City Sticker Controversy Continues
We're going to delay some other posts we had ready to go tonight in order to give the "gang artwork contest" a bit more play. Here are some helpful links to follow this disaster in progress:
This just might spell the end of the city sticker design contest.
A solid color box with a license number, bar code and permit parking number is the next step.
And just for fun, here's Rahm meeting with the self-admitted gang banging designer:

A solid color box with a license number, bar code and permit parking number is the next step.
And just for fun, here's Rahm meeting with the self-admitted gang banging designer:

Labels: un-fucking-fucking-believable
hilarious!....this town is truly the laughingstock of the entire country.and what a pile of crap *this* little student is.can't wait for the scum-times columnists to start defending him.
great job,scc and dlsc.
To paraphrase the English as a second language skit from Monty Python:
"My Nipples are Exploding with Delight".
You just gotta figure 9.5 finger Rahm is having a fit.
Wait till this goes national.
This picture should be saved and trotted out by whomever 9.5's opponent is in the next election. Too fucking funny, and only in this city.
Can this city do anything without completely fucking it up? Just go to show you that many of the people of Chicago go completely retarded whenever they're asked to vote for something.
Just proves yet again that this city continues to be run by brain dead buffoons.
Chicago has become world class...A world class laughingstock.
Who caught this, by the way?
I've been saying for years we have giving the ciy to the gangs a long time ago.
I heard the new star will have the same design.
Looks like he is throwing down the fork in the picture with the Ballerino Mayor.
off topic: I -think- this vid has something to do with the G8 protest:
check out some of those comments... stay safe out there
hmmm....tried viewing the honor students fb. not having any luck - all show page not found. tried many different ways. His pop definitely looks to be a real "winner".
"This just might spell the end of the city sticker design contest."
If that is so, we have all done a good evening's work here.
"A solid color box with a license number, bar code and permit parking number is the next step."
A city seal would be OK, and change the main ink color every year.
That's it. We're in a depression. No time or money for this foolishness.
It's for the gang banging children. Here is your $100 speeding fine chumps.
How soon will there be saint candles flickering, teddy bears, yellow ribbons, empty liquor bottles at the mouth of some alley for this idiot kid?
County Morgue's full up. Gotta bring your own plastic bag if you wanna get in these days...
What goes around does come around. All these smart ass Einsteins at City Hall think they can do anything they want and then spin their way out of trouble. I love the pic with Racoon Eyes and the little Gangbanger. No wonder he is smiling. These are the same geniuses who are going to be running the G8 summit. If this is an example of how they plan things we will be in for one hell of a long week. How does it feel to get the big one stuck up your ass Racoon! I just LOVE IT!!!
Why would the Democratic Machine care? These are the people that get them into office every election. Until the police and their families register and actually take the time to go and vote, expect more of the same.
Looks like Racoon Eyes will have to dump all those Gangbanger stickers and make some new ones. Maybe he can hold a contest down in the 7th district for the best sticker design. That should be interesting. The reason the City Clerk got fooled is because the city bends over backward to hand out the sticker prize to some Ghetto yoot to show how compassionate our leaders are. How about just a plain old American flag or Chicago city flag on the sticker. Fuck all this weird art shit. Old Glory will do just fine.
This is not a new phenomena. This has occurred on US military installations too. There has been several incidents were covertly placed gang signs/insignia were placed on 8'x4' command made Christmas display cards that were prominently displayed,until discovered. To the unwary, untrained eye there are all kinds of innocuous signs,symbology and affiliations displayed.
Look on the bright side. If you tag your car with this MLD sticker, you get the right to blow through the red light and speeding camera intersections and keep weed and pistols in your vehicle. You don't need a license or insurance either.
Demz da rulez, G.
As we were watching these reports tonite, the spouse asked why Suzie didn't just google the nominees, could have saved herself a lot of grief.
Who do you think he passed the blunt to.
Wow. Rahm sure looks stupid now. I guess the Jersey guy should have known about this.
If J-Fled didn't catch it with his vast experience and position with the Chicago Crime Commission, no one can be blamed.
What if they had asked a lowly cop? Oh, wait. They can't be experts in anything. Only the politically connected can be the elites in this town.
Brilliant Mayor ..hahaha..
Picking the winners and losers -- you've outdone yourself.
So what's next... an immigrant full ride scholarship for a city college welding class??
Is it me or is one of those hands in the artwork missing a digit?
If that city sticker goes out, every single Chicago Police Officer should refuse to write citations for no or improper display of city stickers.
Richie Daley has to be laughing his ass off looking out of his window in brother Billy's Michigan Ave. condo. Even this stupid stuttering prick would have caught this sticker design before they produced thousands of them. Now the city will have to destroy these stickers and eat the cost. I mean we the taxpayers will have to eat the cost and like it. The more money these corrupt bastard politicians get the more they piss away. Bring on the Speed Cameras!
What's the over/under for this "troubled youth's" first felony conviction?
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This one will generate millions. The Racoon looks like a complete fool! Good!
and of course standing right next to " little c " is none other than our illustrious mayor, tiny dancer--- racoon eyes is looking a little skinny these days--- that stress is a killer.....
There/their is no way that I'm going to put one of those fucking stickers on my IROC-Z!
Well, unless I'm threatened to get dumped off the tac team, then I'd put it on. It could be worse, at least it's not representing the Almighty Gaylords or the Simon City Royals.
OMG...This exemplifies exactly what that reverend in seven is talking about.
The mayor doesn't understand the people and the culture in his community.
We need someone that grew up with these gangs to run this city no? That knows how the gangs talk, walk, wear their pants, hold their fingers a certain way and stuff.
Crime in Cgo is outrageous but city has contests for stupid things like this.....
Close down the contest, get the kid to donate the money to charity....stop with future contests....and make stickers for many years, not just for one year.....end of story.....
Things that make you go hmmm...
Present family name : PULGAR
Forname : HERBERT
Sex : Male
Date of birth : 01/08/1969 (42 years old)
Place of birth : ILLINOIS , United states
Language spoken : Spanish , English
Nationality : United states, Venezuela
Categories of Offences : Drug-related crimes, Drug-related crimes, Crimes involving the use of weapons/explosives , Drug-related crimes, Drug-related crimes, Drug-related crimes
Wanted by : United states, CHICAGO / ILLINOIS
The City of Chicago has to be really stupid if they
have to ask this question!
Congratulations to Shaved for immediately identifying the gang representation and for posting the city sticker. And thank you to SCC for following up and posting asap.
The cop's every day job of being vigiliant to identify and investigate a criminal act in progress, once again crushes the egos of the 6 figure paid suits running this city and police department.
Congratulations on a job well done! I'd like to buy a round of ribbon bars for everybody!
Go to shaved site and look at the pictures of little herbie's father. After that go to interpols website and look up herbert pulgar (or just do a name search like i did). You'll notice it's the same guy!! Apparently young herbie's father is wanted for, you guessed it, drug trafficking!!! Lmfao...this just keeps getting better!!
Bearick LOVES big guns:
I feel bad for the Mayor. He didn't know he was being duped. His intention to choose a sticker that honors public safety was honorable and I give him credit for that.
Rahm, you and McPissbum,and jody the unethical theiving coward ,couldnt tell a maniac latin disciple from an Insane Busboy. You stupid fucking idiots.
Another incredible victory for the working police and SCC. Proven time and time again to be the only smart people in this stinking town. Oh and Frank Main..Chuck Goudie.... Go Fuck Yourselves.
Here is a thought Mr. Mayor: Let a child of a dead police officer, fireman or paramedic draw the sticker and get the $1000.00.
After the last couple of years, there are more than a few. They have plenty of time too because, you know, it's not like they are doing stuff with their dead parent. With the shortage of manpower those kids will have lots of company too.
As always, thanks Mr. Mayor, for this whole embarrassing mess. And thanks for empowering a gang that recently killed a police officer. So much for 'blowing them up'.
So, the printing of the decals is on hold. Any chance we could just run with a photo of the skyline and let it go at that? Enough of the nonsense.
Here is the women defending the little banger.
Jill Watson, Director of Communications
Lawrence Hall Youth Services
(312) 456-2490 (office)
(773) 457-8288 (cell)
Why does he have the John Hancock building front and center instead of our tallest building the Willis tower?
Yeah Nobama use THAT photo in your re-election campaign. Then Mendoza backing away on Channel 9 last night stating it was the VOTERS who voted the winner - corrupt jagoffs never heard of vetting?
--No Cop Here
Does Mendoza know the Pulgar family?
LAWSUIT being put together as I write . Citizens of Chicago who have retained a talented attorney. If the city tries to force this MANIAC LATIN DISCIPLES sticker on their employers;CHICAGOANS the City of Chicago will suffer a lengthy and embrassing legal battle. MENDOZA must be removed from her post as City Clerk , effective immediately.
Damn...."Second city cop blog" HAS REPORTED ..... moving up in the world.
Not a cop
Next year the Latin Kings better get the city sticker, or there will be hell to pay!
How stupid are politicians, we're screwed
After an e-mail to the City Clerks office last night, I received a response this morning saying - "We are looking into this and awaiting the finding of the Chicago Police Department".
....and now the city and the county have an anti-violence coordinating committee! That's fighting fire with fire - more money down the drain!
........disrespecting authority with a smile as big as all out doors! None of the Harvard whiz kids bothered to check this kid's Facebook page? Talk about "out of touch."
I loved J-FLED's analysis on WGN-TV last night.
They had him on the phone - he should have been on TV in person. (more entertaining)
"Mr. Gang Expert".....Bwhhaahahahhhahhha.
Oh and Julie Unruh gave her two cents too. She has that "Brawndo has Electrolytes" intelligence about her. (Watch movie, Idiocracy if you don't know the quote)
Not a LEO, JAFO.
5:06 - Commander - get over it. You still have the detail.
Chicago 2012
Strategy meeting at City Hall or meeting of Chicago TV Journalists? You decide.
Not a LEO, JAFO.
Live and Die Ghetto Strong.
The Chicago Legacy.
Whoops there it is....for the children.
Tax dollars going to support herb dilla's art expression, wait until your 2nd installment and see that Brizzard & Quinn have cooked up for "education".
I think this image would make a fine city sticker
Fucking priceless! Tiny dancer has got to be jumping on his desk screaming that McNutty and Mendoza are on his official dump list.
He is going to make a lot people fall on this sword. He is probably standing out on LaSalle St with a line of his minions waiting to throw them under the CTA LaSalle Street bus.
Karma, baby, karma!
Little Herbie pulgar was locked up in Oct of 11 for Robbery, his I clear has his affiliation as Maniac Latin Disciple and now his FB page has conveniently disappeared. I t is obvious to us lowly Patrolmen that the heart is the one used by the D's and the firemans helmet and police hat are the horns along with the forks being thrown up!
"A solid color box with a license number, bar code and permit parking number is the next step."
And don't forget the obligatory "Rahm Emanuel, Mayor" inscription.
The idiot politicians have been putting their names on everything for years (e.g. Open Road Tolling - Rod Blagojevich, Governor), but their names never appear on parking tickets, movers and I'll bet Rahm's name is nowhere to be seen on red light or speed camera tickets.
Too bad he won't take responsibility for those.
rahm you were had like a WestSide Biatch
Just be glad that we have such a high quality police executive like Gerry McCarthy in charge. Just imagine what would happen if he was not in the process of obliterating the mlds.
/sarcasm off
Re: Interpol - in one of pop's Fb postings he talks about having to go to court because the US is "still" trying to extradite him while he is having a good old time down there in Venezuela.
Hey: was Second City Cop the "unnamed" police website which broke this story? Just curious. If not, who did?
I'll take 10 ticket violations over paying the sticker fee to drive around with fuk'ng gangbanger shit on my car!!
The picture of Herb Dilla and TD 9.5 is freaking priceless! I am blowing it up and putting it in a frame! Our leader! Priceless!
And, no doubt, there will be an ass-kicking at City Hall today. Be careful walking down LaSalle Street because a body or two just might come flying out of one of the upper floor windows!
NEWSFLASH- It is now National News!!! Dallas TX. Green Bay,Wi. Los Angeles,Calif. the list goes on...has Presidential Implications as well.... Obammma's pals from Chicago are incompetent. Rahm embarrassed everyone. Look for the GOP to exploit the Rahm, Obamma, Daley ties. Go Solyndra!!!
I feel bad for the Mayor. He didn't know he was being duped. His intention to choose a sticker that honors public safety was honorable and I give him credit for that.
2/08/2012 05:06:00 AM
You are an idiot. It's called due diligence and TD 9.5 is so arrogant he doesn't feel the need to vet anything because he knows better than anyone else. Ha! Fuck him, and you.
We need someone that grew up with these gangs to run this city no? That knows how the gangs talk, walk, wear their pants, hold their fingers a certain way and stuff.
2/08/2012 01:43:00 AM
Ric Flair for Mayor!
Can I get an AMEN?!
Or, at least, an uh-huh?
Who caught this, by the way?
2/08/2012 12:23:00 AM
Before casting stones
I do recall a 15y.o. Without a gun, badge or ID assigned a radio a car and responding to calls.
Just sayin
Quoted from Sun-Times:
"Ten police officers were on the committee that selected Pulgar's work as a finalist..."
Makes you wonder if those cops were just there paying lip service, or if they were really that stupid in not making the connection. Sad and laughable at the same time, either way.
As a non-cop semi-regular reader, I'm disappointed you guys aren't being given credit by name on the media reports. Are the major outlets prone to limit your credibility by just saying "blogger?" And are any of the outlets doing the right thing and mentioning SCC by name?
you should see the Office of legal affairs article regarding the SUPER uploaded 29 JAN 12. They clearly didnt read it. It's out of New Jersey where they are saying mcCarthy was not afterall the right guy for the job! Look it up on the Office of Legal Affairs web page.
It's on Drudge Report as well!
Dear SCC:
I just called the city clerk's office, and spoke to "Amanda." I gave her my name, and told her I am a Chicago Police Officer. I stated that this proposed sticker design, full of gang symbols, is horrific and unacceptable. I told Amanda that the juvenile gang-banger who designed the sticker is a self-admitted drug dealer and member of the Maniac Latin Disciples, a gang responsible for the murder of innocent children in our city.
I also told Amanda that it is also reprehensible that Chicago police officers, who frequently take enforcement action against gang members, would be forced to display gang signs, via this sticker, on their personal vehicles. I demanded that the city clerk choose an alternate design, and asked what this new design would be.
Amanda stated that the clerk's office has only recently discovered the problem with the design, and that the sticker has not reached the stage of "full production." When pressed on the importance of discarding this design and picking a new one, Amanda said, "we're still evaluating what to do."
The City Clerk has a very simple solution, suggested by other readers: just get rid of this silly annual "art" project, and go with the city flag or photo of the city skyline, changing the background color every year.
A 15 year old kid and his thug family show America that the city of Chicago is run by a bunch of clowns. How ironic its exposed by police blogs that city politicians have called insignificant. In reality your police blogs seem to be the only truly significant news media in Chicago.
This kid is a known MLD from 014th and was locked up for Robbery, didn't our Supt. Declare war on the MLD's
Any word from Supernintendo McDrinky about phasing in 'Operation Obliteration 2' yet?
That misguided would Mendoza said in the trib that every artist has a back story and sometimes artwork is controversial. What a useless pile of baby shit. She wanted this little thug to win. That is all.
Just to clarify. A heart or a heart with horns is used repeatedly by the selpicsiD, refuse to spell it correctly after locking so many of these jag offs up.
Each one of the hands is throwing up the pitch forks of the selpicsiD.
Every time you see the color blue it is accompanied by black (the selpicsiD colors)no exceptions, think that’s just a coincidence?
Conviently the Chicago flag displays six pointed stars the same six pointed star that the selpicsiD use.
Three largest buildings form the pitchfork symbol.
This is only what you can see with the naked eye. Give this photo to the FBI lab and it probably says when i die show no pity bury me in gd city braze a 6 point star upon my chest and tell king revooH I done my best. This guy Jody is the head of our crime commission and worked for the FBI. You've got to be kidding me. No wonder they are the same agency that dropped the ball concerning the intell on the 9/11 attacks. Got a crime and want it solved call a Chicago police Officer. If it wasn't for the Chicago Police officers detailed to the FBI they would never solve a crime. We may not have all your college mill degrees but we do know a criminal when we see one and their gang symbols, we run towards the man with the gun and know how to neutralize the threat. A gang guy.
Who caught this, by the way?
2/08/2012 12:23:00 AM
Think it was Shaved.
The Red Eye did a short 2 column write up that was about the same info as what SCC wrote the other day.
little Herbert's father:
Had this youngster had speed cameras in his neighborhood growing up none of this would've happened. Because its for the children right tiny dancer.
Suburban copper here, love the city but what the fuck is going on?????? Weather the storm my brothers, its going to get worse before it gets any better. When the Big Mac calls a "broken arrow" at the G8 massacre, we'll come running. For you guys, not them. What a bunch of dueche bags.
Somebody get that rock biter to a dentist. Fucking teeth looks like a shark smiling.
Another shinning example of our incompetent leadership! Certaintly didn't surprise me- I'm sure Rahm was thrilled about his photo op with this gang-banger wanna-be, until he found out about his background. It would've made sense to do a little homework before choosing the winner but as many have stated before, the fools running this city do not live in reality and have their heads so far up their asses they're sniffing their tonsils. Our city administrators and it's mayor are not fit to manage an ant farm! And that Lawrence Hall facility (Bt 2031) is nothing but a thorn in our ass- we get calls for police service there all night long; missings, mental transports, fights... the list goes on. And these 13-15yr old "kids" are the size of gorillas- unreal. The whole place is a deathtrap- police can't get in, unless buzzed in, but the delinquents can walk out anytime no problem- one day a staff member or officer is going to get seriously hurt or worse because of it. Did I mention they also give these kids cell phones, courtesy of OUR tax dollars?!? And they announced in roll call that bt 2031 has high rate of robberies between 4pm-8pm - maybe because the beat car is constantly tied up with calls at lawrence hall! Residents on bt 2031 should be royally pissed-off!
Present family name : PULGAR
Forname : HERBERT
Sex : Male
Date of birth : 01/08/1969 (42 years old)
Place of birth : ILLINOIS , United states
Language spoken : Spanish , English
Nationality : United states, Venezuela
Categories of Offences : Drug-related crimes, Drug-related crimes, Crimes involving the use of weapons/explosives , Drug-related crimes, Drug-related crimes, Drug-related crimes
Wanted by : United states, CHICAGO / ILLINOIS
2/08/2012 02:43:00 AM
Venezuelans, huh?
I can dig it.
Now will somebody go get a warrant and pick this a__hole up in time for the 5 PM news tonight?
Remember from the photos on Shaved -- ARMED AND DANGEROUS. Big pistols, high-capacity magazines, three or four men may be in there.
Get dose balaclavas on. A one, and a two, and a t'ree...
All this talking aint shit if yall dont recall the mayor and the other idiots who run the city.
I heard Quinn is a member of "Rahm's Disciples" that's why he passed speed camera legislation. J-Fled is an "RD" too, he was told to say this city sticker looks normal to him so as to not further embarass the leader. McSup got his violation into the RD's, that's why crime has reportedly gone down since the leader came to power.
I asked my kid if there was anything wrong with this sticker, and if he could see anything that looked like gang signs.. He replied "yea the hands and the 6 pointed star."
South side Irish kid who went to Catholic school, picked it out like that.
And NO he is not in any gang ,but OUR WHITE KIDS are subjected to this HORSE SHIT, and its a disgrace that he even knew this. Back in our day we didnt worry of colors or hand configurations, or 6 pointed stars... I wouldnt even want to bring a child into this world and have to be exposed to such ghetto activity. Live in the city and its known what to look for when people throw up their hands is what I'm told...
Rahm, you have to be the biggest idiot ahole out there. Not only are you a moron, you have surrounded yourself with moron's in the likes of Mendoza and the rest of the idiots running this sunken ship of a city. Mendoza was on the news saying "The Citizens Voted for It". It should have never made it to the voting stage Mendoza. I used to tell everyone how much I loved living in Chicago but now I can't wait until I can leave this shit hole city and county. What are you going to do when all the law abiding taxpaying citizens leave? I guess by then you will have stolen enough yourself and leave too. Will you still care about the poor so much ahole.?
Hot off the press. A certain Chief of patrol can't tell u his name G.W. is having all second watch to head down to G8 and keep 1st, 3rd in the dist. There adding one more day of training for second watch. R dept is doom.
Funny thing is, at least one PO told the people at the clerks office about this, I guess they blew it off, or maybe they are also connected to the gangs, just ike many other city hall employees.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
As we were watching these reports tonite, the spouse asked why Suzie didn't just google the nominees, could have saved herself a lot of grief.
2/08/2012 12:56:00 AM
Maybe because susie is really an idiot! She needs to go and now! Quick susie call your sponsor ray frias!
Anyone with any street sense should have seen that immediatly.
The pitchforks, the heart the colors, the 6 point stars, who reviewed it in the first place?
How out of touch can you be....
This slipped by because of the path this dept. started down the day J-Fled was hired and continues with McWhiskey. The old school smart bosses are ALL gone. What is left is a bunch of posers. Unable or unwilling to attack first and question later. That wait till shit happens, then call for yet another Comp Stat meeting...........Stupid people, but well dressed.
Rahm says "I know something is wrong with this picture, but I can't put my finger on it" ROFLMAO
I heard Rahm was a MLD from Skokie back in the day.
Deputy city clerk eddie cantor speaks out for susie in song!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
So, the printing of the decals is on hold. Any chance we could just run with a photo of the skyline and let it go at that? Enough of the nonsense.
2/08/2012 05:36:00 AM
I second that,stop the madness why waste money with a contest,that promotes the clerk susies political agenda and gives her lots of free press? why??
According to the Tribune article City Clerk Mendoza
will be meeting with gang
representatives to study
the sticker to determine if it contains gang symbols.
Is she trying to protect her
homeboys ?
If this sticker comes out I'm purposely going to display it upside down. Throwin it down!
Gangbanging piece of shit or not I'm amused at what this young scholar has pulled off. This is like the best high school prank ever.
In the future, if he's a guest of the state at one of our wonderful downstate facilities, he'll receive free smokes from his buddies just for the shits and giggles this controversy gives them.
If anyone grabs this kid up for some minor offense in the near future let him go. He's earned a get out of jail card for this as long as he stays in non felony land.
Of course you might make merit Sergeant if you could nail this kid for something. I imagine he's going to be Rahm Enemy Number One for awhile.
Shit, the gang may make him a grand Aztec Chieftain tranny or whatever they call their higher ranking "club" members.
I feel bad for the Mayor. He didn't know he was being duped. His intention to choose a sticker that honors public safety was honorable and I give him credit for that.
2/08/2012 05:06:00 AM
Shut the fuck up. There is NO sense of honor in that man. He is a corrupt political animal and he just got juevos on his face from a little punk whose gang 9.5's top cop threatened to "blow up."
We'll enjoy the moment while you keep you head up his filthy ass and rotate your tongue.
that panel of 10 cpds is making a jokes~! lmao
Rumor has it the boxes of stickers are on their way to McCarthys office to be obliterated! Heard it here first....
Rahm decided to have this stupid contest, that his Wonderful CPS student ruined, now everyone is going to have to pay to fix it. He's raising the sticker $12 - $15 dollars more to have new ones printed. That's just great Rahm, we'll pay for your mistakes.
I just sent the city clerk a message on her Facebook page. I linked to it through Herbert's old mans FB page. He has her direct hookup to her website. I wonder why?
just leave the sticker blank, plate number , parkig permit ,car class........the end
Channel 9 TV ran this as lead story on 12 noon news.
Drives me crazy; the whole world has this kid's name and pictures by now, but they are not mentioning his name and are obscuring his pasty face.
They didn't have any trouble publicizing this when he was photographed with the Mayor.
Of course, Jody Weis was the guy to talk to on this -- even though he has nothing to do with it and squeezed himself in as the last one in the room.
Leading from behind, as always...
How about the father apparently being a wanted drug trafficker? Gonna hide this too?
Present family name : PULGAR
Forname : HERBERT
Sex : Male
Date of birth : 01/08/1969 (42 years old)
Place of birth : ILLINOIS , United states
Language spoken : Spanish , English
Nationality : United states, Venezuela
Categories of Offences : Drug-related crimes, Drug-related crimes, Crimes involving the use of weapons/explosives , Drug-related crimes, Drug-related crimes, Drug-related crimes
Wanted by : United states, CHICAGO / ILLINOIS
I feel bad for the Mayor. He didn't know he was being duped. His intention to choose a sticker that honors public safety was honorable and I give him credit for that.
2/08/2012 05:06:00 AM
Yeah, right. Good intentions, no common sense whatsoever.
Anonymous said...
So, the printing of the decals is on hold. Any chance we could just run with a photo of the skyline and let it go at that? Enough of the nonsense.
2/08/2012 05:36:00 AM
Skyline might look different after G8
And he probably won the contest because his gangbanging friends flooded the voting so that he could win & their gang symbols would be on EVERY car in the city.
You got to admit that what he did was kind of cleaver had it not got caught at the last minute. The MLD would of had bragging rights for a year.
Way to go Rahm!
Also I wonder how close the voting was & how many of the winning votes came from his gangbanging friends. He could of just had all of his fellow MLD's vote & tell their friends which one to vote for. That way they would be representing all over the city for the next year on every car.
Good to see the Mayor got a dose of his own medicine. Being duped, like he does the citizens of Chicago.
What is significance of the images he has drawn that are supposedly reflections of skyscrapers in the water at the bottom of the design? The images don't match up with/correspond to the buildings at all. If you turn the winning design upside down, and study the "river", it appears to be a separate drawing altogether of a city scene, maybe? There appears to be an image of a man on the left with a trucker's cap on and across from him, possibly a second image in dark shadow form?
btw, the winning design is being pulled off the internet including media links by somebody (RE?) as fast as it's being posted on the internet.
Seems to have been planned....there are consequences to actions....take the money away from the Kiddo as a consequence and hopefully he will turn out to be a better person.
In Brazil Favela chic is all the rage - that's the slums. A lot of it copied from the US banger marketing style.
Of course the Brasilas are a bit more traditional about some things, so if you told them the origins of the pants so low it wouldn't be so popular.
Mendoza needs to be dumped. Idiot in never in her office and so much for not to raise the price of the city stickers....
"That misguided...Mendoza said in the Trib that...sometimes artwork is controversial."
--2/08/2012 10:08:00 AM
Not on my dime.
Not on my car.
She told the story of how her and her family ran away from gangs themselves; now that she's safe, she's pushing them in your face.
Good Job Randy!!!!
I just saw this on MSNBC. WOW do we look like a bunch of fucking clowns
Anonymous said...
Hot off the press. A certain Chief of patrol can't tell u his name G.W. is having all second watch to head down to G8 and keep 1st, 3rd in the dist. There adding one more day of training for second watch. R dept is doom.
2/08/2012 11:03:00 AM
If this is true it shows the stupidity of this department. Take the LEAST staffed watch comprised of the oldest and crabiest and send them down there. This shows how poorly managed this department is. Once a proud, competent organization. No more! PS. I didn't use the "n" word.
I'm not a cop but I am a born and bred Chicagoan who has and has always had a GREAT respect for the Chicago Police and Chicago Fire Departments! That being said, I've moved my family to Texas because of crap like this. I'm sad to see my city run into the ground by jackholes like Rahm and McCrazy while you guys get shafted at each and every turn. I grew up in Chatham at a time where it was safe for us to play outside as kids and we RESPECTED our elders and authority. Those days are gone and I'm pissed about it... This kid is f'n blowing weed smoke out of his mouth on his FB page and being from the south side of Chicago, it's CLEAR to me that the little ingrate's "sticker" is one big tribute to his "social organization." The city cannot let this be on anyone's car!!! The police department is short-staffed and "lil' Herbie" is being REWARDED by the city for being a damned criminal. I know it's rough out there for you guys now - I have a close family member on the job currently - but please keep in mind that there are still those of us that are proud of you and are grateful for you. A quick story that I'm sure you can relate to: I was with a family friend that worked as a tactical officer for over 20 years (since retired). I had the honor of going to a bar with him where a lot of officers hang out. Being the inquisitive sort and knowing zero about police work, I asked how often people actually fight and/or shoot at the police; the laughter was raucous to say the least. I get it now!!! Praying for all of you...
maniac ballerina dancers from skokie
Rahm decided to have this stupid contest, that his Wonderful CPS student ruined, now everyone is going to have to pay to fix it. He's raising the sticker $12 - $15 dollars more to have new ones printed. That's just great Rahm, we'll pay for your mistakes.
2/08/2012 12:33:00 PM
They have had this contest since at least when I was in high school 20 years ago. Usually kids from Catholic school win it, but they must have stacked the deck for the poor latino from a charter school(fits into Rahm's agenda). Im only saying that deck was stacked because the artwork is pretty simple/shitty compared to what previous winners.
Watched the segment on WGN news last night with interview of city clerk (via phone) she was quick to point out "first let me say that the citizens voted on this design, not the city". She made that comment 4x. Let the fingerpointing and blame game begin with none of them taking responsibility.
We have a new city sticker, the runner up!
susanna blocked my tweet!
I feel bad for the Mayor. He didn't know he was being duped. His intention to choose a sticker that honors public safety was honorable and I give him credit for that.
2/08/2012 05:06:00 AM
You are an idiot. It's called due diligence and TD 9.5 is so arrogant he doesn't feel the need to vet anything because he knows better than anyone else. Ha! Fuck him, and you.
2/08/2012 08:55:00 AM
The Mayor was not the person who approved this sticker. I doubt he ever saw it before posing for this picture. You guys forget that the Mayor already has a grudge against CPD and even though someone in his administration dropped the ball, I don't think anything will happen to them. Instead he will be or probably is furious with the police for catching the error and publicly at that. Not that the error shouldn't have been caught, but in a public forum, the police are going to be the scapegoats rather than the gang members or those responsible for awarding it.
I asked my kid if there was anything wrong with this sticker, and if he could see anything that looked like gang signs.. He replied "yea the hands and the 6 pointed star."
South side Irish kid who went to Catholic school, picked it out like that.
And NO he is not in any gang ,but OUR WHITE KIDS are subjected to this HORSE SHIT, and its a disgrace that he even knew this. Back in our day we didnt worry of colors or hand configurations, or 6 pointed stars... I wouldnt even want to bring a child into this world and have to be exposed to such ghetto activity.
Um, regarding the 6-pointed star, the official City of Chicago Flag features 6-pointed stars. (Look it up). So while Lawrence Hall (and whatever CPD school the kid may have been in prior to that) likely let him down somewhere along the way, at least the l'il banger knew how many points to put on the stars, (unlike your Southside Irish WHITE KID with the Catholic School education).
I asked my kid if there was anything wrong with this sticker, and if he could see anything that looked like gang signs.. He replied "yea the hands and the 6 pointed star."
South side Irish kid who went to Catholic school, picked it out like that.
And NO he is not in any gang ,but OUR WHITE KIDS are subjected to this HORSE SHIT, and its a disgrace that he even knew this. Back in our day we didnt worry of colors or hand configurations, or 6 pointed stars... I wouldnt even want to bring a child into this world and have to be exposed to such ghetto activity. Live in the city and its known what to look for when people throw up their hands is what I'm told...
2/08/2012 10:55:00 AM
I'm assuming you don't really mean to imply that all white children are a homogenous, innocent group of angels. By the way, since I'm from a south side Irish neighborhood and passed a peace pipe around with guys from Rice, De La Salle, and St. Rita (years ago) I wonder how many of Our White Kids I knew because they didn't fit your innocent and clueless implication. Some of your white kids threw food on the front windshield of my mother's car while we pulled out a parking lot onto 103rd street, some of them painted swastikas on walls and burned the playground equipment at Keller School b/c of it's black students (though it was ranked 3rd in the state), and then there's my favorite of the skinheads that jumped the black kid on 107th b/c he was with his white girlfriend...the noose incident involving the kids from Rice a few weeks ago is just a bonus. Maybe I deserved to be subject to that as a kid since I'm you All parents who are trying to raise their children decently are dealing with this crap, don't single out your own race as the one that should be exempt. I don't want it around my kid or anybody else's. How hard is that?
Does This Mean, Our Mayor, is not as smart, as he thinks he is ?
Does This Mean, He Could Be Wrong, About, The G8 Summit ?
The Best Thing About Being Mayor Of Chicago, Is Never Having To Say Your Sorry.
"With All Our Rage, We Are Still. Just, Rat's In A Cage"
"Hi Mom, Hi Dad" I told you these humps, could never figure it out.
PS: Who is this fool, trying to be cool,giving me the check ?
Rahm is a trik
Next scandal......
We have a new city sticker, the runner up!
2/08/2012 04:46:00 PM
And is it ever doofus-looking!
Fuck you gangbangers! Yes to SCC
FYI City Hall dummies:
Apparently no vetting, the school was a give-away. A little background investigation would have saved face.
The Mayor was not the person who approved this sticker. I doubt he ever saw it before posing for this picture. You guys forget that the Mayor already has a grudge against CPD and even though someone in his administration dropped the ball, I don't think anything will happen to them. Instead he will be or probably is furious with the police for catching the error and publicly at that. Not that the error shouldn't have been caught, but in a public forum, the police are going to be the scapegoats rather than the gang members or those responsible for awarding it.
Luckily it did go public you goof! The whole city would be driving around representing the MLDs otherwise fucktard! This needs to be a wake up call for the city retarded politicians, but it wont.
I love this! The city is so obsessed with the image diversity and children, they almost overlooked this. That's the world we live in, nothing is sacred in the name of happy thoughts...
They say a picture speaks a thousand words. I'll sum it up with 23:
Chicago's crafty 9 1/2 fingered terror Mayor Rahmfather and Maniac Latin Disciple City Sticker Designer Herbert Pulgar. Hey, gangster thugs gotta stick together, comprende?
Told you all you should have voted for me last election but would you listen? Noooooooooooooo.......
How amazing he lives in the same neighborhood of the gang he's trying to represent.. mld.. lol lil retarted stupid shit.. he is a gangbanger and no good.. the city is so stupid they should of investigate this bs.. only the obvious..
The Mayor was not the person who approved this sticker. I doubt he ever saw it before posing for this picture. You guys forget that the Mayor already has a grudge against CPD and even though someone in his administration dropped the ball, I don't think anything will happen to them. Instead he will be or probably is furious with the police for catching the error and publicly at that. Not that the error shouldn't have been caught, but in a public forum, the police are going to be the scapegoats rather than the gang members or those responsible for awarding it.
Luckily it did go public you goof! The whole city would be driving around representing the MLDs otherwise fucktard! This needs to be a wake up call for the city retarded politicians, but it wont.
I agree, but that won't stop people from creating false blame.
Rahm throws up the 9.5 finger pitchfork everyday! Maniac Hebrew Disciple love Y'all.
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