Saturday, July 20, 2013

012 Station Uninhabitable

How long has this brand new station been open? Eight months?
  • Could someone please turn the a/c on at the new 12th district? It's unbelievably hot and humid in there.

    Front office said don't hold your breath. No one is coming to fix it because, the company responsible for it has NOT been paid. Just like winter when everyone had a small space heater, time to go get a box fan.
    Around 7 months old and there are already buckets in the hall catching leaks. Not to mention the sewer smell in the first floor hall. 
Who the hell gets these building contracts? Have they ever built anything before? Cracked slabs, faulty electric, broken A/C in glass hothouses, collapsing floors, parking lots that drain into the lobby. Every police building in the last six or seven years is an embarrassment beyond belief.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about Reporting this
Chuck Goudie

7/20/2013 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You didn't build that....

7/20/2013 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

022 Doesn't have A/C either!

7/20/2013 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

020 isn't bad. If they had put a roof over the parking structure the top level would be useable when it snows. Sometimes you can't even get a 4wd up there.

7/20/2013 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Who the hell gets these building contracts?"

Connected/minority contractors.

They start a company for a single job, get paid then go out of business to avoid having to fix things.

7/20/2013 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe how this building was even ok'd to open, I mean think about it, its obvious that alot of the structure had faults that, had it been a regular Joe shmo building a new building the inspectors wound not have approved moving forward until corrections were made. This building was a mess from the beginning, remember the ground that it sits on was/is contaminated, and it was swept under the rug. The city never had any intention of opening the lockup ( but because it was built from grant money , they built it anyway so they wouldn't lose the money.) The GC was never informed of this and when he heard/find out that the lockup would not be utilized at all he was shocked because the city put pressure on him to get the station done for the Grand Opening and KNOWING that there were lots of issues including the heating and air, they(city) still went through covering up alot of faulty constuction. Heck how do you cover up the cracked slab / floor to the main entrance before the keys were turned over, and how do you just let the idiot company that damaged the frame for the revolving doors while waxing & buffing the floor get paid when the station hasn't even opened. They say the lobby alone cost 2 million. Well this station has been a piece of shit construction from day 1. The cover up / patch jobs were ok'd when they are clear as day fucked up and no one does shit to correct anything. But shut down 2 districts to merge into one? FUCK YOU mayor, we were happy in our old districts. You would've spent just as much if we had never moved. Go on the 1st floor and you can see where the floor is sinking ( from day 1 it was like this) & go on the 2nd floor -opposite side you see the same shit! They can't even get the digital sign out side to work on one side ( hasn't worked since they flipped the switch to turn it on. ) what a fucking joke.!!!!

Why doesn't the news media investigative teams jump all over this story? The city cries there's no money or the racoon said that overtime is at 42 million dollars so far for this year, well guess what asswpie. You threw away 22 million for this piece of shit construction ams we don't hear you crying about that. .... ok I'm done venting, I'm sure everyone in 12 is chiming in.

7/20/2013 01:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember when the braintrusts installed real glass, not plexiglass, in the new 008th District lockup? Caused a several month delay in opening the new 008 to get retrofitted

City That Works

7/20/2013 01:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah... the city that works!

7/20/2013 02:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McJersey was there Yah Right
No Leadership
Sheilds Capparelli was there Yah Right
No Leadership
Enjoy the Heat Just remember to work and pay your FLOP Dues

7/20/2013 03:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dump Rham 2015

7/20/2013 03:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember your Vote back in 2011? Was it for Rham? Just how many cops voted for he besides Hamilton and Masters Rham Hates the PoPo
FLOP Luvs Rahm
Watch for a "New Improved" Contract for the Hated PoPo

7/20/2013 03:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...,0,1804998.story
Rham has money for useless light though

7/20/2013 04:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like Skokie, Illinois new police station. A piece of crap.

7/20/2013 05:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Were the Contractors, who happened to be "Connected" required to live in the City? Are these Chicago Values, taking money for shoddy work?

7/20/2013 06:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Every police building in the last six or seven years is an embarrassment beyond belief."

Were they all built by the same contractor?

- Not a LEO

7/20/2013 06:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Who the hell gets these building contracts?" The low Bidder. (sorry, old construction joke)

'Typically' the low Bid Sub-Contractors are more than qualified and 'usually' are all Professionals with Degreed Engineers on their staffs. But hey we're talking about today's city of Chicago where there's more 'funny business' and Incompetent City Hacks sticking their noses in where it doesn't belong who have the final say-so.

"Have they ever built anything before?" Yes. Even the 'connected' have long track records on quality work Outside The City. See; Incompetent City Hacks and 'funny business'.

"Cracked slabs, faulty electric, .... collapsing floors, parking lots that drain into the lobby." That's called: Plans and Specifications, and includes the hard copy of the Contract.

Even though the Contractor and Sub-Contractors ('Subs') are, or should be, Pros they cannot change any blatant 'design over-sight' they find (there's never a mistake!). All they can do is write an 'RFI' (Request For Information) and send it up the chain of command to their Contractor, then up to the Arch/Engineer and then -- to the 'Owner', The City (ha ha). And here's the Fun Part --> Construction doesn't stop while waiting for an answer to correct the 'oversight' (Fuck-up). Then if the 'oversight' is admitted to, Pricing is requested with a Request For Proposal ('RFP') -- The building is still going up per 'The Plans'. The mistake's amplified and the COSTS KEEP RISING, and the 'owner' says in so many words, 'screw it'.

Now as to this: "broken A/C in glass hothouses". This 'was' my area of expertise (40+yrs), and sorry guys and gals, it's NOT broken. It's running exactly as designed (assuming it's all on). Or running exactly as some City Slug marked-up the construction drawings 'for minor revision', when the moron at The City reviewed them during the Approval process. Then there's the fact is that: Glass 'Hothouse Buildings' SUCK! Even when 'perfectly' designed and built, they EAT A/C. I don't care what the technology is for the materials or equipment, what 'the computer says', or even what the Physic Calcs are on paper. Cooling them is a 'fucking nightmare' (Technical Term /s). Heating too, but not as bad.

In 'the olden days' this problem was solved in office buildings with all glass exterior walls by simply supplying more cool air than 'required' on the perimeter area (glass wall) of the building. Example; If the calcs said 100 CFM/sq ft, you supplied 150 or 200 CFM/sq ft -- problem solved and everyone is comfortable. Today you can't do that -- everything is 'Green', 'Energy Efficient', and there's zero room in Equipment selection to 'bump' anything up. It's all 'designed to a gnat's ass' (Tech term). It sucks, no common sense. No practical experience of what works is allowed into the equation now.

Add all that crap to the corruption of Chicago, the boobs who are involved, NOT getting paid (OLD STORY), and any legit company has to be crazy to bid on a City Project today, Period. I'm glad I'm retired.

(excuse the long post, hope it helps explain things a bit. but that's the bottom line story)

7/20/2013 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Add to the list the sally port doors have never worked, theres a gigantic whole that was dug up in the parking lot that still hasnt been filled, a lockup thats never been used, no hot water, and a processing area where the doors dont close for the bullpen. Other than that its a great building. What a joke this city is

7/20/2013 07:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the new station. More people to talk to now.


7/20/2013 07:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The public bldg. comm. picks the contractors and they r more corupt than metra.Comm. made up of rats,pimps,suckholes and a phony lacky union offical from bridgeport.

7/20/2013 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The person responsible for the design and construction of the new buildings is Bonita Amado, another clueless civilian at HQ, and otherwise known as the CPD Director of Facilities Management.

7/20/2013 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is this new building, compared to the old, 100 year (?) old building? Same issues? (No a/c etc.). Would it be much different if you we're still housed at the old location on Racine?

7/20/2013 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No A/C seems to be a common trend. Try visiting 003.

7/20/2013 09:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I talked once with a contractor who did some city work.
Over 20% of the total job had to be redone due to minority contractors he was forced to use.
He was not even allowed to pick what contractor he could use, so he didn't get many qualified ones.
Then to top it off, ever minority organization and reverend demanded ( not ask ) money from him. More extortion.

7/20/2013 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mob construction contracts

7/20/2013 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Plus the phones are fucked up and you cant transfer on them.

Plus we have been trying to get the A/C working in the cars and have had a hell of a time getting the fucking garage to fix them.

As bad as an inside of a building is without A/C its terrible to have POs sitting in a car, with all that gear on, with no AC.

Its like the entire Dept. has a collective "Dont give a shit about anyone but me" disease.

7/20/2013 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you forgot about the waist high weeds around the whole station and parking lots and in the front top of the building on the "green" area,
also there is a huge 40 foot hole in the new parking lot, that was left, supposedly something to do with the "green" heat/ac, but i heard the contractor wasn't paid either, so the hole stays...

7/20/2013 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forced minority contractors, plain and simple. Just a note: Somebody from headquarters remind us how bad the building is. Last I heard it sunk a couple feet in the ground and is leaning slightly to the east.

7/20/2013 10:35:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Anything for the contribution.

7/20/2013 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) Take your complaint to the Watch Commander, i.e. no A/C in the building, water leaks, mold broken toilets etc, in the locker room or other facilities used by you. (The W/C should send an email to the front office and to Bonita Amado (the director of facility maintenance etc) explaining the need for service and any emergent situation (like coppers/prisoners/civilians collapsing from the heat. There is now a document and retrievable record. Wait a reasonable amount of time (1-2 days) for a repair or other course of action.
2)If not remedied, file a safety grievance (DAILY) with your union. You can file a complaint with OSHA, but as found in the past OSHA will not be allowed into any City facility. I suspect that would be different in the event of a non-violent work related death where negligence or policy are contributing factors.
3) Contact the Union to check or forward the status of your grievance
4) If still not remedied, Contact the media and invite them to the facility
5) Repeat Step 1

7/20/2013 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the new 012 going to be as potent a widow-maker as the old 012?

How many current/retired P.O's from old 012 have died/are dying from assorted Cancers in the last 5years?

At least 12 to 15?

Heh... Construction of the new station was delayed because they "found" asbestos on the site?

...Aaaaaand the city built it ANYWAY?

Sit down and shut up actually means "Shut up and die, Cop!"

Heard old 013 wasn't a prize winner either...

How many Police Stations are notorious cancer clusters?

"No no no... You Cops and your cush pensions and benefits are responsible for the city being broke... If you don't take cuts, we might have to file bankruptcy."

See a trend here?

And somehow, some people figure THIS shit is ok...

7/20/2013 12:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come to 019: the cobblestone brick driveway in the rear of the station is collapsing into the sewer system. There's a leak in the ceiling hallway outside the youth office that drops toxic rust colored liquid on to the floor. And yesterday, when it was 96 outside, the power went out twice and there was no air for several hours. When I left early this morning 3 ComEd trucks were parked out front working on the station.

7/20/2013 12:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try minority contractors. Some years ago they built 024 with a room w/ no doors or windows and the west wall fell down. Yep it's the city that works!

7/20/2013 01:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harbor contractors and many subs probably did not get paid, usually Harbor is ok with this as they often work with the City, many subs are not. The City has an HVAC department and they could fix the problem. But, they may not as it is a warranty issue.

7/20/2013 02:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the a/c blows outward in 014...cooling the city.

7/20/2013 04:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Who the hell gets these building contracts?"

Connected/minority contractors.

They start a company for a single job, get paid then go out of business to avoid having to fix things.

7/20/2013 12:49:00 AM

Time and time again those "minority contractors" were not run or owned by "minorities", just paying them to act like they owned the company so the real owners could get contracts.

7/20/2013 04:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
1) Take your complaint to the Watch Commander, i.e. no A/C in the building, water leaks, mold broken toilets etc, in the locker room or other facilities used by you. (The W/C should send an email to the front office and to Bonita Amado (the director of facility maintenance etc) explaining the need for service and any emergent situation (like coppers/prisoners/civilians collapsing from the heat. There is now a document and retrievable record. Wait a reasonable amount of time (1-2 days) for a repair or other course of action.
2)If not remedied, file a safety grievance (DAILY) with your union. You can file a complaint with OSHA, but as found in the past OSHA will not be allowed into any City facility. I suspect that would be different in the event of a non-violent work related death where negligence or policy are contributing factors.
3) Contact the Union to check or forward the status of your grievance
4) If still not remedied, Contact the media and invite them to the facility
5) Repeat Step 1

7/20/2013 11:44:00 AM
NOTIFY ANY and ALL MEDIA you can think of. Garry wants to be loved by the media.

7/20/2013 04:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New police stations are built by the PBC (public building commission). The Mayor is the Chairman of the Board of the PBC. The good thing about PBC contracts is that much of the information is public. Here's the project:

You can see who was the Designer of Record and the General Contractor. If you open the "Pay Application" pdf files, you can see who all the subcontractors were and their contract amounts. Based on the pay application, the HVAC contractor is D&P Mechanical, Inc from Chicago. A quick Google search doesn't come up with much. But also based on the pay application, it looks like the HVAC subcontractor has been paid the majority of what they are owed. I have my money on the fact that the building was just designed poorly. It's not always bad construction but many times bad design with the city not willing to fund something to be built right.

7/20/2013 07:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Try minority contractors. Some years ago they built 024 with a room w/ no doors or windows and the west wall fell down. Yep it's the city that works!

7/20/2013 01:18:00 PM

Right,because white contractors never rip off customers. Was it a minority contractor that said Millennium Park was $40,000,000.00 dollars over budget before a shovel even hit the dirt? Liar.

7/20/2013 07:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in HQ people experiencing eye problems & lung problems due to the dirty building....

7/20/2013 07:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BOTTOM LINE: Minorirty Contractors who just are not qualified other then race and color. There are some pretty good minority owned foirms out there who could and do great work but they just don't have the wack needed to gain the work. This is a sick situation where our tax dollars are being flushed down the drain on these publ;ic works projects.

7/20/2013 09:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember your Vote back in 2011? Was it for Rham? Just how many cops voted for he besides Hamilton and Masters Rham Hates the PoPo
FLOP Luvs Rahm
Watch for a "New Improved" Contract for the Hated PoPo

7/20/2013 03:54:00 AM

Hey 3:54:00

Mike Masters was never the police, just an impersonator. He's still trying to impersonate. Im sure he voted for Rham-a-dant, but the connection didn't bring him back to the city

7/20/2013 10:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you ever consider the temperature and working conditions for a deployed US Infantryman? Quit bitching.

7/21/2013 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ 7/21/2013 12:29:00 AM

And when you're done thanking them for us, do a back-bend, fuck yourself and stop being such a bitch about other people bitching.

7/21/2013 05:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FLOP loves Rahm? Methinks your hitting the Jameison way too hard. You can correct me if I'm wrong, but FOP endorsed Gery Chico for the mayor's spot last time around.

7/21/2013 06:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Did you ever consider the temperature and working conditions for a deployed US Infantryman? Quit bitching.

7/21/2013 12:29:00 AM

Thank you. Too much whining on the job.

7/21/2013 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank goodness we have those Cooling Centers for heat emergencies

7/21/2013 10:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) Take your complaint to the Watch Commander, i.e. no A/C in the building, water leaks, mold, broken toilets, etc, in the locker room or other facilities used by you.

(The W/C should send an email to the front office and to Bonita Amado (the director of facility maintenance etc) explaining the need for service and any emergent situation (like coppers/prisoners/civilians collapsing from the heat.

There is now a document and retrievable record. Wait a reasonable amount of time (1-2 days) for a repair or other course of action.

7/20/2013 11:44:00 AM

Dear Bonita,

What the fuck is a Watch Commander? You must not be aware that we have the NYNJ model now. We don't have any Watch Commanders.


You Are Useless

7/21/2013 12:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Did you ever consider the temperature and working conditions for a deployed US Infantryman? Quit bitching.

7/21/2013 12:29:00 AM

Oh, please. Based on your comment NO ONE deserves decent working conditions.

But, in the real world, police officers DO deserve decent, clean, functional working environments.

And the taxpayers of this city deserve brand new police stations to be fully functional and to stand upright for a few years past the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

7/21/2013 12:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what you get when you hire people who's only construction experience is building mud huts with thatched roofs.

If BHO was a contractor, this is what you would get, a Kenyan style Police Station. Welcome to the New World Order.

Condemn this building and move back to the old 12th District building.

7/21/2013 04:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Did you ever consider the temperature and working conditions for a deployed US Infantryman? Quit bitching."

7/21/2013 12:29:00 AM

Did YOU serve?

Were YOU ever deployed to the sandbox?

If you were, you BITCHED about your conditions too, you sour little prick!

And not that it matters whether you did or didn't but you're a jaggy little beat-off for posting a straw man.

7/21/2013 04:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical third world construction methods.

Wanna bet the contractor$ were paid hand$omly and there were $ome kickback$ involved?

7/21/2013 07:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

""""""Anonymous said...
1) Take your complaint to the Watch Commander, i.e. no A/C in the building, water leaks, mold broken toilets etc, in the locker room or other facilities used by you. (The W/C should send an email to the front office and to Bonita Amado (the director of facility maintenance etc) explaining the need for service and any emergent situation (like coppers/prisoners/civilians collapsing from the heat. There is now a document and retrievable record. Wait a reasonable amount of time (1-2 days) for a repair or other course of action.""""""""

The WC is sitting up front cause its hot as hell in his office. I think they know.

Oh and in case your new on the job I dont think management gives a fuck about our toilets....just in case your new.

""""2)If not remedied, file a safety grievance (DAILY) with your union. You can file a complaint with OSHA, but as found in the past OSHA will not be allowed into any City facility. I suspect that would be different in the event of a non-violent work related death where negligence or policy are contributing factors."""""

The Union doesnt give a fuck either. They will spend 2 hours on the phone blowing you off instead of taking 10 mins to write a grievance, again if your new on the job, after all they used to be coppers and dont much care about the toilets WE shit in either.

"""3) Contact the Union to check or forward the status of your grievance"""

See above. Most of all since they blew you off about the grievance.

""""4) If still not remedied, Contact the media and invite them to the facility"""""

Think the media gives a shit about us? Or what kinda toilet we shit in?

"""5) Repeat Step 1""""

Yeah, Ive been repeating step #1 for 30 years.

7/22/2013 06:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
in HQ people experiencing eye problems & lung problems due to the dirty building....

Please, they aren't there long enough to experience any problems

7/22/2013 11:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Just like Skokie, Illinois new police station. A piece of crap."

7/20/2013 05:07:00 AM

What do you want for $37 million???

7/23/2013 09:30:00 AM  

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