Casper Lauer Ride

The date is 19 September at 9AM. The ride starts at 5049 W. Lake Street and ends at the Gold Star Memorial Park. $20 tickets and all proceeds benefit the Gold Star Families and Police Survivors.
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Sarcasm and Silliness from a Windy City Cop
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AKMC = scumbags... anything they sign their names to I would be VERY skeptical... This is NOT a cop only group... there are NUMEROUS felons in this club despite GOs forbidding such acts... I agree that what is purported to be the cause is good, I would say be VERY cautious if you plan on donating... be VERY cautious of any information you give... I suggest you give only cash if you feel compelled to donate... just a fair warning... I hope I am wrong, but a veteran detectives hunch tells me I am right on target!
Ill be there, always a good time and great cause! They have my support!
Does the $20.00 go towards Fat Ass Cline's $150,000.00 salary. It would appear that any organization thay can pay that kind of salary no longer needs a fund raiser.
The intention is good but this is not the first Chicago Police Officer killed in the LOD. When this is corrected I will partake in this ride.
Constable James Quinn was the first ChicagoPolice Officer killed in the LOD.
This is just more of the Chicago CLOUT BS, Lauer was a CLOUT hack:
I have a Vespa, can I go?
"(Casper) Lauer was a CLOUT hack:" - 6:36 AM
Oh my God! Does CLOUT go back that far? Was da job ever even half legit?
to 8/24/2009 12:08:00 AM
This ride is about paying respect to the fallen officers. I am a police officer and have ridden in the ride every year and there has never been a problem.
so throw away your hard on and get the facts before you start slamming people you dont even know.
Im going
Where can i get tickets at?
Looks like a goodtime.
SCC thank you for posting this event. It's always nice to see fundraisers for our fallen brothers in blue. Even if they passed over 100 years ago! NEVER FORGET.
I hope I am wrong, but a veteran detectives hunch tells me I am right on target!
Witch veterinarian defectives at Target did u talk at?
AKMC = scumbags... anything they sign their names to I would be VERY skeptical... This is NOT a cop only group... there are NUMEROUS felons in this club despite GOs forbidding such acts... I agree that what is purported to be the cause is good, I would say be VERY cautious if you plan on donating... be VERY cautious of any information you give... I suggest you give only cash if you feel compelled to donate... just a fair warning... I hope I am wrong, but a veteran detectives hunch tells me I am right on target!
8/24/2009 12:08:00 AM
thanks, detective... well said
This is just more of the Chicago CLOUT BS, Lauer was a CLOUT hack:
Is this true?? If so, what a scam!!!
Squad lunch...... lake and Lavern..
19P my stack.
Sound familiar to anyone out there.
May 13, 2009
By Craig W. Floyd, Chairman
National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, Washington D.C.
"On a December day in 1853, a young Chicago Police Constable named James Quinn, just nine months on the force, set out to do his job: serve an arrest warrant on a suspect in a notorious criminal hangout.
But things went horribly wrong, and Constable Quinn was severely beaten by a saloon owner who was trying to protect the suspect. Constable James Quinn died three days later.
For all these many years, just a sketch of Constable Quinn’s story was known, but the details of his heroics were not, and his sacrifice went unrecognized.
Tonight, James Quinn is forgotten no more. His name is proudly engraved on Panel 24-East, Line 26 of this Memorial, and tonight we finally and fully recognize his sacrifice.
He now is in his rightful place, alongside thousands of other fallen American heroes. There are 18,661 names embracing us here tonight. This year, we are adding 387 new names to these Memorial walls—133 who died in the performance of duty in 2008—the lowest fatality figure since 1960, a glimmer of good news among these tragic tales—and 254 others, who like Constable Quinn had slipped through the cracks of history. Our promise here tonight is that they will never be alone; they will never be forgotten.
* * * * *
Ladies and gentlemen … on behalf of the Memorial Fund’s board of directors, who have joined me here on the dais, it is my honor and privilege to welcome all of you to this, our 21st Annual Candlelight Vigil.
I bring greetings not only to the impressive crowd assembled here at the Memorial in our nation’s capital, but also to the thousands of people across the country – indeed, around the world – who are watching this ceremony through our first-ever live videocast of the Candlelight Vigil over the Internet. Welcome, one and all."
The intention is good but this is not the first Chicago Police Officer killed in the LOD. When this is corrected I will partake in this ride.
Constable James Quinn was the first ChicagoPolice Officer killed in the LOD.
This is just more of the Chicago CLOUT BS, Lauer was a CLOUT hack:
8/24/2009 06:36:00 AM
Who the f--k made you king!!!!
Listen up motherfucker! If it wasn't for political hack alderman, former copper , budget director to city of shit B U R K - ME A FUCKIN SCAM PAYOUT !!
Constable James Quinn would not be known but to GOD !!!
So don't talk shit about OFFICER Lauer !!
Because I see you as a pussy mother - fucker who is either not the police or just another political hack mother- fucker !!!
DON'T FUCK WITH THE GERMANS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rest In Peace Constable James Quinn and Lauer !
We as police officers know its not about who is first, we all will have to stand before ST. PETER one day and give an account of tour of duty!! And to who ever tries to tarnish a officers name is destined to live the life of a coward!
I would like to contribute but I would like to know the exact charities involved. If the "Police Survivors" is the non-profit by the same name located on south Archer Ave, then fine as that organization is all volunteer and its Executive Director doesn't keep a dime of the donations for himself. If the "Gold Star Familes" is in reality, the "Chicago Police Memorial Foundation" then I do not want to give and further contribute to Phil Cline's pockets. It is said he now draws six figures annually and judging by the 43K he drew for less than four months work in 2007, I have every reason to believe his take is now the 150K as rumored. We will know when the IRS Form 990 becomes available to the public. Until then, I do not wish to further contribute to Cline's supplemental retirement plan. Would the organizers of this event please identify - with specificity - the organizations to which proceeds will be distributed? and Can we designate one organization over the other? Thanks.
Anonymous said...
I have a Vespa, can I go?
8/24/2009 07:01:00 AM
Go trade it in for an Electra Glide sonny!
This is just more of the Chicago CLOUT BS, Lauer was a CLOUT hack:
This is absolutely hilarious!! An Irishman in Chicago complaining about clout! And on the police department no less. For some entertaining bathroom reading, try running thru the last 50 years of CPD exempt and tell me how many O'something or other, Mc-whatever, Sullivan, Dugan, and other similar names you can find. Many more than fingers and toes on your extended family, my lad!
The intention is good but this is not the first Chicago Police Officer killed in the LOD. When this is corrected I will partake in this ride.
Constable James Quinn was the first ChicagoPolice Officer killed in the LOD.
This is just more of the Chicago CLOUT BS, Lauer was a CLOUT hack:
What are you one of Burke's little bitches?
He pulled some bullshit, because he did'nt want to look like a fool, writing a book and listing Quinn as the first. Since the history of CPD, Casper Lauer was the first officer killed in the line of duty, until this year. Not, Quinn!
I believe there is a question of Quinn's death, was he working or was he getting shit faced in a bar and someone got the best of him. No one knows, but I quess Burke knows and because he said so, IT MUST BE TRUE!
So, why should they change the name of the ride? The name at the time they started the run was 6 years ago, I believe. Your so big on history, maybe you should know it.
Because you sound stupid and no I don't ride a motorcycle, but I will donate and I don't think they would fuck over policeman and/or Gold Star Families.
And I think, the Area 4 ride is just a scam for Cline, because there was no other motorcycle ride, other then Casper Lauer.
But, what ever fundraiser helps our fellow fallen's family and helps the children, that should be the issue here and that is what should be taken into account.
Not, who is doing it or what the guy does. There are some people that have taken advantage of fundraiser, but I don't these guys do that.
Who the f--k made you king!!!!
Listen up motherfucker! If it wasn't for political hack alderman, former copper , budget director to city of shit B U R K - ME A FUCKIN SCAM PAYOUT !!
Constable James Quinn would not be known but to GOD !!!
So don't talk shit about OFFICER Lauer !!
Because I see you as a pussy mother - fucker who is either not the police or just another political hack mother- fucker !!!
DON'T FUCK WITH THE GERMANS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hate to rain on your parade Adolph, but Casper Lauer was born in France as was Casper's father, as was Casper's grand father as was Casper's great grandfather....four generations of Frenchmen!
and oh by the way, Burke had nothing to do with discovering Quinn; he was smart enough however to recognize real evidence when he saw it, and helped advance the case.
A tout a l'heure!
8/24/2009 05:08:00 PM
Please tell me you are not an AKMC member. Did the Germans bomb pearl Harbor too?
Fyi... Ask Donna Marquez (Head of Gold star Families) if AKMC members are "scumbags". They've raised thousands of dollars for the orginazation since the run began.Many of the "non cop" members are some of the biggest ones raising money for the charity, If you were killed in the line of duty would YOUR family care if a cop or non-cop raised money for the ones you left behind??
I've hung around with these guys many times, and ran into them at many other veteran, police, etc. fundraisers and considered trying to join, I've asked them what are the requirements and one of the first things they said for a civilian member (I'm a cop) is that you could never have been arrested for a felony, among many other things...seems pretty logical for a LEMC that's been around for almost 20 years to keep out felons, doesn't it?
There is no link with the memorial foundation (although also a great cause) As far as I've heard, Gold Star Families was chosen because it was the "little guy" in police charities.
I've been going since the start and I know you can buy tickets at the door.
Always a great time!, I'll be there, hopefully you can put aside the hate and attend a fundraiser that we can all agree goes to a great cause, you don't even have to ride a motorcycle, I've seen people park their cars down the street and attend.
Be safe!
True story... Riding my motorcycle one day around the NW side and it starts giving me problems, eventually quits running. A guy with an American Knights vest sees me messing with my bike in a parking lot and pulls over to see if he can help, turns out to be a member of the of the Chicago chapter( I guess they have an Illinois chapter too?)
We try brainstorming with different possibilities but it just won't start, Well the guy calls one of the other members' who has a pick-up truck and in about 15 minutes he shows up. We all load the bike into the back of the truck and he gives me a ride home,(not too far away)with the first guy following. We unload the truck in my driveway. They tell me about the run posted above and that they're both coppers and how it'll be a great ride and party afterward.I then tell them that I'm a copper and we exchange typical BS
My point in posting this is that from that experience, if the rest of the club is half as stand-up as these guys were, then anyone who slams them doesn't know what they're talking about! This club/and run have my 100% support, In return for their help, I've posted this flyer up at mine and neighboring districts, and told as many people as possible about them. Someday I'll consider joining but I have alot of family obligations on my plate right now, either way, I'm looking forward to attending the run and meeting some new friends.
Everyone be safe out there and stop the Hating!!
NorthSide said...
"(Casper) Lauer was a CLOUT hack:" - 6:36 AM
Oh my God! Does CLOUT go back that far? Was da job ever even half legit?
8/24/2009 11:03:00 AM
You of all people have to ask that question? No, never even as much as half legit.
Just a few responses/opinions,
To the below* poster that quoted Craig Floyd, the National Memorial Chairman...
May 13, 2009
By Craig W. Floyd, Chairman
National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, Washington D.C.
Who cares who was first, we honor them all nonetheless. It's merely a point of history, that's all.
Please keep in mind our National Memorial occurs annually May 13-16 in Washington DC. Sorry to say once again we will be honoring another of Chicago's Finest in 2010, Alex Valadez, 007.
If time, funds or personal issues precludes your attendance in DC, keep in mind OUR candlelight vigil will take place at OUR memorial on 17 Sept. 09. There, we will honor ALL our departed brothers and sisters who made the Ultimate Sacrifice over the years.
We 'all' have the tendency to talk-the-talk. Here's the opportunity to 'walk' among these hero's, our very own.
Bring the family. It's a solemn tribute that pays respect to "Chicago's Finest."
As far as the Memorial Foundation is concerned, I continue to contribute via payroll deduction, although retired.
Initially, like so many others I thought that 'the' memorial was just the park area and the brick and mortar structure within. But with a minor bit of detective work, I learned the following...
(look it up for yourself for full info and watch the video)
First and foremost... "100%" of the monies contributed by the "po-lice," through payroll deduction fundraisers etc. goes exclusively to payouts to it's members. 100%!
Any operating expenses (mailings,advertising, maintenance etc.) comes from the corporate donors exclusively.
When I first got on 'da job' I was most impressed by the "100 Club of Illinois." They, also a non-profit organization, pay the 'college' tuition of ALL the children of any police officer or fireman killed in the line of duty.
OUR Memorial foundation NOW pays for the grammar AND high school educations of ALL the children of Chicago Police Officers killed in the line of duty with the 100 Club picking up the college tab.
Any Chicago Police Officer who sustains a 'devastating injury' in the line of duty has ALL their childrens grammar, high AND college tuition's 'paid in full' by YOU the members of the foundation. ( 100 Club does not make payouts for injury, only line of duty deaths)
I also learned that the family of any 'active' Chicago Police Officer who dies while actively employed by the city (does NOT have to be line-of-duty death) now gets a quick $3,000.00 check from OUR foundation to help with funeral expenses, often times like bringing in a relative from out of state etc.
There's a bunch of other stuff they do for LOD death for the children such as Santa visits etc that you can look up yourself.
So... in closing (thanks for reading this far) as long as all MY money goes directly for these worthwhile needs for MY brothers and sisters who so honorably serve since my retirement, I have no problem continuing payroll deduction from my pension check.
This is why I STILL continue to give as it directly benefits our people, "Chicago's Finest!"
All Gave Some Because Some Gave All
Please continue to honor our fallen at St. Jude, Springfield, Washington and CPD memorials along with your thoughts and prayers.
ol' vet (r)
As soon as I read this post I knew it would be a matter of seconds for old (dea) Rick Barrett to show up.
Rick, we know your argument about who was killed in the line of duty first, and we thought you won and this was a done issue. Perhaps there's more to it, and if so, good luck with your cause, we respect your passion.
We're so used to living in Chicago and working for the police department, that we are used to being lied to by our supervisors and mayor and alderman and city politicos. So Cline and co. lied to you, get in line. He lied to all us, and he liked us!!
However, this is a fund raising event, and god bless that. Right now we have much bigger problems within our department, and if you want to help cpd with a worthy cause, we could certainly use your and others help in getting the mayor to give us a deserved 5% raise per year for 4 or 5 years, with retroactive.
Best to you.
Yes...The American Knights have contributed to the Police Survivors in the past. It takes a great deal of work to put this event on and the money they have raised has helped with injured Officers. We do not get paid for our cause, we do it because it is the right thing to do. It is greatly appreciated...and graciously accepted...Thank You American Knights.
The Police Survivors...
The police memorial fund is Clines baby and a scam, as many have pointed out. Maybe some of you don't remember or weren't on the job when commander Acosta was charged with theft for stealing thousands from the fund. Which is why I don't do the Area 4 Ride to remember. Casper Lauer ride seems legit.
It's YOUR money...spend/donate it as YOU see fit.
Please don't associate Acosta with the good work that the Memorial Foundation does for our people.
Acosta got greedy and scammed a little like he was an alderman.
Do the right thing. God will show Acosta his place for his misdeeds.
Stay Safe, bro!
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