Garey McKee at Police Limit lands another one:

There's probably a few years worth of material on CompStat meetings alone.

There's probably a few years worth of material on CompStat meetings alone.
Labels: silly people
Sarcasm and Silliness from a Windy City Cop
Labels: silly people
that's not me kissing your ass, though, since i'm in a mellow mood, i won't tell you who it actually is.
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." ~ Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's minister of propaganda.
Another slam at reality and the truth is the Aldermen and even community leaders have been catching on that there just isn't enough police anymore. When they complain to McCarthy, McDufass gives them the smoke and mirrors then slams the District Commanders where they come from for letting them in on that fact.
Off Topic, but I know Rahmmie reads this...You are the Anti-Christ...I just got my water bill a 10% rise from this time last year and 5% from just 6 months ago. Just for that, I'm going to run my spinkler 4 hours a day, both front and back, even during downpours...you want to fuck me out of my money, the shoe goes the other way too. You wonder why your Democrats are going to go down in flames in November, it is the overtaxing of the middle class to support the non taxpaying takers of society. Eat me, you digitless midget.
Gov. Quinn to propose assault weapons and large magazine ban.
As a result assault weapons and large magazine prices and sales ARE THROUGH THE ROOF!
Another waste of taxpayer money, wasted time and resources. Nice grandstanding though. The corporate press is eating it up.
Baltimore Sun (blog)-Jul 28, 2012
'When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.'
Amazing how we can learn so much from a childhood nursery rhyme.
We all know how well that story turned out.
water bill will double in 2 more years , thank the tiny dancer
Re 1.16pm.....funny how your uniform check arrives in your account within a day of your getting the water bill...for roughly the same amount of money. Up yours Rahm
Les S.....still proud of your little prick nephew?
Quinn and Rahmboooo plan 10% pay cut to all public employees including PO PO and Fire.
Future weapons seizures planned of tax by barrel x $200
Police retiree ws not exempt
Behind close door meetings in Springpstch
Chick fila Rahmboooo catholic church hates gays too. Slovakia was headed by a nazi priest during W W II will you be anti Queen of all saints? Election coming
Will good Catholics support ommmaa?
Since when is 1 st amendment anti American ?
God bless the family
Anonymous said...
Off Topic, but I know Rahmmie reads this...You are the Anti-Christ...I just got my water bill a 10% rise from this time last year and 5% from just 6 months ago. Just for that, I'm going to run my spinkler 4 hours a day, both front and back, even during downpours...you want to fuck me out of my money, the shoe goes the other way too. You wonder why your Democrats are going to go down in flames in November, it is the overtaxing of the middle class to support the non taxpaying takers of society. Eat me, you digitless midget.
7/31/2012 01:16:00 PM
We have to pay for the Democrats in the Southern Suburbs who have not paid the city water bill in years.
Rots coming in Novemeber election
And you think all that ATO training was for nothing! Ha. Are you prepared to attack your fellow citizens or the savages
Quinn and Rahmboooo plan 10% pay cut to all public employees including PO PO and Fire.
Future weapons seizures planned of tax by barrel x $200
Police retiree ws not exempt
Behind close door meetings in Springpstch
7/31/2012 06:09:00 PM
Could you rewrite your post in English, please?
@6.09. I call BS on the barrel length tax, the Supreme Court has ruled on taxes of this nature and said they were unconstitutional
They can try the 10% and will feel the wrath in no uncertain terms. Cops all over the state will stop producing and just make the mandatory arrests until the coffers run dry.
10yrs and done!! said...
Fuck this department and our non-acting police..This story isn't isolated and the police hanging out by Damen and Milwaukee know what we're talking about... keep looking coo on front of those bar flies and remember your long haired, combed back hair ass when you have to drive thru the west side and you get dealt wit!! Print this SCC...this is your department now..never mind the BS bosses...
8/01/2012 04:13:00 AM
don't give up on having an erection yet, buddy, you still might achieve a half boner by banging it against a wall.
"@6.09. I call BS on the barrel length tax, the Supreme Court has ruled on taxes of this nature and said they were unconstitutional
They can try the 10% and will feel the wrath in no uncertain terms. Cops all over the state will stop producing and just make the mandatory arrests until the coffers run dry.
7/31/2012 11:01:00 PM"
I'm impressed that you knew what 6:09 was trying to say. Apparently the code book I have is out of date, 'cause I can't make head or tail out of it.
On Target... Fire For Effect...
>>>Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Off Topic, but I know Rahmmie reads this...You are the Anti-Christ...I just got my water bill a 10% rise from this time last year and 5% from just 6 months ago. Just for that, I'm going to run my spinkler 4 hours a day, both front and back, even during downpours...you want to fuck me out of my money, the shoe goes the other way too. You wonder why your Democrats are going to go down in flames in November, it is the overtaxing of the middle class to support the non taxpaying takers of society. Eat me, you digitless midget.
7/31/2012 01:16:00 PM<<<
Don't drown your own lawn. Find out which neighbors of yours have the less than honest Rahm-o-water-meters. Have them hook up their hoses up to your sillcocks. Sillcock sounds dirty but it's the proper plumbing name for that outdoor faucet on your wall.
Have your neighbors liberally water their lawns, fill their pools and run their Slip & Slides and wash their cars everyday. Then they should return the favor in liquid form, like a bottle of good whiskey or vodka every month or maybe a case of premium beer.
That's being a good neighbor, and be sure you talk to them about voting.
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