Another "Assumed" Budget
We've railed at this before, but basing the budget on "projected revenue" is the same as basing it on hopes and dreams that one day, a money tree will suddenly start sprouting hundred dollar bills:
- Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Friday released a financial analysis that projects a $426 million budget shortfall in 2016, but only if three rosy and risky assumptions turn out to be correct.
The shortfall does not include a $328 million payment to police and fire pension funds that Emanuel conveniently left out of his pre-election budget. Add that in and the revenue gap grows to $754 million even with the risks the mayor is taking.
So right away, this budget is a lie. That payment is law. And there goes Mayor 9.5 submitting what for all intents and purposes is a lie. And just what are these "assumptions" Rahm is hoping for?
- One week after a judge overturned his plan to save the Municipal Employees and Laborers pension funds, Emanuel is counting on the Illinois Supreme Court to reverse that decision.
That's a long shot, unless a lot of money has changed hands.
- The mayor’s forecast also assumes that Gov. Bruce Rauner will sign legislation giving Chicago 15 more years to ramp up to 90 percent funding levels for the police and fire pension funds.
Not as long of a long-shot, but still a big hammer Rauner has to beat Rahm with, if he was in the mood.
- The third assumption is that Emanuel will be allowed to complete a three-year phase-out of the city’s 55 percent subsidy for retiree health care — and that a lawsuit that seeks to reinstate the $108.7 million-a-year subsidy falls flat.
And that lawsuit is wending its way through the courts now. Rahm wants everyone in Obamacare where his brother decides if you've outlived your usefulness. The article finishes with Fran Spielman felatiating Rahm's junk again:
- But in the long run, Chicago taxpayers will be forced to pay hundreds of millions of dollars more to save the two pension funds because employees and retirees won’t be meeting them half way.
You nasty nasty retirees! Just because Daley took all your pension money and spent it on pet projects for votes while leaving a bunch of worthless IOU's in the candy jar, you think you're entitled to a pension? Who do you think you are, politicians? Go find a comfortable cardboard box and some moth-eaten blankets and live in an alley you worms.
Labels: money questions, pension
This fool is good at one thing: fundraising for his campaign
No, it's true that retirees won't be meeting the City halfway. We ALREADY went to the halfway mark, every single check for every single year of a thirty year career.
The only reason we're not meeting the City at the halfway point is the City hasn't GOTTEN to the halfway point yet. We're sitting here, on the park bench, patiently waiting for them to arrive.
A nasty troll giving a 9.5 fingered hobgoblin a
And most of us out in the cheap seats have seen
our share of ghastly and disturbing shit...
Chicago is so far beyond redemption, care or mercy
that the only thing of subsequence left to do is to make
war against their Police and turn the public goodwill against
them at all costs to divest them of one of the last big honey-pots
Of "free money," and that's their pensions.
And why isn't Daley in prison?
If nothing else..that miserable Obamacare will kill the Retirees.
Welcome to the world of democrat/progressive politics and economics.
Garrys back on the medical. He injured himself on a jet ski. Not a joke. TRUE
So sick of being called the enemy. The average police retiree is getting $32k a year. How much is shortshanks getting?
All you need to do is tax the big corporations based in Chicago. Stick it to them good! It isn't like they can just up and run away (/sarc)?
It won't fix your problems, but when they all exit, and take us taxpaying type employees with them, YOUR problems will no longer be MY problems.
Scialists always run out of other people's money.
And you are left holding the (empty) bag.
If you are a business that does business with Chicago or the State of Illinois, my suggestion is CASH up front.
When you are broke and homeless, you could just crash at your buddies, The Daleys. They own lots of nice places. Occupy Daley!
When is the next sgt class??
What is noticeably missing is the former mayor and aldermanic concession to their pension. Seems that it would much easier to get these few [maybe 100] to restructure their pension payments, then it would be to get several thousand to agree to change theirs.
Based on a lie---Rahm' s entire political career.
Prelude to one of two outcomes, one of which is guaranteed:
1. The first resort, 2016 election ballot question to carve up Illinois constitution, in the name of pension reform of course.
2. The alternative if the first one fails, push through the bankruptcy legislation and blame public employees again for making it happen.
The first will be attempted, along with the expenditure of tons of taxpayer cash by City Hall to pay for ads to attack police, fire and teachers to cement the con job for the uneducated masses. If in the unlikely event it passes, bankruptcy is the pin he will pull.
And don't worry, he's already setting up his buddies with all the lawsuit proof guaranteed income he can and protecting the rest of his buddies so IF he goes bankrupt, his buddies will be protected and nothing but pensions and labor contracts will be left to destroy in the name of making the rich richer off public employees and taxpayers.
Bank on it.
Kick the can down the road...
Why not apply for foreign aid? The US government seems to give billions to other countries, so perhaps its time to return the favor?
If we don't have a way to stop being dumped into obamacare, everyone had better start saving now. It's my understanding that the policies carry a $10,000.00 deductible for the cheaper/less coverage ones. Oh ya, OUR government (must have an increase in the illegal immigrants) announced that they already know that the prices for coverage is going up 30% next year too! A double Fuck You from our very good friend rahm! The elected leader of the fraternal organization that represents us (it's not a union), said that it could be a good thing for retirees? You would think that with obamacare increasing the costs that the insurance we have would be cheaper. Not! It's monkey see monkey do. Who is going to stop them from making unjustified increases? It's crazy!
Does anyone have ANY good news?
Rahm is very much out of touch with reality.... delusional .
His budgets are based on pixie dust.
The Daley-Emanuel Democratic death spiral continues.
Did you know that despite budget disaster, CPS is still feeding CPS and non-CPS students all summer?
I find it completely ridiculous that everyone criticized Chuy for not having a plan to deal with the city's financial mess.
This fairy tale of a budget Rahm has come up with constitutes a real plan??
It's based on a lot of " sure hope so" and lots of pixie dust.
Way to go Sheeple.
The Civic Federation needs their cut of the tax payers hard earned money before you pesky pensioners do. The line starts in the rear behind the fat cats, peon!
I am glad , I retired in June and leaving for Texas in August. The city of Chicago is not the city I grew up in. I refuse to live in a city or State that says "we don't have money for the public servants" but yet have money for other constructions that just don't make sense. On the other hand the city says" Just contribute more for your pension" and what? I am suppose to trust that the city will do the right thing? Well I am almost out of here, I wish you all police officers the best of luck and plan for your retirement , it will come sooner than you think. As for me , I am only 50 and young enough to start a new career , in case this pension goes south.
What do you expect from the man that once said "fuck the UAW"
Lies and false promises just like social security.
Did you know that the social security disability fund is set to go bust in 2016?
You know what the proposed fix is? The fix is to combine the social security old age fund with the disability fund so this way the can gets kicked down the road as they will no longer report on the issue.
Meanwhile, by moving money from one pocket to the other the demise of social security fund itself is only hastened.
The Boomers will get benefit cuts in their final years on this planet when they need help the most. Anyone under 45 can forget about it. That money is gone!
All this while the cost of healthcare skyrockets due to federal subsidies. Obamacare death panels.
But I digress.
After the politburo has spent your money on their clouted friends and projects the workers should "meet them halfway" and replace the money by giving more.
The tool pitting the taxpayers against the retirees while politicians play the innocent bystander role promoting the "we are trying to save something for ya" bullshit. Like they had nothing to do with it all in the first place.
We are SOOOOOO DOOOOOOOMED with this Asshat in charge, along with the other Dumbocrats...........
$328 million payment? I think that is $428 unless that has changed?
Wow Rham really is a financial wiz!
The elected official class, in collusion with the media, have determined
that it is far more palatable and politically acceptable to malign and shit on
the people who man a post in the Public Safety arena.
Not to mention their families and also those who have honorably fulfilled their
comittment of time in exchange for a previously promised pension that is enshrined
by law as undiminishable...
Rahm Emanual and the monied interests he represents find it vexatious that people
that aren't THEM, and that they have no use for, have legally mandated financial protection.
This is why Rahm and the interests he represents are so damned dangerous...
Their collective wealth and influence is more than just a mere thumb on the scale...
If they decide that any piece of legislation is an impediment to them having their
financial way, they can exert enough influence and air-drop enough "campaign money"
to influence outcomes to their benefit only.
Public Safety employees and retirees have SOMETHING that Rahm and the monied interests
he represents; very deeply covet, crave and desire.
Public Safety pension monies are the last of the big, relatively untapped, sweet honey-pots of
money left in the western world.
"Municipal Budget Crisis" is a misnomer, a cynical and sinister straw-man diversionary tactic
and an artfully crafted bit of agit-prop designed to be used as a pry tool to separate "those greedy cops"
from public good will...
"We're in a financial crisis because those greedy Cops don't want to hold off on their sweet, early 50's retirement
and agree to cuts in their overly cush pensions to help the city get it's financial house in order. You "regular" taxpayers
should be concerned about "all your tax dollars*" going to greedy "public servants" who selfishly don't want to help out."
(Did ya see what we did? ;^)
There IS no "Municipal Budget Crisis" as much as there is a spending problem and a
problem deeply entrenched and institutionalized financial malfeasance involving the same
two or three dozen family names that have gotten enriched beyond compare by positioning
themselves to reach over and around all sensible safeguards to heap their already overflowing
plates at the taxpayer till.
It is far far easier to steal from Policemen, Police Retirees and their families than to halt high order thievery.
It is far far easier to steal from Policemen, Police Retirees and their families than to halt the give-away of
taxpayer treasure to a catered to constituent class to keep them on the liberal progressive democratic slave
plantation as a heavy numerical check against upright, clear-thinking people ever being able to seize the
levers of governance via the ballot box.
It is very likely that in order for THAT to ever happen, upright, clear-thinking people will have to move as one
and take up the violence to make their voices and concerns heard and felt.
The transfer of wealth continues,
We are all going to be taxed out of our homes soon. The food stamp line begins over to your left.
22% parking tax
9% entertainment tax
10% Chicago sales tax come jan.
Highest gas prices in the nation
Highest sales tax in the nation
Highest parking rates in the nation
And how bout those taxes on tobacco, I pity the fool that still smoking.
You can bet your life there's gonna be property tax increases.
And it's not just the rate increases. Oh NO! Now they are expanding the taxes to certain services that have not been taxed in the past.
Meanwhile, 2014 population growth of just 82 people so there are no new taxpayers being added to share the burden. Don't even get me started on the Chicago wage growth bullshit.
Hell it took 15 years just to get the jobs back to where they once were. What happened to all those so-called new entrants to the workforce for 15 years eh?
Chicago’s pensions are among the worst funded in the nation. Morningstar Inc. recently reported that Chicago had the worst funding ratio and the highest per capita pension liabilities among the nation’s largest 25 cities.
Let the crisis fester until the middle class is willing to accept anything. Then, then, the 1% can reap the benefits of the wealth transfer.
The middle class if fucked. They waited too long, were too complacent to make leaders accountable.
Every eight years it's the same ol' bullshit being replayed.
The Tweedledee party is going to be thrown out and replaced by the Tweedledum party and we are feed a bunch of lies and broken promises and buy all of it all over again like this time is gonna be different.
Kiss it all goodbye people. Stop hanging on to a false hope and dream. It's O-V-E-R. Like Detroit. Like Greece. OVER. Watch and see.
Just another PR move by the government media to bolster the cutting of pensions for police and fire. They have pay to play for the investor class. They do not have to worry about an independent media. And most of the ghetto people hate the police to begin with. Now to sell the evils of the police to the middle/ upper middle class.
This is just incredible. Nadir Soofi, one of the Islamic terrorist killed during his attack in garland Texas, illegally bought a hand gun with the help of Eric Holder and Hilary Clinton. This terrorist bought his gun through the fast and furious débâcle. Only in a small article in Chicago Breaking News today. FBI won't further elaborate on weather said illegally purchased weapon was recovered at the scene of the attack.
Rham is just piggy backing the national opinion of the police and creating an ugly opinion so that he has sympathy on the debt owed here in Chicago,publically he goes up on taxes and we hate the police and their pension we will be upset with the police and not him,the public is so naive,he thinks he is so smart ,even challenging the court after the courts already hit the gavel,an honest politician is now extinct but would attempt to pay the promised debt to city employees because the government was run on the backs of these employees,if we owed him his pension when he retires and tell him we will get around to it but first we need to go on this vacation pay our car note ,and the ,
Mortgage,but if anything is left over we will send you a few dollars for your pension,he would scream like the that he is!
Democrats [Communists], destroying America with their Leadership, one City, one Town, one Suburb, one Village one by one, we topple. Chicago led by communists in every branch of Government, top to bottom. Greece, Detroit, here we come. All because of DemocratLeadership. All of America being destroyed by corrupt,Chicago-Trained Communist thug\Democrat Politicians, now controlling the entire Federal Government.
Where's the cuts to Welfare, Food Stamps, School Lunch Programs, after School programs, free handouts to those who don't work, etc? Democrats too busy rapeing and robbing those who work and pay taxes, than to get off their Lazy Asses and actually Do Something, except to think of new ways to rape and rob the Middle Class Taxpayers and THEIR families
How about a Million Retiree March to City Hall On Labor Day? Each one carrying a sign....Fruck 9 1/2.....
Each sign also bearing the truth of one of his or Daleys give-aways......the parking meter fiasco, the Olympics fiasco, the Skyway sale, the DePaul stadium, the Maggie Daley park, etc, etc, If you can't walk, bring your wheelchair or walker.....let's not forget the TIF fund balance....PAY the bills first! you little plick.....
Makes me sick how this multimillionaire wants ME to give back, while HE gives nothing! like Daley gave Nothing.....halway, my assss.
"Emanuel basks in glow of Blackhawks practice facility, Rush expansion on Malcolm X site"
07/30/2015, 04:25pm
"Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Thursday basked in the glow of an agreement to bring a $50 million Blackhawks practice facility and new academic buildings for Rush University Medical Center to the site of the old Malcolm X College without saying what the deal would cost Chicago taxpayers.
"City Hall said the team and the hospital would pay “market rate” for the land at 1900 W. Van Buren, including 4 acres for the Hawks and 7 acres for Rush. But Emanuel refused to reveal a specific price tag.
"Chicago taxpayers will be asked to foot the bill for demolishing the building and preparing the site for construction. But the mayor did not put a price tag on those items either..."
"Malcolm moving into a $251 million state-of-the-art facility to train students for careers in health care."
And how much will that cost us?
...and how far can you feed into the Great Health Care Bubble? There are already so many unskilled and semi-skilled people buzzing around the periphery -- "wellness counselors" and "social workers" and "home health care aides" and "medical billing coders" and "insurance customer service assistants" and "pharmacy aides" and oxygen truck drivers that you could lose your mind. Could have died Monday; just got out of the hospital. Thank you, God, for my life, for another beautiful day.
The doctors and nurses and skilled techs were super, really wonderful, but I had to cut off an uninvited Wellness Lady's unsolicited from-the-top lecture and get her out of the room so I could eat my first small meal in about 36 hours after an exhausting round of nuclear-medicine stress tests, CT scans, ultrasounds...not letting this get cold for you. >grin<
We could use more good MDs, RNs, and R.Phs, though...but I fear that this program will shoot more for lower-end jobs for lower-context (and sometimes flat-out ignant-with-an-attitude) people. Seems to be hitting saturation point already. Can't pick up everyone McDonald's lets go...
Oops. "Could have died Monday" forgot to say --
...and heartfelt thanks to our town's 911 dispatch (hung in there with me until someone arrived) PD (about 45 seconds response time) and FD paramedics (2 minutes, tops) when I really needed you all.
"We Serve And Protect..."
God bless and stay safe.
'It is very likely that in order for THAT to ever happen, upright, clear-thinking people will have to move as one
and take up the violence to make their voices and concerns heard and felt.'( 01 AUG.10:22 Hrs.) We have thought about the above comment and that's why we will figure out a way to take those evil guns away from the honest ones, we have educated your children to not resist or fight back under any circumstance and are currently de-balling the Military and you nasty racist Police. When will you learn we are in charge here and you need to go along....or else, Seig heil,oops strike that and substitute " it's for the children".
Submitted by Sovereign Man
The Latest Government Trust Fund To Go Bankrupt
On June 6, 1932, President Herbert Hoover imposed the first ever national gasoline tax in the United States, initially set at 1 cent per gallon.
It was a major success for the federal government; the tax on gasoline alone was responsible for over 15% of their 1933 tax revenue.
What’s curious is that the Senate Finance Committee issued a report the following year stating that the federal gasoline tax should be repealed. But that never happened.
Instead it went up.
Under President Eisenhower, the tax increased to 3 cents per gallon. Under Reagan, 9 cents.
It’s risen steadily through the years to a level of 18.4 cents for every gallon of unleaded fuel, and 24.4 cents per gallon of diesel.
All of this tax revenue is –supposed– to go to the Federal Highway Trust Fund, something established back in the 1950s to finance the care and maintenance of the nation’s highways.
And now it, too, is insolvent.
Earlier this week I told you about Social Security’s Disability Insurance Trust Fund (DI), which will become insolvent in a matter of months.
The DI problem (just like the rest of Social Security) has been a long time coming.
But rather than form some meaningful solution, Congress has instead opted to commit financial fraud by commingling DI monies together with the other Social Security funds.
Now comes the Highway Trust Fund.
The difference between DI and the Highway Trust fund is that this one won’t be insolvent in a matter of years or months. Their own data shows that it may very well be toast… today.
Once again- Congress to the rescue.
Having waited until almost quite literally the last minute, their solution is to… wait for it… kick the can down the road.
Congress has now passed a 90-day stay of execution for the Highway Trust Fund, which only delays the inevitable.
Over the next three months they’ll sit down to the task of figuring out who to steal from.
They’re either going to raise taxes on you.
Or they’ll raise taxes on someone else, the costs of which will ultimately be passed on to you.
Or they’ll simply default on their obligations to the residents of the United States to maintain the federal highway system.
None of this should come as a surprise. This is what happens when nations go bankrupt: one by one, its major institutions fall into insolvency.
Today it’s the Highway Fund. Tomorrow it’ll be the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (we’ll talk about that one soon) and the United States Postal Service.
Then it’ll be Social Security and Medicare. Then the Federal Reserve. And eventually it’ll be the United States government itself.
The signs are everywhere– every single one of these hallowed institutions is flat broke.
It’s no longer some wild assertion to say that. Their own financial statements show that they’re insolvent. And it’s not hard to figure out what happens down the road.
Bankrupt governments invariably resort to plundering the wealth of their citizens. Inflation. Higher taxes. Confiscation of assets. Indebting unborn generations. And defaulting on the benefits promises they made to voters.
Hey at least the Hawks will be getting a new practice facility, Da Mare has his priorities in order.
"If we don't have a way to stop being dumped into obamacare, everyone had better start saving now. It's my understanding that the policies carry a $10,000.00 deductible for the cheaper/less coverage ones."
That's a full on fabricated non educated lie. Go on the ACA website and do some research before you talk shit,Dummy.
ssc is it just me or does everybody else feel that rahm is an idiot?
Why doesn't the mayor have a fundraiser to shore up pension obligations? It is known that he is a very good fundraiser. Were he to do that, he would virtually receive all Union votes in the future. My point is illustrating the fact that this is something that they do not want to do.
Anonymous said...
If we don't have a way to stop being dumped into obamacare, everyone had better start saving now. It's my understanding that the policies carry a $10,000.00 deductible for the cheaper/less coverage ones. Oh ya, OUR government (must have an increase in the illegal immigrants) announced that they already know that the prices for coverage is going up 30% next year too! A double Fuck You from our very good friend rahm! The elected leader of the fraternal organization that represents us (it's not a union), said that it could be a good thing for retirees? You would think that with obamacare increasing the costs that the insurance we have would be cheaper. Not! It's monkey see monkey do. Who is going to stop them from making unjustified increases? It's crazy!
Does anyone have ANY good news?
8/01/2015 07:49:00 AM
Do Not Exagerate. The deductibles are ususally only $4,000.00 or so, each. And for a family of four, that should be no problem. Example: $4,000.00/yr for Mom, Dad usually only runs up bills of $2,500.00/yr, and the kids are usually less than $1,000.00 each, unless they get in an accident, or break a leg, or appendicitis, or get really sick, or... All they need to do is pay the deductibles plus the monthly premiums of about a $1,000.00 per Month.
Obamacare is a great deal! They get free birth control and one free doctor cisit per year!
OT -
Check out the website for the Blue Courage training.
Check out the founders. Go all the way to the bottom of the list.
I would think that hiring a company in which a supervisor at the academy is a founding member would be a conflict of interest. If not that, at least ask how this bs company got the contract to present a seminar to CPD and who gets the $$$$$
This is just some more bs bogus garbage wrapped up as training to enrich the pockets of some instructor/ police officer that works at the Academy.
Who approved this contract? And how often will they try to shove it down our throats as a legitimate course.
Always follow the $$$$$.
Prelude to one of two outcomes, one of which is guaranteed:
1. The first resort, 2016 election ballot question to carve up Illinois constitution, in the name of pension reform of course.
. . . .
8/01/2015 06:38:00 AM
Can't have a constitutional convention put to a vote until 2028.
Once every twenty years it can be put to the voters to open the state constitution for changes.
The last time was under Quinn, in 2008.
The voters overwhelmingly voted against it because is not only opens the pension portion but the Entire state constitution.
No one wants these thieving dogs in Springfield to change anything to enrich themselves any more than they already have!
Article XIV of the 1970 Illinois Constitution provides that the question of calling another constitutional convention be placed before the voters every 20 years, unless the General Assembly calls for a vote on the question in the interim period.
There are three ways by which the Illinois Constitution can be amended:
(1) by a constitutional convention,
(2) by amendments approved by the General Assembly and submitted to the voters, or (3) by petition initiated by the people and limited to the structure and procedures of the Legislature.
In the case of amendments proposed through a constitutional convention, an affirmative vote must come from a majority of those voting on the question.
Everyone that comments here that DIDN'T vote for Commishioner Garcia as Mayor....aka "Chuey", KMA!!
I know I know...his past politics, his gang banging kids etc. But you know what.....he would have opened the damn books! He would have shown where all the $$$ is going. He may not be the brightest or best.....but anyone is better that this ballerina nine digit midget.
Garcia would have had Scott....32nd and Nick...Now of the 38 th and Napalatano of the 41st just to name a few on his side. All good guys!
Once the books were opened....The REAL set....the "second set".....the poop would be hitting the fan like a GE turbo!
All of the "connected" would need depends as they would be shitting themselves daily. Or is it Daley?
The fucken $$$$$ is there ...don't eat the shit sangwhich! get what you and your families vote for!
Not a cop...27 years CDOT.
How are those intersections at Pulaski and Montrose/Elston and on Devon from Western to Kedzie treating ya?
Muslim mosaic? Really....we need this CRAP? Bettering "our" lives how? FUND My/OUR fucking pensions!!!
Here is food for mean HOW did the city know that Obamacare (death panels....right Zeke?) did they know that This Commie law would pass in 2015? I have a letter stating that in 2015 the city would no longer be paying for retirees health insurance. And it is dated BEFORE this imposter became the hell did they know?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Did you know that despite budget disaster, CPS is still feeding CPS and non-CPS students all summer?
8/01/2015 08:42:00 AM
FEDERAL program. FEDERAL money. FEDERAL mandate. Take it up with the feds, not the City.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Garrys back on the medical. He injured himself on a jet ski. Not a joke. TRUE
8/01/2015 01:27:00 AM
Yes, it was reported on the news three days ago.
Whether his broken ribs occurred on a jet ski, well, one never knows.
Dont fret! This will all be fixed when white women make Hillary the next president. Just like they made BHO the president for eight years!
# Cecil's Life Mattered!
Anonymous said...
What is noticeably missing is the former mayor and aldermanic concession to their pension. Seems that it would much easier to get these few [maybe 100] to restructure their pension payments, then it would be to get several thousand to agree to change theirs.
8/01/2015 05:04:00 AM
Daley got a special state law passed where he was allowed to roll his city pension time and county pension time into the state legislators pension. He is safe. The alderman? They have a sweet deal, one of the best pensions in the US with compounding 3% increase each year. I do not have an idea if the fund is on solid ground, but I bet it is.
Anonymous said...
So sick of being called the enemy. The average police retiree is getting $32k a year. How much is shortshanks getting?
8/01/2015 02:05:00 AM
$185,000 per year as a retired Illinois State Senator.
Why do politicians still get Social Security AND pensions?
How many pensions will Rahm get along with his Social Security?
How many aldermen will get social security and city pensions?
Democrats already fucked the public employees on their social security pay
Rahm already fucked the public city employees on their medical plans by raising the premiums 40% every year.
You guys are hoping that people with no honor are ( somehow ) going to honor your contract . Somehow I think that you all better be saving your money as if it isn't gonna be there .
Thanks to the one who posted the below link:
It is a good video/read; and very much on point with the issues. I still don't see how Chicago is gonna get out of this mess; do anyone realize how bad this is?
This place is a DICTATORSHIP!
Wisconsin has a Garry ?
Story By Associated Press
WISCONSIN RAPIDS - Police have arrested a Wisconsin Rapids man after he allegedly fired his gun at street lights, saying he was protecting the universe from aliens.
Police in Wisconsin Rapids found the 36-year-old man after a 911 caller reported someone was shooting at street lights early Wednesday morning.
Lt. Kevin Schwartz told the television station that the man was carrying a concealed 9-mm handgun and acknowledged he was shooting at the lights, saying he was an alien and he was protecting the universe from other aliens.
Schwartz said the man wasn't a very good shot since he didn't hit a single light.
The man was jailed on suspicion of endangering safety with a firearm and possession of drug paraphernalia.
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Thanks for the link it is a must watch. I am passing this along.
Anonymous said...
So sick of being called the enemy. The average police retiree is getting $32k a year. How much is shortshanks getting?
8/01/2015 02:05:00 AM
$185,000 per year as a retired Illinois State Senator.
8/01/2015 09:57:00 PM
That's just one of his pensions.
He also gets two other pensions, one from Cook county and one from the City of Chicago.
Fucking Criminal.
CHUY has no experience with billion dollars budgets!
My ass
"Bankrupt governments invariably resort to plundering the wealth of their citizens. Inflation. Higher taxes. Confiscation of assets. Indebting unborn generations. And defaulting on the benefits promises they made to voters."
On the plus side, the Republicans are in Congress to reverse this miscarriage. Finally.
Did you see the new Clybourn ave bike lanes,What a waste of money and traffic night mare.
Do Not Exagerate. The deductibles are ususally only $4,000.00 or so, each. And for a family of four, that should be no problem. Example: $4,000.00/yr for Mom, Dad usually only runs up bills of $2,500.00/yr, and the kids are usually less than $1,000.00 each, unless they get in an accident, or break a leg, or appendicitis, or get really sick, or... All they need to do is pay the deductibles plus the monthly premiums of about a $1,000.00 per Month.
Obamacare is a great deal! They get free birth control and one free doctor cisit per year!
How much do you pay now? What if you have cancer or some other terrible disease? If you're dependent on VRI now how can you afford to pay the monthly premiums? Oh ya, there actually are people that have a $10,000.00 deductible. Believe everything you read, dumbass!
Retiring soon applying for officers irocc card any range recommendations? Thanks in advance
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Did you see the new Clybourn ave bike lanes,What a waste of money and traffic night mare.
8/02/2015 10:34:00 AM
Oh, great.
Well, now Clybourn can enjoy the joys of attempting to navigate Milwaukee Avenue, anywhere south of Lawrence. It's particularly thrilling south of Diversey. So, welcome to the traffic nightmare, Clybourn.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Retiring soon applying for officers irocc card any range recommendations? Thanks in advance
8/02/2015 12:20:00 PM
Pick a far off outdoor site.
There are a few within a one hour drive of the city.
Pack a lunch and some cool drinks
and enjoy the ride and the scenery.
Summer in Northern Illinois can be quite nice.
Damn shame CPD could never get it together
on an outdoor range.
Coppers could drill and train to shoot like they mean it,
instead being aggravated with trying to sift through all these places with a
stupid-assed "No Rapid Fire!" Sign hanging on the wall.
2Aug@12.20 Hrs-Lake Co Sheriff has a nice outdoor range & range instructors.
And a hearty $&@! You to Richie Daley for putting all these obstacles for retirees who want IROC!
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