Saturday, December 06, 2014


Irony at its finest:
  • I was out there tonight on Lake Shore drive while the white Protestors. And a few Black Protestors were filming us and yelling. I seen a White Girl with her camera phone filming us. She was holding the camera in the air. Then some black guy grabbed the girls phone and took off into the crowd. The girl then approached the cop next to me and stated that this black guy just grabbed her cell phone. The cop next to me raised his arms up and stated 'Don't call the police'. I started laughing and she turned to me and asked why I was laughing.I stated you don't like or want the police around so you go chase that black guy. She stated that's your job to protect me and my Property. I stated you are protesting me from doing my job. She walked away crying
Point #1 - One copper isn't going to chase this guy into an obviously hostile crowd.

Point #2 - The cops had orders to try to keep the protestors on the sidewalk. The priority wasn't to apprehend phone snatchers. In a volatile situation like that, property crimes take a backseat to the overall picture. Sorry, that's just the way it is.

Point #3 - As we said here a few days ago, fuck the police until you need the police. Do you understand now ma'am?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about point #4... This didn't happen.

12/06/2014 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Joe Stein said...

Like I said before, hands off the rats. All these left wing police haters eventually get a taste of reality when they become victims of a crime. If you need me, I'll be spending the rest of the tour at Pequods, stuffing my face.

12/06/2014 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So who does this liberal dolly get pissed at? The black guy who snatched the phone and ran or the cops who laughed at her?

Reminds me of the guy who was screaming to have his gay roommate arrested. We were preparing complaints for him to sign and I ran the guy's name, the guy who wanted to sign complaints. He popped with a warrant so the cuffs went on him. He then said that if he was going to jail he was not going to sign complaints. Fine with me, the cuffs came off his friend and we took the obnoxious one to jail for the warrant. His pal went walking away laughing. Who says there is no justice? Sometimes there is.

12/06/2014 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuckin' priceless!!!!!!

12/06/2014 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Laughin Up My Sleeve said...



12/06/2014 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad there cannot be a nationwide police non confrontational day. In other words let the animals do as they please. The idiots in the general public and media would be singing another tune, pretty quick..

12/06/2014 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that is what I call justice

12/06/2014 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds made up.

12/06/2014 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they, those who walk around parroting 2 to 4 word slogans ( like "hope and change," or "yes we can," or "hands up, don't shoot," or "black lives matter," or "war on women," and so on...), had better get used to a whole lot more hands-off policing.

The pendulum has swung far, far away from the days of demanding cops "do something" about gangbangers. The 70's through mid-nineties saw one report after another, from political commissions to academic theories, to news specials chronicling how america's streets in every major city had been lost to a criminal element that outgunned and out manned the police.

Every 'broken window' mattered. Every little crime addressed could go a long way toward preventing bigger crimes.

Arming and training the police made sense. Politicians of both parties tripped over each other to talk "tough on crime."

Hire more cops, equip them, train them, and get them into neighborhoods that felt a racist motive was behind their perceived lack of policing in their neighborhoods...

Ahh, the irony.


Too many blacks stopped, arrested, put through the courts, and in jail.

The solution?

De-criminalize their every move.

Leave them be.
Not a problem.

Pissing, stealing, drinking, loitering, shoplifting, trespassing, getting high, hopping the turnstile, being loud, fighting, snatching chains and purses, intimidating people, running around in mobs, and all their nonsense...

Enjoy. Apparently I'm the villain now.

12/06/2014 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT --

"Unarmed, unarmed, unarmed, unarmed, unarmed, unarmed, unarmed, unarmed."

Officer Richard Francis -- R.I.P.

12/06/2014 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Love it when a lib gets bitten in their soft, pampered ass by their own naïveté and stupidity!

It warms our old, mean, bitter, hateful and cynical hearts and makes us crack an amused smile.

Ain't life in Chicago an imperial bitch?

It's not too often that we Blue Suits get to point and laugh.

12/06/2014 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love stories like that I was pulled over in Wisconsin and given a ticket the troop said I was doing 61 in a 55 zone he saw the fop sticker in the window [this was about 1972] said you a police officer in Chicago I replied yes he went back to his car and came back with a ticket for 75 in a 55 well about 2years later I was working 019 jumped on the drive at Belmont followed a wis. plate doing about 60 in a 45 I pulled the guy over at fullerton and guess who it was the trooper .......there is a GOD!

12/06/2014 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes. The circus has come to town!

12/06/2014 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If that's true it serves her right. Maybe now she believes.

12/06/2014 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Al said...

Thanks, that was funny about the silly white girl. I was laughing "ugly", you know what I mean.

12/06/2014 01:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me be the first to say "HA HA!"

Cops have no duty to an individual - just to the public as a whole. That's what they were doing - fuck that libtard...

12/06/2014 01:21:00 AM  
Anonymous I must confess said...

Point #4 - I confess that this story, while entirely believeable, was concocted by myself to lighten the mood. Too many of us have been over stressing this crap. Hope it brought a smile to your face. Judging by the responses in the other thread, it achieved the desired results.

Happy Holidays to my brothers and sisters in blue. Stay safe, stay strong and stay able to laugh.

12/06/2014 01:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: Garner

If I lived in NYC and was paying $14.50 a pack, I'd be smuggling and selling them on the street too.

12/06/2014 01:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the story but I'm calling horseshit on it. Sounds like the perfect story that coppers have discussed in scenarios in every district for weeks now hoping that they could enjoy a moment like that.

Until I see an RD attached to it I'm just going to enjoy it as an entertaining story.

12/06/2014 01:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Chris Rock said it well.

12/06/2014 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ron White had a schtick about getting bounced from a bar.

"I did not know how many it would take."

"But I knew how many they were going to use."

12/06/2014 01:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've seen this goofs one too many times. They are the dumbest people on earth. They make no sense and have no idea what they are even protesting. I've even heard some silly white girl talk about slavery. Huh? Im glad that happened to her. Dumb people lose money.

12/06/2014 01:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's official ten hour days for 005.

12/06/2014 01:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That bitch was RACIST! How dare she accuse a black man of stealing!

12/06/2014 02:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can a white liberal actually accuse of black man of stealing? I don't think they can. They might have to say the he was working, given his dire economic condition, and that she fell victim to society and its unjust economic structure that forced his hand to forcibly seize her property for his own benefit.

Meanwhile, a normal person would say that they just got gangstered and demand police action. But that would only take place in a society that respected the rule of law and those who thanklessly enforce it.

Enjoy paying for that new smart phone, sister. And give a little more to the underprivileged so that they don't have to steal from you suburban white ass. Work harder for them to have a better life. It'll ease your white guilt some.

12/06/2014 02:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just be glad that that's all he took from you, sweetie.

12/06/2014 03:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lmfao, what a great story. Even if the coppers would have went after the guy, this poor girl wouldn't have had her phone to record the excessive force.
Be careful out there boys and girls. these shitheads are going to try their hardest to get under our skin so we lose our cool and do something stupid.

12/06/2014 03:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Point #4 - Why didn't she go to the Media and tell them her dilemma? I'm sure they would have helped.

So tired of watching all this on TV. They (the protestors) don't realize how chaotic things can become if police are pushed to the side.

NO - it won't be a lot of unanswered crime, it will become the Wild West again. There will be no such thing as "supervision" or light sentences handed down by soft judges for repeat offenders.

Bad parenting and no parenting have gotten us to this point of incidents that result in death.

Education of the "average" citizen (AND undocumented citizen) better include a set of rules as to complying with basic police situations and compliance with requests to stop and respond to commands.

CPS should institute something like that instead of all the politically correct nonsense programs they run.

Maybe it should be part of the "free breakfast program" where you get served some "advice" while you are eating your milk and cookies.

Parents better start teaching their kids - "You live the Thug life, you'll die the Thug life."

End of story.

12/06/2014 03:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"White Girl with her camera phone filming us. She was holding the camera in the air. Then some black guy grabbed the girls phone and took off into the crowd. The girl then approached the cop next to me and stated that "this black guy just grabbed her cell phone."
The cop next to me raised his arms up and stated 'Don't call the police'. I started laughing.

As reality set in: "She turned to me and asked why I was laughing. I stated you don't like or want the police around so you go chase that black guy. She stated that's your job to protect me and my Property. I stated you are protesting me from doing my job"

-Right on, Brother!

12/06/2014 03:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12/06/2014 12:46:00 AM


12/06/2014 05:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You made my day with that!

12/06/2014 05:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saw this in the comments of an nypd blog 2 days ago. any copper that wouldn't chase the suspect shouldn't be a cop. But it's a made up story so who cares.

12/06/2014 05:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now all the churches are asking members to protest, they are freakin hypocrites, hating and judging the police, the crime (which didn't even happen here), not turning anything over to God, ruining church for those of us who are the real deal in worship, want Sunday for honoring God. I am so mad, this is war and there are casualties, they create this war with greed segregation, smoke and mirrors crap, act like they care, where the f was everyone when the 9 yr old was brutally murdered on our southeast side and no one says shit across the country. Where the f is the outrage for him???? I am so mad and I stand with you. Citizen who's not stupid or on bs - stay safe

12/06/2014 05:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When a person is shot by another person why does the CHICAGO POLICE neglect to say what is the race of either person? Why does't the MEDIA file a request under the Illinois freedom of information act of all shootings and name the race(s) of each person then come up with statistically significant findings!

12/06/2014 06:24:00 AM  
Blogger DixonSyder said...

Working police = CR's, suspensions, meeting with the head doc, problems, worry, etc. Dog ass, home every nite, check on 1st and 16th. The end.

12/06/2014 06:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even if this didn't happen it will! I won't tell a crime victim this but I ain't chasing nobody anymore. If a perp exhibits any form of resistance even verbal it will be "carry on" for me. It's all about self preservation and finishing out this shitty career. And for all of this crap the powers in charge with the support of the general public want to steal a big chunk of our pensions.

12/06/2014 07:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OOps just got her case report in my inbox!



12/06/2014 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Mt Greenwood Hillbilly said...

Probably the funniest thing I'm going to read all day.

12/06/2014 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great story. And nobody can prove that it was just made up.

12/06/2014 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"She stated that's your job to protect me and my Property."

Point #4: Police have no duty to protect an individual.

The public-duty doctrine holds that the government and its officials owe a legal duty to the public at large but not to any individual citizen. In Warren vs DC, the supreme court has ruled the police did not owe a specific duty to provide police services to the plaintiffs based on the public duty doctrine.

Ultimately it is up to each individual to protect themselves and their property. However, I do not believe that when a violent riot is taking place that the police should stand back an watch (unless it's a suicide mission to break it up, but then at that point bring in the water hoses, tear gas and heavy guns).

So in summary, ok to observe and help ensure a peaceful protest stays peaceful and ok to tell that phoneless bitch to get lost.

12/06/2014 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

White liberals are amongst the stupidest people. They all lack common sense. Their brains cannot comprehend it.

Unfortunately there are millions of stupid white liberals like this girl out there who coddle criminal behavior.

Perhaps this crying girl will turn into a conservative and respect the police rather than siding with criminal protesters.

The copper was in the right not to help this hippy liberal.

Hopefully, this girl learned her lesson !!

12/06/2014 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
OT --

"Unarmed, unarmed, unarmed, unarmed, unarmed, unarmed, unarmed, unarmed."

Officer Richard Francis -- R.I.P.

12/06/2014 12:39:00 AM

In addition to Rick Francis:

Richard James O'Brien
William P. Fahey

Lee R. Seward

Gregory A. Hauser
Raymond C. Kilroy

James Henry Camp

Thor Odin Soderberg

12/06/2014 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What districts are getting the 10 hours days.

12/06/2014 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Colldoll1 said...

Whether this actual incident is true, the scenario has played out many times. Mike Royko was a liberal who became a conservative after staring down the wrong end of a gun. Right in front of his own building! CPD, there are many out there who respect you and are so grateful to the work you do every day. God bless you.

12/06/2014 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

awesome, fuck off liberal pieces of shit!!!!

12/06/2014 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Late Officer James Camp, also dealt with an unarmed offender before he was killed!

Where was the outcry back then?

12/06/2014 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a shame, Buffy has to get back to Naperville with no phone.

Take the rest of the Naperbitches with ya.

12/06/2014 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The New York City Government is also guilty in this death!

It is the government that created a black market for loose cigarettes!

When New York City does not get its tax, they send in a vice goon squads to collect!

Chicago does the same thing!

If you can get product cheaper outside of this city and bring it back for profit or savings! You would be a fool not to do it!

I do it all the time to avoid the stupid city bottle water tax and buy and spend my money in outlying suburbs, where no such stupidity tax laws exists and is overall cheaper!

In closing, I hope New York City writes a big fat check to the family and repeal stupid tax laws!

12/06/2014 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting experiment to reduce crime: Announce PD free Saturday, all PD paid day off. Sanitation gets baling hooks and body bags for dawn cleanup. Hypothesis: Decent citizens that don't look at jail as "street cred" would willingly decimate gangster/shitbag population in their neighborhoods without ROE that restricts PD.

12/06/2014 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In other words:

Or yall could just try doing your job wo killing people wo cause.

12/06/2014 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boo hoo hoo!
I can't find my phone!

whether the incident happened or not is irrelevant. There are plenty of these typical myopic liberals who grew up privileged. They are toxic and TRUE racists with fanatical ideology until something new comes along.

Perfect example

Don't ever engage them and stay safe all Officers!
Thank you for your service.

12/06/2014 09:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get it, I really do and I don't know that I wouldn't have done the same thing myself if I was out thereat the protest. However, the Monday morning quarterback in me can't help but think, "what did we accomplish?" All we did was feed right into the stereotype they have of the police. The girl is going to go home and tell everyone what ass-wholes the police are. Would we have accomplished more if the officer had the officer was at least empathetic and helped her out with a little info (I am not suggesting the cop should have chase the guy down.

The other thing is, I have children in that mid teen to early 20 range. They do stupid stuff (not marching around in the cold protesting mindlessly)and have some political views I don't agree with (didn't we all once upon a time). I would hope that if they were stupid enough to be out there, a copper would have had a little pity on them if something like this happened to them.

Finally, unfortunately, as hard as it is to swallow, aren't we suppose to be the police for everyone, even the ass-wholes? Do we get to pick and choose?

12/06/2014 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
How about point #4... This didn't happen.

12/06/2014 12:12:00 AM
I agree

12/06/2014 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe Stein said...
Hey, and ya better give me a discount on the pizza this time. This stuff ain't cheap ya know.

12/06/2014 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 100 & 4100, you 2 are morons. since when do we give them 2 & 3 warnings to stop laying in the intersection. How about 1 warning then arrest them. NO,you'll follow them around for 8hrs. Get some BALLS. When they block an intersection LOCK THEM UP. If you don't,expect to follow them around and get more aggressive. Next stop Macy's floor.

12/06/2014 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any description of offenders that murdered the Pakistani student near Loyola yesterday , channel 7 described them as two young men
In Gary Indiana white girl shot ,murdered by black kid , no mention of black boy murders white girl
Guess it is not news when blacks murder people , must be viewed as normal behavior .
When a black criminal is shot , now that is news worthy , how dare a citizen or police officer kill a black thug in self defense .

12/06/2014 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a point in all this recent chaos that should not be ignored, and that is the Absolute Absence of any Unified Police Organization speaking up for these officers, even if they were not in fact representing that specific Department. What we are witnessing is a clear and obvious effort by the Obama Administration to vilify Police Officers and Agencies. So Where is the FOP, who receives tens of millions of dollars annually? Who will stand up and speak on behalf of these Officers, because make no mistake about it, what is happening in New York and Ferguson could easily happen here. When I was a Chicago Police Sgt., one of my Officers did in fact apply a choke hold that contributed to the death of a subject. However, the City had taught the Neck Restraint when the Officer went to the Academy, and failed to re-train Officers. The case was settled out of court and race was never even implied, though the deceased was Black and the Officer was Latino. The silence of National Police Organizations in all this, especially those that pay Lobbyists is deafening and disturbing. R.M. Aztlan, (Retired Sgt., CPD)

12/06/2014 09:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: who is the commander up in Rogers Park? A lot of shootings up there recently and now a Loyola University student shot and killed during an armed robbery in the early evening hours. I would say 2400 is on his way out.

12/06/2014 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just need to vent! Morning news, 4 people stabbed on the train, young girl shot and killed. Why is it that it's never mentioned it was a " black man" who did this crimes to "white people"? The news jumps on it when it's a white person who kills a black person. Crime is crime, they just fuel the fire. Why isn't anyone protesting against black on white crime or black on black crimes.
It's never mentioed that maybe just maybe these white people are chosen as victims do to their color. Media STOPPED reporting by color, your part of the problem!

12/06/2014 10:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm amused that the bulk of the protestors were 20/30 somethings and white. And women. Where's the guilt coming from, ladies?

12/06/2014 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

urban myth

12/06/2014 10:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe Stein said...
Like I said before, hands off the rats. All these left wing police haters eventually get a taste of reality when they become victims of a crime. If you need me, I'll be spending the rest of the tour at Pequods, stuffing my face.

Speaking of Pequod's, whoever the big group of detectives are that go there a little reminder; tip at least 20% of the original price not barely 15% of the discounted bill. Don't ruin it for everyone, you cheap bastards.

12/06/2014 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Officer Lee Seward 30 December 1988. Shot by an unarmed black man! R.I.P. brother. Where was the outrage then and where are our Department "leaders" now who apparently have forgotten us. Never forget!

12/06/2014 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have another feel good story from the protest yesterday.

A female black started walking with the protest telling the protesters they were stupid and stopping the police from catching the criminals. She walked with them for well over an hour screaming this. She even volunteered to take them "to the wood" so they can fight the GD's and vice lords. The protesters were complaining to the police that she was bothering them. It seems the protesters didn't respect her first amendment rights since it went against their message.

12/06/2014 10:47:00 AM  
Anonymous CrookCountyJuscice said...

I have been watching the Obamao and Holder demonization of the police and the talking heads following right along in large portion. Really, it is time. Police across the nation need to stop policing minority crimes. Let them go, they put their hands up instead of submitting, don't go hands on, just avoid "inflaming" the situation and let them go.
Be "understanding", allow for "cultural racism". Let these fucking beasts run wild and wreak havoc and do so happily and with a clear conscience because a few weeks of this would do more good for the nation than anything else that we could do. Seriously. You want to have a "discussion about race" you stupid jackasses, then let's have it. But have the whole conversation. When blacks have disproportionate incarceration or arrest rates it is because they commit crime in disproportionate numbers. The race, as a whole, has been infantilized since the "great society", welfare has resulted in the breakdown of the family structure and the constant desire for more, more and more entitlements, benefits and favoritism. Even many of the successful black voices have either gotten so by riding racial division and benefits, or have been brainwashed by the "poor me" narrative and refuse to see reality. Until these morons realize a few points a conversation is impossible. 1. Your ridiculous taxes and over regulation to fund entitlements or "protect people from themselves" are yours. Cops should not be tax collectors. 2. Police are not out looking to arrest blacks, Hispanics, gays, Brazilians or dwarfs. When you police those communities you end up arresting the bad people from them. In arresting them you are protecting the GOOD majority of those communities. The liberal narrative has succeeded, somehow, in convincing those that are protected to support those preying on them. A good dose of de-policing would shatter that misplaced loyalty. 3. It is not possible to arrest people that don't want to be arrested without using more force than they are, often injuring them. It isn't possible to take down 350 pound giants without locking on the head or neck and controlling it, if you try to grab the lower body you are exposed to a beating, your gun being taken, being stabbed or a myriad of other injury or death inducing scenarios. In all cases, if someone would just submit they would not be injured. In the very few cases of actual brutality, when a controlled prisoner is beaten for no reason, that IS brutality and the cop has no business being the police. It is time to give these evil scumbags and clueless, pathetic liberal mush-minds both a large, unlubricated dose of reality. Let's begin a nationwide police movement, maybe a meme of "don't arrest, stay safe" or "black lives matter so handle it yourself", or "no support, no justice". Let's show the world what we actually prevent. Give the world a taste of what their poor, downtrodden and oppressed thugs and gangsters will do without the evil specter of racist law enforcement keeping them down. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe they will clean up playgrounds for neighborhood kids, enroll in college, get jobs and show us dinosaur cops how good life can be...maybe.

12/06/2014 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds made up.

12/06/2014 12:34:00 AM

I second that

12/06/2014 11:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

$75 million lawsuit for a guy selling single squares. ....that's a pretty lucrative business. much do they sue for when it's a gangbanger murder?

12/06/2014 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy to hear the outcome. These white liberals should have no sympathy when they march against the police

12/06/2014 11:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Sounds made up" and "This didn't happen"... LOL Sure go a head a believe it was made up, you fucking troll. I've see these shitheads victimize their "allies" over and over again.

If it was made up, who the fuck cares!

However, if it wasn't - and my money is on that it wasn't - that imbecilic, naive protester got what she deserved.

Fucking troll moron. I've been at hot scenes where people come out of the buildings to yell at us and then some crime is committed against one of the protesting haters, like their house just burglarized, or a theft, but usually one of their own just got some retribution for something they did. All of a sudden the screaming, yelling, anti-police neighbor wants us to take police action. Fuck that.

...and fuck you, you bleeding heart troll. Go defend yourself and solve your own crimes. Maybe next time these animals will make you part of their prey.

12/06/2014 12:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing like a dose of reality to slap the white idiot in the head. Good.

12/06/2014 12:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Imaginary instant karma.
Its made up. BS.

Anyone who read this without your BS detector blowing up is too naive for the job (and PS, the most persuasive lies are the ones that tell you what you already want to hear, to persuade to you someone elses agenda)

12/06/2014 12:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why were there white Protesters out there?? I don't understand?

12/06/2014 12:58:00 PM  
Blogger Honeycomb said...

SCC- civilian here, but please include coverage of the teen in FL who was just sentenced to 23 yrs. in prison for fatally shooting a retired German Shepherd police dog. It feels good to see a miscreant get slammed with a long sentence. He was 16 at the time but the judge tried him as an adult.

12/06/2014 01:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/06/2014 01:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty funny.

What is that old saying, about how a conservative is just a liberal who hasn't been robbed yet.

12/06/2014 01:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dumb Bitch protest against police action, but wants the police to take action! YOU BIG DUMMY! Call Mike Brown, CNN, MSN or some other protesters next time your the victim of a crime!

12/06/2014 02:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love it! Swim with sharks baby and eventually you'll get bit. Great response from the copper as well. This job still can be fun. God bless and be safe

12/06/2014 02:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love it!!!!!!

12/06/2014 03:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"How about point #4... This didn't happen"
That was my 1st thought as well....cop blowhardism and wishful thinking

12/06/2014 04:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I confess that this story, while entirely believeable, was concocted by myself to lighten the mood"

I'll bet you're a riot in court or when submitting arrest reports

12/06/2014 04:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
It's official ten hour days for 005.

12/06/2014 01:59:00 AM

If this is true, dont they have to run it by the union?

12/06/2014 04:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Priceless and laffin my ass off!!!!!

12/06/2014 05:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I love stories like that I was pulled over in Wisconsin and given a ticket the troop said I was doing 61 in a 55 zone he saw the fop sticker in the window [this was about 1972] said you a police officer in Chicago I replied yes he went back to his car and came back with a ticket for 75 in a 55 well about 2years later I was working 019 jumped on the drive at Belmont followed a wis. plate doing about 60 in a 45 I pulled the guy over at fullerton and guess who it was the trooper .......there is a GOD!

12/06/2014 12:46:00 AM

Now THAT'S a feel good story for the holidays! Thanks for sharing!

12/06/2014 05:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


this post made my day! Irony at its fiinest! I would super like this post on fb!

12/06/2014 05:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of 2 factors are missing that would make it a "true" story....
1. Offender is victim's boyfriend- domestic.
2. Victim is a daughter of a boss..

All BS. 19a...but a great tale.

12/06/2014 05:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or yall could just try doing your job wo killing people wo cause.

12/06/2014 09:20:00 AM

Or you can shut the fuck up, you piece of shit. If the common denominator in both situations weren't typical police fighters, they'd both be alive. And maybe you should stay on the public school blogs, because "yall" and "wo" are not words in the Queen's English.

12/06/2014 05:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something similar happened two weeks ago in Missouri :

12/06/2014 06:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What districts are getting the 10 hours days.

12/06/2014 08:22:00 AM

In 2016, all of them.

12/06/2014 06:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Life can be rough sometimes, if true maybe this young lady learns a few things from the experience that may save her real grief one day. But then again moonbattery is a persistant virus.

12/06/2014 07:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She was probably the alderman's daughter who is a police hater but earns her paycheck working for a company that has a contract with the police housed in a police facility.

12/06/2014 07:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Or yall could just try doing your job wo killing people wo cause."

12/06/2014 09:20:00 AM

Or perhaps these "people" that you speak of can stop taking Policemen for punching bags and targets so that NOBODY gets maimed or killed?

Or is that asking way too much?

Look... Our bodies aren't specially hardened in the Police Academy so we can take a beating at the hands of a brute just because your tender feelings are outraged at the notion of mere "public servants" aggressively defending themselves/enforcing the law in a manner too hard to be pleasing to you.

Nor are we trained to "kick it/shoot it out of his hand" or "shoot him in the arm/leg."

Oh and guess what?
Tasers can and DO fail to stop a threat.

If that threat turns into a life threatening one, you can bet your ass that Policemen can and WILL resort to lethal force.

Policemen have a split second to be right or wrong.
A split second choice to live or die.

Oh by the way, fuck you and yours...

We don't "gladly" lay our lives on the altar labelled "To Serve and Protect. We don't operate in the realm of selfless sacrifice reduced to a sound bite and video clip of solemn bagpipes and dress blue uniforms for your selfish feel good that it was some dumb poor slob cop who gave all instead of too important you.

That's not to say that mishaps and tragedies do not happen. They do because human beings are messy, unpredictable and flat out dangerous sometimes.

You people don't want justice.
You want legally sanctioned lynch law when Police use of force has unintended results.

When these situations go bad, you and yours want to see Policemen "punished" because "they do this all the time."

Will the current anti-Police blood lust ever be satisfied?

You people are eerily silent about young men of color practically performing death cult-like public sacrifices on each other.

...But your quarrel was, is and will always be with The Police.

The Policeman endures review, rehash and second guessing of his oftentimes right as rain decision to use force, lethal and otherwise under the "reasonable man" inferrence that is the bedrock of all self defense under English Common Law, all Police Use of Force in the U.S. and Police rules and regulations.

Nobody ever promised you soft, simple people that Police Use of Force would ever be pretty and that seems to be the problem.

"Reasonable Man" trumps all marching and bullhorn yelling about criminals who precipitated their own demise because they felt they had some kind of defacto immunity/impunity for their criminality based on the premise of perpetual aggrievement against, and their rejection of honoring their contract with society.


The time for pity partying, responsibility dodging and excuse making is long past.

The Police aren't the Problem.

12/06/2014 07:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC important:

Father Faker and the new Archbishop and many Catholic parish priests in Chicago are encouraging their congregation to protest after mass on Sunday. This is being done to support Eric Garner and Mike Brown. Please remember this when the collection basket gets passed around. That is the only way that any message can be sent to the Church.

12/06/2014 07:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alot of things maybe untruths, but what is true is that a Loyola student was killed by Gentle Giants, multiple prople stabbed on Amtrak a Gentle giant, a young pretty girl was killed during a slumber party by Gentle Giants, a pair of friends were assault on the southside for a cell phone by a Gentle giant, on and on.

Yet these foolhearthy fools protest for THUGS!

On a good note didn't see the protestors of justice in downtown tonite. They must've gotten hungry or gone shopping!

12/06/2014 07:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Point #4. When she finds a phone. Call 311 for the report. Stolen Cell phones don't require a field report

12/06/2014 07:55:00 PM  
Anonymous O.J. said...

Why are all of the people, and folks, giving the international sign for touchdown while they march?

12/06/2014 08:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there was a protest this afternoon on I290 Expy at Kostner Ave calling all whities protesters regroup and report to Madison St and N. Kostner Ave and protest n da hood!

12/06/2014 08:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So 011 had protesters who laid down on lake st then went onto the 290 causing the obvious problems. We were told in passing that the protest was going to happen. I wondered what fabulous plan the micro manager 1100X had in store for us. After all even having a watch sergeant cover the tact team called for a multi page email with detailed instructions. So we were all looking forward to his plan and the arrangements for outside resources since 011 had only the beats covered. Well I searched and searched for the detailed email with his fantastic and highly thought out plan for the protesters. Only there wasn't one. Seems he forgot to get any outside assistance so we had to pull in people from other districts as well as ISP. Not that it went terribly, it was handled, but the total lack of balls shown by 1100X was a sight to behold. When assholes walk onto the 290 they go to jail. What do you think is going to happen the next time they protest? Straight to the 290. You cannot give up ground on the west side, you do it and you might as well pull out all the police and let it burn. The Rodney King riots were traced back to one incident where a house mouse lieutenant ordered his officers to back down from a group of assholes. It spread from that corner to the rest of the area. 1100x is dangerous because he thinks he knows what he is doing, and he does not. He needs to go back north and ride the desk like the administrator that he is. He has little practical street experience and has no business being in charge of people, he is best suited for administrative duties. How one individual can destroy the morale so completely is amazing. Last we saw this it was the tact Lt J Jones, now commander Jones. Truly indicative of how poor the "leadership" in this department is. OK, stepping off the soap box. Be safe and hope this too passes.

12/06/2014 08:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Did send a check to Officer Darren Wilson care of the St. Louis, Mo. FOP. Got a thank-you note back from him today.

Retired 640

12/06/2014 09:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh we'll next time stay @ home and you will be safe . Good luck finding your phone . Keep phones in your pocket.

12/06/2014 09:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic. Would like to send a check to P.O. Wilson. Where can I send it?

12/06/2014 10:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Probably was a setup

12/06/2014 10:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of the countless hours of watching COPS and other reality "ride-along-with-the police shows, I discovered a common thread through each and every episode. Where the suspect surrendered and did not resist or obstruct the officer, and did what he was lawfully ordered to do, he/she was not struck, punched, pepper sprayed, bit by a K-9, tased or shot. What a freakin revelation.

12/06/2014 10:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I love stories like that I was pulled over in Wisconsin and given a ticket the troop said I was doing 61 in a 55 zone he saw the fop sticker in the window [this was about 1972] said you a police officer in Chicago I replied yes he went back to his car and came back with a ticket for 75 in a 55 well about 2years later I was working 019 jumped on the drive at Belmont followed a wis. plate doing about 60 in a 45 I pulled the guy over at fullerton and guess who it was the trooper .......there is a GOD!

Did you get the free steak dinner, or was that all talk back then.

12/06/2014 10:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT --

Wearing out his welcome --

NYPD shooting victim’s family: Stay away, Sharpton!

December 5, 2014 | 7:01pm

"The family of police-shooting victim Akai Gurley had a message on Friday for the Rev. Al Sharpton: Keep your “circus” away from his funeral!

"The blowhard opportunist muscled his way into the arrangements — and even put out press releases promising to deliver the eulogy — without ever consulting the family or offering to foot the bill.

"But Gurley’s relatives told Sharpton to stay away rather than turn the somber ceremonies into a spectacle.

“It’s been a nightmare,” Gurley’s aunt, Hertencia Petersen, told The Post. “He just wants to take credit for this when he’s never even contacted my sister [Gurley’s mother].

“Who made you the spokesperson of our family? We just want to bury our nephew with dignity and respect.”

"Petersen was stunned that Sharpton and his National Action Network billed him as the eulogist for a Friday funeral, when they were planning on a Saturday service and wanted a speaker who actually knew Gurley.

“How can you do a eulogy for someone you don’t even know? It’s heartbreaking,” she said.

"By late Friday, Sharpton accepted a rare defeat and backed off, though he blamed it on “confusion and division” within the Gurley family.

"He said he would not attend Saturday’s 11 a.m. service at Brown Memorial Baptist Church in Brooklyn — and even backed off the Friday wake..."

12/06/2014 10:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As id I need any reason not to watch Derrick Rose and the Bulls, in the news is an item plus photo of that idiot wearing a t-shirt in practice that says "I can't breath." It should say "I can't play."

I hope he blows both knees out, the piece of shit. What would one expect from an Englewood dogass.

12/06/2014 11:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Sgt Aztlan
Rick, it isn't the FOP who represented either the Ferguson Missouri officer or the New York officer, in the Ferguson case they have no Police Union ( maybe time to think about getting one huh? ) and in the case of the New York officer it is your Sergeants organization and bargaining agent the PBPA who you should be rightfully lambasting .

12/07/2014 01:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The answer to why the police are shooting black folk is found in their training. Targets on the range all have black silhouettes. When's the last time you practiced shooting at a white target?

12/07/2014 02:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give a Hoot
Don't Loot

12/07/2014 02:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha, hey it can happen!

12/07/2014 03:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Sounds made up" and "This didn't happen"... LOL Sure go a head a believe it was made up, you fucking troll. I've see these shitheads victimize their "allies" over and over again.

If it was made up, who the fuck cares!

However, if it wasn't - and my money is on that it wasn't - that imbecilic, naive protester got what she deserved.

Fucking troll moron. I've been at hot scenes where people come out of the buildings to yell at us and then some crime is committed against one of the protesting haters, like their house just burglarized, or a theft, but usually one of their own just got some retribution for something they did. All of a sudden the screaming, yelling, anti-police neighbor wants us to take police action. Fuck that.

...and fuck you, you bleeding heart troll. Go defend yourself and solve your own crimes. Maybe next time these animals will make you part of their prey.

12/06/2014 12:33:00 PM
Guy who wrote it already admitted it's made up and the story has even been seen on a NYPD blog over three days ago nimwit.

12/07/2014 03:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You people are eerily silent about young men of color practically performing death cult-like public sacrifices on each other.

12/06/2014 07:20:00 PM

No we aren't. You obviously are a FRAUD. You're not a police officer. If you were, you'd know There are ALWAYS protests over black on black violence, and CPD always patrols the marches. CPD also works hand in hand with community groups throughout the city who work day in and day out trying to end gang violence in these neighborhoods. You're a fraud who obviously travels the internet spreading false info and lies when it's convenient for you. If it's not:

"you don't protest black on black crime"

then it's

"AL SHARPTON and JESSE JACKSON don't care and don't protest with them".

News flash, we don't give a flying f*ck about either one of them.

My other favorite when the media guides you off track (you believe it's about race, "white vs. black", protesters don't) when things like this happen, is bringing up black on black violence to downplay the situation at hand. Yes, blacks are 12 percent of the population and commit about %50 of the nations homicides. But only about 4,000 blacks are arrested a year for murder. There are over 40 million blacks in America, yet we are all supposed to be accountable for LESS than 1% of the population who murders people? And maybe 3% who commit crime overall?

But, If you are indeed a cop, how many "bad cops" do you take responsibility for? Or do you separate yourself from them?

I'm sorry American citizens - mainly blacks, like to think cops should be held to way higher standards than some gangbangers killing each other everyday. I mean, that kind of is what gangbangers sign up to do, right? Do police officers view them selves as nothing more or less than a GD or Latin King? No one is protesting for days when you have to shoot the guy who you claimed raised a gun at you. Think about that. All of you guys.

12/07/2014 04:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guy who wrote it already admitted it's made up and the story has even been seen on a NYPD blog over three days ago nimwit.

12/07/2014 03:49:00 AM


Gee, that Anonymous guy is everywhere. Look, here he is again! And again!

How about this: I wrote the initial story, posted it here, then threw everyone off the scent by claiming I made it up.

I confess. It's actually all true

It is all part of the thesis statement that I'm submitting for my advanced degree on "Gullibility Regarding Internet Memes."

I place stories in comment sections of selected websties, then in Group A, deny the story is real and see how far it travels. In Group B (control group), I post a mixture of lies and truths. Then I survey the affected populations and the public at large. I've found cops are much better at spotting the truth than the public.


Now what smart guy? Is the above true? It's a straight up denial of the denial and it's on the internet. Must be true!

12/07/2014 06:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love stories like that I was pulled over in Wisconsin and given a ticket the troop said I was doing 61 in a 55 zone he saw the fop sticker in the window [this was about 1972] said you a police officer in Chicago I replied yes he went back to his car and came back with a ticket for 75 in a 55 well about 2years later I was working 019 jumped on the drive at Belmont followed a wis. plate doing about 60 in a 45 I pulled the guy over at fullerton and guess who it was the trooper .......there is a GOD
Same shit happened to me in 83 in WI, fucking bottom feeder tropper writes my wife and makes us drive 50 miles to post a bond. He and the local thought it was a big joke.
I was going to acrt up don't knew the prick with pinch my ass if he found the pistol in the car.

Year late I was in Gangs West and me and my Sgt followed a WI vehicle arouns 18 and Western.

We pull on the side of the male driver and his family. They were lost and the driver made us for the police. The assholes tells us and we tell them to pull over he is a tropper, I play the JO and after seeing his DL , it is the prick who wrote my wife. I ask him if he has his pistol cause the area is really dangerous. The prick says yes and shows his pistol to us. To make it short he took a pinch for UUW and we left his old lady in wonder land. Fuck em !!
She ask were we are taking him and we told her to make a u turn and follow us. She could not keep us with us and she is MIA.
The prick is beefing on the way to 011. He hit' the lock up and his pistol gets inventoried as per directives !! We went home and when we came to work the next day the prick was still in the lock up cause someone misplaced his arrest report !!
We found out lock up ket him make a call after about 36 hours and his old lady went back to the milk farm. Two WE tropper' show up and start beefing at the desk, the fucks also hearly ended up pinched but the WC let them slide after fucking making them wait around for 5 hours for their JO minion. Go to court and the state SOL the case, I did not give two shits anyway. I had the judge CD his pistol. A week later shit huts the fan and the head cheese JO tropper calls my cmdr to beef, My boss told the JO if he wants his tropper gun back to come get and MF;ing him. We started a now bigger war with those WI JO troppers !! Heard the tropper took a 60 day suspension and the prick was told by IAD if he wanted to get a number on us that he had to come to Chicago. He failed to show and they shit when they heard we destroyed his gun.
Until I reired, WI plates took a stop, Fuck em all.
Wi Tropper' started this hate for CPD in the 1960' and it still exist today.
Never give a WE tropper a pass, fuck em. The local WI copper' hate these pricks too. They write their own but hate CPD with lust !!!!!

12/07/2014 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recently retired and moved far, far away from Chicago. My new neighbors ask how it must be to be a police officer right now.

I told them I'd walk around with my hands in my pockets and my blinders on to crime.

God pity the next poor Chicago copper who shoots a black offender, armed or not. If unarmed, I'd have the swat or heavy weapons guys surrounding the crime scene. After the UN report, oh my lord, that copper will go through absolute HELL and it will be slaughter time for him and his character (or she).

12/07/2014 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I love stories like that I was pulled over in Wisconsin and given a ticket the troop said I was doing 61 in a 55 zone he saw the fop sticker in the window [this was about 1972] said you a police officer in Chicago I replied yes he went back to his car and came back with a ticket for 75 in a 55 well about 2years later I was working 019 jumped on the drive at Belmont followed a wis. plate doing about 60 in a 45 I pulled the guy over at fullerton and guess who it was the trooper .......there is a GOD!

12/06/2014 10:56:00 PM

I know many CPD claim harassment in Wisconsin but I've been driving and riding my motorcycle in Wisconsin for years. I got stopped once for speeding near Road America. County Sherrif got me. He was decent and gave me a pass when I showed my police ID. Of course I was sober and polite and he just wanted a look at the star and said have a nice day.

That's my only time getting stopped in Wisconsin in many years. They were good to me. I give them courtesy the few times I have come across Wisconsin LEO's here.

12/07/2014 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love stories like that I was pulled over in Wisconsin and given a ticket the troop said I was doing 61 in a 55 zone he saw the fop sticker in the window [this was about 1972] said you a police officer in Chicago I replied yes he went back to his car and came back with a ticket for 75 in a 55 well about 2years later I was working 019 jumped on the drive at Belmont followed a wis. plate doing about 60 in a 45 I pulled the guy over at fullerton and guess who it was the trooper .......there is a GOD!

Really? You had an FOP sticker? in 1975?

12/07/2014 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meybe D.R.'s shirt should read "can't shoot, won't shoot so I put my hands up "
Dyla Hata

12/07/2014 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Off topic. Would like to send a check to P.O. Wilson. Where can I send it?

12/06/2014 10:17:00 PM

Send it care of the Ferguson P.D. They handle it.

12/07/2014 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Sgt Aztlan

it isn't the FOP who represented either the Ferguson Missouri officer or the New York officer, in the Ferguson case they have no Police Union ( maybe time to think about getting one huh? ) and in the case of the New York officer it is your Sergeants organization and bargaining agent the PBPA who you should be rightfully lambasting


It looks like YOU DO NOT HAVE A CLUE.

The PB&PA is an Illinois Association.

It has NOTHING to do with the NYPD's PBA.

Go back to sleep in mommy's basement now junior.

12/07/2014 12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

excellent article by John Kass displaying the bullshit you guys are faced with pretty old but still has a good point stay safe guys

12/07/2014 01:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Police aren't the Problem.

12/06/2014 07:20:00 PM

Very well said. Hit the nail on the head.

12/07/2014 02:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He should of said " I am protecting you. I'm making sure that no cars hit you. And by the way as long ask amherehewontbe coming back. Oh BTW won't daddy just buy yo another one"

12/07/2014 03:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really? You had an FOP sticker? in 1975?

12/07/2014 10:02:00 AM
Yes, it is possible. The FOP was around in the 70's and very strong in area 4, just did not represent anyone.

12/08/2014 10:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Father Faker and the new Archbishop and many Catholic parish priests in Chicago are encouraging their congregation to protest after mass on Sunday. This is being done to support Eric Garner and Mike Brown. Please remember this when the collection basket gets passed around. That is the only way that any message can be sent to the Church.

12/06/2014 07:21:00 PM
I think that you are spreading false rumors . I attend mass every week and no mention has been made of any protests.

12/08/2014 10:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just need to vent! Morning news, 4 people stabbed on the train, young girl shot and killed. Why is it that it's never mentioned it was a " black man" who did this crimes to "white people"? The news jumps on it when it's a white person who kills a black person. Crime is crime, they just fuel the fire. Why isn't anyone protesting against black on white crime or black on black crimes.
It's never mentioed that maybe just maybe these white people are chosen as victims do to their color. Media STOPPED reporting by color, your part of the problem!

The offender is being described as a military veteran who is likely suffering from PTSD or some other form of mental illness. It's likely that those 4 white 'victims' on the train were stabbed because they were closest to the guy when he went postal (other than the conductor, who attempted to disarm the vet after he had already engaged the other victims with his knife).

12/09/2014 06:23:00 PM  
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6/07/2019 01:40:00 PM  

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