What's Missing Here?
This is from yesterday's 9/11 Remembrance. Anyone notice anything odd?

Ok, every single one of you who said, "Rahm's finger," slap yourselves in the head so we don't have to do it.
You have the head of the Fire Department, the head of the city, and the second-in-command of the Police Department. That's odd to say the least. Back in the day (hell, even today), one can tell who is in favor by their proximity to the mayor at important events. You could also tell who was in for an ass-chewing. The comments in other postings hint that something large is brewing in the background. Keep your ears open, the rumblings are getting louder.

Ok, every single one of you who said, "Rahm's finger," slap yourselves in the head so we don't have to do it.
You have the head of the Fire Department, the head of the city, and the second-in-command of the Police Department. That's odd to say the least. Back in the day (hell, even today), one can tell who is in favor by their proximity to the mayor at important events. You could also tell who was in for an ass-chewing. The comments in other postings hint that something large is brewing in the background. Keep your ears open, the rumblings are getting louder.
Labels: rumors
ooooh do tell......
I am sure the supe was back in NY telling all of those war stories again.... Maybe he was with Leo this time.. God knows that he is one great story teller!!
The current Supt. actually survived 9/11. His Dept. vehicle was destroyed and he nearly lost his life. He may have gone back to N.Y. to commemorate the event whith those who survived with him. Remember, to Rahm, Obama, Turbin Durbin, this is a photo op. To the Supt. this is a very personal matter, possibly life changing.
I saw on fox news GMac was one of the first to visit the ground zero memorial in NYC.
Could be your reading to much into it. He still has connections to NY and to 9/11 he may have had a commitment back there. Not that him staying there would be a bad thing...
Jersey Shore he dis rahm
Word is, big changes coming the
He was in NYC where he should have been.. He's for one a New Yorker and two was at the site that day doing his job. All his guys were there, he should be with them.
Maybe the first in command of the PD was sick that day.
Personally, I am tired of the posturing going on by the politicians using the deaths of so many people for their own political purposes.
A lot of these guys are the same ones that flat out refuse to do anything useful to deal with Islamic terrorists. The blood of the next large group of victims is on their hands, but as always, they will skate.
He was probably in new york for their 9-11 ceramonies..........no problem with that
I would presume Supe G-Mac was in NY for their memorials. Inoticed that Rahm wasn't wearing a tie...
Looks like the mayor was involved in an all night bender and just found out mcCarthy was going to NYC, so he left his suit for the mayor to wear for the ceremony, in his place. I would imagine political hacks have heroes for friends and McCarthy is no exception. New Yorker's have a special comraderie, some all gave and some gave all. We pray that chicago never has to endure such a tragedy, but us first responders have been diligent and will be ready for the call. Hopefully, kelly will keep him, in NYC and rahmmy will have to place shields as the new superintendente. Oooooh...this is going to be good
Rahm brought his sideshow to Area Three yesterday and said big things are in store for us! He also wanted to know where his guy "whispers" was.
How come 9.5 not wearin a tie?
How about Rahm's Tie? I guess Amy Rule, Rahm's wife does not check out his appearence before he leaves the house.
I know whos missing and we saw him on Rush st.
So the goof who kept posting "big changes are coming..." finally got it right? (After posting that comment for the past four years though.)
Rahm couldn't be bothered to wear a tie?
this city is a joke
If your refering to the missing Supe. Since he was part of 9-11 and lost friends and comrades on that day he like any other person in the same boat was aloud to grieve in his own private way. I don't blame him and we should let well enough alone on this particular subject.
Ok. I slapped myself in the head because I also said Rahm's finger. But I think I hit myself too hard so I'll have to hit the medical.
Let's face it, Rahm's just plain lucky, He needs less holes drilled in his Bowling Ball.
Same ol BS. Who the hell cares anymore.
I see that the 1st deputy and and fire commissioner are in dress uniform as appropriate for a solemn remerbrance, but this douche of a mayor we have couldn't even get a tie on?
What, you can't at least put a fucking tie on? POs are written up at their own awards ceremony but the mayor can go to public events looking like a rag-bag. The only guy there who is not a complete clown is the CFD guy.
Even at an event as important as a 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony the Rahmsheister can't wear a tie?
We are doomed by Rham. It is going to get ugly during our contract talks. People are actually going to miss Short Shanks
Could it just be that the Supt was in New York as he was there during 911 and was included in their memorial
So whats the problem???
Hey 004 midnights, enjoy Lt. C.R. He is coming from 005. Stand up guy. He stands up for his P.O.s and takes it on the chin without taking it out on anyone below him. He is retiring soon and can do so with his head held high. He will be on your jobs as an assist car first and a boss next. Help him retire in one piece with no open numbers.
005th 1st Watch
The day holds significant sadness for our Supt. If he chose to spend the day with family or in his home city, we can completely understand. Not to sound naive but when it comes to that day it's "hands off". I'd hope that there is tension between he and the Mayor, because Rahm already has his "jacket" tailored for delivery next May.
I hope that he was in NYC, where he lost friends in the actual attacks. I for one, am just fine with him being where he was 10 years ago. It's no big deal.
Uh oh....is Mcturd in da hotseat
How about wearing a tie you douche bag
where is McPuppet? He shit the bed already?
If and when the news is released, it will shock and horrify a lot of people. It is only Monday morning, I don't know if we are in the clear yet, but if what I am hearing is true, those guys in 018 did some outstanding police work. Hopefully we dodged a bullet.
Try gas x, the rumblings will go away. Don't expect "easter island" mcarthy to go anywhere anytime soon. The chief of new york p.d. is secure for now
I wouldn't read too much into it. If you read any articles on McCarthy and his involvement in 9-11, he often states he spends the anniversary alone as it gets harder and harder to experience every year.
jersey shore was in the bunker
I got it, I got it, I got it! The chick to the extreme left is wearing a tiara! Everybody knows that you don't wear a tiara when outside after Labor Day unless you are in Boy's Town!
Jersey Heat, cancelled after one season for low ratings.
Heard he was in NYC with Pat Schmear....
Maybe Rahm told the new Super to get fucked like he did to Karen Lewis and Mac Man told him fuck you back at ya.
Maybe he was in NY. I could understand and respect that.
Heard something yesterday. Domestic?? Didn't want to start a rumor on an important day. Will a female commanding officer wear the scarlett letter? Is this her first married exempt tango? Inquiring minds want to know.
Maybe he was taking a shit. C'mon if you gota go, you gotta go
you tease
Yes, the Supe is missing. I am not his biggest fan, but maybe since he was right in the middle of the 9/11 attacks he would rather not be reminded about the events of that day. I was at ground zero in Oct of 2001, and I cannot begin to fathom the horror of the day of the attacks.
Let the man remember in his own way.
If McGruff is missing it may be because he was in NYC for their ceremony. He lost 8 close friends on 9/11.
G-Mac is former NYPD...how do you know he didn't fly back to New York to honor his fallen brothers?
The ginger with the crown on his head?
Wait till this guy goes back to New York and tells all how fucked up and political our Department is!
Well, here's one thing that didn't happen, but the story has a life of its own.
"At noon in Chicago, authorities sounded emergency sirens and church bells rang for a minute in honor of the nearly 3,000 people who perished in the 9/11 attacks in New York City, Washington and Shanksville, Pa."
I was standing next to an open fourth-floor window with a clear view out for blocks, no obstructions, looking at an atomic clock for the "noon" time, holding an activated camera by the window to record the tribute.
Not a sound.
Yes, this is offensive -- because it's an outright lie.
If you can't even manage a one-minute salute, what would happen in an emergency? What a hell of a day to prove this deficiency on.
"Authorities," you'll have egg on your face forever.
...signed, someone looking at two or three church steeples who knows how far bells carry, and who also remembers the citywide air raid siren tests at 10:30 every Tuesday morning. Those worked.
My tummies rumbling...after I get to the prowler, I think I'll hold myself down on a street stop and go for a fine meal at Wabash and Grand.
Rahm's necktie? Oh, sorry, casual "man of the people" look.
At least it wasn't Weis in a Gold's Gym power shirt...
I saw the finger but my first question was, where is Gmac? Thought it was wierd that he was not next to Rahm. So what are the rumers? What's brewing?
Yeah, after that EXTREMELY inauspicious introduction of MacCarthy running to pay obeisance to Pfleger and the other revs, I've been getting a real strong "he's keeping his head down as low as he can" feeling, hoping that things will kind of run themselves...
he was probably in New York, seeing as how he was second in command on 9/11
I always find it curious that Rahms social finger is missing. Did he flip someone off when he was a yoot and they bit it off?
Isn't it possible little Mac was out in NYC for the 9/11 memorials?
Since he was there in 2001 I wouldn't begrudge him that.
All we can hope for is Gmack is going back east. He is an arrogant know nothing asshole. Let Wysinger take over the reins of the department. After J-Fled and Gmack, this fucking department is seriously losing the war and it is just getting worse. What can we lose. We have been stepped on, ignored, fucked with and stripped of sorely needed manpower. Fucking Gmack is the only one who thinks his idiotic ideas for this department are working. The only problem would DTEB and the illustrious Commander Leo would have to be pried out of Gmacks ass before he leaves.
Rumor I've been hearing is Mcnutty got into a domestic with the misses at wrigley.... Don't know if it's true
Maybe the Supt. returned home to the NY/NJ area to be with his peeps. I'm not mad at him for that. He lost friends at 9/11 too, and if he wanted to be with his peeps or family members of his deceased friends, I'm cool with that.
After all, Al's gotta have something to do too. SInce he got the top spot and cried those tears of joy at the ceremony, you've rarely seen him, and haven't heard a peep out of the man. Rahm probably had to hold a mirror to Al's nose to make sure he was breathing for that ceremony here the other day.
Full moon tonight.
This concludes our Lunar Alert.
I believe that the Superintendent was not present because of his own personal involvement with 9/11 as a high ranking Police Officer with NYPD. He stated in an article that I read that he lost many friends including close personal friends. He also stated in the article that he wanted to left alone on 9/11 to deal with the anniversary of this tragedy. I cannot argue with this if it indeed bears some type of bad memory for him. Let it go!!!
Sure is odd.
Probably some more name calling going on and they didn't get a chance to "hug-it-out" yet..
Where ANY of the aldermen there showing us how to reach out to the community?
I thought Gmac went to New York for Sept. 11th. It would only make sense. This guy isn't going anywhere. Rahm needs an outsider to be the hatchet man and do the dirty work. It would be too hard for an insider to hurt coppers, but Gmac would have no problem doing it.
What happend to Rhambos finger???
Or maybe it has something to do with the fact he went through 9/11 already.
Mcnutty, Wyzinger, whoever else, this department will forever be run by whoever the mayor is. Phil Cline was the last of the working police superintendant this department will ever have.
Nice show of respect too.
Too much trouble for a million dollar man like Rahm to put on a tie or even a sport jacket for what he probably sees as the churls of 9/11?
Look at him. Slob...
Hard to tell from the picture but is he wearing saggy pants and tennis shoes too?
Man...no wonder Burke is kicking his ass on the latest supreme court appointee battle. Jerk..
Oh yeah, the second-in-command of the Police Department. Is he a sleep?
"...something large is brewing..."
SCC may not want to post this and I would understand. Just let me know you got it as we don't want to give him any ideas.
Look for Rahm and the Aldermen to take a large ceremonial pay-cut, 20-25% then throw that in our face during contract talks. If we can cut ourselves 25% you can take a 5 or 10% pay cut. How would an arbitrator view that?
Of course, Rahm would funnel money to himself and his pals in other ways and their pay cut would only be temporary.
I don't know what's behind McC not being by tiny dancer's side, but I am inclined to cut the guy some slack. Hell, he lost good friends on 9/11 and I am sure carries around a lot of painful memories. If the guy wanted to low key it yesterday, I am certainly fine with it. You guys usually are pretty dead on with some conspiracy theories..but think you miss the mark on this one.
Anyone ever think McCarthy was with his family on Sunday? The man was at ground zero when the towers fell. For many of the survivors (like him) 9/11 is a very difficult and personal event to remember, not a day for public display.
You have two monster egos in Rhammie and HackeySack. One is going to win and it isn't the guy who roots for the Yankees. A top job will open in NYC and the Hack will be back there before Christmas.
Then we'll get stuck with Barry's Bro-In-Law for a boss.....take that to the bank.
I think the Supe was at Soldier Field unfurling that huge flag with many other CPD and CFD. There was a a shot of him when the national anthem was sung. He was definitely NOT in NYC. This is the first time in 10 years he was not with his partners on 9/11.
Damn SCC, Watch your ass. The boys and girls up north were told to keep the lid screwed down tight on this one after the other night. Hope everyone applying for Superintendent has been keeping their shit up to date. If this leaks out, he's gone.
Anonymous said...
The ginger with the crown on his head?
That is exactly what i was thinking!!!! hahaha.... Princess couldnt leave his tiara home!! Hilarious trickery of the camera!
If he was in New York, then good thats where he should have been. His hometown and with the dept where he was working when many officers lost their lives on that horrific day
Who's the chick in the tiara?
the implication I get is the supe is missing. Well, since he was NYPD when the whole shitstorm went down, I have no problem at all with him being there. Who would except some sort of asshat?
Word is, big changes coming the
9/12/2011 09:00:00 AM
Yes this is true. On the 16th I am having my sex change operation so it will be a big change!!!!
I'm sorry but hands off to ANYONE who survived that day. Whatever you think of him as a man or leader, this is a day that you do not mock or question. Having friends in NY that spent months going to funerals of their friends, neighbors and coworkers this is a day every man handles in his/her own way.
So the goof who kept posting "big changes are coming..." finally got it right? (After posting that comment for the past four years though.)
9/12/2011 09:47:00 AM
Nope don't think so. I guess he will try again. I see he posted above about the big changes on the 16th. But you are right he will be right one of these times or years.
I can understand why he would want to go to NYC, but on a day of high probability of a terrorist attack here, here is where he needs to be, not 2hrs by plane or 18hrs by car away.
Miami police chief fired over disobeying orders
Amazing a "REAL COP BOSS" stands up and won't play ball and kiss political ass and he gets LAUNCHED!
Policing is no longer legitimate!!!
ya phil cline was great look at some of the bosses he made like the d-bag in 7 on midnight..what a joke..
McCarthy spent Sunday with his family in Chicago, not NY
I was going to say Rahms tie...didn't know this was a casual event.
He is fixing his massive domestic with his wife. Nuff said. and thats all
Seattle pd and FBI try to have a seminar will local muslim groups, blows up in their face.
> Look for Rahm and the Aldermen to take a large ceremonial pay-cut, 20-25% then throw that in our face during contract talks. If we can cut ourselves 25% you can take a 5 or 10% pay cut. How would an arbitrator view that? <
a LEGIT arbitrator would ignore it entirely. elected city officials are NOT covered under our contract and have zero to do with us
Does anyone else have a WC/Lt who checks out the comments on the profiles of his subordinates Facebook accounts and then forwards the ones he deems inappropriate to the commander? Kind of teenage behavior if you ask me. So be aware of your so called facebook friend may try and "jam you up". Dont accept friend invites from bosses!
Cant believe you guys bitch about the mayor not wearing a tie. Bitch about everything like pussies. When McCarthy WORE a tie with the longed sleeved shirt during the summer you bitched about that said he was out of uniform until it was brought out that the general order allows that
How the job has changed, bitch, bitch, bitch
Maybe if a certain detective in A/3had a little more work to do than just data entry recovering cars he wouldn't be on the blog so much..............
Yes this is true. On the 16th I am having my sex change operation so it will be a big change!!!!
9/12/2011 07:42:00 PM
"Remember, to Rahm, Obama, Turbin Durbin, this is a photo op."
Thats completley asinine, your ignorance shines through.
You're grousing because he isnt wearing a tie? You're probably the same guy with the raggedy ass uniform pants that havent seen an iron in years & a vest cover thats shows the last 9 meals you've eaten.
SCC? What is our FOP President make for a salary? Also how would him being FOP President effect his retirement benefits. Interresting article about other Union leaders in our city.
What happened in 018 this morning (mon)? Dont just hint-- tell the tale or keep quiet!
Just reread the Suntimes article about Mccarthy reflecting on 9-11 written about a week ago.
He said he didn't know where he would be on the anniversary, but he knew that he would be alone, because that is what he does on every 9-11 anniversary.
There is nothing about him almost getting killed when his car was crushed. He said his car was crushed by falling debris because he was in a command post about one block away when both buildings collapsed.
He said 13 people he knew died and 2 were good friends.
Just the facts...as reported by Mccarthy himself.
Did McGoofy use personal days? Or did the mayor carry him on the a and a sheets because he don't have vacation days yet....
I thought you meant Rahm's tie! LOL
Anonymous said...
Well, here's one thing that didn't happen, but the story has a life of its own.
"At noon in Chicago, authorities sounded emergency sirens and church bells rang for a minute in honor of the nearly 3,000 people who perished in the 9/11 attacks in New York City, Washington and Shanksville, Pa."
I was standing next to an open fourth-floor window with a clear view out for blocks, no obstructions, looking at an atomic clock for the "noon" time, holding an activated camera by the window to record the tribute.
Not a sound.
Yes, this is offensive -- because it's an outright lie.
If you can't even manage a one-minute salute, what would happen in an emergency? What a hell of a day to prove this deficiency on.
"Authorities," you'll have egg on your face forever.
...signed, someone looking at two or three church steeples who knows how far bells carry, and who also remembers the citywide air raid siren tests at 10:30 every Tuesday morning. Those worked.
9/12/2011 02:24:00 PM
Let me say a few things to you sir... (you may be correct) I have no reason to question you - I don't know if the "sound(s)" were not present where you were, but they were where they had the numerous "Dog and Pony Shows" for the various politicians _ that much I guarantee. Write your local politician, maybe they will explain why they felt the need to use various Departments as their props - you may get lucky and they MAY answer you seeing as how we are EXTREMELY UNDERSTAFFED in the first place and also because it may have been a HISTORIC date of opportunity to a group of RELIGOUS ZEALOTS who wish to have put a good ole=fashioned hurt'n on us...thank GOD they didn't. Anyway, to answer your question - sleep well knowing that we are (not) everywhere and we will (not) be there as soon as we can...(not really our choice, take it up with your alderman/woman)...
Did something happen that involved the superintendent?
Fuck MCCARTHY and his New York bull shit, he belittled our department and our city at Fr. Nagles retirement party. Fuck him he is a worthless piece of shit.
If this leaks out, he's gone.
I disagree, I think if it leaks, they spin it in a favorable light and he is golden, along with the A/O's.
Anonymous said...
The current Supt. actually survived 9/11. His Dept. vehicle was destroyed and he nearly lost his life. He may have gone back to N.Y. to commemorate the event whith those who survived with him. Remember, to Rahm, Obama, Turbin Durbin, this is a photo op. To the Supt. this is a very personal matter, possibly life changing.
I agree. 9/11 is a rough day for everyone and a personal matter the way it's handled. 9/11 is one thing G shouldn't be judged upon.
Well guess what, GMAC? it was your sworn duty to be here in Chicago in the event that a major incident took place on 9/11, get it, 9/11...The midget hired YOU to be in charge of the Department; in all due respect you should have skipped the Memorial in New York, your job is here NOW!
Ok ill say it. What happened at the Cubs game? What supervisors were on scene? Did they get the complainants info from the 911call? Isnt domestic battery a mandatory arrest? Remember, the State of Illinois is the complainant. But for exempts.on Cpd its just a 19p. All u bosses on scene are pussies. Somebody should have been locked up. Shame on you.
Police Commander and Head of Fire Department in FULL UNIFORM.
Mayor in sloppy shirt, not ironed, no tie, not even s suit.
Anonymous said...
I got it, I got it, I got it! The chick to the extreme left is wearing a tiara! Everybody knows that you don't wear a tiara when outside after Labor Day unless you are in Boy's Town!
9/12/2011 01:16:00 PM
. . . and then ONLY on Halloween!
Aw snap, Rahm is a UVL!
Word is, big changes coming the
9/12/2011 09:00:00 AM
Yes this is true. On the 16th I am having my sex change operation so it will be a big change!!!!
9/12/2011 07:42:00 PM
Oh Henny Penny! Wonderful news, we are all relieved that you finally came to terms with your wannabe harass...er hardass attitude. You do realize though that once they fill the hole and build a pole for you...you are fair game to any and all asswhoopings for any bs that you start. (psst...that means putting hands on people when you shouldn't)
Anonymous said...
Fuck MCCARTHY and his New York bull shit, he belittled our department and our city at Fr. Nagles retirement party. Fuck him he is a worthless piece of shit.
9/13/2011 01:41:00 AM
You really should consider handing over the keys to your computer before you start drinking.
Look for Rahm and the Aldermen to take a large ceremonial pay-cut, 20-25% then throw that in our face during contract talks. If we can cut ourselves 25% you can take a 5 or 10% pay cut. How would an arbitrator view that?
That is a 20% to 25% cut of much more $ than any one of us makes in salary. Hellooooooooo, FOP. Make sure you point that out.
Did something happen that involved the superintendent?
9/13/2011 12:27:00 AM
You're grousing because he isnt wearing a tie? You're probably the same guy with the raggedy ass uniform pants that havent seen an iron in years & a vest cover thats shows the last 9 meals you've eaten.
9/12/2011 11:11:00 PM
Rahm's (down low) Jocker
Tells you a lot about McCarthy that he went home to NYC for 9/11.
This is just a pass thru job for him. He fully intends to go back where he came from with a resume enhancement.
"I don't know if the "sound(s)" were not present where you were,
but they were where they had the numerous "Dog and Pony Shows"
for the various politicians _ that much I guarantee."
--9/13/2011 12:21:00 AM
Thanks! I'm sure it was nothing to get someone to turn on the siren on their squad car at one of these events, and maybe to get a nearby church to ring its bell, but hat's all we got; all the news stories are wrong, and there was no one-minute tribute that carried over the city.
Certainly no one is blaming the police; all the churches are in
the phone book, and yet no one in city government made this
request to them.
It is my understanding that the network of powerful mechanical
air raid sirens was dismantled many years ago, and that no equivalent warning system now exists. No one who heard it could
ever forget the sound.
The last I heard, over ten years ago it had to be, OEMC had installed "a system of powerful loudspeakers along the lakefront
to give warnings," but that the system did not work properly
when tested. I never heard any more about it.
My point is that it would seem that NO CITYWIDE EMERGENCY WARNING SYSTEM EXISTS, and that news stories about a one-minute citywide tribute on September 11 - of all days -- WERE MADE UP.
Emanuel can find seven million or so for another "nature
preserve," though. In the middle of a Depression, yet...
"The current Supt. actually survived 9/11. His Dept. vehicle was destroyed and he nearly lost his life. He may have gone back to N.Y. to commemorate the event whith those who survived with him."
--9/12/2011 08:43:00 AM
If this is so, a quiet statement that "Supt. MacCarthy is paying a courtesy call to the 9/11 ceremonies in New York" would have been appropriate.
We didn't get that either.
I thought Shields was a Lt. When did he get a gold star back? That's some BS.
What in the world are you keeping a lid on about the Supe. We fellow officers in this dept need to know. I mean What kind of an example is the new Supe setting for the rank and file. And if he can't then he needs to go. All he has shown us so far is shit from NYPD. Just because the NYPD does something does not mean it will work in Chicago!
This is the CPD and we need someone who has a vision for this dept the CPD, not old shit from NYPD. If that is all you got then McNutty you need to head back to the east coast.
Damn, these 9/11 conspiracy theories just never stop.
Anonymous said...
Police Commander and Head of Fire Department in FULL UNIFORM.
Mayor in sloppy shirt, not ironed, no tie, not even s suit.
9/13/2011 08:45:00 AM
His Swan Lake tutu was still at the cleaners.
I thought Shields was a Lt. When did he get a gold star back? That's some BS.
9/13/2011 12:38:00 PM
That's Alfonzo Wysinger, Einstein.
Leadership and integrity.
g-mac supposedly stepped in a big pile... that's the rumble. 9.5 has got to be pissed because his plans for cpd got derailed. lots of spin coming...
You're grousing because he isnt wearing a tie? You're probably the same guy with the raggedy ass uniform pants that havent seen an iron in years & a vest cover thats shows the last 9 meals you've eaten.
9/12/2011 11:11:00 PM
Rahm's (down low) Jocker
9/13/2011 11:45:00 AM
Just another example of shiny light catching a retards eye. He is not wearing a tie? Who gives a fuck? All politicians shit can the tie when they are trying to portray themselves as "hardworking and down to earth." Usually they roll up their sleeves too. Bitch about something that matters. Complaining about goatees, black vest covers, and ties makes you look like a total dumb fuck.
So what that he doesn't have a tie...It was Sunday and it was his daughters' birthday, as he stated at the ceremony...At least he was there unlike the last asshole to run this city. Its too bad there weren't more people and members of CPD there to support the charity game. Seems lately people are only willing to help out if there is something in it for them.
If this leaks out, he's gone.
I disagree, I think if it leaks, they spin it in a favorable light and he is golden, along with the A/O's.
9/13/2011 04:29:00 AM
You two are talking about two VERY different occurrences, one 'personal' and one 'professional'.
It looks like he's wearing a white tie.
Ok ill say it. What happened at the Cubs game? What supervisors were on scene? Did they get the complainants info from the 911call? Isnt domestic battery a mandatory arrest? Remember, the State of Illinois is the complainant. But for exempts.on Cpd its just a 19p. All u bosses on scene are pussies. Somebody should have been locked up. Shame on you.
9/13/2011 08:33:00 AM
Arrest mandatory only if you observe injuries or think victim is too fearful to do it themselves. However case report is required per G.O. If a crime occurred. Learn your job.
You're grousing because he isnt wearing a tie? You're probably the same guy with the raggedy ass uniform pants that havent seen an iron in years & a vest cover thats shows the last 9 meals you've eaten.
ENOUGH ALREADY! Everyone knows you need ten fingers to tie a proper Windsor.
he is all talk,look deeper into the stories and find out they are someone elses. just do a little preliminary investigating you will find the truth. Colonel Mc Brag
Anonymous said...
Ok ill say it. What happened at the Cubs game? What supervisors were on scene? Did they get the complainants info from the 911call? Isnt domestic battery a mandatory arrest? Remember, the State of Illinois is the complainant. But for exempts.on Cpd its just a 19p. All u bosses on scene are pussies. Somebody should have been locked up. Shame on you.
9/13/2011 08:33:00 AM
Yeah, you said it all right ... a mouthful of shit. You're asking what happened so you weren't there, yet you're bum rapping "bosses" for not taking action for something you're not really sure that happened. Let me tell you that a lot of P.O's domestics are 19-P's as well when it can be done and won't blow up in your face. But with all of 6 minutes on the job, you wouldn't know that, would you, you moron. Stay down in your mother's basement where you belong.
The skull be missing!
Blondes have more fun.
The current Supt. actually survived 9/11. His Dept. vehicle was destroyed and he nearly lost his life. He may have gone back to N.Y. to commemorate the event whith those who survived with him. Remember, to Rahm, Obama, Turbin Durbin, this is a photo op. To the Supt. this is a very personal matter, possibly life changing.
9/12/2011 08:43:00 AM
Hi Supe. It's nice to hear from you.
I can't believe everyone's talking about Tinys missing tie. We just had decades of a mayor that used Otis of Mayberry as his stylist.
The Cubs must have really sucked the other night if everyone was watching the bleachers. At a Sox game sometimes there are murders in the stands, babies born, presidential candidates nominated, supreme court decisions passed, new Coca Cola flavor samples given out, etc. We don't see it, we just hear about it later, after the game in the parking lot or something because we watch the game because they're so GREAT! I understand eavesdropping at a Cubs game though. I did my taxes a Cubs game once.
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