Chicago Magazine Again
Watch out Chicago Reader. It looks like Chicago Magazine is starting to build some sort of rival to investigative reporter Ben Javorsky. The most recent article on the ties between Chicago gangs and politicians was a good start. Now they're putting two and two together with maps and wondering why they get four while the politicians are telling them it's actually five.
Here's a map of Chicago gang "territories:"

Here's a map of Chicago gang "territories:"

If this keeps up, we might actually see a new generation of real investigative reporters pointing out uncomfortable truths to the masses, the political masters and even ::gasp:: their editors!
That's when the trouble will really start.
That's when the trouble will really start.
Labels: media
This is too good to be true ! How long before hizzonor 9.5 & shanks send out the men in black to halt this terrible thing that's evolving. It's called telling the truth. Not something that the local douche bag's in power care to be let out of the bag. Rumors are one thing, backing it up with facts is a no-no in daleyville.
Truth can lead to the Federal Building, We HOPE !!!!
I cant believe someone said that... Clearly the person who wrote this is a racist bigot. They dont realize its not the poor peoples fault. Its white people and societies fault. your all racist. Dont look at those maps. Dont listen to scc. Dont read this chicago magazine. Its all lies and racist banter. The people in white neighborhoods dont commit crimes because they have money. Its not the poor black peoples fault.. ok, sarcasm off.. great article. Keep it up.
Did the Crystal Ball Unit get fired... ...and now find themselves freelancing their graphic abilities for the papers?
Tra$$ic cameras around schools and park's, run em 18 hours a day, that will make a difference.
You know, for the children.
Will Neil Steinberg call out Chicago Magazine as being racist? Criticize them for telling the truth?
What are you trying to say?
That the public schools are not public schools at all but more like a pre-prison?
You know like we once had pre-schools and these are really pre-prisons right?
What do the 1st 2 maps have in common? (1) Police generally don't live in the areas pointed out and (2) The neighborhoods with no color codings are the ones the politicians and ACLU would like to divert police resources from. IF you move police personnel you will see that map change to see a lot more red dots in areas that never had them before.
After School Matters,Cease Fire, Boy they really have made a Difference.
While we are doing overlays and mashups, why don't we take a look at the revenue generated in these areas compared to the tax dollars that are spent?
Unfortunately, I don't think we'll find too many surprises.
BRAVO Chicago Magazine!! I will be looking at a subscription tomorrow. This is the kind of reporting Chicago needs, not that filtered shit from the machine.
The truth hurts but it will set you free.
Off Topic,but a hearty fuck you to the 018 beat car (I know the beat) that told my son and his girlfriend "We're not tour guides, find it yourselves" when they asked them where the red line station was as they were up near Division earlier this evening,
You two assholes will be hearing from me when I get back into town after seeing my other son who just returned stateside from Afghanistan.
Assholes like you two are part of the reason people hate cops, especially Chicago cops
It make too much sense to be true. The cattle won't believe it.
Effin' haters. They have Cecil Adams, puzzle solver extrodinare. The Scum Tims and the TriPuke don't have a chance. Stay tuned . . .
I salute Chicago Magazine's reporters on this sophomore effort.
But will they dare to lay to print the common denominator(s) responsible for this triad of mayhem and destruction? Maybe forage a bit deeper and cast a wider net to bring to the mainstream the other factors that have allowed these phenomenons to flourish exponentially for generations?
Tips and clues, all you intrepid reporters looking to cut your teeth or land the next big story. There's plenty of scandal to unearth in: subsidized housing, "free" meal programs at the CPS, the WIC program, the LINK program, "free" medical treatment, subsidized utilities programs...the list is endless.
Basically, start with the theory/hypothesis that
The correlation between all things fucked-up (but too 'uncomfortable to discuss' lest we offend any particular group of those responsible) will soon become crystal clear: multiple children with multiple partners, the acceptance and encouragement of violence as a means of problem solving, total lack of parenting skills, non-existent family structure, rampant alcohol and drug abuse, and little to no consequences for abhorrent and socially unacceptable/unlawful behavior are just a few that come to mind.
Monday through Friday 9 to 5'ers and your everyday Joe Six Pack wouldn't believe what the average "Big City" cop routinely sees. Nothing beats the feeling you get when you arrest an unemployed convicted felon behind the wheel of a 65K BMW while dressed in brand new designer clothing with a LINK card commingled in the wad of $50s & $100s he's got in his pockets. Living "Ghetto Fabulous" and carefree while you work two side jobs to put the kids through Catholic school while wondering if you'll see any semblance of a pension after 30 years of this fucking circus.
Until the mainstream media rebels against the powers that be and starts showing the unedited versions of society's goings on, the blissfully ignorant Sheeple will get what they deserve.
not the police,but i did not know that there are LKs at pulaski and devon??? isn't that pretty much linconwood.
Hush dat loose & crazy talk SCC!
Coppers and "discerning" citizens have known about this for years...
Hmmmm... Possible "hard to refute evidence" as to why this city IS literally rotting from within?
A big clue for all the clueless taxpayers as to why they're being stripped of Police Coverage?
The reason why the current and recent past mayor have pandered to the catered to constituency due to being craven, cowardly wretches.
The reason why the campaign to "take it to The Police... Hard" has found such a deeply rooted and wide spread audience and has such sustained intensity.
The reason why CPD has and is continually being destroyed as a law enforcement entity.
The reason why DECENT PEOPLE are not safe here.
The reason why Illinois DOES NOT HAVE CONCEALED CARRY YET! The political powers that be have a vested interest in maintaining a certain level of chaos & disorder on the streets to keep the decent people hostage, defenseless, distracted and unable to establish a firm defensive beach-head in which to drive the current crop of rotten political muthafuckahs straight to the gallows where even THEY KNOW they're deserving of a good dangle.
Fuck cutting the City Counsel to 25. 17 is right on the money for the good of the taxpayers. Cowardly elected criminals will DO EVERYTHING to stay in power. It's all about them, not the taxpayer.
Heh... Revolution requires an armed populace and a directed source of outrage.
We, the taxpayers who have paid copious freight (and the few of us who have paid in blood, sweat, tears, lost years of good living, sorrow and aggravation) have outrage and grievance in abundance...
The legacy criminal-political & media cabal have no clothes nor do they have any reasonable or plausible deniability so they may as well come clean.
"Yeah, we rooked the system & subverted every reasonable safeguard in addition to making a whore & mockery of common sense & common decency in order to enrich ourselves at everyone else's expense."
As far as the "Mean Season" The Police are having to endure?
The cabal will never admit to fucking up this city trying to fuck over The Policeman.
The really funny thing SCC?
Out of all that has been going on, ya gotta love the native ingenuity of Coppers for literally the maps that illustrate the path to "X marks the spot" or the path to ground zero of fuckery in this town...
The Police are still the enemy...
Regardless of the fact that The Police didn't break "it..."
"It" is far beyond the duty or ability of The Police to fix...
The Policeman mutters "Viva Hate" under his breath as he rolls from call to call...
Viva Hate indeed...
If they keep writing articles like this I will subscribe!!
If this keeps up, we might actually see a new generation of real investigative reporters pointing out uncomfortable truths to the masses, the political masters and even ::gasp:: their editors!
Oh God I hope so!
---not a cop
So basicly all those dots represent shitheads.
Prayers to the families of Firefighter Corey Ankum and Firefighter Edward Stringer who died one year ago while battling a blaze in the South Shore neighborhood.
If you look at that map, then you'll see that there is a small number of Gangster Disciples at about Foster and Cumberland. Yes, in 016- Mayberry of all places!
These pieces of shit don't care that a lot of police officers live there. Why should they? All of our authority and power has been stripped. We are a paper tiger.
Everyone check out this link. How can we help this disabled officer who needs our help? Iowa fucking over the cpd again.,0,7829234.story
Where havwe all the classic white street gangs gone? They just couldn't get into the drug business.
Well according to MY MAYOR AND SUPERINTENT OF POLICE; (it's all) "Smoke and mirrors, everyone in this city knows how crimes is down. They also know how well the gang leader summits have worked. Furthermore our sound public school system, the best in the nation, doesn't have the problems seen in other school systems".
"How does a rag like Chicago Magazine print such rubbish.
They're lucky we don't tax them out of this city".
Next I'd like to see a Daleytown Map and follow the trail around the city where tax money was squandered or given out to Friend & Family. They can start at After School Matter as the centerpoint.
That is amazing. I'm sure it will be completely ignored.
The truth may set us free...HAH !
SCC, looking at the third map and
noting all the schools on probation, the question arises why are we paying such high property
taxes to the Board of Education here in Chicago and children are
failing, functional illiterates,
schools are being closed or converted to charter schools with
selective enrollment, and teachers
are being dismissed, where is all
of the money being spent ? And
Supt. Brizard just raised taxes
again ! Since Daley rode off into
the sunset is the money still being
siphoned-off for TIF's ?
Some independent agency needs to do
an audit to see where the money is
being spent or funneled to.
and you know who's probably the happiest person to see this competition? Joravsky. I'd bet he'd like nothing better than to have 10 other guys like him digging through the shit in this city.
You keep printing this stuff and you might disappear SCC. Be careful the wolves is watchin you all. This is Chicago after all.
1st target.....overheard a2 or 3 million dollar grant was awarded to predictive analysis. But there is no unit that does that anymore. Where will the money be mis appropriated? We'll see if this New York crowd will see if they can fool the rubes here in the midwest.
Daley goes, and those who wanted to kiss his behind no longer have to keep themselves in check to ensure their opportunity to smooch.
This may be a new day after all.
Now let's hope that the TV news twinks - always followers of fashion - will want to get in on the act.
And as much as the Reader's slant may make us crazy, Ben Joravsky is awesome.
Gang map is somewhat off
A resurgence in real journalism would be sweet. It really is a pillar of democracy. But they will not be coming out of the big J-schools.
Should cancel all the subscriptions to scumtimes and tribune and look further into this magazine and reporters. It looks like they actually can use a little facts and logic and make a legitimate point without being censored by the powers yet unknown. Only if this kind of reporting didn't cave in years and years ago...who knows what shape the city/country would've been in???
Are those overlays of Detroit OR Chicago? Hmmmm. Is this a look into the future?
1:19 am>agree ,those two coppers are loads!
Off Topic,but a hearty fuck you to the 018 beat car (I know the beat) that told my son and his girlfriend "We're not tour guides, find it yourselves" when they asked them where the red line station was as they were up near Division earlier this evening,
You two assholes will be hearing from me when I get back into town after seeing my other son who just returned stateside from Afghanistan.
Assholes like you two are part of the reason people hate cops, especially Chicago cops
12/22/2011 01:19:00 AM
LOL OK tough guy. Are you going to meet them outside after school. And guess what they are not tour guides. Tell your kid to buy a city map or next time you can escort him around the city. And tell them to be careful around the red line they have been robbing kids lately.
Off Topic,but a hearty fuck you to the 018 beat car (I know the beat) that told my son and his girlfriend "We're not tour guides, find it yourselves" when they asked them where the red line station was as they were up near Division earlier this evening,
You two assholes will be hearing from me when I get back into town after seeing my other son who just returned stateside from Afghanistan.
Assholes like you two are part of the reason people hate cops, especially Chicago cops
hahaha, typical 018 hardas*. they probably have worked in 018 for the past ten years working on michigan ave and forgot what its like to work in the ghetto(if they even worked in the ghetto). Just another tuff guy who needs to get the sh*t knocked out of him. I cant stand hearing stories like this. Im a copper on the south side and it blows my mind that these guys who work up there are not helpful and happy to work up there. I guess normal people and tourists are wayyyy to much for you to deal with. I guess the bother of questions all day and directions to a particular place in the city are too stressful to you. It must really suck having to go home at night and think about the "terrible" day you had at work. You had to answer a bunch of questions, write some parkers, get some cta checks and maybe arrest a shoplifter or two.. man, it must be hell down there in 018 walking around on the mag mile. I really feel bad for you guys, you got it real tough. I cant stand it when people on this job have a good gig and still act like idiots and cry about it. and if you work in 018 and attempt to reply that 018 is a real sh*thole and it sucks working there because you have to deal with tourists and flashmobs your really going to get made fun of pretty badly. Nobody feels bad for you and will agree with me. You especially wont get any sympathy from a copper stuck in the ghetto or who actually works for a living on this job... got this story makes me furious!!!
"What are you trying to say?
That the public schools are not public schools at all but more like a pre-prison?
You know like we once had pre-schools and these are really pre-prisons right?
12/22/2011 12:32:00 AM"
Think 'Head Start'
Isn't the Mafia a gang?
Just wait until the $94 million D.Rose got, starts trickling down to his G-D Associates in Englewood. If you spend 1 cent of revenue supporting this group of scumbags in the N.B.A. you are part of the problem not the solution. Go Hawks, screw these uncivilized animals.
Good Show Chicago Magazine. It's Nice To Know This Town Has Some Real Reporters. Not Like Those Little Sarcastic Weasel, at The Sun Times.
Not Like His Counter Part, That See's Everything As A Racist Issue.
Keep Up The Good Work Chicago Magazine.
Shouldn't that map of "quality of schools" actually be labeled "quality of students?"
@4.43am. I'm the 1.19am poster and you are a jag balls for trying to defend the 018 coppers.
What's so hard about saying it's two blocks that way on this side of the street? Will it be so hard to try and help someone who obviously is in from out of town or disoriented?
Have you ever gone up to someone who looks lost or needs help and offer yours? Probably not, because your words said all I need to know about you. For all I know,
you're one of the POs that (essentially) told those two people to piss off.
Tour guide is part of your job, as much as locking up a
offender or going to a domestic.
I plan on meeting them and telling them to their face that they need to learn much about being a copper, nothing
more. I've been on this job 26 years, some in the ghetto and some in nice areas. I've always treated people with courtesy, until it wasn't warranted-even on the West Side. You'll be surprised how easy that makes your life on he street.
To those coppers that are concerned about Occupy Chicago learning of their personal information I say do this. Do NOT wear anything on your uniform with your name on it.Nobody needs to know your name especially with so much information out their on the web. Your star number is all they need if they want to beef. And if your Sgt or Lt. demands that you wear one, get a tag with a bogus name for the street and a real one for rollcall.
12/22/2011 04:20:00 PM
I am so glad to hear someone else saying this. It is an archaic vestige that needs to end immediately. As you so aptly pointed out, we already have our star number. The only reason they need my last name is if they want to find me or my family. Any officer that has even a remotely unique name should push for this because with very little information I can find where you live in about 2 minutes.
There is one not-quite-expected thing on the territories map.
The south side gang areas are broad and contiguous. (That huge blob running from 59th to 95th between from Damen to Cottage Grove; the four square miles of GD land in West Pullman, Roseland, and Morgan Park.)
The west side gang areas are much smaller and more scattered. Note how there are a dozen one- and two-block affiliate holdings marked in Austin.
Is this real? (Or an artifact of how Chicago compiled its information? I.e. did they really have that much detail on Austin but nowhere else?)
Just A Civilian (who is curious what the guys on the street think of this map's accuracy)
Marshall Prison Prep H S, enough said.
Off Topic,but a hearty fuck you to the 018 beat car (I know the beat) that told my son and his girlfriend "We're not tour guides, find it yourselves" when they asked them where the red line station was as they were up near Division earlier this evening,
You two assholes will be hearing from me when I get back into town after seeing my other son who just returned stateside from Afghanistan.
Assholes like you two are part of the reason people hate cops, especially Chicago cops
Tell that 018 beat car they are fucking tour guides, its says chicago on the side of their arm and they're being paid. And this being said by an officer that locks mfers up, I've been detailed to 001 & 018 during my career, and I even wore my round crown. People would ask "where is this", "what/where to eat" "How is it" I'd always be polite and give a real answer. Why. because they're decent people, and I have respect.
These cops fuck it up for the rest, a little respect and doing your gd job counts. I hope those two folks are on the jury of their federal trial. Save that cowboy attitude for when it counts, fighting a guy, chasing a criminal, or some one is a real asshole, not to decent hardworking people.
90% percent chance these are the same type of officers that don't stop car loads of gangbangers, and peel off during a fight, or ride jobs all night
To the copper who is upset about the trreatment of his son and girlfriend in the 18th district, this seems to be a trend with rude , ignorant coppers, be it young rookies or older guys, what does it take to answer a question, or give a little bit of help, you have 8 or 9 hours a day to be out there andyou make good money, yes these assholes do deserve to get talked to, but I would call them into the station and have a face to face, embarrass their asses, but you know they will deny it saying something like your kid is a liar, etc. or him and his girlfriend were the assholes. Good luck.
Off Topic,but a hearty fuck you to the 018 beat car (I know the beat) that told my son and his girlfriend "We're not tour guides, find it yourselves" when they asked them where the red line station was as they were up near Division earlier this evening,
Nice. Two do nothing assholes can't give some directions? It's serve and protect. Serve. Is it so hard to be nice? To be helpful? This is embarrassing.
And to the person defending this shit? You're an asshole too.
What a great idea! A magazine that tells the truth. Keep it up Chicago Magazine and you will out-circulate the State run Media Papers.
How about adding a layer showing average number of kids per adult female where birth certificate shows father as unknown.
I don't see many problems in the areas occupied by the Insane Fish?
WHEN IN DOUBT BLAME THE POLICE!is the tide gonna finally turn in OUR FAVOR!
And guess what they are not tour guides. Tell your kid to buy a city map or next time you can escort him around the city. And tell them to be careful around the red line they have been robbing kids lately.
12/22/2011 04:43:00 PM
Do you wonder why the public doesn't support cops? These weren't some scumbag IR numbers, these are decent and law abiding citizens asking for directions. That, you stupid motherfucker, IS a part of your job. Sitting in a squad car, and way to cool to vice someone directions. What a fucking pair of strokes, and what a king primo jagoff you are to defend such idiots.
This one is absolutely unconscionable, strokes like you make me embarassed to be in law enforcement. Remember asshole, thats the jury pool you are too high and mighty to point to an el stop.
I live in that beat in 18 by Clark and Division, and fuck being a "tour guide" - what happened to just being a person helping out another human being?
--No Cop Here
LOL OK tough guy. Are you going to meet them outside after school. And guess what they are not tour guides. Tell your kid to buy a city map or next time you can escort him around the city. And tell them to be careful around the red line they have been robbing kids lately.
12/22/2011 04:43:00 PM
You must of been one of them working that beat who couldnt even be bothered with a simple question.
Off Topic,but a hearty fuck you to the 018 beat car (I know the beat) that told my son and his girlfriend "We're not tour guides, find it yourselves" when they asked them where the red line station was as they were up near Division earlier this evening,
You two assholes will be hearing from me when I get back into town after seeing my other son who just returned stateside from Afghanistan.
Assholes like you two are part of the reason people hate cops, especially Chicago cops
12/22/2011 01:19:00 AM
LOL OK tough guy. Are you going to meet them outside after school. And guess what they are not tour guides. Tell your kid to buy a city map or next time you can escort him around the city. And tell them to be careful around the red line they have been robbing kids lately.
Why are you such a jerk? Would have killed you or even cost you a dime to be nice??? How would you like it if it was your wife/mother/elderly parent/child that asked for simple directions and got that response?? Or if you needed some information on Department procedure and the copper said "the orders are on-line, go look it up yourself" Or you are getting your ass kicked and you ask some passerby to help and he says "Why don't you call on your radio?"
"Will Neil Steinberg call out Chicago Magazine as being racist? Criticize them for telling the truth?"
--12/22/2011 12:23:00 AM
Stop about this Steinberg. Third-rate cockroach, yet he makes a squeak and it echoes for weeks and weeks.
Slap him in the chops when needed, and the rest of the time ignore him. Every extraneous word goes to build his tiny little personal legend of "controversial firebrand" or something.
To those coppers that are concerned about Occupy Chicago learning of their personal information I say do this. Do NOT wear anything on your uniform with your name on it.Nobody needs to know your name especially with so much information out their on the web. Your star number is all they need if they want to beef. And if your Sgt or Lt. demands that you wear one, get a tag with a bogus name for the street and a real one for rollcall.
12/22/2011 04:20:00 PM
I am so glad to hear someone else saying this. It is an archaic vestige that needs to end immediately. As you so aptly pointed out, we already have our star number. The only reason they need my last name is if they want to find me or my family. Any officer that has even a remotely unique name should push for this because with very little information I can find where you live in about 2 minutes.
12/22/2011 06:23:00 PM
You know there is only one problem not wearing your your star and name. that is, the fucking department will be more worried about writing you up even when we are dealing with assholes destroying things and looting, know that they are saying inspectors are coming back. i cant wait for the anarchy to begin. Here let me thank all the anarchist to cause a disaster and make 9.5 look bad. Thank you.
Off Topic,but a hearty fuck you to the 018 beat car (I know the beat) that told my son and his girlfriend "We're not tour guides, find it yourselves" when they asked them where the red line station was as they were up near Division earlier this evening,
You two assholes will be hearing from me when I get back into town after seeing my other son who just returned stateside from Afghanistan.
Assholes like you two are part of the reason people hate cops, especially Chicago cops
12/22/2011 01:19:00 AM
My mom and dad had a similar situation. They asked a cop at the Chicago brown line stop for directions and he flipped out on them. Then as he walked away he said "fucking foreigners should leave my country!". My parents are Filipino.
I work in a busy district and I always treat people with respect. Once they act stupid or are disrespectful to me, THEN IT'S ON! But this goes to all police officers- treat everyone with respect and kindness.
Off Topic,but a hearty fuck you to the 018 beat car (I know the beat) that told my son and his girlfriend "We're not tour guides, find it yourselves" when they asked them where the red line station was as they were up near Division earlier this evening,
You two assholes will be hearing from me when I get back into town after seeing my other son who just returned stateside from Afghanistan.
Assholes like you two are part of the reason people hate cops, especially Chicago cops
12/22/2011 01:19:00 AM
LOL OK tough guy. Are you going to meet them outside after school. And guess what they are not tour guides. Tell your kid to buy a city map or next time you can escort him around the city. And tell them to be careful around the red line they have been robbing kids lately.
12/22/2011 04:43:00 PM
Listen to yourself, you mean spirited asshole. It's beneath us to point a couple of people in the right direction??? Wow, that thirty seconds of informational conversation would have totally depleted the energy of those two beat guys, huh?
But you'd be the first guy to bitch if YOUR kid was dissed by these two goofs.
Guys, it costs nothing to BE HELPFUL and maybe even a little KIND to someone who looks to the police as a resource and an authority figure.
Remember how we all brought our kids up to go to a policeman when they need help? You know, someone you can TRUST to help you?
Well, now YOU'RE the police officers, so try to BE the person we all want civilians to respect.
Off Topic,but a hearty fuck you to the 018 beat car (I know the beat) that told my son and his girlfriend "We're not tour guides, find it yourselves" when they asked them where the red line station was as they were up near Division earlier this evening...
I have had good experiences in the past, when I might have needed a brief lift to the train after parking in the station, trying to find a specific location (when in an unfamiliar district). Aside from being in 018 or maybe North and Damen, most OTHER coppers have NOT been arrogant and HAVE extended themselves. BTW, The Starbucks at Armitage and Sheffield sometimes looks like an 018 district sub station with baseball hats on way too tight as the fightin 018 aggressively drinks their free coffee!!
Alright already, we are sorry. We didn't mean to be rude to your kids, but they caught us at a bad time. You don't seem to understand or know the horror that we see everyday. Let me try to explain. Just before we encountered your children we were assigned a job over at State and Division in which we had to write seven parkers. Seven. Both of us. Before that we had to stop at Clark and Division and get a CTA check. The station agent seemed to be mad at us for some reason. And just before that we were inside that Star Bucks at Dearborn and Division drinking our coffee when some bum walked in and interupted our coffee break. We had to cut our break to 20 minutes because we couldn't stand his stench any longer. That's when we encountered your children. We were really upset with all the things we had to do that day and your children asking us a question just put us over the top. We were on our way in for checkoff and as you can see, we had a very busy and stressful day. I didn't mention the other jobs we had like the barking dog complaint or the noise disturbance at Holy Name catheral. That darn priest is always banging his bells. I didn't want to appear as though I'm bragging about what a fast district 018 is but as you can see, it's pretty busy there.So we are sorry. It will never happen again.
I guess judging from the Chicago Magazine photo these must be white gangs?
The coppers in 018 were assholes, but you get them everywhere. But to the guy on the south side, guess what, coppers on the north side are still Chicago Police, they make just as much as you, and many spent their time in the ghetto but were smart enough to get out and breathe. Keep running from one shithead domestic to another while applauding yourself as the "real" police. I know, your shitheads are badder than ours. Well guess what? Nobody gives a shit. There are some real nice places to work north, with real victims and people who actually like the police. Try it, you might make a real difference someday.
I'd like to thanks all the CPD officers who directed traffic under North Ave and I-94 last Saturday for that truck crash. It made the job a lot easier.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you, may your New Year be safe and prosperous.
00 PM
Anonymous said...
Off Topic,but a hearty fuck you to the 018 beat car (I know the beat) that told my son and his girlfriend "We're not tour guides, find it yourselves" when they asked them where the red line station was as they were up near Division earlier this evening,
You two assholes will be hearing from me when I get back into town after seeing my other son who just returned stateside from Afghanistan.
Assholes like you two are part of the reason people hate cops, especially Chicago cops
12/22/2011 01:19:00 AM
Is this another empty threat on a blog or will you really "talk" to the officers? After all, CPD has been reduced to customer care and assisting lost children in 018. Your son must be a precious saint, sensitive and naieve. But you will be the role model and show leadership skills by telling off the officers. I would love to see this encounter,
On the subject of the asshole posting from the "my belly is full" 018th district. My daughter attended UofI in Champaign, asked a copper for directions he gave them to her and her girlfriend, they were walking and 3 animals grabbed them and attempted to rape them, daughter broker free called 911, the first copper on scene was you guessed it the copper who gave her directions. He told me when call came out about the 2 females he remembered them,they got the animals.
A little bit of kindness, to the taxpaying people goes far,as a matter of fact from a 28 year vet,if you treat everyone decently until it becomes time to be the "real police" you can go far! You want to be the tough guy living in mom's basement expect a creer of cr numbers,lawsuits,indictments and prison!
Off Topic,but a hearty fuck you to the 018 beat car (I know the beat) that told my son and his girlfriend "We're not tour guides, find it yourselves" when they asked them where the red line station was as they were up near Division earlier this evening...
Stories like this, if it is accurate, make me sad and ashamed. These aholes should be suspended.
I retired after 34 years of working in lousy districts ( promotions kept me in these places). I always tried to help people who deserved help and treated everyone with respect until they signaled they do not deserve such courtesy. I have been burned a few times trying to help people ( pushed a car that had broken down to the side during a freezing blizzArd. Then the good citizen filed a traffic accident report and blamed me for the damage that was already there. Every cop has had bad experiences helping people, but that is no reason to be such an ignorant, cold haarted, lazy sob as these two officers in 018. In the old days , before senority, I would have had their asses transferred to 002.
Off Topic,but a hearty fuck you to the 018 beat car (I know the beat) that told my son and his girlfriend "We're not tour guides, find it yourselves" when they asked them where the red line station was as they were up near Division earlier this evening,
You two assholes will be hearing from me when I get back into town after seeing my other son who just returned stateside from Afghanistan.
Assholes like you two are part of the reason people hate cops, especially Chicago cops
12/22/2011 01:19:00 AM
Who cares? You want confront them, then confront them. You also could of called the 018 district and talk to them over the phone that night or the next day, but you put it on the blog instead. There is no chance your son was a being a smart ass in front of his girlfriend? Of course not. No man would raise a kid capable of being a smart ass that would run and cry on the blog about a bad policeman from 018 not carrying his little angel on his shoulders to his destination. Your not be going to meet anyone anywhere, because if that was your intention then you would have done it.
Maybe they can strap on a better, more imporved pair and call out a frigin Congresman.... Luis Gutierrez and why his name keeps popping up with ties to certain cartel folks... Saw it, heard it first hand so I'm not throwing shit.
I wouldn't get a phony name tag, those occupiers like to take everyone's picture and that could get you in a shit heap of trouble. Just wear the star.
@1231am,,,,,,,sure Neil, anytime.
Anonymous said...
Just wait until the $94 million D.Rose got, starts trickling down to his G-D Associates in Englewood. If you spend 1 cent of revenue supporting this group of scumbags in the N.B.A. you are part of the problem not the solution. Go Hawks, screw these uncivilized animals.
12/22/2011 05:29:00 PM
OK - I'm guessing you are one of the "new" Blackhawks fans. Those of us that have worked in Englewood for more than a couple years will tell you 1) it is a ghetto & we should get out of there & 2) Derrick Rose is a good kid. Got news for ya, check IClear etc. Patrick Kane has had more trouble with the law than D-Rose has. Fact!
Anonymous said...
00 PM
Anonymous said...
Off Topic,but a hearty fuck you to the 018 beat car (I know the beat) that told my son and his girlfriend "We're not tour guides, find it yourselves" when they asked them where the red line station was as they were up near Division earlier this evening,
You two assholes will be hearing from me when I get back into town after seeing my other son who just returned stateside from Afghanistan.
Assholes like you two are part of the reason people hate cops, especially Chicago cops
12/22/2011 01:19:00 AM
Is this another empty threat on a blog or will you really "talk" to the officers? After all, CPD has been reduced to customer care and assisting lost children in 018. Your son must be a precious saint, sensitive and naieve. But you will be the role model and show leadership skills by telling off the officers. I would love to see this encounter,
12/23/2011 11:23:00 AM
His kid must be the only teenager around that does not know how to use his smartphone!
If you look at that map, then you'll see that there is a small number of Gangster Disciples at about Foster and Cumberland. Yes, in 016- Mayberry of all places!
These pieces of shit don't care that a lot of police officers live there. Why should they? All of our authority and power has been stripped. We are a paper tiger.
I can attest to those pieces of shit GD's living at Foster and Cumberland. I live there. There are also some Latin Kings and some other ridiculous outfit in the same area. Been here for years. They all moved here when they (WAIT FOR IT...) tore down Cabrini Green. Section 8 opened up around Delphia 2 blocks west of Cumberland and they took advantage of it.
So far I have been a victim of at least 3 separate crimes from these buffoons. Thanks DALEY!!!
Off Topic,but a hearty fuck you to the 018 beat car (I know the beat) that told my son and his girlfriend "We're not tour guides, find it yourselves" when they asked them where the red line station was as they were up near Division earlier this evening,
You two assholes will be hearing from me when I get back into town after seeing my other son who just returned stateside from Afghanistan.
Assholes like you two are part of the reason people hate cops, especially Chicago cops
12/22/2011 01:19:00 AM
Who cares? You want confront them, then confront them. You also could of called the 018 district and talk to them over the phone that night or the next day, but you put it on the blog instead. There is no chance your son was a being a smart ass in front of his girlfriend? Of course not. No man would raise a kid capable of being a smart ass that would run and cry on the blog about a bad policeman from 018 not carrying his little angel on his shoulders to his destination. Your not be going to meet anyone anywhere, because if that was your intention then you would have done it.
I know that I have always told my kids to be nice to the police, support the police and trust the police. I tell them if they get into trouble or need help find a police officer and ask them for help. But this is cpd, the department of EGOs. A department where everyone thinks they are awesome and too good for anything. There are way too many softballs, hairgels and as*holes who think they are too good to be nice to regular people. If this was my kid in this situation I would give the copper a call.. and yes, I would tell him to go f*ck himself. Im not saying my kids are angels but they are regular kids who are not smartasses especially to the police...because he knows that If I found him smarting off to the police or getting out of line with an officer I would beat his a**... Just as my father who was a police officer back in the day would have done. But I see all of the comments here blaming the Kid and saying he must have been a smarta&s and was probably a little punk.. Nah, Ive worked in this department long enough to know that many of the royalty working down in 001 and 018 cant be bothered with questions. Hell, ive asked a copper before where something was downtown and gotten the typical piece of sh*t attitude and smart ass remarks... I laughed right in his face called him a fuc*ing tool and walked away.. He must have had ten years or so on and looked like a deer in the headlights..No I didnt tell him I was the police because I wasnt gonna argue with this little punk. Back in the day coppers actually treated decent hardworking people with respect and helped them out.. especially people who were coming to them for help... Now, coppers are nothing but attitude, all tattood up, hair gel and the Im awesome ego. They think they have to be a robot and hardass to everyone that talks to them. 3 more years and Im out of this department and city... Im disgusted with some of the idiots on this job. The kid deserved to get a straight answer and to get some help from the copper... Its a simple question, it deserves a simple answer, not some tough guy bullsh*t... You people wonder why we are hated. Dont forget... everyone you look bad to, motherf*ck, give an attitude to and screw with is a potential juror at a working coppers civil trial one day.. never forget that.
12/23/2011 11:23:00 AM
You jackass....its a code of conduct requirement to act professionally at all times...
Making that particular comment is proof that 018 cops Failed at being Professional in their conduct with Citizen's.
12/22/2011 04:45:00 PM
I hear ya.
Poor 018 Cops...Run around all shift trying to get Rush hour and Street Cleaning parkers before the Mouthbreathers from revenue get to them.
Walk up and down the gold coast streets checking meters or sitting on the corner watching the cars that their buddies are parking illegally at their side jobs up and down Chestnut and Rush and Walton and Delaware streets. Or Ignoring the cars the Bentley Dealership park on the Sidewalk.
If this really bothers you this much than you should go to 18, file a beef, or get over it. If a copper told me he's not a tour guide I would chalk it up to him being busy, not knowing where my destination was ,or a jagoff. Either one is not be a surprise and either one would not ruin my fucking day. If he was a tourguide, then I would be pissed. If he was motherfucking your kid, then I could understand, this I cannot.
After School Matters,Cease Fire, Boy they really have made a Difference.
As shown on the local news, After School Matters made a difference for a few artistically and musically talented students.
Re: Joravsky
Unfortunately, Joravsky still votes Democratic and said so, while defending his vote for Patay Quinn. :(
Re: White Gangs
Changing neigborhoods, integration with Black and Hispanic gangs, parenthood and old age contributed to the demise of White gangs.
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Just wait until the $94 million D.Rose got, starts trickling down to his G-D Associates in Englewood. If you spend 1 cent of revenue supporting this group of scumbags in the N.B.A. you are part of the problem not the solution. Go Hawks, screw these uncivilized animals.
12/22/2011 05:29:00 PM
Have you ever met DRose? You are an ignorant bastard! So the NHL is pure and clean? STFU!!!
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