Wednesday, May 16, 2012

"Wrap Around" Strategy

  • Under fire for a 52 percent surge in Chicago homicides that’s costing him black support, Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Tuesday unveiled a “wrap-around” strategy designed to saturate high-crime neighborhoods with city and social services after police clear out the drug markets.

    Emanuel has been promising to deliver the “social network” to support police efforts since January, when Police Supt. Garry McCarthy announced plans to stop the bleeding by targeting gangs and drug markets in the city’s two most violent districts.

    The idea was to saturate the Englewood and Harrison Districts with resources, put the gangs and drug markets out of business, round up the fugitives and make the clean-up permanent with help from a “network of community, faith-based and government resources.”

Wasn't this tried and discarded a few years ago? Distressed Neighborhood programs and the like? This is something like our third time through the same old song and dance. Some of our truly old-time readers have probably been through this grinder a half-a-dozen times and more.

(A) At least Rahm is admitting it's all about the votes.

(B) Can we admit that McCrossbowRescue's strategies are an unmitigated failure? A 52% increase in homicides? Lord knows how high up shootings are. 003 is out of control, 007 is still 007, shootings up just about everywhere and medical science keeping us from drowning in the blood.

And if anyone really believes that every other crime category is down, contrary to the homicide and shooting numbers, you're drinking waaaaay too much kool-aid.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Wasn't this tried and discarded a few years ago?"

That's how CPD operates; do the same thing, again and again, and expect different results.

They change the name of the "strategy" every few years to make it look "new".

5/16/2012 12:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Wasn't this tried and discarded a few years ago?"

That's okay. The voters don't really care in the end, because they'll re-elect him just as they did the previous goof.

5/16/2012 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does he really care about votes? I thought his intentions were only one term??

5/16/2012 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emanuel is just trying to keep the south and west sides quiet and distracted during NATO. Lots of trucks, bright green city vests, noise and motion.

Set up a table at some church or something, "600 requests for city services were received." Or 6,000. Or 60,000.

"They givin', we takin'."

Simple enough.

5/16/2012 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The REVRUNDS want to keep the drug money flowing through their churches.
Without black market cash those men of god will be trading down from cadillac's to cobalts.
Its all bullshit.

5/16/2012 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They forgot the part where Rham says "and the taxpaying districts will continue to get screwed because those idiots are too busy to vote." Less police service for 016, 008, and 022. But don't worry, your children will be safe because we are putting up speed cameras, red light cameras, and sending out the department of revenue to write parkers in your neighborhoods. BTW, does anyone else think Rham looks like one of those little kid rubber dolls where you squeeze the belly and the eyes pop out?

5/16/2012 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds more like the "reach around" strategy. More city services to those who contribute the least. But hey, as long as I've got your vote.

5/16/2012 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously a response to that recent poll that says over 53% of the one-percenters living in Chicago really like the job Rahm is doing.

Sears likes it. Motorola likes it. The CME Group likes it. Acreditive Health likes it. Right? How could they not with all the tax breaks?

The 99% not so much.

5/16/2012 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought you said:

"Reach Around Strategy"

Think about it.

5/16/2012 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Wrap Around" Strategy

Maybe we're going to fence off the bad neighborhoods!

5/16/2012 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would it cost the mayor the black support? They are the ones responsible for the 52% increase. Instead of constantly blaming everyone else for the problems in the black community, the black community needs to accept the truth and start looking in the mirror. They are the only ones who can fix the major issues within their community. The police, the liberals and the democrats can't help you. It's up to you.

5/16/2012 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at the homicide spikes in the districts ignored by focusing their attention in 007 & 011

In theory, if you stop the shooting in 007 & 011, you drop the homicide rate, BUT OOPs, no one predicted the uptick across the city

-the 008th district is rising to the top with almost as many dead bodies as 007.

-district like 017 posting 4 homicides early in the year, a 400% increase from last year's zero

-010th district also contending with 008 & 007 as the bloodiest district

-007, you can't catch any breaks. While 011 has slipped to 7th or 8th place in homicides, EVEN WITH THE ZONES, AND A SUPER-COMMANDER... you still are posting homicide increase

Titanic had less leaks

5/16/2012 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This clear an hold strategy sounds like something from the afghanistan war.

so people who pays no taxes get all the services?

5/16/2012 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like hamsterdam

5/16/2012 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Racoon Eyes, and his pool boy McSwiggle, have no idea what to do about the surge in crime in Chicago. Gangsters and Thugs watch the news and some can even read. They know full well the morale of the CPD is at an all time low. We have a lot fewer cops on the street which means all the jagoffs can run wild. And the hot weather isn't even here yet. Someone should wrap a stale carp in a newspaper and send it to the Einstein on the 5th floor of City Hall.

5/16/2012 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nobody is getting shot in the 4200 block of north hermitage and that is all that matters--- ghetto people will continue to shoot each other no matter how many police you flood the neighborhood with--- raccoon and g-mac have both been smoking the bubble pipe to much and are trying to reinvent the wheel--- the only wrap around is g-macs lips on the little guys main vein....

5/16/2012 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fact of the matter is that the sociopathic culture of the black ghettos is the cause of the violence and there isn’t anything our ethically challenged mayor is going to do about it as long as he is one of its enablers. He might help the situation a little if he told our good ghetto dwelling citizens that if they didn’t embrace anti-social lifestyles and reject the concept of personal responsibility their communities would be safer. But that is something Mayor Emanuel can not do because it contradicts the progressive narrative that blacks are the victims of white oppression and that inanimate objects magically assume homicidal personalities and act on their own volution in their neighborhoods.

Our mayor is a victim of the irrational rhetoric of his own political party and it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. No Democrat can be a successful mayor of Chicago as long as they remain the party of cognitive dissonance.

5/16/2012 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put a ribbon on that "box".

5/16/2012 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCarthy is failing everyday. It's amazing how the FOP and the union are hiding out. Go to the meetings and voice your opinions. What are we paying them for?

5/16/2012 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there was something legit about the plan and the players, it could be called a "reach around" strategy. I fear I won't even get one of those

5/16/2012 01:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obvious the Gangsters and Thugs know they can get away with just about anything these days in Chicago. Better hope the Ghetto neighborhoods don't go up this weekend along with the Anarchist burning downtown to the ground. Never fear our "leader" Der Fuher Racoon will be in his bunker directing his staff to save the city from the butchers.

5/16/2012 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We really need to stop accepting 'good intentions' as an adequate excuse for failed policies.

The problem in these communities has nothing to do with midnight basketball, trash on the streets, broken windows or even the gangs themselves. The problem in these communities is deep, fundamental and will never be fixed so long as we refuse to acknowledge the cultural problems and keep distracting away with bullshit "academic theories" that only exist to keep us from addressing the truth.

Or, we can keep mindlessly spraying cash at the situation to effect outcomes that will never, ever happen.

5/16/2012 03:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe the bosses should start reading some of the arrest reports.

how about accountability.

why are there tact, gang and sat teams making 1 bag dope arrests of 50 and 60 year olds.

with 10 people on the arrest

maybe they should let the people that are working their asses off in a district, and making better arrests, have these elite spots!

Oh then they couldnt hide the priveledged ones!

5/16/2012 03:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RAHM was banished by President Obama for a reason, he CAN NOT be trusted and is a TRUE politician who will stage photos for news papers HE controls and will double talk using precise words and never speak from the heart as a true PUBLIC SERVANT would. Shared sacrifice sir...why does this City still have 50 Alderman?

5/16/2012 04:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put in some flower boxes. That will solve the crime problems! But only if they are magic flower boxes put in by a clouted contractor!

5/16/2012 06:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I retired away from Chicago. After having lived there for 40 years, I couldn't take it any more. Now, this latest round of Black on Black crime waves is finding its way into the news again.

Here's a solution.
To the Black leaders who are crying for more police in the ghetto.

How about your community paying taxes equivalent to the level of police protection you whine about?

It is not the responsibility of Mt. Greenwood and other lower crime areas to pay increased taxes and receive fewer cops on the street because the police are forced to sit on street corners in high crime areas.

There is no real solution because the truth is only spoken in hushed tones around the water coolers and in the corner bars.

The vast majority of crime is committed by Blacks as are the vast majority of victims.

The vast majority of taxes are payed by what is left of the White community and they are being under served due to resources being channeled to the high crime areas because political leaders pander to the Black voters.

It's not hard to understand.

5/16/2012 06:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The surge in homicides is costing Emanuel votes in the black community.

Is it because the blacks are pissed, or is it because there are less of them?

5/16/2012 06:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes by giving them housing vouchers to nice neighborhoods...

5/16/2012 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a cop, born and raised in the projects (the ones on Lake Park that are now condos), growing up in my day, there was violence and drugs but not like today. We could all play outside and there would be hundreds of kids and their parents playing. Something changed and it is not good. To keep saying that the revereends want drug dealers and violence is false. But another lie is lack of jobs. For one, most of these beasts, yes I said that, are not employable. Second the jobs that I could get as a youth, most adults are performing now. So its a catch-22. I may not have all of the answers but this part is true, some laws need to be changed and youth need to be saved. Personal responsibility plays a lot into it, and clearly parenting is a huge part of it. Corporal punishment at home and schools were different. Had a teacher that would break out the paddle and tear your ass up if you fucked up in class and were disobedient. Now you would go to jail. These are tragic times where 15 year olds are shooting and robbing people. Clearly something needs to change, we have lost a generation, are we going to stand by and lose another one? We need leaders.

5/16/2012 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about Rahm focusing on how to make up their neglected payments to our pension fund?
Oh yeah he wants pension reform but his reform will break the backs of the hard working employees who've done nothing wrong ... unlike the fat cat politicians who through political malfeasance redirected the city's contributions elsewhere for a long time now.

5/16/2012 08:06:00 AM  
Blogger leomemorial said...


Rahm Emanuel only wants rich people living here; not anyone who is earning less then a million dollars. The lack of jobs (ones that pay more then min wage aka Target, airport, etc), affordable housing, and effective public transportation during the Daley years and now hitting Rahm.

This city only wants CPD for revenue purposes. We all know that.

The message is clear when you report and document drug dealers in our community then call the drug hotline. Um, yes. a few of us reported a few people and we were hung up on, put on hold numerous times and the person answering put a half ass effort collecting any information.

Clearpath absolutely SUCKS !! You can only fill out 2 different types of reports; everything else is by calling 3-1-1 or making an appt to go down to the station.

In the 008th district i guess there are a lot of special positions because we have called 9-1-1 right away when hearing gunshots, taken photos of blood all over leading to the problem person's door! Once there was a man shot and at my neighbors... these police do NOTHING no matter how hard you try giving them everything you need to help them. The criminals could be standing there with a smoking gun and holding a sign that says "i confess i dealt drugs and shot someone" and they would not do anything over here.

Now we are known as the snitches by these criminals and have been threatened. Once i called 9-1-1 and you can hear the guy saying "he was going to kill me" while the tapes were rolling. Nothing was done.

5/16/2012 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to Ghengis Kahn, he would handle this problem differently and with definite results.

5/16/2012 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this anything like the reach around strategy? Cuz I'm not falling for THAT again...

5/16/2012 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Plan A:

They died with their boots on!


The 300 Spartans.

Plan C.

" Let slip the dogs of war!"

5/16/2012 12:49:00 AM


Plan D.

You are a fucking TOOL

5/16/2012 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a wheel. It works fine. Let's reinvent it anyway.
- CPD management policy

5/16/2012 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets have a stop-the-violence march that'll do the trick. BTW, did anyone else notice during Jay Levine's interview with Rahm regarding his first year in office, that he was visibily pissed with the murder rate sweating yet Garry?

5/16/2012 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gangbangers just go *POOF* when they're arrested. They all become garden fairies. Crime goes *POOF* too. It's magic.

5/16/2012 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

-007, you can't catch any breaks. While 011 has slipped to 7th or 8th place in homicides, EVEN WITH THE ZONES, AND A SUPER-COMMANDER... you still are posting homicide increase

It does not matter who the Commander is, what kind of zones are set up, how many special units are on scene, cameras are put up, or if you sent in seal team six. Englewood always has been, is now and always will be an unpoliceable area where murders and mayhem will occur unabated. It is an unsalvageable shithole.

5/16/2012 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reverents don't drive Cadillacs anymore. They now drive Lincoln Navigators and Escalades, wait a minute, Escalades are a Cadillac model. They just don't drive the cars anymore.

5/16/2012 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, the city does not have 50 aldermen. The mayor has 50 aldermen.

5/16/2012 10:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

give them more free shit that they will waste, paid for by us.

5/16/2012 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The leadership of the Chicago Police department can be summed up with one word, incompetence. A great department lead by political fools.

5/16/2012 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Wrap Around" Strategy

Maybe we're going to fence off the bad neighborhoods!

5/16/2012 12:32:00 AM


Isn't that how they do it in Israel with the Gaza strip?

5/16/2012 12:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shutting down the drug corners in these neighborhoods is like shutting down the economic financial engine, like shutting down the shopping and financial districts downtown. What revenue generating business are you going to replace them with when you do it?

The drug trade is what is bringing in the "much needed" cash to these neighborhoods. That money trickles down to businesses that society labels as legitimate. It's a billion dollar business! What are we going to replace it with? What industry will employ these people and bring in that kind of money at the same time?

No-one in the current capitalistic system is going to hire most of these people that have been stereotyped as losers.

Hell we have over 5,000 people with PHd's pushing brooms working as janitors and collecting food stamps already in this country. That's how well this American Dream myth is working for some.

Another midnight basketball program is not going to do it. That's why I'm calling bullshit. The political apparatus doesn't want to shut anything down with money connected to it.

The city clowns have created a $20 billion dollar debt by not making pension payments when times were good. They transferred our money like a stealth tax and now that the pensions are underfunded and the debts are due we're told it's our fault and they play the victims and saviors at the same time by calling for cuts to our benefits and tax/fine/fee increases.

You really want to shut the drug trade down? Then legalize it and tax it. Two problems solved at once the drugs are off the streets and the pensions will be funded by the taxes. Nevertheless, we would still have the problem of what these people will do to make a living. The drug trade will then be replaces with robbery and theft to survive because the so-called best and brightest in this country haven't got a clue how to leverage these people to make a buck off of their labor by bringing them into the system. That's all. So just keep doing the same thing over and over again like you care. We're calling bullshit.

Yeah a transfer of wealth alright however the beneficiaries of the transfers are not what most of you think they are

5/16/2012 12:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

..why does this City still have 50 Alderman?


and when was the last time you saw any of the 50 aldermen go up to the mayor and say here's what the people want and need in our wards?

This system is backwards. We have a mayoral dictatorship with 50 alder manic clerics rubber stamping every edict his royal highness proposes.

Award some more corporate tax breaks and take the money from the city pensions to make up for it and then tell us how broke the city is and how your here to save us by cutting the very pensions that you the city administrators have failed to contribute to as was agreed upon.

5/16/2012 12:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Why would it cost the mayor the black support? They are the ones responsible for the 52% increase. Instead of constantly blaming everyone else for the problems in the black community, the black community needs to accept the truth and start looking in the mirror. They are the only ones who can fix the major issues within their community. The police, the liberals and the democrats can't help you. It's up to you.

5/16/2012 12:33:00 AM

There are huge social service and philanthropic organizations that thrive on everyone else being blamed. I worked for them before. The lily white, liberal do gooder type were the majority of staff. The blue collar staff (white, black and Hispanic) and the blacks that worked in the office environment knew about the hustle and the difference between people needing service and people getting over. It was the future white bleeing hearts of America that wanted to pretend like ALL these people needed help. I knew it was a joke. They played the white people and kept it real with me because I was black, even asking me how to cheat the system sometimes. I told 'em no and they'd pay big time if they ignored me and got caught. "The Black Community" is getting a lot of help from non-blacks in blaming everybody else because there is a market for the services you can provide and it does create jobs. I know because it was my first job out of college and there were plenty U of C, Dartmouth, even Princeton employees/interns there making peanuts, trying to put a good resume together off working for a popular service organization.

5/16/2012 12:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city leaders are bragging about their $2 billion dollars in bond sales. The money being borrowed to fund the city sewer projects and more airport expansion krap.

It's another one of those look over here we're going to create some part-time temporary min-wage jobs so we can have a feel good election year. No don't look over there at the interest cost on that $2 billion dollar loan which does nothing but enrich the bankers.


Selling $2 billion dollars in bonds and offering the bond buyers a 3.5% return on the use of their money represents $70 million dollars in interest going to the bondholders. (bankers). That's $70 million down the hole for the taxpayers to pay and have nothing to show for it.

And where did the bankers get the money to buy the cities $2 billion dollar bonds? Why the Federal reserve gave the bankers 0.5% interest loans at their discount window as part of the taxpayers bailout programs. What a business huh?

How smart does one have to be to borrow money from the Fed at 0.5% and lend it to the city for 3.5% ?

It's a ponzi scam.

We'll be told that the borrowing is necessary and a good thing because it create jobs and growth but all we're doing is borrowing from the future making things worse. The ponzi scam is dependent on growth. You always have to have new ponzi's coming into the system for it to work replacing the old ponzi's that are either used up or have wised up.

When you're busted like the city is the answer is not to go out and borrow more money just to create an image that you're keeping up with the world class city Jones'es.

5/16/2012 12:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



That's the fancy word they use to keep the public from realizing what is going on here.

Every time that you hear the Quantitative Easing line, the lowering of interest rates and borrowing/printing of money to do it -- to help the corporations economy, it's another screw job to the millions of Americans that have spent their entire lives trying to do things right.

Quantitative Easing. It's a tax. A hidden tax.

Quantitative Easing. It robs dollars and purchasing power away from every single fixed income retiree because they now get a lower return on their savings and investment.

Why would someone pay you 7% on your retirement investments to borrow money from you that you saved when the Fed decides that to borrow money it's available thru them for 0.5% at the Fed's discount window.

No-one in the corporate media tells you that side of the story. Nope. The corporate run media will tell you how it's necessary and good. That it creates jobs and growth but you never hear about the negative consequences. That it's the fixed income investor that is getting the income cut. That it's the pensions that are paying the price.

5/16/2012 01:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dummy! You think we want to lock up the 1-bag? We get stuck in these tiny ass zones, with 3o other cop cars. The problem children move outside of the zone, so the players to arrest are far and few between. Maybe you stay on the hunt for that forcible-felony pinch, or a weapons violation for a day or 2 with no luck. Maybe it rains the 3rd day, and you have NATO training the 4th day. You've just gone a week without locking anyone up, and that's no bueno. Sometimes you gotta take what you can get.
And news flash for you- by calling yourself a "worker in the district" and saying you could do better you sound like a fool. Tact is not an "elite" spot, and neither is gangs. I don't even know if this department HAS any elite spots left. I do know that spots are tougher to get, since we're so short that spots are open less frequently. But I also know that if you truly were a "worker in the district" 4 or 5 years ago, you could have worked yourself onto a tact or gang team and not been a "privileged one."

5/16/2012 01:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Wrap Around Strategy?"

"Bend Over and Spread Strategy?"

"Stick It In Strategy?"

"Do A Back-Bend While Taking It In The Ham Strategy?"

Common denominator is The Patrolman and citizens who dearly want to be left alone and keep their peace unbreached & their wallets intact are the only ones getting fucked with here.

An unneeded production put on by the narrow-shouldered, underdeveloped, massively over-compensating North Shore shit-ass with unresolved childhood issues that he's getting his revenge for; now that he's an adult with a venue by which he can inflict misery on a disproportionate number of others.

This shit is CLASSIC and dovetails with other historic examples of "little man's" syndrome gone badly awry.


Flaming Tutu is unhinged.

Note all the propaganda & bullshit being spewed to make him seem so smart, so well balanced yet so driven to "get things done."

Why such a push to sell this lunatic?

Shades of the same "devoted family man" bullshit that the media was constantly running about Shortshanks... O_o?

And where exactly did that get this city?

Rampant unchecked political criminality and a whole media industry & legal structure devoted to protecting the main actors and preventing any prejudicial delving into the shit they pulled.

But they'll ring the door bells of Patrolmen on disability because the North Shore shit-ass is looking for anything he can use to turn the public against The Police.

Classy like a motherfucker...

Patrolmen didn't break this shit but everybody want's them to pay for it.

If it were any other group of citizens, there would be shouts from all the high places about how foul that is.

5/16/2012 02:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry Leo the great aka the great white hope will save 007. Right Leo you are going to make 007 the best district in the city right? How about when you were at the FED meeting and you kept saying since you were the Commander the hasn't been any homicides. Everyone in the room busted your balls, cause you look like and are a goof. Then what happened 007 goes boom! everyone better start to buy property in 007. It's the next Lincoln Park all due to Leo the great!

5/16/2012 04:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is our law dept ? How about some training , that would be great.

5/16/2012 04:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wrap Around Strategy?

Sounds like on big blow job!

Da Pelon

5/16/2012 05:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's like wackamo, suppress in one hood and it'll pop up in another. Maybe there should a "forbiden city" like place where all the criminal activity can take place unbridled and the undesirables concentrated all together with each other

5/16/2012 05:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If current strategy does not work, what is the solution?

5/16/2012 07:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It does not matter who the Commander is, what kind of zones are set up, how many special units are on scene, cameras are put up, or if you sent in seal team six. Englewood always has been, is now and always will be an unpoliceable area where murders and mayhem will occur unabated. It is an unsalvageable shithole.

5/16/2012 09:39:00 AM

I always tell people who come to our district and look at our CAPS problem board: In 22 years we have succeeded in moving one drug spot 660 feet. We are not winning the war on drugs anywhere.

5/16/2012 10:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far as keeping 'dude' off the street, I hope all districts are checking for violation of bail bonds before writing that I bond. Send 'em all to court.

5/16/2012 10:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Or, we can keep mindlessly spraying cash at the situation to effect outcomes that will never, ever happen."

This seems to be the route preferred by everyone. It's the easiest.

The federal government seems to have plenty of cash to throw around, so it's easier for them.

The state and local governments like it better because they have a sudden, influx of cash that they get to deposit and make some interest off of, then they get to distribute that cash and they look like big heroes. They also get a cut for administering these programs.

The "community leaders" in the 'hood like it better because it's easier for them to take the money rather than go to all that trouble of actually effecting change. Besides, they get a cut (Isn't that right, Jesse Jackson?)

The community likes it better because they get new buildings, schools, libraries, etc., so there's an illusion of progress, but it's easier than actually trying to change years and years of dysfunctional living.

We've been throwing money at these problems for years and have made no real change.

Like the Capital One commercial says, "Who doesn't want more cash?"



5/17/2012 01:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"why are there tact, gang and sat teams making 1 bag dope arrests of 50 and 60 year olds."

Because it's about the numbers, kid. The numbers. Nothing more.

CPD has always been numbers-oriented.

We're not trying to make any major social change here. We're not even trying to stem crime or truly improve the quality of life in the city. At the end of the day there's always a boss who asks about the numbers.

That, and nobody cares about patrol.

C'mon. Wake up.

5/17/2012 01:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If current strategy does not work, what is the solution?"

At CPD the solution is to study it, tear it apart, rebuild it and start all over with different people doing the very same thing you were doing before.

It's faster to simply rename it, however.

5/17/2012 01:42:00 AM  
Anonymous West Side Cabulance Driver said...

I find it strange that nobody seems to talk about the problems that are faced after the police have done their jobs and gone home for the day.

No, I'm not talking about how these offenders are actually the victim and that we need to retrain them so that they can then become productive members of society. That's about as logical as thinking that you can make a lion a productive member of society.

I'm talking about the fuckwads in the judicial system. Why is it that we keep on hearing stores like John L. Wilson Jr, who stabbed Kelly o'Laughlin to death in her home? Why is there no outcry from the public that this savage was on the street? How many times do you have to be arrested, convicted and incarcerated for it to no longer have been "just a bad decision, a mistake"?

Who do we need to come down on to get every single sentence have a zero added to the end of it? Today's sentence of 2 years in jail for robbing the liquor store is now 20 years. Eliminate parole. Period. Eliminate time off for good behavior. Period. A jury of your peers decided that you were guilty, the judge decided that you now have to go away for the next 16 years. We will bury your decomposed bones 160 years from the day that you entered prison.

Crime isn't the fault of the police. The police can't possibly hope to prevent ALL crime ALL of the time. I think that the best way to prevent crime is to take all of the people that have committed a crime, and lock them away from the good, law abiding citizens. This is the best way to prevent crime. Or we could just copy England of years past and ship them all off to Australia... but we kind of already do that with illegals, and yet they keep showing up. Cancel the Australia idea.

Either way you look at it, the judicial system is to utterly fucked beyond all repair that anyone that thinks that crime will come down with bullshit like Compstat and the zones deserves responsibility for the rising body count.

5/17/2012 05:10:00 PM  

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