Sorry Al, But You're Full of Shit
Funny story in the comment section:
- Good ol Alfonso addressed the 1800 hr VRI roll call last night. He told us the mayor has our backs and he supports us in taking the streets back(you should have heard the snickers). He also said we need to stop using alligator arms and get out there and get your hands on people. Oh, and the best one of the night,"we need to stop being pussies'". He said we need to get back to being the police and remember, the mayor supports.i almost shit myself. Hillarious....
Really? Rahm has gone to the firehouses and told CFD to their faces that he's going to porch-fuck them nine-ways-til-Sunday as far as their pension is concerned. And he's told the FOP the same thing in no uncertain terms.
Alfonza coming out and telling the Violence Reduction roll call that this City, this Department, and this administration is going to do anything to "back you" is so much crap. "Hands on" means "off the job" to anyone paying attention.
Disbanding units and sending the officers to shitholes without even giving them a shot to return to their originally assigned districts? Classy Al.
Constant denial of Time Due - time we EARNED on our off hours - isn't earning you any trust.
Incompetency throughout the exempt ranks - do we really have to name them?
We're not pussies Al. We're survivors.
Alfonza coming out and telling the Violence Reduction roll call that this City, this Department, and this administration is going to do anything to "back you" is so much crap. "Hands on" means "off the job" to anyone paying attention.
Disbanding units and sending the officers to shitholes without even giving them a shot to return to their originally assigned districts? Classy Al.
Constant denial of Time Due - time we EARNED on our off hours - isn't earning you any trust.
Incompetency throughout the exempt ranks - do we really have to name them?
We're not pussies Al. We're survivors.
Labels: silly people
Al just another asshole, who lies! Yep al we wnt to jeopardize our freedom,family,everything for you jag off, now go back to moms basement you clown!
Some people think that JTTF stands for the Joint Terrorist Task Force.
When it comes to Rahm JTTF is a game called
"Just The Tip (you) F**Kers"
Talk is cheap.
Hey Al go fuck yourself u incompetent are a perfect example of a hack:dumb,arrogant,yes man,suck ass,connected and an all around general fuck head.
Hey Al what are your qualifications?
A.W. was a great commander in 015. Sorry to see this side of him. By the way, Patterson introduced him to rollcall as "the First". What an ego......
No fucking way. Can somebody confirm please. I can't believe someone would say something as stupid as that and expect a room full of coppers to believe it.
I have been the police for a long time, 13 yrs. The mayor and superintendent of police have always had the line officer's backs. They just would have a knife in one hand and your wallet in the other.
Rahm is reading this right now somewhere and saying, "that's bullshit!" Lol
In Wysinger's (dis)honor, at least half of every VRI shift I "work" is spent in or near a Dunkin' Donuts.
Coffee and donuts aside, free WiFi seals the deal - especially since I spend considerable time perusing SCC and various, ahem... "adult" sites.
And for those memory-impaired, please reference SCC's "Fuck You Wysinger" thread from Friday, 29 June 12, to see just how much Al and the current administration "has our backs".
Sure, "America Runs On Dunkin'", but Al Wysinger runs on Kool-Aid.
Fuck you, Al.
And before it slips my mind...fuck you, McCarthy. And double-fuck you, Rahm.
Amen SCC!
Al Wysinger has lost his mad rabbit mind since he was "blessed" with a Gold Star.
He's had a few well documented cases of shit-talking the troops while trying to sell his rah-rah bullshit...
You must not have a single fucking mirror in your house, do you Al?
You lack the substance for a reflection and you also lack the weight and credibility to cast a shadow.
You've got a lot of nerve, podna'!
If you were any kind of MAN, let alone a Policeman or better still, a PATROLMAN, you at least wouldn't make it so painfully apparent that Rahm, McCarthy, the aldergumps and the rev'runs "sexed you in" for that Gold Star.
Pussy what?
Pussy who?
Pussy where?
Pussy over by there!
Your mouth overdraws your narrow ass since you don't have brains enough to keep your tongue in check.
You been smokin' too much o' dat New Yuck shit. It makes formerly decent men say and do foul, fucked-up shit for the sake of foul, fucked-up shit.
Oh yeah, Al... That BASS in your voice is only for talking shit to the troops?
When you're allowed to talk in the presence of the mayor and the superintendent, do they give you the manly courtesy of looking you in the eye?
Or do they avert their gaze?
Mmmm-Hmmm... Figured as much...
Heh... Do they have YOUR back, Al?
Step aside child... The adults ARE talking about survival here.
Dear Al... Up yours.
I believe as much as the citizens are fucked you men and women have been fucked yourselves. You all fight, we certain citizens stand behind you in keeping streets safe . The absolute bullshit that has plagued the judges is what we all have to fight for. I think anyone who puts themselves in harms way of this city needs to be accounted for and fought for their rights. You guys keep holding the US CONSTITUTION and what's right to all of our safety and you will have your back covered. You want us at meetings, you want civilians more involved we will fight for COPS and FIRE who do right and POLITICIANS who do wrong .. GET a cop to stand for every neighborhood beat, and work with us and know us.
WOW ! Theise guys have no clue.
Hey Al.... Your the pussy, sucking up to the politicians instead of standing up for us... The police officers...what's the matter Al? Afraid if you speak the truth you'll lose your "spot"? Your nothing but a political hack with no balls. How dare you come into any roll call and call any police officer a pussy... These kids can't even get a fucking chance to get promoted and you want them to give you more huh? YOU designed this department... YOU are in a position to change it, YOU are the pussy... You know God damn well these kids are going out every day with their ass in the wind trying their heart out to do their job and people like YOU are doing NOTHING to help us... But YOU sure help yourself to that fat check twice a month. We have no manpower we have shit equipment and YOU have the fucking balls to call us pussies and tell us lies that the " Mayor has our backs"? Why... Because the city is a killing field and the political hacks such as yourself are looking bad?? All of a sudden YOU need us huh? Well..... YOU and your politician buddies threw us to the wolves and all we are trying to do now is survive... The once great Chicago Police Department that YOU were part of and the same department that YOU helped tear down is gone.. I hope your happy with your gold star Al... YOU sellout, why don't YOU go out with your political hack buddies and do the work YOUrselves...we will sit back and watch you squirm just like YOU have done to us. Have a great day officer.
Fuck you Al
Fuck you Rahm
The streets were given up years ago. This monster
was created by you and people like you when the teeth were extracted from the mouths of the working police. You got what you deserve.
Great story ,if you read between the lines you can sense how desperate the mayor and the exempts are to try to make the rank and file give a shit about the violence and this job for that matter. To the mayor , this is the department that you and the rest of the liberals in this city wanted. Now you have to deal with the embarresssment of your city being know as a wild , uncivilized , jungle.
Lead by example. Talk is cheap. Get out there with the troops and show us how it's done.
OUR BACKS? Maybe a knife into our backs!!!
Coming from the guy who has worked days with weekends off his whole career.
Did he have a straight face when spewing this obvious nonsense? If so he'd be a Hell of a poker player!
Obviously Al is mainlining the Rahm and McFailure kool-aid. Did anyone spot the kool-aid I.V.?
Stop being a pussy? Really? Fuck uncle Al and anyone who looks like him! Let that tiny headed fuck saddle up and hit the streets. What, that company crown Vic ain't got windows or breaks? You see something Al you jump out and deal with it. What an un-classy motherfucker, talking like that to men and women busting their ass, risking their lives for citizens who spit on the ground when they roll by. Fuck Al.
Some of this stuff I hear I find it difficult to believe.
Do they think we are stupid or something.
I work everyday, I work smart. I will not violate rights to prove I'm not a pussie, which I know I'm not, or be bullied into to doing what I know will get me in trouble by putting my hands on someone and not a fucking boss will back me.
Is this the new department, name calling and bullying, wtf!
The NY way I guess
Now that the supreme court had ruled on duty police officers can be recorded its time to start recording some of the stupid shit bosses say. Might as well use it to our advantage.
100% true. Was there. A true leader would of told the mayor to go fuck himself after a comment like that. This little cock sucker talks a lot of shit for being 3'05". What really gets me is why do they act like something is wrong. Isn't this the police department they wanted??
We were told only 8 people off per watch
Wysinger is worse than a pussy
he is an exempt yesman, politician ass-licker
Obviously Al is mainlining the Rahm and McFailure kool-aid. Did anyone spot the kool-aid I.V.?
2/03/2013 02:46:00 AM
it's actually a catheter.
so, no, no one spotted it.
we just assumed it was a banana.
Without a phone call you won't work in a unit, very small chance for promotion, hell you can't even get a decent spot in a district. These "bosses" a term I use very loosely want you to risk everything for them? OK so I'm a pussy with "alligator arms". I'll be all that with a home and my freedom! I trust one person with a white shirt and it isn't you Al! So keep name calling, but I prefer that you write your request on paper so I can forward it to the media! Sell your bullshit elsewhere, you and your new sgts who think like you.
You guys keep holding the US CONSTITUTION and what's right to all of our safety and you will have your back covered. You want us at meetings, you want civilians more involved we will fight for COPS and FIRE who do right and POLITICIANS who do wrong .. GET a cop to stand for every neighborhood beat, and work with us and know us.
2/03/2013 01:29:00 AM
So, now that you've gotten yourself all fired up, let's review what you are willing to commit to doing:
1. You are willing to ensure us that 'you will have your back covered.'
Just how, pray tell, will you back up this commitment?
And is this commitment conditioned upon our doing 'what's right to all of our safety'?
2. So, by saying, 'You want us at meetings, you want civilians more involved we will fight for COPS and FIRE who do right...', does this mean that you're committed to showing up at 'meetings' and that you're enthusiastic about being 'more involved'?
Involved in what ways? Showing up for what 'meetings'? And doing what?
3. And what, exactly, do you mean by 'GET a cop to stand for every neighborhood beat, and work with us and know us.'? Work with you how, and in what ways?
4. And who is this 'us' you speak of? This 'us' that's going to cover our backs and fight for 'COPS and FIRE who do right' and wants us to work with 'them'?
Sounds more like these 'us' people want to be more hands on, by using our hands, and only our hands.
I am not making this rumor up: I was told that Al W is rumored to have just closed on a house in the Atlanta area. New job prospects??
You give these fools some shiny metal for the front of their clothes and they not just drink the "kool aid" they cup the balls, drive the shaft, swallow the load, and an occasional finger up the ass. It seems like they spend so much time in front tv screen and in meeting with verbiage and numbers they don't understand being thrown at them they forget the rules of the street. The situation is growing more dire by the day due this type of nonsense. Trust me nobody is a pussy for liking their life, liberty, and property. Command staff don't back you, city don't back you, and forget about upgrades or damn convictions for actual crimes and criminals. These people that now want us to do more and jeopardize more, while constantly denying us. Fuck them, fuck that. Take care of yourself, your family, and your fellow officer.
Shows how desperate they are. I would not do a single contact card unless ordered to by a supervisor. Hands on? The lawyers are slobbering all over themselves, and McIdiot has just handed them cash on a silver platter. Hands on? For what? You come on out here McBrewery, and Alonzo, and you violate people's civil rights.
Nobody seems to care that NYC was ordered to stop doing this type of shit w/in the past month.
I can't believe that one commander at comppost was praised because her contact cards were up. Are you guys soft or what? WTF? No time due, no contact cards, no movers, no parkers. Case reports, back each other up.
This is the dept. they wanted, and now that they see the results, they want US to take the streets back? F*ck you. Take 'em back yourself.
Even when we get butt-f*cked on our contract idiots will still be out there working like maniacs for people who don't give a shit about you.
The only coppers who should be doing anything are those who work on the homefronts.
'nuff said.
"America Runs On Dunkin'", but Al Wysinger runs on Kool-Aid.
Some hilarious shit!!!
Anonymous said...
Amen SCC!
Al Wysinger has lost his mad rabbit mind since he was "blessed" with a Gold Star.
He's had a few well documented cases of shit-talking the troops while trying to sell his rah-rah bullshit...
I'm a chick on this job, and even though I'm immune to all of that by now, I'd file a sexual harassment beef for a hostile work environment. Legitimacy my ass! Next to the "C" word, that is the most demeaning word toward women (I guess more so men).
I wish I would have been there, because I'd be at my lawyer's office the next day. Sue the crap out of these asshole bosses who talk out of both sides of their mouth.
Pussies be proud!!!!!
And he said this in front of female officers? Time to stand up girls, that is a lawsuit right there, and you will win. Derogatory sexual term used to motivate troops? Are you kidding me? What a fuckhead. He deserves to be demoted for that remark alone. Where's the media now?
I can't believe we have such idiots running (ruining) this city.
I wish there would have been some old school coppers there who would have put him in his place.
And if the "Al" story is just the howl of a loan coyote about to be eaten , how about Jessie Jackass calling on his "boy " Obama to come to Shitcago and address the Gang violence , yea I know he said "gun" but until him and the rest of his tax dollar sucking crew admit it. It won't get fixed. And best for last Jessie say he want the Dept of Hoeland security to come help patrol the Shitty Streets.........Great this "Cop Hater" now wants the Brown Shirt Army in Shitcago. Careful what you wish for Asshole...
The latest incarnation of a desperate man. McDumDum and his crew of cronies from NYC have dusted off the crystal ball unit computer to develop these special zones in the city where there were the most calls for service based upon the last 3 years. Then they divide up those boxes to 10 smaller boxes where the VRI people are supposed to sit for the night.
how about our EXPIRED CONTRACT and our PENSIONS being fully funded!THAT IS A START TO HAVING OUR BACKS!!!
Alfonza you uneducated hack. Go pray that you make $160,000 when in reality you aren;t qualified to make $40,000 as a McDonalds assistant manager. Your eloquence is truly something to be marveled at.
I hope everybody goes out to produce numbers so assholes like Alfonza can keep getting promoted.
Keep playing Rahm and McCarthy's game by working VRI. Rahm is making out like a bandit with this VRI BS and all you officers working it are helping him. Get those dollar signs out of your head because in the long run you will have no money. Think about it.
A hearty GFY to AW! Anyone remember when he was a Sgt in Narcotics?? Lost count how many times his "team" hit the wrong house. Quickly losing respect for rank cuz of appointed shitdicks.
Pretty nice talk from a guy who got caught working the Park District while on medical. Pretty nice talk from a guy who took sixty days for a domestic. Pretty nice talk from a merit sergeant.
Maybe everyone should pick a Friday or Saturday and no one work VRI that one day. Let it get back to Rahm and McCarthy that this is for Al's big mouth. I bet he will never do that again.
Oh, go F*** yourself, Al and take Rahm and Mctool with you.
I have been a patrolman for 28 years. Waiting to turn 55 & get out. Pussy? I think not. The Al Wysingers of this department (multiple merit promoted, Kool--Aid drinking, ass-kissing suck-ups) don't effect me in the least. I will continue to do my job every single day. I can look at myself in the mirror each morning & know I did the right thing. I'm sure the same cannot be said for the Al Wysingers and their ilk.
I am a survivor!
puck you rahm!!
Show me what you are going to give me in the next contract and what you will do to my pension, then I will think about doing something. Right now I am in protect mode, protect my job and family.
Pussies? BWHAAAAHAAAHAA!! Fuck you Al and Fuck you HARDER Rahm!! Call me anything you want, I dont give a fuck. Im 3 years Im going to retire with a nice pension and leave this shit city!! Pussies, bWHAAAHAAAHAAA!!
we might get coffee from dunkin donuts but AL sits at JJ FISH all night. go fuck yourself you fucken dog,why dont you go save your own people from shooting eachother.
Fuck you Al. You first
Of course we dont believe it. But even if we were stupid enough to believe it I dont think we have the Dept. to crack down on these gangsters anymore.
Decades of Political correctness and affirmative action have seen to that. As well as turning us into nothing but Political pawns. They fucked me once and I never forgot.
Oh I'll do my job but nothing more. And I absolutely wont do a contact card unless I actually see PC.30 years of this shit and every now and then they actually need us to save their Political chestnuts.
Sure Al, we'll get right on it.
Ohh now the mayor has our backs huh. If he really cared, he'd actually go to midnight roll calls and tell us to our faces.
Also remember when Mikey didn't send that letter in time to the city regarding our expired contract and that dildo from the MAYOR's office said that they didn't know if they were going to stick it in our ears (ASSES)? You got our backs now after you publically said you were going to fuck us on our contract?
With no more Burge trials, and Liberals "hate the pigs love the thugs" rhetoric Rahm's home boy lawyers are going broke. Rahm trotted out his medal factory to increase the use of force violations.
Yup just ask the 4 guys in 20 how the dept had there back..Lucy Moy was even to afriad to by a benifit ticket..remember it all started when they stopped a guy who matched a robbery discription.
For years you have heard how brutal and mean CPD Officers were to the public,especially minorities,the public enjoyed watching Officers who did the job get fired or worse.Now you have what you asked for.So enjoy it,it's never going back the way it was,video will not allow that. Mayor asshole can enjoy the department he created, and bad national publicity,that comes with it.
Offer Overtime to Districts.
City cuts police services, positions and not to mention street salt.
McCheapNuts can't argue there's no money to pay for OT.
Maggie Daley Memorial PissBum Park Commission ought to be abolished.
Yea but Al is a "Good Guy, Good Guy," Wake up Sheep.
The wackiest part of this is that he really believes that we will fall for this BS.
What a goof.
To the " no fucking way poster, can someone confirm this'? How about, yes fucking way. I have no reason to make this shit up when there were 200 other coppers that heard it for themselves. The one thing I didn't make clear was that he spelled out the word pussy instead of saying it. Whats the difference, I guess he's the pussy for not having the balls to actually say it.
I'm a youngster on this job, only 10 years. The first 5 years of my career were great. I hated being off and going on furlough, felt like I was missing something. Now, it kills me when I leave my house to go to work. I have no motivation to do anything but answer the radio. I've been through a few scary federal law suits that woke me up really quick. Now I understand it, fuck this job. It kills me to be this way cause I have always given a shit about my career and believed my hard work would be recognized. Interviewed a few times for spots in OCD and never got them, always beaten out by someone undeserving and whacked up.
I still have my dignity and my close friends that I have bonded with on this job. So to Rahm, McCarthy, Al, and all the other bossess who helped destroy this once great police department, EAT MY ASS!!!
There was a day when, if that phony lambert tree wearing jagoff dared to step into a roll call of working police and call them pussies he would learn the hard way what kind of men they really were. He just might get a face full of knuckles and feel like he just got a speeding hockey puck in the mouth. He would have to pick his own teeth up off the floor.
Don't try and inspire your people by calling them pussies to their face. Alfonso doesn't have the faintest clue how to lead. He likely doesn't realize that what he did has doomed him to never being able to effectively lead this department.
See if the below traits of leadership applies to many, or any, of the command staff of this sinking ship that purports to be an effective police department of a major American City:
Justice is defined as the practice of being fair and consistent. A just person gives consideration to each side of a situation and bases rewards or punishments on merit.
Judgment is your ability to think about things clearly, calmly, and in an orderly fashion so that you can make good decisions.
Dependability means that you can be relied upon to perform your duties properly. It means that you can be trusted to complete a job. It is the willing and voluntary support of the policies and orders of the chain of command. Dependability also means consistently putting forth your best effort in an attempt to achieve the highest standards of performance.
Initiative is taking action even though you haven't been given orders. It means meeting new and unexpected situations with prompt action. It includes using resourcefulness to get something done without the normal material or methods being available to you.
Decisiveness means that you are able to make good decisions without delay. Get all the facts and weight them against each other. By acting calmly and quickly, you should arrive at a sound decision. You announce your decisions in a clear, firm, professional manner.
Tact means that you can deal with people in a manner that will maintain good relations and avoid problems. It means that you are polite, calm, and firm.
Integrity means that you are honest and truthful in what you say or do. You put honesty, sense of duty, and sound moral principles above all else.
Enthusiasm is defined as a sincere interest and exuberance in the performance of your duties. If you are enthusiastic, you are optimistic, cheerful, and willing to accept the challenges.
Bearing is the way you conduct and carry yourself. Your manner should reflect alertness, competence, confidence, and control.
Unselfishness means that you avoid making yourself comfortable at the expense of others. Be considerate of others. Give credit to those who deserve it.
Courage is what allows you to remain calm while recognizing fear. Moral courage means having the inner strength to stand up for what is right and to accept blame when something is your fault. Physical courage means that you can continue to function effectively when there is physical danger present.
Knowledge is the understanding of a science or art. Knowledge means that you have acquired information and that you understand people. Your knowledge should be broad, and in addition to knowing your job, you should know your unit's policies and keep up with current events.
Loyalty means that you are devoted to your country, the Corps, and to your seniors, peers, and subordinates. The motto of our Corps is Semper Fidelis!, (Always Faithful). You owe unwavering loyalty up and down the chain of command, to seniors, subordinates, and peers.
Endurance is the mental and physical stamina that is measured by your ability to withstand pain, fatigue, stress, and hardship. For example, enduring pain during a conditioning march in order to improve stamina is crucial in the development of leadership.
Yes, you political hacks, you liberal socialist democrats, blame the police or blame assault weapons when that is not the problem and you do not have the balls to address the real problems. The states attorney who will not charge people, the judges who will not sentence people, the prisons which let felons out for way too much time off so they can keep the peace in the prisons, and the legislators who refuse to pass the tough laws needed ( it should be 10 years for armed robbery no parole, 15 years for the shoooting gangbangers). And racists like Preckwinkle who think that every minority in jail is a victim of the racist system. This is not over yet and the worse is yet to come. Why are shootings so much more frequent in this town then in other towns? How about black and hispanic gangs for starters who have been in bed with our political class for decades? How about gang members caught with concealed handguns who get probation or only a few months in jail? Try giving them 3 years in prison and things might change.
Anonymous said...
A.W. was a great commander in 015. Sorry to see this side of him. By the way, Patterson introduced him to rollcall as "the First". What an ego......
2/03/2013 12:25:00 AM
That's what the staff traditionally call the 1st Deputy. Like in the army, first sergeant called Top or similar. The First is normally not used outside of CPDHQ. Just shorthand to avoid saying First Deputy a hundred times a day.
If Al thinks for one second that we believe Rahm, McCarthy or anyone in the chain-of-command " has our backs ", he is delusional, absolutely Alice in Wonderland, Mad Hatter, Queen of Hearts, f***Ing
"The First" ends every COMPSTAT meeting talking about how the POs don't do their jobs and the Sgts are too lazy to get the POs to do thier jobs. Sorry if I think he is a little full of it here.
The Department is in a funk because of the bosses, plain and simple. The politics and nonsense put out and rescinded shortly thereafter has killed moral. Until there is a change at the top, it will continue. This is a mess.
Great Al but where's the punch line?
McCarthy, Wysinger and all the other exempts keep pounding on the street cops that they are not doing their jobs right. So here is my suggestion. There are what, about 100 exempts or so. At least enough to man a watch in, say, Gresham. How about for 1 weekend all the exempts man a district. Fill every beat and tact car, man the desk and lock-up, and show us through their great leadership and police skills how to do the job. Give the cops in that district their well deserved "time due". Lead from the front, put your money where your mouth is. Or are you "pussies?"
And at last weeks Comstat Al basically said if only we had watch commanders...
We cannot start being the police again until not only the department backs us, but also the community, the media whores, the states attorneys office, and the useless liberal judges in crook county.
I remember when then Mayor Jane Byrne said the same thing a few years back.And I'm sure John Burge does also.
This guy is a real prick. Calling officers "pussies" and then telling us the mayor has our backs- that's a joke!. He's nothing but another yes-man for this hack mayor so nothing he says has any validity. As for the lying sack of crap mayor having our backs- HA! Tell us another story. This fool doesn't care about ANYTHING other than his own diluted political ambitions. IF he cared about us and this department he would have started with keeping manpower at full strength instead of cutting it down. If he really supported us he would be funding the pension the city owes us. If he cared about us he would make sure we had properly working equipment and cars. If he had our backs he would not have IPRA firing officers for nonsense only to hire them back. The mayor has done absolutely none of these things and he continues to do nothing to earn the trust of all the hardworking courageous police men and women out there. He will end is own political career because of his greed, ego, and believing he does not need the help of the police department.
Speaking of incompetency are you aware the illustrious meritoriously promoted Tony Carothers, former Commander of 07 quietly retired last week?? Is he tied into the case involving ex CPD officer Ali Haleem who was a snitch for the Feds for years while still on CPD payroll. Haleem was just indicted last week and he is behind west side Ricky Hendon retiring abruptly along with Hendons staffers being indicted........Connect the dots blog, Haleem leads back to Carothers, awfully strange he retires the same week Haleem is finally indicted......Did he retire or was he going to get FIRED.......INVESTIGATE and you will be SURPRISED!!!!!!
Pussies! Hah, Als a Dick and been fuckin us all now for awhile.
Maybe all the pussies in the roll call should file a hostile work environment EEOC beef, and the women can add sexual harrassment.
Al, hands on means Lawsuits and punitive damages now. SO FUCK YOU! I come to work to get paid not get the savage paid.
I'm sensing there's not a lot of love here for Wysinger or Rahm ;)
If they wonder why...
They emasculate the police and coddle the mutts that THEY created by placing them on and keeping them on welfare for their votes.
They give in to the SOMETIMES unrealistic demands of the unions (teachers, firefighters and, yes, even the FOP) to curry favor and get the votes and THEN turn around (true to form)and say "F*ck you!" we aren't going to pay into the pensions and when the fecal matter hits the fan we'll just blame it on you guys!
And so it goes... The public is finally waking up and seeing them for what they truly are: conniving, lying, cheating, backstabbing cocksuckers who's only allegiance is to themselves.
With more and more folks looking at this and thinking that maybe anarchy isn't such a bad thing - let's take out the trash - is it any wonder they're in panic mode trying to strip the guns from the honest folk instead of their supporters who simply f**k and vote for a "living?"
Most of the people on here complaining were never the police anyway. They just look for excuses not to be. And most of the people that were the police years ago are still out there being the police. Stopping someone when you have reasonable suspicion is not illegal. Learn the law. And as far as all these coppers getting jammed up for being the police i cant recall anyone thats gotten jammed up unless they cut corners or did something that was stupid. Dont do it for some idiot boss do it because thats what you took this job to do. And that was to be the police.
I just had a partial front lobotomy, and I can honestly say that the world looks much brighter now. I now know that the mayor cares for each of us as if we were family and that Al really does have our backs.
Hey guys, gotta go, there are some unsavory looking guys standing on the corner, I'm gonna put em all the hood of my car.
So there has been a Commander/deputy of 007 for about two months now and getting that extra pay. Just wondering when the all the other Commanders are going to be promoted to Deputy to get that extra pay and thus drain our pensions even more. Shouldn't all the other Commanders be asking why they are not getting a promotion for doing such a great job bringing crime down like what was done in 007(LOL). I mean I would really feel insulted if I was a Commander being beat the shit out of every week by Gary at Comstat and only one other Commander gets the title of deputy and gets deputy pay.
Don't be so down on Al. He was just practicing his comedy act. He's going to appear at Zanies in the near future. Next, he will be on SNL.
Has anyone run Als numbers for contact cards recently? Just wondering how his alligator arms are feeling.
A.W. was a great commander in 015. Sorry to see this side of him. By the way, Patterson introduced him to rollcall as "the First". What an ego......
Patterson...another guy that has lost it with kool aid overdose.
When I heard this i thought of everything you said in your comment.
I would add that this tactic further insults us when the City consistently allows our police contracts to expire and the current contract gave us piddly raises for what they ask us to do. Since we are doing more with less, shouldn't we be paid more?
And the City insults us by refusing to fulfil their obligations of paying their share into the pension fund. now that the pension fund is unfunded, the City blames us for the mess caused by the banks and a government that spends more than it takes in.
Message to Rahm: Show us you have our backs by settling our contract now and giving us raises that reflect how we do more with less. Show us you have our backs by having the City fulfill its obligations to the pension fund and stop blaming the police for the pension fund being underfunded.
I wish the Feds would do an investigation into why the City did not fulfill its obligations to the pension fund, and then prosecute the responsible parties.
"We need to stop being pussies." Wow. Sounds like it is now ok to crack heads, etc.......
Anonymous said...
Stop being a pussy? Really? Fuck uncle Al and anyone who looks like him! Let that tiny headed fuck saddle up and hit the streets. What, that company crown Vic ain't got windows or breaks? You see something Al you jump out and deal with it. What an un-classy motherfucker, talking like that to men and women busting their ass, risking their lives for citizens who spit on the ground when they roll by. Fuck Al.
2/03/2013 02:49:00 AM
Busting ass? Let's not go overboard here.
Anonymous said...
I have been the police for a long time, 13 yrs. The mayor and superintendent of police have always had the line officer's backs. They just would have a knife in one hand and your wallet in the other.
2/03/2013 12:37:00 AM
Wow. Thirteen whole years. That is a long time.
A lot of people here say bosses should grow a set and tell off the the Mayor and Supt. Well why don't all you anonymous clowns "grow a set". I'm sure that if you were to ask nicely, they might give you a minute to speak at the next Comstat and you could tell everyone how you really feel.
Isn't this the police department they wanted??
2/03/2013 04:08:00 AM
Yes, but "they", still want you to roust everybody not their blood family, not their play family, not their neighbors, not their friends, not their constituents, not their gofers, not their cab driver, not their dry cleaner, not their electrician, etcetera into infinity, and you are suppose to know, on sight, the identity of their "exempted" people, so their people remain unrousted and uninsulted. Now, get your lists of exempted people at the desk and get out there and quit being a pussy.
forget al. no one better listen to his fake motivational speech. he is part of the rahmbo/mcstroke crew. patterson is drinking the kool-aid too. sadly as good as they all were as commanders they are now taking in the political side of this job. they obviously do not have to but they are selling their soul to the rahm-devil. i hope everyone out there only works for themselves and not someone barking out orders from a desk and from someone(rahm) who would love to see us fail for his personal agenda.
Let's check this out for just a second: Rahm was Chief of Staff for two Presidents known for their hatred of Low-Life cops who did not attend the Ivy League colleges that they attended. And now that Rahm is Mayor, we are made to believe he Has Our Backs? Ask one of his bodyguards how Rahm and his bitch and kids treat their bodyguard/servants. If you do anything other than protect yourself and your partner, you will find yourself in federal court and your name will be defendant, and Rahm will not be there as a character witness to testify on your behalf.
It's always fucked up when a once helluva street cop (In A Real District) morphs into company hack of a boss. We came through 011 Narcotics together. I can't accurately express my disappointment in what Al has allowed himself to become. Kinda saw it coming though. When he got passed over for Superintendent,in favor of another outsider, he should've respectfully refused the # 2 spot. But when he accepted said spot, after being shit on for the umpteenth time, to me, it spoke to his character, or lack thereof. When Eddie King was the ranking Black boss, he never allowed himself to be fucked over in any fashion, by any boss. And would tell bosses to "Kiss my ass" to their literal faces. Just ask Cline. In Al, some of us mistakenly thought we had the 2nd coming of Cheif King. How fuckin stupid were we?
He also said we need to stop using alligator arms and get out there and get your hands on people. Oh, and the best one of the night,"we need to stop being pussies'". He said we need to get back to being the police and remember, the mayor supports
Sure, just ask Cozzi and Howard. They will tell you about all the support they got!!
Hey Rahm, you got plenty of money. You don't NEED to win another election. Maybe it's time to call it like it is. You may lose the revs, and their "gibs me more" constituents but you'll earn the true respect of a LOT of people.
Want to see how well the department has your back? Look at the invetigation results at the IPRA website and see the recommendations. That is the prime indicator of the state of affairs.
The best part about what Wysinger said was that He never said "Pussies" he spelled it out, P U S S Y S,. He couldn't even spell that right. Nothing more to say!
Me being the tough (doing my job) CPD guy and not a "pussy" is currently getting my tough ass sued. Thanks to the blood sucking lawyers and the great citizens of englewood. I guess when you get a call of a person with a gun and the jag off matching the description doesn't want to show you his hands can freely tell the police "fuck you" and walk into his momma house after the police asked him like a gentleman to to stop (using that verbal judo). Should of just ingnored the young man for just plain tom foolery, Fuck this city!
I thought the dumbest thing I would ever here from Al was at Compstat last week when he talked about having a couch in his office in 015 because being a commander is a 24/7/365 job! Since he became the 1st he suddenly has become the best CDR the CPD ever saw? All the people on this dept who used to like Al all think he is a sellout and they cant stand him anymore....I wonder what will happen to him when Garry leaves?? He will be kissing everyones ass trying to pretend he didnt like Garry either and apologize for all those people he degraded at Compstat!! All Compstat has accomplished is to make people second guess every decision they are going to make.....standing up there trying to defend all your decisions to Tracy, McCarthy and AW is not a fun proposition! This is the department you wanted, Al, and no one believes your stories so deal with it! I wish people wouldnt sign up for your VRI but I know the coppers need money. WOuldnt it be great if he showed up at roll call and no one was there???!!! LOL!!
99.9% of the pussies I have seen on this job are of the rank LT and above. Funny how these ass bitches think anyone should work for them. Suck my balls and lick my hairy asshole
Hey al how about that 8000 square foot mansion your building down south! Opps sorry did isay that?
Man, I wish he called me a pussy to my face. For him to do that is not only unprofessional but uncalled for. Everyone at that roll call should file a beef on him but that wont happen from a single robot officer because they are afraid to lose there spot. The nerve of him.
Dam right. They have the dept they wanted. Its no longer my problem
IPRA, CR numbers, lawsuits, suspensions handed out like water, dangerously low manpower, lack of radios and cars, computers that are 10 years old and outdated and crash when you're doing an arrest, the mayor talking about "sticking it in the ear of the police" at contract time and taking away our pension, and citizens who flat out hate the police until they need you for something and then hate you again when they're done with you. Yeah they have our back alright, go get 'em.
The only pussies I see or hear out there are wearing white shirts and gold stars. Go fuck yourselves. We'll continue to survive as you continue to suck political ass like the whores you know yourselves to be.
No go and get your shine boxes, you pack of worthless fucks. You can come back to roll call and shine the boots of those officers you shit on every day with your bullshit ineptitude. Then again, you would probably fuck that up too.
If the Mayor has "Our Backs" he should put it on paper and tart by indemnifying us..
OT: What happened at 10900 Western last night? Looked like a gang fight in the street around 2330 hrs.
Tell me that the mayor loves us after the fop unveils this city's offer feb 5th
The only mayor that ever backed the police was Mayor Jane Byrne! When the media and the powers that be were taking the side of those that opposed law and order, only Jane Byrne stood for the police. Can Rahm fill her shoes or is it just all big talk? Society has now gotten the police department that they wanted and they will reap what they sow. Now the lakefront liberals are not even safe in their own "highly-taxed" neighbor hoods. Isn't it ironic?
Since this has become a city where the media and a few law firms make their millions by destroying the lives and reputations of hard working police officers, there will never again be proactive policing.
Good old Al, was a merit Sgt. in Aug1998, and a merit Lt. too..... the rest is history.
Our new liberal and progressive society does not want the police to arrest the bad guys. Soon our society will resemble Mad Max and Thunder dome and they may realize that their ideas did not serve them well.
Remember when Rahm had his news conference to introduce Alfonza (Useful Idiot & Back Up Fall-Guy) Wysinger?
We said "fuck Al, peep how Rahm is acting."
That shit played out like watching muthafuckahs at Chicago & Avers trying to be slick/doing dumb-shit to keep The Police guessing as to who's dirty and who isn't.
Rahm was giddy as a French school-girl.
*Whee! We got our patsy to keep the aldergumps and rev'runs quiet!"
The aldergumps and rev'runs get somebody that looks like them in order to show they still look like they "run sum shit up in CPD."
Nothing but Madison & Pulaski window dressing...
The equivalent of a styrofoam head with a tight mustache drawn on it and wearing a too big CPD round-crown.
The REAL powers get someone who is the flavor of the day, poses absolutely no political or intellectual threat and is imminently disposable should the wind change direction.
Al is a simpleton...
Due diligence would have been taking note of the people who told Flaming Tutu to take a hike when he came a-shillin' with the 1st Deputy star burning a hole in his pocket like the unholy talisman it is during the current iteration of what passes for a real police department.
CPD is ruined by exponential orders of magnitude.
So is this city.
The Civil & Media War against The Police and their interests was also a Civil War against the out-numbered captive citizen tax-payers.
Rahm wants desperately to drive a wedge between the two in order to destroy any semblance of public safety in this city.
You captive citizen tax-payers are finding out that you're the collateral damage in this. Yeah, your taxes fees and fines make this city go. Just stop making noise about your expectation of relative safety in return for having your pockets so relentlessly picked.
...Says Rahm.
If they want to prove they have our backs then let them indemnify every single copper out there. Put an end to coppers getting punitively sued. Put it on paper and in a binding agreement. Things might change but I seriously doubt it.
These bosses are the biggest self interested liars around! Hey All, have you heard about constitutional rights? Cause we have. And guess who else has? Every lawyer and court system in America especially Crook County. Most of us know you don't have our backs because when shit hits the fan its the lowley PO that is sitting on the hot seat all alone. Just because you want us to go hands on doesn't work as a defense when we're jammed up. Take your motivational speach over to the ACLU you clown!
all these rah rah meetings have one thing in common: if we had permission to speak freely at these meetings without fear of suspension or retribution, we could tell big AL how we feel. that i'd like to see and participate in.. how bout an open dialogue AL?????????????????????????
it gets worse and worse every day in this city.
Al , deer in headlights , never took a test that he passed to be promoted in rank order , merit promotions work for me .
study hard , lock these fools up , we got your back , hardy har har
Hey that's not Rahm having your back that you feel, it's Rahm twisting the knife he just pushed in your back......
There are hundreds of examples of why no one trusts the brass but one that everyone will always remember is the fucking they gave the p.o.'s from TRU and MSF Yeah so now we're supposed to believe you care about us? You can keep your "we got your back" crap cause history says you don't.
Why do we need to take the city back when crime is down???
I've noticed the arrest numbers last year across the city are way up. Way above the numbers when Weiss was the Superintendent. So what are they bitching about? Do they want people arrested unlawfully? Whenever things aren't going the way they want they blame the P.O.'S. So now they want to tell us "we support you" while at the same time blaming us. That makes sense. Gangs will always be violent and that will never change. Not much anyone can do about it until the court does a better job.
BCP tells it --
"You lack the substance for a reflection and you also lack the weight and credibility to cast a shadow."
2/03/2013 01:12:00 AM
"When you're allowed to talk in the presence of the mayor and the superintendent, do they give you the manly courtesy of looking you in the eye?
"Or do they avert their gaze?"
I think the way it works is the supplicant keeps his eyes on the floor and whines, and Rahm barks back, never looking up from his paperwork.
"Is that all?"
Corridors Of Power stuff. Heady.
And this was said at VRI? Wysinger really think anyone there gives two nut hairs about work?
The only problem with any of these comments comes from the Do Nothing that sits in D&D most of his/her day. Those are the ones that ruined this department long before the bosses had a chance. You got a job, you get paid now do the work.
Remember your OATH! As first responders, current military, and veterans we need to abide by our oath. These cowards and compromised "leaders" are all oath breakers. These people want you to fore go the constitution, put everyone in a database, illegally detain citizens, and disarm lawful owners. Please don't jeopardize your careers and your honor. If you believe in the constitution look up;
Please tell us there was a female police officer at roll call when the goof cautioned all to stop being pussies! Call FOP! Call a lawyer! Call the media! Cha-ching!
Just curious if any "pussies" called him out on it....
I hate and don't trust rahm at all, but i was working a detail downtown and believe it or not rahm seen all of us standing at the bus stop he pulls over gets out and starts talking to us, I wasn't really paying much attention i was more worried about when the hell the bus was gonna show up, but he did say fuck these assholes up that are fucking up the would have been nice to get that in writing but he did say that...
,"we need to stop being pussies'".
Easy to talk shit when your career was spent being a Bagman in Narcotics, sit & spin Fonzie
No, really, the mayor has your back, but he is about to stick a knife in it. Be very careful always.
"we need to stop being pussies" what about the exempts, the leadership of this great department. Most or a majority were never the real police nor proactive or aggressive police, and they talk about leadership, attitude reflects leadership.
Spend your hours and enjoy your family. If you think city has the money yo pay out thousnds of hours when you retire along with few other coppers, think again. It will be an issue you rather avoid during retirement. a police supervisor you are criminal at this point yourself to tell your officers anything but the truth: the public is against you, the liberal media is actively after you, the politicians will use you and throw you away and you are in charge of protecting self and family first. I'm not saying don't do anything, and I'm not saying look the other way, but cutting any corner, exposing yourself in any way in this environment is beyond foolish. As for tiny dancer, he was just yapping about how he would jam up coppers that use their nightsticks and you somehow get support from that attitude? Nonsense.
Anonymous said...
No fucking way. Can somebody confirm please. I can't believe someone would say something as stupid as that and expect a room full of coppers to believe it.
2/03/2013 12:32:00 AM
You dont remember the " dunkin dounut " remark ?
See ya later Al-ligator.
Is there a StupidShitMyCPDBossSays on twitter yet?
Roti and Wysinger, two lap dawgs for MacDaddy. Enough said.
Call me pussy all you want, I'm done doing for you gold star jaggy balls. You've "f'd" us over so many times and you want us to believe you got our backs. I only bet on horses true to form. You guys ain't got a good track record.
We are guided by laws Al not you and McCarthy's self interested legacy while you sit behind a desk judging
2/03/2013 05:39:00 AM
"...Al W is rumored to have just closed on a house in the Atlanta area..."
So... After calling everybody a pussy, he's going to RUN AWAY like a little bitch?
Good ol' "Alligator Arms" Al...
Who the fuck in their right mind would HIRE him?
Whoops... Atlanta... Say no more.
The South-Side of the South...
*Snort of Disgust*
Anonymous said...
I am not making this rumor up: I was told that Al W is rumored to have just closed on a house in the Atlanta area. New job prospects??
2/03/2013 05:39:00 AM
8000 square foot mansion oh it's true!
To all of you sucking on the city's teat working that ridiculous detail, and getting the numbers to be able to work it, and were there for this idiots speech, if you didn't walk out after the pussy comment, shut the fuck up. It's people volunteering for these "initiatives" and the various "teams" that make it impossible to send a message to the gold stars that we're fed up with their bullshit. Keep coming in with that activity. You're doing great.
I wish the Feds would do an investigation into why the City did not fulfill its obligations to the pension fund, and then prosecute the responsible parties.
They did it "legally" by going to the state legislature and begging for a pension holiday every time it was an available option.
Nothing to prosecute.
Something to SUE on and win once the first employee or pensioner loses a single penny in damages.
hey! 2/03/2013 @ 10:31am!
kiss some "anonymous clown" ass and stfu tough-guy...
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
I have been the police for a long time, 13 yrs. The mayor and superintendent of police have always had the line officer's backs. They just would have a knife in one hand and your wallet in the other.
2/03/2013 12:37:00 AM
Wow. Thirteen whole years. That is a long time.
2/03/2013 10:29:00 AM
13 years? I have tattoos older than that.
I've been to Federal court so don't believe shit from these "bosses". Fuck this place, you can't make me do shit!
Have our backs means shoving you into a proverbial media firestorm. Keep your hands in your pocket to protect your money and your privates. Al will kick you in the jewels and frog march infront of the cameras if ya use your hands to do anything but write a parking ticket. Could go on and on but that would be preaching to the choir. Cant get sued for doing NOTHING.
Can the FOP. File a lean on all city assets to fund the pension? If they could. Go ahead Mr Mayor sell Midway.
Yup just ask the 4 guys in 20 how the dept had there back..Lucy Moy was even to afriad to by a benifit ticket..remember it all started when they stopped a guy who matched a robbery discription.
2/03/2013 08:43:00 AM
That's not a great example and it wasn't a guy who was a possible robbery offender, it was a person that matched the description of a dude that pissed on the floor at Starbucks.
Rahm has our back. He keeps probing for a soft spot so he can stick a knife in it. I wouldn't do shit for that jagoff. He really wants to fuck over all of the retirees with pension give-backs. Don't do shit.
2/03/2013 12:37:00 AM - 10:39:00 AM & 06:17:00 PM
And I have boots older, saltier and crustier than all of you!
:^) >Winner!<
I really felt the truth of how our mayor and superintendent has our backs, no shit.
That is why I retired early last October, I put my papers in and said adi-fucking-os.
I don't regret it at all. Every day since has been a good day.
I don't think if someone stood up in front of all the witnesses and Said that he takes offense at those comments, he could get hurt. You could just say "I was trying to not be a pussy like the boss said." Fuck you Al!
What do they want us to do, abuse the citizens..... We must treat all of the public with respect. This is not the day and age where you can just club the guy for talking beack.
What a joke...........
The Mayor has our backs, We will see at contract time.....
Al is just the house boy!
Why doesn't he make a training video and stream it in all districts with this BS!
They are nuts. We do are part and lock up law breakers. The courts let them off easy and the Gov lets them out early.
How is it high crime our fault.
No supervison in the station or on the streets and they have our backs, LOL. No Capt, No LT and not many Sgt's left, LOL. Its going to be everyone running them selves and the 1st Dep is giving roll call messages to kick ass and take names, LOL.
I find it amusing that the current "Merit Appointed" members who have had everything handed to them want the rest of us to risk our modest salaries and work hard to make them look good. Not going to happen.
The females present should file a lawsuit. I was present for the ISP "breastuses" speech. He got sued. She got promoted
Anonymous said...
I wish the Feds would do an investigation into why the City did not fulfill its obligations to the pension fund, and then prosecute the responsible parties.
They did it "legally" by going to the state legislature and begging for a pension holiday every time it was an available option.
Nothing to prosecute.
Something to SUE on and win once the first employee or pensioner loses a single penny in damages.
2/03/2013 06:09:00 PM
Detroit unions won. Detroit pensions were 97-99% funded up until last year, I believe--because the unions took the city to court and FORCED them to shore up their end--then it was found out---hmm, politicians and their families were stealing from their pension funds. Lost $500 mill, I think.
Mayor went to jail. Revrun in Chicago gave him money to help him out, which he promptly sent to other family members.
The spin is no longer working. Even with the Chicago media in their pockets, the crime story is going national and Rahm and McCarthy feeling the heat. Hence the new spin, go out and tell the troops Rahm is now our friend, he has our backs, please go out and bust your asses for him.
It is their liberal agenda, that has gotten us to this point, an agenda they continue to push publicly. They didn't want you to put your hands on people, you will be sued or disciplined. The court system is a joke, early release of violent offenders to re-offend, over looking political corruption that is rampant. You reap what you have sewn. Don't look to those you have thrown under the bus again and again to help you now.
You have empowered the beast and the blame lies with you.
Anonymous said...
BCP tells it --
"You lack the substance for a reflection and you also lack the weight and credibility to cast a shadow."
2/03/2013 01:12:00 AM
"When you're allowed to talk in the presence of the mayor and the superintendent, do they give you the manly courtesy of looking you in the eye?
"Or do they avert their gaze?"
I think the way it works is the supplicant keeps his eyes on the floor and whines, and Rahm barks back, never looking up from his paperwork.
"Is that all?"
Corridors Of Power stuff. Heady.
2/03/2013 01:18:00 PM
I think SCC should have "The Best of" for the year. When I read this I was amazed at how accurate it was. Good job to whoever wrote it. I'm definitely going to put it in my "keepers" folder.
You said it all. Thanks. So sad this is our reality. I've outlasted a lot of bad bosses. Hopefully this one will soon be just a distant memory.
Stay safe all, that is number one. F*ck compstat and contact cards and all the rest of the bullshit the command staff tells you.
Anonymous said...
I have been the police for a long time, 13 yrs. The mayor and superintendent of police have always had the line officer's backs. They just would have a knife in one hand and your wallet in the other.
2/03/2013 12:37:00 AM
Hey kid, call me when you a a star, then we'll talk. 13. BWHAAHAAHAAAAAAAA!!!!
Anonymous said...
I hate and don't trust rahm at all, but i was working a detail downtown and believe it or not rahm seen all of us standing at the bus stop he pulls over gets out and starts talking to us, I wasn't really paying much attention i was more worried about when the hell the bus was gonna show up, but he did say fuck these assholes up that are fucking up the would have been nice to get that in writing but he did say that...
2/03/2013 02:39:00 PM
Yeah, well, until the Tutu says that to the media it ain't worth shit. He was playing you.
I thought I seen it all, Supt Jim Bean walking Roti, with a diamond collar and leather leash on Rush Stree. Jim was talking to himself calling out for Captain Morgan.
Anonymous said...
Why do we need to take the city back when crime is down???
2/03/2013 01:12:00 PM
13 years? I have tattoos older than that.
2/03/2013 06:17:00 PM
i have fibroid tumors older than that.
And would tell bosses to "Kiss my ass" to their literal faces. Just ask Cline. In Al, some of us mistakenly thought we had the 2nd coming of Cheif King. How fuckin stupid were we?
2/03/2013 10:43:00 AM
Maybe you mistook him for Chief Keef. No worries.
I hate and don't trust rahm at all, but i was working a detail downtown and believe it or not rahm seen all of us standing at the bus stop he pulls over gets out and starts talking to us, I wasn't really paying much attention i was more worried about when the hell the bus was gonna show up, but he did say fuck these assholes up that are fucking up the would have been nice to get that in writing but he did say that...
2/03/2013 02:39:00 PM
you must have been a very popular gal in high school.
Anonymous said...
forget al. no one better listen to his fake motivational speech. he is part of the rahmbo/mcstroke crew.
I'm sorry, I have to be the grammar (sp?) :) police here. Are you sure you didn't mean "rahmbho/mccorkscrew?
....there will never again be proactive policing.
2/03/2013 12:10:00 PM
can i take that to the bank?
The only mayor that ever backed the police was Mayor Jane Byrne! When the media and the powers that be were taking the side of those that opposed law and order, only Jane Byrne stood for the police. Can Rahm fill her shoes or is it just all big talk? Society has now gotten the police department that they wanted and they will reap what they sow. Now the lakefront liberals are not even safe in their own "highly-taxed" neighbor hoods. Isn't it ironic?
2/03/2013 12:07:00 PM
Q: '....only Jane Byrne stood for the police. Can Rahm fill her shoes or is it just all big talk?"
A: the only thing rahm can fill is an enema bag.
Q: 'Isn't it ironic?
A: no, it's kind of romantic, at least to me.
Anonymous said...
So there has been a Commander/deputy of 007 for about two months now and getting that extra pay. Just wondering when the all the other Commanders are going to be promoted to Deputy to get that extra pay and thus drain our pensions even more. Shouldn't all the other Commanders be asking why they are not getting a promotion for doing such a great job bringing crime down like what was done in 007(LOL). I mean I would really feel insulted if I was a Commander being beat the shit out of every week by Gary at Comstat and only one other Commander gets the title of deputy and gets deputy pay.
2/03/2013 10:09:00 AM
Oh God, do you need it spelled out for you? If you're McTutu's drinking buddy you're golden. This has been the case since I came on over 25 years ago--and believe me, if I had the age, the only thing left of me in Chicago would be some rubber from my shoes.
OT: What happened at 10900 Western last night? Looked like a gang fight in the street around 2330 hrs.
2/03/2013 11:52:00 AM
the pilgram's version of a barn dance.
Why all the hate?
Policing changed. It's nobody's fault. It changed in every city in this country. It's still changing and changing so fast that no one can know what is coming next.
Want to blame someone? Blame the public. Blame the citizens of this city. They no longer want justice. They want fairness. Fairness to the victim and fairness to the offender. They want fairness because they see it on TV. But, fairness means nothing. If the offender is never caught its not fair. If he's identified, it's not fair because identifications can't be trusted. If he confesses, then that's not fair either because nobody in their right mind would confess. If he's arrested for drugs, it's not fair because drug laws discriminate. If he destroys a black neighborhood with his drug dealing, then that's not fair either.
The public's philosophy is that everything the police do about crime is wrong because whatever was never done would have been much better. If he gets away, then the police messed up. If he's caught and imprisoned, then the police messed up and it was probably someone else who did it.
This is the way it is. Do what's obvious. Take a chance, search that trunk, go looking in that house, grab that guy, and you're on your own. The city told us that a long time ago. The federal circuit court judges still tell us to this day.
All Al's doing is daring you to take more chances. This city does it every couple of years. If you want to take more chances, go ahead. If you don't, then Al thinks you're a pussy. Either way you have to live with the consequences of the choices you make. Al doesn't.
Anonymous said...
Most of the people on here complaining were never the police anyway. They just look for excuses not to be. And most of the people that were the police years ago are still out there being the police. Stopping someone when you have reasonable suspicion is not illegal. Learn the law. And as far as all these coppers getting jammed up for being the police i cant recall anyone thats gotten jammed up unless they cut corners or did something that was stupid. Dont do it for some idiot boss do it because thats what you took this job to do. And that was to be the police.
2/03/2013 10:07:00 AM
Reasonable suspicion of what? Walking down the street? Good God, we're doomed.
Try putting people on the hood of your car in 016.
Stopping people who live two doors down from where you stop them? For what? Living there?
God help you in federal court, because you will be there alone, and you will be wearing a Depends...that you will have to change often.
Listen up!!! Most of our exempts hold the career service rank of LT. they are all making a ton of money, paying thier kids tutition, wifes drivng big new cars and all of them playiong the part, so why would they sacrifice that to get out there and lead by example. the mayor and supt. are politicians, that is it, nothing else, No boss is gonna risk losing 50-60 grand a year AND GET DEMOTED FOR BACKING UP THE BLUE BOYS AND GIRLS! TOO TOO LATE TO TAKE CONTROL WITHOUT CAUSING RIOTS, THE REVS WON'T BACK US, NEITHER WITH THE POLITICIANS
he s addressing the wrong people. he should be on TV saying'' you have to properly raise your children. teach them moral values. teach them love and respect for fellow man and property. parents need to be parents. more police. more gun tired of PC speeches.
Fop let's start the march at city Hall.
Where's the Fop leadership. Micheal shields
W T F are you doing with our union dues Mike!
13 years! Wow. My baton ring has thirty six years on the job.
To all of you sucking on the city's teat working that ridiculous detail, and getting the numbers to be able to work it, and were there for this idiots speech, if you didn't walk out after the pussy comment, shut the fuck up. It's people volunteering for these "initiatives" and the various "teams" that make it impossible to send a message to the gold stars that we're fed up with their bullshit. Keep coming in with that activity. You're doing great.
2/03/2013 06:03:00 PM
How about a big fuck u, u two year wonder!! U must be salty cause u can't get any days and probably pushing a beat in 004!!!
I will gladly do my job for time 1/2 and pay off all my bill, thanks rahm..
2/03/2013 01:18:00 PM
"I think the way it works is the supplicant keeps his eyes on the floor and whines..."
Ahh... Chicom re-education & death camp style?
Coming to Chicago with the quickness...
"You kow-tow now?"
Jayzus... What a God-awful mess this city, state and country are in. Chicago-style fuckery in full effect.
People blowing whistles and tossing flags at The Police...
"Why are you guys so angry and full of hate? You're just mad cuz it isn't 1960 anymore! We won... Get over yourselves! Stop calling "people" mutts and animals. You guys could conquer the ghetto if you stopped being so angry. We have a "love/hate relationship" with you guys. You guys are so old and anti-social. We don't understand you. You curse, drink, drive too fast and are too quick to resort to your fists. What's wrong with you guys? Why don't you smile and make us feel good sometimes?"
Did we leave anything out?
Heh... we raise a glass of nice 18 y/o scotch to The Patrolmen doing their best to survive the madness.
The best, funniest and baddest...
You Blue Suits are sumthin' else!
No matter how hated and reviled you are... Even by those alleged to be your leaders.
Hey Al, if the city has our back why did they demand that the pension reform be handled prior and separate to the gambling coming to Chicago? Use that gambling money to payoff our pension and their will be plenty reasons for the police to trust the major!
13 years,you gotta be kidding me.Son,you have some dues to pay.This 13 years is old as my cheap gin I drink.Good luck lad.
Here to another 13 and another 13.
Say what you will about these guys and gals, I work VRI because I have kids in college. Most of us do it for that reason and other's do it for other reasons that are just as valid. I plan on retiring from this shithole in 6 years and will have a nice bit of change when I leave. Either you are jealous because you can't get VRI or are too hardheaded to take the easy money that you are being offered. Trust me...the city doesn't base hiring on how many of us will work our days off. The city will hire more police when they are good and ready, and not a minute before.
Al, I don't 'work" for you! I don't "work" for McCarthy or Rahm. "We" work the people of the city."You" are supposed to provide me the resources,training and direction to provide that service. "I" do my job by going out on the streets and handling requests for police service without proper resources, training, or direction. "You" are not doing 'Your" job you incompetent pussy!
(OT) Chicago reader sums up the crime story bullshit lies
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
I have been the police for a long time, 13 yrs. The mayor and superintendent of police have always had the line officer's backs. They just would have a knife in one hand and your wallet in the other.
2/03/2013 12:37:00 AM
Wow. Thirteen whole years. That is a long time.
2/03/2013 10:29:00 AM
13 years? I have tattoos older than that.
2/03/2013 06:17:00 PM
Tramp stamp?
12:37AM is right.I was the police for 35yrs. The only mayor who did anything for this dept. was JANE, at least we got somewhat of a union, and she did have are backs more than any mayor I know of. politicians will throw you under the bus everytime.They are for themselves and their families,sometimes, not in young richies though.
Al is 50 yrs old& in good shape. If he leaves now he'll collect a 160g year Gold Star pension for the next 40years.
You do the math.
One fuck you for AL
Two fuck you's for McDumbass
And a whole lot of fuck you's to Rahmbo!! If these clowns cant see that we DONT give a FUCK anymore what they say, then maybe they need to take a hard look at the crime/murders rate. Let me say it out loud, "WE DONT GIVE A FUCK ANYMORE" Thats what you get for fucking with our pension, contract and morale. Now suck it biaaaatch!!!
ck him he didnt work the streets
13 years?
Shit I've got lint in my bellybutton that's been on the job longer than that
Q: '....only Jane Byrne stood for the police. Can Rahm fill her shoes or is it just all big talk?"
A: the only thing rahm can fill is an enema bag.
And an extra small tutu, along with size 5 toe shoes.
I was at a comppost meeting (not by choice) where Al got up at the end and gave an Oscar-worthy speech about how disappointed he was with the performance of the commanders, etc.
Then Garry (Jerry Lewis) sat in his seat and said the performance of his underlings was unacceptable, and he was disgusted, and just couldn't find anything to say.
So, since belittling and threats haven't changed shit, they've resorted to trying to shame people?
Seriously? I was playing "Words with Friends" with a boss sitting next to me.
Garry thinks he's giving a great performance, and the people sitting in the audience are snickering at him.
The bottom line is the liberals were bitching for years of how brutal and hands on we were, so now they are going to have to deal with how hands off we are. Hey liberal scm be careful what you wish for you just may get it. Enjoy.
Al yea lets go put some hands on I'll follow behind you, I think you 1st need to have balls however, and correct the brass. I forgot u cant do that, then the only alternative would be to shut the fuck up then. al go to the gym you need it
If I develop alligator arms, can I get 75%?
Anonymous said...
Fop let's start the march at city Hall.
Where's the Fop leadership. Micheal shields
W T F are you doing with our union dues Mike!
2/03/2013 10:41:00 PM
I marched around my house all morning. Anything change yet?
Without a phone call you won't work in a unit...
No matter how many times they're told & shown, some just refuse to believe the above VERY factual statement. When I was in a unit, and folks would ask me how to get in, I'd ask them point blank: You got anybdoy who can make a phone call for you? Because that was the ONE & ONLY way into Narcotics. Hell, only reason I was there was because the then commander, who was once my tact Lt, asked me to come. No shit, most of us there would sit & laugh at all the goofs marching through on interview days. Because unbeknowst to them, the selections had already been made. And the chosen ones went to the interview already knowing they were in, and what team they'd be on. The interviews were a complete, total, and utter farce. Most in Narcotics will openly admit they wouldn't be there sans a phone call.
Anonymous said...
13 years! Wow. My baton ring has thirty six years on the job.
2/03/2013 10:46:00 PM
Well most coppers with that type of time on the job are lazy now. It is impossible for you to fight with a lean 20 y/o just out of jail, high on drugs asshole. Us younger cops will become old one day, but this job is only good for 20 years now. The days of staying 30+ are over. There is no reason to stay because we don't know what our financial future will bring. So in my opinion, anyone with 10 years on is half way to retirement. If I stared this job at 30 or 40, I would have enough life experience to know when I'm being fucked over with 10 years on. Anyway, this job is different than 30 years ago, and anyone with that amount of time on should just retire before your pension is gone. - All this from a PO with 20 years on.
Al said...
"we need to stop being pussies'".
He meant all the gold stars.
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