Crime is Down....Still
Homicides totals in Chicago, 2012 compared to 2011
Month 2011 2012
January 28 40
February 24 28
March 23 53
April 30 40
May 38 50
June 33 33
Total 176 244
So the next "killing" will be the record breaker for June.
Month 2011 2012
January 28 40
February 24 28
March 23 53
April 30 40
May 38 50
June 33 33
Total 176 244
So the next "killing" will be the record breaker for June.
Labels: crime
Great! I got the over in the office pool.
If you only look at June then we are right on track. It's all in the way you look at it. Of course, there are still 9 more days left in June and hot temperatures forecast for the next few days. But other than that, we're just fine.
A list of Agg Batts/With Firearm would blow everyone's minds.
wow.. those are some interesting numbers. still 9 more days till june is over. also, two more weekends... including a weekend before the 4th of july being held in the end of june.
We need one of those electronic billboards to keep up with the homicides like the national deficit one where the numbers a racing upwards.
No parasites allowed in hospital emergency rooms and we can at least quadruple the kill standards for the next few years until we run out of them.
McPolitical was on the radio and said he has all the police he needs we just need to form alliances with the community. Well come to Roseland and see how that goes, you fucking idiot!
If he has all the police he needs why the hire back,why the security pull back at PR fest, why the rumors of attempts to derail summer furloughs and weekends off the rants at compstat about restricting time due?
There is a reason CPD was always exempt from cutbacks and these assholes chickens are coming home to roost. No one believes their BS except them.
"So the next "killing" will be the record breaker for June".
The department is unabashedly killing what's left of morale via a plethora of asinine means.
Does this count towards a spin of the CPD Prize Wheel?
244 so far. Sooooo many more to go. An endless supply on the south and west sides.
These homicides are not violent crimes. That's where you have it wrong SCC.
The bodies did not have their heads chopped off and stuck in ice coolers placed around Michigan Ave. and City Hall like they do in Mexico. None of them were found hanging from bridges with notes pinned on them. See now that's violence.
These are more like ummm mercy killings or martyrs. That's it. These were suicide martyrs.
It's 00:09.
Welcome to Trigger Happy Thursdays.
Yeah, fucking A, McCarthy is right. These figures prove it.
Up is down, right is left, dark is light...
I got it now.
"So the next "killing" will be the record breaker for June..."
You mean "found unresponsive," right?
We should be there, or past it, by sunrise...
Never fear , the Frank an Fran spin factory will turn these figures around and make it seem like we all live in Chicago the coccoon of kindness, chicago-legit city, chicago , where the promotions are earned not given, chicago- where all murders are prosecuted to the full extent of the suspects clout.
What about Agg Batt Handgun?
The only reason some of these are AggBatt Handgun is because of a real good Doc!
Du Yup Du, Index Crime is Down.
If chalkie get his shit in order, it think we could get to like 37, maybe 38. July is like 9 days away and thr, fri and sat are included.
Fuck working your days off. You cancel all my days then want me to work my rdo you sir are crazy. But the dogs that want to work it they will get u your 1811. Prevent murders lol
Check out Garry's video posted on a national police magizine website. Then post a comment there for the world to see.
"This is what happens when the Mayor brings in an outisde Hatchetman, lets the number of police dwindle down to a precious few, gets rid of the exprienced cops, downgrades the supervision, and kills crime on paper."
The bad part is this may keep him from going back to NYC.
What! Don't the numbers say it all to you. Crime IS down. Everywhere but " HERE".
The only down is all the dead people, and they aint getting back up!
Mcdrunk has no control over man power, that is in the hands of city hall. Officers are retiring because it's of insurence and after pushing a beat car for 25 plus years they are tired! For the past 22 years I,ve been on this job every superintedo has lied ,twisted and manipulated crime states to better their cause.
It's just perception. And the beach is too hot near the cool water.
nice work .... now we can counter the "would anybody believe me" nonsense of McNumbers.
Its the racist federal gun laws making the blacks and browns kill each other.
Why not the whites and Asians? ... Let me get back to you on that.
I have 10 bucks on 60 for jun.
Shit, 025 is out of control!!!
Come on come on come's only a perception problem that the next homicide - murder - whatever we call it now, will put us over the totals for June.
I want to know where Chicago sits nationally with their murder rate compared to other cities. Is Chicago in the lead or is there some other city with worse leadership and a higher murder rate?
Don't worry Garry, I'LL make sure that MY strategy keeps working.
If we had a climate like that of LA we would have 900 murders a year consistently. The weather is the ONLYZ factor that saves us every year. Notice last march and this March and remember this year the entire month was in the 70s and 80s
whoops... just broke the record by 2 more. three people shot in 003, two of them are now dead.
0104 I hear your plea
We will get our shit in order, we like the heat & we still have a few more days in June to get the numbers up to satisfy My fans
Love Chalkie
According to city robbery is down in 010 12 Jun-19 Jun. Who does stats from the middle of the week unless you want the numbers to go a certain way. If you run from Sun-Sat the stats are up.
A list of Agg Batts/With Firearm would blow everyone's minds.
6/21/2012 12:12:00 AM
2011 2012
January: 114 114
February: 54 76
March: 107 170
April: 151 132
May: 186 167
June: 181 108
Not really that mind blowing...
What seems to be different this year is the number of multiple people shot in (1) incident.
Chalkie, Chalkie, wherefore art thou Chalkie?
Has thou forsaken me?
Return O' noble one, there is much to do.
Delayed fatal we did it !!
Thank god the Super idiot is all worried about changing the pot law I will never write a city charge its the state charge or the sewer
Pay no attention to the asshole behind the curtain..... just listen to what I tell you!
The Great Oz has spoken....
Numbers, schrumbers, these slight spikes don't mean a thing in the total numbers game.
Rahm and myself say crime is down and that's it, end of story!
I better go do some more contact cards right away! This needs to stop! Then maybe later I'll help to organize an anti violence march on the south or west side.
When will McFarty get a comic strip in the Sunday papers?
No big deal--1995-- chalkie had 109 followers in 011 alone. Them were the days
Anonymous said...
According to city robbery is down in 010 12 Jun-19 Jun. Who does stats from the middle of the week unless you want the numbers to go a certain way. If you run from Sun-Sat the stats are up.
6/21/2012 12:18:00 PM
I needed a good laugh..thanks
If they are going to ticket Pot Offenders,apply that money DIRECTLY to our pension. Make it part of our next contract.
Wrigleyville Man Throat Slashed
he survives, and 40 stitches later, makes powerful statement supporting concealed carry
dont worry give it time the statgey will kick in and all the murder will who the next micromanaging boss that is gonna take over..
well if you dont count gangbanger murder are down..
Shit, 025 is out of control!!!
When was it ever in control?
I want to know where Chicago sits nationally with their murder rate compared to other cities. Is Chicago in the lead or is there some other city with worse leadership and a higher murder rate?
6/21/2012 08:30:00 AM
Look it up you lazy sack of shit.
What's the current murder clearance rate?
How many shootings occur on streets with "block clubs"? They usually post no violence on each
Chalkie is the patron saint of ghetto nonsense.
OT. Has anyone heard a rumor that the reason yves Sergeants list is being held up us because the Sup is interviewing all the merit?
Latest stats on violent crime....
How many door bells did ya ring for rahmbo?
who's ya sponsor?
Did ya study ya bank book ?
Open drawer policy , where's my end kid?
It's Thursday so we're in the weekend, right?
>>>Anonymous said...
The only down is all the dead people, and they aint getting back up!
6/21/2012 06:38:00 AM<<<
Except on Election Day.
Now McGoof further want to cut costs for Rahm. He wants to change how police service is delivered and 9-1-1 calls are handled.
We will never see police respond to calls in our neighborhoods, just file you burglary (theft) report on-line. If your former Cabrini or Idi B. Wells resident neighbor who gets Section 8, Link Card and all the other goodies is causing a disturbance it won't matter until there is blood spilled.
Meanwhile, in the ghetto, if police don't get there fast enough they just say, "He gotta gun!" or "I wanna see a supervisor."
Thank-you Socialist/Democrats for building this society.
"Wrigleyville Man Throat Slashed
"he survives, and 40 stitches later, makes powerful statement supporting concealed carry"
--6/21/2012 08:05:00 PM
Powerful statement would be five or six quick +P+ center mass at three foot range.
Fucking loons running around like this.
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