Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Dems Think You're Idiots

Amazing video one of the main architects of Obama-care:

In case you didn't understand the context of that little clip, here's Ace of Spades explaination:
  • This was the guy who earlier claimed that the Obamacare law's drafters never intending to apply subsidies only to people buying insurance off a state exchange.

    He was later exposed as a liar, because his even-earlier statements made it plain that this was in fact completely intentional, as a spur to force states to set up state exchanges.

    Now he's caught admitting in 2013 that he's willing to lie in any context necessary to get, and and maintain, Obamacare.

    He admits in this clip that the text of Obamacare was deliberately written in a "tortured" way to conceal the fact that the mandate was in fact a tax, because if it were perceived (accurately) as a tax, the American public would not have abided it.

    He also admits the law was written in order to hide from the public the fact that the whole point of Obamacare is a forced subsidy from the healthy to the sick -- that is, a tax.

    And he's proud of this. He says that given the choice between transparency and no Obamacare, on one hand, and deception and Obamacare, on the other, he'd choose the latter every time.
But it's those obstructionist republicans and nasty tea party people who lie to appeal to low information voters? And here's this asshole bragging about it. So-called "progressives" count on lying, slippery syntax and keeping voters in the dark to pass the biggest piece of legislation in history, affecting one-sixth of the US economy, and admit that keeping your health plan, your doctor, and saving $2,500 per year were all lies to get it through Congress and past the Supreme Court.

Wait until that employer mandate kicks in next year - everyone on the left will act surprised, but they planned it that way.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read an article about this on Forbes, and it stated that the people who had posted this video tried to get it off the web, but it was too late. Absolutely disgusting. To all the idiots in this country who voted democratic in the last few elections, the guy is right. You are stupid.

11/11/2014 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Dems have every right to think we are stupid. Voters keep reelecting these lying thieves every election.

11/11/2014 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

".... call it the stupidity of the American voter . . . that was critical to getting this law passed. . . . "

This is exactly what the democratic party expects from its supporters to pass their socialist plans . . .

Wake up!!

11/11/2014 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simple, the democrats operated under the theory of 'the ends justify the means'. As the man said, is was all necessary to get Obamacare passed. The dems and Mr. Obama are quite proud of Obamacare.

11/11/2014 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only this brain trust didn't realize that nobody was buying the bull shit from the beginning. He's not as smart as he gives himself credit for. Most of us saw through the bull shit from jump street and think the whole think stunk. He didn't need to read between the lines for us. We are quite capable.

11/11/2014 01:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And yet how many people voted for someone with a "D" behind their name?

11/11/2014 02:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


What up tho' America!
Are you fucking mad yet or what?
You damned well should be!
Your government and the people in it
of YOU!

Smug, smarmy, subversive, traitorous, callow shit-asses have fucking HIJACKED representative governance for THEIR benefit only.

Proper political and legal process mean nothing to these fucks as they mockingly grin down their dicks at the American People...

Slippery Syntax.
Weasel Words.

Formerly understood and accepted words, terms, definitions and meanings rendered in the American variant of the Queen's English have been intentionall made to take on the clarity of shit-mud.

Even the pure and simple Mathematical sciences of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are called into question when rotten motherfuckers like this gather among themselves and talk freely when they think there aren't any tax-paying, footing the bill/paying the freight, making this shit-show go churls hanging around.

To quote a late and respected Algebra teacher in that regard: "Even a plausible constant rubbed against bullshit variables will yield a bullshit product."

>Folds your fucked up quiz into a paper airplane and floats it across the classroom right into the garbage<

Here's the big rub...
These "Progressives" (The Emanuels, "Him Self" y Cia. and others) along with the rest of everybody else who has a card in the Inner Party Rolodex of Evil?

These bastards don't even have the fucking decency to duck behind the curtains before they laugh up their sleeves at everybody.

"We're fixing America so everybody is equal."
Equality how?

Drunk with Power.
"Smarter" than everybody else.
Hell bent on destroying this nation and every honorable institution therein (Police, Military, Rule of Law, cherished rights and freedoms etc.) to forward their agenda.

The American Way is bad...
The rugged, assertive, adventurous, masculine swagger and sense of duty that defines the American character and identity is bad...

Was not ANYONE paying attention when "Mistuh Nobody" slipped up early on and said that this nation should apologize/be made to genuflect/show contrition for it's place on the world stage?

As fucked up as this world is...
How much more fucked up would it be if not for those boisterous, long-legged, broad-shouldered Americans being a part of the butcher's bill for the last 100 years?

"Mistuh Nobody" and the Chicago Cabal that is with him, have no concept whatsoever of how to genuinely serve and protect a nation.

It's all about the agenda of little men who hate the good that this nation stands for.

It's an intangible thing that they can't fuck with, monetize, quantify or overlay with some feverish, eye-watering bean-counterism... And it drives them CRAZY! You know... The tighter they squeeze to control, the more it eludes their grasp. The more they seek to destroy it.

Those with clarity and acuity tried to warn you about buying into "Hope & Change" America!

What now America?


11/11/2014 03:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Nancy Pelosi said, "We have to pass this bill to see what is in this bill."

Just do what the nice Demo/Communists tell you to do and shut up.

And by the way did you vote?

11/11/2014 06:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just keep voting Democrat, folks - we don't have any problems after 100 years of Dem overlords. And heaven forbid that we actually examine the candidates' views and prior acts, whichever party they say they belong to - we wouldn't want to know whether or not they are competent. Or, just competent liars.

11/11/2014 07:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember when BHO said that he was only going to raise taxes on $MILLIONAIRES, then it was only people with incomes over $250,000, then $150,000.

Now anyone with a job is fair game.

Here is what quietly went into effect on July 1, 2014:

Top Income Tax bracket went UP -> from 35% to 39.6%

Top Income Payroll Tax went UP -> from 37.4% to 52.2%

Capital Gains Tax went UP ->from 15% to 28% (Wonder why companies want to locate off shore)

Dividend Tax went UP -> from 15% to 39.6% (Invest in America)

Estate Tax went UP ->from 0% to 55% (Make out your will)

These taxes were all passed under the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as ObamaCare.

All these taxes were passed with only Democrat votes.

Not one Republican voted to do these taxes.

Did you remember this last election? What about the next?

11/11/2014 07:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The worst part of Obama care is the death panel.
Imagine a world where only the rich and clouted receive quality of life/life extending medical care and the rest of us get morphine.
The people responsible for the affordable care act should be tried for treason.

11/11/2014 07:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it a surprise when the socialists lie to the public? This is what they do.

At least America woke up and voted out their majorities. They need to be swept clean from American politics as they are a cancer to freedom and liberty.

11/11/2014 07:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I mistaken or wasn't Veterans day a national holiday?
I see that the public schools are off but the catholic schools aren't! I wonder if they are open just to discuss the great sacrifices that veterans have made to make this once great country great? Some how I doubt it.

11/11/2014 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if the hospital tier provision applies to retires? If so are they going to have to pay out of network for all treatment out of state?

11/11/2014 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This gem should be labeled Un-fucking_fucking-fucking believable.

11/11/2014 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

THAT guy?
Here's how to let him know about just how wrong he is!
All the contact info you could desire...
Go Here:

EVERYONE must be held accountable for their actions. This ignorant, arrogant, steaming piece of shit clearly needs some education from reality- send the smackdown!

11/11/2014 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Hot Pursuit said...

Like Ive been saying ever election....here come the sheep.... as maybe its time to wake up!?

11/11/2014 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Socialism is for the people, not the socialist!
- Andrew Wilkow

11/11/2014 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Respectfully, Ace of Spades is wrong with its analysis: "He also admits the law was written in order to hide from the public the fact that the whole point of Obamacare is a forced subsidy from the healthy to the sick."

The law was written to transfer mandatory payments to the stockholders of health insurance companies. Just think back and remember how stock prices went up for those companies just before the vote.

A question to ask yourself is: How many politicians that were going to vote for the bill (and parties related to them) bought shares of stock just before the vote?

11/11/2014 01:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And SCOTUS upheld bammy care so what does that tell you where the country is headed???? We will be Second World soon.

11/11/2014 01:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liberals (democrats) are some of the most naive, ignorant and hypocritical people you will ever come across. A bunch of ivory tower living pukes who just want you to do as they say and not as they do. It's funny, I always tell these fools that they vote for the same people that the ghetto hood rats vote for. They are all on the same level mentally and philosophically.

11/11/2014 01:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Together We Can

11/11/2014 02:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe they caught the "stupid" virus along with the ghetto trash

from Kass's column yesterday (if you guys already posted this, sorry. been offline a couple days):

11/11/2014 02:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who in their right mind would put faith in anything POS Dan Webb has to say?
Remember, George Ryan was an honorable man! (according to Webb)

Years back he convinced a federal jury than no street corner can continue drug sales unless police officers are paid to look the other way. Any street savvy officer knows that's hogwash.

11/11/2014 03:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I and I would bet there are quite a few people out there who would love to kick the living shit out of this asshole fucking punk another fucking democrat who thinks he's a know it all tough guy nothing but a living excuse for whats the use.

11/11/2014 03:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every single American citizen needs to read the Democrat/Socialist manifesto, "Rules For Radicals" written by Obama's mentor, comrade and hero Saul Alinsky. The term "By any means necessary" is woven throughout. You will then understand what we are up against with modern day Liberal socialists and their willing accomplices in Academia and the"Main Stream" media, who are firmly ensconced in the democrat party.
Any working, law abiding, American who votes Democrat is voting for their own demise.

11/11/2014 04:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And in today's scum times article about rahms city budget for 2015 income taxes up 49% fop you watching this? How much is going to pension fund? Wonder how many more good people will flee this corrupt city/county/state? I'm retiring July 2015 55 years old 29 years was going to stay but what for?

11/11/2014 04:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When it comes to public policy always follow the money. Money is always the common denominator. Who will reap the benefits? Keep a sharp eye out for campaign donations, contracts, grants, “seed money”, appointments, anointed lobbyists, known loyal political party members, connected law firms, politically connected providers, etc.

If health care is 1/6th of the total U.S. economy, who will get the coveted healthcare contracts? Will those hired by these contracts be required to join the ranks of unions such as the purple monster SEIU, a huge supporter of nationalized healthcare? Government will be the sole determinate of the future healthcare provider winners and losers while wielding enormous power through healthcare decision making and additional tax collection funding mechanisms into the everyday lives of the American people.

Given the stakes, would you want to be open, transparent and forthright with the unwashed masses? Or would you seek a total and absolute power through deceptive means over the unwashed masses eliminating the private sector? The takeover of 1/6th of the economy by government will certainly put the nation at a greater risk of becoming socialistic. And this pointy headed architect of this disaster insults and demeans the American public whom he purports to help while destroying the greatest healthcare system in the world! Is this what this registered democrat and like minded fellow democrats truly think about Americans?

11/11/2014 05:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will this effect VRI?

11/11/2014 06:04:00 PM  
Blogger I Voted For Obama said...

I am proud to be stupid.

11/11/2014 06:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Am I mistaken or wasn't Veterans day a national holiday?
I see that the public schools are off but the catholic schools aren't! I wonder if they are open just to discuss the great sacrifices that veterans have made to make this once great country great? Some how I doubt it.

11/11/2014 08:21:00 AM

The original holiday was Armistice Day, Nov 11. The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month... That is when WWI ended. Changed later on to Veterans Day as WWI vets died off. Then the celebration on Nov 11 was changed to whatever makes a good 3 day weekend so no one knows shit about it except when they get a day off work.

11/11/2014 07:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Edison Carter said...

Judging from the Democratic vote totals in Chicago, I'd say he's right...

11/11/2014 09:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should this be a clue into Rahm al-Ghoul trying to shut the blinds into anyone peeking into his hinky & kinky "interest" in Accretive Healthcare?

Is he still sending thinly veiled nasty-grams to the Minnesota Attorney General to "lay off" on her investigation into alleged financial misdeeds at Accretive?

Has Rahm al-Ghoul had her threatened with personal, financial or career harm or has he had her co-opted like saayyyyy... FOP and ohers?

Yet more of the Progressive Alinskites laughing contemptuously down their dicks at all who aren't them...

Thomas Jefferson was quoted as saying that the vigorous employ of the gallows is the only reasonable means by which the American People can correct the current state of affairs.

11/11/2014 09:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...the rest of us get morphine."

-- 11/11/2014 07:42:00 AM


Walgreens, CVS, others are now refusing to fill even valid existing prescriptions for lousy hydrocodone/acetaminophen. Perfectly legal, they just don't feel like doing it.

Ask your pharmacist about "healthy alternatives." You know -- green lettuce, exercise, positive mental attitude...

11/11/2014 09:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Am I mistaken or wasn't Veterans day a national holiday?
I see that the public schools are off but the catholic schools aren't! I wonder if they are open just to discuss the great sacrifices that veterans have made to make this once great country great? Some how I doubt it.

11/11/2014 08:21:00 AM

The original holiday was Armistice Day, Nov 11. The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month... That is when WWI ended. Changed later on to Veterans Day as WWI vets died off. Then the celebration on Nov 11 was changed to whatever makes a good 3 day weekend so no one knows shit about it except when they get a day off work.

11/11/2014 07:43:00 PM

I was reading about that project in England installing those red porcelain poppies around the Tower of London In Remembrance of the British War dead in WWI.

Can you believe the enormous number of British War dead in World War 1?

The official count is 888,246 British young men and teenagers. That number of soldiers who never got to grow into adulthood and become fathers and husbands and grandfathers is simply staggering.

The total US soldiers killed in WWI is 116,516

"The blood swept lands and seas of red, / Where angels dare to tread..."

11/11/2014 11:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Who in their right mind would put faith in anything POS Dan Webb has to say?
Remember, George Ryan was an honorable man! (according to Webb)

Years back he convinced a federal jury than no street corner can continue drug sales unless police officers are paid to look the other way. Any street savvy officer knows that's hogwash.

11/11/2014 03:28:00 PM

Not to stick up for Webb but he was Ryan's defense attorney. Defense attorney's get paid big money to give their clients the best defense they can. What should he say? "Ladies and gentleman, my client is truly a scumbag piece of shit politician low life but at least he didn't kill anyone. Well, except for those 6 Willis children that is and that was never proven in a court of law to be George Ryan's fault. So then, compared to Adolf Hitler you must say that my client, George Ryan is a real swell fellow, no doubt."

11/11/2014 11:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Margaret Thatcher said it best: "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money". This is a clear scam that Obama placed on us to help out the people who refuse to work, and continue to suck the government teat dry.

11/12/2014 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Every single American citizen needs to read the Democrat/Socialist manifesto, "Rules For Radicals" written by Obama's mentor, comrade and hero Saul Alinsky. The term "By any means necessary" is woven throughout. You will then understand what we are up against with modern day Liberal socialists and their willing accomplices in Academia and the"Main Stream" media, who are firmly ensconced in the democrat party.
Any working, law abiding, American who votes Democrat is voting for their own demise.

11/11/2014 04:38:00 PM

How could Alinsky be the president's mentor;comrade when Alinsky died in 1972. The president was only 11 years old and never met him.

11/12/2014 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Every single American citizen needs to read the Democrat/Socialist manifesto, "Rules For Radicals" written by Obama's mentor, comrade and hero Saul Alinsky. The term "By any means necessary" is woven throughout. You will then understand what we are up against with modern day Liberal socialists and their willing accomplices in Academia and the"Main Stream" media, who are firmly ensconced in the democrat party.
Any working, law abiding, American who votes Democrat is voting for their own demise.

11/11/2014 04:38:00 PM

How could Alinsky be the president's mentor;comrade when Alinsky died in 1972. The president was only 11 years old and never met him.

11/12/2014 10:39:00 AM

So following your logic, one could only follow the teachings of Jesus Christ if he first met him? That has to be the lamest defense of the Socialism of Obama I have ever heard. You Liberal Democrats are REALLY off your game lately.

11/12/2014 10:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>11/11/2014 04:38:00 PM

How could Alinsky be the president's mentor;comrade when Alinsky died in 1972. The president was only 11 years old and never met him.

11/12/2014 10:39:00 AM

So following your logic, one could only follow the teachings of Jesus Christ if he first met him? That has to be the lamest defense of the Socialism of Obama I have ever heard. You Liberal Democrats are REALLY off your game lately.

11/12/2014 10:13:00 PM<<<

Saul Alinsky's books like Rules for Radicals and teachings still infect America and surface whenever they can through slicksters like BHO. And don't forget the Holy Quran where it is lawful to lie to further that cause.

"(2). There is only three kinds of people in the world: rich and powerful oppressors, the poor and disenfranchised oppressed, and the middle-class whose apathy perpetuates the status quo"

Did you remember to VOTE?

11/13/2014 03:07:00 PM  

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