenders are not in the morgue.

7/16/2009 03:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coppers in 008 killed a hostage taker the other day, the family & friends go crazy at Christ Hosp. cause a ruckus in the ER & then out side they start with CPD Officers & throw bottles at them. Bottle thrower gets locked up. Family & friends then "declare war" on CPD....... Be careful out there we ARE at WAR !!!!

7/16/2009 03:17:00 PM  
Blogger Matt Hanne said...

Five more injured in NJ- be safe, we need you guys, not all Chicagoans are like Daley, we're just outnumbered, not stupid. All hopes for speedy recovery for the officers here and in NJ

7/16/2009 03:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is all Daley's fault, the Rumreverends and everyone else who has contributed to disrespecting the police, and by extension, authority of any kind.

---not a cop

7/16/2009 03:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two cops shot in leg while executing warrant.

7/16/2009 04:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get well soon officers.

D.C. cop

7/16/2009 04:30:00 PM  
Anonymous lil' george said...

Good luck to the officers shot today. Both are doing fine. Once again the job rears its ugly head upon us. Thank god both are ok.

Hey Richie, does this count as "being on the boat" as you said? The "boat" of suffering that you claim that you, alderscum and every citizen have to sacrifice for? The CPD and CFD aren't "suffering" like you and other city workers? The same Richie who rips into a CPD officer for daring to leave Lord Daley's house to catch a murderer? Maybe you should get on the boat, or better yet, jump off with no lifejacket. Yes, city workers are taking a hit. Yes, there are layoffs. But, not hiring even 200 cops in 2 years, isn't that equivalent to layoffs? Tell the families of Nate Taylor and Alex Valadez that the CPD isn't suffering enough. Tell that to the families of the two officers shot today that the CPD hasn't suffered. Call the homes of members of the CFD who have been hurt in fires and tell them they haven't suffered.

Richie is the ultimate hypocrite. The city has no money for police, therefore the public waits sometimes 4 hours for a car to handle a domestic. 6 hours for a burglary report. This is common in 008 on midnites due to 6 pages of jobs pending. But if you are a citizen, Daley doesn't care. If you are a tourist, the city is great. You want a park to look at downtown? Milenium Park will pop up with no problem for 4 times the estimated cost. Flower boxes? Sure we got money for that. The olympics? We got money. If Daley wants it, we have money. If it's good for the day-to-day city dwellers, no cash available.

Cry, Richie, cry. Just don't you dare tell the CPD and CFD that we haven't suffered.

7/16/2009 04:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7/16/2009 04:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard on news they were in "good condition" I said a prayer for both of them! Boys and girls fuck agrressive policing! If the bosses that head up msf,tru,gang units like leo tell you to be more aggressive tell them fuck you let them lead by example! Most importantly back each other up, it is the blue shirts vs the scumbags and weak bosses!

7/16/2009 04:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) And in Jersey 5 moe cops shot be very careful, no such thing as "routine patrol/traffic stop!

7/16/2009 04:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope they are ok.

7/16/2009 04:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's sad to say, but it was going to happen sooner than later with all of the police shootings, shots fired at the police, and all of the other anti-police bullshit going on. Godspeed to the officers and take your time coming back.

Say a prayer for the 5 brothers in NJ who got shot today too.

Stay safe.

7/16/2009 05:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So not one PO from MSF is going to 005 regarding this incident. Why the hell did I come to this pointless unit? We're nothing more than an area4 sat team. They tell us that TRU is in area 2, but so the hell what! We as well as every available unit should be in 005 to send a message not driving around in a stupid wolf pack in sleepy 011. About the only thing this unit has going for it is the ten hour day, nothing more

7/16/2009 05:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The news is saying the Officers are going to be fine. I pray that this is true.GET WELL GUYS.

Media interviewed a local resident/witness who called the house a "DOPE HOUSE". Media also saying this "DOPE HOUSE" is right across the street from Alderfart BEALS office. Is Alderfuck beals visually impaired or overseeing the operation? JUST ASKING.

7/16/2009 05:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This crook should have been taken care of on scene. No Mercy for these bastards! Hope officers make a quick recovery.

7/16/2009 05:56:00 PM  
Blogger John Northen said...

"Two officers shot..."

As I reflect on my career as a proud member of "Chicago's Finest", I realize that I will be forever haunted by the painful memories of two dates: the nights of July 17, 1970 and May 13, 1990.
On both nights, my hands became wet with the blood of two slain uniformed police officers--four damn good men with whom I had often laughed over a few cold beers.

Tomorrow night marks the 39th anniversary of the sniper murders of Jim Severin and Tony Rizzato.

The city's tallest at nineteen stories, three high-rises dominated all others on the eighth of a square mile of the Cabrini-Green CHA housing project. "The Rock" at 1150 N. Sedgwick St. was the most notorious of all.

As a new homicide detective at the old Area 6, we were typing supplementary reports when City-Wide II's John "Dogs" Dunlap phoned us on the PAX shortly after 7 o'clock. Two officers shot in Cabrini on the baseball field. Lead detectives Tom Skelly and Dick Morask sped to Henrotin Hospital. Under continuing gunfire, brave 18th District tactical officers placed both officers in their unmarked squads and raced from the ballfield to Henrotin where both Jim and Tony were pronounced DOA.

My partner and I sped to the scene. The fatal sniper fire had come from either 1119 N. Cleveland or "the Rock". With a helicopter airborne with searchlights and all CPD resources, Area 6 Task Force and dicks Ed Adorjan, John Farrell, Mike Malone, Ed Schuler, Bill Erickson, et al, began a floor-by-floor search of 1150, armed with shotguns, sledge hammers, crowbars, etc.

Later, Tom Tranckitello and I were given a grisly task at the hospital. Trying our best to hold back our tears, we focused on our fallen heroes lying on gurneys before us, their revolvers still in their holsters. We painstakingly removed and separately inventoried their blood-soaked uniforms and personnel effects for the Crime Lab. We then gently wrapped their naked remains in sheets for morgue transport.

In an awesome display of teamwork and investigatory skills, gang banging cop killers George C. Knights, 24 and Johnny Veal, 17, were taken into custody over that weekend. They remain rotting in prison after being sentenced to 199 years. Only 160 left, muthafuckas.

Family survivors and police will gather at 10 AM Saturday morning at 018 for the dedication of two memorial street signs on the southwest corner of Larrabee and Division Sts.

I visited 018 and the "Severin-Rizzato Community Room" today. In a glass display case amongst the memorial plaques, news clippings and memorabilia, I saw a laminated copy of the one-sided case report which I had typed for Beat 1813's signatures. "On view", Officers John Beaumont and John Sandifer had called the ten-1 with 2 officers down in the ballfield.

I then left the station and drove east on Elm St. to the cul de sac next to Seward Park. I walked out to second base and turned around to view the 6th floor bathroom window in "the Rock", now long gone. Instead I viewed a 9-story luxury condominium building at 437 W. Division St., a part of the now gentrified "ParkSide of Old Town" featuring town houses for up to $850,000.


Jim Severin and Tony Rizzato, Area 6 Task Force.
Greg Houser and Ray Kilroy, 25th District.


7/16/2009 05:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Media interviewed a local resident/witness who called the house a "DOPE HOUSE". Media also saying this "DOPE HOUSE" is right across the street from Alderfart BEALS office. Is Alderfuck beals visually impaired or overseeing the operation? JUST ASKING.

7/16/2009 05:40:00 PM


7/16/2009 06:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So not one PO from MSF is going to 005 regarding this incident. Why the hell did I come to this pointless unit? We're nothing more than an area4 sat team. They tell us that TRU is in area 2, but so the hell what! We as well as every available unit should be in 005 to send a message not driving around in a stupid wolf pack in sleepy 011. About the only thing this unit has going for it is the ten hour day, nothing more

Yet no one leaves. Because you are sell outs. Not one person went back there from SOS from the real watch. Because they knew better. Bosses there are strokes. Wake up. If the hours work for you I guess then fuck it. If not go patrol the homefront or do something worth while.

7/16/2009 06:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayers are with the officers. Praying for speedy recovery.

7/16/2009 06:23:00 PM  
Blogger Rosemarie Giambalvo said...

Thank God, these Officers are in good condition.

7/16/2009 06:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“For the month of July we’ve had about almost an incident a day where someone has tried to murder a police officer,” Weis said. “If they’ll do that to a uniformed officer, what will they do to civilians and innocent people on the street. That’s why we need the entire community to get together. Because if the bad guys are willing to shoot uniformed officers the citizens the this city are in very grave danger.”

but we can t get a contract

7/16/2009 06:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: 16yo police impersonater get 3 yaers probation for the incident in 003 and stealing the Lexus on Western. WTF

7/16/2009 06:26:00 PM  
Anonymous narco said...

This time things worked out in our favor thank god God was looking out for us today. Here is a tip, regardless of what you think about Jfed or his M4 program, the M4 might have saved other officers from getting shot. One copper had one and opened up which might have caused the bad guy to stop firing. If your qualified carry it. This is an example where it worked. Its only gonna get worse. # police shootings in 18 hours and this team has been in like 3 or 4 shootings in the past 18 months....Be safe and watch your ass.

7/16/2009 06:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My thoughts and hopes are with these guys. I'm not a cop just a citizen who appreciates the job you guys do and the conditions under which you do it because you couldn't pay me enough for that shit. Take heart, not all of us by the bullshit propaganda trying to make you guys into animals. We know who the real animals are.

7/16/2009 06:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember if you get wounded during a fight, never stop fighting! Your wounds are not going to be serious enough to take you out of the fight unless you decide they are.

7/16/2009 06:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this what Daley meant when he said we had to make sacrifices?

7/16/2009 06:38:00 PM  
Anonymous ISP Sgt said...

Glad the POs are okay, scary what we deal with day in and day out.

Stay very alert out there.

7/16/2009 06:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was at the scene, how the bad guys werent killed was a ghetto miracle, the cops unloaded on them. Unreal is right. Good job boys!

7/16/2009 06:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SFPD copper here. . . just heard about your officers getting shot along with the officers in NJ. It's truly a vicious world out there and there are no shortages of people second guessing our every move while defending killers as misguided and misunderstood. We're all we have, and as society continues its downward spiral it's just going to get worse I'm afraid. Stay safe bros. Stay alert, even maybe make up with a coworker whom you've had a beef with. Life's too short and the list of those who seek our demise is long. Okay, rant off. Take care everyone.

7/16/2009 07:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

None of this shit is "routine" like we sometime take it for granted. Hope the P/O's are well. If you want to read the real harrowing accounts of what happened to the P/O's in NJ, go to the New York daily News website. The maps and play by play will make the hair on your neck really stand up. 2 P/O's critical 2 bad guys dead. Pray for the 2 in critical condition.

7/16/2009 07:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just heard about this shooting.
112th & State. Doesn't that POS Aldercleature Beale have his office on that block? Imagine a drug house on the same block as the POS and he probably knew nothing about it. So Community Activist that he is.

7/16/2009 07:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure the Mayor will be at the hospital to offer Godspeed and Get Well to the officers... NOT!!!!

7/16/2009 07:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless you guys! I hope you both enjoy the rest of your summer off to a FULL and healthy recovery!

Hey ASSHOLE MAYOR!!! FUCK YOU FOR ASKING US TO TAKE A PAY CUT!! It's tough to get "on the boat" while you are shot!!!!!! JAGOFF!!!!

7/16/2009 07:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bless our wounded officers, bless our NJ brothers. So insane out there right now.

7/16/2009 07:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weis commented about how terrible it is that two officers trying to execute a search warrant could be shot in broad daylight.

At least WE didn't leave them lying in their own blood, to eventually die, as the feds did to Joe Airhart, who was trying to execute an arrest warrant in broad daylight.

Godspeed, guys.

7/16/2009 08:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is BEALES letting the Dope House Boys across the street from his office Pay-to-Play ??? Inquiring minds would like to know how a Public Official such as this Alderman, cannot see this going on, unless he never goes to his Office..

7/16/2009 08:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I have struck a city - a real city - and they call it Chicago... I urgently desire never to see it again. It is inhabited by savages." Rudyard Kipling

My best to the Officers involved for a speedy and full recovery.

7/16/2009 08:24:00 PM  
Anonymous thinblueline said...

If the CPD were a private company so many of these unqualified "leadership" heads would be rolling down Michigan Ave. With the short-handed manpower and equipment in the city they continue to mislead and misuse resources. These "city-wide" saturation units are pigeonholed into Areas. Tact teams are detailed to every stupid fucking thing. We need to turn up the heat on all these assholes before it is too late to take it back.
Anyone that says don't do "aggresive" police work is a quiter and it breeds these problems. I don't give a rat shit about that turd Daley or any boss that wants stats. I care about each officers safety. You lay down and quit, then it will jump up and bite your or someone close. The shit is getting closer and closer to home now, and it needs to be stopped. Do it for yourselves, your family and your friends.
We as the Police have an opportunity that many don't, or can't do, and we must carry it out. I don't want to sound cheesy but it is damn true, and probably the reason many of us joined this career path.
In a perfect world we would all be able to work close to our homes so that it is a personal battle. However for a variety of reasons this is not always possible. For those is some of this shitholes that don't give a fuck about us, well, there I can understand avoiding everything. Regardless stay alert and stay safe.
I could go on but I have ranted enough for now. Just remember to watch out for each other and get home safely. Fuck Daley.

7/16/2009 08:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor Richard Daley, said that shootings of children show the country is losing its conscience.

"It's up to everyone to be concerned about a child that's injured or killed," the mayor said when asked about the shooting at an unrelated event this morning. "America's losing their conscience and values over how important children are."

Yet Mayor Daley doesn't say one fucking word about two police officers being shot! UNREAL

7/16/2009 08:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speedy recovery to the 2 officers. With all this shit going on every day, we should march up to the 5th floor of City Hall and hang the stuttering prick out the window by his ankles. Then ask him if we should go to arbitration whether we drop his ass or not. A big FUCK YOU Richie. You have ruined this department and this city you mumbling prick.

7/16/2009 08:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7/16/2009 08:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am very happy to hear that both officers are doing okay. I just hope there is no permanent damage. As for the scumbag, I hope that he suffers greatly. Officers need more range time since the perp is still among the living.

7/16/2009 08:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The state police district for Chicago..which covers all of Cook County expressways had only nine one man cars working on one of their shifts. They are cut to the bone and are threatened with layoffs. Wait till one of these troopers gets killed. Make sure you back up the troopers if you come across one of them. I know several of them and would hate to see one get hurt or killed because they don't have back up.

7/16/2009 08:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are the AR15s????????

7/16/2009 09:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless you guys and keep you safe thank the lord this turn out for the best..oh FUCK YOU DALEY..LIFM

7/16/2009 09:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI...both officers released from the hospital

7/16/2009 09:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
So not one PO from MSF is going to 005 regarding this incident. Why the hell did I come to this pointless unit? We're nothing more than an area4 sat team. They tell us that TRU is in area 2, but so the hell what! We as well as every available unit should be in 005 to send a message not driving around in a stupid wolf pack in sleepy 011. About the only thing this unit has going for it is the ten hour day, nothing more

7/16/2009 05:29:00 PM

maybe that goofy sgt who was acting watch commander could do something? naw unless it involves court for overtime he wants nothing to do with it!

7/16/2009 09:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is the outrage????

7/16/2009 09:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They be making it harder and harder for me to report to duty buzzed up!

7/16/2009 09:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In light of what just happened with more of our own getting shot, and it being all over the news, might this actually be really good timing for another march on city hall for our contract?

7/16/2009 10:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God's speed on a quick recovery for those officers.

For everyone else, this is just the beginning. This is the result of years of reporters and politicans empowering our city's criminals. They think they are justified when they break the law. They think the people of this city owe them.

Prepare yourself. Clean and oil your semi-autos. Take care of yourself. Try to get a decent amount of sleep before work. Avoid stops when you're not in a good mental state to take on this kind of fight. Use good tactics, even on the most basic street stop.

This will go on for some time.

Be careful.

7/16/2009 10:14:00 PM  
Blogger John Northen said...

Anyone who wishes to contact BILL COZZI directly may do so. His special Email address is:

See my post at "Cozzi to Louisiana" thread for Bill's message and particulars.

7/16/2009 10:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just cleaned and oiled my Glock 22... Clean your guns, just a friendly reminder from one P.O to another.

7/16/2009 10:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the local media could learn a little from the NY Times. Throughout the article on the 5 NJ Officers shot, the shooters are called "assailant." Not "alleged" or "supposedly." But damn ASSAILANTS.

7/16/2009 10:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Media interviewed a local resident/witness who called the house a "DOPE HOUSE". Media also saying this "DOPE HOUSE" is right across the street from Alderfart BEALS office. Is Alderfuck beals visually impaired or overseeing the operation? JUST ASKING.

These MOTHER FUCKERS are probably the SCUMBAG Alderman's foot soldiers, so he has to keep them protected from getting arrested ..just look at the Alder-HOE who got indicted dating the Piece of Shit GANG_BANGER. Majority of these Alder-scum have some kind of relation or part of gang in the past.
Just look at LA PUTA Luis Gutierrez and Billy Ocasio ex-bangers!
I love Shit=cago and you should 2!

7/16/2009 10:48:00 PM  
Blogger mr taggart said...

What happened to the good old days wjy can't we all just sing like birds

7/16/2009 10:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn, Northside. You sure got skills. Why don't you write a book about the CPD?

Happy that officers shot in 005 are O.K. Stay safe, guys.

7/16/2009 11:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sergeant Joe Harris
Sandoval County Sheriff's Office
New Mexico
End of Watch: Thursday, July 16, 2009

Biographical Info
Age: Not available
Tour of Duty: 6 years
Badge Number: Not available

Incident Details
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Date of Incident: Thursday, July 16, 2009
Weapon Used: Gun; Unknown type
Suspect Info: Shot and killed

Sergeant Joe Harris was shot and killed while attempting to arrest a burglary suspect along New Mexico 126 at approximately 4:30 am. He and another deputy were conducting a stakeout due to a rash of recent cabin burglaries in the area.

The deputies attempted to take the man into custody when they observed him breaking into a home. Sergeant Harris and the suspect were both fatally wounded in the ensuing shootout.

Sergeant Harris had served with the agency for six years and had previously served with the Rio Rancho Police Department. He is survived by his wife, daughter and two sons.

Agency Contact Information
Sandoval County Sheriff's Office
711 Camino del Pueblo
Bernalillo, NM 87004

Phone: (505) 867-7526

7/16/2009 11:35:00 PM  
Blogger RESTKO said...







7/16/2009 11:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I recall all too well when the Airhart shooting occurred and still can't believe the lack of leadership to this day.

7/16/2009 11:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Northern-West said...

Supt. Weis has done more for the CPD then anyone before him.

Yes, he is an outsider, but his heart is in the right place. He does not control manpower. He got carbines on the street.

The silent majority support this good man. For many, this man can run the CPD for the next 10 years.

Hillard and Cline were complete fools. Rodriquez could care less, and Rice & Martin could care lesser.

7/16/2009 11:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Was in a District in Area two...right?

I gotta a question for you?
How come TRU is taken out of Area 1 & 2 to cover 'other' places up when Mobile Strike Force is RDO or their manpower is down BUT MSF never assists TRU in the AREAS where the shit is blowing and LEADING to shots being fired at us...If I'm correct and just by reading the blog, most , or high %, of the shots fired at the police incidents occurr where ?

So, Exempts:

the very fucking FAIR game that you're playing is harming us ... Stop these political bullshit tactics that are getting us killed... Either you leave TRU with us or we need to see MSF down South ... Is that fair ?

I think it is..

Ummmm. , if I'm wrong please correct me!!

7/16/2009 11:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Northern-West said...
Supt. Weis has done more for the CPD then anyone before him.

Yes, he is an outsider, but his heart is in the right place. He does not control manpower. He got carbines on the street.

The silent majority support this good man. For many, this man can run the CPD for the next 10 years.

Hillard and Cline were complete fools. Rodriquez could care less, and Rice & Martin could care lesser.

7/16/2009 11:45:00 PM

Are you high?

7/17/2009 12:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our courageous officers were coming from every where. I was proud to see vehicles from all over pull in to the scene... No one outside of us understood the emotions when the call came out about a police officer getting shot at... I saw one of the officers who was injured wAs laying on top of a vehicle surrounded by tens of officers watching over him!!! What a sight my brothers and sisters, us protecting each other, watching over each other... Bad circumstances , bad area but the love of officers for one another was over whelming!!'

the officers are ok and wil be fine,,, but it's time to have both of your eyes wide open and be very smart about patrol procedures and felony events.. The type of offenders were seeing wi do the impossible to stay out of jail...

Take care of your selves out there, excercise, eat well, practice your firearm and upgrade if needed ..

Most of all. Go home safe..

7/17/2009 12:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Good story Northside said...

Northside. Very nice article. I am too young to have been there but enjoyed reading every word of your post. I dont know much about you but you should write a book...if you havent done so already. It was a very good story. I love hearing the stories of vets about how the city use to be. Unfortunatly, this story was a very sad one for you and the department. It also shows the unity and hard work though and how the job got done back then. Its good to see that nothing was gonna stop the good guys from finding the bad guys. Its good to know they were gonna get caught at all costs. I enjoyed your story. Please post more... if you ever do write a book... make sure you post the name of it

7/17/2009 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous tom paine said...

the only problems with aggressive police work are the complaints that remain in your file even when unfounded, the lawsuits when an incompetent ASA loses your case, exorbitant awards to pooky when the city settles your lawsuit, punitive damamges, federal jailtime when the supt. throws you under the bus for having a rough day, the human errors we make (because we are human) that make the front page of the newspapers, the overworked (or lazy politically appointed) sergeants who don't put us in for awards for our aggressive work but are very timely for completing the CR numbers, lost time with family because of court and extended tours of duty, the lost lunches, being underappreciated, working hard only to see some political hack get promoted. . . .

there's probably a few more problems with aggressive police work ...

balance that against reasons for aggressive police work:

job satisfaction when all things go right, the department and city has your back, and none of the above happens. unfortunately too much of the above is happening before our eyes. it didnt use to be this way, and this way wont last forever.

one day in the future the citizens may again cry for us to do police work, but they arent doing it now.

protect yourself, each other and your families. let everyone else sleep in the bed they are creating for themselves.

and buy property outside Illinois for your retirement.

"Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property... Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them."

thomas paine

7/17/2009 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

About the only thing this unit has going for it is the ten hour day, nothing more

7/16/2009 05:29:00 PM

Well well well, look like someone if finally waking up and seeing the light.

7/17/2009 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Supt. Weis has done more for the CPD then anyone before him.

Yes, he is an outsider, but his heart is in the right place. He does not control manpower. He got carbines on the street.

The silent majority support this good man. For many, this man can run the CPD for the next 10 years.

Hillard and Cline were complete fools. Rodriquez could care less, and Rice & Martin could care lesser.

7/16/2009 11:45:00 PM"

We regret the many errors, falsities and outright bullshits contained within this article.


Jackie Heard

7/17/2009 12:32:00 AM  
Blogger TWENTY and OUT said...

First off....Glad to hear the officers are doing well. Thank God it wasn't worse.

Second...I know working coppers like nothing more than to work up a search warrant then go boot/knock in the offenders door, tear through the house and take things over, and pt the shithead(s) in jail. But PLEASE, start using SWAT. It's not that It wouldn't/couldn't happen to them. It's not that they are better. It's that they have the equipment and manpower to do these warrants SAFER. God forbid one of these officers would have been critically wounded or hurt to the extent that they were pinned down. the SWAT team has an armored car, M4's (and I'm not referring to hispanic guys), flash grenades, and THEY HAVE AN AMBULANCE WAITING!!! Don't listen to the guy on the team that says "fuck that we can do this we aren't a bunch of pussies!" Your not. Just use the tools the department has so that we all go home to our families and send the offenders to the morgue.
Stay Safe Brothers!!

7/17/2009 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



I do believe that the "RESTKO" name was on the "For Sale" sign in an empty lot adjcent to a certain house belonging to out President.

Hmmm, interisting how things are connected around here.

7/17/2009 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

T McK... I just seen you on the Ryan the other day doing 65mph! Get well soon, bro! Glad to see you and your partner are soing to be fine!

7/17/2009 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the hell was that? Masters on the blog again?

7/17/2009 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Northern-West said...
Supt. Weis has done more for the CPD then anyone before him.

Yes, he is an outsider, but his heart is in the right place. He does not control manpower. He got carbines on the street.

The silent majority support this good man. For many, this man can run the CPD for the next 10 years.

Hillard and Cline were complete fools. Rodriquez could care less, and Rice & Martin could care lesser.

7/16/2009 11:45:00 PM

MAN DO I LOVE SATIRE! Is that an article from The Onion?

7/17/2009 01:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

..."Anyone that says don't do "aggresive" police work is a quiter and it breeds these problems. I don't give a rat shit about that turd Daley or any boss that wants stats. I care about each officers safety. You lay down and quit, then it will jump up and bite your or someone close. The shit is getting closer and closer to home now, and it needs to be stopped. Do it for yourselves, your family and your friends."...

I understand, I really do. However, “Aggressive” Police work has gotten more Police Officers in trouble as of late. More Officers have been suspended, sent to call back, fired, sued, hung out to dry, fucked over, and jammed up for “Aggressive” police work in the past few years than I can remember in the last 15 I’ve got on!

We are spread too thin, have shitty back-up because of it. We have shitty back-up from too many bosses that are just looking out for themselves and the next rank that they can make. Shitty back-up from the upper echelon at 35th st and City Hall. We constantly patrol the worst areas the City has, for an ungrateful populace( cause God knows, it aint a “civilization”) in attempts to clean up “Their” neighborhood. A constant berating in the useless “If it bleeds, it leads” biased media to a rather apathetic and somewhat lemming-like public helps as well. (Not to mention the less than 2% of cops that are actual fuck-ups, giving us all a bad name) Then we can move to parts north and Hyde Park, where liberal douche-bags see us as “Jack-booted thugs”, “Oppressors” and blood thirsty pugilists all too quick to kill a magnificent endangered animal.

When and where I grew up, the Police were like Magicians. We were drinking in the park, they would pull up, and we would “POOF” disappear… No questions asked, no smart assed comments, just GONE! Then, and there, we respected the Police. If respect wasn’t earned, fear (in some manner) was.

Those days: Gone, no more, done, bye-bye, out the window, down the river, finished, ka-put, no mass, finished, ended, and never to return!

Now-a-days, these little punk-ass gang-bangers can, and WILL walk up to you, tell you to “Go fuck yourself” and keep doing what they were doing. And there aint much you can do about it! Please, correct me if I’m wrong! What are you going to do? Give them a well deserving “Crack”? Ok; tell me how Cozzi is feeling right about now. “Say” they swung at you first with that camera in the car, on the pole, on the wall of the store, in the cell phone… Tell me just how long that unemployment line is. Oh, I’m sorry, you are going to lock them up. ‘Cause, as we all know, THAT WORKS! How many times has your arrestee bonded out before you checked off? 26th Street? You may as well put a revolving door on that place. (Case in point: our youngest cop, yep, the 15year old. What did he just get? “pro-what”? Need I mention the mutt that murdered OUR BROTHER not too long ago, he was on “Pro-what”? ) Oh, I forgot, just doo what the boss says and “Impound the ride”. Like that’s going to solve anything! I guarantee you, right here, right now: This fucking City will pay out more money on bullshit lawsuits stemming from “Impounds” than they will make on the “impounds” themselves! Break out your calculator!

7/17/2009 02:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of “Bosses”, now, most would rather have you come in with a hand-full of ANOVS, a few movers and a parker (today, for a City Sticker!) not to mention, a contact card or two. An arrest? Oh, shit, that costs the City: O.T. for Court!

Before you start licking you fangs for an attack on my rebuttal, and not that this is, or you deserve my resume: 15 years on, worked District Tact & Gang Teams in A-1 & A-2, a stint in the “old” 153. I’ve got enough” scars and CR’s” to prove I’ve played the game. However, in the grand scheme of things, I have come to the hard realization that: #1 this is nothing but a GAME, play it to work for you. #2 no one really gives a damn unless it happens to them, and sadly, #3, unless you’re “John Northern” , shortly after you pull the pin here, you WILL be referred to as “what was his name?”!
Now go home, kiss your significant other, the kids, pet the dog, cherish what you have, things could be worse. And be thankful that the two Cops from 189 just got minor dings!

SCC & beloved readers; Apologies for the long 2 post rant.

7/17/2009 02:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to northern west, good thing you werent caught on camera slapping someone who would not calm down when asked to, paid for your sins in state court, only to have the "i got your back" superintendent say, "geez, have you guys seen this 2-year-old video that's been all over the internet?" to a US atty.

or do you not have those kinds of citizens to deal with up in your office at 35th street?

7/17/2009 02:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Supt. Weis has done more for the CPD then anyone before him.

Yes, he is an outsider, but his heart is in the right place. He does not control manpower. He got carbines on the street.

The silent majority support this good man. For many, this man can run the CPD for the next 10 years.

Hillard and Cline were complete fools. Rodriquez could care less, and Rice & Martin could care lesser.

7/16/2009 11:45:00 PM

Stay off our blog Jody. I think your cats need to be stroked.

7/17/2009 03:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree that MSF has turned into an Area 4 saturation team. They have lied to their officers from day one about what their 'mission' is. I quote 'mission' because that is what all of the bosses say we are doing. I still don't believe that a 'mission' has ever been given to us.

We are told in the interview that we will be responding to problems throughout the city in plainclothes and uniform. Doesn't happen. We are told that when an officer is attacked in another district, we will respond to back that officer up and send a message. Doesn't happen. We are told that sgt's will be able to run their teams but that definitely doesn't happen with Lt. PK there. Micromanager to the extreme. The unit constantly violates the uniform order for standup roll calls. It is a joke. If it wasn't for 10 hour days and the current statements that the unit is not a numbers unit, a TON of people would be leaving.

This city is a joke. The bosses on this department are a joke. The only thing that gives this department credibility is the heroism of those who work the streets (and those that had worked the streets prior to the ignorance of the department and city). I know we are out there and laying low until the time comes when police are allowed to be the police again. Hopefully during that time, no more officers get hurt. Prayers for those hurt and get well soon.

7/17/2009 03:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Northern-West said...
Supt. Weis has done more for the CPD then anyone before him.

Yes, he is an outsider, but his heart is in the right place. He does not control manpower. He got carbines on the street.

The silent majority support this good man. For many, this man can run the CPD for the next 10 years.

Hillard and Cline were complete fools. Rodriquez could care less, and Rice & Martin could care lesser.

7/16/2009 11:45:00 PM


Another fool from his policy group.
Go back to trying to understand how this department works = WE DO NOT SUPPORT J-FRAUD!

7/17/2009 03:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7/17/2009 05:55:00 AM  
Blogger John Northen said...

11:45 PM

Thanks for sharing, Jody Boy.

Those must be some primo buds in your bong, WEISel.

FREE COZZI, you rotten cocksucker!

7/17/2009 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Supt. Weis has done more for the CPD then anyone before him.

Yes, he is an outsider, but his heart is in the right place. He does not control manpower. He got carbines on the street.

The silent majority support this good man. For many, this man can run the CPD for the next 10 years.

Hillard and Cline were complete fools. Rodriquez could care less, and Rice & Martin could care lesser.

7/16/2009 11:45:00 PM

Thanks for posting, Mrs Weis.

7/17/2009 06:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was at the scene and in the unit, whoever said "those officers need more range time" is a softball. One of the officers who was shot managed to unload everything he had after he was shot. The assholes in the bedroom were barracaided behind a metal filing cabinet. As someone else commented, it was a GHETTO MIRACLE.

Find out the facts before you make reckless statements next time.

7/17/2009 06:48:00 AM  
Blogger cpdwoman said...

to:My thoughts and hopes are with these guys. I'm not a cop just a citizen who appreciates the job you guys do and the conditions under which you do it because you couldn't pay me enough for that shit. Take heart, not all of us by the bullshit propaganda trying to make you guys into animals. We know who the real animals are.

#### PLEASE get vocal about it then. We need your help as citizens to call the media, not anonymously, and let them know how you feel. Run for alderman in your ward.

7/17/2009 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again the current administration has failed. NO ONE, I REPEAT, NO ONE, officially notified the officers families, following long established procedures when an officer is shot. It is the responsibility of the Special Activities Cmdr. D Alvarado to notify, transport, console and establish security for the families of officers down. IT WAS NOT DONE. Old partners and even worse calls from hospital staff, was how the notifications were made. It is shameful that we cannot even fuction at such a basic level to ensure our families will be taken care of. Thats what happens when the dept is run by people who are not the POLICE.

7/17/2009 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Northern-West said...
Supt. Weis has done more for the CPD then anyone before him.

Yes, he is an outsider, but his heart is in the right place. He does not control manpower. He got carbines on the street.

The silent majority support this good man. For many, this man can run the CPD for the next 10 years.

Hillard and Cline were complete fools. Rodriquez could care less, and Rice & Martin could care lesser.

7/16/2009 11:45:00 PM
Oh, puh-leeez. You policy-group advisor-bunnies are now officially banned from this blog. Pitiful.

7/17/2009 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

have fun be safe back each other up and go home at night

7/17/2009 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Northern-West said...
Supt. Weis has done more for the CPD then anyone before him.

Yes, he is an outsider, but his heart is in the right place. He does not control manpower. He got carbines on the street.

The silent majority support this good man. For many, this man can run the CPD for the next 10 years.

Hillard and Cline were complete fools. Rodriquez could care less, and Rice & Martin could care lesser

signed mrs weiss

7/17/2009 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



7/17/2009 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Northern-West said...
Supt. Weis has done more for the CPD then anyone before him.

Yes, he is an outsider, but his heart is in the right place. He does not control manpower. He got carbines on the street.

The silent majority support this good man. For many, this man can run the CPD for the next 10 years.

Hillard and Cline were complete fools. Rodriquez could care less, and Rice & Martin could care lesser.

7/16/2009 11:45:00 PM

Ok put the meth down and step back from the table, SLOWLY.

7/17/2009 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree that MSF has turned into an Area 4 saturation team. They have lied to their officers from day one about what their 'mission' is. I quote 'mission' because that is what all of the bosses say we are doing. I still don't believe that a 'mission' has ever been given to us.

Are you kidding me? You strokes were feed a bunch of BULLSHIT so they could fill the unit! MSF(baby TRU) took everyone that applied, especially the sergeants!!!

7/17/2009 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous I Work 99 said...

I don't want to be repetitive but this is all I have to say: (1) get well soon guys; and (2) please, please, please brothers & sisters, stay safe out there.

7/17/2009 12:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was at the scene and in the unit, whoever said "those officers need more range time" is a softball. One of the officers who was shot managed to unload everything he had after he was shot. The assholes in the bedroom were barracaided behind a metal filing cabinet. As someone else commented, it was a GHETTO MIRACLE.

Find out the facts before you make reckless statements next time.

7/17/2009 06:48:00 AM

I was not there but thank you for making this post. There are way too many comments on the blog already about how "those guys should aim better" or "more range time." To those morons I say Fuck off!! How dare you Monday morning quarterback a shooting that you know nothing about. Anyone who talks about easily killing someone has obviously never shot someone or taken a shot at someone. There is no "ready stance" and stationary paper target. I do agree that p.o.'s should go to the range more and be as familiar with your weapon as possible but don't come on here and make it sound like they are at fault when you know nothing of the situation. Be Safe everyone.

7/17/2009 01:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Supt. Weis has done more for the CPD then anyone before him.

Yes, he is an outsider, but his heart is in the right place. He does not control manpower. He got carbines on the street.

The silent majority support this good man. For many, this man can run the CPD for the next 10 years.

Hillard and Cline were complete fools. Rodriquez could care less, and Rice & Martin could care lesser.


7/17/2009 02:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am very happy to hear that both officers are doing okay. I just hope there is no permanent damage. As for the scumbag, I hope that he suffers greatly. Officers need more range time since the perp is still among the living.

7/16/2009 08:55:00 PM

It is so easy to monday morning quarterabck. Just for some info. when shit goes bad it goes bad in a hurry and the jag off was hiding behind something that avioded him from being struck at that time.

I hope when you get more than 5 years on the job your outlook changes.

Good job guys.

P.O. D.O.'s former partner.

7/17/2009 02:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post about the cop killings, Northside.

I also agree with you about the "rotten cocksucker". We need more GOOD cocksuckers.

7/17/2009 03:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Martyrdom of Bill Cozzi said...

JFraud got Cozzi into this with his vicious stupidity. Whatever happens to Cozzi is now on the WEISel's hands.

7/17/2009 03:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We regret the many errors, falsities and outright bullshits contained within this article.


The tards at the policy group that may have 5yrs on but only two were on the street and couldn't figure out what to do without calling for a sgt. first especially the tall blond bimbo

7/17/2009 04:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please use the SWAT team for search warrant entry.

They will safely clear the area so you can take your time searching.

It's a useful tool.

7/17/2009 04:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
So not one PO from MSF is going to 005 regarding this incident. Why the hell did I come to this pointless unit? We're nothing more than an area4 sat team. They tell us that TRU is in area 2, but so the hell what! We as well as every available unit should be in 005 to send a message not driving around in a stupid wolf pack in sleepy 011. About the only thing this unit has going for it is the ten hour day, nothing more

7/16/2009 05:29:00 PM

Not only are they (our brass and Corp. Counsel)afraid of JUST THAT...."doing what we used to do" taking control!

There may also be a Federal investigation or surveillance going on in soome district that they DON'T want US to hamper or TREAD on or do something stupid on THEIR cameras or to one of their informants etc. etc.

That was the reasons before when they kept us (old SOS) out of these areas after shit like this...

The Department now caters to what is politically correct, other federal agencies and there objectives and missions, and they now refuse to listen to anyone like those that KNOW better anymore....

In other words look where our corruption got us and all the money it has cost the City so why let the police make any irrational decisions anymore?

I like what some post said, kick back or lay low and keep your head down and wits about yourself basically here....

Be careful

"Stuck inside and not by choice"

7/17/2009 04:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it looks like the number of people willing to shoot at uniforms has gone up exponentially for some reason today, this week and this month.

7/16/2009 02:31:00 PM

I know some might not want to admit it, but violence against police officers has risen ever since Obama won the election. Criminals (who are mostly democrats) believe that since Obama looks out for them, they don't have to listen to authority. This obviously doesn't make sense, because he is in a position of authority, but they don't see it that way. This was apparent on election night when Obama won and they started chanting "fuck the police" the entire night.

7/17/2009 04:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:32 pm

I also agree with Northside about J-Fed. John should write books.

Your last line had me ROFLMAO. You are very funny.

7/17/2009 05:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


If a citizen such as myself, as well virtually all of the non-exempt and clout members of the CPD can see J-Fed as someone who will sell you out in a new york minute if you aren't politically connected, then why the hell can't you?

7/17/2009 06:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who talks about easily killing someone has obviously never shot someone or taken a shot at someone. There is no "ready stance" and stationary paper target. I do agree that p.o.'s should go to the range more and be as familiar with your weapon as possible but don't come on here and make it sound like they are at fault when you know nothing of the situation. Be Safe everyone.

Right on!

7/17/2009 06:55:00 PM  
Anonymous FBI Retired said...

In the Bureau, Weis had a reputation as "an empty suit" who would do anything to keep the Director happy. He is treacherous. Check his role in the case of well-respected Agent Robert Wright where Weis vowed to "take him out" for going public with truthful but critical information about the Bureau.

It's transparent that in the matter of Officer Cozzi, Weis wanted to "take him out" to advance his political agenda.

I would trust a pit of rattlesnakes before I would trust Weis. He is dangerous.

7/17/2009 09:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who talks about easily killing someone has obviously never shot someone or taken a shot at someone.

Let me rephrase this for you. "until you have another human being behind your front sight and all but your heartbeat goes quiet,and you can acutely count every wrinkle in the offenders forehead,and until you can see the flash but hear no sound,and until you can accurately tell where each casing hit the ground,and until you cant erase the look on the persons face from your mind for a while and until the best damn thing you ever saw in your entire life is 10 to 15 police units slamming to a stop where you are standing,then NO I suppose they dont know what its like to shoot someone. If it does anything,it humbles you.IF it empowers you then there is something wrong. We werent put here to kill people. I know that wasnt my intention at the Midway bus terminal the night of my shooting.It changes you.Whether noticeable or not,it changes you.

7/18/2009 02:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Range time"? Get a clue, your body performs certain functions in survival situations that do not allow for sight alignment and easy trigger pull.

7/18/2009 12:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city over reacted with disolving SOS, truethat there were alot of bosses kids and relative there but they could have cleansed the brats out, brought in some experienced offices, but no, they started MSF and brought in 3 ytear wonders and a bunch of SGTS. with no time in grade, maybe O'Conner,Buhrke, Keeter & F. Hughes have it together but the rest ain't got a clue, I should have stayed in the district, Lt. Kane really runs the unit but micro manages. the other 2 Lts. just follow, O well I guess I will try out for SWAT, they got it made.

7/19/2009 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sleepy 011???? are you fucking high???

7/19/2009 04:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sgt. Stec and his guys are awesome! They are the police! I work with them. They bust their butts everyday! Thank god you guys are ok! Did you get your screen door back Sarge???

7/19/2009 04:50:00 PM  
Anonymous LP said...

Anonymous said...
Sgt. Stec and his guys are awesome! They are the police! I work with them. They bust their butts everyday! Thank god you guys are ok! Did you get your screen door back Sarge???

7/19/2009 04:50:00 PM

Thanks L.P.

You gonna be back dawg! Hang tight!

7/21/2009 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous LP said...

Damn Dawg you ain't even palmed in yet.... what the hell is that. Dat ain't no team, Dawg. Not like dat!

7/25/2009 01:21:00 AM  

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