Thursday, August 06, 2015

Not Quite a Chicken Shit Stop

  • Sam DuBose, the man shot to death by Officer Ray Tensing, had two pounds of marijuana in his car, along with thousands in cash, according to police sources familiar with the case. Leftist activists have seized on the case since Tensing is white and DuBose was black as evidence of an epidemic of cops gunning down unarmed men.

    Sources within University of Cincinnati and Cincinnati Police Departments told retired NYPD officer John Cardillo that police found two pounds of marijuana and thousands of dollars in cash in his car. Cardillo called to confirm these new facts with the public information office of the Cincinnati Police Department, and they did not deny them. Neither did the prosecutor’s office when Cardillo contacted them.

    “The narrative has been: ‘Well, he was taking his son to a movie,’ and ‘he’s just fed up with being pulled over, yet again, for something minor.’ That appears now not to be the case,” Cardillo said in an interview with WJNO radio.

    The host asked Cardillo why the contents of DuBose’s car had not been made public yet.

    “That’s an excellent question,” Cardillo said. “I think this is all part and parcel to a bigger issue, and something similar to what we saw in Baltimore, which was a very hasty, political prosecution, a very hasty investigation.”
A political prosecution for a political end, namely that a certain segment of the community would take it upon themselves to torch large swaths of Cincinnati on another lie spouted by the leftist media, so by golly, you'd better railroad a cop.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems people are up in arms about the cops official report on the incident, and the body cam footage. One does not support the other.

8/06/2015 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A political prosecution for a political end, namely that a certain segment of the community would take it upon themselves to torch large swaths of Cincinnati on another lie spouted by the leftist media, so by golly, you'd better railroad a cop."

And the lie will fall apart, and the officer will be acquited after his life is ruined. And when the innocent erdict is read, the community will take it upon themselves to torch large swaths of Cincinnati. Just like LA and the Rodney King Simi valley trial in 1992.

8/06/2015 01:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OFF TOPIC SCC, We need a post about the ridiculous order that says we have to get an event number for positive community interaction in high crime areas...what's the world coming to?

8/06/2015 01:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just in case anybody is wondering, 2 pounds equals just over 900 grams. You know over 30 grams is a felony. The media will say 2 pounds because most people will hear that and say 2 pounds is no big deal.

The guy knew he was going back to the joint. That's why he took off. Cop knew this guy was dirty and used the 'no front plate' violation as probable cause for the stop. How many times has 'chicken crap' stops lead to good arrests in high crime districts and not one time at the probable cause hearing was the cop criticized for the stop by the states attorney? Plenty of honorable mentions came from stops that started with no rearview mirror, expired plates, no front plate, no seatbelt, cracked windshield, no turn signal, and a few other 'chicken crap' offenses.

8/06/2015 01:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah. And a couple of adjectives that have been omitted by the media from the story of the Memphis police officer murdered over the weekend: BLACK "suspect"/offender, WHITE officer/victim.

8/06/2015 01:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SCC. I'm retired CPD. Love your blog but think you're off base here. Retire nypd throwin shit in the game about campus police in Ohio? OMG. Tell the fuck from NY to go back to Mom's basement. Guess hearsay is non-existent where nypd? comes from. His cousin's friend told him. Right. tell nypd his comments hurting this guy more than helping.

8/06/2015 01:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2 Pounds?

They killed the next up and coming black enterpreneur. For Shame!!!
He was just trying to provide jobs and income to his community. And the police stopped his career in his youth.

8/06/2015 01:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not so asinine after all?

8/06/2015 01:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is shocking that the bad guy was lying and trying to run because he was committing yet another crime ha. What really needs to happen is this officer needs to get the recognition for his brave actions and the recovery of a large amount of narcotics and substantial amount of drug proceeds.

8/06/2015 01:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And that Ohio prosecutor or state's attorney needs to stfu because he is only playing politics and doesnt know what he is talking about. Bad guy put officer's safety at risk. He refused to follow the officer's simple directions. Only one to blame is this dubose fella

8/06/2015 01:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So again I say, only VRI activity to get that OT, give the good citizen their report and most importantly back each other up. There is no way do I want my name in the media after trying to do my job! Don't get me wrong, still love the job and not a dog. Stay safe my fellow brothers in blue.

8/06/2015 02:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To an idiot politician, a headlight that is out may be a "chicken shit" stop. To a smart police officer, it's called "probable cause."

8/06/2015 04:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you hard-heads getting the MESSAGE yet?

The heroic shit-talkers bragging about how many times
they've been sued and how everybody but them is a
coward and a dog-ass.

STFU, please... Your "Tuffy O' Tool" bullshit rings hollow nowadays.

Especially now that powers that be are very actively seeking
to HURT and PUNISH Policemen for doing their jobs.

Look at Ofc. Wilson...
Right as m/fing rain his use of force was...
The man is IN FUCKING HIDING along with
his family!

"The Mob" in Ferguson and their elected handlers in D.C.
were having no parts of any discussion about lawful and reasonable
Use of Lethal Force and the reasonably expected outcome.

Look at the poor Coppers in Baltimore and in other places.

"The Mob" wants to see Policemen hanging from trees as their

It doesn't matter if your use of force has been founded as lawful and reasonable
at the local level. This new DOJ/federal oversight thingy where everything is referred
to them more for punitive prosecution than a fact finding investigation.

"The Mob" doesn't want to be Policed.
Therefore, "Police Duty to Retreat" and leave the
members of the "Mob"/Catered To Constituents alone
to do what they come here to do.

Too bad they don't attack their problems with the same
fanatical zeal they attack The Police with.

"The Police are the problem, once we fix THEM,
everything else will fall in place."


Anybody who says there isn't a war on The Police is willfully blind,
a liar, has a loud, clangy, swinging set the size of Russian church bells
(with the accompanying chutzpah) or is a fucking pathological liar...

8/06/2015 05:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1 more reason to do less...

8/06/2015 05:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you see that their campaign against the Police is working.

"After a year of high-profile killings by police, Americans' views on races is changing."

8/06/2015 05:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DHS---You have become Terrorists to law abiding Americans.

Progressives---You are a cancer to reasonable and God fearing Americans.

Socialists-----Congratulations to have infected Americans.

RINO's-----Your deceit is also damming.

For the remaining 20%, this is what a non-kinetic war looks like. Buy an I-Pad for cash and comment on their blogs with a new account on public Wi-Fi. Power down the I-pad before leaving the Wi-Fi hot spot. Crush them mentally and without threats.
They will crumble because they are immoral.

8/06/2015 05:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Strange how the prosecution fails to tell the whole story. Maybe we should be looking at all these prosecutors motives and start charging them! It's all political on who gets charged and not. The revolution is closer than you think against the liberal left.

8/06/2015 06:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This may just be a part of the fundamental change we were told would happen when we elected The Won.

8/06/2015 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't You Know Who say transporting drugs wasn't really a crime? He has been going around to prisons and pardoning druggies.

8/06/2015 07:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your in patrol working the streets/beat your best arrests come from doing traffic stops. How do you think they transport 2lbs of cannabis, kilos of cocaine/heroin? News flash they put it in a car and drive it to its destination. If they are driving around with expired plates, broken headlight, cracked windshield and have no valid license then they get pulled over and an investigation ensues. God forbid this asshole get's pulled over and the cop let's him go/cuts him a break for driving on a revoked/suspended license and he run's over this dick head prosecutors kid or smashes into his car, the cop will be blamed for not enforcing traffic laws.

8/06/2015 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As usual in the words of the RIP great Paul Harvey "there's more to the story " but of course blame police the criminal tried to escape 70 arrests but charges police with murder and get the lemmings in media to agree and on it goes! Who suffers when this demoralizing police happens? The honest hard working taxpayers that's who. Pathetic!

8/06/2015 07:26:00 AM  
Blogger Rob Crawford said...

After the 2001 riots (which ended shortly after an "activist" bounced a bullet off a cop's belt buckle), Cincinnati had a continuing series of attacks on whites by blacks. Eventually the number decreased enough the press was able to ignore it. Since then, the epicenter of those riots has been gentrified -- the building the city paid my grandparents five figures for sold for half a million, for example -- and another round of riots would leave gay professionals and low-level executives surrounded by a blood-thirsty mob.

So heading off a riot is Priority 1 for the city and county. Burying the continuing violence against whites (the last Taste of Cincinnati saw the county prosecutor's son attacked; a week before the All-Star game a mob attacked a guy for being white and downtown) is Priority 2.

8/06/2015 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I watched that video over and over and I just am not seeing what the prosecutor says is there.

8/06/2015 07:36:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

More horseshit.

8/06/2015 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic but must see...

8/06/2015 07:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brutha was just a small businessman peddling his wares. So what if he was rolling with a few grand in cash and a missing plate?

8/06/2015 07:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the past week I haven't made a single "chicken crap" traffic stop, "chicken crap" contact card, or "chicken crap" arrests. If this is what politicians will do when things head south then the only option is to answer your calls for service.

8/06/2015 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what difference does it make what was found in the vehicle anyway? All they heard from the beginning was a white officer killed a black man, and if they don't get what they want, ( officer is guilty ) another city is going to burn.

8/06/2015 07:51:00 AM  
Blogger said...

More Politicians selling out Cops to pander for votes.

8/06/2015 08:25:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well suprise..dude was in posession with intent to distribute. He wasn't worried about minor warrants, he was about to be busted for a big time felony. Nice to know that we can always count on the fifth column press to stir the shit pot and rush to judgment. Heaven forbid the facts ruin a good narrative and the social justice angle collapses.

Also, it is known that some cronic pot users can suffer psychotic episodes. Perhaps there is a larger pattern here. (e.g Trayvon Martin, St.Swisher Michael Brown and this Du Bose).

8/06/2015 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic but not really since it has to do with CHICAGO MEDICAL POLICIES.

Transgender medical costs are now covered by the city.

Retiree's don't get dental Ins.

Even TMJ, a skeletal/muscle/tendon disorder of the jaw which requires an oral "surgeon" to even see you in his office is for some un-Godly reason treated as "dental" work. NOT COVERED.

Hearing aides and tests for seniors; a common problem:NOT COVERED!

Vision problems, again a common problem for older folks:NOT COVERED!

You want to change from being a man to a woman or visa versa: COVERED by the city.

Is this fucked up or what! ?

Rant Out!

8/06/2015 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although this doesn't surprise me it absolutely disgusts me.

8/06/2015 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least 3,500 Americans have been detained in Chicago police warehouse...

Special report: Guardian lawsuit reveals overwhelming racial disparity at Homan Square, where detainees are still held for minor crimes with little access to the outside world, despite police denials that site is an anomaly

8/06/2015 09:04:00 AM  
Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

+++++ 'Sam DuBose, the man shot to death by Officer Ray Tensing, had two pounds of marijuana in his car, along with thousands in cash, according to police sources familiar with the case. . . . DuBose was not unfamiliar with police: He had over 60 prior arrests, according to CNN.' +++++

Sorry Cop Haters but can you say 'Not Guilty'.

Yes, I watched the tapes and from day one I saw reasonable doubt regarding these bullshit charges, like that one asshole and his 'intentionally shot him in the head'. So there's no way officer Tensing gets convicted. Not with an impartial jury.

Now there's no way officer Tensing completely skates, he did 'lie' about being dragged, he was knocked down. But that'd be a Dept Reprimand, like a Suspension without pay.

btw, With over 60 arrests how did DuBose even have time to father 13 kids?
(He was one busy fella on Father's Day (LOL))

8/06/2015 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check Police Reports on Crime Stats,98% of Robberys on the CTA are committed by Blacks.

8/06/2015 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

time for officers in Cincy to do what the officers in Baltimore and NYC did. We are just a idiotic comment away here ourselves

8/06/2015 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh for fuck's sake already. Stop with all the white on black bullshit. It's gotten to the point where even saying "last night it was pitch black" without some asshole calling me racist. We aren't racist. We are honest. Statistics don't lie. Nobody wants to go into black neighborhoods. Period. Why? Because IT'S FUCKING DANGEROUS! Am I afraid to drive into Lake Forest or Schaumburg? No. Why? BECAUSE IT ISN'T ALL BLACK. Stop pretending everyone is racist and stop pretending that cops (even black cops) profile blacks. They are profiled because they REFUSE TO STOP BREAKING THE LAWS. Stupid assholes.

8/06/2015 11:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OFF TOPIC SCC, We need a post about the ridiculous order that says we have to get an event number for positive community interaction in high crime areas...what's the world coming to?

8/06/2015 01:17:00 AM

That's that CALEA model BS
Get ready for more like this

8/06/2015 11:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If something doesn't advance the alinskyite Agenda then no reason to reveal it. If something doesn't advance the alinskyite Agenda you can also Reverse it so it does advance the alinskyite Agenda such as only showing pics of St Trayvon of the Skittles as a 12 y/o dindu nuffinz ever

Fact is you can't believe 1 single word uttered or scrawled by the main stream propaganda "units". Read your local rags like the Russkies used to read Pravda & Izvestia - read between the lines & read for what was not "mentioned" & you'll winnow out a tad bit of truth

8/06/2015 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently you're NOT retired as most of your post is total bullshit AND I am retired!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic but not really since it has to do with CHICAGO MEDICAL POLICIES.

Transgender medical costs are now covered by the city.

Retiree's don't get dental Ins.

Even TMJ, a skeletal/muscle/tendon disorder of the jaw which requires an oral "surgeon" to even see you in his office is for some un-Godly reason treated as "dental" work. NOT COVERED.

Hearing aides and tests for seniors; a common problem:NOT COVERED!

Vision problems, again a common problem for older folks:NOT COVERED!

You want to change from being a man to a woman or visa versa: COVERED by the city.

Is this fucked up or what! ?

Rant Out!

8/06/2015 08:51:00 AM

8/06/2015 11:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Surprise! Surprise! The mutt is dirty after all! My estimate, 90% of them, are on some bullshit. Not racist, just a realist.

8/06/2015 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous 16 rounds said...

This was all easily predictible..Obama bowed to the throne of Saul alinsky..Karl Marx..and frank Marshall Davis who taught him about black liberation theology..he's a radical who is using his cloward and Piven strategy to collapse the country from within...what better way to move that along than by neutering law enforcement and hold the criminal up as heroes. And he's got his foot soldiers in the media,Hollywood,and law firms that will carry out his will. And for good measure prop up Iran by giving them 150 billion dollars to fund more terrorism..

8/06/2015 12:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just in case anybody is wondering, 2 pounds equals just over 900 grams. You know over 30 grams is a felony. The media will say 2 pounds because most people will hear that and say 2 pounds is no big deal.
Media will say "2 pounds" because the media always gives weight information on weed/cocaine by pound amounts because it helps readers/viewers understand the worth of said drug from LE's standpoint (or the worth LE put on the drug). Exact Gram/kilogram amounts are for heroin because prices can widely vary.

8/06/2015 12:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic but not really since it has to do with CHICAGO MEDICAL POLICIES.

Transgender medical costs are now covered by the city.

Retiree's don't get dental Ins.

Even TMJ, a skeletal/muscle/tendon disorder of the jaw which requires an oral "surgeon" to even see you in his office is for some un-Godly reason treated as "dental" work. NOT COVERED.

Hearing aides and tests for seniors; a common problem:NOT COVERED!

Vision problems, again a common problem for older folks:NOT COVERED!

You want to change from being a man to a woman or visa versa: COVERED by the city.

Is this fucked up or what! ?

Rant Out!

8/06/2015 08:51:00 AM

What about the city covering the homosexual "housemates" of city workers. They have been covered for years because they have been unable to get married. However, I couldn't put my live in girlfriend on my insurance because we are not married and the law will allow me to marry her. Well I believe Homosexuals can now get married, right? So either take their gay lovers off the city insurance or allow my girlfriend to be put on. What say you?

8/06/2015 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting that Lorenzo Davis pops up in this article.
Anonymous said...

At least 3,500 Americans have been detained in Chicago police warehouse...

Special report: Guardian lawsuit reveals overwhelming racial disparity at Homan Square, where detainees are still held for minor crimes with little access to the outside world, despite police denials that site is an anomaly

8/06/2015 09:04:00 AM

8/06/2015 12:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get a sex change and ask for a female/male jaw. Problem solved.


Even TMJ, a skeletal/muscle/tendon disorder of the jaw which requires an oral "surgeon" to even see you in his office is for some un-Godly reason treated as "dental" work. NOT COVERED.

8/06/2015 01:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was a minor traffic stop that got Timothy McVeigh.

8/06/2015 01:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People are starting to bitch about how the cops are
intentionally making themselves tiny and scarce since
familiarity has apparently bred the out-loud contempt
We're seeing for The Police.

Management seeks to combat this by mandating a certain number
of "good touches" a tour.

Yet another quota huh?

The smart m/fers in charge have no answers to any of this shit
other than beating on Policemen and burning them at both ends.

8/06/2015 01:48:00 PM  
Anonymous the church of everlasting good times said...

btw, With over 60 arrests how did DuBose even have time to father 13 kids?
(He was one busy fella on Father's Day (LOL))

8/06/2015 09:56:00 AM

The Lord will provide.

8/06/2015 02:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Check Police Reports on Crime Stats,98% of Robberys on the CTA are committed by Blacks."

All of whom, or the majority, are poverty stricken young men living within the confines of Chicago's joke of a segregated system.

Those stats are meaningless.

8/06/2015 02:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That chicken shit stop should be worthy of a traffic stop of the month award.

8/06/2015 03:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking for more money: are the vendors at flee markets paying their share?

8/06/2015 03:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I propose a city income tax for non-chiRaq residents who earn their living in our corrupt city by the lake.

8/06/2015 03:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AS a law abiding citizen, I had the pleasure of having to go to Homan Square to get property that was in police inventory. I went with my attorney and we were there for a long time. We saw no evidence of anything like what is mentioned in the Guardian article. They are B.S. as well as Angel Perez. Sorry Mr. Perez, your fantasy is going to have to be sated by one of your buddies.
According to a CPD officer who works at my kid's school, he stated that a lot of people that work under cover ops use that location in order to keep their identity protected.
So jag-offs, this is not the CPD version of area 51.
Those of you who keep us safe, thank you.

8/06/2015 03:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was the weed for all the sister wives? Or the 12 kids he wasn't taking to the movies?

8/06/2015 03:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

**** Pay Attention ***

Cuthbert J. Twillie is WRONG! Watch the video carefully...the traffic stop begins with Dubose's car stopped in front of the mouth of the driveway. When Tensing eventually falls to the ground he is about 10 feet further up the street. Tensing WAS dragged! Also, very important but NEVER mentioned...As the incident occurs a vehicle was passing within feet of Tensing as he was hanging out the window!!
LOOK AT THE VIDEO CAREFULLY AS TENSING FALLS...his camera catches the rear of the vehicle that is has a dent on driver side rear bumper. This is confirmed when you watch Lindeschmidt's video as he is running up the street to assist. You will see the passing vehicle has now pulled to the left of the video near the guardrail. WHERE IS THIS WITNESS OR PASSENGER WITNESSES?!!!

8/06/2015 03:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
At least 3,500 Americans have been detained in Chicago police warehouse...

Special report: Guardian lawsuit reveals overwhelming racial disparity at Homan Square, where detainees are still held for minor crimes with little access to the outside world, despite police denials that site is an anomaly

8/06/2015 09:04:00 AM

Does that mean that those arrests are discriminatory because they don't include an equal number of white criminals or is it a strong indicator of who is committing the crimes? I don't think they can affirmative action their way out of going to jail, although that is what they all think. I used to think Toni Preckwinkle was joking but she isn't, she really believes that crimes committed are equal across racial lines, only blacks go to jail more while whites get a pass. White privilege. She is nuts, delusional, totally.

8/06/2015 04:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to think, the Asshole Politicians spoke without knowing the facts!

Insert Foot in mouth jagoff!

8/06/2015 04:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whenever race is involved, if you look behind it, it's a charade.

8/06/2015 07:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Check Police Reports on Crime Stats,98% of Robberys on the CTA are committed by Blacks.

8/06/2015 09:57:00 AM

Not according to Toni Precnkwiklie

8/06/2015 07:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I use the new city insurance to add another penis to my body or only if I don't already have one? This country is so upside down! No money for anything but for a sex change, no worries. WTF

8/06/2015 10:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

+++++ 'Sam DuBose, the man shot to death by Officer Ray Tensing, had two pounds of marijuana in his car, along with thousands in cash, according to police sources familiar with the case. . . . DuBose was not unfamiliar with police: He had over 60 prior arrests, according to CNN.' +++++

I don't believe this because it is coming from CNN... But IF there was 2 LBS of a green leafy substance in his vehicle-- it could be explained that he worked for a local medicinal shop. CASE SOLVE, nothing here

8/06/2015 10:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all you disbelievers, check this out

This site is good. They broke Trayvon Martin and the "drank" / slizzle / what ever drug he was on.

Now they broke the U Cinn case WIDE open.

That copper will win and sue their pants off (pun intended)

8/06/2015 11:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I propose a city income tax for non-chiRaq residents who earn their living in our corrupt city by the lake.

8/06/2015 03:44:00 PM

And I propose an income tax on any Chicago resident who earns their living outside of the city.
And a tax on any Chicago resident who flies somewhere outside the city to a business meeting.
And a tax on any Chicago resident who drives outside the city to conduct any aspect of their business which brings in income.

8/06/2015 11:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Apparently you're NOT retired as most of your post is total bullshit AND I am retired!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic but not really since it has to do with CHICAGO MEDICAL POLICIES.

Transgender medical costs are now covered by the city.

Retiree's don't get dental Ins.

Even TMJ, a skeletal/muscle/tendon disorder of the jaw which requires an oral "surgeon" to even see you in his office is for some un-Godly reason treated as "dental" work. NOT COVERED.

Hearing aides and tests for seniors; a common problem:NOT COVERED!

Vision problems, again a common problem for older folks:NOT COVERED!

You want to change from being a man to a woman or visa versa: COVERED by the city.

Is this fucked up or what! ?

Rant Out!

8/06/2015 08:51:00 AM

Hey Jagoff! I am retired but did so before the sweetheart 55yoa deal that you got. So fuck you and your wrong conclusions!!!

8/07/2015 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Now there's no way officer Tensing completely skates, he did 'lie' about being dragged, he was knocked down."

How do you really know what happened????

Perhaps he was initially dragged, then disengaged and fell to the ground.

You haven't done a forensic frame-by-frame examination of the video, so you don't know.

In the meantime :STFU!

8/07/2015 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding "chickenshit stops":

Ted Bundy was caught when stopped to a minor traffic violation.

Timothy McVey was caught for having no license plate (or some other minor violation)

Any cop that has worked the street for any time knows that sometimes minor stops can pay off real bit.

8/07/2015 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Check Police Reports on Crime Stats,98% of Robberys on the CTA are committed by Blacks."

All of whom, or the majority, are poverty stricken young men living within the confines of Chicago's joke of a segregated system.

Those stats are meaningless.

8/06/2015 02:06:00 PM

So growing up poor is a good excuse to rape, rob and batter people on the system? Are you insane?

As for the segregated system: work your ass off -like I did, save your money - like I did, stay off drugs - like I did, keep up your property and live a civilized life and I will be glad to call you neighbor.

8/07/2015 05:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is drunk driving also a chicken shit offence for everyone or just blacks now?

O/T We need a page like this for Jersey McStreetlight. Instead of a count down it could be an Iranian hostage crisis style counter.

8/07/2015 06:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah. And a couple of adjectives that have been omitted by the media from the story of the Memphis police officer murdered over the weekend: BLACK "suspect"/offender, WHITE officer/victim.

That's because they are using the newest edition of Microsoft Word for Media. This politically correct edition allows the user to change the software settings to mirror what ever the political climate is at the time. So, for example, in this case the program would not allow the word combinations of Black offender or White victim. If the writer attempts to do so, the auto correction kicks in and switches it back.

8/07/2015 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So again I say, only VRI activity to get that OT, give the good citizen their report and most importantly back each other up. There is no way do I want my name in the media after trying to do my job! Don't get me wrong, still love the job and not a dog. Stay safe my fellow brothers in blue.

So, you are not a dog BUT you will do "only VRI activity to get that OT". I hope you take better care in writing your case reports than you do your comments.

8/07/2015 06:59:00 AM  
Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

>> 8/06/2015 03:59:00 PM -- Cuthbert J. Twillie is WRONG! <<

Okay, I take your word -- and your Trained Eye -- that he was dragged and not just knocked down as I said. But all that does is reaffirm what I said: He's NOT GUILTY of Murder, or any 'crime'.

And I don't know if it was here or the Tribune (when this news originally came out) that I said that Mr 60 Arrests was Resisting Arrest. And that'll get you shot any day of the week.

Have a nice day and stay safe out there.

8/07/2015 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Check Police Reports on Crime Stats,98% of Robberys on the CTA are committed by Blacks."

All of whom, or the majority, are poverty stricken young men living within the confines of Chicago's joke of a segregated system.

Those stats are meaningless.

8/06/2015 02:06:00 PM

But aren't they poverty stricken young men because they seek a life of crime preying on the innocent people in this segregated system?

8/07/2015 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now watch all the Liberal pussies feel sorry for the dead DRUG DEALER, yet complain about too much crime that much of is driven by the drug trade.

8/07/2015 12:01:00 PM  

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