Friday, July 10, 2015

Rauner Lied?

  • Gov. Bruce Rauner on Wednesday announced a massive pension overhaul bill that he said would save billions of dollars while incorporating reform ideas from various leaders.

    The lengthy bill — all 500 pages of it — would cut retirement benefits for police officers, firefighters and public teachers. It would also give local governments a way to file for bankruptcy “as a last resort” after a review or the declaration of a fiscal emergency.

    And it includes suggestions from Senate President John Cullerton about cost-of-living increases as well as suggestions from Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle, Rauner said.

    “What we tried to do is incorporate the ideas of all the various leaders to create an opportunity for significant cost-savings in the pension systems throughout the state of Illinois,” Rauner said.

    But while Rauner’s bill may include some ideas from other leaders, the proposal was a far cry from a negotiated deal and appears to have been put together with little or no input from organized labor.
So if we understand this, Rauner cobbled together a "Frankenstein" bill culled from a number of democrat politicians in order to give himself some sort of political cover and once again, it flies in the face of the Illinois Supreme Court ruling regarding diminish-ment of existing benefits.

At this point, a tax hike is a foregone conclusion - it's just a matter of who's going to wear the collar for it. Increased contributions are likely, too, but they should be increased most heavily on those who haven't contributed any or as much as others have in the past (the police have contributed 9% or more every single check, firefighters, too, but certain unions haven't contributed anywhere near that total).

What ought to be concentrated on is stopping Illinois from bleeding jobs. If that means unpopular work rules changes and the alternative is bankruptcy, perhaps the unpopular work rules ought to be given a know, to avoid a total haircut.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

And all you idiots voted for him instead of Quinn. I never liked Quinn but he said he would veto any legislation reducing CPD pensions. He kept his word while he was in office.

7/10/2015 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I missing something? I don't see anything in there that would effect current or retired CPD.

7/10/2015 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Luck. There is a reason almost all the corporations went to defined contribution plans in the 1980's and 1990's. Defined benefit plans are financially unsustainable. And math always wins in the end.

7/10/2015 01:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Politicians don't lie, they just don't tell you the truth.

7/10/2015 01:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are they just asking for a war?

7/10/2015 02:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cullerton just got himself a $25.000 raise and he's saying we should take cuts to our pensions and benefits. It's because of filth like him Daley and Madigan that we are in this mess.

7/10/2015 02:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently you've forgotten how Chicago politics work my friend.

"Unpopular work rules" is the foot in the door. We will STILL get fucked until the courts step in every time.

"Unpopular work rules" are the republican's way of diminishing job protections and benefit protections across the country. It has nothing to do with saving jobs, pensions or anything else. They will STILL come after our pensions, benefits and pay AFTER the stupid believe the bullshit and LET them cut away job, wage and benefit protections.

Wake up buddy.... what were you thinking?

7/10/2015 02:50:00 AM  
Anonymous IN THE KNOW said...

A far cry from a negotiated deal??? Come on SCC, you knew this was coming.

Did you REALLY think FOP was going to be at the table? What for?

Why would they have to? For ceremonial reasons? They take their direction from the fifth floor - NOT the rank-and-file.

The deal was cut at the table between "the Big Boys". Whatever crumbs fell off, is what FOP will get. Did you think FOP was going to be in some demanding role?

If they were, they'd blow whatever promised, future clout promotion they have. They let the Big Boys handle it.

No surprises here. In fact, pretty much the status quo for Illinois.

Don't paint Rauner as the "bad guy". The bad guys have been blowing smoke up your a$$ for 25+ years. As the say, "the Party's over".

All those getting a pension better hope whatever agency they work at (like CPS) doesn't declare bankruptcy - then you WILL see a haircut, and a BIG one.

7/10/2015 02:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rauner is a complete stroke. He may have SOME decent ideas but his outlook is muddied by his absolute hatred of unions.In light of the recent Supreme Court ruling most of his pension plan doesn't even pass the sniff test. Why even wast more taxpayers money attempting to implement something that is so clearly unconstitutional?
Even though his recent proposal has virtually no chance of getting off the ground I'm sure it gave his buddy Rahm a chubby just reading about it.

7/10/2015 03:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck you Rauner, fuck you Rahm. Fund our pensions.
To try and hang your first responders and teachers out to dry is unconscionable..... not too surprising since neither of you slimy pricks have a conscience.

7/10/2015 03:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The day pension checks get shorted Rahm and Rauner can expect mob action like Paris in 1779.

I would expect our "union" to be leading the charge but probably by then they will be enjoying their new gigs at the airport or somewhere.

7/10/2015 04:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone that votes Democratic in this state should have his/her head examined.

7/10/2015 05:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah,yeah you all will be on the LINK card soon at least by retirement time.

Don't buy any sugary soft drinks now they're watching you.


So why isn't raising YOUR taxes to fund your pensions seen as diminishing your benefits? is it because you are unwilling or unable to follow the money trail for more than one hop? Higher taxes will effect everyone's lifestyle.

Isn't it pretty obvious that all that needs to be done for them to get their hands on all that pension money that is just sitting there to big to pass is to create a surtax on pensions.

These pension issues are the perfect tool for the parasitic politicians to skim even more money from the working class. You don't see any of their politically connected friends losing their jobs, taking a pay cut. or diminishing of their benefits to "save" do ya?

Hell no!

After the tax increases are passed the clouted friends job program can be expanded while skipping pension payments again and will be continued under the "we are saving" motto.

See the polls say: well, as long as you are saving something that's a good thing. Savings is good yeah?

Chicago == Detroit Y'all seen what has happened to the DPD force yeah? Google it.

7/10/2015 05:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far as my knowledge , all city unions pay 9 percent of their checks. We paying it for years. The politician are the one they wasted are money! Maybe start at the top with pension reform. Alderman should not receive one for a part time status, plus they created this mess by not paying into the pension with our portion . Where did all that money goe??? Special give aways!!!! Just my two cents, city will probably still that too!!!

7/10/2015 06:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CTU - contribution is 2%.

They need to cut the bs spending too!

Saw on the news last week an interview with a daycare operator who stated that if the state can't pass a budget then she will have to close because she couldn't afford the 250k per month to stay in business. Yes, she said $250,000.00 per month!
For a freakin day care business! Someone needs to audit that business.

And, how about they start taxing corporations. Most large companies doing business in Illinois don't pay a dime! They were lured here with tax exempt deals.
It is the average taxpayer footing the bill for the welfare folks as well as the rich people. It just can't sustain itself much longer.

7/10/2015 06:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't become a multi billionaire bu being honest. There is no honor among thieves.

7/10/2015 06:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Organized labor as we know it is going to take a major hit.This state is going to be right to work state but it won't be called that because it will be masked with benefit reductions and wage concessions and all union hierarchy knows that.All state and city projects will be negotiated at prevailing wage but that will be significantly altered so that the union hierarchy can save face with the rank and file(dues paying members) and the politicians will still have the cash flowing in from from the unions.These guys know the tenth move before we know the first!

7/10/2015 06:57:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Try it. I've been avoiding total haircuts for years.

7/10/2015 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CPS teachers contribute 2%

7/10/2015 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my guess - a bunch of mediocre proposals thrown together from all the mediocre ideas floated by all kinds of politicians from all sides. Probably has zero chance of getting passed as it is unlikely to matter in the long run.

one thing that probably has to happen is some way for governmental entities to declare bankruptcy. Chicago is not one of them but there are a fair number of smaller governmental entities that are so far in the hole that short of a state bailout there is no amount of cuts and tax increases that can save them.

the other issue that almost certainly has to happen is to somehow reduce the excessively generous built in raises for public employee pensioners. maybe just freeze them for some period of time. it is a relatively painless way to reduce future expenditures by a lot.

and in the end, the whole system needs to be restructured so it is more like a defined contribution plan. at present there is some kind of silliness that pretends the employees are contributing and the governmental entities are contributing and the returns on investments cover everything else. the returns have never, ever been remotely close to covering the difference, and probably never can.

7/10/2015 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rauner is absolutely determined to cut unions off at the knees, as Scott Walker did in WI. I'm no economist and don't entirely understand what's happened to our economy since the financial prosperity of the 1950s when union membership was at its highest. However, both current political parties in Illinois are disgusting. Rauner and Rahm can't really even be said to belong to a political party; they just follow the money for their own personal gain.

7/10/2015 07:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's circle back to October of 2014: " Quinn's a fucking moron and I'm voting for Rauner because he stands up for police and fire. He said he won't mess with our pensions. Just keep voting for the democrats you sheeple."

I never thought much of Quinn as anything other than part of the Illinois democratic machine, but I also believed that he was never going to try and bend me over and make me take it. I voted for Quinn because I felt he was the best candidate that was going to take care of my pension. That was my voting priority. I can't understand how or why people on this blog voted for Rauner knowing that he'd come and try to take away what they've earned. I doubt that this bill is voted in and then passes the test of the Supreme Court, but I hope people have figured out Rauner by the time reelection comes around.

7/10/2015 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cut welfare fraud first.... The government admits to at least 40% fraud.... Which means 75% ... What a joke. Create an atmosphere of hate toward the police and then stroke us. Address the waste first!

7/10/2015 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bottom line anywhere in the nation is: Without jobs you have nothing. You have a desert. No people, no wages, no tax income, no money being spent, nothing. People forget this. Illinois seems to have. You Can't Take Jobs For Granted, like Illinois seems to do. Illinois is already in a downward death spiral of jobs, people and money leaving the state and higher taxes imposed on those who remain. The first step is to stop the downward trend, but even that won't be enough. What good does do to stop the slide when other states get more business-friendly by comparison?

Yet Rauner takes the first baby step in decades to at least slow or stop Illinois' slide into the depths and all you hear are howls of protest from the hogs who've been slopping at the public trough for decades courtesy of their political puppetmasters and the tax dollars extorted from the rest of the tax-paying public.

Asses need to STFU.

7/10/2015 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

100% support Cops & Fire Fighters. Sadly Unions are the devil and rightly should be cut out of the process. Not like they've done much to help street level Cops & Fire Fighters. Unions are just political cancer. Cops & Fire Fighters will be effected by the necessary nuclear medicine that's needed to save the citizens. Or choose Unions and continue to die the gang banger, drug cartel, polical cotton voter class sucking All of Us dry. Sorry, it ain't pretty, but that's where My family is at. And yes, We're looking to Move out of state in 2 years. By then, We'll know which medical course of treatment has been selected.

7/10/2015 09:14:00 AM  
Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

(shaking my head) What the Hell is wrong with everybody in Springfield??? Has the water and food been tampered with so that it turns everyone in Springfield into a F--king IDIOT!!

The situation is plain as goddamn day, i.e.: As long as Pensions and their 'requirements' are written into the Illinois Constitution, NO CHANGES, aka: Revisions, to what's stipulated can be made by ANY new 'law' passed by the Illinois General Assembly. And the only way to make revisions to Pensions is by a Constitutional Amendment, and that's it. Period, end -- STOP!

Why the Hell is that so hard to understand?

7/10/2015 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Less now or nothing later. Not great options.

7/10/2015 10:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Little known fact.... CPS teachers contribute 9% of their pay to their pension like CPD, CFD. On paper they do. In reality, their part 9% paid by CPS so in fact they pay NOTHING OUT OF POCKET to their pension.

7/10/2015 10:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing in the bill mentions the reform or limits of pension perks for connected double/triple dippers, six figure unnecessary administrators, commissioners, judges or elected officials.
The bloated Illinois government still hasn't a plan to reduce its size or waste.

7/10/2015 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure all the politicians come together and create a way to cover up over 30 years of their fleecing of the pension funds. All workers believed in the the rule of law and expected that their contractual rights to a pension would be preserved. What has transpired is that the monies that was supposed to go into these pension funds were diverted to 2 distinct groups. Those faithful democrats that are able-bodied but refuse to work because they know that they will be given everything they need to exist in exchange for their vote and those well connected at the top who were allowed to provide and profit from the politicians pet projects where in most cases money was funneled back to the politicians in the way of political donations. I have not read the bill but the one glaring thing stands out to me is it mentions reform for police officers, firefighters and teachers the very people who have worked their lifetime to stabilize our communities across the state of Illinois. It does not mention anyone elected or appointed to public office, judges or prosecutors. True reform starts at the top and for any elected office holder or lawmaker to exclude themselves from reform exposes the real problem, the lawmakers and public office holders. Their needs to emerge from this legislature a new way of thinking if Illinois is to survive this pension crisis. That is "Any provisions or laws that are passed will affect everyone in this state equally from the governor to the police officers, firefighters and teachers. I am sick and tired of listening to lawmakers telling me that everyone is going to have to share in this sacrifice except them. They created this mess yet they are not held accountable nor are they expected to sacrifice any of their pension benefits, sounds like a dictatorship to me, do as I say not as I do. Public pension reform needs to start with former and current elected officials, judges, prosecutors, and appointed state managers. "More than a third of all retirees in the legislative pension fund make more money now than they did when they served in government. Ten percent of them receive more than $100,000 in pension payouts every year, benefits that come on top of the free or deeply discounted health insurance that retired lawmakers have long received." It's time for the working man to make a stand. I have one hand extended to those who refuse to work and their only job is to vote democratic and the other to those at the top that have the power to game the system in their favor leaving me with no hands to feed me and my family. Real leaders lead by example.

7/10/2015 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So end foreign aid and use that money here instead?

7/10/2015 11:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When was the last time Chicago had a Tax increase?

Cut Welfare, not Pensions

Pensions were promised and earned, Welfare and Food Stamps weren't

7/10/2015 12:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Illinois right now is the Leprosy and Cancer State of the U.S. Cutting Pensions for those who earned them are a mistake. Concentrating on bringing jobs back into the State and keeping people from fleeing is the answer, and if you cut pensions, even more people will flee the State to a cheaper Cost of Living State, especially divorced (many) Cops and Firefighters, who already only get half their pensions due to their ex's getting half. Remember, every action causes a reaction.

7/10/2015 12:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Economic collapse is coming.Did you put all your egss in one basket.

7/10/2015 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is an overview of teh bill I found online.

Pension Reform Bill


 Applies consideration model to State of Illinois pension plans, downstate public safety plans and Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund

 Adopts Mayor Emanuel’s pension bill, and adds downstate public safety while providing more local control over funding and benefits

 Provides Cook County a choice of their pension reform bill or a consideration model

 Grants local governments the right to restructure finances

Changes Based on the Consideration Framework

o After removing certain subjects from collective bargaining, create a baseline independent of pension benefits:

 Wages guaranteed not to decline for five years;

 Vacation reset to two weeks (under 15 years of service) and three

 Adjusted vacancy/overtime rights; and

 Overtime pay normalized to match federal law, kicking in at 40

o Create several optional packages to incentivize different groups of

employees to transition into Tier 2 pension formula prospectively:

 Salary package: $2000 transition bonus; one-time $3000 salary

 Vacation package: $2000 transition bonus; one-time $2000 salary

 Overtime/vacancy package: $2000 transition bonus; no salary weeks (15+ years of service); hours, not 37.5 increase; OT at 37.5 hours; no additional vacation increase; OT at 37.5 hours; 2 additional weeks of vacation
increase; OT at 37.5 hours; 2 additional weeks of vacation; priority
rights in work schedule, vacation, overtime, and “bumping”

 TRS, SURS, GARS, CTPF, and Downstate Police and Fire Tier 1 employees must

choose between:

 Cook County must choose between:

A. COLA shifts from 3% compounded (Tier 1 COLA) to the lesser of 3% or 1⁄2

CPI non-compounded (Tier 2 COLA) OR

B. All future salary increases are not included in pension benefit calculations

A. Pension plan as introduced by Cook County (except with collective

bargaining changes discussed above) OR

B. A consideration-based plan that prompts employees to choose between a

reduced COLA benefit or agreeing that all future salary increases are not

included in pension benefit calculations

Public Safety Changes

 Chicago Police and Fire funding schedule is changed from the current target of 90% by 2040 to 90% by 2055 including a 5 year period from FY16 – FY21 where mandatory payments are set in statute.

 Downstate Police and Fire funding schedules would be treated the same as Chicago Police and Fire, changing the current target of 90% funded by 2040 to 90% funded by 2055.

 642 individual downstate police and fire funds are consolidated under IMRF for investment efficiency.

 Public Safety Employee Benefit Act definition of catastrophic injury is changed to clearly state that it would preclude the injured employee from performing gainful work

 Tier 3 benefits are created for newly hired public safety employees. Tier 3 is a hybrid DB/DC with local control on DC benefits.

 Contains all aspects of Chicago’s SB777 including allocating casino revenue to the pension funds.

Local Government Restructuring

 Local government restructuring is allowed by authorizing a local public entity to initiate a Chapter 9 filing after review from a neutral evaluation process or the declaration of a fiscal emergency.

Chicago Teachers’ Pension Funding

 The State will pay the employer normal cost and the cost of defraying health insurance to CTPF contributions for FY16 and FY17.

 Requires CPS to end the practice of picking up the employee pension contribution.

7/10/2015 12:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see this as Rauner trying to work with Madigan and Cullerton who are trying to keep business as usual. Madigan needs to be stopped.

7/10/2015 01:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Invest in lead. It will take or get anything you want...

7/10/2015 02:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Fuck you Rauner, fuck you Rahm. Fund our pensions.

That's a great way to start negotiations. Nothing like being humble...

7/10/2015 02:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If that means unpopular work rules changes and the alternative is bankruptcy, perhaps the unpopular work rules ought to be given a know, to avoid a total haircut."

Spoken like a true Disciple of the Dean Angelo philosophy, Bend over and enjoy the inevitable.

7/10/2015 03:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CPS teachers pay 2% towards the pension. In 1986 CPS claimed to have no money(AGAIN!) and offered to pay the pension pick-up of 7% so they could get a tax break....

7/10/2015 03:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Madigan needs to be stopped."

And right there is the crux of things. No one else has single-handedly contributed more to the current mess than Madigan. Getting him out of office won't fix the mess, but it would be a big step in the right direction.

7/10/2015 03:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bottom line if the Democrats were doing a good job in running the state, Rauner would not have been elected in the first place. The democrats have looted the state and entrenched their power. There is no painless way to get the state back on sound financial footing at this point in time. Service/benefit cuts and or tax raises will come.

7/10/2015 03:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry so many of you backed the wrong guy. Did you really think that he wasn't going to come after any public sector entity/union getting a pension? You really need to think who has more to lose by screwing public sector employees. They are Madigan's bread and butter. It's how he built his machine. Rauner gets to walk away form this mess and live in his lovely ranch in Montana with his wine collection - he has nothing to lose by screwing union and public sector employees, he just gets to pay cheaper wages with little or no benefits to his employees. Take a ride through Indiana and Wisconsin for that matter. The majority of people are living on the edge making little more than minimum wage. If that's how Rauner plans to build jobs in Illinois he can have it. It's not what I want for my kids.

7/10/2015 03:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Yogi bear said...

All thisgoing on and all I've seen from flop is a reminder for the picnic.
Hey boo boo, brinf me a pick e nic basket.

7/10/2015 04:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rauner lied like a rug.
A co-worker told me the reason he was voting for Rauner is because while Rauner was campaigning he stated he wouldn't touch police and fire pensions......... yeah right and the check's in the mail right?

7/10/2015 05:25:00 PM  
Anonymous CPS 38+ said...

The 7% CPS pension pickup was offered by the Board instead of 12% raise over four years during negotiations in the eighties. It wasn't a gift, but a form of compensation that benefitted both parties. Losing it would effectively be a 14% loss of income.

7/10/2015 07:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"100% support Cops & Fire Fighters. Sadly Unions are the devil and rightly should be cut out of the process. Not like they've done much to help street level Cops & Fire Fighters. Unions are just political cancer. Cops & Fire Fighters will be effected by the necessary nuclear medicine that's needed to save the citizens. Or choose Unions and continue to die the gang banger, drug cartel, polical cotton voter class sucking All of Us dry. Sorry, it ain't pretty, but that's where My family is at. And yes, We're looking to Move out of state in 2 years. By then, We'll know which medical course of treatment has been selected.

7/10/2015 09:14:00 AM"

Apparently you'll just roll over and opt out of the collective bargaining process.Just let the city determine what your wages(paltry) benefits(none) and job security( fire at will).
Have you always been an adherent to the Plantation Mentality?

7/10/2015 07:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TIF funds are tax skim for the elites. Stop the skim and pay the middle class workers their due.

7/10/2015 07:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rauner is cutting welfare and social programs as well. He inherited a steaming pile and I give him a lot of credit for grabbing a shovel and trying to clean it up.

7/10/2015 07:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard that give the citizen a "receipt for stopping them" law passed and the FLOP did nothing

7/10/2015 11:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Pandering Pat Quinn said...

Pensions were promised and earned, Welfare and Food Stamps weren't

7/10/2015 12:09:00 PM
Who said welfare wasn't promised?

Hey, don't be making up that type of assumption.

And as far as earning, they earned it on the last election when I was voted in.

We even had an anti-crime program for the inner-city folk. That cost millions!

See you at the next parade.

7/10/2015 11:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Taypayer said...

Anonymous said...

Are they just asking for a war?

7/10/2015 02:01:00 AM
Hey, you'll take the deal they throw you or find another job. (That's the option in a cloutocracy.)

The money merry-go-round has ended.

They have been "just asking for" your vote for the last 20-30 years and you have been gladly playing along, never questioning the house of cards.

Well, now the party is over and the game is over.

They cannot deliver "the Golden plan" that they kept promising you over the years in exchange for your vote - OR your apathy not to vote and change out these guys.

Don't blame Rauner, who is new at the table. He was dealt a hand of shit (years of city/state mismanagement and underfunding) and is folding instead of playing the game and raising the ante with other people's money. OUR money.

The game was fixed from the start. But instead of doing anything, you played along because you were promised a big piece of the pot as long as you kept the players in the game. (typical greed in a cloutocracy promising "everyone is going to make out big")

Just like many of you say the city voted and "got what they wanted" as to a non-pro-active police force, you voted for the same people who promised you the moon and cannot deliver.

There's an old Mafia saying, "Nothing is lighter than a promise."

7/11/2015 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are the cuts to our pension? I don't see them and so far no one can point them out.

7/11/2015 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly our pensions will be sharply diminished or eliminated. It's over. To all those who consistently post comments about defending the pension system I say let it go. The issue is out of our hands and will be decided shortly by millionaire/billionaire politicians and the courts who want closure on this issue. There is only two political parties and they know that by merging their efforts to effect "pension reform" no major repercussions will be forthcoming because there is no other political party to vote for. People affected will still have to vote for one or the other in the upcoming elections. The political elite realize this, and for this reason our pension will be eliminated entirely some day. For me, I no longer despair over my pension because I have come to the painful conclusion that this issue is lost. I'm over it. I will work until I die at some occupation.

7/11/2015 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All you good boys and girls be sure to keep making those arrests while the powers that be continue to figure out ways to screw us out of our benefits. As for me I've just been promoted to ADS...Ain't Doin Shit!

7/11/2015 01:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the long run this will be good. If he can get thus state like Wisconsin it will be good for all we are all going to have to give a little to make this state great again

7/11/2015 01:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rauner is cutting welfare and social programs as well. He inherited a steaming pile and I give him a lot of credit for grabbing a shovel and trying to clean it up.

7/10/2015 07:45:00 PM

So you fully support him taking a hatchet to your first responders and teachers pensions?

7/11/2015 03:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wake up. This whole thing is a fight between two rival wings of the Combine.

The Madigan Wing VS. the Daley/Emanuel/Rauner Wing.

The big money behind the D/E/R Wing is tired of having to deal with Madigan. They want it all and made Bruce governor.

7/11/2015 04:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Rauner is cutting welfare and social programs as well. He inherited a steaming pile and I give him a lot of credit for grabbing a shovel and trying to clean it up.

7/10/2015 07:45:00 PM
Yes, I agree. But , Madigan and his ilk are trying to turn this around and Blame the governor for the social service cuts when there is just not enough money to pay the bills, almost 4 billion short. The democrats won't do what is necessary, that is cut many of the 7000 taxing bodies in the state, cut pay and benefits of many government workers ( who make substantially more then their private sector counterparts) and take most government employees out of the pension system and into a 401 K and social security. Only cops, fire fighters and teachers should have pensions, not elected officials for starters. The best pension system in the country is the Illinois State Legislators. Just ask former Mayor Daley.

7/11/2015 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently you'll just roll over and opt out of the collective bargaining process.Just let the city determine what your wages(paltry) benefits(none) and job security( fire at will).
Have you always been an adherent to the Plantation Mentality?

7/10/2015 07:31:00 PM
And, you will be in the same job scene as most of the country. If you don't like your job, just move on. Unions are primarily in government. The only people who should be unionized are police.

7/11/2015 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taxes in the city are very low and I am sure large raises are coming. I am in the suburbs and was just hit with a 15% raise for 2014 and looks like reassessment will raise my 2015 taxes by another 20%. The political class has an never ending thirst for money and just can't find enough things to spend your money on. The stories coming out of the College of Dupage are astounding. Education is big business and lots of people make lots of money on it. After all, it is for the kids!! It is a system that benefits the adults more then the kids.

7/11/2015 08:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as Pensions and their 'requirements' are written into the Illinois Constitution, NO CHANGES, aka: Revisions, to what's stipulated can be made by ANY new 'law' passed by the Illinois General Assembly.

Definition of insanity: Repeatedly doing the same thing but expecting a different out come.

7/11/2015 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TIF funds are tax skim for the elites. Stop the skim and pay the middle class workers their due.

7/10/2015 07:33:00 PM

I love you black t-shirt, skinny jean wearing lemmings. TIF funds are a crime, but lose the 1% and 'elite' mantra. It is crap. Educate yourself. Don't you know when you are being used?

7/11/2015 08:35:00 AM  
Blogger Rough&Tumble White Guy with a Basic Education said...

Rauner can't do much can he ....

Sangamon County November 2013
• Sangamon County Circuit court decision. Struck down Illinois Law from Dec. 2013 that actually lowered employee contributions (I think by 1%), but also lessens COLA of retirees and raises the retirement age by up to 5 years depending on age, puts caps on pensions.
• Illinois has 5 pension funds.
• This law affected those directly working for the state, including police and fire.
• Illinois Supreme Court agreed with the circuit court decision in May 2015.

7/11/2015 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"They want it all and made Bruce governor."

You wake up, Low Information Voter. Rauner barely squeaked in. If his election was a Combine thing it wouldn't have been close. The Combine clearly preferred Quinn, who had no backbone and was nothing but a reliable rubber stamp.

7/11/2015 12:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enact Right to Work and Term Limits. Pensions? Give everyone a 401K that's sweetened a bit by employer contributions. That's what most private sector employees have. What's so special about the municipal employees? When the power to borrow dies for lack of fools to lend, it'll all be over. Wake up, oh wait, it's already hopeless.

7/11/2015 07:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quinn put a group together to look at the pension problem also. It's not rocket science its crooked politicians. With all Quinn's handouts you really believe we would be ok under his leadership, naive.

7/13/2015 01:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why is no one from our great media discussing the fact that it's these assholes not the police,fire and teachers who have drained the pension fund. We have to work 20 ++ years for a pension and they get theirs after one 4 year term? The state is broke but hey ...they made sure to vote and pass their raises.....Going to guess their pension fund is fully funded and no changes will happen to theirs.....what a bunch of bullshit!!!! Anyone who takes a police, fire or teaching job is this state is crazy...

7/13/2015 01:25:00 PM  

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