And every time you allow him to get back in the door, his abuse becomes worse. If Emanuel wins, the retaliation is going to be brutal. The fuzzy sweater and the kid gloves will be off.
Talk about a set up! I watched a tape of the Chuy/Rahm debate, the part where Ponce questions Chuy about his son and Rahm comes to Chuy's defense. Pure orchestrated nonsense and a set up from the word go.
This was so transparent and an obviously scripted event. How are so many people blind to this kind of chicanery.
Just saw a commercial for 11th Ward Alderman, and I notice Patrick DALEY Thompson dropped the Daley from his name. Does he really think don't know he is a Daley? Just look at his pig face
be ready that that $200,000,000 property tax increase , he has a friend in springfield he treats black females to lunch hey I will never use the f word toward female blacks again , I promise black kidsa gunned down every week
This election is a no brainer. If your happy with the status quo then vote for Rahm. Most of us are not and its time for a change. If Chuy gets in he will be easier to get out if he lies to us like Rahm has.
I promise: - to change your pension - to raise your property tax, water fee and fines - provide safe neighborhoods even less police - alter your bargaining rights and contracts - continue the corrupt practices of ShortShanks
Napolitano is now endorsed by SEIU and the CTU. He is for increasing the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour. And, he now wants a "Robin Hood" tax to start taxing the rich. He wants medical weed, too. I thought he's a republican? Was he recruited by Rahm to take over?
As a city, we better hope and pray Flaming Tutu doesn't get re-elected for the simple fact that there will be pure hell to pay. Think its bad now? We ain't seen nothin' yet!'s+Global+Economic+Trend+Analysis)&m=1 not moving to the city any time soon.
Neither of these guys are your friend. Just saw this on the Progress Illinois Website:
At the event, Garcia also talked about the ACLU's stop and frisk report.
"The excessive stop and frisk, which affects disproportionately African Americans and Latinos, is intolerable," he told the crowd. "It should not be permitted. It must be stopped. Proper training is important in that regard."
You wouldn't believe the knuckle heads I still hear at work that they are still voting for Rahm. These are just the ones who admit it, I'm sure there are many who lie and say they with Vote for Chuy but won't. I seriously don't know how much more Rahm needs to wrong us and slap us around for people not to want to vote for him? Seriously, as your picture reflects these "victims" are in an abusive relationship who just can't leave their abuser. Chuy may be worse, but he also may be better. I know cops are negative, but golly, not everything is so horrible in life in every friggin way. Rahm sucks, get that thru your thick skull.
Property tax increase=money for your pension. A lot more money than you will pay in property tax increase. Good for those getting city pensions. Very good.
Four more years is right! you know how I can tell: my asshole neighbor had two big CHUY signs in his window last week. Now he has one. I'll bet by 4/07 he'll have a Rahm sign...............his daughter works for "skull-da-mann" burke's 14th ward office.
Ponce should have asked Rahm what his kid was REALLY doing outside after 10pm the night he was robbed. We all know he wasn't talking to a college counselor.
But as many have stated, Ponce is Rahm's neighbor. Conflict of interest?? I think so.
Found this interesting questions and answers now with computer voting think it could happen?
* Meanwhile, Laski told Fox Chicago about how things allegedly worked in Bill Lipinski’s 23rd Ward… Mark Suppelsa: “So you guys would not only forge signatures, but you’d even take a look at absentee ballots.” Jim Laski: “Yeah.” Mark Suppelsa: “Would you guys cut and paste too if it wasn’t the right…?” Jim Laski: “Yeah chads were pasted.” Mark Suppelsa: “If it wasn’t the right guy, you’d move it to the right…” Jim Laski: “Sure.” Mark Suppelsa: “Really.” Mark Suppelsa: “The Chicago way.” Jim Laski: “The Chicago way.”
O/T: solution to the 10 hour work schedule start times: 2nd watch: Odd beat cars and 1 rapid per sector: 0500-1530 Even beat cars and 1 rapid per sector: 0600-1630
3rd watch: Odd beat cars and 2 Rapids per sector: 1500-0130 Even beat cars and 2 Rapids per sector:1600-0230
Late start supplemental: All Rapids 2 or 3 Rapids per sector, depending on crime trends: 2100-0730. Gives you enough time to get a bite to eat, coffee or whatever you need to do and head to court.
From 0200 -0600 Rapids will cover the beats within their sector until 2nd watch relieves them. This leaves only 3-4hrs a day without assigned beat cars and provides over lap coverage for when crimes being committed is at its peak. Your welcome
Rahm on wls radio now talking about his son Zachary "this is my sons first time able to vote but he is still undecided" rahm admits his own kid is undecided! Now chuy could use that in his commercial great quote rahm, bet Zachary is voting chuy!
Why can't an honest, good person ever run for president and mayor? And have common sense citizens behind them. Chuy and Rahm are both garbage, these are our choices, pathetic....our supervisors suck also, btw...
Just like every compulsive gambler, this mayor promises to win it all back in his next hand. After he already gambled away hundreds of millions in city and CPS revenue in highest high-risk investments, he keeps doing it. Got his failing grade from Wall St.: multiple credit downgrades the last few weeks which triggered "termination events", that means scrambling around to cover losses. Cost CPS $268 mil just last week. And this is only one example. Mayor 1 percent is barely keeping his finger in the dike until election day. If we don't dump him now, there will be no pension money left to get.
vote for chuy is a vote for socialism and anti police at its best, you fools think your bread will be buttered your nuts. rham needs the police to keep business in the city as well as real estate development on the north and near south side. chuy will have you kissing the teachers union's ass as they are his biggest supporter along with seiu the unskilled labor union and action now the left wing protestors you face in the downtown marches.
Rhaman noodles could have given us our full retro, but refused. He's a millionaire who would cut someone's throat if they dare to fuck with his income, but screw the working people. If you ever listen to him during his debates with Garcia and other interviews, he will spout off how many ways he has saved money, but then immediately lists all the bs programs he spends that money on, like he's actually doing something. But reading between the lines, he is not really saving any money if he just redirects it to other projects while ignoring pension obligations and increasing the city's bond debt. Sorry, but providing after school programs and summer jobs for CPS students are not the city's responsibility-- there's plenty of part-time work available for teenagers if they are looking for extra money and work experience. In this last interview, he makes it very obvious he is banking on the state's court ruling favoring altering/diminishing pension benefits to the effect that the city will be excused of the financial responsibility. Meanwhile, he purposely continues to allow the fund to go bankrupt. What I find so interesting about this whole election is the fact that if the city of Chicago was truly in such horrible financial condition, why would ANYONE want the responsibility of running it? Why would someone fight so hard to keep control of a mismanaged, inefficient, and wasteful municipal system if they didn't have anything to gain? In the last four years he's been in office, he has dramatically increased city debt and lowered bond ratings multiple times, the same way Obama has done to the entire country. Rahm also blames years of political impropriety for the current state of affairs, yet never speaks of an independent audit or investigation for that matter, of the previous administration's contracts and financial transactions.
ADDENDA: Vampyra in a tutu doesn't really work as such(staff at his beck+call,ya know),and hey contributers just hand me millions for nothing(help me out a little just at the right time...nudge-nudge).( Wife=TAXPAYERS)are cut out from(Fabulous free instant access to parties,luxury food+drink,travel,co-op condos)UNLESS there's a photo-op somewheres p.c.(in da hood) of course.The wife=TP requires household stuff(COPS,FF.+ Their NESSCESSARY EQUIPTMENT).Sorry all your money is spent for the next million years.Then for her impertinance beats+rapes her,yet again+again.Some taxpayers(enablers) never learn, do they?
Took the bride to early vote today. (Thursday) We arrived home to find Rahm's latest scare tactic mailer in my mailbox. It seems that Rahm wants you to think that Blue and Whites (patrol cars, smartass) won't be in your 'hood no MO, if'n you elect Chuy. Too late, Rhambo. I cannot wait to tune in satellite t.v. from my summer home (All Republican County) to watch the election results.
Former Country Club Hills police chief caught in prostitution sting By Gregory Pratt and Frank Vaisvilas contact the reporter
The former police chief in Country Club Hills was arrested last month in Matteson for soliciting a prostitute off an Internet ad, records show.
It's at least the second prostitution arrest for Mark Scott, 54, who rose through the ranks to become chief of the police department before retiring last summer.
I agree that there is something awfully suspicious about wanting to run for mayor of a headed for bankrupt city with a poor credit rating,it is the power they want because money is power,the unknown is where the money is being stolen from and where it's being hidden,everyone do there job and vote this money horderer out!
Anonymous Anonymous said... Any thoughts on Chuy sponsoring 3 buses full of people and bringing them down to Ferguson to protest?
4/02/2015 09:47:00 AM
Any thoughts on Rahm sending his new police superintendent to Pfleger's church within hours of taking the job, to declare that whites are the scourge of the black community and Pilgrims were racists?
Anonymous Anonymous said... Rahm on wls radio now talking about his son Zachary "this is my sons first time able to vote but he is still undecided" rahm admits his own kid is undecided! Now chuy could use that in his commercial great quote rahm, bet Zachary is voting chuy!
4/02/2015 12:04:00 PM
Rahm's commercials take Garcia out of context all the time; Garcia SHOULD use that line from the WLS interview. I thought the kids were off-limits. Why is Rahm talking about Zach at all?
Has anyone seen the commercial with retired detective Carl Winslow complaining that he thinks Chuy is going to raise taxes and then they cite their evidence of that as a vote Chuy made in 1986? What a moron.
Rahm says it would cost 100 Million to hire 1000 new officers. If one accepts that figure it means he could have hired 500 for what it cost for Maggie Daley park. One of the underlying supports of the garden there is actually environmentally unsafe styrofoam.
Rahm noodles said thank you and walked off when asked about immigration , he forgot he said he would change , he then returns bragging how Illegals will get free college tuition , not free . The legal working stiffs will pay for it . He is not using his $30,000,000 slush fund . Arrogant as ever , what will he call the female black after he is reelected . That lunch that won't get him any black votes
Every copper has been on a domestic battery where the offender tells the wife the same line of crap . You want 4 more years of being bullied by a dancer , higher taxes , less police officers . That is what a vote for a north side suburban liberal will get you .
"What I find so interesting about this whole election is the fact that if the city of Chicago was truly in such horrible financial condition, why would ANYONE want the responsibility of running it? Why would someone fight so hard to keep control of a mismanaged, inefficient, and wasteful municipal system if they didn't have anything to gain?"
They have something at stake: their freedom. If the Machine ever relinquished its control, so many of those who have been looting from the public with impunity would be risking prison terms.
The little things say a lot about a person,for instance city workers are a representative of the city with the boss being the mayor,if your boss one day after 20-30 yrs of service that after your dedication to keeping this company going and now your are retiring and your boss tells you he can no longer give you what her promised you after retirement,let's switch the power and tell the boss we can no longer stand behind him and pay him a large salary and give him the power of finances and future decisions benefiting the company because he is not trustworthy and is greedy and only thinking of himself and what benefits him financially if it means not paying you,vote him out!
Just had Mary O'Connor knock on my door and have the nerve to ask me what I thought of the job she has done so far. She didn't seem happy with my answer or the fact i closed my door before she could respond. If you have no influence as an alderman to get police where you need them, especially when children are threatened, you don't get my vote! If this were the west side and someone threatened to shoot up a school you'd bet your ass the alderman would be able to do something. I never thought I'd vote for a fireman but then again I never thought I'd vote for a guy named Chuy either.
Hey CPD! You can take Leo Schmitz back any time you want. What a tool. Keeps the same jagoffs that Hiram had that fucked the road troops.
4/02/2015 03:58:00 PM
Relax Troop.You will soon have all kinds of medals to adorn your sharp uniforms with: ala leo. Please know that I am one Copper that slows down when you are alone on a highway stop, just to be sure. As always-Be Safe ISP CPD
Hey CPD! You can take Leo Schmitz back any time you want. What a tool. Keeps the same jagoffs that Hiram had that fucked the road troops HIRAM new SUPT under CHUY
I worked in sos with little Rodrick Robinson. Probably the dumbest human being I have ever met. I guess when daddy was the deputy Sup jerry Robinson your test takin skills are just that much better!
vote for chuy is a vote for socialism and anti police at its best, you fools think your bread will be buttered your nuts. rham needs the police to keep business in the city as well as real estate development on the north and near south side. chuy will have you kissing the teachers union's ass as they are his biggest supporter along with seiu the unskilled labor union and action now the left wing protestors you face in the downtown marches. ------------- Exactly. Not sure what is going on with SCC and other police supporting Chuy. Really confusing and disappointing. Rahm is the closest we will get to a Republican.
The guy or lady ( Mary Oconnor) that bad mouths Naps all the time, explain to me how Oconnor got a list of all the coppers living in the 41st Ward!! She then sent that bullshit letter about the retro checks with sell out coppers signing it. The only guy I was surprised about was Jimmy Mullins. Did it come from FOP or Rham, in any case Mary, you never did shit for the Police. Anytime a copper would go into your office, they were talked down to. So in regard to the sign for LINK, you had in your window. Keep it handy, you might need it come May. Then after that, since you rent a in law apartment, maybe you can get one f the Section 8 apts at Harlem and Northwest Hwy. Funny their was none there 4 years ago Mary
Listen , he pushed through the obama care package. Have your health insurance gone down $250.00 a month Tripled water ,telephone tax , has not collected past due $20,000,000 from south suburbs water bills, cut 1500 police officers from budget . Did not conduct a forensic audit of past administration that he blames for short falls Choo Choo Chuy Garcia will have a Forensic Audit of all departments and people will be indicted . If you f bombed a female black on a domestic that assaulted you , he would have your ass suspended Wake up citizens , real estate taxes are going up in 2016 or 2017 no matter who is mayor . He already tried to push through a $200,000,000 real estate tax that Patrick Quinn , a working class Chicago kid Vetoed
Some Area Saturation teams detailed to OCD already. District tact teams are next. Mark my words. HQ is already talking about detailing district tact teams to OCD and having them pull out of Pershing in uniform inn unmarked cars to go to "impact zones". That way they can cut VRI and replace them with a centralized strike force or a targeted respond unit. Welcome back 253 and 353. Dan Godsel is rumored to be the new commander with an XO and 3 Lts running 3 platoons of 10 Sgts and 100 officers each platoon. Sounds familiar
Stupid,!! Rahm is the closest we get to having our pensions slashed.. He has told you he wants to do it. His runoff speeches aren't worth a hill of beans... I'm close to retiring so might be ok, but you guys with -10 years, likely screwed... Just stupid...
Jackass sr is powerless , looking for press time. When Jesus Chuy Garcia is elected mayor , snaggletooth Louie Gutierrez and kill the pigs bobby Rush will be powerless with Chuy
If you're a self respecting cop and have a shred of dignity, you can't possibly vote for Rahm. He already said he will "stick it" in our ear. Why vote for someone who wants to take food off your table?
How desperate can you get, mary o, connor, using police officers signatures on your letters begging us police officers to vote for you? Pathetic and useless just like you are.
------------- Exactly. Not sure what is going on with SCC and other police supporting Chuy. Really confusing and disappointing. Rahm is the closest we will get to a Republican.
4/02/2015 10:44:00 PM
April Fool's Day was yesterday. And your joke isn't even funny.
Oconnor came to my door also, but I couldn't hear a word she had to say, because of the redirection of the jets over my house. I had to scream at her and she still couldn't hear me. I was asking about the $64,000 she took from airport contractors and not calling for a hearing about the noise issues. Anyways neither one of us could hear each other and then she left, shaking her head. Well I'm voting Tuesday and so is everybody I know and it's not for Oconnor.
Chuy is going to learn what if feels like to get not get voted for, by the people who you have the best intentions for.
He is going to know what George Wallace felt like in 1958, during his run for govenor of Alabama. He had the best intentions. Not one black person voted for him. he lost the election, gettin only 28% of the vote
last 4 years coppers have been complaining about this fool now is the time talk to citizens on the beat , family and friends daley never trashed another opponent with scare tactics , layoffs , high taxes daley had a record to run on time for Chuy Garcia to make History
vote for chuy is a vote for socialism and anti police at its best, you fools think your bread will be buttered your nuts. rham needs the police to keep business in the city as well as real estate development on the north and near south side. chuy will have you kissing the teachers union's ass as they are his biggest supporter along with seiu the unskilled labor union and action now the left wing protestors you face in the downtown marches. ------------- Exactly. Not sure what is going on with SCC and other police supporting Chuy. Really confusing and disappointing. Rahm is the closest we will get to a Republican.
4/02/2015 10:44:00 PM Not sure what's going on with SCC?! What the fuck is going on with you IDIOTS! Rham isn't close to a Republican! He's a gay porn star & wants to "stick it in your ear" and your ass! But you think something is wrong with SCC. I know what his issue is, you like it in your ass and he don't! PISS ON RAHM & ANYONE WHO SUPPORTS HIM
Oconnor came to my door also, but I couldn't hear a word she had to say, because of the redirection of the jets over my house. I had to scream at her and she still couldn't hear me. I was asking about the $64,000 she took from airport contractors and not calling for a hearing about the noise issues. Anyways neither one of us could hear each other and then she left, shaking her head. Well I'm voting Tuesday and so is everybody I know and it's not for Oconnor.
4/03/2015 12:54:00 AM Yea man! Naps is going to close that fucking airport down!!
Yeah, but these stupid voters will take him back.
The checks in the mail.
Fuck you Rahm!
We should have some lawyers drag his skinny lying ass into court and sue the shit out of him and take every cent of his warchest for our pensions.
We could call all those fat cat contributors and ask them what they know about Pay to Play.
I smell blood!
Love it!
Can't stand Rhamn!
& yes, he will hurt city workers!
And every time you allow him to get back in the door, his abuse becomes worse.
If Emanuel wins, the retaliation is going to be brutal. The fuzzy sweater and the kid gloves will be off.
Lol. But many Chicagoans will take him back.
It sounds like wise words and a good idea.
Make sure you have a forked stick with you when talking with this creature there's no anti venom for this.
OT: Nice that Chuy has a news conference that was shown on CBS tonight with a 5 Star Elite Traveling Vice Lord from the west side.
Anyone voting for this slimy, pandering asshole deserves what they get.
He did change! He gave us our retro...
I guess the 19th ward is a professional victim! How does that go? 1st time shame on him, second time shame on you!
You got me Rahm honey. I'm part of your circle of violence. Only this time, when you stick it to me, I want it HARDER! Just promise NO flogger.
Talk about a set up! I watched a tape of the Chuy/Rahm debate, the part where Ponce questions Chuy about his son and Rahm comes to Chuy's defense. Pure orchestrated nonsense and a set up from the word go.
This was so transparent and an obviously scripted event. How are so many people blind to this kind of chicanery.
Hate to say it, but it really looks like 4 more years of him.
Just saw a commercial for 11th Ward Alderman, and I notice Patrick DALEY Thompson dropped the Daley from his name. Does he really think don't know he is a Daley? Just look at his pig face
By changing, does that mean he will stop being a self-important, arrogant prick?
We'd have a better chance of him converting to Catholicism.
Evil Eyes, just like obama. The eyes tell it all
And a lot of CPD just says "thank you sir, may I have another".
Dictatorship of Little Caesar
....Wait till after the election
Red Light Cameras will be back and the enemies list will be used
Thumbs DOWN!!!
Fucking PRICELSS!!!!!
be ready that that $200,000,000 property tax increase , he has a friend in springfield
he treats black females to lunch
hey I will never use the f word toward female blacks again , I promise
black kidsa gunned down every week
This election is a no brainer. If your happy with the status quo then vote for Rahm. Most of us are not and its time for a change. If Chuy gets in he will be easier to get out if he lies to us like Rahm has.
“I wish I knew how to quit you.”
― Brokeback Mountain
I promise:
- to change your pension
- to raise your property tax, water fee and fines
- provide safe neighborhoods even less police
- alter your bargaining rights and contracts
- continue the corrupt practices of ShortShanks
Dump Rahm - Dump GMac.
Truer words never spoken.
--No Cop Here
Two police shootings in 003 yesterday. All no hits, all offenders in custody. God was on our side last night.
Chuy scares the shit out of me though.
Napolitano is now endorsed by SEIU and the CTU. He is for increasing the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour. And, he now wants a "Robin Hood" tax to start taxing the rich. He wants medical weed, too. I thought he's a republican? Was he recruited by Rahm to take over?
As a city, we better hope and pray Flaming Tutu doesn't get re-elected for the simple fact that there will be pure hell to pay. Think its bad now? We ain't seen nothin' yet!
Get out there and VOTE!
nice pic!! sort of a good point. But we'll take the abusive liar we know over the one we don't.
LOLOLOLOLOLOL! Good stuff, thank you
Any thoughts on Chuy sponsoring 3 buses full of people and bringing them down to Ferguson to protest?
But the coppers in mt greenwood have rahm signs all over their lawns. Nothing surprises me. Wtf
get rid of speeding cameras and I will take you back.'s+Global+Economic+Trend+Analysis)&m=1
not moving to the city any time soon.
Neither of these guys are your friend. Just saw this on the Progress Illinois Website:
At the event, Garcia also talked about the ACLU's stop and frisk report.
"The excessive stop and frisk, which affects disproportionately African Americans and Latinos, is intolerable," he told the crowd. "It should not be permitted. It must be stopped. Proper training is important in that regard."
You wouldn't believe the knuckle heads I still hear at work that they are still voting for Rahm. These are just the ones who admit it, I'm sure there are many who lie and say they with Vote for Chuy but won't. I seriously don't know how much more Rahm needs to wrong us and slap us around for people not to want to vote for him? Seriously, as your picture reflects these "victims" are in an abusive relationship who just can't leave their abuser. Chuy may be worse, but he also may be better. I know cops are negative, but golly, not everything is so horrible in life in every friggin way. Rahm sucks, get that thru your thick skull.
Fuck' lied to me one too many times.... and your going to change???
See that door..? Make sure it hits you in the ass on the way out...
Hey Rummie Fuck You, and the horse you rode in on !!
Property tax increase=money for your pension. A lot more money than you will pay in property tax increase. Good for those getting city pensions. Very good.
Four more years is right! you know how I can tell: my asshole neighbor had two big CHUY signs in his window last week. Now he has one. I'll bet by 4/07 he'll have a Rahm sign...............his daughter works for "skull-da-mann" burke's 14th ward office.
Vote Rahm out! That's our Order Of Protection! Viva La Revolucion!
Vote Rahm out! That's our Order Of Protection! Viva La Revolucion!
Ponce should have asked Rahm what his kid was REALLY doing outside after 10pm the night he was robbed. We all know he wasn't talking to a college counselor.
But as many have stated, Ponce is Rahm's neighbor. Conflict of interest?? I think so.
Found this interesting questions and answers now with computer voting think it could happen?
* Meanwhile, Laski told Fox Chicago about how things allegedly worked in Bill Lipinski’s 23rd Ward…
Mark Suppelsa: “So you guys would not only forge signatures, but you’d even take a look at absentee ballots.”
Jim Laski: “Yeah.”
Mark Suppelsa: “Would you guys cut and paste too if it wasn’t the right…?”
Jim Laski: “Yeah chads were pasted.”
Mark Suppelsa: “If it wasn’t the right guy, you’d move it to the right…”
Jim Laski: “Sure.”
Mark Suppelsa: “Really.”
Mark Suppelsa: “The Chicago way.”
Jim Laski: “The Chicago way.”
O/T: solution to the 10 hour work schedule start times:
2nd watch:
Odd beat cars and 1 rapid per sector: 0500-1530
Even beat cars and 1 rapid per sector: 0600-1630
3rd watch:
Odd beat cars and 2 Rapids per sector: 1500-0130
Even beat cars and 2 Rapids per sector:1600-0230
Late start supplemental:
All Rapids 2 or 3 Rapids per sector, depending on crime trends: 2100-0730. Gives you enough time to get a bite to eat, coffee or whatever you need to do and head to court.
From 0200 -0600 Rapids will cover the beats within their sector until 2nd watch relieves them. This leaves only 3-4hrs a day without assigned beat cars and provides over lap coverage for when crimes being committed is at its peak.
Your welcome
Rahm on wls radio now talking about his son Zachary "this is my sons first time able to vote but he is still undecided" rahm admits his own kid is undecided! Now chuy could use that in his commercial great quote rahm, bet Zachary is voting chuy!
Why can't an honest, good person ever run for president and mayor? And have common sense citizens behind them. Chuy and Rahm are both garbage, these are our choices, pathetic....our supervisors suck also, btw...
Just like every compulsive gambler, this mayor promises to win it all back in his next hand. After he already gambled away hundreds of millions in city and CPS revenue in highest high-risk investments, he keeps doing it. Got his failing grade from Wall St.: multiple credit downgrades the last few weeks which triggered "termination events", that means scrambling around to cover losses. Cost CPS $268 mil just last week. And this is only one example. Mayor 1 percent is barely keeping his finger in the dike until election day. If we don't dump him now, there will be no pension money left to get.
Chicago will get exactly the Government they deserve....Unknown
END His political career for good
Otherwise youll regret it 10yrs from now
kill the 10.5 hour days
Brazil ruling party's treasurer charged in Petrobras scandal
How many of the engineering firms listed also donate to Rahms coffers?
vote for chuy is a vote for socialism and anti police at its best, you fools think your bread will be buttered your nuts. rham needs the police to keep business in the city as well as real estate development on the north and near south side. chuy will have you kissing the teachers union's ass as they are his biggest supporter along with seiu the unskilled labor union and action now the left wing protestors you face in the downtown marches.
2 brothers charged with intimidating cops in case involving 3rd brother..
Tribune story, Chicago tough guys, being held on $250K...
Ohhhh the joy !!
what do rahm , bo, eric holder and the CUBS all have in common? THEY ALL SUCK
GO SOX 2015
Rhaman noodles could have given us our full retro, but refused. He's a millionaire who would cut someone's throat if they dare to fuck with his income, but screw the working people. If you ever listen to him during his debates with Garcia and other interviews, he will spout off how many ways he has saved money, but then immediately lists all the bs programs he spends that money on, like he's actually doing something. But reading between the lines, he is not really saving any money if he just redirects it to other projects while ignoring pension obligations and increasing the city's bond debt. Sorry, but providing after school programs and summer jobs for CPS students are not the city's responsibility-- there's plenty of part-time work available for teenagers if they are looking for extra money and work experience. In this last interview, he makes it very obvious he is banking on the state's court ruling favoring altering/diminishing pension benefits to the effect that the city will be excused of the financial responsibility. Meanwhile, he purposely continues to allow the fund to go bankrupt. What I find so interesting about this whole election is the fact that if the city of Chicago was truly in such horrible financial condition, why would ANYONE want the responsibility of running it? Why would someone fight so hard to keep control of a mismanaged, inefficient, and wasteful municipal system if they didn't have anything to gain? In the last four years he's been in office, he has dramatically increased city debt and lowered bond ratings multiple times, the same way Obama has done to the entire country. Rahm also blames years of political impropriety for the current state of affairs, yet never speaks of an independent audit or investigation for that matter, of the previous administration's contracts and financial transactions.
Hey CPD! You can take Leo Schmitz back any time you want. What a tool. Keeps the same jagoffs that Hiram had that fucked the road troops.
Give a Chicago kid a chance to run city , Chuy will hire qualified people and he can't do any worse
current guy was busy raising $20,000,000 war chest
ADDENDA: Vampyra in a tutu doesn't really work as such(staff at his beck+call,ya know),and hey contributers just hand me millions for nothing(help me out a little just at the right time...nudge-nudge).(
Wife=TAXPAYERS)are cut out from(Fabulous free instant access to parties,luxury food+drink,travel,co-op condos)UNLESS there's a photo-op somewheres p.c.(in da hood) of course.The wife=TP requires household stuff(COPS,FF.+ Their NESSCESSARY EQUIPTMENT).Sorry all your money is spent for the next million years.Then for her impertinance beats+rapes her,yet again+again.Some taxpayers(enablers) never learn, do they?
Hey CPD! You can take Leo Schmitz back any time you want. What a tool. Keeps the same jagoffs that Hiram had that fucked the road troops.
Nope...he's all yours now!!!! All sales final. No returns, no exchanges.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey CPD! You can take Leo Schmitz back any time you want. What a tool. Keeps the same jagoffs that Hiram had that fucked the road troops.
4/02/2015 03:58:00 PM
well, what did you expect?....whoooooo!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey CPD! You can take Leo Schmitz back any time you want. What a tool. Keeps the same jagoffs that Hiram had that fucked the road troops.
4/02/2015 03:58:00 PM
Nope maybe his wife will be there also, you can have both 2for1 ask him about his gym?
Took the bride to early vote today. (Thursday) We arrived home to find Rahm's latest scare tactic mailer in my mailbox. It seems that Rahm wants you to think that Blue and Whites (patrol cars, smartass) won't be in your 'hood no MO, if'n you elect Chuy. Too late, Rhambo. I cannot wait to tune in satellite t.v. from my summer home (All Republican County) to watch the election results.
In other news:
Former Country Club Hills police chief caught in prostitution sting
By Gregory Pratt and Frank Vaisvilas contact the reporter
The former police chief in Country Club Hills was arrested last month in Matteson for soliciting a prostitute off an Internet ad, records show.
It's at least the second prostitution arrest for Mark Scott, 54, who rose through the ranks to become chief of the police department before retiring last summer.
I agree that there is something awfully suspicious about wanting to run for mayor of a headed for bankrupt city with a poor credit rating,it is the power they want because money is power,the unknown is where the money is being stolen from and where it's being hidden,everyone do there job and vote this money horderer out!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Any thoughts on Chuy sponsoring 3 buses full of people and bringing them down to Ferguson to protest?
4/02/2015 09:47:00 AM
Any thoughts on Rahm sending his new police superintendent to Pfleger's church within hours of taking the job, to declare that whites are the scourge of the black community and Pilgrims were racists?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Rahm on wls radio now talking about his son Zachary "this is my sons first time able to vote but he is still undecided" rahm admits his own kid is undecided! Now chuy could use that in his commercial great quote rahm, bet Zachary is voting chuy!
4/02/2015 12:04:00 PM
Rahm's commercials take Garcia out of context all the time; Garcia SHOULD use that line from the WLS interview.
I thought the kids were off-limits. Why is Rahm talking about Zach at all?
Has anyone seen the commercial with retired detective Carl Winslow complaining that he thinks Chuy is going to raise taxes and then they cite their evidence of that as a vote Chuy made in 1986? What a moron.
Where is "Little Louie" He was on stage election night with Rahm. Now we have not seen or heard from him. "Little Louie" where are you ?
Rahm says it would cost 100 Million to hire 1000 new officers. If one accepts that figure it means he could have hired 500 for what it cost for Maggie Daley park. One of the underlying supports of the garden there is actually environmentally unsafe styrofoam.
Rahm noodles said thank you and walked off when asked about immigration , he forgot he said he would change , he then returns bragging how Illegals will get free college tuition , not free . The legal working stiffs will pay for it .
He is not using his $30,000,000 slush fund .
Arrogant as ever , what will he call the female black after he is reelected . That lunch that won't get him any black votes
Every copper has been on a domestic battery where the offender tells the wife the same line of crap .
You want 4 more years of being bullied by a dancer , higher taxes , less police officers .
That is what a vote for a north side suburban liberal will get you .
"What I find so interesting about this whole election is the fact that if the city of Chicago was truly in such horrible financial condition, why would ANYONE want the responsibility of running it? Why would someone fight so hard to keep control of a mismanaged, inefficient, and wasteful municipal system if they didn't have anything to gain?"
They have something at stake: their freedom. If the Machine ever relinquished its control, so many of those who have been looting from the public with impunity would be risking prison terms.
The little things say a lot about a person,for instance city workers are a representative of the city with the boss being the mayor,if your boss one day after 20-30 yrs of service that after your dedication to keeping this company going and now your are retiring and your boss tells you he can no longer give you what her promised you after retirement,let's switch the power and tell the boss we can no longer stand behind him and pay him a large salary and give him the power of finances and future decisions benefiting the company because he is not trustworthy and is greedy and only thinking of himself and what benefits him financially if it means not paying you,vote him out!
Just had Mary O'Connor knock on my door and have the nerve to ask me what I thought of the job she has done so far. She didn't seem happy with my answer or the fact i closed my door before she could respond. If you have no influence as an alderman to get police where you need them, especially when children are threatened, you don't get my vote! If this were the west side and someone threatened to shoot up a school you'd bet your ass the alderman would be able to do something. I never thought I'd vote for a fireman but then again I never thought I'd vote for a guy named Chuy either.
No comment and nothing to say except, Fuck You Rahm. I just like saying it.
Anonymous said...
Hey CPD! You can take Leo Schmitz back any time you want. What a tool. Keeps the same jagoffs that Hiram had that fucked the road troops.
4/02/2015 03:58:00 PM
Relax Troop.You will soon have all kinds of medals to adorn your sharp uniforms with: ala leo. Please know that I am one Copper that slows down when you are alone on a highway stop, just to be sure.
As always-Be Safe ISP
It's a 10.5 hour day not 10
Hey CPD! You can take Leo Schmitz back any time you want. What a tool. Keeps the same jagoffs that Hiram had that fucked the road troops
Anonymous said...
Hey CPD! You can take Leo Schmitz back any time you want. What a tool. Keeps the same jagoffs that Hiram had that fucked the road troops.
4/02/2015 03:58:00 PM
Careful, you might get Gmac next.
Then Lemmer.
Moe,Larry,and Curly. Woo,woo,woo,woo,woo!
I worked in sos with little Rodrick Robinson. Probably the dumbest human being I have ever met. I guess when daddy was the deputy Sup jerry Robinson your test takin skills are just that much better!
vote for chuy is a vote for socialism and anti police at its best, you fools think your bread will be buttered your nuts. rham needs the police to keep business in the city as well as real estate development on the north and near south side. chuy will have you kissing the teachers union's ass as they are his biggest supporter along with seiu the unskilled labor union and action now the left wing protestors you face in the downtown marches.
Exactly. Not sure what is going on with SCC and other police supporting Chuy. Really confusing and disappointing. Rahm is the closest we will get to a Republican.
The guy or lady ( Mary Oconnor) that bad mouths Naps all the time, explain to me how Oconnor got a list of all the coppers living in the 41st Ward!! She then sent that bullshit letter about the retro checks with sell out coppers signing it. The only guy I was surprised about was Jimmy Mullins. Did it come from FOP or Rham, in any case Mary, you never did shit for the Police. Anytime a copper would go into your office, they were talked down to. So in regard to the sign for LINK, you had in your window. Keep it handy, you might need it come May. Then after that, since you rent a in law apartment, maybe you can get one f the Section 8 apts at Harlem and Northwest Hwy. Funny their was none there 4 years ago Mary
Listen , he pushed through the obama care package.
Have your health insurance gone down $250.00 a month
Tripled water ,telephone tax , has not collected past due $20,000,000 from south suburbs water bills, cut 1500 police officers from budget . Did not conduct a forensic audit of past administration that he blames for short falls
Choo Choo Chuy Garcia will have a Forensic Audit of all departments and people will be indicted .
If you f bombed a female black on a domestic that assaulted you , he would have your ass suspended
Wake up citizens , real estate taxes are going up in 2016 or 2017 no matter who is mayor . He already tried to push through a $200,000,000 real estate tax that Patrick Quinn , a working class Chicago kid Vetoed
Some Area Saturation teams detailed to OCD already. District tact teams are next. Mark my words. HQ is already talking about detailing district tact teams to OCD and having them pull out of Pershing in uniform inn unmarked cars to go to "impact zones". That way they can cut VRI and replace them with a centralized strike force or a targeted respond unit. Welcome back 253 and 353. Dan Godsel is rumored to be the new commander with an XO and 3 Lts running 3 platoons of 10 Sgts and 100 officers each platoon. Sounds familiar
Stupid,!! Rahm is the closest we get to having our pensions slashed.. He has told you he wants to do it. His runoff speeches aren't worth a hill of beans... I'm close to retiring so might be ok, but you guys with -10 years, likely screwed... Just stupid...
Jackass sr is powerless , looking for press time.
When Jesus Chuy Garcia is elected mayor , snaggletooth Louie Gutierrez and kill the pigs bobby Rush will be powerless with Chuy
If you're a self respecting cop and have a shred of dignity, you can't possibly vote for Rahm. He already said he will "stick it" in our ear. Why vote for someone who wants to take food off your table?
How desperate can you get, mary o, connor, using police officers signatures on your letters begging us police officers to vote for you? Pathetic and useless just like you are.
Exactly. Not sure what is going on with SCC and other police supporting Chuy. Really confusing and disappointing. Rahm is the closest we will get to a Republican.
4/02/2015 10:44:00 PM
April Fool's Day was yesterday. And your joke isn't even funny.
Oconnor came to my door also, but I couldn't hear a word she had to say, because of the redirection of the jets over my house. I had to scream at her and she still couldn't hear me. I was asking about the $64,000 she took from airport contractors and not calling for a hearing about the noise issues. Anyways neither one of us could hear each other and then she left, shaking her head. Well I'm voting Tuesday and so is everybody I know and it's not for Oconnor.
Chuy is going to learn what if feels like to get not get voted for, by the people who you have the best intentions for.
He is going to know what George Wallace felt like in 1958, during his run for govenor of Alabama. He had the best intentions. Not one black person voted for him. he lost the election, gettin only 28% of the vote
Stop complaining about Mary Oconnor. You fools voted her in now deal with it. She will win again.
last 4 years coppers have been complaining about this fool
now is the time talk to citizens on the beat , family and friends
daley never trashed another opponent with scare tactics , layoffs , high taxes
daley had a record to run on
time for Chuy Garcia to make History
Anonymous said...
vote for chuy is a vote for socialism and anti police at its best, you fools think your bread will be buttered your nuts. rham needs the police to keep business in the city as well as real estate development on the north and near south side. chuy will have you kissing the teachers union's ass as they are his biggest supporter along with seiu the unskilled labor union and action now the left wing protestors you face in the downtown marches.
Exactly. Not sure what is going on with SCC and other police supporting Chuy. Really confusing and disappointing. Rahm is the closest we will get to a Republican.
4/02/2015 10:44:00 PM
Not sure what's going on with SCC?! What the fuck is going on with you IDIOTS! Rham isn't close to a Republican! He's a gay porn star & wants to "stick it in your ear" and your ass! But you think something is wrong with SCC. I know what his issue is, you like it in your ass and he don't! PISS ON RAHM & ANYONE WHO SUPPORTS HIM
Oconnor came to my door also, but I couldn't hear a word she had to say, because of the redirection of the jets over my house. I had to scream at her and she still couldn't hear me. I was asking about the $64,000 she took from airport contractors and not calling for a hearing about the noise issues. Anyways neither one of us could hear each other and then she left, shaking her head. Well I'm voting Tuesday and so is everybody I know and it's not for Oconnor.
4/03/2015 12:54:00 AM
Yea man! Naps is going to close that fucking airport down!!
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