Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cop Running for Office

One of our own is running for office. And Mike Carroll is running against one of our least favorite aldercreatures, someone who really ought to have been unemployed years ago as an out-of-touch Machine politico:
  • Quite often, I hear from friends and neighbors of their unhappiness with the way the 46th Ward and the City of Chicago are run. They complain of corruption in the City, overspending, and mismanagement of City agencies. They object to higher taxes and increased fees with little or no improvement of City services. They are dissatisfied with the numerous pet projects created at the cost of properly funding our schools, police, and other City agencies. These friends and neighbors often tell me that they feel helpless – like there is no hope to prospect to change the way things are run here in Chicago. They tell me that it’s “the Chicago way.” More often than not, such an all encompassing statement is followed directly by, “yeah, but what are we going to do?” My answer to that question? Vote them out.

    For too long the 46th Ward has been run by one person, for one person. The homeless are still homeless – the poor are still poor – police are not supported in their efforts to suppress crime – the citizens and taxpayers still have no real say in how their Ward is run. Enough is enough. The people of the 46th Ward deserve better. The poor and homeless of our Ward deserve dignified jobs in our neighborhood and to be given the opportunity to earn an honest living. Residents of the Ward deserve clean, well paved streets without fear of street violence breaking out on their street corner. There must be complete transparency in all spending from the Aldermanic office, from menu money to the Alderman's Ward budget. It is time for open and honest government in the 46th Ward and throughout the City of Chicago.
Hopefully, the one of the first of many to make a run at upsetting the political order by grass roots activism and running as reformers. The 46th Ward is ripe for change and Shiller is set for toppling. Even if you don't live in the 46th Ward, you can still donate to help make a change.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha! I like to see it but it will never happen.. the lincoln park/square neighborhood will not vote for you..way too many ultra liberal police haters and too many snooty suburbanite college kids who transplanted to lincoln park who could give a damn about who is the alderman..most of the people that live in that neighborhood didnt even grow up in the city and dont even know what an alderman is... true story.. the people up there are air heads.

4/28/2010 01:30:00 AM  
Blogger sc911 said...

Good luck to Mr. Carroll. Now we need someone to go after shortshanks.

4/28/2010 01:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that this is not officer from TRU/MSF who advertises that he is a fan of our current president on the back of his small fuel efficent car. If it is we do not need another democrat in this city. Even if he an officer and new blood the Obama sticker gives away his though process.

4/28/2010 01:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im not a 46th ward resident but i did talk to mike the other day in passing and he had a true down to earth approach about politics and city government. good luck mike!

4/28/2010 01:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are we just hearing about this now?

Kick-off was Nov. 11th 2009?

No Alderman should run unopposed.

Who is Mike Carroll? Since I don't live in his ward I invite him to post an open letter or other statement specific to CPD issues.

Good luck.

4/28/2010 01:52:00 AM  
Blogger IrishPirate said...


It's S H I L L E R.

Please spell it correctly so that when she loses her political obituary will be correct.

I've lived in the 46th Ward for well into my third decade. Maybe even longer...I ain't sayin'. Keep the bastards guessing as to who I am my granny would say.

Shiller may not be the worst alderman in the city, she has plenty o competition, but she both sucks and blows. Which as Bart Simpson has stated is damn near impossible.

Just the spending on the Wilson Yard TIF boggles my alcohol drenched brain. Over $400,000 per unit of taxpayer funded housing for 1200 square foot 3 bedroom, 1 baths. Nicer, larger, practically new, condos in the immediate neighborhood sell for less. Not surprisingly the developer of Wilson Yard is a prolific donator to many political campaigns.

Shiller is not what I would call a Law Enforcement friendly person. Like the old Rolling Stones tune she may think "every cop is a criminal".

Speaking of the devil, if Satan announces he is running for alderman of the 46th Ward I will be supporting him. I'd be sympathetic to his platform.

I would also like to encourage Satan to run for Mayor. I mean with Rahm Emmanuel and Tom Tunney considering it how much worse could Satan be? Tom Dart? Shit.

As for Michael Carroll I probably won't vote for him in the first round of voting because I'm not sure he is the strongest opponent to Shiller. This isn't Mount Greenwood or Edison Park and I'm just not sure how well the cop angle plays here. Maybe he'll prove me wrong.

My main objective is ousting Shiller and ultimately whoever replaces her will almost certainly be better. They couldn't be any worse.

In any case if there is a runoff and Carroll is in it against Shiller he can count on my vote. He seems like a decent guy. If he's facing Satan in the runoff all bets are off.

As Satan might say "It'll be Heaven in 2011."

4/28/2010 02:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

30 years ago the only way you got city services was if you voted--- now all you have to do is call 311 and they come out...

4/28/2010 02:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thank and support anyone who is willing to step up and fight Shortshanks and one of his pathetic little feudal lords. However, in these races we must be careful not to split the vote among popular and qualified opposition candidates and thereby deliver another victory to the beast!!! I beg the candidates to proceed carefully and plan for the end goal first and their own personal aspirations second. In order for things to really change Shiller has to go and so does a noticeable percentage of the rest of them. Viva la resistance, Chicago! Now, who is running for Mayor??!

4/28/2010 02:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I met and worked with Carroll on an off duty arrest he made, he is an upstanding guy who caes and wants to make a diffrence. He has my support. Guy from the 12th District.

4/28/2010 03:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that this is not officer from TRU/MSF who advertises that he is a fan of our current president on the back of his small fuel efficent car. If it is we do not need another democrat in this city. Even if he an officer and new blood the Obama sticker gives away his though process.

He is NOT from MSF, he is the officer from TRU.

4/28/2010 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Worked with Mike when he in 011 a few years ago. HE IS AS LIBERAL AS THEY COME. Big with Amnesty International and such. Dont know if the savage has opened his eyes at all, but I, and many others DID NOT feel comfortable working with him when push came to shove. Be VERY CAREFUL endorsing this guy as he has the tendency to sympathize with the enemy.

LS - 011

4/28/2010 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked with Mike in 011 years ago when he came on. He always had a good head on his shoulders. I'm glad to hear that he is running. Good for you Mike! I hope you make it!

4/28/2010 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being a resident of the city for over 50 years I have seen everything about politics. The thing that boggles me the most is how a political Chicago Daley fed hack became the president of the USA. He is a guy who sold his sole to the Devil (Da Mayo) after getting steam rolled by Bobby Rush. I don't care about him being a Rhodes Scholar or that hes black or a good basketball player. He lacks wisdom because the climbed into bed with the Devil himself. I can't think of another person who have many people praying that Da Mayo goes to Hell sooner rather than later. Da Mayo taints everyone he shakes hands with. Shiller use to be out spoken against Da Mayo but she fell into the trap and now she like the other 48 must be replaced along with the Devil himself. Lets bring Demrocracy back to Chicago and then back to the Good Ole USA!!!!!

4/28/2010 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike is VERY liberal on many issues but I think that will help him tremendously...he reflects the voters in his ward. Personally, I think he is a very good guy. Excellent copper. Good luck!

4/28/2010 08:09:00 AM  

Good luck to this Officer; he can count on our support(and troops).

4/28/2010 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha! I like to see it but it will never happen.. the lincoln park/square neighborhood will not vote for you..way too many ultra liberal police haters and too many snooty suburbanite college kids who transplanted to lincoln park who could give a damn about who is the alderman..most of the people that live in that neighborhood didnt even grow up in the city and dont even know what an alderman is... true story.. the people up there are air heads.

4/28/2010 01:30:00 AM

Neither Lincoln Park, nor Lincoln Square are in the 46th, genius. The problem anyone is going to have running against Shiller is that the 46th is a dumping ground for the homeless and the crazy, and she gets their votes.

4/28/2010 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that this is not officer from TRU/MSF who advertises that he is a fan of our current president on the back of his small fuel efficent car. If it is we do not need another democrat in this city. Even if he an officer and new blood the Obama sticker gives away his though process.


It is true. He does have an Obama sticker on the back of his SMART CAR. Yes its true, he drives a SMART CAR. Cop or no cop he is a liberal to the bone. He is still a hair gel with just over 5 years.

4/28/2010 08:32:00 AM  
Blogger Big City Police (Ret.) said...

Mike Carroll IS QUALIFIED to run. He would be an upgrade over Shiller.

The problem, as I see it, is that there may be a stronger candidate.

As the Irish Pirate said, the ABSOLUTE # 1 GOAL is to oust Shiller. In the last election, Shiller won by her SMALLEST margin of victory since she entered politics in Chicago, running against James Cappleman. Cappleman IS running against her again and has been campaigning in the community for the last four years.

Unfortunately, I have only learned of Mike Carroll's candidacy in the last couple of months. I'd find it hard to believe that he could come up to speed and build the following and recognition that Cappleman has, in such a short time.

Don't get me wrong. I think Mike Carroll IS a quality candidate with a lot to offer, but defeating Shiller is THE GOAL.

He will be my candidate in a runoff against Shiller though if that scenario occurs.

4/28/2010 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have worked with Mike for years, a great guy and the real police. good luck to you mike.

4/28/2010 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shiller is not going anywhere, neither shortshanks. It's the Chicago reality.

4/28/2010 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have worked with Mike for years, a great guy and the real police. good luck to you mike.

4/28/2010 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ot--residents of beat 2211--i am asking everyone call ald. ginger rugai and DEMAND more police service in beverly and mt. greenwood. she lies and says bt 2211 and 2211a are never pulled from the neighborhood. trust me--i know for a fact that this is an everyday occurrance.
recently there have been att. home invasions, (att) burglaries, robberies, cdtv as well as a few other things. but the 022nd district keeps a beat car at 116th/church st and at racine courts (cha) around the clock. ask ginger why this occurs.

Alderman Virginia A. Rugai
Office: 10400 South Western Ave
3017 West 111th Street
Chicago, IL 60643
Phone: 773-238-8766 (Western)
Fax: 773-238-9049 (Western)
City Hall Office: 121 N. LaSalle Street
Room 300
Chicago, IL 60602
City Hall Phone: 312-744-3072

4/28/2010 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "ultra-liberals" in Chicago are not police haters. Quite the opposite. The ultra-liberals understand the need for healthy unions and the importance of upholding contracts and fair negotiations. We view Mayor Daley's actions and motives as unconscionable and think the aldercreatures are a ridiculous group of clowns. We ultra liberals are very pro-CPD. I think a police officer can defeat an entrenched, entitled aldercreature. Just tell it like it is. Godspeed! p.s. - Snooty suburbanite kids don't vote in municipal elections. Ya gotta get the hearts and minds of the older folks!!!

4/28/2010 08:54:00 AM  

Helen Shiller is a Cop Hater who refers cases to her POS lawyer son Brandon, to sue police officers and the City. SHE should be investigated for this. At the very LEAST, it has to be a conflict of interest for an Alderman to advocate suing the City she represents in order to cost the City MILLION$ in financial settlements. Worse, she may be lining her own pockets with kickbacks from these referrals to her son.

F*ck Helen Shiller! She needs to go as does the rest of the Daley Crime Family and the 50 thieves!

4/28/2010 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone know what you need to run for office?

4/28/2010 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first to post on this thread has quite a few good and correct points. I did not grow in the City of Chicago. I did not live in the city until I was hired by the CPD. I moved into the city two weeks before I started the academy. I lived in the 46th ward when I moved in (three blocks from Wrigley and all the bars. Three blocks from the lakefront). That was 15 years ago. I no longer live there (to many liberals, drunks, and straight up nut jobs).

The average resident of the ward is a transplant from another state or the burbs and cares little about politics. Shiller is under no circumstances the worst alderfuck in the city. I was asked to sign petitions more than once to have a true machine democrat run against her. I never signed a petition. Shiller regularly fought with Da Mayor back then.

I am not supporting Shiller by any means and wish Officer Carrol the best of luck. I highly doubt the police will play well to the resident shitheads of uptown or the liberals who live very close to it.

The real enemies to the police and fire are on the North and Northwest side of the city (a place the police vote might do something). Lame Daley ass kissers like Lavarre (might have spelled it wrong) need to go. A real Conservative to replace Dougherty (spelled that wrong to) need to come in. New blood to replace Bernie Stone who rigged his last election win. Somebody to knock O'connor off his perch would shake things up. When the wards that make up the backbone of the city vote in change then Daley will flinch. The majority of the South side is a lost cause. Way to many police haters and machine democrats.

I have said this before and I will say it again. The police and fire can make a difference in certain sections of the Northwest side. Should the police actually vote and vote the way they talk change will start to come. I doubt it will happen. I have seen with my own eyes police officers talk conservative and pick up a democrat ballot in the primaries (the ballots have different colors on the top anyone can tell the difference). The CPD is loaded with phonies telling you to vote one way and they vote another to help themselves. Thats not brotherhood, its cuthroat!!!

4/28/2010 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that this is not officer from TRU/MSF who advertises that he is a fan of our current president on the back of his small fuel efficent car. If it is we do not need another democrat in this city. Even if he an officer and new blood the Obama sticker gives away his though process.

4/28/2010 01:44:00 AM
Before you try berating someone that you're making wild guesses about, try forming one coherent sentence you dolt. Christ I'd hate to be the one responsible for looking over your paperwork. I thought this department had some sort of requirement concerning passing sophomore English.

4/28/2010 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bottom line he sees what we see and Mike's a great guy...there is no reason not to support him

4/28/2010 09:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a cop but wish him luck if he is a good guy. Something tells me that she might have quite a few people running against her. Her ward is changing to much and people are moving in that have some brains to object her.
Also I am told that there might be as many as 3 members of the CFD running in their wards. One in the 36th for Banks old job, the other in the 28th against Ed Smith. ANd one that I can't remember right now. But none of these will have any luck if the members & the family of the CPD & CFD don't get out and help push for them to beat the current office holder. We also need our unions to also endore and help with money, help, & foot soilders to make it possible. The City Council needs a comnplete overhaul and this is a good time to start the process.

4/28/2010 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was in the Academy with Mike and he is still a good friend. He would give you the shirt off his back. He's a smart, outgoing, down to earth, proud guy. have my full support and I know when others get a chance to meet you, you will have theirs too. Best of luck!


4/28/2010 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I hope that this is not officer from TRU/MSF who advertises that he is a fan of our current president on the back of his small fuel efficent car. If it is we do not need another democrat in this city. Even if he an officer and new blood the Obama sticker gives away his though process."

Hey jag, clearly you know nothing abou Mike (or English and spelling for that matter). It's people like you that will get pissed at what's happening and then not vote. So keep the current alderscum in office instead of supporting one of our own. YOU sir, are the problem.

4/28/2010 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous VOTE THEM ALL OUT ! ! ! said...

Helen Shiller started as a breath of fresh air in 1987, as an Alderman who would fight for her 46th Ward residents against the Mayor and City Hall corruption.

Today she has been fully indoctrinated by the Daley Crime Family and can be counted on to side with the Mayor on almost any issue. She was recently rewarded for her loyalty to the Mayor when he appointed her chairman of the Committee on Human Relations.

Shiller has embraced the use of TIFs with the Wilson Yard TIF and is now preparing for a new Maryville TIF to develop the former Maryville property. While she originally vowed to to be VERY transparent and open about how the TIF funds would be used, she been anything but.

These TIFs are costing the surrounding residents MILLIONS of $$$ and are only benefiting a relatively few people (perhaps Helen herself in shady developer kickbacks and such).

If Michael Carroll can boot this Crime Family bitch out of office, I'm all for it! ANYBODY would be better for todays residents of the 46th Ward!

4/28/2010 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm all for it!

But I'm a little concerned by how he means to accomplish "dignified jobs" for the poor and homeless. Are these dignified taxpayer supported jobs? Is the real difference between the poor and homeless and the rest of us that they don't have "dignified" enough jobs?

Or maybe that's just the kind of clap-trap needed to run in Uptown.

4/28/2010 10:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cops on the city council is nothing new. And to be honest about it almost every one of them turned out to be Daley hacks, just like all the rest. Joyce, Burke, Beavers etc. etc.

4/28/2010 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Officer Carroll is in for untold amount of CR's and unbelievable amount of harassment. When he looses and is suspended for several days over nonsense I hope we still support him; he will need our help.

4/28/2010 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neither Lincoln Park nor Lincoln Square is in Shiller's ward.

Uptown and a bit of Lakeview is the 46th, and there are PLENTY of people there who won't vote for a cop.

Awesome analysis though.

4/28/2010 11:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alderperson Shiller's son sues the City of Chicago on a regular basis. He's part, or head, of some Civil Right's group across the street from her office. And the shitheads park in her alderperson's parking lot. I have a lawsuit going now in which his firm is suing the City, or us the police. Thats pretty funny. The mother is an alderperson and the son sues the city she works for on a regular basis. Conflict of interest? Parents cant control what their kids do but it is just comical for a situation like this. Look into it, I'm not lying at all.

4/28/2010 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(ot) Now California wants to deport CHILDREN OF ILLEGALS, and texas is on board get ready boys and girls think shitcago is full of illegals now wait! They are being encorgaed to flee here, we will be worse than detroit thanks to daley and the 50 cowards!

4/28/2010 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carroll is a nice guy, but he is still a Liberal. I simply can't understand how any P.O. can follow that ideology. He's a big Obama supporter too, I know because I worked with him in TRU. I don't live in the ward he is running in, so it doesn't really matter to me. But if elected, he'll probably work well with the liberal/democratic machine & change nothing for the better in the city.

4/28/2010 11:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

any relation to the retired cmdr carroll or the w/c carroll ???

4/28/2010 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Run Mike Run

4/28/2010 12:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To answer a previous post:
Mike does have an Obama sticker on his small fuel efficient car and he is a Democrat. While that may not be popular among the large majority of police officers, it is what it is. Now, I consider myself a very conservative individual in both social and economic policies but in a short conversation with Mike the other day I was impressed with his education, background and ideas. There are a lot of Democrats that are not ultra-liberal or bleeding hearts. In my opinion, Mike is one of those moderate Democrats who supports his party but also believes in honest government and fiscal responsibility. If I lived up there, he'd have my vote. Bottom line, we need more police officers who actually have a clue of what happens on these streets to represent us. Good Luck Mike!

4/28/2010 01:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike is a stand up guy. Good luck!

4/28/2010 01:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I hope that this is not officer from TRU/MSF who advertises that he is a fan of our current president on the back of his small fuel efficent car. If it is we do not need another democrat in this city. Even if he an officer and new blood the Obama sticker gives away his though process."

Thats him. Smart Car owner and true believer. On TRU, so still thinks its "for real". Seems harmless, could do no worse than the nitwit already in there.

4/28/2010 03:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, anyone who's a cop knows what's wrong with this city. Anyone who's a firefighter, teacher, or any other city employee knows what is wrong. Anyone who reads this blog and ignors the pap from the local news media knows what wrong with this city.

Shortshanks does not care about the people, only the profits of his pals.

What would make this guy different now and later. Let him come to the FOP and PBPA meetings and speak to our members. Let's hear how he will be a voice not only for his ward but also for us.

4/28/2010 03:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can't run as a Republican in the City of Chicago! There is only 1 Republican Party Alderman.

4/28/2010 03:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that this is not officer from TRU/MSF who advertises that he is a fan of our current president on the back of his small fuel efficent car. If it is we do not need another democrat in this city. Even if he an officer and new blood the Obama sticker gives away his though process.

4/28/2010 01:44:00 AM

His Bio on his site confirms that's him. And he proudly has a photo with Dick "the Turbin" Durbin posted.

I agree. Even if he ia a cop, no thanks.

4/28/2010 04:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think all 14k , I mean 12k, correction all9k of you men and women in blue should field a candidate in each and every ward that doesn't support you. Make these SOB's spend lot's of campaign money and fight for their jobs for once.Get off your collective asses and quite talking about change and actually do it. You the CPD memebers and your friends & families and every Muncipal employee could change the outcome of these elections. Bring the issue's to the people of the City and ask them if they feel safe with the way the Mayor and his group are running this great City into the ground. Your Union should step up and help lead this charge, and if they don't, that should be the first election you should start with.

4/28/2010 05:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike is a great guy and great officer. He cares about the police more than any officer I have met. He is always driving across country for police funerals and memorials. He will have us (the police) and our family members best interests at the top addenda. Yes he has a little car and voted for Obama, at least I assume so, but he will always have our side. I have been on arrests with him in 11 and have been to LaSalle on some shithead bullshit. Most of us can’t even vote in that ward so send him some money to help him get ride of a police hating bitch or shut the f#*k up and enjoy the way this are now.

4/28/2010 06:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


There is a rumor from City Hall that Shortshanks is going to buy out the contract of J-Fled because of all the shootings and all the flack from the rank and file. The details of the buyout are being worked out.

Hopefully this idiot will be gone before he embarrasses himself in uniform at St. Jude’s this Sunday.

Whether he is or is not gone, everyone please be sure to wear a YELLOW RIBBON. It's not about politics, it's BROTHERHOOD, it's about OFFICER SAFETY and all the rest.

Stay safe, and if it's not too late can some please get the Park District to NOT SPREAD ORGANIC FERTILIZER around there like they did last year. The whole area stunk.

4/28/2010 06:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Obama for Illegal Immigrants said...

The "ultra-liberals" in Chicago are not police haters.


LOL....not that's funny. No, not at all...well at least until some beast or another that is somehow either a minority or a mental or homeless or some other put upon group fights the police and gets lumped a little. Then when you demand jail time, civil retribution or at least firing with no regard to the actions of the shithead your true colors come out.
Peddle your BS elsewhere, liar. NO liberal is a friend of the police.

4/28/2010 07:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard that cops are being sued and just answered a cr number for an arrest on a gang banger-who by the way is the same guy who just got busted for taking the cab at gun point earlier this week and was caught via gps on the cabbies phone.
None other than Shillers son-brendan is the atty representing the gang banger. In fact Ive heard that he was on the scene and beat the arresting cops to the station back when it happened in 2007.
So an aldermans son representing the gang banger who was involved in a large street fight and struck a cop! How nice!

4/28/2010 07:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that this is not officer from TRU/MSF who advertises that he is a fan of our current president on the back of his small fuel efficent car. If it is we do not need another democrat in this city. Even if he an officer and new blood the Obama sticker gives away his though process.

4/28/2010 01:44:00 AM

You are a very smart genius. You don't know anything else about him except he likes Obama and thus you conclude he must be a bad candidate. Ladies and gentleman I present to you exhibit #1 (the above post) as why our country is in deep trouble. Because people are blinded by their own ideology (both either liberal or conservative).

4/28/2010 07:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

His Bio on his site confirms that's him. And he proudly has a photo with Dick "the Turbin" Durbin posted.

That's all I need to see! I'll be voting for Schiller.

4/28/2010 08:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Officer Carroll is in for untold amount of CR's and unbelievable amount of harassment. When he looses and is suspended for several days over nonsense I hope we still support him; he will need our help.


But, but, but....he has an Obama sticker on his car, we can't support someone who has an Obama sticker on his/her car. Duhhhh

4/28/2010 08:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

U would turn on another po and call him a savage for his beliefs? I don't know him and I may not you Mr. anonymous, but the savages are the one's not wearing the badge and committing crimes.

Kurtz, maybe you have gone so far into the heart of darkness, hating on people all day long that you can't tell the good guys from the bad guys.

Lemme guess, your wife and kids are keeping you from happiness? Liberals are destroying your world? Immigration is a sign of the apocalypse? You need to think about your role in your own beliefs.

You forget we are all cops. You forget we could be stronger if we were a little more united. You forget that we do not treat each other like the enemy.


4/28/2010 08:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Send her packing.

4/28/2010 08:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Ive heard it from his lips said...

So Mikey wants "dignified jobs" for the poor and homeless???

There is your answer to his intentions if he were to get elected.

And knowing his philosophies (as spouted continuously in the hallways at 39th Street), I firmly believe he'd fight for amnesty for all the illegal Mexican immigrants that are currently here, and the 100's of thousands that are surely on their way here after getting ran out of Arizona, Texas and California.

Hey Mike, why don't you have one of those poor or homeless mutts over to wash and wax that smart car for you? Yeah, that's right, i didn't think so.

4/28/2010 08:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alderperson Shiller's son sues the City of Chicago on a regular basis. He's part, or head, of some Civil Right's group across the street from her office. And the shitheads park in her alderperson's parking lot. I have a lawsuit going now in which his firm is suing the City, or us the police. Thats pretty funny. The mother is an alderperson and the son sues the city she works for on a regular basis. Conflict of interest? Parents cant control what their kids do but it is just comical for a situation like this. Look into it, I'm not lying at all.

4/28/2010 11:30:00 AM

Ethics???None. Corruption?? yes.
Need I say more?? Stop voting for these idiots.

4/28/2010 09:06:00 PM  
Blogger Mega said...

Judging by his Twitter, it almost looks like he backs Daley in some fashion, yeah? Lets not vote someone because he has a badge. I usually just try to ignore who the person is and their gender/race and look straight at the issues. Because that is what really matters. Ah wait...its Chicago. Who am I kidding :(

4/28/2010 09:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need a new Alderman in the 23 ward. Someone who will do something for the whole ward, not just his neighborhood or if your his drinking buddy.

4/28/2010 09:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, the same old, same old.

Everybody bitches and wails that we need someone, ANYONE, to oppose the incumbents. Then somebody steps up, puts their personal business out there for all to see, and what happens?

SHRED 'EM!!! Vilify them. Undermine them.

Way to go, my fellow officers. No wonder the bureaucracy has no fear of us, or respect for us. They know there is no unity in our ranks. Me, I'm not in that ward, so I can't help with my vote, but my check is going in the mail to support this guy. My agenda is simple; HE'S NOT SHILLER! That's good enough for me.

4/28/2010 09:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Cook County: SCC Please create a separate posting on this if you could. We Officers of the Sheriff's Department appreciate what you do for CPD. You are a model of what our blog should look like. Tnx.
It took twenty years to think, then say this. I never thought I would ever say this. I have to say this.

I am truly embarrassed by our department, its leadership, its cowardly executive staff and our Sheriff.

Based on how our Deputies were treated at 26th Street, I am embarrassed to wear my uniform.

The command and executive staffs have failed us. This failure is that we not only saw; but were the victim of a crime while performing our official duties as officers of the court, and the Sheriff through his heirarchy staff willfully and wantonly ignored a criminal offense by failing to effect an arrest of the known offenders! They willingly thwarted the victims from signing complaints. This is an act of cowardice, plain and simple.

I voted for Dart. I was one of the guys who would sit back and dismiss a lot of the BS that I hear about Dart. I can not do it any longer.

This brings me to another point. I know I am going to take some heat on this, but fuck it, I do not care:

For the second time in 20 years, I will NOT march in the St. Jude Parade. The first time was in 1992 when my wife delivered our 1st son. I had an excuse then. My excuse for not being there on May 2nd is that we do not have a real Law Enforcement Officer as our Sheriff. I refuse to walk in lockstep with everyone else to salute that man, just so he can show J-Fled how big HIS dick is compared to Chicago.

Don't give this bullshit about how I am not honoring our dead. I honor them everyday by following the golden rule, being a good christian and doing my job to the best of my ability to honor their memories EVERY DAY and not just on the 1st Sunday in May so Dart has something to brag about on Monday.

I will never salute Kelly, Kevin or Sean, period. Those pukes in CIU can kiss my ass for backdooring our Officers in this situation. You are all COWARDS!

I will never vote for you again Mr. Dart. Yeah, you'll win your election as the Cook County Central Democratic Committee wouldn't have it any other way. But you will not be getting my vote to do it.

4/28/2010 10:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If he favors obama sorry good luck nothing from me! We need real change! Sorry kid back to the drawing board!

4/28/2010 10:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If he is with Obama, have him get a Presidential Pardon for Bill cozzi.

What are his views on the level of staffing of the CPD.

On Gun Control...

On and On and On...

If I recall, doesn't Ed Burke always claim he was a Chicago Police Officer, and you know how good he is for us.

4/28/2010 11:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If he favors obama sorry good luck nothing from me! We need real change! Sorry kid back to the drawing board!

Who cares if he favors obama, right now we need change and change is when we can begin throwing the inbumbent out of office regardless of who they are running against.

We have to stop looking at things so narrow minded. I really don't care who we get for the short term as long as we can knock the incumbent out we will eventualy be able to accomplish the change we need. Who ever runs against an incumbent should win no mater who they are, because we can get a first time winner out of office a hell of alot easier then these stench filled corrupt incumbents that have been in office way to long. All of the troubles this city has is because Daley was able to appoint more then half of them and the other half have been in office for over 20 or more years. This city needs some serious change and the only way that will happen is if we vote for the underdog in each and every election regardless of who the under dog is.

4/29/2010 12:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go, my fellow officers. No wonder the bureaucracy has no fear of us, or respect for us. They know there is no unity in our ranks. Me, I'm not in that ward, so I can't help with my vote, but my check is going in the mail to support this guy. My agenda is simple; HE'S NOT SHILLER! That's good enough for me.

Well said , I agree with the above poster.

4/29/2010 12:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I propose using old Cook County Hospital as a general lockup, it would save the city a lot money in transport just walk your suspects across the street. On top of it being a double bonus the building itself is ultra creepy, I sure as hell would not want to be there after light's out.

4/29/2010 12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@8:05 PM - "I'll be voting for Shiller."


Did you know that Brendan Shiller, son of alderman Helen Shiller, recently lost a case in which
an en banc panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit reinstated a $156 million judgment against two U.S.-based Islamic groups he represented? In a 7-to-3 decision the court ruled that U.S. charities must be held liable if they give money to groups that commit terrorist acts, even if those funds are designated for humanitarian purposes. In this particular case, the groups he was representing gave money to Hamas who murdered an American citizen in Palestine.

"Anyone who knowingly contributes to the nonviolent wing of an organization that he knows to engage in terrorism is knowingly contributing to the organization's terrorist activities," Judge Richard Posner wrote for the majority. "And that is the only knowledge that can reasonably be required as a premise for liability."

Google Brendan Shiller. You'll also find that he frequently sues the city over alleged misdeeds by the CPD. He's got something now about a cop padding his DUIs. But whatever. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I personally would think that these facts would bother you more than someone having their picture taken with Dick Durbin.

4/29/2010 12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I hope that this is not officer from TRU/MSF who advertises that he is a fan of our current president on the back of his small fuel efficent car. If it is we do not need another democrat in this city. Even if he an officer and new blood the Obama sticker gives away his though process.

4/28/2010 01:44:00 AM

There's an entire shrine to obama in a watch commander's office but I guarantee nobody there voted for him ...

4/29/2010 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

gives away his though process.

4/28/2010 01:44:00 AM

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I think it is, Whats is smart about a smart car anyway? VW diesel, Honda Civic or Toyota Yaris are all just about as fuel efficient anyway

4/29/2010 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ot--residents of beat 2211--i am asking everyone call ald. ginger rugai and DEMAND more police....

....racine courts (cha)....

#1. Go back to N. Bev. and spout Dr. Anne. Your posts are very predicable,and self-serving.Your attempted political aspirations shine through clearly as by your signature on DSLC, although you got smart and posted as Anonymous here.

#2. The "Courts" are not CHA. They are, and always have been Co-Op ever since I was a kid in the 60's.

#3. Yeah-We need more Cops.

#4. I'm no fan of Ginger or daley, and politician wanna-bees.

4/29/2010 12:58:00 AM  
Blogger IrishPirate said...

Since most of the folks who posted on this thread aren't familiar with the machinations of the 46th Ward I'll lay out some scenarios.

In 2007 James Cappleman ran against Shiller and lost by about 700 votes. He was a first time candidate and was outspent about 3 to 1. Cappleman is a long time social worker and openly gay. Gay men makes up an important voting constituency in this ward. Personally, I'd prefer some more lesbians as I could use some nearby landscaping help, but I digress.

Unlike Mayoral Wannabee Tom "Sticky Buns" Tunney Cappleman does not criticize the police for making arrests for public sex and is essentially "married". Follow the links to some police related take downs I did on Mr Ann Sather.

Recently the Ward Street and San Superintendent, Don Nowatny, announced he is running for alderbeast. Nowatny claims he did not discuss this with Shiller and is running entirely on his own. Nowatny is also gay and apparently has a long history in the gay community here.

Now I'm not particularly bright, but my impression is that the Ward Superintendent works at the pleasure of the AlderCreatures.

So Nowatny is running and Shiller didn't approve?!?

Three possibilities:

1. Shiller ain't running and Nowatny is getting out early with her tacit support.

2. Shiller is running and Nowatny is a "shill" to draw votes from Cappleman so that a weaker candidate faces Shiller in a runoff.

3. Nowatny is running and wants to be alderman whether Shiller runs or not.

I don't know which scenario is right. I do know that if it's number two Shiller could have some of her supporters vote en masse for Carroll in February and then if he makes the runoff vote for her in April.

As of today I think she fears Cappleman as the strongest opponent. I would if I were her. I try to put myself in her shoes, but I can't drop that many IQ points or speak that badly no matter how much alcohol I consume.

Personally, I figure Shiller is toast against any reasonable candidate next year. Including Carroll if he faces her one on one.

This ward has done relatively well during the real estate downturn and the real estate tax increases going to hit next November are going to be deadly to political careers. That and the $400 grand low income housing and fish farm are not going to help her.

All that being said my overwhelming goal is to see the strongest candidate face Shiller if she runs. I don't think Carroll would be that candidate. He may prove me wrong.

As I so eloquently stated in an earlier post I'm not sure how well his cop background is going to play in this ward. Shiller will use it to bring out her voting base who are not what I would call "police supporters".

"Class warfare" is all the rage in her campaigns.

Oh well, it will be fun to watch. I wish Mike Carroll well and may the strongest candidate to oppose Shiller win.

Vive la Resistance!

4/29/2010 02:37:00 AM  
Anonymous filmore said...

Anonymous said...

Worked with Mike when he in 011 a few years ago. HE IS AS LIBERAL AS THEY COME. Big with Amnesty International and such. Dont know if the savage has opened his eyes at all, but I, and many others DID NOT feel comfortable working with him when push came to shove. Be VERY CAREFUL endorsing this guy as he has the tendency to sympathize with the enemy.

LS - 011


first, no. just no. you prob never worked a day on the street with mikey in 011 because he's the working police. always has been, always will be. "others" did not feel comfortable working with him? please. i trusted him with my life again and again and again and would do it once over any day at all. you must have been a dog ass at filmore. get over yourself LS.

support mike because he supports you. how many police funerals have you gone to out of state on your own dime? he was at every multiple last year - CA, PA, WA - all on his own dime. mikey is the biggest advocate for the police i have ever met.

mike is the best chance we have getting someone into city hall that will look out for us. no one else has before, so why not give a working cop your support? donate, donate, donate.

and stop with the hate.

4/29/2010 02:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big City Police (Ret.) said........

James Cappleman. Cappleman IS running against her again and has been campaigning in the community for the last four years.

James Cappleman has something Carroll doesn't have - a losing record. Jame blew his wad last time. James is a milquetoast. Hang up the boots and support Carroll. He's the real deal

4/29/2010 02:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4/28/2010 01:44:00 AM

His Bio on his site confirms that's him. And he proudly has a photo with Dick "the Turbin" Durbin posted.

I agree. Even if he ia a cop, no thanks.


proudly? who's next to Dick Durbin? Oh, Republican Saxby Chambliss, U.S. Senator for Georgia. Open your eyes idiot.

4/29/2010 03:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cop or no Cop. I dont vote for liberals!

4/29/2010 05:47:00 AM  
Anonymous a cop said...

Mike is a decent human being and a decent copper. He's got my vote!
A real gentleman........

Not a total hack, like his opponent.........

4/29/2010 06:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there should be zero, as in ZERO, negative comments on this article.

and there would be, IF:

1. SCC wasn't a fair and balanced blog

2. every daley hack suck up wasn't acutely aware of how many hits this blog gets

3. all who visit here truly understood the absolute necessity of ousting every last INCUMBENT in the upcoming November 2010 and
February 2011 elections

4. cops, both active and retired, weren't just as representative of the body politic as every other member of same, ie., opinions are like assholes, every body's got one and they all think theirs' does not stink

5. we all, being mere humans, just can't resist pissing on anyone who dares to say 'I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!'

unity of purpose

easier said than done, when the prevailing motivation is more like 'what's in it for me?'

4/29/2010 06:24:00 AM  
Blogger Cone Of Silence said...

Anonymous said...

"...This city needs some serious change and the only way that will happen is if we vote for the underdog in each and every election regardless of who the under dog is."

4/29/2010 12:00:00 AM

Sure, but the REAL test is to get the incumbent OUT. In most races, there will be more than one "underdog" in the running against the Daley Crime Family candidate in order to split the dissenting vote. We all know what happens then.

Daley created that move by accident when he insisted on running against Jayne Byrne. He got his dad's old machine revved up to get out the vote for him, and it worked! Except, all it did was split the White Democratic vote in the primary and allowed Harold Washington to sneak through and become the Democratic candidate in the General Election, which, obviously, he won.

That's where Daley learned the maneuver and he employs it every time a tight election is on the horizon. This is also how the Dems Cook County Slating Committee keeps control of the judiciary.

4/29/2010 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous HATER said...



4/29/2010 07:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unity?????? Give me a break!!!! I wouldn't let 25% of the CPD I've worked with walk my dog let alone vote for them in an election.

I posted on this thread once. I have to again. From what I've read Officer Carroll seems to be a nice guy and a true believer. I find it hard to believe anybody who worked in 011 and now TRU still believes this job is for real. Thats a big negative to start.

Shiller seems to have gone way over to the dark side and needs to go. I guess she was once a true believer and fought for a cause. Now she fights to line her and her family's pockets.

Lets get something straight for everyone. Daley is a machine Democrat and not a liberal!!!!!!!!!!! Liberals and Democrats are two completely different things. The libs and dems have aligned to try and become a stronger force. They scratch each others back in Chicago to get what they want. They have different goals.

Machine Dems give you crumbs and hope you smile and say thank you sir can I have another. They want to control all political jobs and think that you should have to vote for them to get any city, county, or state jobs. Machine Dems don't hate the USA. Machine Dems want the private sector to do well so they can tax the shit of it and give their foot soldiers better salaries.

Liberals hate the USA and private sector. Liberals are Communists who think the government the enlightened have created should control everything. Liberals think they should make every decision for everyone. Libs think the citizens of this country are vegetables and can't live without the libs taking care of them. Libs are morons who feel sorry for everyone because they are so dumb. Liberals are pompous arrogant bastards (that is the only similarity between libs and machine dems).

The CPD who vote democrat for the most part are Machine Dems. I vote for my guy and he takes care of me with a do nothing or special spot, fuck the real money makers. The libs on this job think this is for real and truly want to help everyone.

I am a conservative. There are very few real conservatives on this job. A real conservative understands that the private sector should always pay better than the public sector. The private sector has to turn a profit. The public sector has no bottom line. We have plenty of the CPD who vote republican for statewide and national offices. Most of those officers only know they aren't voting democrat. That is a shame!!!

4/29/2010 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4/29/2010 10:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why we got a shitty contract. Because all we do is bash each other. We have no unity whatsoever.
For all of you bitching and moaning that Mike has an Obama sticker on his car...who gives a fuck? All of you that claim to hate Obama probably never got off your asses to vote in the first place. Is Mike a democrat? Yes. Does that mean he's a police hater that is going to side with all of the uber-liberals? Absolutley not. Typical copper bullshit...bashing things that you have NO KNOWLEDGE of. Maybe you should talk to Mike before running your mouths.
Then there's those of you that claim that Mike has CRs. Boo hoo. By your inference, that must mean that all of us out here in SCC land that have ever gotten CRs, are guilty of being just bad coppers all around.
Does Mike drive a smart car? Yep. So?
And for these assholes (LS) and others claiming that nobody wanted to work with Mike and other complete falacies, GFY. I worked with Mike in 011 and was in his class in the academy (and he actually is coming up on 7 years on the job, not 5), and he is a good cop, a smart guy, and a good friend. He participates in every police related event that he can, including driving across the country to attend funerals for our fallen brothers in other states, does endless charity work for all sorts of groups(I know, that makes him an asshole, right?) and would do anything to help a fellow copper.
So you can say what you want about how he's only got a few years on the job (which last time I checked, having 20 plus was NOT a requirement for being an alderman), he voted for Obama, and he drives a tiny car, but when it comes down to it, none of you that bitch even live in the ward he is running in so keep your uninformed drivel to yourselves. wish you nothing but the best.

4/29/2010 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many voters were fooled by the Music Man. Officer Carroll may be one of thousands who have been disappointed by Obama and were sold a bill of goods! He probably doesnt want to take the sticker off and ruib his paint job!

4/29/2010 12:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

His Bio on his site confirms that's him. And he proudly has a photo with Dick "the Turbin" Durbin posted.

I agree. Even if he ia a cop, no thanks.


proudly? who's next to Dick Durbin? Oh, Republican Saxby Chambliss, U.S. Senator for Georgia. Open your eyes idiot.

4/29/2010 03:00:00 AM

The caption says he is with his family and Durbin. Is Chambliss his Dad? Uncle?

4/29/2010 01:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4/29/2010 03:36:00 PM  
Blogger IrishPirate said...

James Cappleman has something Carroll doesn't have - a losing record. Jame blew his wad last time. James is a milquetoast. Hang up the boots and support Carroll. He's the real deal

4/29/2010 02:53:00 AM

So the Blue Christian blog is mentioned by a "Carroll" supporter?

"Blue Christian" is the blog run by Jon Trott of the Jesus People.(JPUSA) JPUSA is probably Shiller's most reliable group of supporters. They call themselves an "intentional community". Others call them a cult. Both sides are right on that issue. Call them an intentional cult, if you will.

Do you see where I am going with this? "Do you see the light"? Do I need to bring Reverend James Brown out to explain the game being played?

Again I hope the strongest person to take on Shiller emerges in the race. I think the Shilleristas have decided who they want to see oppose Shiller and that name ain't Cappleman.

Vive la Resistance!

4/29/2010 04:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice guy. Tax and spend liberal and supporter of all the liberal crap that hurts the ward he wants to represent. Educated...well spoken...likeable...kinda like some other politician from Chicago. Complete waste of a candidate spot.

4/30/2010 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, what about Brock Merck? Afghanistan combat veteran, Police Officer, and small business owner/operator who is running for Commissioner of the 9th District of Cook County!

4/30/2010 06:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neither of those 46th candidates know what it takes to win there. You need an organization. It gets dirty. You need dedicated people who will do the work. These guys don't have that.

4/30/2010 10:46:00 AM  
Anonymous filmore said...

4/29/2010 03:00:00 AM

The caption says he is with his family and Durbin. Is Chambliss his Dad? Uncle?

4/29/2010 01:59:00 PM

Michael Carroll and his family meeting
Senator Durbin (D-IL) and Senator Chambliss (R-GA) in Washington DC, 2009

Sorry dummy - I guess you just don't know how to read. I'm guessing because you're an idiot.

Vote for Carroll - donate to Carroll. He's in it to be a voice for you!

4/30/2010 06:01:00 PM  
Anonymous filmore said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice guy. Tax and spend liberal and supporter of all the liberal crap that hurts the ward he wants to represent. Educated...well spoken...likeable...kinda like some other politician from Chicago. Complete waste of a candidate spot.


Liberal??? Do you even know mikey? far, far, far, from it.

Would it be better if he were illiterate? maybe didn't know how to put a sentence together?

an educated cop? shit! let's not support him! hell! he may actually work for the police! maybe get us a contract within three fucking years?? fuck that! I won't support that!!

4/30/2010 06:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
SCC, what about Brock Merck? Afghanistan combat veteran, Police Officer, and small business owner/operator who is running for Commissioner of the 9th District of Cook County!

4/30/2010 06:40:00 AM
Who is Brock Merck?

5/01/2010 05:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we are to support one of our own, why not do it across the city in all fifty-wards, I'm sure we could find very professional and qualified CPD-candidates in every ward. Let's send a message to these alderman & Da-Mayor and everyone else that they are not to take us lightly. It's time to take back our city and elect Officers who among many other things put their life on the line every day. Remember, we are talking about City, County, and State police, their family & friends. All the Police Organ. & all other Law-Enforcement Agency's through out this city,county, and state. This would put approx. close to a half-million voters that could and would change the way elections are promoted,supported, and held/elected by the people. We need to unit for the sake of our children & their future. WE ARE THE REAL SLEEPING GIANT WHICH IS NOW WAKING UP! Let's get to work!

yours truly: CPD-012

5/02/2010 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"yours truly: CPD-012

5/02/2010 12:14:00 AM"

Blue Party Ticket

5/02/2010 11:04:00 PM  

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