Oh For Pete's Sake
The Press Conferencing Gangsters have a web page.
We're going to link it here for one reason. And one reason only.

Hello Gator Bradley. And hello there officer associating with a known felon, degenerate and possible murderer many times over.
J-Fled? Do you get it yet?
We're going to link it here for one reason. And one reason only.

Hello Gator Bradley. And hello there officer associating with a known felon, degenerate and possible murderer many times over.
J-Fled? Do you get it yet?
Labels: un-fucking-fucking-believable
Wow, what deal could they be shaking on???? Brothers of the struggle? Are they family or from the same organization?
J-Fled is a victim of his own thirsty ambition. We can all applaud the good LT for putting the j-jag in "scramble mode" for headlines on what a good job he is doing. He fucked up el royale with this "gang summit" that he embarrassed the whole city at a time when gang leaders and members were even more despised than he was. Weis single handedly gave them legitimacy and they are taking the ball and running with it all the way to the bank. No wonder the mayor came out to defend him, he knew a huge lawsuit was coming. He has got to be up to his eyeballs with Weis, count the days.I don't think he can survive this one.Jody and Mara G. and Ilana R.(Ipra) have given the keys to the city and the vault to the gang bangers. HAPPY NOW???
what happened in 11 last night? didn't see a single squad car @10:30pm. and I know y'all ate at 6.
-the chicken lady
The Deputy Supt and his chinaman!
I need an event number ASAP?
Downtown Erine Brown nice way to show your support for the GD's. Sure wallace I'll take a picture with you, we'll show the citizens of chicago that our conference really worked. Another idiot with a with shirt who was sponsored by the reverends.
This made me sick. Just as bad as when Cline gave a reach around (hug) to meeks.
Gator (the Urban Translator)? What a crock!
Shitbag 101: Placing your cover on your pistol
what a sucker. How'd he let that pic get taken??
After this photo they both chilled with a 40 behind the swing sets.
My favorite quote from this site:
The Irish Mafia and their Hamberg Athletic Association "Children" are NOW in control of Chicago and the State of Illinois political scene, however; they want the Underworld back under their control, which ain't gonna happen...before the Chicago Police Department which is run by (Irish Commanders and Sergeants) experiment with pilot programs thwarts Black Street Gangs, why not take a look into the Irish Mafia that continues to run Chicago and Illinois legal and political systems? Irish sergeants run the department? Cool!! LOL
That is setting a great example for the rest of us. I really like how the hat is hanging on his gun
I can honestly say..we've imploded,...last one out, turn off the lights.
Comment posted. And it wasn't pretty.
---not a cop
Sounds like someone's getting another promotion!
Downtown cracked the code to get to the top. Dam, he good.
gator-urban translater
ernie-urban idiot
CPD-urban laughing stock
Can you say discredit? EB and J-Fled pack your shit!!!
Great pix. Hope the right people find them and they turn up on a few campaign posters this election season!
I guess when the shots started getting fired EB was going to throw his hat at the armed offender!!!
Whew....EB will certainly NOT have that picture on any FUTURE Chief of Police applications! No lie!
Saw ole Gator on 47th Michigan, 113 Club actually, after a homicide earlier in the summer. Just happens to be right on a dope sport. Local dope boy kilted right next door. Hmmmmmmmmm.
I still have my United in Peace button from back in the early 1990's. I'm thinking of throwing it up on ebay. Any takers?
What a fucking joke!!!!
That's not fraternizing with a felon.....that's my brotha from anotha mutha.....scibbidly bibbidly....uh-huh, you know
I love seeing our leaders with shitheads. It just gives me a reason to never do anything for this F-ked up dept & city. Take the pay check and run.
Its been said once it will be said again I wouldn't follow half of our bosses to the bathroom let alone into a battle.
Until then I will sit in my cruiser with the AC on blast.
boss ,where's your body armour
Even the "Oldies" station is making jokes about Weis's strategy. While they don't fully understand, the two DJ's just went on a rant about how stupid this is! They said if you have all of the heads of the gangs together, just call a paddy wagon and haul them all away. They also went on about the blog and press conference. Hey, Jody, kinda sucks when even the guy spinning oldies on the radio thinks your idea stinks.
Keep Working!!
this is off topic but there is an e-mail originating from AS Jackson's office stating that due to the fact that the "districts resources are stretched" that Detectives are to be assigned to monitor dismissals at certain CPS High Schools. Of course this is only detectives who aren't working on "in custody" or "priority jobs". I don't know but last time I looked I think most felony crimes would be "priority". And of course the resources in the D-unit aren't "stretched". OMG
So I am talking to a guy at work welcoming him back. I asked how his ticker was and he replied, I have 70% blockage in 2 arteries. He went on to say that our insurance wont cover him because our PPO states it must be over 70%.
So this poor P.O. gets to walk around like a ticking time bomb. Maybe after a few more heart attacks he can get treatmnent. He called our FlOP...you know, the guys that are fighting for us. Their reply...Oh we werent even aware of that. And these idiots are negotiating for us???
I wasnt going to attend the BS FlOP march. But now I am. And I want all of you to go for one reason. To decertify these useless FOP goofs that continue to sell us out.
For petes sake its time for a change. Go to hell Mark Donahue and FOP. Bring your megaphone Mark so I can shove it up your useless ass.
I am speechless. I can tolerate the alleged womanizin'...the lying on the resume...the stupidity and the attitude...BUT A PICTURE WITH THE GATOR? Ernest T., your true colors are showing now!
Birds of a feather tend to flock together.
Geez, remeber the days when no CPD publication would even use capital letters when naming a street gang, so we didn't legitimize them?
My predictive analysis: When I am KMA I will RUN (JFled-style) from this job!
Signed: Got my 20 but not yet 50... KMA junior!
I have also noticed over the past few years, starting out with Dana Starks, that many of the command staff, who never earned a serious ribbon when they were not the command staff, within a few years are wearing multiple rows? I take they like to award themselves decorations for just being them. Looks good to the public who think they earned their positions for great and dangerous police work.
Way to have your hat cover up your gun "boss". Can I be like you? Hopfully you won't need it.
Are the rumors true?
Exempts past and perhaps present being snagged on a wire with dope dealing gang banging shit-heads?
Alderfools names popping up?
Runnin' dog rev'runs names popping up?
Money laundering?
Gun running?
Conspiracy to keep CPD ineffective and tied up in knots to stymie any meaningful investigation and interdiction?
Knowledge and acceptance of same by City Hall?
The G knows this??? O_o
A lot of, "Oh shit, take that wire down because so & so's name came up?"
The G knows this??? O_o
Certain leaders of the "catered to constituency" PUSHING HARD for no entrance examination for CPD?
"911 emergency... Oh ok, which Police do you want to respond? The g.d Police, the v.l Police or do you just want the rev'run Police?"
Good God Almighty... This city is lost.
No, he doesn't get it now, nor will he ever get it. His desk jockey and computer nerd policy group people and assorted kiss asses will tell him that he's years ahead of his time and he'll just continue to look at street cops with contempt.
Wonderful photo-op.
'nintendo's new name is Cyrus from the Warriors since he is now uniting Chicago's street gangs. Now that's leadership. Too bad it's for the wrong team.
Will the last person in the CPD brass with any intelligence at all please turn out the light as you exit???
The war is over...we have lost. Long live the new regime.
Do not cry for me Argentina, I barely knew ye...(metaphors purposely mixed)
SPAR him!
What the hell, how can he possibly go in out in public and not be in proper uniform?
Everyone knows, the REAL police need to have TWO pens!
Wonderful......and the "white shirt" is using his holstered gun as a hat rack! The leadership in CPD is an absolute joke.....and the joke is on the good citizens of Chicago. Sad & pathetic.
GREAT PHOTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Makes me feel good about being the police. LARRY HOOVER must be his chinamen. Bradley Gator is his direct connect and enforcer.
"Urban Translator?" hahahahaha!!
Things just keep getting much more clear.
Pa The Tic! Dis Cus Ting! Also makes ya wonder whose side that great gift from the heavens exempt rank puke is on. See, this is why you don't trust the gang bangers or the management of this company.I would just say...go out there and do your jobs, but you know what...you really can't anymore. Any interaction with these pricks will be cause for a lawsuit. Nice going...just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, it just did. Nice going assholes, really fuckin nice, hope gator's got ur back when you go to the joint dumbass. Sellout. Upper Management. Bullshit.
Hey, I thought you are supposed to wear your hat once exiting the squad car :)
Who's the big guy with the gun and badge shaking hands with the dressed-up criminal?
I love the link for Larry Hover to be transferred....yep straight to HELL.
Is he a sponsor of the meeting or doing securitay. He must be the mascot. Remember this pic when he sends memos out to go and get them. And to get the streets back............
That's not the Commander's hat hanging on his gun, is it? I remember I would have had the shit slapped out of me in the academy if I pulled a stunt like that. You know, won't need your gun in public, will you?
I am having a difficult time deciding whether to attend the march or not. I believe this is a ploy that the FOP is doing just to satisfy us and then attempt to get re-elected. I think they are trying not to upset the Mayor. It just doesn't make sense to me to march at 35th St. rather than City Hall. There is low visibility at 35th St. The news media downplayed our last march and if we are not downtown they may ignore us completely. What will be accomplished? We need the public to hear us. I feel I need to support my fellow Officers though. I attended the first march in protest of Daley when the Polish labor leader (Walenska) was in Chicago. I attended our last march. I am a very vocal Officer when I believe we are right, whether it be to bosses or politicians. I just feel we are being used here and this will be for nothing. I respect your opinion as do all if your readers. Please weigh in on this. If you say you think this is worthwhile, I will attend.
That picture says it all...."Welcome to the City of Chicago."
Hey Deputy Superintendent Brown, what were you thinking?
What an embarrassment for the police department.
OK, so I clicked. Always been nosey.
"United in peace?" "Stop the violence?"
Why does that require so many bullets and bodies? My church growing up was united in peace and we didn't hardly pop no caps. But Lutherans are boring.
didn't this gator bradley shoot a police officer or shoot at one ??????--- whoever that boss is he should be ashamed of himself....
What a great place to put your hat (over your gun) you piece of s**t. This city is going, going, gone. What great leadership.
isnt this evidence of bringing discredit to the dept? Shaking hands -associating with convicted Felons? Andrews writes truthful comments on his own blog and that is wrong, but this is OK ? CPD= ALL POLITICS, DALEY SELLS AND TRADES JOBS AND PROMOTIONS WITHIN A DEPARTMENT OWNED AND PAID FOR BY THE PUBLIC TAX DOLLARS, NOT BY HIM AND HIS FAMILY.. FEDS DO NOTHING. Welcome to Socialism, Liberty and Justice NOT for all, just for the connected and their chronies.
No one provokes, nor dares to offend, those who they know to be superior in battle.-Flavius Vegetius Renatus (390 BCE). Thanks F-fart for taking away what little hope we had. You are a pimple on the ass of humanity.
Who is the white shirt?
What kind of leader would pose with a known gang leader and especially shake his hand. That guy was probablly responsible for tons of murders and who knows what else.
I'm serious, every time i think it just can't possibly get worse, this administration proves me wrong. This is the worst time in history to be a chicago cop bar none.
Wow!!! What more can you say.
Wasn't the tall guy the 4th ghost buster?
Nice to see he moved up in the world.
was there last night, came over after broadcasted over zone 6. "We called a 10-1 five minutes ago" is bullshit.
Flipped over to zone 8 while flying over to the scene and I got to say that 660 screaming over the radio didn't help. I know that in this kind of situation 1 minute feels like 5 but how can you call for more cars to the scene at the same time you are screaming "to cordon off a one mile radius around the house" and telling 22nd district cars to block off a route to Christ.
Telling cars not to come lights and sirens to a 10-1 and screaming for ambulances when the P.O.'s were already on their way to Christ in a sgt's car.
The perimeter of the house should be secure while making the entry in case something like this happens. The entry team falls back to cover and the house is already surrounded, there should be no need for a mile perimeter.
Calling over the air an HBT incident and then trying to the people out of the house yourself.
The fact is that there was a lack of on-scene manangement. You DO NOT call for P.O.'s to rush to a house where there is an active shooter inside. Evident by the fact that there were about 30 P.O.'s standing about 15 feet from the rear windows of the house.
As the on-scene supervisor, everyone is going to take their cue from you.
Glad that both P.O.'s are going to be okay.
Bears repeating....the above must be a FED.
This is so fuckin embarrassing. I wouldn't touch that guys hand if i was ordered at gun point. Go ahead and shoot me. At least i'd die with dignity.
These exempts are such a joke. You wonder why no body follows any of your orders, or laughs at you when you leave a room. This is why. You have no idea how to lead. Real leaders would be MF'n this guy and looking for ways to lock this guy up. Instead you're out there shaking hands all buddy buddy with them.
We are all totally embarrassed by our leaders and their actions. The only thing we can hope for is a new leader comes in with balls and cleans the fuck out of the whole exempt ranks!
Is it me, or is that known gang leaders hand's right on that white shirts gun? Man, WTF?
Can our favorite Northside retiree initiate a CR#?
Using his gun as a hat-rack-----what would his academy instructors say?
Anonymous said...
002 midnights running SIX fucking beat cars down tonight. Half the watch downed! UN-fuckingreal this shithole of a city and disgrace of a department has become. Every exempt on this job, both present and retired, should absolutely feel ashamed of themselves. Those that have the power and knowledge to further shed light on this fiasco along with Lt Andrews are cowards, every last one of them. Fucking "yes" men and women who sold their backbone for a fucking gold star. You're pathetic. You don't deserve to lead noble men and women wearing blue shirts. Salute you fucking cowards? F U, I'll stick my hands in my pocket and take the discipline.
9/02/2010 12:36:00 AM
Is this fo real? If so no wonder there's no back up out there when you call for it. Man, that's some dangerous shit there. 6 bt cars down. Never heard of that before.
and the mayor too? My god, THIS CITY SUCKS!!!!!!!!! FUCK SHITCAGO!!! IM OUTTA HERE!!!
The double use of the "F" Word gave it away.... LOL
(Labels: un-fucking-fucking-believable)
Are you kidding me? What in Gods name is Brown thinking? Gator Bradley IS THE DEVIL! This picture is the the" White Flag" of defeat. We are now aligned with urban terrorists.
The Dumb and Dumber!!!!
That picture makes me want to commit. What has happened to the police department since that moron took over. Shaking hands with convicted felons.
Way to put you hat on your gun like a true PPO. And this is a guy who is supposed to lead us and we are to respect. What a joke we are. Way to go boss............ your true colors have shown.
This is exactly what happens when you give gang members the idea they matter.
These idiots would sell their souls to keep a frigid gold star. What a joke. All these morons are doing is giving these criminals and convicted felons legitimacy. It's time to clean house the so called leadership of this department is a joke. From jfraud to the liar ernie brown to the dope house beer seller aunt B to my brother kept his mouth shit so mayor daley made me a commander carouthers.
the movement... thanks jody. You have united the shit heads
is anyone, fop, etc gonna get a CR# generated for this photo???????
the inmates have taken over!
Absolutely fucking disgusting!
Just another declaration that the Brassholes on this job have absolutely NO fucking idea how to run this place and shouldn't have made it past Patrolman.
And all you Hair Gels running around the West Side, playing police, need to check in with tenured officers for a brief history lesson regarding Wallace "Gator" Bradley. He's just one of thousands of "wronged black men" that believe they've got reason to sabotage the CPD.
I'd like to believe that this picture depicts the infancy of a "Keep Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer" type of long term investigation. But as said a bazzillion times before, this command staff isn't smart enough to pull something like that off.
J-Banger, J-Banger, J-Banger, now look what you've done.
Time to watch the ongoing implosion of the despicable and clueless J-Fled. We're going to bag up some cold 40 ouncers and check out the Vice Lords and the Four Corner Hustlers at the Columbus Park Refectory.
Goodness gracious! My old 'hood has sure undergone seismic changes. I lived at 104 S. Parkside when I came OTJ.
Good to see two pimps for a photo op. One is pimping the community the other J- fled. Stay strong with the pimp hand.
Ps good to see that your gun holster also acts as a hat rack. Make sure the general order coming out states that exempts are authorized to have a feather on their hats.
-Chocolate Giddy-Up
I am sure that Ernest Brown, one of the toughest crime fighting cops in Chi, did not really want to pose for this picture. To the offended "gang members". We lived through your reign of terror 30 years ago and survived and we will again. As much as you may be in denial about the legacy of your cowardly minature Urban Terrorist they are yours. You taught them and trained them and were their shining examples. Problem is now you can't control them either. We will win this battle and the war again because you and yours are coward that try after you are too old to be a threat want to try and "help". Don't make me laugh. You and your legacy should pack up and get out of dodge.
"You've got to know when to hold 'em,
Know when to fold 'em,
Know when to walk away,
Know when to run"
Surreal! Welcome to THE TWILIGHT ZONE, J-FLED.
Even in Mayberry P.D., you'd be in over your head.
Oh, my.
We do have a problem here, don't we?
Upside? Great summer suit, Gator. Great tailor, very GQ.
A little more of this and they'll be calling these motherf__ers "community activists." Wouldn't be the first time. Back in the '60s, the Blackstone Rangers got their seed money from the taxpayers, by way of sympathetic left-wing white clergy helping to fill out forms.
I still remember watching the little TV musical they made right at the start. "Opportunity...please knock!"
Cant beat him 'em, might as well join 'em. SAD! ALL innocent victims of gang violence should be pissed at this picture!
What the hell has this department become?
Who be that gold star? he looks like fat like great example in shape right boss,friend of gang leaders!
J-FLED for president of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP).
OT, but still important:
I hear that plans to promote two of the recently reassigned HQ sergeants (Scott O. in 021 and Bill B. in 620) to lieutenant are still in effect. I sure hope that the media is watching this one.
The class starts Tuesday, regardless of the status of the Sgt's Association request for a TRO.
9/02/2010 12:17:00 AM
Add in RAY RAY for the White Trifecta!
Woman puts bullet hole in attacker's car at Walmart
Sept. 2, 2010, 10:27AM
LA MARQUE — A 56-year-old woman fended off an armed attacker in a Walmart parking lot in La Marque, pulled a pistol and put at least one hole in the assailant's fleeing vehicle, La Marque police said today.
The woman, whom police declined to name, struggled with a man trying to take her car shortly after 3 p.m. Wednesday, Detective Danielle Herman said in a written statement.
The woman, a concealed handgun permit holder, managed to grab a pistol from the car console and pointed it at the man, who fled to a silver or gray SUV driven by an accomplice, Herman said.
The woman fired several shots at the SUV as it sped away, at least one bullet striking the rear of the vehicle, she said.
Herman said the attacker was armed with a pistol.
Police are looking for an SUV with a bullet hole and Texas license plate number NMG 714.
Anyone with information about the vehicle should call La Marque Crime Stoppers at 409-938-8477.
Gator Bradley and Ernie Brown. The picture shows one gang-banger shaking hands with another gang-banger. What a pair! Just another day in Chicago.
It is clear that Buckeye, AZ has it's shit together and really dodged a bullet by not hiring Ernie Brown, and not by luck, but by doing their due diligence with the resumes submitted to them. They found out that Ernie Brown is a pos.
I only wish Buckeye, AZ had made a formal complaint to CPD. Ernie brought discredit to the CPD by misrepresenting his experience and qualifications to another community. He told out and out documented lies while a member of CPD. He should have been fired or allowed to retire in disgrace.
Isn't that Downtown Ernie Brown's hat hanging over his gun in the picture?
Shaking hands with a self-admitted gang banger with his gun covered by his own hat!
He disregards his own safety for a photo op with this POS............WTF!
This a picture of EB promoting Bradley to Director of Gang Relations.
Gator and Brett "Goldmember" Goldstein will be sharing the same office to determine where future gang conflicts will occur.
Who is that boss?
Why Not, J-Fled and company have members with connections at HQ, even promoted a few to high rank.
Perhaps Gator had a merit pick for lieutenant. That list should be posted today. I think I saw Ray Ray with a bounce in his step this morning. Too bad there's no sgt drivers of J-Fled to be promoted.
Sounds like the "Urban Translator" could use a translator of his own...
REAL NICE! A supervisor shaking hands with a felon! Wonder if they go for beers together afterward, or should I say 40s? Here's an idea- why don't they give dude a badge and a gun too? Oh, I forgot- just a badge, he's probably already packing!
Damm Dawg!
Looks like you got the hook up at CD One Cleaners!
$.99 a shirt, Dawg!
Can't beat it!
He has a white suit on, he must be a good guy!
If he was a mob guy, nobody would shake his hand or take a picture. And the mob isnt out killing kids a dozen per night.
What a complete travesty.
Only in Chicago.
what have we become?
"Urban translator"? What the fuck is that? Gator does look kinda snazzy in that white suit. He reminds me of a black Colonel Sanders. Muhahahahaaa!!
Gator is now a community activist, just like Mr. Obama.
Why isn't he wearing his vest?
and the job is going after Lt. Andrews foe COnduct un becoming and discredit. WTF.
not trying to sound like an ass, but who is the white shirt?
That picture could have been taken this week, last year, 5, 7, 10 years ago. wouldent supprise me at all.
the uniform hat hanging over his firearm looks very professional.
Two fucking BOZOS!! I am so embarassed... I want to resign...
awesome! i even got to sign the larry hoover petition on his site. god i love this city!
wow... hes shaking the hand of a man that easily has murdered(and got away with it) over 20 people in his lifetime. i cant stand how this city allows these thugs to have a public forum and news conference. these as*holes should not be threatened to be in jail but they should be in jail! enough threats and big talk jfled, take action!
well, will sgt kenny B. from gang intel go down for this one????
Too bad the citizens who need to see this are still in their dreamy state of mind.
It is beyond my imagination or understanding how so many people can either keep their heads buried in denial about the problems of this city, or simply believe that this is an over exaggeration.
I got the story at noon today on WGN. The media sure does play into the hands of thugs, criminals and gang-bangers.
Seven years and counting, then it is off down any interstate that runs south. I just hope my property will be worth something in 7 years.
what's the beef? the CPD always brings those with the highest standards of personal and professional character, integrity, intelligence and morality to its top ranks...
This gets worse and worse the longer I look at it. It is the very image of surrender, of corruption, of co-option -- of COMPLICITY.
What more do we need to see to show us that the wild murders and destruction will not only continue, but that they are, horribly, encouraged and sanctioned.
I'm not talking any shadowy "conspiracy." I'm talking about this photo, taken in good light. There it is. Deal with it.
Certainly looks like it!
If you're going to have these gang summits, you need a Daniel Travanti to pull it off.
Maybe enlist Veronica Hamel to show up, nothing strikes fear into gang bangers more than a sexy ice princess.
I was right. What did I say? "Any minute now they'll be calling these motherf___ers 'community activists.'"
Here it is.
"As activist Wallace 'Gator' Bradley and other former gang members told reporters that the strategy is unfair..."
Government grants any minute now.
Hell, the affluent shopkeepers and building owners and tavern operators in the "leather community" in San Francisco were being encouraged to apply for "community development grants." I don't think that was quite what the taxpayers had in mind -- but I have the .pdf of the application forms this group posted on the web. How far can you stretch the word "community?"
"Cease Fire" is doing OK. ACORN went a little too far, but they'll just reconstitute themselves and be right back at the door.
Same thing will happen here, just like the Blackstone Rangers did to get started. 1965 all over again -- with other people's money.
Po-lice not no problem. We shakin' hands wit' them.
Oh my GOD!!!!!!!!!!! UNFUCKING BELIEVEABLE!!!!!! There is one of the highest bosses on the CPD and he's fucking sharking hands with a man who promotes violence and thugery in a photo. How sad and disgusting is that. J-fled and these clowns around him just gave the honest public and the CPD's enemy more strength.
Gator and Asswipe Ernie BOTH B FOOLS!
I am sure that it was EB doing a foot patrol after a shooting and he was just doing a street stop....
Are you F-ing kidding me right now!?!?
SCREW you EB!!! You are now a nobody, a nothing! You are a clown politician that can't tell right from wrong and are probably just trying to be made Sup. If you become the next Sup. no one will trust you now and we all know that you will sell your soul to get what you want. You are an EMBARRASSMENT to the CPD! Arizona knew who you really were.
Shaking Gator Bradley's hand?
Feck it.
The real problem with the Chicago Police Department is in the fifth floor of City Hall.
A comment over at the 'Joe the Cop' Tribune blog sums it up:
irishpirate said:
If I were a betting man, which of course I'm not(wink wink), I'd bet Jody Weis will not be Chicago Police Superintendent by the end of September. This September. Apparently Governor Quinn and Patrick Fitzgerald can't distance themselves from Weis fast enough.
Now the problems with the Chicago Police Department will only be addressed when Richard M Daley is no longer "da mare". If Daley were walking down the Beach at his Michigan vacation home and came across a magic police lantern this is what would ensue:
Daley stumbles and steps upon lantern on Grand Beach beach.
The lantern has a Chicago flag on the side and a pair of handcuffs attached to the cork.
Daley removes cork and a Genie who looks suspiciously like a cross between O.W. Wilson and Chief O'Hara from "Batman" pops out.
Speaking slowly with small words and a strong Chicago "axcent" so that Daley will understand, the Genie explains that he is the Chicago Police Genie and has been trapped in this bottle since the 1968 Democratic Convention. CPG, as I shall call him, was lured into the bottle by a comely hippie chick and tossed into Lake Michigan.
In gratitude for releasing him from the bottle CPG, again speaking slowly and using small words, explains to the Mayor that all the Mayor has to do is ask and CPG will show the mayor how to drop the crime rate by half within 5 years.
The Mayor, intrigued by this generous offer asks what CPG would do.
CPG explains that all the mayor has to do is hire an urban police professional like Bratton or Timoney and leave him the hell alone. No clouted promotions. No aldermanic input. Just hire an experienced urban police professional and step the hell away.
Daley, dumbfounded over the idea of the department being run without clout and by a professional, lets out a loud burp in disgust. Giggling uncontrollably he tosses the bottle into Lake Michigan and tells CPG to hit the road.
CPG is last seen walking northeast in the direction of Detroit where a new Mayor may be open to his ideas.
Simultaneously, across the lake in Chicago, a four year old riding a big wheel is mistakenly gunned down by a gangbanger and two days later "Da Mare" issues a statement blaming "guns" and everyone but himself.
Why is DALEY also shaking his hand on the website.
Collecting campaign money????
I like the you tube video which appears to have been taken by VL Jim Allen or one of his people. Even Daley had enough sense to keep his back to the camera and shake Gator's hand and run. But Downtown stops and poses.
Yep. Do a home invasion for him.
In response to the remarks, Mayor Richard M. Daley said anyone who wants to speak or complain has a right to do so.
"Everybody complains about the police," Daley said at an unrelated news conference. "But again, it's America. You can complain about anything. That's your right. I'm not going to question it."
If the Mayor of the City of Chicago states EVERYBODY has the right to complain about the police, wouldn't that exonerate Lt. John Andrews in any complaint register investigation?
Unfreaking believable!!! I am totally embarrassed to be a CPD now. That picture takes the cake
nice hat rack he used.
Unfreaking believable!!! I am totally embarrassed to be a CPD now. That picture takes the cake
What used to be incomprehensible,is now the status quo. This picture alone should reason for a Rule 14 violation. The Dept has no " Moral Compass" and until we do,chaos will be allowed to flourish. He should be stripped and returned to a beat car in 7 on Midnights...99!
This is the person who believes the problems of the city lay at the feet of Middle-aged White Officers not writing enough parking tickets.
Excellent use of a gun as a "hat rack". But then again, it's not like he'll ever need it.
Is this a press junket for a remake of " Good Times"? Gen James Evans and Rev Dyno-mite fight crime in the mean streets!
Good Thing the Olympic Commitee was able to see this and scratch Chicago out first! LOL!!!!!!!!!!
Just thinking of all the people who listened to Daley and bought real estate in the shitty areas the venues were suppose to be at.
I need an event number ASAP?
025 1st watch, I need a FUCKING event # also. How about we both tie up the air with bs. Maybe i'll make a dispersal with mine.
Now can I get a FUCKING event # please?
how about the subtle stance by gator bradley, just slightly in front of the DS and his body busted to the right folks style not to mention right next to his weapon.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
My favorite quote from this site:
The Irish Mafia and their Hamberg Athletic Association "Children" are NOW in control of Chicago and the State of Illinois political scene, however; they want the Underworld back under their control, which ain't gonna happen...before the Chicago Police Department which is run by (Irish Commanders and Sergeants) experiment with pilot programs thwarts Black Street Gangs, why not take a look into the Irish Mafia that continues to run Chicago and Illinois legal and political systems? Irish sergeants run the department? Cool!! LOL
9/02/2010 07:02:00 AM
Sorry gator....SEISER runs it!
Well kids that's it. It is over...make sure your family is safe and well protected when you are at work.Stock up the arsenal and wait.I have never told anyone who works to stop working..it's your decision BUT...now its diffrent. The bangers have been givin a seat at the table by the politicians and the media...they now have a voice.This dept and city will no way have our backs now...EVER Jody has raised the white flag and the bangers accepted it with the support of the city. Goodbye..it's over...Fuck the ghetto protect your own and your homes.Let it burn
Birds of a feather, only difference one is allowed to carry a firearm legally. Both have the same philosophy & mindset, to accrue as much wealth as possible @ the taxpayers expense.Yawn.
I'm not sure who's the bigger handjob, Tio or Gator.
Yeah, but does he love him so much that he wanted to take him behind the middle school and get him pregnant?
Dat's what I want to know.
Shitbag 101: Placing your cover on your pistol
Great observation. You have made my day!
WOW, Andrews is being accused of bringing discredit to the department but this doesn't?
The mayor will cater to the demands of OGs because they command and control the votes.
The media is up and running with the under-manned police dept.
After this photo they both chilled with a 40 behind the swing sets.
9/02/2010 07:02:00 AM
LOL! Thanks for making my day!
you say tomayto, an' i say tomahto
you say pohtaytoe, an' i say pohtahtoe
can't weez all jus' git along?
Did you guys forget about me? Most importantly, do I still "RUN IT"???
Odd as it is, these Bozos will ha ve more say in getting rid of Weis than we do.
For that matter, Daley also.
God help us with what they will put up next.
Register, get everyone to register, stock up on food, fuel and ammo and vote.
Remember what the media did to Matt Rodriguez when he appeared in a picture with a known Convicted Felon. That was it for him!
Is it for Down Town Ernie Brown?
"The surprising decision came after The Chicago Tribune reported today that Superintendent Rodriguez had violated Rule 47, a rarely enforced police department policy against ''associating or fraternizing'' with convicted criminals."
what happened in 11 last night? didn't see a single squad car @10:30pm. and I know y'all ate at 6.
-the chicken lady
9/02/2010 06:03:00 AM
we were all trying to back up the tough guy at 3624 w grenshaw, and when i got there he wasnt there, neither was the man with the gun
by general order, ernest brown had to make an information report whenever he associates with and known felon, upon his failure to do so, a cr# has to be initiated by his superior, in this case, jfled, failure to do that, a cr# shall be initiated on his superior as well. Now who's gonna get the cr# on j-fled because he sure as hell didnt get one on ernest broiwn.
let them have their cake, and let them eat it too. our time will come, when we can say....WE TOLD YOU SO, and hopefully we can move beyond the non-sense.
C.E. Winchester III said...
Will the last person in the CPD brass with any intelligence at all please turn out the light as you exit???
The war is over...we have lost. Long live the new regime.
Do not cry for me Argentina, I barely knew ye...(metaphors purposely mixed)
In that case the lights hshould have been tured off about 2 1/2 years ago. I figure that was about the tyime the last CPD brass with any sense at 35th St. got bounced. Circle the wagons boys and girls. Thats all we have left to protect ourselves. Next it will be like Little Big Horn in Shitcago.
thats how i roll, whats up boo?
Just more proof that the wrong people are made bosses, BIG bosses for that matter. It's not worth busting your ass out there for the crew we got in charge now. Sad times.
If you cant beat em, join em. Right EB?
Where are all the photos of our Westside politicains hanging with the bangers. It seems the media is in no rush to publish them I wonder why?
Remember what the media did to Matt Rodriguez when he appeared in a picture with a known Convicted Felon. That was it for him!
Is it for Down Town Ernie Brown?
"The surprising decision came after The Chicago Tribune reported today that Superintendent Rodriguez had violated Rule 47, a rarely enforced police department policy against ''associating or fraternizing'' with convicted criminals."
9/02/2010 04:28:00 PM
Would that include are numerous gang banging officers that we will not fire do to political correctness.
This is so much bullshit.
I had no use for Fred Rice as Superintedent, but can you imagine him doing this? Fuck, Leroy Martin would explode before he'd allow a photo to be taken of himself with a gangbanger like Bradley.
Terry Hilliard,love him or hate him, he knew what bangers were and how to deal with them. The man was shot by some POS banger.
This isn't a racial thing. It's a dumbass thing. With a handful of exceptions the entire exempt leadership of the department is a bunch of IQ impaired suckholes.
Dump Daley and bring in a real police leader.
So let me understand this correctly....per Jfed a LT doesn't have freedom of speech on his own time when he blogs but this top brass can do a photo op with a murderer in uniform while using his gun to hold his hat and that's ok??
Way to have your hat cover up your gun "boss". Can I be like you? Hopfully you won't need it.
9/02/2010 08:51:00 AM
Not to worry this is my 'Hood....and J...the man wouldn't let us have any bullets anyway....
D Dugan While he had fault u woud never ever see him in such a compromising photo
Using urban translators is nothing new. It has been happening ever since Richard J. Daley met with Jesse Jackson in the late 1960s.
Now it officially legit! Last month the Justice department officially announced that they are hiring linguists who are proficient in speaking Ebonics to help translate for investigators and intelligence analysts in the Atlanta region. Here is the link to the story. It's also on the DOJ website.
Damn Downtown Ernie Brown.... LOL!!
birds of a feather and Brown has no qualifications but watch out JFLED He Wants Your Job!! HAhAh You have created a MONSTER
THIS CITY IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please DOJ take over the CPD
I have seen blueshirts get fired for pics like that
HEY.,.... didn't this same thing cost a certain Latin Superintendent his job.... is I.A.D or IPRA gonna open up a rules violation CR# for this one
WTF I I I OMG I just don't know what to say.
I give up!!!!
unbeleivable!!! EB u peice of shit u just made it ten times harder for us on the street to deal with these assholes. And u sent the district commanders out to tell us to be the real police again and be more aggressive. yeah right!
"That picture could have been taken this week, last year, 5, 7, 10 years ago. wouldent supprise me at all."
Take a better look at the picture. How about a hint then? Collar!!!
So...I would hope the people on duty had some balls today and went to the "civil rights march" that the bangers held in that park?
how many crimes would have been closed today with a warrant squad?
Hat covering the gun so Gator doesn't grab it
Hey guys, thanks for being there, doing your job, with all the crap you've got to put up with. And with a poor chief. And with an even worse mayor. I don't know how you do it.
I grew up in the City back in the late 60's and 70's. Harlem & Foster. St. Eugene Elementary. Taft High School.
We respected the police. My buddies had family members who were on the force. The City was something to be proud of.
Now, well now I live in Virginia and it makes me mad and sad to see what has happened to Chicago. I don't know how you guys can take it.
Meeting with gang leaders? Shaking hands? Discussing? WTF? In the "old days" my buddy's father, Sal Eraci (I'm probably spelling it wrong) would have kicked some butt. He was one tough cop. In fact, ALL the Chicago Police were tough as nails.
Yea we had Mayor Daley Sr. but I think junior might be way, way, way worse.
Anyway - thanks for putting up with all the crap. You need a new Chief and a real budget with real money to staff and fund a powerful force able to deal with this garbage in the streets.
I visited your city 2 years ago. Lots of flowers and parks all over the place. But shootings every day. Who the hell is setting the priorities?
God Bless You All and hang in there. I'm praying for you.
Dan from Harlem & Foster, circa 1970. The Good Old Days.
A little more of this and they'll be calling these motherf__ers "community activists." Wouldn't be the first time. Back in the '60s, the Blackstone Rangers got their seed money from the taxpayers, by way of sympathetic left-wing white clergy helping to fill out forms.
9/02/2010 12:03:00 PM
In fact, Richard Nixon invited Jeff Fort to the White House as a result of his "Community Building" in Woodlawn. The did get a fair chunk of Federal dollars which they invested in Real Estate and furthering their illicit activities, with a little help from the U. of C.
I smell a promotion...Its thinking like this that our president is lookin for.
I smell FBI director in Mr.Fled's future
Just need little man to say the word.
This is a disgrace and a slap to anyone & everyone who has been effected by gang violence. How this looks is dispicable...FUCK IT , Im done !
I am a civilian, after seeing this picture, I am afraid to go to the police or call if I see any criminal activity. It's obvious that the officer in the white shirt is sending a message to the law abiding citizenry that the murderous scumbag (gator bradley) he is shaking hands with is his guy. How do I know that anything I may call about won't be reported directly to the gangs and I'll be targeted, or anyone else. This is sad indeed. You thought it was hard getting witnesses before.
This story on network news, Weis appears to be an idiot, guess what, he is.
Is Gator's hand holding the DEP's GUN?
They must be relatives if he trust Gator to be so close to his weapon!
THINK SAFETY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9/02/2010 03:03:00 PM
disclaimer under photo: this is what a brain fart looks like. do not attempt yourself.
he has his hat hanging off his gun........wowza
And then they wonder why morale is so low or completely gone.
Speaking of morale, where are the survey results??
Who is the gangbanger, the guy on the left or right?
Could someone specify?
Politics have ruined this job. I'm voting republican from now on.
11 Ward Voter.
If the banger's want to do something tell them to come up with the banger's who shot Office Bailey.And for you that can't believe the photo this shit goes on in the ghetto all the time from the blue shirts up to jagbag A.C. as you can see.We're fucked and so is the city.I remember what they told us in the academy. 10 to 15% of the officers on the street do 90% of the work.The rest just want the check. Remember we have to live in this city.
One love beeoches now give me an event# for a B.O.S mission
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