Monday, October 08, 2012

Clearance Rate

Any detective or bean counter want to comment on the rumor that the clearance rate for homicides has dipped below 20%?  Is that why they're about to make a class of Detectives for the first time in almost 6 years?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

There really is no shortage of detectives. There are plenty of juiced people tucked into ghost property crimes jobs that could be moved across the floor and and made earn their pay. Lots of VC guys spend the night facebooking and selecting dining spots. Murders are solved in the room and on the street, not in front of a computer or a waitress. The D unut has been on a slide since Maher made chief. It's probably beyond fixing now.

10/08/2012 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They can make 10 new classes of dics and that number won't change a bit....ask the floor boss and the bank in Area South.

10/08/2012 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

18.68 percent to be exact citywide. Area south has the lowest rate of cleared cases but they also have more cases than the other areas...

10/08/2012 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5 years to be exact, last dicks class was November 2007.

10/08/2012 01:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're wasting time and effort on more gun tracking laws. What's plan "B" gong to be?


Making guns in your garage: how 3D printers will revolutionise the manufacture of deadly weapons

In the very near future, someone will be killed with a gun not bought from a dealer or a dodgy bloke in a pub, but printed at home in metal and plastic with a 3D printer. The tools necessary to replicate a deadly weapon will soon be affordable to someone toiling away at home. The cost of 3D printers has dropped substantially: models are available for as little as £400. Extremely polished designs such as the MakerBot Replicator 2 and Form Labs Form1 reveal how close the technology is to becoming a mainstream consumer proposition.

For anyone who wants to use their printer to make weapons, the web is a treasure trove. The CAD files needed to build popular hand guns are readily available and efforts to make a 3D printed gun have begun. Earlier this year, amateur gunsmith Michael Guslick, who goes by the name of HaveBlue, created the lower receiver – part of the housing that hold a firearm’s operating parts – for an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle using a 3D printer. He combined it with off-the-shelf parts to create a .22 calibre pistol and fired 200 rounds to prove that the 3D printed component was up to the task.

What’s especially interesting about Guslick’s DIY project is that, in the US, the lower receiver is the legally controlled part of a firearm and must show a serial number. Creating a replica of that component from scratch using a 3D printer suddenly makes it a whole lot easier for people without gun licences to build a high-quality, unregulated weapon.

more >>

10/08/2012 01:51:00 AM  
Blogger West Side, Inside Do-Nothing said...

"Any detective or bean counter want to comment..."


Would it kill I.C.E. to deploy some of each to 26th Street?

10/08/2012 02:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would it be that big of a suprise if it was? And is it anyone in the detective divisions fault? And does anyone even give a fuck?! U can't solve homicides w victims that didn't see anything and don't know nuthing. U can't solve homicides when all 20 shitbird witnesses didn't see anything! If they don't care then why should we. It's bangers killing bangers. Murderers killing murderers. And this is why no one cares on either side. And when no one cares on either side u have 17% clearance rates and its no one in this police departments fault....its the culture of this city. Didn't hear nuttin didn't see nuttin.

10/08/2012 02:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i cleared my sinus and my bowels today. ears and throat are next in my que.

10/08/2012 03:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the CLEARED/EXCEPTIONAL homicides are removed from the cleared list the rate is close to 12%. The SAO only will approve clear winners and there are only a few competent investigators on board because many of the merit picks are useless.

10/08/2012 05:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The clearance rate is 18.68%. That is pathetic. So in the city of Chicago if you kill someone you have a 81.32% chance of getting away with it!

10/08/2012 05:17:00 AM  
Anonymous I Fart In Your General Direction said...

Hire my Ex.

If the bitch clears cases with even half the proficiency with which she cleared out my bank accounts as a result of our divorce, CPD'd have the premier D Unit in the country.

10/08/2012 05:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha ha ha 2:36am....

U can't solve homicides w victims that didn't see anything and don't know nuthing....

Hey Detective, you're interviewing a dead guy.

Perfect example of why you don't clear cases...

10/08/2012 06:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

these aren't homicides, they are "killings" - 19P squad

10/08/2012 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Would it be that big of a suprise if it was? And is it anyone in the detective divisions fault? And does anyone even give a fuck?! U can't solve homicides w victims that didn't see anything and don't know nuthing. U can't solve homicides when all 20 shitbird witnesses didn't see anything! If they don't care then why should we. It's bangers killing bangers. Murderers killing murderers. And this is why no one cares on either side. And when no one cares on either side u have 17% clearance rates and its no one in this police departments fault....its the culture of this city. Didn't hear nuttin didn't see nuttin.

10/08/2012 02:36:00 AM


10/08/2012 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ASA' are unreasonable in what they want done before approvals. We're doing most of their jobs.

If you think the homicide numbers are a joke, take a look at burglaries and robberies.

Each burglary/robbery dic in a busy area will end up with over 600 cases for the year. Visits to crime scenes? Forget it. ET's not called, usually no prints if they are.

Only 2-3 guys in the ENTIRE city handling video requests. When you wait 3 days to get video on a shooting or a robbery, that's ridiculous. Plus you have to go view the video first, before they will come out. I don't know how those guys do it. Imagine going from one end of the city to the other.

I waste at least 10 hours a week driving to and from satellite office and the area. What a retarded idea this was.

And what sense does closing the areas make when those same offices are now repopulated with new units? GEU now on 5th floor at Homan. FCU now on 2nd floor of Area 4. New area 'west' moving into Area 5. Shuffling chairs is all it is.

Area North and Central getting killed with cases. The new 019 so much bigger, they're busy as hell.

CF is the only word I can use to describe it all. Printers never work, not enough phone lines, phone lines F*cked up. Outdated software, Chris constantly hanging up and yesterday it was Clear Applications that kept hanging up. Got 50% of what I could have gotten done if I didn't have to keep waiting for rap sheets, ET reports, and shutting down the whole computer system because Chris was stuck.

10/08/2012 07:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the reasons that the clear up rate has dropped is that Detectives no longer haw access to the follow-up tools that they need to identify offenders and witnesses. CPIC is the only group that can pull drivers license photos, run red light cameras, etc. if you need something you have to BEG them to do it. Before, detectives had access to a lot more databases.

10/08/2012 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you want to murder someone, do it in Chicago!

10/08/2012 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its amazing how many crime victims, let alone witnesses, when asked a question will respond "you da poleece, you figure it out". Oblivious to the fact that we figure it out by asking them questions. In fact, if I had a dime for everytime someone said that to me, I'd probably have upwards of $12 by now.

But I digress, when dealing with a population that looks upon the police as being the real enemy, then of course the clear rate for all crimes will drop. While the detective division, I mean bureau, does have a high workload, an aura of apathy from dealing with an indifferent "client" base also exists, and I can't blame anyone for just suspending stuff rather than going the extra yard for people who are amused by being obstructive.

10/08/2012 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many of the defectives are really qualified to have that job? How many merit hacks?

10/08/2012 08:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like it will help.New class of connected types.hah.

10/08/2012 08:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"U can't solve homicides w victims that didn't see anything and don't know nuthing. U can't solve homicides when all 20 shitbird witnesses didn't see anything! If they don't care then why should we."

Won't someone think about the overtime? Please! Someone think about the overtime! Oh, wait. I mean the children. Won't someone please think about the children!?!

10/08/2012 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the Northwestern Law professors, and their band of children investigators team up with thieves like Flint Taylor, Loevy and Loevy and the PLO. They could move into Englewood and other troubled areas and help the folks learn to cooperate with the Justice System.

10/08/2012 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you to the moron for posting on how to make guns in your garage you idiot. why dont you go to these shitheads and just give them the internet address. the only one who gets hurt is another police officer you are an idiot.

10/08/2012 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It will only get worse, the department is held to standards for charging cases that do not exist anywhere else in the free world.

10/08/2012 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous CMO guy said...

The dicks are doing scenes of crimes but follows ups are lacking.

The reason being Paper work and new stabbing,shootings, and murders.

Lets go over the paper work

request for pods (yep 911 doesn't do this automatically)

Buy bust request??? ( I'm still waiting for some case to break because of a rock arrest)

Line up forms( trying finding an Asian for a line up)

ordering cell phone records and then receiving them.

Submitting DNA again multiple forms saying same shit just test the pubic hair already.

Chiefs calling and wanting updates but offer no help! Heaven forbid the case hits the news.

Braindead white shirts wanting copies of reports because they are to lazy to pull up a computer screen.

That is only in the first few hours...

10/08/2012 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clearance rates have plunged through the floor.


1) States Attorneys Office is trying cases in the area before approving charges
2) Witnesses can refused to be interviewed, states attorney tell the dick's to re-interview
3) Too many supervisors never had a caseload and don't now how to investigate their way out of a wet paper bag
4) Mc-stopid and" i study stats before compstat meetings" deputy chief want movement within 10 days of cases being given out

BUT wait, theres more

10/08/2012 10:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets say 70 new dicks divided by three areas. Divide that by three watches. 11 or 12 per watch then...Divide by three. (VC, RBT, SVU) Then subtract merit hacks (unk value: 20%?) who will transfer to cushy units.(D-unit HQ, Analytics, HQ) Out of seven dicks, at least two will be RDO every day. Throw in the medical roll, and furlos...what will change????
CPD is a combine of futility, ineptness, and innefficiency. Yet the band plays on, and people die in the street.
Patrol runs from job to job, placating the masses. Tactical teams routinely arrest for heads only. MCC charges/reckless conduct. (just to get a cb#) Nothing happens in court.
Special units drum on and serve no real purpose in the scheme of things. (most of Em)
The Elite command staff gets shuffled around like a deck of cards no matter their severe lack of
proficiency to command.
Yet somehow a precious few believe in the mission, and still do real police work. They will never get promoted or make dick.
Be careful out there and work smart. This job will eat you alive!
So go and make new detectives...Promote more Sgts for a dwindling work force...Hire more police and teach them to make the easy arrests that serve no purpose except to embolden the drug dealers and the killers...triple promote the management staff based on nothing else but clout...Then allow them to make decisions that affect people lives.
CPD you have reaped what you have sown...

Less than 1 out of 5 homicides not prosecuted, or much less convicted...
Is there any wonder crime is rising???

And the band plays on....

I too..wanted to make a difference. I just read this and cant believe I wrote it. Lord help us All.

SCC U better print this!!!

10/08/2012 10:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lack of competent supervision and accountability in the D units is a prime cause for this. Sloppy work on way too many detectives, even when there is felony approval the cases are lost in trial. Then you have the fact that detectives hands are tied when it comes to witnesses. No way to force them to cooperate on cases. It is about time that the department starts building a demotion case on some detectives based on their quality of work and dump some of these people.

10/08/2012 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lt. Kirk Douglas is getting ready to shuffle the man power for the det division again in order to fix the clearance rate. As soon as she done horseback riding on company time.

10/08/2012 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom Byrne is one of the best people on this job, but at what point does he become as ineffective as Maria maher?
This dept is severely lacking discipline from top to bottom, but until top brass is held accountable you can't expect all below them to fall inline.

10/08/2012 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

one asshole taking out an other we care?

10/08/2012 11:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was in the news weeks ago, story that "dics drop 80% of shooting investigations because of uncooperative victims/witnesses."

"You the po-lice, you figure the m__erf__er out."

Has happened over and over, character gets shot and injured, keeps his mouth shut, and he gets shot and killed for his trouble.

What did they just say? Something like 400 factions of gd s alone?

10/08/2012 12:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Making guns in your garage: how 3D printers will revolutionise the manufacture of deadly weapons...printed at home in metal and plastic with a 3D printer."

--10/08/2012 01:51:00 AM

Not possible. Sorry.

Half-correct BS story. The guy got paid for it, he lives for another day. There it is.

10/08/2012 12:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who would want to be a detective now on this sinking ship?

10/08/2012 12:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Didn't hear nuttin didn't see nuttin."

--10/08/2012 02:36:00 AM

This includes CeaseFire. They made it very clear that this was to be their policy.

Then we gave them a million dollars.



"The project was founded in 1995 by Dr. Gary Slutkin, an American epidemiologist who maintains that violence is a public health issue that can be prevented..."

10/08/2012 12:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont see nufin.

10/08/2012 12:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look no further than the mismanagent of resources in Area 1. Useless guys assigned to 3rd watch works days and boasts about keeping the 'homicide files'.

10/08/2012 12:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Any detective or bean counter want to comment..."


Would it kill I.C.E. to deploy some of each to 26th Street?

Hahahahahaha LOL. Priceless. One liners rule!!

10/08/2012 01:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Area North has a 41% clearance rate and Area Central is at 40% clearance rate. Don't know what Area South rate is. The numbers are about 110 in North, 135 in South, and 170 in Central.

10/08/2012 01:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even if the dets get witnesses to do the right thing and have great evidence linking jagoff to the crime, felony review will find a way to punch their imaginary holes in the investigation and reject charges.

No detectives in last five years, everyone is either retiring or reserving their efforts for real homicides that matter like children, innocent working citizens and police officers. Who gives a rat's ass if the gangbanger's own family don give a shit? Not me.

10/08/2012 02:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Rainbow Maker said...

They may not clear many crimes, but there is a rainbow of Dets and Supervisors.

The clouted have nice spots.

"Meritorious" Dets are the best at solving crimes and leading the troops (sarcasm).

All is as it was intended.

10/08/2012 02:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clean out the Area 1 office. Too many people with inside useless spots. How bad for morale is it when VC are killing themselves and you have medical abusing cowards working stress free 5 hour days?

10/08/2012 03:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I will state the obvious, most of us don't give a fuck anymore. When is the last time you met a happy policeman. When was the last time you got up in the morning and wanted to go to work. I can't remember. Oh yeah it was back in the late 80's when I came on the job. Back when we all had a great time coming to work. Back when this was the BEST fucking job in the world. Now a day doesn't go by when I don't hear a guy talking about wanting to leave, retire or find a new job. everyone is doing the minimum that is required. Everyone watching the clock waiting to get the fuck out of there. Maybe someday the City will figure out no one care one bit at all anymore.
As for being a detective, get ready for something you never expected... Paper work up the ass. typing till your finger fall off. every fukn day. day in and day out. Oh and just when you get caught up, Bam buried again. 5, 10, 15 jobs a day. Its not just me, ask any of the guys. Glamour? Oh yeah I am a BIG CITY D !!! Some days you wake up and really feel like you want to help someone, you know the whole good vs. evil thing we all go through once in awhile? Good luck with that. Your supervisors most of which have never been detectives and couldn't put a case together to present to a State's Attorney or even know what paperwork you need before doing so.
The beat guys could do my job blind folded. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to be a detective. I am no better than any of you guys, I just get to wear really cool ties...

10/08/2012 05:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Making guns in your garage: how 3D printers will revolutionise the manufacture of deadly weapons...printed at home in metal and plastic with a 3D printer."

--10/08/2012 01:51:00 AM

Not possible. Sorry.

Half-correct BS story. The guy got paid for it, he lives for another day. There it is.


Not bs. An ar-15 lower is not very difficult to machine if you have the right tools. An AK is even easier.

10/08/2012 05:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone please tell me who lt Kirk Douglas is? And why is she running things for detective division .

10/08/2012 07:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way Racoon eyes make's us all to be the devil just makes you want to run right out there. We can not wait to see what the Jackass has in store for our next contract. Like no raises take everything away that we have, Oh and if you do not get killed by some scumbag on the street you will not have a pension. So lets roll up our sleeves and go get them boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10/08/2012 07:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It will only get worse, the department is held to standards for charging cases that do not exist anywhere else in the free world.

10/08/2012 09:54:00 AM

Why does CPD have only 48 hours to get dude in front of a judge and the rest of the State of Illinois gets 72 hours per state law?

10/08/2012 08:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Clean out the Area 1 office. Too many people with inside useless spots. How bad for morale is it when VC are killing themselves and you have medical abusing cowards working stress free 5 hour days?

10/08/2012 03:47:00 PM
Area One turned into a hiding ground under Uncle Terry with the parade of inept and unqualified lieutenants and commanders he put in there. Anyone around for a few years can name them. Actually it might have started before Terry with August the helicopter pilot. Area two is right behind them.

10/08/2012 08:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
One of the reasons that the clear up rate has dropped is that Detectives no longer haw access to the follow-up tools that they need to identify offenders and witnesses. CPIC is the only group that can pull drivers license photos, run red light cameras, etc. if you need something you have to BEG them to do it. Before, detectives had access to a lot more databases.

10/08/2012 07:47:00
As A RETIRED guy, if this is true then the department should be ashamed of themselves. Give them the trust and the tools to do the job. If the dicks misuse that trust then hustle them out for a new career.

10/08/2012 08:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a Leo, but live in 20. I was on way to the office when I stumbled into your response to the armed robbery at the jewelry store. What I witnessed was a first class police department and their response to a criminal act in the community I raise my family. You all are my heroes and I thank god there are men and women of the character and bravery standing between us citizens and the devil. God bless you all. Thank you again.

10/08/2012 09:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to say this but agreed that the chief and dep chief of the detective division need to hold some accountability here. They both been there a long time and things have only gotten worse. They are both figure heads and yes men and do not speak up for the detectives to anyone above their rank. Start at the top with byrne and andrews.

10/08/2012 09:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Area 1 chosen few make the working Detectives sick. The heat was put on us because of the stupid acts of a select few. Now everyone is being watched for working the entire shift and some idiot hits the medical to play softball.

10/08/2012 10:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cross train Evidence Tech and Forensic Inv as Detectives and more cases will be cleared . We find evidence and no one does a follow up . We could process crime scenes and investigate crimes .
We could also train detectives to photograpgh crime scenes, dust for prints and collect evidence . This would be a win win for CPD.

10/08/2012 10:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The Homicide Clearance Rate has ALWAYS been a sham!! Here is an example:

Let's say in 2010 there were 100 homicides and CPD cleared 25. In the normal world, the 2010 clearance rate would be 25% (25/100). But let's also say that in 2010, CPD cleared 5 homicides from 2009, 5 homicides from 2008, and 5 more homicides from 2007. You would think that CPD would just go back and adjust the clearance rates for the years 2007,2008, and 2009.


They just add the previous years clear-ups to the current year. So now instead of 25 cleared cases, you add the 15 cold case clear-ups and you get 40 cleared cases out of the original 100 homicides in 2010. The 2010 clear up rate just went from 25% to 40% using the new CPD math!!!! TAH-DAH, it's magic bitches!!!

If CPD didn't add the previous year clear-ups you would see a clearance rate in the 20% range!!

CPD never gives the raw yearly clearance rate because it looks really bad in the press(ie. LOWER)!!!

10/09/2012 04:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does CPD have only 48 hours to get dude in front of a judge and the rest of the State of Illinois gets 72 hours per state law?

10/08/2012 08:25:00 PM

Ask Maria Maher.

10/09/2012 06:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We could also train detectives to photograpgh (sic) crime scenes, dust for prints and collect evidence . This would be a win win for CPD.

And be a backdoor way for E/Ts to get D2A pay . . .

10/09/2012 12:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dets need another half-pay-grade raise !

10/09/2012 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I know is I need 170 (including the meretorious) to make it!! Unfortunately I have no clout for the meretorious and I'm nuts to think they ll make more than 70. All I could do is hope. I need this promo for my family! I took this test so many years ago and have been waiting for this. It's not a huge raise but I won't have to hustle as much as I do now for that overtime. 50 hours a period away from my babies is too much!!! Although I know the violent crimes guys are probably doing more.
To the unhappy cop out're a fuckin baby... Your lucky you have a job that pays 75,500. Yes there's a lot of bullshit, but the bottom line is you have a job and its fun to lock up mother f$&@#%s!!! There's nothing I love more than sending the low life's of society to prison!!! Isn't that the reason we all became cops???
To lock up the bad guys, make money, feed our families,
laugh our asses off in the squad car!!!
I only have 12 years on and I love my job.
I love going to work. I wish people would quit the bitching. It's not much better anywhere else. I did the corporate thing for 15 years... Same shit not as fun!!

10/09/2012 02:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please Andrews is far removed from being a policemen he would not no what a real policemen is if he was hit with a squadrol and backed over again. He has been cradled in a political safe house since being on the job. Not a bad guy just a politician thinking he can play Policemen. Silver spoon since day 1.....They will do nothing to him if the heat gets to hot he will just parachute to a new soft cushy spot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

10/09/2012 03:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cross train Evidence Tech and Forensic Inv as Detectives and more cases will be cleared . We find evidence and no one does a follow up . We could process crime scenes and investigate crimes .
We could also train detectives to photograpgh crime scenes, dust for prints and collect evidence . This would be a win win for CPD.

10/08/2012 10:41:00 PM

Another dumb fuck speaks. You realize you are in a union. According to your logic you can tell Rahm to cancel that 2012 Sgt's test because the Lt's and current Det can be cross trained to handle it. PO dont need promotions or hope. Unless you got that phone call and get into Homan square you can hang out in the district for 30 years. Go fuck yourself jagoff.

10/10/2012 01:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I know is I need 170 (including the meretorious) to make it!! Unfortunately I have no clout for the meretorious and I'm nuts to think they ll make more than 70. All I could do is hope. I need this promo for my family! I took this test so many years ago and have been waiting for this. It's not a huge raise but I won't have to hustle as much as I do now for that overtime. 50 hours a period away from my babies is too much!!! Although I know the violent crimes guys are probably doing more.
To the unhappy cop out're a fuckin baby... Your lucky you have a job that pays 75,500. Yes there's a lot of bullshit, but the bottom line is you have a job and its fun to lock up mother f$&@#%s!!! There's nothing I love more than sending the low life's of society to prison!!! Isn't that the reason we all became cops???
To lock up the bad guys, make money, feed our families,
laugh our asses off in the squad car!!!
I only have 12 years on and I love my job.
I love going to work. I wish people would quit the bitching. It's not much better anywhere else. I did the corporate thing for 15 years... Same shit not as fun!!

The key word in your post is you have 12 years on this job... and by the way I make more like 95K base, 130K with OT.

10/10/2012 06:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Not bs. An ar-15 lower is not very difficult to machine if you have the right tools. An AK is even easier."

--10/08/2012 05:24:00 PM

Yes, BS. Read the article. Not talking about machining.

Says "printed at home in metal...with a 3D printer."

Not possible.

10/11/2012 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who can bitch about area 1, it's better now than it has for a long time.

10/11/2012 01:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a frightening stat that someone posted earlier about a 18.68% clearance rate for homicides. And yup...hard to solve a homicide when witnesses don't cooperate. A shame.

10/11/2012 05:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

West Side, Inside Do-Nothing said...

Would it kill I.C.E. to deploy some of each to 26th Street?

10/08/2012 02:34:00 AM

Would it kill the District PO"s over there to actually call ICE when they actually get an Illegal for a Crime?

How many of the illegals are driving around on No License and no Insurance and are bouncing "indiana dealer plate Photocopies" from car to car...or all the Scrap Haulers with the dubiously attained 'found' metals in their pickups (9-64-170d Violations for Junk Trucks FYI). Or are operating
food carts and never seem to have the vendor license displayed.

And the District PO's are too busy during the Slow days and afternoons writing Expired Meter Tickets around County.

10/11/2012 08:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did they just say? Something like 400 factions of gd s alone?

10/08/2012 12:10:00 PM

SO spend some more time at the range and if some gang bang piece of shit draws on you or refuses to drop their piece....hit center mass and waste 1.75 for the bullet.

10/11/2012 08:37:00 PM  

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