Saturday, October 06, 2012

Physics Wins Again (UPDATES)

  • Neill Townsend biked to work most days, in all kinds of weather, and almost always had a story to share about a close call on the street.

    “He would tell us about them,’’ said Scott Wilson, CEO of Minimal Inc., a product design firm where Townsend worked. “He did have a lot of close calls with cars or even other cyclists. It’s not a bike-friendly city, unfortunately."

    Friday morning, the 32-year-old attorney was riding south on Wells Street in front of Walter Payton High School, just north of Oak Street, when the driver of a Nissan Altima swung open the door, police said.

    Townsend swerved and fell underneath the wheels of a passing semi that was hauling a flat-bed trailer, police said.  
Someone with "a lot of close calls" is either a (A) shit magnet or (B) a problem biker.  Knowing bicyclists as we do, we're going to guess B.  And we're also going to guess that Rahm or his minions use this death as justification for the 600 miles of bike lanes (at $140,000 per mile) that are currently choking traffic, commerce and emergency response times across the entire city.

UPDATE: Sometimes we don't even know why we bother to point things out to the ignorant assholes that "read" here.  To all of the reading challenged morons, could you point out where we wish death on any cyclist, make fun of the dead guy, anything like that?  Because we're missing it.

We rightfully point out that a person versus a multiple-ton vehicle isn't exactly a fair fight.  We quote a news article.  We venture the opinion that, based on our experience as a motorist, bicyclist and observer of human behavior, that the likely causes of the accident are two-fold, the second being the most likely one BASED ON OUR EXPERIENCES AND OBSERVATIONS.  Then we point out that Rahm "Don't Let a Crisis Go to Waste" Emanuel and his ilk are likely to play this a certain way.  What's the problem?

In 30-plus years of biking, from big wheels, to ten-speeds to mountain bikes, we can barely recall instances of bikes coming to complete stops at signs or traffic lights, ourselves included.  It just isn't drilled into people here.  It's part of why we stopped street biking years ago.  And the so-called "bike lanes" seem to play into the immunity bikers feel from the laws of physics, traffic law and general polite behavior on the roads.

Stop attributing words, thoughts or deeds that were never posted by us to us.  As for the comments, one half bitches if we let something through, the other half bitches if we censor something.  Can't have it both ways. So direct your stupidity at the proper target.  Asshats.

UPDATE II: Ridiculed what asshat?  We still don't see it and you're still an ignorant reading challenged  moron.  A judgement call based on years of experience isn't ridiculing anything.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's an incident set off by a dooring. You don't have to be a reckless cyclist to get doored.

10/06/2012 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Natural Selection. Cyclists who insist on riding on crowded arterial streets should not complain when Darwin comes a knockin'

10/06/2012 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How difficult is it for cyclists to use side streets where there is little to no traffic? Its not like they obey stop signs anyways.

10/06/2012 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to stand on the El platform at the merchandise mart and watch the endless supply of bikes ride right through all the redlights and stops signs. I looked all the time and never saw even one biker rider obey the lights or signs. The stupid city spends all that money and collects nothing from bike riders. yet they make it so the car driver is always at fault. geeze. Mike Marine

10/06/2012 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bikes and heavy solid metal objects on the same pavement just dont mix, especially in a densely populated urban environment.

Leave the biking for the parks, forest preserves and country. Take the bus if you want to help the environment.

10/06/2012 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Gigi said...

I am sick and tired of these self-righteous, militant cyclists thinking everyone needs to get out of their way. They are idiots for riding in rush hour. Furthermore, enough with $ spent on bike lanes. Use bike paths and let the roads be for cars. God forbid cyclists adhere to the same rules of the road as cars. Sorry he died, but when you make a conscious decision to engage in daily rides where your objective is "try not to die" the odds are not in your favor. Heads up cyclists. And this includes those bike messengers who also think they are above the law.

10/06/2012 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And we're also going to guess that Rahm or his minions use this death as justification for the 600 miles of bike lanes (at $140,000 per mile) that are currently choking traffic, commerce and emergency response times across the entire city."

So, in a sense, the deceased took one for the team.


The Machine is pleased.

10/06/2012 12:53:00 AM  
Blogger West Side, Inside Do-Nothing said...

Q: What do you call a thousand lawyers underneath the wheels of a passing semi?

A: A good start.

Anywho... your assumption of option "B" - "problem biker" - is no doubt right on the money.

Problem Biker no more, SCC.

My condolences to the truck driver for having to endure the emotional trauma that accompanies these types of experiences. I'll even refrain from pointing out the whimsical parallel between the type of trailer and the cyclists final appearance.

What say you, Chalkie????

10/06/2012 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have to disagree with your assessment. I worked the summer bikes for a couple years and you could be the most careful biker in the world and you're still going to have many close calls. The people in this city are complete morons. They don't look when they open their doors and drive like complete assholes. I wasn't there, but as an off and on biker in the city, i definitely understand where he was coming from and feel bad for him, for that easily could have been me on many occasions.

10/06/2012 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous 29 and a day said...

I ride Im careful It can be dangerous You may be a little too intolerant here SCC

10/06/2012 01:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The guy is dead for Godsakes. Run over by a semi. Do you really have to make a game at guessing whose at fault?

I'm the last one to have sympathy for biker who are assholes, but you don't know that this guy was. It sounds like lots of people are grieving for him tonight, and all your post does is give them reason to think all cops are cold-hearted, compassionless dicks.

I drop my kid off at Payton every morning and the streams of bikers is obvious. If anyone is at fault, it's the driver who opened the door into a well-marked bike lane.

10/06/2012 01:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's actually usually bad drivers not looking out for bikers that causes tragedies like this.

10/06/2012 02:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

May God bless the deceased cyclist and his family... I''ve had a lot of close calls as a police officer SCC and do not consider myself a shit magnet or a problem copper. This was a contributor to society not the drug dealer on the corner... As a police officer and avid cyclist, "Godspeed" brother

10/06/2012 02:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shit, another damn white bicycle and pile of stuffed animals on the sidewalk.

10/06/2012 03:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Painted bike lanes are ok but protected bike lanes are just a waste of money.. how do you snowplow these protected lanes in the winter??

Won't the bikers just use regular plowed roads?

Common sense is lacking here.

10/06/2012 03:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bullshit SEC. A little respect, its not all political, a man died biking to work and found himself in a no win situation when someone put a door in his path and unfortunately there was a truck in the other path and he died. We all know people who have died for being in a no win situation.

10/06/2012 03:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

News stated the bike didn't have brakes that it was altered? If true brakes might have helped

10/06/2012 03:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

these guys on bikes are straight jagoffs. worked in 018 for a while and i can tell u they ride like nothing can hurt them, dont stop for reds or stop signs. dart between cars. this sounds like a freak accident though. love how they drive between cars then pull in front of u at stop light. fuck them.

10/06/2012 03:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never do I once see cyclist use their breaks. They rather go into on coming traffic than slow themselves down.

10/06/2012 03:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel bad this guy died BUT I'm so sick of these bicycle terrorists riding the streets like they're invincible! Blowing red lites and especially stop signs. Its terrible!
I heard they charged the person in the parked car with malicious intent or something? WTF? They guy parked his car and opened the door? Now its his fault d*#@ head was killed?
I hope its not true.

10/06/2012 04:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

these bikers are rediculous... zig zag in an out of traffic, have no regard for the rules of the road... supprised a dozen do not get run over each day in the city

10/06/2012 04:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While a lot of cyclists can be assholes so can a lot of motorists. When I open my car door if parked on a street, I always look to make sure there's not another car coming or someone walking or cycling past. It's not the dead guy's fault someone opened their car door without looking. As for him having a lot of close calls, it's very easy to have happen in Chicago with all the idiots driving and not paying attention. Doesn't mean he's careless.

10/06/2012 05:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

180lbs v 12,ooolbs makes sense to me.

10/06/2012 05:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Have to disagree with your assessment. I worked the summer bikes for a couple years and you could be the most careful biker in the world and you're still going to have many close calls. The people in this city are complete morons. They don't look when they open their doors and drive like complete assholes. I wasn't there, but as an off and on biker in the city, i definitely understand where he was coming from and feel bad for him, for that easily could have been me on many occasions.

10/06/2012 01:12:00 AM


As for your comment about driver's not looking, I have looked many times and opened my door only to have a biker come past traveling at 20mi per hr. or more!
Even the most cautious driver parking their vehicle cannot avoid that! Sorry it's on the biker then.

10/06/2012 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most bikers that I've encountered seem to think traffic laws are not meant for them. Stopping at Stop Signs ??

10/06/2012 06:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let ONE copper write one of these 'bicyclists' a ticket and see what kind of media shitstorm THAT will generate... as usual, the police are the bad guys, damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

Of course, these cyclists NEVER are ticketed because police officers are too busy sweeping up after the 400+ murder capital of America body count in Rahm Emanuel's Chicago.

10/06/2012 06:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rahm runt needs to find a way to squeeze money from cyclists if he's gonna cater to the knuckle heads and spend all that money to tie up traffic lanes.

10/06/2012 06:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does the tiny dancer bike? I have a 4 door car.

10/06/2012 06:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Q: What do you call a thousand lawyers underneath the wheels of a passing semi?

A: A good start.

Anywho... your assumption of option "B" - "problem biker" - is no doubt right on the money.

Problem Biker no more, SCC.

My condolences to the truck driver for having to endure the emotional trauma that accompanies these types of experiences. I'll even refrain from pointing out the whimsical parallel between the type of trailer and the cyclists final appearance.

NOT FUNNY. What if it was your family member who was killed like that?? I agree that people on bikes are a problem BUT this was an accident and my heart goes out too all involved.

10/06/2012 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC- Why so much animosity towards Bikers? Would you prefer everyone drove? You sound like my 80 y.o. Mother who believes that Bicycles don't belong on City Streets, but on trails/paths in the Suburbs/Countryside. R.I.P.

10/06/2012 07:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're probably right about the bike lanes except THIS OCCURRED IN A BIKE LANE! Nobody seems to point that out. Still, if Tiny Dancer wants bike lanes, he will use this incident.

10/06/2012 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all you bike ridng coppers that are showing sympathy for this guy, me thinks you are infected with something called the "Stockholm Syndrome". I used to ride my bike to work eveyday. I never had an accident. But then again I was careful and didn't ride with a chip on my shoulder, act as if the world revolved around me, dart in and out of cars or ignore all traffc laws. Just sayin.

10/06/2012 07:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. I'm a female bicyclist who commutes to keep in shape and because it's better for the environment. I ride carefully respecting that I'm alongside much larger vehicles that can crush me but we do share the road. The callousness of this story and many of the follow-up posts is really sickening and sad. I can certainly imagine myself in a similar situation and drivers do have a responsibility to check before opening the door. This was a bad sequence of events but leaping to blaming the bicyclist is not what I expected when I visited here today specifically to see what was being said on this story.

10/06/2012 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eh, gonna disagree SCC.

If the poor dead guy just rode his bike a lot, the number of close calls will be high(er). It sounds like it was just shit luck and an open door that did him in. The car driver was at fault.

10/06/2012 08:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I ride a bike, I drive a car. Certainly a lot of statements here about bikers being careless, ignoring stop signs, redlights etc.are true, but when you park your car, you don't open your door into traffic, whether it's a bike, car or truck.

10/06/2012 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most bikers especially in 001,018,020 are the most dangerous,law breaking, self rightious,rude people on the road..they think its all about them and they own the friggin road..maybe this media overkill will open some eyes on these liberal crunchers and they' ll start walkin to work...oh but then they will be j-walking against the light and sue if they get hit by a never ends!!

10/06/2012 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to bike to work. Retired now. Most of my career was on 1st watch so it wasn't too bad biking to work for me. I always had the knowledge that at 170 lbs., I was no match for any car, even one of those little eggs or a Yugo. I rode mainly on side streets, avoiding busy streets as much as possible. I always took it easy. Those who ride their bikes like kamikazis are idiots and you can write them a mover. I have. It's usually a TVB because they don't have their DL. As for the dooring, under IVC, if I remember, it's 11-1407: Open car door into traffic. As for those purported PO's on here with the hate, you're usually the ones no one wants to ride around with for a tour of duty.

10/06/2012 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rahm , enforce traffic laws on the
bicycle riders and city will have a few extra million dollars.

10/06/2012 09:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New source of dollars!!!! City license of bicycles($$) then charge them for parking (city JOBS!)and cite them for traffic violations $$$$. You can have city parking stations for bicycles and CHARGE them!! Use money for improvements (City contracts!!) and hire more bicycle officers (more cops on the beat!!)


10/06/2012 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It's actually usually bad drivers not looking out for bikers that causes tragedies like this.

10/06/2012 02:31:00 AM

Bullshit. I never ignore traffic laws like these people on bikes. They've almost caused me to hit other cars to avoid them--they'll be gone, and I'll look like the asshole. Bullshit to that. They ride like maniacs, take the risks, suffer the consequences. (sp?) Riding like you're invincible has consequences like head injuries or death. Don't blame drivers in cars.

10/06/2012 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eliminate parking on the side of bicycle lanes....oh wait, if you take out the meters, you have to pay the company that screws us to park for the lost income. Maybe they can sue the parking meter company for an attractive nuisance as contribution to his death.

10/06/2012 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous I Fart In Your General Direction said...

"The guy is dead for Godsakes. Run over by a semi. Do you really have to make a game at guessing whose at fault?"

Answer: NO GUESSING GAME HERE, LIBERAL CRYBABY. THE CYCLIST WAS AT FAULT. There are risks assumed when you recklessly pilot a brake-less, 25 pound, two-wheeled mode of transportation in Chicago rush hour traffic. He rolled the dice and they came up snake eyes. And just because the motorist was cited doesn't mean s/he was at fault. Did Mr. Bicyclist have flashing lights or reflectors on his bike? Was he wearing a reflective vest? NO.

"This was a contributor to society not the drug dealer on the corner... "

Answer: SO A DRUG DEALER DOESN'T HAVE PEOPLE WHO WILL GRIEVE HIS DEATH? I'll bet a $1000 dollars that your average "drug dealer" is smarter than to ride a bike w/o brakes in traffic.

"Bullshit SEC. A little respect, its not all political, a man died biking to work and found himself in a no win situation when someone put a door in his path and unfortunately there was a truck in the other path and he died. We all know people who have died for being in a no win situation."

Answer: YES, WE DO KNOW OF A LOT OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE DIED FOR BEING IN A NO-WIN SITUATION. And we've poked fun at and had chuckles because of their stupidity for putting themselves in that no-win situation. You know how to win in a no-win situation, don't you? DON'T PUT YOURSELF IN THAT SITUATION TO BEGIN WITH. The Darwin & Chalkie Tag Team has been responsible for some of the best belly laughs I've ever had.

"It's an incident set off by a dooring. You don't have to be a reckless cyclist to get doored."

Answer: NO, BUT IF YOU'RE AN OBSERVANT BIKER THAT USES COMMON SENSE, THINGS LIKE THIS ARE LESS LIKELY TO HAPPEN. And in this case, he WAS a reckless biker, as evidenced by his coworkers relaying the frequency of his stories of "close calls". Just like that coworker who always seems to get parking tickets..."Gee, I just don't know what it is. It's almost as if they follow me around waiting for me to park and then they write me a ticket" says the dummy that continually parks where he shouldn't, with no city sticker, no front plate and cracked windshield.

Guess what? This guy's number was up. His card was set to be punched. It was time for him to meet his maker. From what's been reported, this isn't a criminal incident, and the guy who opened the car door didn't do so with any malice or intent. Accident, plain and simple. Preventable?? Absolutely...if Mr. Bicyclist used more caution and common sense. And brakes on his transportation maybe could've prevented this...maybe. But that's where the whole "common sense" thing comes into play. And common sense just ain't too common.

10/06/2012 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Talking about painting with a broad brush.

10/06/2012 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And it's only a matter of time before one of those people who like to ride their motorized wheelchair in the streets meets the same fate. Someone needs to educate these riders that those wheelchairs and scooters were/are not designed to be ridden in the the streets, they are not motor vehicles. And with all the consternation about illegal use of parking placards, I'm surprised that Jesse White's people have not addressed the problem. And woe to the motorist who is the first to hit one of these putt-putt's, he or she will have the book thrown at them, and made an example.

10/06/2012 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bikes should only be allowed on side streets. Biking on a busy street is actually stupid.

No sympathy, except for the poor shmoe who had the audacity to open his car door ON A STREET MADE FOR CARS. They will crucify him to advance the bike lane cause that will cost us tens of millions of dollars only to clog our streets.

10/06/2012 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I guess you have that same feeling about driving and walking? Next time someone talking on a cellphone blows through a red light and t-bones your car or almost hits while you're crossing the street I hope you have such a badass attitude towards life.

Nah, you'll be the first one crying to the police and calling your lawyer if you're still alive.

10/06/2012 10:56:00 AM  
Blogger ENB said...

"Eating Crow wins again!"
Wow. You people must be really fun at a party. SCC, you should know the law before passing judgement that the deceased was not following it by default because people who are almost hit by inattentive, selfish, law-breaking motorists somehow had it coming to them?

The deceased was riding, as recommended by law, in the lane marked specifically for bicycles. If you've never ridden a bicycle in Chicago in one of these lanes, you have no idea of the litany of hazards that come about because motorists unilaterally do not follow common sense to look before leaping. Motorists, you have a legal obligation to look before exiting your vehicle, personal freedoms be damned. Since few here will actually look up the law, here it is for you.

The Illinois Vehicle Code:

No person shall open the door of a vehicle on the side available to moving traffic unless and until it is reasonably safe to do so, and can be done without interfering with the movement of other traffic, nor shall any person leave a door open on the side of a vehicle available to moving traffic for a period of time longer than necessary to load or unload passengers.

625 ILCS 5/11-1407

10/06/2012 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and I've never seen a crown vic blow a light. Yah some are a little reckless, but when a bike hits a door or pedestrian, people don't die. Remember that next time you are driving down the road. You don't own it, share it. Why do we have those stupid crosswalk signs everywhere, cause drivers don't give a rats ass about anyone, grandma at the corner or a working Joe(freight paying citizen).

oh, by the way, get used to bikes. This is no fad. This is not environmental, this is the future. That will be your son or daughter, because these kids are freaking broke. No one is getting 75k and a pension anymore.

take a close look at the riders, note the 50+ yr old gray haired guys riding into the loop. That's no hedge fund trader brother, that's YOU if you get bounced off the job.

-follow the money (to f'ng china)

10/06/2012 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Physics Wins Again

Biker vs. semi-tractor flatbed"

It's not like the cyclist set up on an empty street and charged a semi to see what the results would be.

This was an avoidable accident.


There is no "versus." It's not cars vs. bikes, it's all just people trying to go about their business.

I'm sorry that this young man was killed. Thoughts and prayers to all who were affected by this.

10/06/2012 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the first "close call" didn't make me take the bus or L, it would be the second one. I'd decide that biking to work just wasn't for me. I don't know if this guy was one of those cyclists that blow red lights and stop signs, but I do know he wasn't roaming around downtown apple picking or beefing with some other shithead in the tourist areas.

As for charging the door opener with malicious intent, I certainly hope that there was more to the story than that. I know from experience that some of these guys haul ass in the bike lanes and if you park in the city long enough, you're guaranteed to at least have a close call opening your door. It would be terrible for someone to make an easy mistake and get raked over the coals for it.

10/06/2012 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bike ride, not in the streets but on designated trails in the preserves. Whether you are in a car or on a bike, you gamble with your life riding on the streets of this town because it's filled with foreigners who cannot speak English let alone operate a vehicle, yet the SOS of IL issues them a license. Bikers are just as bad, if not worse, as I have witnessed throughout my career as an officer. They blow stop signs, red lights, drive the wrong way on one-way streets, ride in the median cutting through traffic, even saw a guy riding his bike on western ave in rush hour grab on to the rear of a car and use it to pull him through traffic, the list goes on. Sorry to hear about this incident, and it sounds like a series of unfortunate events which all came together to create a very bad accident. Unfortunately everyone on the road today is very self-absorbed and preoccupied. Another reason no one hears or see us with our emergency equipment activated.

10/06/2012 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I drop my kid off at Payton every morning and the streams of bikers is obvious. If anyone is at fault, it's the driver who opened the door into a well-marked bike lane.

10/06/2012 01:52:00 AM

So now its going to be a crime to open your car door? Idiot! How do you know the driver didn't see the biker? Or he wasn't one of those zig zag in and out of the lanes bikers which are all too common. The article did mention that it was rush hour traffic, you know that does affect visibility. I have no sympathy for bikers. Stay on the fricking bike paths!

10/06/2012 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All it takes is ONE glance in your side view mirror to check for a cyclist. That's all. I do it every time. But I am also a life long cycling enthusiast. And seeing you guys blame the cyclist is beyond stupid.

The bike messengers, yes they are reckless assholes that deserve whatever they get. But most commuter cyclists are FAR safer than 99% of the drivers.

You are blaming a real victim this time.

10/06/2012 11:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

May God bless the deceased cyclist and his family... I''ve had a lot of close calls as a police officer SCC and do not consider myself a shit magnet or a problem copper. This was a contributor to society not the drug dealer on the corner... As a police officer and avid cyclist, "Godspeed" brother

10/06/2012 02:57:00 AM

Agreed! Had this been a motorcyclist I bet we'd see a lot less ignorant comments on here!

10/06/2012 11:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Natural Selection. Cyclists who insist on riding on crowded arterial streets should not complain when Darwin comes a knockin'

Well said

10/06/2012 11:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any more tax money spent to coddle the bicycling scofflaws should come from licensing and use fees raised from their pockets, not ours.

10/06/2012 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I used to stand on the El platform at the merchandise mart and watch the endless supply of bikes ride right through all the redlights and stops signs. I looked all the time and never saw even one biker rider obey the lights or signs. The stupid city spends all that money and collects nothing from bike riders. yet they make it so the car driver is always at fault. geeze. Mike Marine

10/06/2012 12:43:00 AM

Cars and trucks are guaranteed the use of streets because they pay fuel tax which goes towards roads.

What do bicycles pay? Taxes paid by the rest of us go to pay for bike lanes. Then bikes obey none of the traffic laws and now people are building another white bike memorial for this guy. BS

I wrote a case report on a bike racer who got creamed after he tried playing chicken with a Chevy Suburban. Flew right through a red light. I should feel sorry for that moron? Car driver and me watched his life ooze out of his head. Thanks for that memory. Not the first bike rider I watched die due to their own negligence. No pity here. Ride defensively, not super aggressive ignoring all traffic laws .

10/06/2012 11:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a bunch of fucking heartless assholes you all are. A guy riding a bicycle is dead because someone opened their door w/o checking first. IT'S THE FAULT OF THE PERSON WHO OPENED THEIR DOOR... PERIOD. I don't ride my bike to work. In fact 99% of the time I ride a bike I am on the sidewalk w/ my 7 & 9 year old. I suppose guys who ride motorcycles are idiots because of how much irresponsible drivers miss seeing them too. People get into their cars and completely forget how quickly and easily a vehicle can kill. Look at the people driving and all the calls, texting, eating, or putting on make-up. How about people just driving like complete assholes speeding way too fast, cutting other drivers off, or worse, drinking and driving. But you are right, shame on those cyclists. I won't wish anything on those of you who made poor comments, but I won't feel bad for you when karma kicks you in the ass. GFY

10/06/2012 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said.....
I heard they charged the person in the parked car with malicious intent or something? WTF? They guy parked his car and opened the door? Now its his fault d*#@ head was killed?
I hope its not true.

Yeah he got charged you dumb ass. If you park your car it is your responsibility to make sure it is clear before you open your door jackass. Just like the idiot that opens his door and a passing car rips it off.....IT'S THE FAULT OF THE PERSON WHO OPENS THE DOOR. How is a passing car/cyclist supposed to know jagballs is about to open a car door? Too many idiots like you have a license.

10/06/2012 12:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Plenty of bikers are idiots. Plenty of car drivers are too.

Sometimes people just screw up. I've done stupid stuff both on a bicycle and driving a car.

Except in light traffic at night I do try to avoid the major streets as much as possible. When possible I try to use sidestreets and stay in the middle to avoid being "doored".

I also ride relatively slowly when prudent.

When I was a young lad working downtown as a civilian making deliveries I once opened my door and Mike Royko almost took it off driving by. I should have looked. I still recall the look of disgust he gave me.

It would have made a funny column if he had taken off the door with his car. Plus a great story for me.

Biking is one of the things that helps me keep my stress level under control. The other thing may be happy ending massages on North Western Ave, but Tom Dart may be reading so I'm not sayin'.

10/06/2012 12:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never do I once see cyclist use their breaks.


They sure are hard workers, maybe they deserve a pay raise

10/06/2012 12:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My condolences to the cyclist and his family. This obviously is a tragic situation. Ic would have to disagree with the po ink the 1: 12 am post. Most drivers are not complete morons. Most drivers have been driving and parking their cars for decades, without incident. Now you have an influx of bicyclist in the city, without neither car driver or bicyclist having the rules of the road updated by both the state of illinois, when you renew ones drivers license and/or state id. Todays cyclist modify their bicycles, for speed, have no traditional brakes, bikes are more lightweight, so much so that they can reach speeds of 30 to 35 mph. Drivers are powerless, speed determination is non existent. Even if you look in the side mirror or see them down the block when making a left or right turn can find you getting struck by this cyclist going full speed in a "zone" all the while listening to their mp3's. Its just going to get worse. Ive seen cyclist strike the elderly, dogs, children on marked crosswalks, without any regard. Try catching up to them.
Most look alike with their beatnik bike helmets skinny jeans and boots. Hell, they even have their own law firm, the keating law group. If peaceful coexistence is a goal, then education has to be out there. Public service annoucements, like the @$shole mayors commercials after the strike. The cyclist also have to put skin in the game and i dont mean when the hit and skid on the pavement. If your going to be on the roadway and ride like @$$ holes and have drivers premiums increase, then bikes should be made to register, have some type of identification, eg. License plate or placard. Bicyclist shoud also be made to buy insurance. Granted we dont know what the driver did or didnot see. Accidents do happen. He/she will have their day in court. This will be a trend and will be a crisis with more and more cyclist on the roadway. The marked bicyclist lanes will make drivers even more liable regardless of fault. Beware! The keating law firm is just the tip of the iceberg. Chicago will become the next cuba, china because motorist insurance premiums are going to skyrocket, education has to start now

10/06/2012 12:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just saying, I rather run into a opened car door than swerve into the path of vehicular traffic. While this accident was tragic and may the cyclist RIP. Cyclist are quickly becoming just as hated as taxi cab drivers by Chicago motorists.

10/06/2012 12:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, this is just an complete tragedy.

By all accounts the victim was an upstanding citizen, of which we definitely need more of in this city.

This situation could of involved any of our loved ones and it's just sad. Does the fault lie with the biker, the road conditions, street design, the motorist, ect? I'm not sure that's entirely clear.

But what if this guy was a copper on bike patrol?

I know alot of coppers who are "shit magnets", as you put it, but then where would the fault lie?

10/06/2012 01:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What say you, Chalkie????

10/06/2012 12:58:00 AM



10/06/2012 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If anyone is at fault, it's the driver who opened the door into a well-marked bike lane.

10/06/2012 01:52:00 AM

and which rocket scientists chose to put the bike lanes on major arterial streets right next to the drivers' sides of the parking lanes?

and how many brain surgeons choose to use these marked suicide paths?

depending entirely upon someone else to be paying careful attention before exiting their vehicle?

cyclists with brains use the side streets.


no exceptions.

and they know, without a doubt, that they, and they alone, are responsible for getting from point A to point B in one piece.

if a cyclist isn't a 110% defensive driver, then he/she is rolling the dice, which, as we all know, sometimes comes up snake eyes.

life in the Big Titty ain't always pretty.

10/06/2012 01:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am nearly 50 years old..I still ride on the sidewalk, the streets are too dangerous.

10/06/2012 01:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's actually usually bad drivers not looking out for bikers that causes tragedies like this.

10/06/2012 02:31:00 AM

it's actually usually bold cyclists not appreciating their inherent vulnerabilities that result in predictable outcomes of bike vs motor vehicle that cause avoidable deaths like this one.

10/06/2012 01:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most cyclist that ride the streets of this city are complete jagoffs. I love them trying to compete with my 8000 lb truck regularly. Learn the rules of the road and you will get respect, otherwise too bad.

10/06/2012 02:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on. How can a reasonable person have an expectation of safely riding a bike in a congested city? About 47% of people shouldn't be driving a car and then you go ahead a temp fate by riding your bike past these morons. What does that make a bike riders? MORON square.

10/06/2012 02:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The new fad is to ride a,"fixie bike",essentially a bike with no brakes. You would think with all the past close calls you would at least want the ability to stop. You will see more dumb bikers run over just because of the simple fact they don't have the means to stop.

10/06/2012 02:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Chance Armstrong said...

Anonymous said...
Bullshit SEC. A little respect, its not all political, a man died biking to work and found himself in a no win situation when someone put a door in his path and unfortunately there was a truck in the other path and he died. We all know people who have died for being in a no win situation.

A "no win" situation implies he consciously CHOSE the semi over the car door. Bad choice! If he got squashed because he didn't see or thought the truck was gonna swerve or stop for him, bad decision or inattention to your environment. Here's an idea that'll never see the light of day: restrict non-motorized personal vehicles on main arterial streets.
I am sympathetic to the fact that he is dead and to the pain his family must feel, but he chose to ride on a street that has a potential for this type of accident and he easily could have chosen a less dangerous route.

10/06/2012 03:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's sad that this guy died but I have to believe from what I see every day that this cyclist was most likely at fault. The story said he swerved to avoid a car door that opened. Why didn't he just stop his bike? Because he probably didn't have any brakes like a ton of other cyclists and was riding too fast on a congested street. I sit at red lights in a fully marked squad car and cyclists whiz right passed me and right through red lights like I'm not even there. The vast majority of cyclists I've seen have absolutely no regard for their own safety let alone anyone else on the road including pedestrians on foot who are legally crossing the street. It's time the city gave us a bicycle rider specific ANOV book and start holding these dangerous cyclists responsible for their actions. Of all the car vs. bicycle traffic crashes I've had to do my estimate is that at least 85% of the time the cyclist is at fault.

10/06/2012 03:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all of you making the Darwin or Natural Selection or other jagoff comments....


For the rest of the CPD that hasn't yet commented...

You got issues with the jagoff Bike Population in this city?

Moving Violations tend to teach people to not do what they did to get pulled over...and if you use the State Charge....some court OT and no money to the city.

Or is it too difficult to hang up your smart phone and work?

Old Town Resident that rides legally.

10/06/2012 03:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

News stated the bike didn't have brakes that it was altered? If true brakes might have helped

10/06/2012 03:21:00 AM

Since when do you believe the News?

For that matter, when did you learn to read?

10/06/2012 04:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"No sympathy, except for the poor shmoe who had the audacity to open his car door ON A STREET MADE FOR CARS."

Yeah, I'm sure if you were driving and this guy (who I do feel sorry for, because accidents do happen) had of opened his door without looking and you ripped it off with your car you'd be very forgiving of him. Probably wouldn't even get the insurance company involved and forego having him pay for the damage since you're such a nice guy.

What if he opened his door in front of your car and you instinctively swerved into oncoming traffic to miss it and caused you or someone in your car to be injured or killed or cause you to inure of kill a pedestrian. You're such a nice guy I'm sure you'd feel sorry for the guy that opened the door and take full responsibly. After all, all the guy did was open his door. I'm sure you're man enough to take one on the chin for the poor guy who opened his door.

10/06/2012 05:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gigi said: "I am sick and tired..."

You're definitely sick. And probably tired.

10/06/2012 05:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And which rocket scientists chose to put the bike lanes on major arterial streets right next to the drivers' sides of the parking lanes?"

The same rocket scientists that set up a pension entitlement for police officers.

10/06/2012 05:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh -- there were at least two fatal motorcycle accidents a day or so ago -- one by Diversey/Narragansett, the other up on NW HWy.

Especially if you're on two wheels of any kind, watch out for slippery wet leaves and those patches of fine crushed limestone around street repair projects. That stuff looks just gray like fresh concrete from a distance, but it's like quicksand if you hit it. Put you right over the bars. Hate it, hate it.

One of the sneakiest in the fall when people are pullin' 'em out and takin' em home -- empty low-down, black-painted steel boat trailers parked out in front of the house for a while. Some don't have reflective tape -- careful!

Two wheels, four, or eighteen, that's just a person driving, good or bad. No one is perfect. I do the best I can, smile, wave "Thanks" a lot and pray that, for the moment I might sneeze or something, the other guy is looking out for me like I try to look out for him.

Weather changing, getting dark earlier and people not dialed in yet, just went through a big full moon, season changing and people rushing around to do different things -- everyone ease 'er up a little, stay safe and have a lovely autumn.

"You can't help anyone if you don't make it there."

God bless all here.

10/06/2012 05:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Average Savage said...

Sounds like someone zigged when he shoulda zagged.

Or vice versa.

10/06/2012 05:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Average Savage said...

Oh yeah, I forgot to add...

He won't ever do that again, will he now?

10/06/2012 06:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was recently rear ended in my car by a jagoff yuppie bicyclist at Lawrence and Washtenaw. Trying to turn right with a signal then had to slam on my brakes because of one of those new "must stop for pedestrians" crosswalk signs. He threatened to sue me. I pointed out the mom with stroller who had just crossed the street, and threatened to kick his ass. Guess he didn't call 911 on me like he promised.

10/06/2012 07:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no matter what fucking laws the fucking politicians make, if you're riding your bike at a rate of speed faster than you can stop your forward motion before striking an object, either animate or inanimate, you're going too fuck fast, and you are at fault for whatever damage you do, to yourself or the object you struck.

if you, the cyclist, don't value keeping your body in one piece, why the fuck should anyone else?

slow the fuck down.

or suffer the consequences.


10/06/2012 07:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the biker's fault, the truck diver, the moron who opened the door.

BUT no one looks at the poor planning of these bicycle paths which a joke. Why not look at cities like Amsterdam or Munich, Germanyy. Their bike lanes are well planned and not afterthoughts next to parked cars or on massively transited streets.

The fault lies with the idiots who run this city!

The Teacher

10/06/2012 08:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You obviously have never spent anytime on a bike. Bike cops get doored everyday. Your insensitive comments make us ALL look like jerks.

10/06/2012 09:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New revenue source for the state - bicycle "driver's" licences. When I was a kid a million years ago, we learned the bicycle rules of the road in grade school. Obviously, that doesn't happen any more. The money could be used to fund pensions or other worthy stuff. That's got to be a better idea than red light or speed cameras..."for the children" is an excuse, not a reason. Thanks for playing, Rahmbo.

10/06/2012 09:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I lived in the city we use to bike a lot.. and the MOST dangerous thing were the BIKE LANES.. Bikes are NOT cars but the city seems to think they are.. the second most dangerous thing is RIDING WITH TRAFFIC.. again BIKES are NOT cars.. they can't see who coming up behind them.. therefore IF someone opens their door they have no choice but to swerve out and most likely get hit by a car coming up on their rear since the driver next to or behind them most likely did not see the door opening either they have little to no reaction time.. when I was a kid we were taught to walk and ride AGAINST traffic a much safer and less stressful way to do it.. this from someone who has done it both ways..

10/06/2012 09:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aahhhhh, gotta love cop humor!! And to all the bleeding hearts, I got one thing to say: "bad things happen to careless people".

10/06/2012 10:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...this from someone who has done it both ways..

10/06/2012 09:27:00 PM

uht oh.....

10/07/2012 12:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agreed! Had this been a motorcyclist I bet we'd see a lot less ignorant comments on here!

10/06/2012 11:33:00 AM

a motorcyclist wouldn't have been traveling near enough to a parked car's open door to have to swerve into traffic to avoid it.

10/07/2012 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the same Tribune story --

"Friend and co-worker Brooke Lautz, 30, said Townsend...always advised her and others on streets that were bicycle-friendly routes...",0,7151628.story

10/07/2012 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for your update. None of us are happy that the biker died. Accidents happen. However this whole thought process of "we share the road" is bull. Cars first, bikes second. Tired of having to tiptoe around the careless, speeding, ignore road rules minds of most bikers. You choose to ride a flimsy piece of metal during rush hour (note the word rush) on roads that were designed for cars. So we have to share with horses, bikers, jaywalkers, tourists looking up at blds while crossing streets, wobbly older people, kids whose parents think its cute to let the kids run out in traffic and the usual drunks stumbling around. Something and someone is bound to get hurt. Everyone, and this includes all you crazy, speeding, dont stop at stop sign bikers.

10/07/2012 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...could you point out where we wish death on any cyclist, make fun of the dead guy..." -- SCC

Not SCC personally -- just half the posters here, whom I think the other half is addressing in disgust.

This will all come out again the next time someone says "bike."

10/07/2012 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chalkie, you crack me up!!!!

10/07/2012 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've called it right on the city's cyclists. Most tend
to think that city and state traffic laws simply don't apply to them at all. Got into a shouting match with a cyclist who failed to stop at a stop sign and almost struck my car (I did stop at the sign before proceeding
through the intersection). The cyclist goof proceeded to scream at me that he was a 'pedestrian' and that I should have remained stopped and allowed him passage. I suggested he pick up a Rules of the Road book and skim through the section on 'cyclists,' which are required to follow all traffic rules and regs, including stopping at red lights & stop signs. Seems a lot of them just don't know that part of the book. And we aren't helping
things by not enforcing traffic laws on these cyclists, even those who blatantly break those laws right in front of our squads while we're on patrol.

10/07/2012 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...[Bicyclists} can't see [who's] coming up behind them..."

--10/06/2012 09:27:00 PM

You can with a rear view mirror.

"...when I was a kid we were taught to walk and ride AGAINST traffic..."

I know. It's called "Wrong way on wrong side of the street." Great. Exactly where no one is looking for you -- coming right at them, probably wearing dark clothing. Force other cyclists to pull over and stop. Confuse many already-marginal auto drivers as to what the f**k you're doing. Idiots on skateboards do this too, come at you head-on with their mouths hanging open. Please unlearn and never teach this to anyone.

You can complete this wrong-way ensemble by running a flashing red taillight as your headlight. Seen this more than once.

...but if I'm going to the emergency room as a result, I intend to take company along.

Oh -- automobile styling is deteriorating like this. Saw a Mercury Sable and both ends look almost the same. Clear taillight lenses. Not the only car, either. Sick joke on everyone.

10/07/2012 01:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know it was already stated, but this fad of riding a "Fixie" in Chicago is insanity, and the bikers know this. They are NOT for street riding. The gear is directly linked (fixed) coasting, no breaking. This is hippster stupidity, for those hippster d-bags who didn't want a "Vintage" bike.
I've dont several bike vs car reports over the years. You can ANOV the biker when the biker is at fault (at least I've never had a boss call me on it).

10/07/2012 01:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3: 29 pm, thank you officer, you have stated what most of us were thinking. Stop your bike! Slam on your breaks and brace yourself for the possible impact with door! I have ridden that stretch of road on wells, cyclist ride two deep, no helmets, on their mp3s, switch and change clothing and their carryons while riding, never once do they stop pedaling. Milwaukee ave. is the same way. Yes, its tragic what happened to this poor man, but SCC is a forum which allows for one to get their opinions and/or comments out there. There is blame to go all around. These bike lanes are an after thought, shoved down the throats of all the fee/tax/insurance paying citizens of this city. Before you car hating cyclist start boo hooing, most of you dont pay property /gas taxes, city sticker, license plate fees, insurance. Yet, You are allowed to share the privileges of riding on the same roads, all car drivers have to pay for and most cyclist,do not. The accidents cyclist cause are paid for by the other drivers insurance. How is that right?
These bicycle lane planners, who by the way live in oak park, are the biggest nitwits. Some of these Chicago streets are to small or congested for the accommedation of marked bike lanes. Take sheridan road for example, the city had to mark side streets, as alternatives routes for cyclist, going north, from park paths. Still cyclist still ride on sheridan or worse the sidewalk. Its a big city, its not oak park or winnetka, drivers beware of cyclist and cyclist , wear helmets and slow the f@$k down.

10/07/2012 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not too long ago the city had cpd ticketing jaywalkers up north. Never understood that shit when they could have generated a lot more revenue ticketing bicyclist downtown.

10/07/2012 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am nearly 50 years old..I still ride on the sidewalk, the streets are too dangerous.
50 and on the sidewalk,,,nobody over 12 should be on the damn sidewalk,,maybe you better hang it up with your bike riding and start driving or walking. you are one of the the clowns that run over pedestrians trying to walk on the sidewalk. too dangerous,,huh..ooooh scary!!

10/07/2012 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous CppThis said...

Champaign has (had? haven't been there lately) a good setup: bike lanes painted on the wide sidewalks along major routes between areas of the campus, and a couple of dedicated bike lanes with concrete dividers between the road. This kept the bikes and cars from hitting each other, and bikes and pedestrians are generally able to stay out of each other's way easily. Good deal for everyone in a community with lots of cyclists. If I needed to get between paths I'd usually take the sidewalk, yes it's probably illegal but it's a hell of a lot safer than rolling the dice that someone won't a) swing open the door as I pass or b) swerve their Hummer into where I am because, fuck it, why not?

I don't know if they still have them though, because toward the end of my time there some dumbass with a badge had taken to lecturing everyone about how great it would be if they ditched the existing system and went for non-divided pavement lanes like what Chicago has. As a cyclist this is about the worst possible solution, there's just too many shitheads in cars to even think about it. It's even worse in C-U because most of the drivers are just there for the weekend and don't know where they need to be going. I'm surprised anyone even uses the Chicago lanes...

10/07/2012 11:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. I'm a female bicyclist who commutes to keep in shape and because it's better for the environment. I ride carefully respecting that I'm alongside much larger vehicles that can crush me but we do share the road. The callousness of this story and many of the follow-up posts is really sickening and sad. I can certainly imagine myself in a similar situation and drivers do have a responsibility to check before opening the door. This was a bad sequence of events but leaping to blaming the bicyclist is not what I expected when I visited here today specifically to see what was being said on this story.

10/06/2012 08:00:00 AM

MORAL OF THE STORY: Regardless of how respectful of a driver you are, the streets of Chicago are NOT bike friendly. It doesn't matter how much money the idiots on the 5th flr waste trying to convince everyone that it is, its NOT! I have a right to drive my gas guzzling truck that I paid for. If I want to stay fit, that's what the jogging path at local parks and the health clubs are for. If I, knowing full well all the hazards of the road, choose to WILLINGLY get on a bike with no protection whatsoever and drive amongst the tons of metal and steel on the road..then I must be willing to deal with the 50% chance one day I wont make it back the same way I went out.

10/07/2012 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see on a daily basis, bikers on Odgen & Roosevelt, who completely disregard all traffic lights, & ride in front of the cars instead of the bike lane. They go to the front of the line at a red light, then when it turns green, petal away! This slows down traffic to a crawl, they should stay in the bike lane! They are a nuisance, & dangerous to themselves & the cars.

10/07/2012 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was driving home from work when a guy on a bike ran a red light, I rode into the front end of my car! He caused the car in front of me swerve violently to avoid hitting him, then he ran into my car then fell to the pavement, his wheel bent. I had the right of way, never saw him coming, he disregrded his red light,& he was the striking vehicle. The biker guy was dangerous & they should follow the rules of the road, not do as they want & disregard the safety of everyone on the road! I'm tired of them!

10/07/2012 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a couple of quick and maybe lucrative fixes that the city could apply here:

1. Every bike must be equipped with brakes!

Pass the ordinance, hipster aesthetics be damned! People take the breaks off because of looks or due to a misguided belief that it "increases your awareness." So does working on a scaffold without being tied off, but you don't see the union guys doing that if they have half a brain. If you have to up the danger level to force you to pay attention, WHICH YOU SHOULD BE DOING ANYWAY, you shouldn't be out there.

2. Create a licensing system for bikes.

I grew up in the burbs and moved to the city. What's funny is that in the suburbs, generally it's kids riding bikes. In the city, it's adults. I can't remember seeing a kid on a bike on a main street. So, any bike on a main street must have a license plate. You can make it cheaper than car registration, the important thing is that cyclists then know they can be tracked and held accountable.

I remember seeing a bicyclist spit on an old lady when the preceding situation was all his fault. He's lucky I didn't catch him, but if I could have gotten a plate number I would have called the cops.

3. I know manpower is strained, but for the love of god they need to be subject to ticketing. Most people won't obey the law if it's not enforced, white hipsters and yuppies included.

Overall, while drivers do suck and/or make mistakes, too many cyclists I know have an entitlement mentality, which, besides being ridiculous, causes them to put themselves in dangerous situations "because it's my right to anyway."

10/07/2012 01:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...this fad of riding a "Fixie" in Chicago is insanity, and the bikers know this. They are NOT for street riding. The gear is directly linked (fixed) coasting, no breaking. This is hippster stupidity, for those hippster d-bags who didn't want a "Vintage" bike."

--10/07/2012 01:39:00 AM

You hit it right exactly on the head. There is a fad going on with this. It is called a "track bike," and the design was always intended for use on banked, indoor bicycle tracks.

The trendies are spending literally thousands on these, and they call it "minimal." As someone put it, they are "buying their way into a scene."

In the same sense, they buy new Chinese-made "vintage."

The whole thing is largely under a glass bell jar, in the blue central "growth area" depicted on this very interesting map.

10/07/2012 01:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man on bike in Cicero killed when struck by vehicle

SUN-TIMES MEDIA WIRE October 7, 2012 8:04AM

"A 54-year-old Seneca man was killed Sunday morning after he was struck by a vehicle while riding a bike in Cicero.

"Michael Dlugopolski, of the 2400 block of East 29th Road in Seneca, was struck about 12:42 a.m. Sunday, according to the Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office.

"He was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident, in the 3100 block of Cicero Avenue, about 1:04 a.m., according to the examiner’s office.

"Cicero police could not be immediately reached for comment."

10/07/2012 02:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone, listen up. SCC is NOT saying or implying that the guy who died deserved it. They are stating facts, which is what this blog is all about. Straight up, hard, cold 100% facts. They are on these streets day and night after all the cyclists are tucked in bed staring longingly at their bike parked in their bedroom. They see every day, year after year, how you all ride and how much more daring and dangerous you have all become. They also see how distracted the drivers are. Stop bashing the police. Without them, you would not be riding anywhere because you'd be shot and your bike stolen before you made it a block. Have some respect and honor for these brave people who have to face the dirt of this city on a daily basis. I doubt any of you wimpy desk-jockey cyclists could do their job for an hour. Also, if all you overly sensitive, bleeding hearts cannot handle the truth, then go read another blog where you can be pampered. The sad truth is that a man died because he was not careful. Period. Any moron knows that anywhere near a school zone has LOWER speed limits, for anyone riding any kind of vehicle, be it bike, car, scooter, motorcycle, etc. If the bikers don't want to follow the rules and ride slower and be careful, then that is their choice. Car drivers should not have to pander to zealot cyclists who think they own the road. And stop with all the "we are in our bike lane" crap. You wobble around on that skinny frame, you ride across your line, you ride double, you cut in front of cars, you weave in and out of traffic. Where do you think you are riding? In Mayberry? It's effing Chicago, it's big, busy, hard city. And stop with all your "we ride to help save the environment" crap because you are doing it for exercise. If your life is that busy that you have to squeeze your exercise in while you are on your way to work, that that is your problem. All you are doing is contributing to an already crowded, dangerous road situation. If you care so much about the environment, then car pool, or take the bus or the el and leave the roads to the police, the fire trucks and the cars. It's bad enough we have those horse and buggy things, not to mention those rickshaw things hogging the road. Frankly, bikers should be licensed just like drivers. They should have to have insurance, they should have to register their vehicle and have plates on them. If they want to play with the big kids, then man up and start acting like them and stop demanding equal road rights. You want equal road rights? Then pay up. Then and only then do you have a right to complain that someone opened their car door and you slammed into it just because a) you were riding too fast; b) you were not paying attention and c) it was your choice to ride in dangerous areas. Another hard cold fact is that you, the cyclists, are secondary on the streets. Play nice with the cars and the cars will play nice with you. No matter what, you will not come out ahead when an accident occurs and you know this everytime you leave your home. If you like danger that much, then join a police force or join the military.

10/07/2012 03:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chalkie, you crack me up!!!!

10/07/2012 12:49:00 AM

You mean, let me understand this cause, ya know maybe it's me, I'm a little fucked up maybe, but I'm funny how, I mean funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I'm here to fuckin' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?


10/07/2012 06:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another hard cold fact is that you, the cyclists, are secondary on the streets. Play nice with the cars and the cars will play nice with you. No matter what, you will not come out ahead when an accident occurs and you know this everytime you leave your home. If you like danger that much, then join a police force or join the military.

10/07/2012 03:49:00 PM

or come spend a night out with me.

just don't get in my way.


10/07/2012 06:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I lived in the city we use to bike a lot.. and the MOST dangerous thing were the BIKE LANES.. Bikes are NOT cars but the city seems to think they are.. the second most dangerous thing is RIDING WITH TRAFFIC.. again BIKES are NOT cars.. they can't see who coming up behind them.. therefore IF someone opens their door they have no choice but to swerve out and most likely get hit by a car coming up on their rear since the driver next to or behind them most likely did not see the door opening either they have little to no reaction time.. when I was a kid we were taught to walk and ride AGAINST traffic a much safer and less stressful way to do it.. this from someone who has done it both ways..

10/06/2012 09:27:00 PM

Perfect!!! So when I'm turning right and you're turning right or driving straight I plow into you causing you and your bike to explode.

10/07/2012 07:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The biker guy was dangerous & they should follow the rules of the road, not do as they want & disregard the safety of everyone on the road! I'm tired of them!"

That biker guy was dangerous. I'm not. And the man who died on Friday was riding in a bike lane and by all accounts was following the rules of the road until the *accident* happened.

10/07/2012 11:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"he second most dangerous thing is RIDING WITH TRAFFIC.. again BIKES are NOT cars.. they can't see who coming up behind them.. therefore IF someone opens their door they have no choice but to swerve out and most likely get hit by a car"

You're a genius. So bikers should ride in bike lanes AGAINST traffic so that when someone opens a car door without looking the biker is deflected into traffic by the car door itself.

You really do sound like an experienced biker. Are you trying to kill people intentionally or what?

10/07/2012 11:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"United States – The use of any bike without brakes on public roads is illegal in many places, but the wording is often similar to "...must be equipped with a brake that will enable the person operating the cycle to make the braked wheels skid on dry, level and clean pavement..."[40] which some have argued allows the use of the legs and gears.[41] The retail sale of bikes without brakes is banned by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission[42] – but with an exception for the "track bicycle" (...a bicycle designed and intended for sale as a competitive machine having tubular tires, single crank-to-wheel ratio, and no free-wheeling feature between the rear wheel and the crank...)"

If the lawyer was riding a 'fixie' then he was stupid and that stupidity resulted in his death. As to the driver being at fault? You stop. You look in your rear view mirror, seeing nothing proceed to open your door hitting the cyclist who was in your blind spot when you looked the first time. IMHO it was the cyclist who was at fault.

10/08/2012 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Play nice with the cars and the cars will play nice with you."

--10/07/2012 03:49:00 PM


10/08/2012 10:43:00 AM  
Anonymous The Guy On The Northwest Side With Anger Problems said...

I got three cars and a truck and an SUV and a Harley and a dirt bike and a jet ski and a snowmobile and a power boat and an ATV and a riding mower and a snowblower and chain saws and the biggest gas string trimmer they make that will whack the legs right off the dog if he doesn't look fast. I got a leaf blower that goes "EEEEEEEEEE" and blows dirt and mold and bird shit twenty feet in the air for me to breathe in.

I got two pressure washers -- one to keep the other one clean.

Every once in a while I haul all this stuff into the driveway, stand there and look at it not knowing what to do, and then put it back.

I pay out, buddy. I am the man who keeps StaBil in business.

Anything holds me up while I'm driving, one freaking traffic cone out of place, and I scream obscenities out the window -- with the kids in the car. It's a good lesson for them, teach them how the world works.

People who ride bicycles are Communists and should all be killed. People who walk, too. Especially "wobbly old people." Eliminate pedestrian crossings, tear out the sidewalks to widen the streets and raise the city speed limit to 80 MPH so a man can get himself a God-damned hamburger on the fly, in and out the McDonald's and not take all God-damned day about it. What is this, Laos or some fucking place?

That's what I say.

(looks over shoulder for wife, reaches into toolbox, hits off peppermint schnapps bottle)

I gotta go have an aneurysm now. See ya.

10/08/2012 11:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"They see every day, year after year, how you all ride and how much more daring and dangerous you have all become."

--10/07/2012 03:49:00 PM

Starts with false premise. Rest of this not worth worrying about. Same blast of wind every time someone says "bike."

Wave of murders, people trying to trigger a new Middle East war, economy going "over the cliff," people have to dump on something. Bicycles!

10/08/2012 12:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog can be very informative(thanks) and sometimes entertaining . But it can also be a bit on the cold-hearted side at times. The best way I could describe it is a lack of empathy, or at least it seems that way.

Yes, some bikers act like they are made of cast iron and careless about vehicular traffic. Most, in my experience do not.

Even if the biker played a major role in the accident, he is dead and his friends and family are in serious emotional distress. C'mon people, show a little bit more compassion.

That being said, I agree that you shouldn't censor any comments. Let 'em all through, that's what this forum is all about.
Assuming most comments are from other coppers, gives me a better understanding of the minds of some of the people that I have to depend on to have my back.

10/08/2012 02:43:00 PM  
Anonymous daniel said...

This is why no one moves here anymore. City of dumb, bloodthirsty brutes. What makes a man? Not you, mate. Not you. You're something else entirely.

10/08/2012 03:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Learning from a mistake as a bike makes us wiser,as a young man before biking was as popular as it is today with bike lanes and such,I was thrown over a few hoods and ran into a door or two but avoiding it may be more dangerous than just taking the hit,almost like a drunk inside a moving veh is limber and less prone to injury in an accident,anyway don't know if I made any point at all!

10/08/2012 08:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assuming most comments are from other coppers, gives me a better understanding of the minds of some of the people that I have to depend on to have my back.

10/08/2012 02:43:00 PM

try not to let this 'better understanding' go to your head.


10/08/2012 09:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why no one moves here anymore. City of dumb, bloodthirsty brutes. What makes a man? Not you, mate. Not you. You're something else entirely.

10/08/2012 03:21:00 PM

well, you don't have to piss your panties over it.

10/08/2012 09:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whose that handsome devil with the lieutenants bars? Looks like hes running the show without Kenny micromanaging the show for a change. Things are looking

10/08/2012 11:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"United States – The use of any bike without brakes on public roads is illegal in many places..."

--10/08/2012 06:46:00 AM

Thanks for the interesting citation.

"If the lawyer was riding a 'fixie' then he was stupid and that stupidity resulted in his death."

Was thinking about this on tonight's ride. I know about this fad, and would not consider riding one myself...but if someone pops a car door right in front of me, I would not be able to stop in time on a conventionally-braked road bike or mountain bike or 3-speed or coaster "classic" job either. That's why people swerve -- and sometimes get killed.

Please look before you open the car door. You know you have a blind spot -- please turn and get a better look.

Take it easy, two-, four-, and eighteen-wheelers alike. All kinds of traffic in the city; give, take, and roll with it. Everyone is just trying to get through their day.

10/09/2012 01:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I open the door onto the street I look in the car door mirror while opening the door slowly.

10/09/2012 06:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is asking, more strongly, to die a violent death- a biker who commutes on public streets?... Or someone who goes to work everyday with a gun on his belt?

10/09/2012 07:28:00 AM  
Blogger QPT said...

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2012 was awarded jointly to Serge Haroche and David J. Wineland.

10/09/2012 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assuming the cyclist had "a lot of close calls" because it was his own fault just shows that the author is the asshat. People don't follow traffic laws in this city because cops don't enforce them. That is why there is so much of a problem.

10/09/2012 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...

10/06/2012 11:33:00 AM
"a motorcyclist wouldn't have been traveling near enough to a parked car's open door to have to swerve into traffic to avoid it."

You've obviously never been stuck in traffic on the Ike--The motorcycles blow by between "parked" cars and on shoulders at full speed. I've often fantasized (after the fact of course) about opening my door as they raced up between me and the car next to me to see how far it would fly...

10/09/2012 01:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"That biker guy was dangerous. I'm not. And the man who died on Friday was riding in a bike lane and by all accounts was following the rules of the road until the *accident* happened."

Except for the fact that he was riding TOO FAST to stop when an emergency occurred--the car door opened. (maybe because his bike had NO BRAKES)
A little caution and some BRAKES would have probably saved the poor man's life. Stupid people die in stupid ways.

10/09/2012 01:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there any proof that the rider was on a fixie without brakes? I have seen nothing like that in the press.

(Also - FYI - Not all fixed-gear bikes lack brakes. I ride fixed-gear (no freewheel) but I have front and back brakes. The majority of fixed-gear bikes that I see on the road have at least one brake (the front). Very rare to see none at all.)

10/09/2012 05:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is asking, more strongly, to die a violent death- a biker who commutes on public streets?... Or someone who goes to work everyday with a gun on his belt?

10/09/2012 07:28:00 AM

a biker who commutes on pubic streets.


10/10/2012 12:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting that so many commenters here label bikers as ignorant lawbreakers, but don't seem to understand that "dooring" is illegal and entirely avoidable. The only asshat in this case was the one who swung his door into traffic without looking.

10/10/2012 10:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've obviously never been stuck in traffic on the Ike--The motorcycles blow by between "parked" cars and on shoulders at full speed. I've often fantasized (after the fact of course) about opening my door as they raced up between me and the car next to me to see how far it would fly...

10/09/2012 01:03:00 PM

so, you're going to compare being stopped in jammed expressway traffic to being parked next to the curb on a city street.


what might be your next inventive analogy?

10/10/2012 03:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"so, you're going to compare being stopped in jammed expressway traffic to being parked next to the curb on a city street.


what might be your next inventive analogy?

The point was at that motorcyclists are often just as reckless as bicyclists when driving close to "parked" cars. Yes, have you ever been parked in expressway traffic at rush hour? "Parking lot" is not an exaggeration. No cars moving, but cycles weaving in and out and flying past between non-moving cars.

10/11/2012 12:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The point was at that motorcyclists are often just as reckless as bicyclists when driving close to "parked" cars. Yes, have you ever been parked in expressway traffic at rush hour? "Parking lot" is not an exaggeration. No cars moving, but cycles weaving in and out and flying past between non-moving cars.

10/11/2012 12:42:00 PM

vehicles parked within the parking lane on a city street are quite different than vehicles temporarily stopped in bumper to bumper traffic on an expressway.

motorcyclists bypassing said bumper to bumper, temporarily stopped vehicles on an expressway, while risky to reckless, are not driving their two-wheeled vehicles within close proximity to said temporarily stopped four-wheeled vehicles for any other purpose than to by-pass said bumper-to-bumper gridlock.

for your analogy to hold true, a motorcyclist would have to drive between a parked within the street parking lane vehicle and a double parked vehicle, or vehicles, blocking the street's single lane.

granted, the marked bike lane constitutes a lawful lane designated for bike use, a lane which, if used by a motorcyclist, would be an unlawful use of by same.

the whole point here is that, regardless of the legalities, the cyclist is dead, and, would likely not be dead, had he operated his bicycle as if his life depended upon doing so with great care and constant acceptance of his inherent vulnerability.

and that means not putting his faith in the laws made by man, but, rather, being certain that the laws of physics don't give a flying fuck about the laws made by man.

10/11/2012 08:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember this starting to get real bad back in the nineties. The bike riders seem to think that because they are the only ones that care for the environment that the rest of us are assholes who deserve no consideration. The problem with the cyclists in Chicago is that they are never ticketed or called out on their behavior on the roads. They need licensing, to be ticketed whenever possible, and the bikes need to be up to code. Or decide which you want, bikes or cars, because having both together at the same time is not working, and has never worked. Oh, and the bike lanes in this city suck, it's like they were added by someone who really doesn't like cyclists. After being in traffic with many of them over the years, I can almost sympathize.

10/12/2012 10:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem with the cyclists in Chicago is that they are never ticketed or called out on their behavior on the roads.

10/12/2012 10:13:00 AM

every so often, i call them out.

mostly on the rare occasions that i'm a bit bored.


10/12/2012 05:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The point was at that motorcyclists are often just as reckless as bicyclists when driving close to "parked" cars. Yes, have you ever been parked in expressway traffic at rush hour? "Parking lot" is not an exaggeration. No cars moving, but cycles weaving in and out and flying past between non-moving cars."

And I've driven on streets in Puerto Rico where the retaining wall is so close to your car on a 55mph highway that you could reach out and touch it with your hand.

Which, like your comment, has absolutely nothing to do with this thread.

10/13/2012 07:28:00 PM  

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