Thursday, December 17, 2015

"Constituent Approval"?

From the comments again:
  • The City Council is talking to FOP about taking our next contract to the "constituents" for approval?

    FOP's counter move should be to compel every last dues paying member to sign a petition creating a referendum to reduce the number of aldermen to 15. Send it to the electorate for a vote. And campaign actively in press and media why it's a good idea to reduce the number of aldermen, how much they waste and how much money would be saved and how much corruption cut out. It should now be our mission to ruin those ignorant illiterate thieving corrupt pandering jagoffs for their insolence.

    Oh, and no more stipend to rent offices. Aldermen can have a cubicle inside a police station working under the same audio, visual and telephone surveilance that we must work under. Put them in the CAPS office. The aldermen and CAPS officers should have a lot to talk about.

    This shit has to end.
We would certainly hope that this isn't a serious proposal. The "constituents" already have people in place to read, debate, discuss, suggest and approve/reject every labor contract that is negotiated. They're called "aldercreatures."

The citizens elect them every four years and expect them to do the business of running the city. They get a pretty decent salary for what is supposed to be a part time job, enough to put them well into the top 1%. They also get a slush fund amounting to well over a million dollars so that they can pay themselves "rent" for office space. They can also conduct their regular job in between their part-time job, earning another pretty penny, especially if their regular job intersects with their part-time gig.

We certainly wouldn't want to accuse the aldercreatures of failing to do their job, would we? They wouldn't actually pass budgets, approve contracts, spend money without reading the fine details placed in front of them, would they?

We heartily approve of the attempt to reduce the number of aldercreatures though. Long time readers will remember such an effort here years ago, an effort doomed to fail, yet that gathered around 11,000 signatures in short order. The form is still available somewhere - you can Google "reduce Chicago Aldermen Chicago" and something should pop up. Perhaps someone with more time and drive can resuscitate the effort.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw this almost 5 years ago--- it will end with the police pension being taken away... Ask your local citizen of the agree with a cop getting a pension or if they are satisfied with police services... I did so years ago, and the people I ask said NO to both questions... Gentlemen, the game is over.

At to the assholes who keep mentioning alder-scum, the public does not care about what they do... They are free to rape and pilfer all they want. Asides that, my wife is related to that asshole Solis and Chuy-- I can tell you they are scumbags to everyone including family

12/17/2015 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The alderwhores are a bunch of pandering cowards.

You're right on the money for taking them to task for
trying to use their constituents as a weapon while
abdicating their duty and responsibilities as elected
representatives of those same people, (and folks) SCC.

It's all about those "wild, out-of-control Cops."


12/17/2015 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I''d buy that for a dollar...

12/17/2015 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a form letter I found from a Google search. How do we legitimately go about doing this? Print it up and pass it around at roll calls? I'm all ears and would not mind helping the cause.
City of Chicago
I just signed the following petition addressed to: City of Chicago.

Hold a voter referendum to reduce the number of Alderman in Chicago.

Presently, the City of Chicago has 50 Aldermen representing Chicago's nearly 2.7 million people. It is the nation's second largest city council next to New York (51 Aldermen with a population of over 8 million spread over 5 boroughs). Los Angeles, by comparison, has a population of over 3.8 million but has 15 Aldermen. From a representation standpoint, Chicago has an Alderman for every 54,000 people while New York's ratio is one every 162,765 people and Los Angeles is one every 253,333. It is estimated that a reduction to 25 Aldermen will save over $10 million dollars. Also, since the map supported under the current remap process based on the 2010 census carves up long-established neighborhoods, larger wards would keep them intact. It will also make the remap process less complicated.


12/17/2015 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city should have a referendum on FOP President Dean Angelo if he should be called to the Chicago Police Pension Board and ordered to attempt to qualify with his weapon on the CPD range. Lets start saving taxpayers money at the top. How does he never get called for a status hearing at the Pension Board?

12/17/2015 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, the constituents who vote for pedophiles and philandering thieves should have something to say, after all. They're paying taxes. Oh, wait. They're not. Not even on the property tax increase we got from Rahm.

12/17/2015 01:55:00 AM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

The City Council is talking to FOP about taking our next contract to the "constituents" for approval?

Yeah, ok. Ssssuurrrrrreeeeeee.

I'll entertain that idea as soon as the "constituents" are required to pass mandatory monthly drug screening as a stipulation for receiving any and all "GibsMeDat".

And I'm not just talking about Mama because she's the Section 8 lessee. Every swinging dick and sagging tit that gets so much as a dollar of aid has to piss clean or they get cut from the roster.

12/17/2015 02:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is an excellent idea. It is time for the size of the city council to be reduced. There are too many bloated bureaucrats in Chicago City Council.

12/17/2015 04:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that Deano has appeared on Chicago Tonight (and he was cogent & and on target) he should have one of his Directors take on the reduction of AlderCreatures. A much needed reform & IT WILL GRAB THEIR UNDIVIDED ATTENTION. Come on Deano, get with the program and actually lead the FOP during its most crucial period to date.
And thanks SCC for your suggestion. Once again you're right on target.

12/17/2015 04:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about we get to approve the constituents' welfare checks?

12/17/2015 05:29:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

I like that.

12/17/2015 06:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aldermen and the mayor should wear body cameras 24/7. They work for us. We pay their salaries.

12/17/2015 06:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does the media never bring that up? Far too many aldermen in these days and times. Kind of funny that a ward votes one in and their so-called elected pick does whatever he wants. (not what they want) So who do they represent?

12/17/2015 06:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a good idea! But why 15? 10 would be better. Also, Trump would probably gain a lot of voters here if he pledges to sic the DOJ on the machine.

12/17/2015 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not a part time mayor? If we can't cut the number of aldermen how about term limits?

12/17/2015 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Angelo and his staff actually fight for something? Dream on.

12/17/2015 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

body cameras should be assigned to every police officer assigned to any politician ,
it's for their safety

12/17/2015 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous WHERES THE FOP??! said...

WHERE IS THE FOP??? Suspiciously silent! Why is Dean Angelo not on TV kicking and screaming telling these "constituents" the facts and truths about the true blight in our society??? I will tell you people are buying this smear because there is not another side to hear! Dean Angelo is soft and we need someone to get in front of a camera and light up these aldermen, their constituents, and this now fetal mayor!! flash...YOU WORK FOR US!!! The silence is pathetic

12/17/2015 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the biggest problem with the current Fop administration. Laws/legislation like this will pass because Dean has no clue what he is doing. Starting next month when we have contact with someone on the street we have to give them a receipt with our name and star#. This passed because no one from FOP took a stance against this in Springfield. I know that is hard to believe, but anytime there is a bill in Springfield it goes to committee. At that committee meeting Fop could have explained why this is bad legislation. Fop failed us again. Bill like this will continue to pass because Dean has no clue how this is important to policing. They will get whatever they want because no one is fighting for us.

12/17/2015 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny, how when the aldermen are "investigated", they want to limit the inspector generals power. But now they want to weigh in heavily.

12/17/2015 10:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yet another fantastic idea. Reducing aldermen is a no-brainer

12/17/2015 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP, PBPA, CFD , every city union
get the petitions out to membership
Next election , get it on the ballots to reduce alderman from 50 to 1 less than Los Angelos $111to $115K a year for a part time job with full benefits , better retiremenmt than any city employee and every citizen in Chicago
it almost happened a few years ago

12/17/2015 12:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read about the Pullman strike and see if any of it sounds familiar?

12/17/2015 12:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a stupid idea. We already go to arbitration on most of our contracts, which takes both parties out of the process. I do like the suggestion that aldermen take an office inside a police station and would be placed under the same surveillance that we are. That would be a step in the right direction. Because we tax payers cannot afford any more aldermanic corruption. I think they, more than us, should be wearing body camera's. I think their misdeeds are far more injurious to the tax payer's than ours are.

12/17/2015 01:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a good idea! But why 15? 10 would be better. Also, Trump would probably gain a lot of voters here if he pledges to sic the DOJ on the machine.

12/17/2015 07:31:00 AM
They are all shaking and scared about Trump, he will definitely do some forensic audits and he has the right people around him! Look what that rino ryan just passed, a trillion dollar pork bill for the democrats, come on Trump get in office and throw them out! Don't forget Trump already signed paperwork to make it the death penalty federally if you kill a police officer, and he said that will be signed into law executive order his first day! Pro-first responder, only Trump!

Lets also hope that hillary is properly indicted soon all the deaths, but Benghazi film is being released soon, she let all the Americans die and be tortured due to her ineptitude she should be charged with treason!

12/17/2015 02:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3 years on and if could find an office job that paid as well I would leave this all in a heartbeat. What a mistake.

12/17/2015 02:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If that ever happens, I would retire and move out of this city!

I'm almost at the end anyway, so who gives a fuck after 20 years on a beat car!

KMA 20+

12/17/2015 04:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we should have a post about how these alderman want us investigated, transparency, etc.....but they refuse to allow anyone to investigate them. hypocrites. considering how many have gone to prison etc.

12/17/2015 04:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will the CPS s teachers contract be taken the the constituents for approval. SEE HOW FAR THAT WOULD GO

12/17/2015 05:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As if the aldercreatures speak for their constituents.

That's a good one.

Did you hear the one....?

12/17/2015 06:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure if I can get an answer to this question, but let's give it a shot. Several days ago when the Aldercreatures were grilling our leadership and Angelo was in the box, one of the Aldercreatures (I think it was Cardenas (sp) asked a question, not verbatim. Alder-How is the mood in the police department? Angelo-Officers feel beat down, tired etc..Alder-How can they feel tired, beat down etc., we just voted in a huge tax law to bolster up your pension fund.....I did not hear the answer from Angelo..but I could only hope it was... are you fucking kidding me, all of you (Aldercreatures) and the past Mayor pillaged our pension fund for decades, if all of you fucks would have paid into it all these years we would not be where we are now. How dare you blame the police and fire department for the shortage in our pension funds, everyone one of you are the reason for this shortage, not us.. Just curious.

12/17/2015 07:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And lets not forget the alderfools assistant pulls down 75k plus benefits

12/17/2015 07:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Add term limitations to that as well.

12/17/2015 08:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really? P.O's going door to door to get a petition signed? That would mean taking time away from VRI!

Remember, 90% couldn't even take the time to color in a circle and put the FOP ballot in a postage paid envelope!

The mayor and aldermen will continue shitting on the dept and all anyone will care about is getting enough activity for VRI!

Sad but true!

12/17/2015 10:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im no longer an FOP member Nor a city resident But Im eligible to rejoin and I would, just to sign such a petition

12/17/2015 10:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taking the FOP contract to "the constituents" might no be a bad idea.

Here's a better one: Lets take ALL the City contracts to "the constituents".

Like the contract that sold the parking meters
Like the contract that brought in the red light cameras
Like the cabel services franchise contracts.
Like the Hired truck contract.
Like the supply contract that buys bleach for over $17/gallon.
Like all the people that Rahm brings in from out of town to run things until they are indicted.

Do you really think that "the constituents" will read and understand the contract? But what might happen is that the legal community might see our contract and advised us as to whether or not it is a good one.

12/17/2015 11:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This is the biggest problem with the current Fop administration. Laws/legislation like this will pass because Dean has no clue what he is doing. Starting next month when we have contact with someone on the street we have to give them a receipt with our name and star#. This passed because no one from FOP took a stance against this in Springfield. I know that is hard to believe, but anytime there is a bill in Springfield it goes to committee. At that committee meeting Fop could have explained why this is bad legislation. Fop failed us again. Bill like this will continue to pass because Dean has no clue how this is important to policing. They will get whatever they want because no one is fighting for us.

12/17/2015 08:29:00 AM


You know if you go to Springfield and hold your breath long enough they will do anything you want.

12/18/2015 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I whole heartedly support reducing the number of aldermen to 15.

Traventarious Smith-Bey
New Alderman of the south side for everything west of Halsted.

12/18/2015 07:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I whole heartedly support reducing the number of aldermen to 15.

Hector "Loco" Ruiz-Garcia
New Alderman of the Northwest side for everything west of Western Av.

PS. Shoveled sidewalk tickets will be given out for sidewalks not cleared by 10 am. in the area north of Belmont and west of Cicero Av. Thank you in advance for the $500 fine, which will be deducted from your city paycheck.

12/18/2015 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Less then five years on and as soon as possible I'm leaving this nightmare.

12/19/2015 05:39:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

There should only be as many aldermen as there are police districts.

These people should only get paid what a PO gets paid based upon seniority.

They should have a normal 40 hour week.

29 and a day for a full pension.

They should only get the health care we get at our rates. That includes what retirees are now paying.

12/19/2015 05:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago Alderman each represent only 57000 people in our city. New York alderman represent 165,000 or almost 3 times as many people and LA alderman represent 255,000 people or almost 5 times as many people. For a friggin part time job. What service has your alderman provided for you lately????

12/20/2015 04:19:00 PM  

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