Saturday, August 08, 2015

Winter School Strike Coming

  • Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis said Friday that the district's withdrawal of a one-year contract offer was "disingenuous, disturbing and destructive" and called efforts by the city to have teachers pay their full pension contributions "strike-worthy."

    New Chicago Public Schools chief Forrest Claypool earlier this week called on teachers to absorb the full cost of their pensions if no help comes from Springfield.

    "The new CEO, who has apparently directed CPS not to honor the deferred payment pickup, will impose a 7 percent pay cut in an effort to force us into another strike," Lewis said during a news conference at the CTU's Merchandise Mart headquarters.

    "Whether or not (a) flip-flop or a breach of trust will lead to a work stoppage this school year will be decided by our members at the appropriate time," Lewis said.
In case no one heard, the union already sent out word to its members to prepare for a cold weather picket line. And Lewis has demonstrated she has no problem garnering the 75% strike-authorization vote (the last vote was something like 92%).

The CTU is playing up the "7% pay cut" which is reality is just making teachers pay the same 9% that we pay into our pension fund. It would seem to be a losing issue if the debate is ever framed on Rahm's terms, at least among the other unions.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least you won't have to stand outside during safe passage.

8/08/2015 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously? Pay into your pension already just like police and fire.

8/08/2015 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How will the poor urchins ever get their free breakfasts, lunches and dinners if the schools are closed?

O!, The Inhumanity!

8/08/2015 01:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Strike is "For The Children!"(TM)

8/08/2015 01:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you realize how much their suburban property taxes are?!?!

8/08/2015 01:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scc the 7 percent pension pickup was negotiated in lieu of wage increases in the 1990s. Comparing it to cpd or any other union is incorrect. So rahm will try to spin it as its for the children.

8/08/2015 04:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A teacher's strike this time around would be the dumbest thing to do and would be the beginning of the end for many CPS schools, mostly elementary schools. These CPS schools would be closed and more charter schools would take their places. The CTU has to be made up of idiots if they can't see this as the eventual fate, look what happened when the CTU got their members the 7% raise over 3 years in the last strike. The teachers got their raise which turned out to be a paycut due to longer days and a longer school year. And, and 7000 of their colleagues got shown the door as 50 schools were closed.

Everyone in the city is taking cuts, but, the teachers who want to continue to receive the 7% pensions pickup by CPS. This while they continue to only throw in 2% of THEIR OWN PENSIONS. We're talking about a minimum savings to Chicago taxpayers of $140,000 to stop this 7% pension pickup and this doesn't include the amount of the pension pickups which CPS support staff are getting as well. This could be another $65M. So, overall we're looking at over $200M in savings by eliminating this perk no other city employee gets from Chicago.

The CTU is constantly bashing Rahm and some of it is rightfully so. But, the blame in this mess stands at the feet of Richie Daley. Daley could give a rat's ass as he collects his three pensions and multiple paychecks from companies which used to and still do business with the city. Daley gave the CTU mostly everything they wanted and that was at the cost of the pensions holidays. Again, the CTU leadership had to be idiots not to see their pay raises were being funded by their own pensions.

It's funny as the CTU is saying that eliminating the 7% perk would amount to a paycut. On average a 2nd year teacher would lose $4000 based on a $50,000 (they also get another $25,000 in benefits). Okay, I feel bad for the younger teachers, not the older teachers who're making $80,000-$95,000 with many working at underperforming schools for years and stand to lose $6000-$7000.

Let's take a look at shop classes still being run at some CPS schools. Most of these teachers are making close to $95,000 and only 3%-5% of their students get the shop certification after three years and half of those students go into the shop field. Where's the bang for the buck here? And, up to two years ago, many of these shop teachers were getting an extra 20% of their base pay to teach an extra 6th period as most HS teachers have 5 classes, 2 preps, and a lunch. What went on during these extra, 6th periods? Literally nothing as these extra, 6th periods were the last period of the day and part of a triple period shop class (6th, 7th and 8th periods) where the students were seniors who didn't need the credit. And, 3/4 of the class left after 7th period for work study, work study in jobs outside their shop field.

Plus, and big PLUS, the CTU doesn't want their teachers evaluated and this protects the 3000 teachers which received poor ratings last school year. These teachers are responsible for the CTU's real name 'Can't Teach U'.

8/08/2015 06:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



Enough already what about the children? No this time really get them in school while you work out a contract, every other union does it, what are you special? Just because you take the short bus, act like you know what your doing.

8/08/2015 06:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They got the 7% pension pick up instead of a raise years ago. It saved CPS millions all these years. There is no way any union should bash them for not paying, and it would be a pay cut. Their pension was fully funded until Daley and Luberman got the state to allow a pension holiday.

8/08/2015 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ability for teachers to strike should be blocked by state law. They hold the parents and kids by the throat to get what they want and have for years. But, in their defense, the amount that they have not paid into their pension fund was paid to them in the form of a raise. The city did this with the agreement of the union so they would not have to raise taxes. But, looks like it is this or their pension fund goes bust. Don't gloat as our pension fund is worse off then the teachers and the mayor has not taken the position that the city is not obligated to keep the fund from going insolvent. In our time of retirement after 30 plus years of fighting the animals you would think that we could not relax and enjoy our remaining years instead of worrying that we will be evicted from our homes within the coming decade.Maybe now our congressman will reverse the " social security windfall provision act" and pay us the full benefit which we earned. We might need it.

8/08/2015 06:40:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

Karen Lewis quoting the three d' s. Oh my. How awful---making the teachers pay what the lowly police pay.

8/08/2015 06:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also On The School Front:
Most CPS high school starting times will be pushed back an hour, to 9am. Dismissal will be at 4:15.
Guess the brain surgeons failed to take into account that during the deepest, darkest months of winter, Late December, January, & February, it's pretty much night by 4:30.
Why the hell would you have high schools in ghetto neighborhoods, letting out essentially at night? This has bad shit written all over it.

8/08/2015 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teachers should pay their full pension share and get raises based on standard permanence testing, let these overpaid babysitters go on strike, no great loss.

8/08/2015 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be fair, teachers base pay is a lot lower than cops and teachers never get paid overtime, while cops make a ton of extra pay in overtime.

8/08/2015 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does Karen Lewis think anyone would belive her membership would actually go out on the picket lines in cold and snowy weather? They were barely out there during the nice weather of the last strike. Bourbon Street sure made money during that strike with all of the teachers in there "picketing"! Rahm knows that he does not have a thing to worry about, he played the CTU like fools by getting any chance of a strike pushed back into the Chicago winter weather.

8/08/2015 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The teachers pay only 2% for their pension and the schools pick up the rest. Let them strike.

8/08/2015 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm getting tired of the teachers and their demands.

8/08/2015 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"which is reality is just making teachers pay the same 9% that we pay into our pension fund"

You're playing right into Rahm's narrative. You don't mention that the 7% pension pick-up was negotiated instead of a pay raise. Presumably you got the pay raise.

8/08/2015 09:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


From: "Making work pay in Illinois: how welfare cliffs can trap families in poverty"

For single-and two-parent households in Illinois, there is a significant welfare "cliff" where the household may become worse off financially as they work more hours or as their wages increase. That is because the available welfare benefits decline by a greater amount than the increase in earned income.

This study analyzed a potential welfare benefits package for single- and two-parent households, both with two young children, in Cook, Lake and St. Clair counties. The potential means-tested benefits included tax credits, cash assistance, food assistance, housing assistance, child-care subsidies and health care.

The study’s findings for Cook County include:

A wide range of benefits provides a large magnitude of support. The potential sum of welfare benefits can reach $47,894 annually for single-parent households and $41,237 for two-parent households. Welfare benefits will be available to some households earning as much as $74,880 annually.
Welfare cliffs are significant and can trap families. A single mom has the most resources available to her family when she works full time at a wage of $8.25 to $12 an hour. Disturbingly, taking a pay increase to $18 an hour can leave her with about one-third fewer total resources (net income and government benefits). In order to make work "pay" again, she would need an hourly wage of $38 to mitigate the impact of lost benefits and higher taxes.
The system is inequitable. A minimum wage increase to $10 an hour would push a household where both parents work for minimum wage over the welfare cliff. They would suffer a net loss in household resources of about $9,000 as reduced government benefits more than cancel out the higher wages.

As bad as this sounds on paper, it's even more stunning visually. The following graphic for Cook County shows just how financially destructive it can be for low-paid workers to try and break free of their dependence on the public purse:

There are several things to note here. First, as mentioned above, for a single mother of two, going from $12/hour to $18/hour would be a disaster, economically speaking. Her total resources (net income plus benefits) would collapse $24,840 from a peak of $63,597 to just $38,757. But perhaps the most distrubing part of the entire equation is that in this case, the single parent would have to make $38/hour before "recovering" from the welfare cliff.

And this isn't confined to Cook County:

In all cases, net earned income and welfare benefits climb quickly from no income through part-time work at minimum wage until full-time at minimum wage ($8.25 per hour). Net earned income and benefits then plateau until a peak of $12 per hour, which is only slight greater — and probably unnoticeable — than at minimum wage. Thereafter, net earned income and benefits begin to decline until they reach a trough at $18 per hour. The drop from peak to trough is highly significant, reducing disposable income resources by more than one-third. Table 6 provides the values for each locality for the drop. For Cook County, net earned income and benefits drop $24,840, from a peak of $63,597 to a trough of $38,757. The values are nearly identical for the city of Chicago: a drop of $24,830 from a peak of $63,586 to a trough of $38,757. Although the values are lower for Lake County and St. Clair County, the drop is relatively the same, i.e., more than one-third. For Lake County, the drop is $23,396, from a peak of $61,655 to a trough of $38,259. For St Clair County, the drop is $19,408, from a peak of $58,473 to a trough of $39,065.

For Cook County and the city of Chicago, the parent would have to earn $38 per hour before she would make up for loss of benefits when she earned only $12 per hour.


8/08/2015 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm is a tactician. This little asshole knows how to get under people's skin and react in a way that makes them look bad and him good. The CTU is backed into a corner. If they take this proposal then it opens themselves up to more screwing. If they don't and strike they will be made out to be bad guys. The public was with the teachers the last strike. This time around Rahm learned his lesson and has carefully calculated his moves.

8/08/2015 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't these asshole politicians take a pay cut.

8/08/2015 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Idiots: Pay the damned 9%. You'll be very glad you did later in life.

8/08/2015 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It must have been a long time ago that teachers were paid so low that picking up the pension costs was a big deal. Not anymore, the teachers should pay their own way, it's not a pay cut but a pay deferral. Contributing for your own benefit hardly seems like pay cut. The City should phase the deductions in over time. But on the other hand, the Bd of Ed has no problem raising property taxes...every year.
The focus should be on keeping Rahms buddies from tapping into these pension funds for their personal investment gains. And besides, there are more investment "brokers" collecting generous commissions just for filing the paper work.
I don't think the Gov would ever oppose restrictions on that.

8/08/2015 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let them strike and just like they did to the firefighters years ago replace em.

8/08/2015 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus, SCC, way to fuck the teachers. They pay 2% and City pays 7% towards their pensions. THAT is their deal. While they don't pay your 9%, they don't have anyone paying the 18% that the City ALWAYS pays for you guys. And the teachers pension is nowhere near as good as the police. If you were offered no raise and told to make your employers contributions, it would be an 18% wage cut. Why hate on the teachers? Aren't public employees all in this together? I guess not.

8/08/2015 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No education for illegally here, no 3 meals a day, no paying parents to watch their kids attend school, no bussing, how many billions saved! You want more? No closing schools to give family and friends huge contracts to build new schools, no more envelopes with cash! Now plenty to save taxpayers and fund all pension assets!

8/08/2015 11:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All government workers should pay a portion of their pensions the same way that coppers are paying their 9%. The pension funds need all the help they can get.

8/08/2015 12:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need the fire, police & streets & sanitation departments but have no need for the public school system !! 60 % of my property tax bill close all of them !!!!!!!!

8/08/2015 01:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love coppers bashing other unions.

Don't ever think Rahm is right because you will be next. Ask the retirees which you will be if you are lucky one day.

8/08/2015 01:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We CPS teachers paid into the pension fund for 20 years and our money was stolen by the city. How is the Board of Ed any different than Bernie Madoff? And now they want to manage 7% more of our money? No fucking chance. I'd rather have a 401K than this nonsense.

Any cop who is CPS teacher-bashing on this site needs to wake up. We serve the same population and masters.

The city thinks CPS teachers are idiots:

Our new CEO is a liar:

And the public thinks both Chicago cops and teachers are pigs:

8/08/2015 02:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Idiots: Pay the damned 9%. You'll be very glad you did later in life.

8/08/2015 10:06:00 AM

You mean like later in life when they're retired and forced by Rahm to survive on cat food?

8/08/2015 04:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
To be fair, teachers base pay is a lot lower than cops and teachers never get paid overtime, while cops make a ton of extra pay in overtime.

And teachers work A LOT of (unpaid) overtime!

8/08/2015 05:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Does Karen Lewis think anyone would belive her membership would actually go out on the picket lines in cold and snowy weather? They were barely out there during the nice weather of the last strike. Bourbon Street sure made money during that strike with all of the teachers in there "picketing"! Rahm knows that he does not have a thing to worry about, he played the CTU like fools by getting any chance of a strike pushed back into the Chicago winter weather.

Don't be so sure about that. We've known for a while that any possible strike wouldn't be able to take place until winter and, according to the teachers I've talked to, the cold weather will not be a deterrent.

8/08/2015 05:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus, SCC, way to fuck the teachers. They pay 2% and City pays 7% towards their pensions. THAT is their deal. While they don't pay your 9%, they don't have anyone paying the 18% that the City ALWAYS pays for you guys. And the teachers pension is nowhere near as good as the police. If you were offered no raise and told to make your employers contributions, it would be an 18% wage cut. Why hate on the teachers? Aren't public employees all in this together? I guess not.

8/08/2015 11:21:00 AM

Very well said. Too many coppers hate on the teachers. The teachers hate the coppers. The streets and san guys hate both coppers and teachers. Don't some of you fools get it? They are playing us against each other. In a few months after the teachers get screwed Rahm will set his sights on us. Then the teachers will be gloating how the police got screwed.

Also food for thought: police officers in the last three years have been seen in a bad light. The media, even Fox News, Wall Street Journal, other conservative media, etc. are in on it. Perhaps they will privatize our jobs just like they did it with teachers. 25% of all schools in Chicago are privately runned charter schools. Don't ever think these politicians and their corporate whores wouldn't privatize police jobs.

8/08/2015 05:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why isn't anyone mentioning the 12,000+ CPS support staff members who're getting the same 7% pension deal as the teachers? I'm talking about clerks, security guards, lunchroom staff, engineers, and janitors. 'Google' CPS Position Files, you'll find some 'out of this world' salaries, especially for Clerk I (avg pay $55,000) and Engineer I (avg. is $90,000). Plus, another $25,000-$30,000 in benefits.

What type of requirement is needed for these support staff positions? A high school diploma or a GED

CPS Position Files:

Based on an avg salary of $35,000 for support staffers, that 7% is $2450 per employee or $2450 X 12,000 = $29,4000,000 is what the city is paying for their 7% pensions pickup right now.

Take the $29.4M + $141M (CPS teacher 7% Pension Pickup) = $170,000,000

8/08/2015 06:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on people...dont fall for the Rahm rhetoric. He and Daley are the enemy. Not the Police. Not the Teachers. Not Fire. Lets stick together. Back the Teachers! Fu@k Rham. Stick together for once. Who care why uf not just to give a big F. U. To Rahm.

8/08/2015 07:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Teachers should pay their full pension share and get raises based on standard permanence testing, let these overpaid babysitters go on strike, no great loss.

8/08/2015 07:51:00 AM
If that's the case, we shouldn't get court time unless the defendant is convicted. Wait, that would be stupid because we could do everything right but the ASA or the judge still drops the ball. Why should a teacher get a raise because some actual parents stayed up and put in work with their kid and his grade goes up? Why should a teacher not get a raise because the student's parents won't work with them on homework, go to bed at a decent hour, study, put down the video games? You can't measure teacher performance like that. I was getting a D in Algebra (at a Chicago Public School). The teacher was a good man. My mom came up there during the midterm review period and talked to him...after that, it was me and her. She taught me Algebra. He assigned the work and gave the instruction and she made sure I did the work and did it correctly. I ended up with a B. How is that supposed to affect his pay? If my mom never came up there I would've ended with a D or failed. You guys moan and gripe about how they violate police contracts and then want to jump on the bandwagon and support the city trying to change the teachers contract because they have something you don't. That is pretty weak.

8/08/2015 08:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All government workers should pay a portion of their pensions the same way that coppers are paying their 9%. The pension funds need all the help they can get.

8/08/2015 12:08:00 PM

Nobody said this when everyone thought the retro check was in danger. It's real brave to say what all government workers should and should not pay when your salary and benefits are among the better of those workers.

8/08/2015 08:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just some history about some coppers:during the firefighter strike some coppers crossed the picket line and drove the engines and many cops dont know shit about unions..leave the fop and see what happens...

8/09/2015 01:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We get 1 and 2% raise

8/09/2015 05:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all u people wanted to scare Rahm and teach him a lesson in the primary and this what u got. I would rather took my chances with chuy. We as a society don't know how to vote. Another words if he is a bum get rid of him.

8/09/2015 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No I will not back the teachers union. CPS and Illinois Teachers need to pay their share of the pension. End of story. Then we're ALL united then.

8/09/2015 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean like later in life when they're retired and forced by Rahm to survive on cat food?

8/08/2015 04:03:00 PM

Are you frickin serious!! Compare that to the average schmoe, who has to survive on social security. We have a hell'uva deal compared to that.
The average taxpayer gives us zero sympathy on the pension. Give til it hurts to deferred comp or whatever other 401k, you are a fool if you don't.

8/09/2015 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mwrd pay 14 percent just so we don't end up like the city!

8/09/2015 12:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the idiot who said the Fire fighters got replaced when they struck; You are wrong sir! The Fireman won that strike and their action resulted in the police getting their first contract, also the teachers negotiated the pension pick up, if they have to give back benefits perhaps you would volunteer your Duty availability to help the city pay its debts??

8/09/2015 01:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you didn't figure out a long time ago, teacher, firefighter or police, whatever....that you needed to start your own 401k, or IRA for a solid retirement plan than you really have yourself to blame. a government funded/run pension is a government funded/run pension...just like social security....and are you really planning on relying on that for full retirement income?

you become slaves to your circus unions, the same ones you continue to empower, and then bash each other when all the strike talk comes about....does it really matter whether its a teacher, firefighter, police, or street and san worker.....they are all necessary positions that make a city work, grow together, and keep its head above water financially.

rahm, your unions, and every other political hack involved in this is playing you all like clash of clans....and you're getting your asses kicked good.

wake up you're asleep at the wheel!!

8/09/2015 03:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Firefighters were on strike? When? Was it when you had to walk 5 miles in 2 feet of snow , uphill, to school everyday?

8/09/2015 06:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Firefighters were on strike? When? Was it when you had to walk 5 miles in 2 feet of snow , uphill, to school everyday?

8/09/2015 06:12:00 PM

Uphill in both directions you nitwit.

On February 14th, 1980, at 0515 hours CFD members Local 2 Firefighters and paramedics walked out on strike. I was 29 years old and on the police list. That was my best chance to get hired on the Fire Department. I passed, not wanting to be labeled a "scab" for my entire career. Instead I was hired by CPD and joined FOP Local 7. Our hero, and hated by firefighters, Jane Byrne, gave us a contract and the outrages committed by the City against police officers started to cease, mostly.

And puppy dogs like you had yet to shit in your own diaper. Learn some history you moron. The world wasn't invented the day you were squirted out.

8/10/2015 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Jesus, SCC, way to fuck the teachers. They pay 2% and City pays 7% towards their pensions. THAT is their deal. While they don't pay your 9%, they don't have anyone paying the 18% that the City ALWAYS pays for you guys. And the teachers pension is nowhere near as good as the police. If you were offered no raise and told to make your employers contributions, it would be an 18% wage cut. Why hate on the teachers? Aren't public employees all in this together? I guess not.

8/08/2015 11:21:00 AM

That 18% is only the statutory minimum. Not at all what the actuaries recommend the City contribute to the fund to keep it healthy. Soon the "multiplier" system will stop. 18% will be history and an actuarial required contribution will go into effect. And still the City doesn't include that in next year's budget!

8/10/2015 11:59:00 AM  
Blogger Captain Video said...

Anonymous said...
They got the 7% pension pick up instead of a raise years ago. It saved CPS millions all these years. There is no way any union should bash them for not paying, and it would be a pay cut. Their pension was fully funded until Daley and Luberman got the state to allow a pension holiday.

8/08/2015 06:29:00 AM

The City got pension holiday after pension holiday. Instead of 18% pension contributions the City gave successive 7% raises in multiple contracts to teachers. The CTU Presidents and CTU members sold out their own pension system to get those 7% raises! They essentially took raises from their own pension money!

And the CTU President went from having his/her pension based on the civil service rank to having that pension based on the CTU President's salary! The City would pick that up. They all sold themselves out! Now they are screaming about underfunding. It is their own fault for short sightedly taking those raises and allowing their pension fund to dwindle from it's high of 115% funded at the start of Daley's reign.

8/10/2015 12:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it was very steep uphill and I was naked

8/10/2015 08:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daley should be arrested for malfeasance in office.

8/11/2015 08:47:00 AM  

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