Saturday, March 07, 2015

Dismantling Holder's Stats

  • Unable to pin racism charges on Ferguson policeman Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown, Attorney General Eric Holder is using half-baked data to manufacture a case of racism against his entire police force.

    Holder's race-baiting civil rights crew combed through several years of Ferguson Police Department data on traffic stops, searches and arrests and "found a pattern of racial disparities in Ferguson's police activities."

    "African Americans are overrepresented in FPD's vehicular stops" and victims of "racial bias," Holder concludes in his report.

    He notes that blacks accounted for 85% of vehicle stops, "despite comprising only 67% of Ferguson's population," while whites made up 15% of stops, despite representing 29% of the population.

    So there you have it, a slam-dunk case of racism, right? Hardly.

    Outrageously, the nation's top prosecutor failed to control for factors that explain the racial "disparity" in traffic stops, such as speeding, DUI, expired license plates, headlight, seat-belt and child-restraint violations and other reasons for being pulled over.

    Holder's own department statistics show that African Americans, on average, violate speeding and other traffic laws at much greater rates than whites.

    The Justice Department's research arm, the National Institute of Justice, explains that differences in traffic stops can simply be attributed to "differences in offending."
Torturing numbers to come up with a predetermined outcome isn't new - McCarthy does it daily here and he learned it in NEw York. Holder is just twisting different data in different directions to come up with his already known conclusion. It might be painful to accept, but the observable data, collected by the Department of Justice of the United States, shows that certain people disregard the rules, laws and ordinances at a higher rate. And by attracting that sort of attention to themselves, they interact more with those people designated to enforce the rules, laws and ordinances.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanna know how in the fuck I can be accused of racial profiling when I work in an all black district. Who the fuck am I supposed to stop??? Just the few white people cruisin through??? This country is so fucked up it's not funny.

3/07/2015 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

some pieces of shit should never hold such a position... just like obongo

3/07/2015 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at a the Shooters and shooting Victims,Dicsriptions given to 911 dispatchers in Chicago 95% Minoritys.Cops search for those described.

3/07/2015 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why the hell is this guy hanging on? They held his going away party 27 Feb. Aretha Franklin sang and Obama praised his work. It was over.

But, but, he's STILL here?

3/07/2015 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one is going to do anything to Holder for bending the numbers and stoking the fires of racism, just like he is going to suffer no consequences for Fast and Furious. His mixed race and position protect him.

3/07/2015 01:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did they take into account that because there is probably more crime in the black neighborhood that more officers are deployed there, and therefore, of course, more blacks will be stopped by police???

Why don't we just put the same amount of police in every neighborhood, regardless of the amount of crime in that neighborhood. That's seems fair, doesn't it? Let's divide the city as Englewood is divided: 5 beats per sector, 3 sectors covering a 2.5 mile by 2.5 mile area. OR we could just have one police car covering an area the size of Beat 811 throughout the city. If the volume of calls on one beat is more than another beat, then those people will just have to wait, because the distribution of police will be spread out all over evenly and justly.

3/07/2015 01:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Justice Department's report details how Ferguson operated a vertically integrated system -- from street cop to court clerk to judge to city administration to city council -- to raise revenue for the city budget through increased ticketing and fining.

Ferguson's budget increases were so sizable that city officials exhorted police and court staff to levy more and more fines and tickets against violators, who turned out to be largely African-American, the Justice Department said.

The demands for revenue were so intense that the police department had "little concern with how officers do this," even disciplining officers who failed to issue an average of 28 tickets a month, the Justice Department report said.

Officers competed "to see who could issue the largest number of citations during a single stop," the Justice Department said.

One apparent winner was an officer who issued 14 tickets at a single encounter, according to the federal investigation report.

Many police stops of civilians "have little relation to public safety and a questionable basis in law," the report said.

3/07/2015 01:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Polarize the nation. Push more and more invasive laws. Disarm the public and incite civil war. Why is this all surprising to people. Hitler did it...

3/07/2015 02:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was a predetermined outcome.
Pandering to the "I can't breathe" and " hands up don't shoot" crowd.
The tail is wagging the dog. Sad and pathetic.

3/07/2015 03:21:00 AM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

"It might be painful to accept, but the observable data, collected by the Department of Justice of the United States, shows that certain people disregard the rules, laws and ordinances at a higher rate. And by attracting that sort of attention to themselves, they interact more with those people designated to enforce the rules, laws and ordinances."

Oh, so you mean shit like...

- driving with clouds of weed smoke billowing out of the windows?

- driving while throwing McDonalds bags out of the windows?

- driving with 'Gangsta Rap' audible 2 city blocks away?

- driving with sunglasses at night?

- driving with the seat horizontal to the floorboards?

- driving with 3 of your asshole buddies hanging out the windows "hollarin' at the females"?

- driving with no/one headlight?

- driving a piece of shit 1994 Caddy shortbody with 24" rims?

- driving with 3 shorties holding themselves up by the rear headrests so they can look out the back window?

- driving while fuck flicks play on the flat screen monitors in all 4 headrests?

- driving with a footlong crack in the windshield?

- driving with a dozen assorted 'smell goods' dangling from the rearview mirror?

"Bullshit!", you say. All that shit doesn't really happen in the ghetto.

Ummmm, yeah, it does. Daily.

You know where it DOESN'T happen daily (if ever)? In neighborhoods where the Entitlement Crowd hasn't gotten comfortable and taken root, that's where.

Maybe our racist Mr. Attorney General For-Not-Much-Longer can figure out what the disparities are in THAT picture.

3/07/2015 03:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"But Holder will use his bogus stats to bully Ferguson into civil-rights "remedies," such as "prohibiting (vehicle) searches based on consent for the foreseeable future" and banning "officers from conducting stops, searches, or arrests on the basis of 'wanteds' or 'stop orders' issued by other agencies."

Now THAT'S what I call a Sanctuary City.

3/07/2015 04:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't the TSSS study/issue supposed to be ending soon? Orchestrated by Obama himself back when he was a senator. I mean what a pain in the ass it is putting those clumsy stickers on each ticket you write. At this point why not just print it on the back of the tickets. Also what do you do when the person is mulatto? Is someone who is half black, half white considered black? I'm so done writing tickets that if it's not accident-related I just don't do them anymore.

3/07/2015 06:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It never took much to disprove anything Holder or the White House put forward. This is not the A Team, and yet, they are in the White House. How did we let this happen?

3/07/2015 06:27:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

I'd rather dismantle Holder instead.

3/07/2015 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do young blacks attack police , shoot police officers, shoot each other ? That my friend is the elephant in the room . Heros were made of a person that committed a robbery , attempted to disarm a uniformed police officer, attacked a person that called police about a suspicious person and bashed his head into a concrete sidewalk .
I feel sad that two criminals receive world wide news coverage while victims of black on black crime , innocent kids are gunned down for not joining gangs .

3/07/2015 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there any "diversity" in the civil rights division of the Justice Department? Are there any whites?

Someone should investigate this because Holder screams and cry's racism and diversity, yet the civil rights division of the Justice department has very few, if any whites working there.

3/07/2015 07:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we finally put to rest this hands up dont shoot lie??

Even the racist Eric Holder said it never happened.

3/07/2015 07:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a set up for a law suit

President Obama and AG Eric Holder have created the ultimate BGI extortion scheme in direct alignment with attorneys Daryl Parks and Benjamin Crump. A grievance win-win. Parks and Crump have announced their intent to sue on behalf of the Mike Brown family; the ONLY evidence for their wrongful death claim is the DOJ investigation.

If Ferguson agrees to the DOJ investigation finding, the Parks and Crump lawsuit carries automatic admission of wrongdoing, hence liability. Ergo, today….

3/07/2015 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got to use smoke and mirrors to hide the fact that minorities are involved in most of the crime.

3/07/2015 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The story that the main stream media is not telling involves not only Ferguson, but all surrounding towns. The surround towns are all majority black and Ferguson is the main highway pass through, so residents of the area mush drive through this town to get just about anywhere. That is why the majority of peoples cited are black. The attorney representing the family of the " gentle giant" not only is the mayor of a nearby town which is 90% black, but its police chief. His department is majority white.By all accounts, the entire area is a cesspool and Ferguson is the best run town in the area.

3/07/2015 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does the white population in Ferguson look like the black population there in terms of age? Because if it is anything like here, as the minorities move in, the people least likely to move out are the old, who drive less, and maybe not at all.

Comparing two groups on only one demographic is just propaganda.

3/07/2015 09:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read the report a few days ago and one statistic that jumped out had to do with the fact that a higher percentage of "white" stops found drugs in the car. Well, DUH, they were where they were because that's where they were BUYING their drugs.

3/07/2015 09:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The DOJ should do a civil rights investigation of the US Post Office in Chicago. Something like 70-80 percent of their mail carriers in Chicago area are black, despite blacks being less than 50 percent of the population.

3/07/2015 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and here comes the FEDERAL police department that's been waiting in the wings under the name of DHS.. They have had the words POLICE DEPARTMENT on MANY of their cars already getting people ready for the full take over by being used to seeing those words with DHS.. and this is their IN so to speak.. Things are going fast now.. Ban on bullets that went into effect before the public found out about it..because it showed up in the new 2015 handbooks BEFORE the comment period ended.. Illegals given extensions BEFORE the sign in period to apply (which was stopped by a judge).. take over of the internet.. face it boys you were what they consider USEFUL IDIOTS for the DEMOCRATIC'S to get OBAMA in office.. lots of luck now..We are under a dictatorship.. Next will be taxes.. Congress and the Senate all but a memory (not that the REPUBLICAN'S are any good at standing up for the citizens except for about 25 total).. OH and don't forget IRAN and the GREAT DEAL Obama has.. well after he lets the rest of the bad guy's out of GITMO.. Because Obama has made such good deals.. can anyone think of ONE thing Obama has done that worked..

3/07/2015 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they should have an investigative journalist (O'Keefe?) go around that lovely town with a camera, filming the jaywalkers - he can count them out by race. If 90% are black then Holder can get a pie in the face.

3/07/2015 11:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Statistics - the science of producing unreliable facts from reliable figures

3/07/2015 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to the FBI's own compiled statistics, blacks commit murder at a rate 6x that of whites, who commit murder at a rate greater than that of Asians.

Not twice as likely, not three times as likely, but SIX TIMES.

Come on Eric, let's talk about race baby.

3/07/2015 11:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also what do you do when the person is mulatto? Is someone who is half black, half white considered black?

He is if he's a public office holder but not if he's in the 'hood

3/07/2015 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did we let this happen?

Conservatives didn't show up

3/07/2015 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well correct me please and fast if I'm wrong, but if an officer works in a majority black district and sees black motorists driving like animals then he should not stop them but just sit back and hope to see a white motorists doing the same or worst. then when you stop him and go to court ,his liberal lawyer accuses you of racial profiling, because we all know that tons of white motorists drive the sidestreets site seeing, wrong they are there to but drugs and we racist police harass them, but wait, what do all police officers of all races do, we do our job, stop these site seeers and lock them up when we find dope. bottom line is that if the fine law abiding citizens act normal and obey the law, then no negative dealings with the police. and as long as I'm going, maybe just maybe Ferguson doesn't have enough minority officers is because they don't want the job, already work for another dept. or can't qualify.

3/07/2015 11:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Did they take into account that because there is probably more crime in the black neighborhood that more officers are deployed there, and therefore, of course, more blacks will be stopped by police???

Why don't we just put the same amount of police in every neighborhood, regardless of the amount of crime in that neighborhood. That's seems fair, doesn't it? Let's divide the city as Englewood is divided: 5 beats per sector, 3 sectors covering a 2.5 mile by 2.5 mile area. OR we could just have one police car covering an area the size of Beat 811 throughout the city. If the volume of calls on one beat is more than another beat, then those people will just have to wait, because the distribution of police will be spread out all over evenly and justly.

3/07/2015 01:46:00 AM

You are exactly right. Most of the resources of the CPD are in the ghetto districts which are overwhelmingly black. Some of them, like 003 and 007 are basically all black. I laughed at ppl in those districts when they told me that i was racist because I stopped them.
Additionally they put the young bucks who like to stay busy and generate activity there, while low crime northside districts get most of the old timers who are happy with two parkers a day and only arrest people for shoplifting.

3/07/2015 11:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Imagine what this world would be like or should I say this country would be like if police officers didn't conduct street and traffic stops, it would be a high crime hell hole, I know if officers in Chicago didn't stop people and inquire as to their qualifications to drive we would have a worse situation then present, ask, just ask any person in this city who operates a car without license or insurance or DUI, how many plays they have gotten from CPD. And I bet that per capita, CPD is far below our enforcement for these infractions.

3/07/2015 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holder didn't go see the officer involved did he? He went straight to the black offenders side and sat with them talking about the civil rights movement circa 1964 Mississippi. The officers actions were so clean and righteous that even Holder could not find fault and man, you know he tried.
How can anyone say Holder is not a polîce hater and a racist?

3/07/2015 11:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Isn't the TSSS study/issue supposed to be ending soon? Orchestrated by Obama himself back when he was a senator. I mean what a pain in the ass it is putting those clumsy stickers on each ticket you write. At this point why not just print it on the back of the tickets. Also what do you do when the person is mulatto? Is someone who is half black, half white considered black? I'm so done writing tickets that if it's not accident-related I just don't do them anymore.

3/07/2015 06:12:00 AM

We remember the TSSS was originally supposed to sunset a few years ago...

But the progressive academic propeller-heads, Alinskite politicians, Catered To Constituent apologists/pity pimps decided it would be better to keep the TSSS monster alive for an INDEFINITE amount of time because the study DID NOT PROVE that CPD engages in systemic racial profiling...

Did CPD somehow dodge an outright federal take-over because systemic profiling COULDN'T be proven?

Could the J-Fled experiment be tied to this?

Feds rooting around in contact cards and Feds rooting around in Police use of force and being able to whistle in Officers involved in shooting incidents many years after the LEGAL FACTS at the local and state levels have concluded it was a clean and justified shoot?

"We can't hang anything on the department but we're gonna start peeling individual officers away for additional scrutiny at the federal level to finally break down the Blue Wall of Silence and affect REAL CHANGE in Policing."

...Or something like that?

The longer these "academics" say they need to keep these studies going, the more likely, with the passage of time, that they'll finally get the "proof" they desire that Police engage in systemic racial profiling.

Policemen do profile but not in a sense these progressive agenda academics flush with taxpayer
money (grants and other such) can wrap their heads around.

(Awaiting the day when some of these people are in federal custody serving lengthy sentences while on a live video feed decaying alive to skeletons as their reward)

You have to be out in the bloody shit-mud of urban neo-tribalism and violence.

Academics and prog-tards don't do bloody shit-mud on a personal or genuinely academic level... It has to be controlled environment and managed to the -nth degree. Without controls, "Real-Feel" might queer their narrative and fuck up their dearly held notions.

Nothing bugs the shit out of these people more than, "The Cops were right..."

3/07/2015 02:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I wanna know how in the fuck I can be accused of racial profiling when I work in an all black district. Who the fuck am I supposed to stop??? Just the few white people cruisin through??? This country is so fucked up it's not funny.

3/07/2015 12:27:00 AM

Thank You Office and a thumbs up!


President Sparkle-Farts!
Eric Holder!
DOJ Civil Rights Investigations critters!
News Media!
Motherfuckers marching around yelling about
they want dead cops!

You fools are rapidly approaching the time when you will no longer be able to blame/shame Policemen while ignoring certain social and cultural observations and truths.

Hiding behind the tortured construct of "racial profiling" will NOT give you cover and concealment for your failure to man up and address the root cultural causes of problems in America's democrat run large urban centers.

3/07/2015 02:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you work in an all black district. And in order not to racially profile by stopping black people, and you only stop white people driving through, wouldn't that be reverse racial profiling or discrimination based on skin color? Wtf does one do????

3/07/2015 03:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I wanna know how in the fuck I can be accused of racial profiling when I work in an all black district. Who the fuck am I supposed to stop??? Just the few white people cruisin through??? This country is so fucked up it's not funny.

3/07/2015 12:27:00 AM

Well said Office!

"I'll take "When Police Stop Giving A Fuck" for $1600.00, Alex!"

>Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

These progressive fuckers don't know whether to shit or go blind. How can they pretend NOT to know they're
getting exactly the Police and Policing their little raisin hearts desire?

May Skull-Man scamper through all the right North Shore and Gold Coast windows...

Don't holler for help lib-tards...
Just reconcile yourselves and your loved ones
to embracing that m/fer with a skull on a stick
staring at you in the dark while you sleep so sweet...

We actually applaud society's toilet overflowing...

We get to see who the real m/fers are when everybody
has to fight to save their own lives with no help in sight.

3/07/2015 03:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is exactly why ALL proactive policing is DEAD. Drive by policing....just wave, answer radio calls at a very reasonable, safe speed, drop a report when ya have to, back each other up and collect your check every 2 weeks. The tards are getting exactly the type of police they want.

3/07/2015 04:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey " I fart In your general direction " at 03:49am: You are SPOT ON bro. That's the "report" Holder needs to read. Reality check.

3/07/2015 04:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I wanna know how in the fuck I can be accused of racial profiling when I work in an all black district. Who the fuck am I supposed to stop??? Just the few white people cruisin through??? This country is so fucked up it's not funny.

If you are working in 016 do you have to only stop whites? Makes no sense.

3/07/2015 06:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have others noticed that the Eric Holder Obamanation Admin and the lying Lib media fall back on charging that White conservatives create "a climate of racism and injustice"? As if Conservatives are witch/warlocks with supernatural powers to do...

Climate change.

All these indivual acts of supposed racial hate crimes - Fergoson Mo, Trayvon Martin, Duke Lacrosse Team rape hoax, Tawana Brawley - all frauds, hoaxes.

The lying lib, anti White cultural Marxists don't care about facts in individual cases, they just fall back and say "the society is criminal", Conservatives have changed the climate, polluted the environment.

3/07/2015 07:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone should have asked Att. Gen. Holder how long it would have taken local authorities to indict young Mr. Brown had P.O. Wilson been successful In his effort to arrest Brown.

3/07/2015 07:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Why is Holder still in office?

2. Why isn't Holder answering for corruption in office?

3. Why isn't Holder charged with Racial discrimination?

3/07/2015 08:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holder doesn't care about the truth, he only cares about continuing the victim mentality that persists in the poor black community. His attitude and ignorance has reinforced the lack of personal responsibility and accountability in the poor black community. Where did Holder learn to be such a racist?

3/07/2015 08:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>Anonymous said...
Is there any "diversity" in the civil rights division of the Justice Department? Are there any whites?

Someone should investigate this because Holder screams and cry's racism and diversity, yet the civil rights division of the Justice department has very few, if any whites working there.

3/07/2015 07:04:00 AM<<<

There are many "Devout Muslims" on the White House Staff and on the staff of Homeland Security ad elsewhere in the Federal hierarchy put there by BHO and Valerie Jarret (an Iranian born Muslim). They wanted to be sure that everyone knew they were "Devout Muslims". If a "Devout Jew" were to apply they would be too close to Israel. If a "Devout Catholic" were to apply they would be under the thumb of the Pope. A "Devout WASP" of any kind heavens NO!

God Save the USA from Diversity.

3/08/2015 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to the US Department of Justice statistics, 84 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites. In 2011, there were more cases of whites killing whites than there were of blacks killing blacks. Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.

In America, whites commit the majority of crimes. What's even more troubling is that they are also responsible for a vast majority of violent crimes. In 2013, whites led all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny-theft, arson, weapons-carrying, and vandalism. When it comes to sexual assault, whites take the forcible rape cake. They are also more likely to kill children, the elderly & family members. They commit more sex-related crimes, gang related crimes, and are more likely to kill at their places of employment.

3/08/2015 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this what Holder meant when he said this nation needs to talk more about race?

. . . . but only blacks can talk about it. . . and they have a word to make you feel good about why other races can't talk about race with African Americans: "affinity groups."

3/08/2015 03:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a hateful man Holder is. Finding no evidence of Wilson's guilt, he had to impugn an entire dept in his pique, sowing more needless discord in a torn community.

3/08/2015 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They have to incite racial tensions to distract from the steady influx of workers coming in the back door.

3/08/2015 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In America, whites commit the majority of crimes.

Because whites are a super-majority of the population

3/08/2015 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In America, whites commit the majority of crimes. What's even more troubling is that they are also responsible for a vast majority of violent crimes. In 2013, whites led all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny-theft, arson, weapons-carrying, and vandalism. When it comes to sexual assault, whites take the forcible rape cake. They are also more likely to kill children, the elderly & family members. They commit more sex-related crimes, gang related crimes, and are more likely to kill at their places of employment.

3/08/2015 12:19:00 AM
Now here is a post that not only twists statistics, but reports half truths.You make it look like it is really safe to walk through black neighborhoods at night.

3/08/2015 06:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/08/2015 06:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In America, whites commit the majority of crimes. What's even more troubling is that they are also responsible for a vast majority of violent crimes. In 2013, whites led all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny-theft, arson, weapons-carrying, and vandalism. When it comes to sexual assault, whites take the forcible rape cake. They are also more likely to kill children, the elderly & family members. They commit more sex-related crimes, gang related crimes, and are more likely to kill at their places of employment.

3/08/2015 12:19:00 AM

The are many differences. Start with percentages. I don't have to explain that to you , right? You already knew that but chose to ignore it because it blows your sound bit all to hell.

The biggest difference is we want to see those criminal punished. Punished severely. Put to death even, if the crime fits. We don't defend them because they are one of us, because they aren't.

3/08/2015 07:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
According to the US Department of Justice statistics, 84 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites. In 2011, there were more cases of whites killing whites than there were of blacks killing blacks. Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.

In America, whites commit the majority of crimes. What's even more troubling is that they are also responsible for a vast majority of violent crimes. In 2013, whites led all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny-theft, arson, weapons-carrying, and vandalism. When it comes to sexual assault, whites take the forcible rape cake. They are also more likely to kill children, the elderly & family members. They commit more sex-related crimes, gang related crimes, and are more likely to kill at their places of employment.

3/08/2015 12:19:00 AM
Possibly true, but blacks commit murder at a rate 6x that of whites.

It's like saying more Chinese kill Chinese in China ... no shit.
It's ratios, not raw #'s. Goof.

3/08/2015 08:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there were more cases of whites killing whites than there were of blacks killing blacks.

Ya, but there are 223 M whites, and 38M blacks.

3/08/2015 08:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this mean that the FBI profilers have to be eliminated? There goes those TV shows.

3/08/2015 09:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another great article also dismantling Eric Holder's numbers:

3/09/2015 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If a black police officer assigned to a white suburbs tickets white people , is he a racist profiler .

3/09/2015 03:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It never took much to disprove anything Holder or the White House put forward. This is not the A Team, and yet, they are in the White House. How did we let this happen?

3/07/2015 06:27:00 AM

Because facts, truth, and objective logic never had anything at all to with it. It was all lies, built on other lies, and the people who put them where they are now were either too stupid to see it or just didn't care. As they say, the ends justify the means.

3/09/2015 11:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to the US Department of Justice statistics, blah, blah, blah...

In addition to the usual black/liberal inability to distinguish between raw numbers and the much more telling per-capita incidences, your already weak argument is further degraded by the fact that the DOJ figures lump hispanics in with whites. As inviduals, hispanics are much more than likely than whites to commit violent crime. Without this fudge factor, black crime rates would be even more insanely out of proportion to white crimes than they already are.

3/09/2015 11:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK more whites receive welfare than blacks .
Every person receiving welfare must be fingerprinted , tested every month for drug use , submit DNA sample .
This would prevent welfare fraud and might clear some major cold case crimes . How could anyone be against stopping welfare fraud , extra money could be for people that deserve it .
One more thing , a photo ID will be issued , shopping only at stores with designated sections with food for people on welfare , just the basics , no link card use at kfc.

3/10/2015 01:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"BLACK FAMILIES MATTER"... "BLACK FATHERS MATTER"... "BLACK MOTHERS MATTER"... Where in the hell are those t-shirts ? And why was Michael Brown a strong-armed robber in the first place, with no fear of the consequences ? Horrible parenting is why and it's really not more complicated than that. The black community is collapsing from within thanks to the "Baby Mama" and Baby Daddy" cycle of teenage births. Don't tell me any 14,15, or 16 year-old is in any position to become a parent. Bad parenting can have fatal consequences. This is the lesson of Ferguson.

3/10/2015 11:03:00 PM  

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