Saturday, June 02, 2012

No Blank Check for Cease Fire

  • Mayor Rahm Emanuel said Friday he’s proceeding with caution in forging a city partnership with CeaseFire Illinois — and not writing a “blank check” — to make certain ex-offenders hired by the group are “preventing crime, not committing it.”

    The Chicago Sun-Times reported this week that at least six people have been charged with committing drug-related crimes while on CeaseFire’s payroll over the past five years.

    That makes some law enforcement officials skeptical of the anti-violence group that has never before worked directly with the city.

But the city is bound and determined to throw some cash at these assholes who have no proven track record whatsoever. Get a load of the previous article:

  • But Hardiman said felons like the ones he hires are best suited to “go into a dark basement where guys have guns and are possibly high on drugs — and stop a conflict.”

    He said his workers mediated 223 conflicts between January and mid-May.

    From Jan. 1 to Dec. 1, 2011, for example, there was a 44 percent decrease in homicides in the three police beats where CeaseFire was operating in the Harrison District on the West Side, Hardiman said. That work was done independently of the city and the police department.

So on three police beats in 011, they're claiming 223 conflicts were mediated, all of which would have been shootings? Seriously? And if they did them all without city funding, why is Rahm so eager to piss away money?

And the numbers in 011 over the same time frame from last year? Exactly the same. So Tio's 44% decrease on the three beats covered means that the conflicts just moved down the block and over one beat.

Sounds like he could really use a few million dollars.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stopped 223 shootings you say?

Well, I'm convinced.

6/02/2012 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous DAC said...

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it... or become a CPD boss."

6/02/2012 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

even Stevie Wonder can see this is a scam.

6/02/2012 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No blank checks!! Of course not this is not the 21st century anymore. We'll give them credit and debit cards with virtually unlimited limits. We'll give them cash.

Will they be allowed to bill for mileage?

6/02/2012 12:32:00 AM  
Blogger Cops Colon said...

The November elections are coming. Rahm and the Dummycrats are trying show a segment of voters that they care by funding Misfire.

6/02/2012 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

paying people to obey the law....what a noble idea! theses libs think that they can reason with predators. throwing money around may make them feel good...but nothing changes.

6/02/2012 12:38:00 AM  
Blogger West Side, Inside Do-Nothing said...

He said his workers mediated 223 conflicts between January and mid-May. From Jan. 1 to Dec. 1, 2011, for example, there was a 44 percent decrease in homicides in the three police beats where CeaseFire was operating in the Harrison District on the West Side, Hardiman said.


I want to see documentation of Tio's claims. Logbooks and other documentation of dates, times, locations and names of those who got to live - get up at the crack of noon, watch Maury, smoke blunts and hang on the corner - yet another day thanks to the efforts of CeaseFire.

Sounds like bullshit, no??

But knowing how things work here in the Windy City, expect Tio and crew to land lucrative positions as 'CompStat Consultants'. There exists parallels between both entities, only our useless figureheads try to minimize public exposure of their ignorance and incompetence. And they oftentimes fail miserably.

Sounds like a match made in Chicago Democratic Heaven.

6/02/2012 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The money the Racoon takes from us on our next contract and pension "reforms" will go to pay these lying whores. Anyone could say they stopped a conflict and then hold their greasy hand out for a pay off. The Chicago way.

6/02/2012 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of blank checks when is our NATO OT coming?

6/02/2012 01:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CeaseFire and other organizations like it are nothing but government funded sops to the catered to constituency to insure that they loyally vote democratic and a "pretty please don't burn our democratic urban centers to a crisp like you almost did during the 60's riots."

Rahm is a spineless panderer for soliciting these mouth-breathers to somehow magically quench the fires burning on the West and South sides.

Money for CeaseFire...

Multi-millions of dollars in tax breaks and corporate welfare for his North Shore & Gold Coast contributors.

Muthafuckahs lined up to divvy up what's left of Chicago after finding out Short-Biggie didn't have time to steal it all...

Tutu and the alderfools telling the working and tax-paying few, "Fuck you... you're outnumbered and surrounded.
All you can do is work, pay these taxes, fees and fines to prop up the catered to constituency."

Welcome to the new slavery of the 21st century.

War on The Police?


Coppers can "see" Rahm & Co. for who they really are and refuse to pledge allegiance to the point of self destruction to a disloyal, dishonorable, big problems with truth and integrity north shore shit-ass who is openly contemptuous of the grief, aggravation and sacrifices in blood, sweat, tears, time and good years taken off the lives of good people who work this shit-doo-doo job that most people ran from when times were good.

Times are tough now everybody has something to say about how "easy" it is and how "good" Coppers have it.

A shit talker's holiday.

"Waahh! You're lucky to have a job! I haven't had a raise in 5 years and my 401K spontaneously combusted and turned into brightly colored shit so why should YOU GUYS get a pension when I can't? You guys complain too much!"

To the whiners and haters?

Bottom line... You stood in the wrong line when it came to career choice!

Are you so petty to begrudge men because their life choices are working out 2 cents better than yours?

Yeah we complain... It's our right and duty when the employer knowingly and willfully violates labor law and duly negotiated and agreed upon contracts.

Rahm isn't trying to "stick it in the ear" of his buddies at CME is he?

A rank, unprincipled hypocrite who hates Policemen because they represent something decent and honorable that he could never be...

6/02/2012 02:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cease fire ?

How about, OPEN FIRE!


6/02/2012 02:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A guy from ceasefire got locked up in 024 on Friday night.

6/02/2012 03:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dig into the creator of this scam and follow the money trail. Bet it ends right back to Daley or some other politician. Also check the political affiliations of CeaseFire. Who are they backing at election time???

6/02/2012 03:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm no hardcore conservative by any stretch of the imagination, but this is just liberal la la land. I'm all for people being reformed and productive, but this is not the way to do it. The police don't need civilian mediators of dubious backgrounds to stop crime, the police need more police to stop crime. Rahm's smart enough to know better.
This is just a way to placate the reverends by throwing some city dollars their way. The shell game continues.

6/02/2012 03:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the fuck already? Now ceasefire is making up statistics to justify their existence? Is that all you have to do any more?

Well guess what, Rahm? I stopped 2,853 conflicts this year already resulting in a decrease in crime everywhere I went all this year, on and off duty.

I deserve a raise.

6/02/2012 05:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well you can have the money if the murders stop, and vote democratic. better yet give them a one way bus trip down south, like they did back in the day. except they sent them up north. could this money be spent hiring more pos? rahm really believes he is the answer to the citys problems. the truth is he is a pimple on the ass of progress.

6/02/2012 05:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

$$ = votes.

6/02/2012 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What that piece of shit Tio isn't saying is that the Ceasfire felons are the guys with the guns in the dark basement!!
Such a slap in the face with our contract negotiations right around the corner.

6/02/2012 06:32:00 AM  
Blogger The Town Crier said...

While the evil one squanders money on useless non contributing thugs, nothing gets fixed in the dept, the computers in the districts are so old that they're about one POD mission away from crashing. The next memory intensive "upgrade" to the city's programs should pretty much disable most of our computers. But what the hell, we've got 250 million for a new Malcolm X campus. To all you people who live, work and contribute to Chicago, FUCK YOU! I'm gonna piss on your legs and tell you it's raining, and you'll vote me back in.

6/02/2012 07:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about that Ceasefire employee that got locked up in 020 last fall for Armed Robbery ? He robbed that poor Asian woman in her garage at gunpoint, pistol whipped her skull, and then tried to stuff her in the trunk of her own vehicle. The only thing that saved her were the neighbors who heard her screaming for her life. Shithead then goes on to point the gun at the neighbors, and made good his escape in his own vehicle. The 020th district coppers who ultimately located him and locked him up did a great job. And then this Ceasefire asshole rubbed it in their faces that he worked for Ceasefire.

This asshole had multiple CONVICTIONS for armed robbery, aggravated vehicular hijacking, among other things. He NEVER should have been allowed back on the streets of Chicago. He's facing a natural life sentence in prison this time around. This is the story the Chicago Sun Times should be reporting. Rahm should NOT be giving these Ceasefire assholes any money what-so-ever. What a disgrace.

6/02/2012 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought Cease Fire was under investigation for fraud? Here's what I dont get, while I'm all for exoffenders getting jobs, wtf what about our youth? Millions for a guy who hangs out at strip clubs and we can't get some youth centers city paid to keep our children safe. What a world, MAYDAY MAYDAY THE ALIENS HAVE LANDED AND STOLEN OUR MAYORS BRAINS!!! Oh thats old news, ah well back to waving the smoke away so I can see in the mirror..

6/02/2012 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...So on three police beats in 011, they're claiming 223 conflicts were mediated, all of which would have been shootings? Seriously? And if they did them all without city funding, why is Rahm so eager to piss away money? .."

Because it will buy him some photo ops and campaign workers in the black community when he runs again.

It's not like he could have hired cops with the money, no Rahm vote there.

6/02/2012 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bullshit is still bullshit, even if you rename it Petunia's.

Rahmboy and those of his ilk are the biggest "Petunia" artists in the good ole US of A.

6/02/2012 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... "buying" some peace in the city to get off the national radar before the election - a deal with the devil.Let's enjoy some days off - right?

6/02/2012 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another liar with statistics. This guy should definitely work here!

6/02/2012 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am certain that I prevented at least 17.5 shootings last night during my tour. I PREVENTED THEM! Go ahead and try to prove me wrong. I am a phenomenal success and a fine example of this new type of accounting. I truly do rock.

6/02/2012 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey taxpayer, makes you feel real warm and fuzzy inside knowing this is where your hard earned tax dollars are going doesn't it ?

6/02/2012 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6/02/2012 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Stopped 223 shootings you say?

Well, I'm convinced.

6/02/2012 12:10:00 AM
Maybe they misspoke and stopped a .223 shooting. 1-.223 shooting.

6/02/2012 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous See no Evil said...

Legalized money laundering. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...

6/02/2012 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Free "T" shirts and bumper stickers. And the usual cast of "Reverends" with their greasy palms out. That's all there is to this scumbag organization. "Pay me and I won't shoot anyone" What a noble concept.

6/02/2012 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Mayor Rahm Emanuel said Friday he’s proceeding with caution in forging a city partnership with CeaseFire Illinois — and not writing a “blank check” — to make certain ex-offenders hired by the group are “preventing crime, not committing it.”

Then why give ANY money to these criminals? Everyone in law enforcement knows these assholes that work for Ceasefire. They are all still active bangers, dealers, etc. Same bullshit as the Panthers. Rahm is an asshole for caving on this issue.

If it looks like a duck...

---not a cop

6/02/2012 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its amazing...the city will not pay a police officer what he is entitled to per the contract.... "let them grieve it" MLAS but they will pay these JO's ...lets u know where we stand with the city......

6/02/2012 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ceasefire is nothing but Urban Viet Cong, one minute they are smiling at you, the next trying to kill you.

6/02/2012 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical democrat answer to everything....throw taxpayer (you and me) money to the those who don't work or contribute to society.

6/02/2012 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cease Fire is bullshit and they don't mediate anything as for the 44% drop of violence in the west side that's because those gangs (black) are more interested in money than killing each other they don't care who comes around and buys their drugs opposition or not it's all about money for them. I know a couple of these cease fire guys (latin gangs) it's all front to get drug sales into other hoods and expand their profits without having any trouble from their advisaries. Transactions are done between the represantatives of cease fire to that gang and his counterpart from the other. Tio might have good intentions but these guys are to street savy and have found ways to profit from this orginization at our expense.

6/02/2012 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if these low life scum suckers get even a penny it'd be a joke. this would just be more evidence that chicago is moving in the direction of detroit, one massive shithole that needs to be bailed out by the federal gov't. if rahm is really willing to fork over money to the bottom feeders of the world then why in god's name does he have such a hard time giving money to the working class. what a piece of work you are rahm. have you ever heard of karma? well, karma is a bitch!

6/02/2012 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Will they be allowed to bill for mileage?

6/02/2012 12:32:00 AM"

No that only applies to the thieving arbitrator approved Cinderheads.

6/02/2012 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Area 'Souff' said...

Want to listen to a REAL moron?

Listen to WBBM's "At Issue" program Sunday morning
(also on their website).

They will be inteviewing 1st Deputy Al WYSINGER.

Perhaps he can stutter his way through it and tell us if his wife will be a merit Lieutenant in the coming weeks.

He also talks about Ceasefire and how great the savages are that run it.

6/02/2012 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Rahm should give dope slingers money to stop drug traffic.
Why don't they give money from political war chest , not our tax dollars.
No money for pay raises , but money forthis BS.

6/02/2012 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once you give away money you attract all the bad things. most of us in law enforcement have known that cease fire is nothing but a money grab contolled by criminals who will fake their "new found" ways to keep the money flowing. What a waste!

6/02/2012 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So we're gonna spend hard working people's money to mediate problems between people that are worthless, non productive to society, and are eventually going to end up in the joint anyway???

What am I missing here??

6/02/2012 11:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Igor knows best and was raised to know the value of a buck.
It has come to this, fuck the middleman (Ceasefire) just pay off the gangs directly.
If each shooting costs a million, just think of all the money saved in the long run.

6/02/2012 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'm no hardcore conservative by any stretch of the imagination, but this is just liberal la la land. I'm all for people being reformed and productive, but this is not the way to do it. The police don't need civilian mediators of dubious backgrounds to stop crime, the police need more police to stop crime. Rahm's smart enough to know better.
This is just a way to placate the reverends by throwing some city dollars their way. The shell game continues.

6/02/2012 03:53:00 AM
Police can do very little to stop crime in a free republic. Police presence can prevent crime from occurring at a certain place or time, thats all. Familiy, society, morality etc. stop crime. Police are putting themselves in a no win situation if they start to claim they can stop crime. Police can solve crime and arrest offenders, stopping crime is beyond police scope unless we become a police state. That said more police are needed to solve crime, arrest offenders and provide a presence. But stopping crime is above police pay grade and is asking way too much of them. If these revrends need police and felons to bring peace to their hoods, why the hell do they need the reverands ?
Signed a cop supporting Libertarian.

6/02/2012 12:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if im not mistaking, isnt it unethical for a city employe to consort with convicted felons. are there going to be information reports submitted, because according to G.O's, an information report has to be submitted each time you have extended contact with any convicted felon?

6/02/2012 12:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what happens when the powers that be don't let police be THE POLICE. Now they have to run to real thugs to try to stop the bloodshed. Chicago Police have been turned into paper pushers who no longer have access to anything, let along "dark basements" full of shit heads. Chicago Police want to do the job they were hired to do. The police know who the bad guys are and where to find them. However, a system that does not punish wrong doers now wants to pay them to stop the blood shed. Unbelievable. This may be the deal that gives Rham the bad name he deserves.
Officers, let us make sure we use this forum to out Rham and the Cease Fire organization.
Do not be deceived, Cease Fire is an organization full of people with lengthy rap sheets who will continue their felonious activities to complement their new found wealth.

6/02/2012 01:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Repeating the same useless tactic to make the tax payers believe that they are trying something new because this time it's going to work on those mindless gangbanger thugs...Completely OUTRAGED!!! Unfucking believable!!!

6/02/2012 01:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you read Timebomb2000? They had an interesting item on: WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: Obama In Serious Trouble – And That Makes Him Very Dangerous . It really makes Chicago look bad. Is Chicago really an Indian word for "It Stinks"?

6/02/2012 02:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The answer really is jobs, jobs and jobs and better public transportation and training to get these jobs. And, jail for those who continue to gangbang and shoot.

6/02/2012 02:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tio's claims are simple. Look at the stats after the fact, then claim you did work in the beats that went down. Easy! Instead, tell us what beats you are going into and when, and we'll keep track.

6/02/2012 02:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck this group and fuck them. Let them kill each other and god will sort them out. Take the money and give me a new sidewalk. I don't think I have had a sidewalk on by block since the late 50's.

6/02/2012 02:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're paying people to fight crime, aren't they employees and won't you be liable?

Just a logical question.

6/02/2012 03:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a Detective on the South side of Chicago, I can count numerous instances where these clowns posing as peace makers have been on my scene doing much more harm then good. Telling folks not to talk to police about what happened. And for many of you Detectives out there how many of you have witnessed these assholes in the Emergency room standing over the dead body of a victim and allowing Mama and the rest of the fam to say their good byes before you even had a chance to examine the body? Some of these guys show up in the E/R's and scare the nursing staff into letting them view the body before you even get there. What are the benchmarks this idiot Hardiman is using to log his success rate in defusing conflicts. These assholes do more harm then good.

6/02/2012 03:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ceasefire fudging the numbers to make themselves look good?McCarthy should hire them for the Compstat program.

6/02/2012 03:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously, is anyone buying this bullshit. Why don't the reverends pay cease fire, its their community?

6/02/2012 04:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Checkout the front page article in todays WSJ about San Jose, Calif. and the funding problems facing police and firefighters pensions. It also gives examples of what the public and other governmental employees really think of public safety employees. At one time we were special, not anymore.

6/02/2012 04:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey TD 9.5, I want my money ASAP! I saved an uptick of two on the Chi-Die murder number. I stopped two idiots in Pilsen from capping each other in front of a liquor store. I swear. I am Ditto Softilady and my organization is named SeaseLiar. Cha-Ching! Show me the money! Paperwork? Who needs paperwork? Just give me my money!

6/02/2012 04:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah that's why shoitubgs are up to the roof! But hey who's counting?

6/02/2012 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

State told ceasefire no more money, now looking to chgo. handout?

6/02/2012 04:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It almost sounds like the El Rukns reorganized and relocated. Just sayin'.

6/02/2012 04:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As soon as they get some City of Chicago money the lawyers will be lined up.

Suing the city on behalf of injured CeaseFire employees.

Suing the city on behalf of fired CeaseFire employees.

Suing the city on behalf of CeaseFire employees arrested because of mishandled funds or other crimes committed while acting on the city's behalf.

Any excuse to get into the deeeeeep pockets. Of course when it comes to hiring more (enough) Police and funding the pensions..."WE'RE BROKE!"

6/02/2012 05:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously, answer your jobs and do nothing proactive. This is a slap in the face to the working cop. Fuck it. Let Cease Fire handle the jobs then. Since we can't get a fair contract and the city will throw all this money that they supposedly don't have at a bunch of non-trained felons, then just let them handle the jobs. Sit back and code out jobs and continue to collect a paycheck while there's still money left. See, all the accolades from NATO are a distant memory. We were the flavor of the week for LESS than a week and now we're getting shit on again.

6/02/2012 05:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hardeman is a charlatan, just like Jesse, Al, et al

I would demand to see proof of all of these mediations before they get a dime of my (as a taxpayer) money

6/02/2012 05:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like Tio's been rushed through Compstat Bootcamp!

Funny, I had a case, a good case where Tio was the offender not too long ago (w/in 3 years) and he would be in the slammer right now if the victim hadn't decided not to pursue the matter--nothing violent--a widespread scam on the west side. And he made a lot of money....and got away with it.

I don't know if I still have the documents. I'm going to look for them, and if I do, I will FedEx them to the news stations, then to Rahm.

What a nutball. This is right along the lines of Fledster's "Cut it out or else" b.s. This thing with Ceasefire has been tried before.

Leopards don't change their spots.

What line-item will this cost be charged to? Consulting? Accounting? Contracting? Procurement? Maybe we should provide them with weapons while we're at it!!!!


6/02/2012 05:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT-but what is with the 'restricted' time-due June 14-18? What 'event' is going on? Is the temp expected to go up or something?

I'm sure this will be the first of many such missives.

6/02/2012 05:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We at HQ fully understood any promotional list was not to be disseminated in any form. No names,initials,race makeup,gender,class size,nothing prior to the authorized release. A supervisor stressed the word"Professionalism" on this issue back on the 27th of April. Some FEMALE now maybe in trouble for leaking out the class size,date and time.A C.R.# was generated based on the new G.O. use of social media outlets. Lander is upset and rightful so.

6/02/2012 06:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Chicago really an Indian word for "It Stinks"?

6/02/2012 02:35:00 PM

Yep. Also, onion or skunk, depending on the context being used by the wind-talkers.

6/02/2012 06:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Checkout the front page article in todays WSJ about San Jose, Calif. and the funding problems facing police and firefighters pensions. It also gives examples of what the public and other governmental employees really think of public safety employees. At one time we were special, not anymore.

6/02/2012 04:09:00 PM
This attitude is not uncommon and you cannot count on the public for support when it comes to saving pensions. However, have you every looked into what cops and firefighters are earning in California and getting for pensions? It makes ours look very small. It is not unsual for a patrol officer to walk away with 100 grand a year pension.

6/02/2012 06:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Here you go SCC

6/02/2012 06:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey nice job Mayor 1% !!

Your policies just resulted in a 6 y/o girl getting run over by the CPD.


Girl struck by squad car responding to shooting

By Peter Nickeas Tribune reporter

8:23 p.m. CDT, June 2, 2012

A Chicago police car responding to a shooting hit a 6-year-old girl in the Back of the Yards neighborhood early tonight, police said.,0,4555958.story

6/02/2012 08:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you will not hire more police and have to waste money on this freaking idiotic voter registration quest, how about finding some respectable people from the community who overcame the environmental challenges, went to school, got a job, bought a house, got married, have kids being raised in a stable home, etc, etc

On yeah, that's right those people know the ghetto and it's thugs are a lost cause.

6/02/2012 08:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

chicago is indian word for wild onion most of this area used to be onion fields and farms still stinks today and it not even the fucking river

6/02/2012 08:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A questionable evaluation of ceasefire was done by Northwestern University and a professor named Skogen and some woman now at Circle. They claimed that ceasefire worked in the beats they studied. What they didn't reveal is that the department through a ton of resources into those beats at the same time! Of course shootings went down. Academic idiots.

6/02/2012 08:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey how come Cease Fire is getting money and the Guardian Angles that put their lives on the line aren't?

WTF is up with that mayor?

Four Angles got stabbed a few weeks ago trying to stop a citizen from being robbed and pistol whipped on your El train and because the system let a convicted murderer that was sentenced to 20 years was let back on the street after serving 9 said person pulled off about four more major crimes since he's been out. But I digress. Where's the Guardian Angles money? Stop trying to pick and choose the winners and the losers. The Angels work just as hard.

Mine, mine, mine. I want mine too!

6/02/2012 09:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A school and parks zone speed trap camera would of stopped that bullet in it's tracks?

Boy, 14, shot dead in South Shore neighborhood,0,5618234.story

Hey instead of a zero tolerance policy to keep political protestors from setting something down on the sidewalk how about a zero tolerance police on shootings? Now there's an idea eh.

6/02/2012 09:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Obama Fundraisers in Chicago.

So how much money did Obama just rob the Chicago communities of by taking campaign funds and leaving town? How many millions?

That's money that isn't creating jobs, isn't being spent here and isn't trickling down to help the local businesses here. That money is on it's way back to Washington as the city is pilfered of its wealth.

How much of that money that Obama just left town with came from the corporations that received multimillion dollar tax breaks from the Illinois taxpayers which in essence makes it our money?

Sure if you get a $100 million dollar tax break you can afford a $35,000 dollar a plate dinner in return. It's the least you can do. The money is not out of your pocket it's from the suckers in Illinois who are unwilling or unable to follow the money trail for more than one hop.

6/02/2012 09:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CeaseFire -- you are nobody.

This won't last. I'd say "don't quit your day job" except that you don't have one.

In the meantime, STFU and stay out of the way.

6/02/2012 09:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"As soon as they get some City of Chicago money the lawyers will be lined up...suing the city on behalf of injured CeaseFire employees...."

--6/02/2012 05:01:00 PM

If there are no shootings on a given night, or if there are not enough shootings in a given time period, does the City have to pay a penalty to CeaseFire like they would to the 100-Year Solar Parking Meter Company if a street is blocked for construction or something?


6/02/2012 09:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Suing the city on behalf of CeaseFire employees arrested because of mishandled funds or other crimes committed while acting on the city's behalf."

--6/02/2012 05:01:00 PM

Fucking-A you sue.

"Since CeaseFire employees ALWAYS stole money, ginned up time sheets, and committed other crimes, this behavior is therefore acceptable."

Where did we just hear something like this...

6/02/2012 10:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Use that money to hire more police officers!

6/02/2012 10:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We at HQ fully understood any promotional list was not to be disseminated in any form. No names,initials,race makeup,gender,class size,nothing prior to the authorized release. A supervisor stressed the word"Professionalism" on this issue back on the 27th of April. Some FEMALE now maybe in trouble for leaking out the class size,date and time.A C.R.# was generated based on the new G.O. use of social media outlets. Lander is upset and rightful so.

6/02/2012 06:02:00 PM

Might that be a 'detective' recently detailed to McLackOfJudgement's office? Just curious.

6/02/2012 11:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out their meetings. After the meeting they break up into their old gangs and have an additional meeting.

6/02/2012 11:33:00 PM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

@ 6/02/2012 11:58:00 AM...

"...fuck the middleman (Ceasefire) pay off the gangs directly."

Heh... Don't think Rahm isn't trying to gin up a work-around to inconvenient trivialities like the spirit and letter of the law and the possibility of entire Police department sitting even more firmly on it's "revenue generators" (hands) in TOTAL rebellion and with support from the public who see clearly that Rahm is full of shit.

Boss-motherfuckin' talk by the original commentator... Carry on sir! The cut of your jib is formidable.

Sparkle-Farts is in town and you can bet that the combined brain trusts of Daley Inc. and Rahm & Co. are at Hacienda Hyde Park aka The Funhouse of Fuckery chanting, dancing and frolicking about with a skull on a stick trying to get a divination on how to proceed with their plan of fuckery without blow-back burning asses well deserving of being burned.

Playing footsie with dirty dogs like CeaseFire at the expense of The Police is astoundingly arrogant and thunderously stupid.

"No blank check to CeaseFire..."

As Dave Chappell said, "AHH-HAH! GOTCHOAZZZ!"

Rahm shredded the transmission of The Fuckery-Mobile executing that reverse...

6/02/2012 11:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That whole outfit is made up of "ex" gang members, and Ameena Mathews who is the head of the organization. For those who are in need of a little history lesson, Mathews is the eldest daughter of Jeff Fort, a former black p. stone/el rukn gang leader who got a $1 million grant in taxpayer money to run his scam for "job training" for his gang members. He also received financial and organizational support from reverend Fry, a presbyterian minister. His long criminal resume ended with a 155yr prison sentence after making a deal with Libyan officials to commit acts of domestic terrorism for $2.5 million. Mathews herself was very active as a self-admitted drug enforcer in the black p. stones under her father's leadership. She has now converted to islam, like her father did just before he led the el rukns. And, like her father, she has started an organization disguised as a benevolent foundation, attempting to procure funding from the taxpayers through government grants. Anyone see a pattern here?? If Mathews and company want to go out and try to talk some sense into these thugs that's fine with me- they should pay their penance for all the grief and destruction they've brought to their own community. However, they can do it on their own time and money- it's called volunteering and mentoring, a foreign concept to these ghetto inhabitants. None of our parents got government grants to teach us to make the right decisions and "parent" us, so why should they receive money for doing something these gang bangers' parents never bothered to do in the first place? Instead of giving money to these degenerate leeches, the feds should be treating all these gangs and their affiliates as terrorist organizations; they should all be quarantine and held in a camp at a military facility. Every taxpayer should be outraged that our officials would even entertain giving these fools one dime, while they continue to cut hospital/school/police/fire dept budgets and retiree's benefits.

6/02/2012 11:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just attended the farewell party for the bike patrol unit.The PO's detailed to the unit will now continue on to their lakfront details to work on district bike teams. I gotta tell you it was a real pleasure working with you guys. You all rock! Life long friendships were made. We will always have our

6/03/2012 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No money for police and the pension? But you have money for criminals hiding behind a bogus organization? Rham was a chicago resident? Can I rent out my condo and live in skokie? When do we get paid for NATO? Is compstat working? Because bodies keep dropping.

6/03/2012 03:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this the reason the sgt's list was not fax messaged, because of some female who leaked info. and know we have to wait for an investigation to be conducted or completed?????

6/03/2012 06:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Classic! said...

Area 'Souff' said...
Want to listen to a REAL moron?

Listen to WBBM's "At Issue" program Sunday morning
(also on their website).

They will be inteviewing 1st Deputy Al WYSINGER.


Area 'Souff' ????

Ahhhhhhhh Haaaaaaa!!!!

6/03/2012 06:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"From Jan. 1 to Dec. 1, 2011, for example, there was a 44 percent decrease in homicides in the three police beats where CeaseFire was operating in the Harrison District on the West Side, Hardiman said."
This sounds like a new stimulus plan-"We created or saved 1.5 million jobs"

More BS stats you can't prove or disprove.

In the mean time, they get the gold mine, we get the shaft.

It's truly sad that the public is more concerned about some sports player getting a blister and not being able to play than where their tax money is going.

Maybe the next time people need the Police, they should call CeaseFire or the Cubs.

6/03/2012 06:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ceasfire= the fox is now in the henhouse!

6/03/2012 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6/02/2012 11:55:00 PM

No wonder this reminded me of the government handout programs of the late sixties, early seventies.

---not a cop

6/03/2012 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hey instead of a zero tolerance policy to keep political protestors from setting something down on the sidewalk how about a zero tolerance police on shootings? Now there's an idea eh."

--6/02/2012 09:09:00 PM

Hey instead of spending the rest of your life on the police weblog long after the four-day NATO temper tantrum is over how about putting in a day's work at Loevy and Loevy for a change? Now there's an idea eh.

6/03/2012 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cease fire will work as well as the people hired as private security at bogan high , many are standing around together talking in cell phones , drinking pop , doing nothing for the pay
another do nothing job for the folks , where are the parents?

6/03/2012 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ceasefire marched in Lawndale Saturday June 2nd. The viciousness amd brutality of "the hoodlums and Keytankneemo" $ust ne spreadimg throughout the city, now to catch these brutal, drug dealing human traffickers ad $urderers.

- a citizen
And prosecute them after they are caught. Some of these groups say thjey will tell the brutal animals to stop and everyone should walk away.

6/03/2012 01:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Jeff Fort reminder.
I am willing to bet that Obama frees him during his last minutes as POTUS.

Fort has all the favorite buzz words of this presidents life: Moslem, Chicago, Lybia [why he attacked them, I still have no idea], drug user, & "community organizer".

6/03/2012 03:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Ceasefire marched in Lawndale Saturday June 2nd. The viciousness amd brutality of "the hoodlums and Keytankneemo" $ust ne spreadimg throughout the city, now to catch these brutal, drug dealing human traffickers ad $urderers.

- a citizen
And prosecute them after they are caught. Some of these groups say thjey will tell the brutal animals to stop and everyone should walk away.

6/03/2012 01:59:00 PM

Does anyone else not understand what the hell this means??

6/03/2012 05:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3 shootings in 003, 1 in 005, and 1 in 010... Aren't those the 3 districts ceasefire is working in with this agreement? But who's counting.

6/03/2012 07:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What that piece of shit Tio isn't saying is that the Ceasfire felons are the guys with the guns in the dark basement!!

--6/02/2012 06:32:00 AM

Tio nothing.

Dr. Gary Slutkin.

Dr. Gary Slutkin.

Dr. Gary Slutkin.

Dr. Gary Slutkin runs CeaseFire.

He doesn't seem to like cameras. Smart -- as the racket expands, sucks tax dollars.

6/05/2012 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These ex-cons should "be giving back to their community" and volunteer like everyone else. Why do they have to get federal money?

6/06/2012 04:09:00 AM  

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