Could we have a list of accomplishments please? Roll tape!
Seriously, The Nobel Peace Prize? WTF? What's next? Daley wins the Lambert Tree?
UPDATE: The truly amazing thing? Obama was nominated along with 204 other people...in FEBRUARY! He hadn't even been in office for 30 days and he was in the middle of two or three scandals already about nominating cabinet members with tax-evasion problems.
UPDATE: Best comment so far:
UPDATE: AceofSpades has loads of these:

Seriously, The Nobel Peace Prize? WTF? What's next? Daley wins the Lambert Tree?
UPDATE: The truly amazing thing? Obama was nominated along with 204 other people...in FEBRUARY! He hadn't even been in office for 30 days and he was in the middle of two or three scandals already about nominating cabinet members with tax-evasion problems.
UPDATE: Best comment so far:
- Obama wins Cy Young award for throwing out first pitch
UPDATE: AceofSpades has loads of these:

Labels: un-fucking-believable
RUE ST. MIKE or SHAVED as winners of the N.P.P.; yea okay, but the messiah?
The infection has gone worldwide!
18 months serving as a US Senator (the remainder was spent campaigning for President.) He mostly voted present.
I hear the Obama disciples praising all he has done in his 10 months in office. That's not relevent because the nominating petitions for the Nobel Prize had to be sent to the committee by February 1st. Which means he was POTUS for an entire week and a half! By that deadline he had taken a few congratulatory call's from world leaders, that barely can be called diplomacy! Hell, he hadn't even hosted the "beer summit" at the Whitehouse yet!
While the rest of the world drinks the "Presidential Kool-aid", I don't know whether to laugh or cry!
Good job SCC! High-larious
Fred Armisen and the SNL writers are hysterical. Even though we saw it live last weekend, I now need a new keyboard, coffee again being the culprit.
I just pray that they give the Messiah the same shake that Tina Fey gave Sarah Palin.
"Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future," the committee said. "His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population."
And what would those '...values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population.' be?
Fucking joke, video just about says it all Approval rating at an all time low for any commadant-in- chief,made a mockery of the U.S.when he went to the Middle East,not to mention pissing off Israel.But lets praise the messiah forth we may have civil unrest.
The international leftists are making plans to use him and they wasted no time......Pride always goes before a fall. Wonder if George Soros of legalize drugs fame had a hand in this?
WTF is right !!!!
Let's all get a 40oz & some herb & celebrate.
This looks like the departments "Merit Promotions".
No Cheers for Barry !!!!!!
Two weeks elapsed from his inauguration to the closing date for the Nobel committee. Think the prize is based on accomplishments, or "I mo's?"
Wisely he's held off on unimportant things, like Afghanistan until after the prize was announced.
Perception Vs. Reality? No contest, perception wins!
your patriotism is un-fuckin believable
Like many of the awards now given out by my beloved Department the Nobel Peace Prize has become political and meaningless. It is just one more attempt by the liberal pukes of the world to take a shot at Bush. The world loves my President, but does not fear him; I as a citizen of the USA do not love my President, but I do fear him.
Can you still get those CHICAGO 2016 T-shirts? If so, where?
Stockholm, October 9.
U.S. President Barack Obama has just won the Nobel Peace Prize.
God help us!
GOD save the usa!
Nobel Prize committee has lowered the standards for the award to match the standards of the Chicago Public Schools...
The real kicker? The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to nobama, not for anything accomplished by his administration, but instead, for his non-nuclear proliferation rhetoric.
Essentially, the award was bestowed upon nobama because he is not President George W. Bush. Just fucking amazing.
But we must take the sad with the glad. Thankfully, nobama extended himself for the Olympics and his efforts hit the shitter. In this instance, nobama does nothing and gets the Nobel Peace Prize. If we had to pick one for him to win, I am glad it was not the Olympics!
Winning the Nobel Peace Prize will not impact us locally like we would have been impacted if nobama had scored the Olympics for shortshanks. A week ago today was still one very good day! I bask in the glow of shortshank's greasy forehead, his humiliation on the world stage, and the flickering flames of the no-olympics torch destroying his noprah, nobama, nolympics dream and legacy! Fuck you mayor worm.
And three more things: Masters, Masters, Masters.
Just goes to show how many people believe the bullshit. God help us.
Could have been worse. He could have shared it with Daley!
What a joke! Nominations for the "prize" had to be in by February 1st which means he was only in office for 11 days. This was an anti-Bush award and made this committee look like a bunch of clowns.
Is that what you always wanted?
A wurr tyme President fightn turrur & championing for Peace??
George "Convicted Felon" Ryan nearly took the prize as well. He was another piece of crap politician that made decisions based on the media's wishes. I guess placating dictators and terrorist regimes gets you a prize these days. He was nominated only two weeks into his presidency. Explain how two weeks of an adminstration gets you an award. The fix was clearly in. This clown is a one termer.
Awards nowadays have been cheapened so much.
The man who ended the cold war, Ronald Regan, is rolling in his grave.
I'm sure that there is absolutely nothing that Obama could do that would make the majority of the folks on this blog ever think he was worthy of winning the Noble Peace Prize. Oh well he won so sad TOO BAD!
YEAH I GOT ONE FOOL! ITS CALLED A NOBEL PEACE PRIZE! Take that! THE ONE has accomplished more in his life than any member of the Chicago Police Department can dream of including me! SCC in this instance my friend you gotta put your hands up in the air like you just don't care, drop the hateraid, and admit we are outclassed by this giant of a man! Ronald Reagan nor George Bush won the Nobel Peace Prize. If you step out of your two flat and travel a bit you will find President Obama is adored around the world. Now when are we going to get a decent contract? When are we going to get a damn clout free promotional exam without markups, affirmative action,political interference etc.? THOSE ARE QUESTIONS OF RELEVANCE TO MOST HARDWORKING COPPERS.
and Daley,Durbin, and Obama win the Olympic Gold Medal for the Baton Relay race.
What a joke!
this empty suit with NO resume and no accomplishments...hahahahaha!
I'm sorry I take that back,
He has devalued the dollar;
Made America an international laughingstock;
fomented a new race war;
appointed a racist to the supreme court;
reflexively called the cops wrong before he knew the facts of the case;
hell, at this rate America will be third world before the end of his term...and I think this is by design!
I guess I won't be buying that Volvo I was planning to.
Prize won for bringing peace to the streets of Chicago:
Barak Obama!!!
The man is the coming of the Anti-Christ and will destroy this country.
The only good thing I can figure that can come out of this is the last President that won the Nobel Peace Prize was run out of office at the next election.
World Clout. Now we all know why Daley has his nose buried way up Obama's ass.
That SNL skit was hilarious! Sad that it is sooooo true!
And another award now loses its meaning............
OSLO NORWAY - (AP) In a stunning move today it was announced that the the Nobel Peace Prize was devalued down to $1.99 (USD) and is now available for general purchase by the public. The prize, which had recently become meaningless after it's award to the United States' President Obama, will now be sold in America by Target and Walmart as well as several global retailers. The newly renamed People's Award For Nadda prize, which will be available in a brightly colored paperboard box, will be packaged with a plastic goblet studded with fake gems and rubies representing President Obama's various achievements, along with several pouches of Hope And Change (http://tinyurl.com/5fmam3) brand instant drink mix.
In related news it was revealed that the plopping noise heard around the globe this morning was the combined sound of all the previous Nobel Peace Prize winners, who had actually accomplished something meaningful in their lives, involuntarily defecating at the same time.
what is unbelievable is that while i agree obama has not done anything, but what did george bush do? c'mon now... it works both ways
I voted for Obama but,this is truly funny and all true:( WTF
They always give it to self-hating Americans, like Carter. What a joke.
What a joke!
And to top it off I heard a million dollars comes along with the prize. Is that true?
I can see him getting an award for public speaking, but the Nobel Peace Prize? He's a great bullshitter, but he hasn't accomplished a thing!
Someone, please name his accomplishments as a community organizer, attorney, state senator, US senator, and President. He has none!
Ah, those crazy Norwegians....
Seriously, WTF.
Obama says "he is surprised and humbled."
Only 50% of that statement is true.
I’m not surprised anymore by anything that comes to light regarding the chosen one. In the long run he’s just a glorified Jesse Jackson. Don’t forget that the Nobel peace prize was almost given to gang leaders and terrorists in the past. That prize has as much credibility as the awards the Cpd hands out to people who don’t deserve them.
Opening in 3 soon Crump will be gone, papers in, its official.
I heard it was "unclear" who nominated him. Any update on that?
EXACTLY, SSC... W.T.F. The cancer he is causing this country does not warrant a noble peace prize. Only in fucking America..
The Taliban is sued a statement today and I have to agree with the enemy. W T F?
The left wing agenda in Norway really pick a winner. The man cannot take care of buisness in our country. His answer is to spend... spend.. spend!!!
What is he going to do with the Million $$$$$? He now qualifies for a income tax increase.
Seriously, The Nobel Peace Prize? WTF? What's next? Daley wins the Lambert Tree?
Nope, Sgt. Keating makes "reunited" 1st Deputy.
He wasn't in office for 11 days when nominated! That award is useless now. It means nothing. Everyone is laughing at us now.
Guess they'll be renaming it to the Nobel "Piece of Shit" Prize
It's just one more thing that can be bought. The Nobel Prize now means nothing.
your patriotism is un-fuckin believable
Wait a minute...wasn't "dissent" the highest form of patriotism just a year ago?
Unless you're pointing out that "the one" hasn't accomplished jack shit and has all the substance of a bag of farts.
That tells you that the prize is bullshit! Who did the white house payoff for that prize! LOL!
I'm sure that there is absolutely nothing that Obama could do that would make the majority of the folks on this blog ever think he was worthy of winning the Noble Peace Prize.
"Absolutely nothing" is exactly what Obama has accomplished. Or didn't you watch the tape? Maybe you could list his accomplishments instead of tonguing his ass?
Obama wins Cy Young award for throwing out first pitch
what is unbelievable is that while i agree obama has not done anything, but what did george bush do? c'mon now... it works both ways
Are you serious? Where the hell is your brain? Bush was never nominated nor won the prize, so that makes it ok for Obama to be nominated 11 days into his presidency and then win it 9 months in?
The Nobel Peace prize shoud have gone to Sheriff Joe Arpaillo of Maricopa County, Arizona, for being the best law Enforcement official in the United States.
I hope President Obama spends some time bringing peace to the streets of his home town of Chicago.
Then he will receive an award from John Kass!
I'm no fan of President Clinton but he's done a lot more to be worthy of this so called prize then Obama has.
Giving it to Obama has really diminished the thing. The Nobel "prize" is really a joke now.
Buck Naked
(not a cop)
SNL skit: Hilarious and True
Nobel Peace Prize: (vomit)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
November's Travel and Leisure magazine rates thirty large cities in 56 categories. Among other things, Chicago was first in "Skyline Scenic View" and last in "Weather".
Check: www.TravelandLeisure.com/afc/2009/
this just makes obama look like a fool...not a good thing for him at all...except for the fact it just adds to his already huge ego
The more anti-American you are the more likely you are to get the Nobel Prize...this makes perfect sense
He won the Nobel, but didn't have the juice to land da lympics........priceless!
Anonymous said...
I heard it was "unclear" who nominated him. Any update on that?
10/09/2009 11:09:00 AM
Da Mare, hoo u tink!
Barak Hussain Obama: Uniting conservatives since 2008
Very sad. The award is for accomplishments, not promises.....Another step closer to the end.
Hey, I coded over the years more than a few jobs 4Frank, shouldn't I be getting the Nobel Peace Prize?
While I am not an elitist, most of the American electorate now appear to be borderline morons and masochists. Even moreso in Chicago and Crook County.
Since we're dealing with so many lemmings and fools, do NOT underestimate the effect of SNL and contemporary pop culture on U.S. voters as well as the widespread stupidity of the American people.
I have to admit I take perverse pleasure in seeing the right run around in circles over this. But really, that award became meaningless (if it wasn't already) when it was awarded to Kissinger in 1973.
I can see him getting an award for public speaking, but the Nobel Peace Prize? He's a great bullshitter, but he hasn't accomplished a thing!
Someone, please name his accomplishments as a community organizer, attorney, state senator, US senator, and President. He has none!
10/09/2009 10:54:00 AM
Oh, sorry, nevermind.
While the rest of the world drinks the "Presidential Kool-aid", I don't know whether to laugh or cry!
10/09/2009 07:58:00 AM
Cry. Definitely.
What are the requirements for the Nobel Peace Prize. The one who does nothing in the most time. Does anyone have a clue what, if anything, he has done in office besides going to Copehagen to try for the Olympics. A 5 year old kid would have done more in office than this guy. The only time he is in the press is when he and the wife are going out to dinner.
Obama just beat michael phelps in the 200 meter free. Is there anything this guy cant do?
Teddy Roosevelt won it for negotiating the end of the Russo-Japanese War, Woodrow Wilson for forming the League of Nations (which sucked so much the US Senate refused to allow the US to join)
Obama won it for creation of "a new climate in international politics."
Man I detest Jimmy Carter, but at least I could see him winning this...he did something for it.
...I can't beleive I just thought that
Obama also knows how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootise pop too.
that was a great skit, Chicago has become not only the joke of the nation but a joke wordwide thx to Shitcago politicians
word is that the spring morale survey has been completed but was ordered buried because jfed was in fact the cause of the shit morale the department currently enjoys
jfed had promised that if it was learned that he was to blame for poor morale he would quit. another broken promise from the lying non-police fed
Breaking News:
The Pope just announced that upon completion of his term in office, a new book will officially be added to The Bible recounting "The One's" various miracles and good deeds done towards all of humanity.
I praise Barry for the TSS cards and making me fill them out . The city and county can see how much revenue they could of received. Can we change the color of the card to pink next year to further humiliate the police. Sarcasm off
shocked the liberal media finally let snl make fun of the messiah.
The nobel prize voters thought they were voting for homecoming king.
Too bad for him the IOC knew they werent
Obama wins award for more arrests than seiser or weis.
W.T.F.! Just as we see Obama fall down a rung or two on his arrogance ladder, proving that the shit eating grin of his celebrity status wasn’t enough to maintain that high approval rating or solidify the Olympic bid, the man is awarded a Nobel Prize for nothing. He was only two weeks into office when nominated and they awarded it to him like a piece of candy or the new philosophy that everyone gets a trophy, that everyone in the game wins. The Nobel committee cited "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."
Where do I sign up to get one for nothing to add to my resume without substance like his? When are people going to realize the man is a fraud, better than some but worse than most other politicians? When will it be noted that a well written speech being delivered off the Tele-prompter isn’t leadership but perpetual campaigning? Will it finally come when everyone stands in long lines for food, medicine, health care, and their monthly stimulus check because the country has finally gone the way of the U.S.S.R. under the Pelosi-Finestein Act and the democratic agenda? Time will answer those questions. Meanwhile, the stockpiling of food and munitions continues.
Come on guys , Barry won the Nobel Peace Prize because .........when he was in Illinois he helped rid it of corruption and violence, and now as president he has fixed the economy, ended the wars, and biggest of all helped Chicago get the Olympics.
Among the ignorant, "charisma" apparently goes a long, long way. Without monolithic minority voting patterns and so-called "white guilt", this con artist would still be a "neighborhood activist" in Altgeld Gardens.
Just goes to show you that "the pigeon drop" and multi-million dollar e-mail inheritances from Nigeria could be legit after all.
People are fools. The Messiah may well be the Antichrist.
You wanted "CHANGE"? Well, you're going to get it--in a way that will rock your world. Grab your ankles, sucker!
If Obama was still in Chicago the Fenger incident would have never happened. You see how bad this city has become since he left out.
What's worth less at Walgreens?? 1) Obama merchandise or 2) The Chicago T-shirts and hats that piss bums wear
What if people don't come to the Casino due to the lack of police protection in the "city, and the enormous amount of violent crime? Who's going to pay for this giant Boondoggle-Mess? The dumb-ass Taxpayers, of course, just like the NO-LYMPICS..Not a penny will come out of the Daley Crime Family's pockets.
The world loves my President, but does not fear him; I as a citizen of the USA do not love my President, but I do fear him.
10/09/2009 08:21:00 AM
word is that the spring morale survey has been completed but was ordered buried because jfed was in fact the cause of the shit morale the department currently enjoys
jfed had promised that if it was learned that he was to blame for poor morale he would quit. another broken promise from the lying non-police fed
telephone conversation over heard at the white house this morning "this thing is bleeping golden"
Theodore Roosevelt won it for brokering the peace between Russia and Japan. Ronald Regan should have won it for ending the cold war. Obama must be satan. How else could he have won?
What's next the Seiser award. Sheesh.
The Obama adminstration will be characterized in the future as "blinded by the bling."
Anonymous said...
Obama just beat michael phelps in the 200 meter free. Is there anything this guy cant do?
10/09/2009 01:01:00 PM
1. He can't turn around the economy.
2. He can't put people back to work.
3. He can't undo the corruption in his own Chicago Democratic Machine.
Next: Help Obama win the Heisman Trophy!
face it FAKE president(WHERE IS THE BIRTH CERT????) FAKE OFFICE.......
Wake up America....This police hating RACIST "president" is endangering your safety on the streets,legally,and attempting to jeapodize your retirement and pensions so that the 4th and 5th generation WELFARE SLUGS can thrive. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
Now Im sure all you liberal FUCKTARDS will flame me but I dont care. This man is a sign of things to come in this country and IT DONT LOOK GOOD.
DNC: If you laugh at Obama’s Nobel, you side with terrorists
r u down with the sickness!
voted present many times
Meritorius Nobel Peace Prize winner!
So it is the equivalent of being an HONOR STUDENT in the Chicago Public School system!!!
Wierd, I kept expecting him to start speaking spanish like Hugo's love child or something. But NO.
Nobel Peace Prize after 11 days in office? Puhleeze. What were they smokin' and where can I get some?
This is nothing more than another DemocRAT Scandal, political Fix.
We real Americans refer to the prize as the Nobel Peace [of Shit] Prize.
Obama wins MVP of intramural White House basketball league. Clinched it when scoring 63 points against Sasha.
The Nobel Peace Prize has been relegated to the same status as a bowling trophy.
How important is this award if they can give it to a murderer and terrorist such as Yasser Arafat? Yasser Arafat won it in 1994 for "efforts to create peace in the Middle East"
It was a joke then, it is a joke now.
He won because he was the 10th caller. Ha!
Anonymous said...
Obama just beat michael phelps in the 200 meter free. Is there anything this guy cant do?
10/09/2009 01:01:00 PM
I would really like it if barry could skate and take the place of Adam Burish until the knee surgery thing is rehabbed properly. Then Obama can get a Stanley Cup ring to add to the trophy case.
Obama just beat up Chuck Norris...just kidding, noone can touch Chuck Norris.
"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."
When I was aghast this morning at Obama's win of the Nobel Peace Prize, a friend pointed out to me that Yasser Arafat, a terrorist, was awarded the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize (actually, a third of it, shared with Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres). I'd forgotten about that. The prize hasn't had any credibility since then, and the tradition continues.
See...Acorn can still fix some votes!
Yassir Arafat's got one too.
Obama says he'll accept Nobel as 'call to action'
God knows he hasn't actually earned it yet.
Wouldn't meet with the Dalai Lama so as not to offend the Chinese... PEACE PRIZE.
Makes sense...
Do the current people on the Nobel Prize panel know what the Nobel Peace prize is? I mean, do they have a little history lesson before they get to vote?
Just asking.
seiser was 2nd runner up and j-fed was third.
The Nobel Peace Prize is about as "legit" as the merit promotions.
Opening in 3 soon Crump will be gone, papers in, its official.
10/09/2009 11:07:00 AM
You guys in 003 get that 4-2 work program I will leave this dump 011 in a heart beat.
Being a "community activist" does have it's rewards.
Rooting against the president? The new America where no one really cares about the country, they only care about themselves.
It was wrong when liberal fools called Bush a war monger and its wrong when conservative softballs call Obama a Muslim terrorist. Disagree all you want. Work to get the President voted out of office. Argue that the President's policies are wrong and will fail. But, on the international stage, the President of the United States, no matter who he is, is so much better than anyone Europe has to offer or any other idiot from some poverty-corruption-ridden country that this medal by default should always be given to the President of the United States. Throughout history, no one has ever done more to make this world a more peaceful place than our Presidents. No one does more for this world than our country. No one is a greater force for justice than the United States of America. No one else ever has or ever will come close.
If Eurotrash wants to give the president a medal, what American would argue that the president shouldn't get it? Should some mini-dictator, some commie pushing author, or some American-hating terrorist get it?
Some Presidents hurt our economy. Some caused massive problems that have still not been solved. BUT, EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT has been a force for right in the world. The citizens would demand nothing less.
Get your fucking priorities straight.
I,bet CVS and Walgreens will now go back to selling his Chia Head !!
Did his telepropmter get a nod as well?
The Nobel Peace Prize literally means NOTHING now. This award has no meaning and has been demeaned to the status of a piece of paper and a piece of metal.
The average citizen sees through this charade and gives no validity to it.
Anything coming from an International body should be held as suspect.
Who fucking cares? Really.
They almost gave it to the worst Governor in Illinos' history and they did give it to possibly the worst President in U.S. history.
That's stellar company boy.
Kind of reminds you of the Department's "merit" promotions.
"I'm sure that there is absolutely nothing that Obama could do that would make the majority of the folks on this blog ever think he was worthy of winning the Noble Peace Prize. Oh well he won so sad TOO BAD!
10/09/2009 09:29:00 AM"
There are many things he could do, but they are not the things he will do.
Feel free, for now, to celebrate your kool aid experience.
When the effects wear off, and they will, then get back to us.
off topic:
Civilians & our Blue family, are you aware that you can now also text message crime tips?
1. Create a new text message or SMS text on your cellular phone
2. Enter the number 274637 (CRIMES) in the “TO” line
3. In the message box, type the word CPD, a space, and then your crime tip information
WE recently had an off duty CPD beaten here in Garfield Ridge. Let's band together and teach these punks a lesson.
The added bonus of reporting crimes is not only cleaning up ur neighborhoods but if there's an arrest due to the result of your text, you can also get up to a $1000 reward provided by Cook County Crime Stoppers
Save this as a contact and report any crimes. Found via Cclearpath
...And the next Miss America is....
f Eurotrash wants to give the president a medal, what American would argue that the president shouldn't get it? Should some mini-dictator, some commie pushing author, or some American-hating terrorist get it?
Ummmmm.....he did.
Here's how a normal city paper reports the news:
Sarasota man shoots teen prowling in back yard
By Anthony Cormier
Published: Friday, October 9, 2009 at 1:53 p.m.
Last Modified: Friday, October 9, 2009 at 1:53 p.m.
SARASOTA COUNTY - A homeowner shot a teenager who tried to steal his car early today, authorities say.
The teen’s brother — who also was reportedly involved in the burglary — was arrested and the homeowner was cleared of any wrongdoing.
The resident, 62-year-old Walter Gilliam, awoke at 2 a.m. and heard strange noises in the yard. He grabbed a gun and went outside the home in the 2100 block of 32nd Street to investigate.
Outside, he spotted two teens hovering over the hood of his car. One of the teens held a screwdriver, which Gilliam told authorities he thought was a weapon.
He fired at the burglars, deputies say, striking the younger teen, who was not immediately identified.
According to an arrest report, the teen’s brother — 18-year-old George Johnson — ran off and was later captured at home.
His brother was hospitalized but is expected to survive.
Yassir "the terrorist" Arafat, Jimmy "the peanut farmer pacifist" Carter and Al "the bullshitter extradonaire, the world is about to melt Gore....all have been awarded nobel peace prizes..
That says it all people... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
There was a audible gasp from the audience when they announced it. They really don't like the U.S. out there, and today they don't respect us either.
I don't care if they like us, but with Reagan they respected us. Where is our Reagan today?
The Nobel committee has gone to a 'merit" based policy.
A politically connected, do nothing political hack gets the prize!
Remind you of anything?
I know that I'll get hammered for this...but when Obama has one and Bono doesn't something is really,really wrong.
Breaking News:
Obama comes in first in the Chicago Marathon
only in America...Peace prize for what???
...decided to name the Messiah as Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.
For perspective on this absurdity, check the Associated Press (AP) article and several of the convoluted reasons that the following one man and four women decided on Obama among nominated candidates:
Thorbjoern JAGLAND, 59
Kaci Kullman FIVE, 58
Sissel Marie ROENBECK, 59
Inger-Marie YTTERHORN, 68
Aagot VALLE, 64
Under analysis, Obama's "award" is virtually meaningless. The SNL skit best sums it up.
Hmmm, actually this is "Affirmative Action" taken to its logical extreme!!
2011 Daley out! 2012 Obama out! Stop the insanity!!!! Stop electing corrupted M*Fr's!!!!
Who the fvck decided to make Obama the winner? A majority of 100 people from around the world, etc.? What were their credentials? This is preposterous. Even Obama himself will concede that.
As a lying manipulator, Obama scares the sh-t out of me. People are stupid marks for "Silky". This guy could sell snowballs to Eskimos. Without clanish minorities and "charmed" women, McCain would be our president.
Bush didn't help the GOP either.
This nation is in very deep sh-t.
Daley is a Catholic, who happens to be pro-choice. But, unlike several of the dissenting aldermen, the mayor said he draws a line between religion and politics.
“My religion is very personal. …Religion does not play a part when I make a decision on behalf of the people of Chicago. It is a decision I have to make as mayor, not as a Catholic. …That is separate for me,” he said.
DALEY'S RELIGION IS $$$$$$$$$$$$
I heard bishop don magic Juan nominated him for pimp of the year
Chicago's political machine was in turmoil Friday after it was announced that President Obama gad won the Nobel Peace Prize. Daley's men were supposed to bribe the *Olympic* Committee.
Shame on you! Shame on you all! How dare you question the messiah and his accomplishments! Blasphemy I say!!!
maybe its me....doesnt barry remind you of the movie hero '' blankman''?
Hate to be off topic here, but now any criminal with an I-Phone can listen to CPD Radio activity:
There are two groups mentioned in this article. One is "Radio-Reference" and the other is "Chicago Area Radio Monitoring Association" Isn't this a legal matter, or even something for homeland security to review? This doctoral student is now responsible for putting police movements out to the public which could have a negative impact on daily operations. Should he be spoken to about this I-Phone app?
Anonymous said...
Meritorius Nobel Peace Prize winner!
10/09/2009 02:53:00 PM
Way too funny!
For his heartfelt effort towards acquiring the 2016 Olympiad, the City of Chicago will announce Saturday that they are awarding Barrak Husein Obama with the Chicago Police Attendence Award.
Hey, that's all we gots in the budget right now.
The hell with the NPP, we need a strong Republican President that can get people around the world back into the streets chanting "Death To America."
Essentially, the award was bestowed upon nobama because he is not President George W. Bush. Just fucking amazing.
Hey did it ever occur to you that while President Bush was just a man who made a few mistakes to us, the international world out there must have really been put off at the things he did. Awarding Obama this prize is a clear sign that they appreciate his mentality better. For better or worse, but apparently they had a hard on for Bush in a big way it seems.
Anonymous said...
Obama also knows how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootise pop too.
10/09/2009 01:03:00 PM
Thats funny bro. That is something nobody knows. I forgot about that question... good one.
Anonymous said...
Rooting against the president? The new America where no one really cares about the country, they only care about themselves.
It was wrong when liberal fools called Bush a war monger and its wrong when conservative softballs call Obama a Muslim terrorist. Disagree all you want. Work to get the President voted out of office. Argue that the President's policies are wrong and will fail. But, on the international stage, the President of the United States, no matter who he is, is so much better than anyone Europe has to offer or any other idiot from some poverty-corruption-ridden country that this medal by default should always be given to the President of the United States. Throughout history, no one has ever done more to make this world a more peaceful place than our Presidents. No one does more for this world than our country. No one is a greater force for justice than the United States of America. No one else ever has or ever will come close.
If Eurotrash wants to give the president a medal, what American would argue that the president shouldn't get it? Should some mini-dictator, some commie pushing author, or some American-hating terrorist get it?
Some Presidents hurt our economy. Some caused massive problems that have still not been solved. BUT, EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT has been a force for right in the world. The citizens would demand nothing less.
Get your fucking priorities straight.
10/09/2009 06:05:00 PM
THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!! That is the bottom line. No one should laugh when Bush gets a show thrown at him by some backwards asshole no matter whether you are for Bush or against Bush, HE WAS OUR PRESIDENT at the time and I personally would have like to see him make some different choices but that incident made me pissed because he was our PRESIDENT. Same for every other president we have had. Our priority is to support our president not throw him under the bus. Have some respect for the Office and for this Country. I am glad an American won. We give out so much cash and goods to so many people we keep many countries afloat year after year. We deserve it. an award to anyone American is an award to all Americans.
It's just the leftists in Norway showing solidarity with a Red Front ruler. They're trying to give him a boost with the yokels because his popularity is fading and they are afraid the regime may be replaced.
Wouldn't tour Aushwitz so as not to offend the Germans. The Germans aren't offended by their past Mr. Presdient, you did it to distance yourself from Jews. As for the Bono receiving the peace prize comment, I only have a five pound sledge in the house, thats not big enough to hammer you with. Bono is a blowhard who enjoys making governments spend their money, not his, to aid the poor to inflate his ego. He is a first class J.O.
two things...the only thing funnier than barry winning the NPP is...the people saying he deserved it. who is this ''boner''guy? the guy that hangs out with ''opera''?i guesss to be kool you only need 1 name.
He can do anything, maybe he can get us our 25% raise. Hang on for 4 more years, enjoy the ride!!!
Did you know???
"Alfred Bernhard Nobel was a Swedish chemist, engineer, innovator, armaments manufacturer and the inventor of dynamite. He owned Bofors, a major armaments manufacturer, which he had redirected from its previous role as an iron and steel mill. In his last will, he used his enormous fortune to institute the Nobel Prizes. The synthetic element Nobelium was named after him."
Gives new meaning to the "BIG BANG" theory!!! And here I though we were getting away from missles that go BOOM!!
Rumor has it he is up for the Heizman Trophy too, as well as getting a Super Bowl ring from whatever teams wins this year, he is going to be allowed to skate around the ice with the Stanley Cup, and is getting an honorary bulls championship ring. Dat boy sure does get around.
With all the Anit-American sentiment out there they elected to give it to the most Anti-American President.
Now is time for all good men to come to the aid of their county.
Now is the time to really think about making sure that he is only a ONE TERM PRESIDENT. To make sure that the politicians that support him or ride his coat tails go down with him.
The big reason he won is that the media convinced the American public that he had won weeks before election day. So why bother, and too many Republicans and Independents just stayed home.
We need to register to vote, get everyone we know registered, field some of our own local candidates and when election day come they will FEAR US.
I will nominate SECONDCITYCOP for the Nobel Prize for Humanitarianism in that he(or she) at great personal risk has provided a free speech voice for an oppressed people in a repressive criminal dictatorship that rules the city of Chicago, and seeks to rule the United
States and the world.
What the heck, with enough bullshit they might say yes and there is a $1.5 million jackpot attached to this. That would be a nice retirement bonus.
If they say no, it will probably come in a very regal looking rejection letter, suitable for framing.
There are two groups mentioned in this article. One is "Radio-Reference" and the other is "Chicago Area Radio Monitoring Association" Isn't this a legal matter, or even something for homeland security to review? This doctoral student is now responsible for putting police movements out to the public which could have a negative impact on daily operations. Should he be spoken to about this I-Phone app?
10/09/2009 10:49:00 PM
This is an area that has been hotly contested for years. The short of it is the iphone is like a scanner. Scanners are not illegal. It is what you do WHILE listening to the scanner that IS Illegal. While the Iphone CANNOT get encrypted or "out of band" operations,it CAN monitor Zones and Citywides. Example Case:
you respond to a burglary in progress and across the street there is a person with an IPHONE and a set of earbuds listening to you dont know what. Are YOU going to approach and ask what he/she is listening to? Are you going to stop a guy driving with his Iphone and earbuds(remember the hands free law...) and ask if he is listening to police calls? OF COURSE YOUR NOT. While the app is questionalble,there are laws that protect the listener(ECPA 1983) (communitcations act of 1934). While it isnt a right please bear in mind that Illinois has NO LAW prohibiting scanners. This is a matter of being tested in court. Typically,the Homeland Security Act is always tossed in for good measure as is Domestic Terrorist Act. But lets get real here ITS JUST A PHONE. You catch a bad guy in a vacant burglarizing while listening for the police you have a GREAT CASE. beyond that.....that Ice youre standing on is mighty thin.
Nothing beats that gaudy medal the king of Saudi Arabia hung around his neck.
Whataya call a Nobel piece prize winner?
"He can do anything, maybe he can get us our 25% raise. Hang on for 4more years, enjoy the ride!!!
10/10/2009 12:45:00 PM"
He sure can...He can get us 50 or even 100% raises along with everyone else. He can get everyone of us a bonus just like those Wall Street bankers for just showing up.
He’s working on that right now by running those printing presses day and night till they're smoking.
Of course, the money, you might as well burn that, it won't be worth much.
Didn't Pres Obama send $50 million to Chicago to hire more po's?
What are you complaining about?
A lot of citizens support you and you give us the finger.
WTF is right as regards your actions.
Now send in the National Guard
Seiser for Nobel Peace Prize 2010
New course record set at marathon
Sunday, Oct 11, 2009
Kenya's Samuel Wanjiru broke the Chicago course record en route to an impressive victory in his first marathon in the United States, finishing in 2:05:41.
In a press release from Norway the Nobel Prize Committee immediately named Mr. Wanjiru as the Nobel Peace Prize winner for 2010.
In addition, Mr. Wanjiru was given a lifetime pass to 6 Flags Theme Parks, a catered dinner for 150 from Buona Beef, a cheesecake from Eli's, a ticket for two on any Wendella River Cruise and a pair of tickets to the Cubs Opening Day in 2010.
2nd Prize is two pairs of Cubs Opening Day tickets.
To: "...If Eurotrash wants to give the president a medal, what American would argue that the president shouldn't get it? Should some mini-dictator, some commie pushing author, or some American-hating terrorist get it?
Some Presidents hurt our economy. Some caused massive problems that have still not been solved. BUT, EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT has been a force for right in the world. The citizens would demand nothing less.
Get your fucking priorities straight.
10/09/2009 06:05:00 PM..."
Excuse me, but "Get your fucking priorities straight."
Let him earn it! The only thing he has done is write a few books and con his way to the leadership of the free would with the help of the Daley Crime Family.
Let him earn it, let him earn my vote, for anything. What did he accomplish in the in the congress? What did he acomplish in the senate? Show me the laws he wrote, he sponcered, he voted on he helped pass.
Let's see what he actually accomplishes and how many Americans would give that award or their vote three years form now.
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